Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Nov 1969, p. 10

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Iry~r ~ iS Tpu"-ela Chamipion, Wedcesdeéy, Nov. 36, 19d 1! Ptdtion against roo.i pro.s.nt.d to council - I - Mms T. Blasoened hiec drose to rnaesmnyfo h olnd f::m.hom for the "Ten Tour Bsnd".ncy have No.18, Nelson Wj 1. meeting theis poster in doe Borlingeon on Teday. nhe Idac M-. Mai sehere ticets arc sold.- A.* Harris, int=dae fis. There is petition in tht membersi frose RecovorY banda of C dnSlo A. Lindop lnorcted "Th Aasociation of that uena prescritedo counicil Neevou and Formr Mentl acotig htsiea ftt Patieets." Tisa damenstrotic ceadat bt tht eperopoad nese panel*geve a concise Piccme of rond tiseougs Lýosvile ie sose il is possible to 'spot' oreas cisanged to an aiteete route of diatreso in ceactions and other thon tht one staised ouI by symptomsansd thoen, by Iteasrvey crtus ththiseos conscious effort, to retax thisti We are ail in fayot of peonjess, muaclesa a o they con accet but seien rural hiauty is onde sirable out aide thetened its"ita" namti se enviroienta forces and anly disagror, that in tht long ron, deat seitis a celui, insee snything constructive bas hiau enviroumient of tht personolity. accomplissed eisis tiscir The lace Abenaham A. Lose, M. dastroction. A noir road is D. anueuropsycincisc, foundod needed and tht ont peoposed in Recovtey, hic., at tht Illinois the jsttition cieclet tht isamlet of Modical Scisool in 1937 . 1ltoro Lowv. itt and aves us 00e littît seill hi o nese group formed in islend of hiauty. Borlington in tht neor future. Mes. Artnsteong, fromn tht Mmcs J. Taylor uns in chsare of Alcoisol and= ,ogConteoi uns minutes. Mes. David intorsood, speaker ni Lsvil Ciurcis lent rend o leccer fromt Isohil Harmer, Sunday. Me. Jacis Bron uns in seio, wids lier family bat hien in charge of tht service. Tise tht Canary Islands ainre ladt "Condltligst Service" seill hion July. Sunday Dec. 21. On lise sick lins: Mes. Donct forget "*mort youe Wistelband, Mary Afton, Bernice councilloca" metant at Kiliside Coulen. Scisoot Nov. 27. Attend Halton Tsetuty 1adm ies i c aiig Museum "ýOpto Houe" Dec. Il tra * gin"quiing". Il in 10 14. weo7arulito kos ibis fine nec Hacry King's car tiipped int "seill not pose into nothingntas" tht dilcs iy Loserdît Store if tht W. t. bas ita uny! duriot tht ict.slick tbat covered Cotenittete members in charge tht ronds lnst Thursday. Mes. of tht meeting are Mes. G. Veen Eis iadt a neeve seracking Foute, Mes. F. Bail and Mes. J. daive to tht isospitat with bier Taylor. isusbanti to have stitchea to is International Harvestr bond that ie liad cnugsc in o doontd a Cadat Trsctor for a Pcunr-sose. Ein MatAvails b.d atpc her ahoe and thonsa trip !nn fo -ray to ie hec oi Foeunhly, o tbig sort hsum unu ail the dnasage doue. Tisere ta Oo bie Congregaciona meetingo Sunday Nov. 30 at 12.30 pai wids Rev. George Watt, for th purpose of foemig s Pustora Relations Committes. nhe "Chencoilors" of Centra United Cisuc, Wesloa seill sir% at Si. Patsl's in Milton on Nos 30 Oc 7.30 p.m. Sinty yoan men and seomen undar th, direction of Rtv. Paul Field.I yoa bave nrvcr isoard thia group doc yourself a f avor and i tisee Tise Couples Club seil] met Feiday, Nov. 28 at tht Roselant Bowlig aI 9 p.m. After tht meetoig liere sein i a social tinse at tht home of Wayne anti Suen Coulson. Tise "Tecn Tour Bond' muarcisrd in tht Sants Paradas at Hamilton Mountain sud Bucingion on tht seeiend. It una cotd both days, but recoed crowsed turned oui along tht uny 10 groot Santa. Bobby Gistby and tht Young Canadians mada tise parade swiog in Hamilton. Along the route tven tittie dogu b.dl awenters ou and evtrybotiy at enast isivtred In baud music. Tht paradea mccc oucatanding successea and enjoyed by ail. Ladt minute organtintioi came chroags in fine shape! OUR READERS WRITE:- VOTE FOR A CHANGEt TO END CLOSED MEETINGS Dear Sir: To those people miso are not sue wisom 10 vote for on oar upcomiàng municipal rlcctions of Dec. 1, 1 urge ail tht citizens of Milton 10 voie and vote for a cisange. Wr do nt unt any more closed meetings of tht Planning boerd and counicul, for tbey only hinefai tht fese and not tht peuple of Milton as a wsole. 1 would lik to1 quote fromt port of an editorial of Tise Csasnpiqss daird July 2, 1969 whlicis aniticiztdl council and planing~ boardi for holding u closedl meeing: "lise continuation cf closed meetings for disicustion of tise tcseîs nese officiai plan, ofler tht plan bas hien tieafteti anti matit public, opena tise motter 10 otu cooccro. We acceptti tht cuplonaîson that ticring the preparuacuo of tise officiai plan, discuasios thoulti hi confititutial t0 peveit anic rosis cf lanti apeculaticu. Hovang acceptti tht neeti for confidentiel tiebate ci requrateti revusions. Suris wus nt toise tise cuir. Laat Tsuestiay membera of tise counicil anti planonig boardi cîeiet tiseaselrti mush tise pIlanning consultant anti presumably reacse aome agreement on requesîtid changes. Tht isole procesa, iserouse il sns in n cdosat meeting. lenvea isenf open 10 questio. Wisy more some changes approveti anti olhtrs rejectei? Was CHICKENS .. _------ CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS ... CHICKEN WINGS--_ PORK CHOPS------- MAPLE LEAF WIENERS...... Maple Lecaf Waxod BOLOGNA.. BEEF LIVER.. RIB ROAST ... ............. ROUND STEAK----- T-BONE STEAK SPARE RIBS ... tht rcusoig mîfficient to mithsacit public orruliny? Juat sebat secs accompliisced in confidence tisat roulti ot hi discusSet cpenty?" Alfredi Rigo R. R. 2, Milton NO CRITICISM INTENDED TO TOWN WORKS DEPARTMENT Or Sir, Tht article in Tht Canadien Champion, Nov. 19, 1969 ccicerning lise Milton Police Association requirtsac little cîpîntico seuti regard 10 lise 'Worhs Departotent'. Wisî tht Associacion isotts tise viese tint ccy disscuasionserelating to ccctract dticerminaîcon sisoulti hi specificclly denît seuls heleret tise Towen cf Mulîi cuti tise Poice Departanent, 1 seoulti lice to lite tisaI referesce to tht Worka Departmtoi un snot itirdd to colt cîy ticubt ci tht ability ce ilrgeuty cf aîy membr cf tise seoris tipartiment. Tise cssociation aces tise rierecce ccly in relation to lise fact that lise seoris tepartanent is, cond siculti be, ccanpletely alien to tise Poice Depaîtanot, and sisoulti ot at cîy 16cr etr anto tise coîlec flegotiaticiî. Youuî tîuly, Gordon Crochu. Voeon: Word counclk>r, deputy for'North Burlington NrhII& Svoter$ w U MM oallo s bc attending b.'le n a i maelag toat ballots on luit tison toral meet-the'tsnddate Chiler Rail Laweba :»basai *sltd daputy«lrean d Wcdfo atlgbthDx 1 day.1e, a sts trp ut en countcillor in the Mo.d Dec B Upp Burtiog;t =iiesa bull d stafnf sj distrct hac l m n"ica elottion. Forum asapoasorisât osne t in dhe village. Thce candidates are Kslbride Sool adltoriu ati8 *pcoatesting tise tst of plut. Ibis ihuoay, Nov. 27 for deputy-reove, and two ara in thse ceaidants of tht nocth end of the rome for tise nords word seat. leut towa. s -at Thursday's nomination Iltisexpected tecontrovosii na meeting Mayor George Ydlbride flite hall ' ail sloe s. Harrington, Reave Gordon a Golsgher and incombent public Ree e lil dl utilitios commiasionees Cyril ** - ue* Aahcroft,, Norman Croig, Keesets Morris snd Andrew g rm f, alFrame nil won occlomoationa. ut- o o« g There are electiona i tht rmtr fa rpsdrc offing in most of Burngtns rnoor fa rpea2a 9 otiser sevmn srdsoch snhob, trmck in ilaqon betwoee thse Select une couniciglor tuo h hr n orhUe sot of F ash jo incombent Arthur Lindop, un to sppesr before towenship *Air Canada pilot, is spn couricil Monday nloJst. candidate in Word Thnte. Ht uns Oerk-crenarer Debsiar Frencs t namedti o fil1 a vocancy on rend coonceil a tetter fromi the corclerIbrtis Yer, ns ho promoteta irnics txplaised that uns ruuntr.up to Bort Reove in on accouat if the illness Of Ibeis h thtie election for tho ward sont boead engiorr they baid sot yet Itwo yeara ago. fil opponiens is been able to finatize p lana for t isooseseife Mra. G. Elle Foote of thetcrack and suggested the neut t Cedet Springs Rd. who hon hoen mieeting ns o hisser tisno for active in the Citicen's Forum, tiseo to appear. cisurcs and iatitote seoris in the commnty for tht pant 15 ()Reeve George Cornie, yearn. obvsonaly opset by tht group's e4 Norts Bnrfingson witl sien cotitinised cancelîntion of isetp select titiser Edon !r~oisttment told tise clerk, Joisatone, Frank Herman or on tell theor wt'll set thom, David H. Coona to tht seat cf lise firnt meeting of Feisruary." JA A dtpoîY. Mra& Joisatont it n Deputy-Reeve Tom Hill unita former unrd cooncitor, Mc. lichie more lenient with tise Herman ss a former mayoralty group, isowever. Ht felt counicil SE A I candidate, and Mr. Cocos ts sisold ber tisem belore the end PCA I niakint isis firsi attcmpt at n sent of tise yte. C T T on cooncil. A fouets candidate Mftct sotte discussion on tise IN U S ST nominated seos Franks Rogers, a matterrroancilorn agrerd to former isolder of tise title, bot ailow tise promocera to appear at IL dactoeed a confiit of iflttrest tiseir meeting Monday. Dcc. 8. W L and witisdrew bus nomnoatton papees. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _FEATURING: Wl Thece waan't mach tucitemet at Tisursay'n nomination MERVe. COLLING metn nCentral Hligs Scisool. F s i Followint tise houe of ANNOUNCES F s î nominations tacs candidate uns ailoed two minutes to peesent PFeu Pick-uap & Delivea flor 171 MAIN ST. li platform. lots Me. Lindop &lem Aras Casanssas tram anti Mca. Foote spoke of tise need for ordarly, plonneti drvetopmient cf tise nords end of ESSD Burigton. Thrres alao a iqoe pIebsacite AUTO ELECTRIC onelc l ay Brtmgton. OKM Tise can didotes for depnty-rteve and Waeti Three spaeuse last Tsea.ea Md Caelaaaaa MELANON X hase 844-9641 £ E 1968 Cortina G. T. Tudor. Radio. One0 Ospoor. Immscsilate. Dors gren wlts black listonor. Lic. 324863 FULL PRICE ONLY $1,695 n Beauty Lounge PRESENTS newest hair styling he ladies of Milton och Tuesdoy only AES ANDRAS T IN THE EUIROPEAN LOOK (LING, PERMS AND COLOUR ~CCEPT APPOINTMENTS G ALTERATIONS, CUT1'ING AND STYLING n Beauty Lounge PHONE 878-9533 COLIN VOTE SM LLI E CHEEsEIE 3 SIP99c FACIAL TISSUES AS FO BATHROOM TISSUE 8 PA99c ~'TOWELS- PLEASE LILCi CHRSr BUT RELE PAGHEITI SIE HT A VOTE Town of Milton MAAON R A LA ___ DECEMBER 1i UAOIIB EA VPRT - ..35C lb ----53c lb. 3 lbg. 99C ----85c lb. .. ... 55C 2 lbs. 89c --- 55c IL ---69c lb. 89c IL 89C IL. *--- 69c IL Sunlight Dinh DETERGENT ..... 32-oz. 55c Kraft CI4EESE SLICES 8-oz. 3 for 99c Unîco TOMATO PASTE 15-or. 3 for 99c Arcfic Power Li4undry DETERGENT K.S. $1 .75 1 g e ga R E DE iVER Tv et fiae. 'r for Canad Riseumotoli o lter tilseose. dIsease. lt cr cboque nd ti crîpples lise s mucicole; il ce itios lu h0covi crippos home le, andl culto 0TE V_ - - Z111111111111111111 __ a a - RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF se By un& cel NissSeber se of Imm Azth anldune viail 1dsSilteeas 1 fins a sitabl, to ~Iod it. il coe othe à Banqtget sei Saunrdy, Ni Loisnty, tu m=at Th Roe. Robert Uglny. th e ir n an u el Oronge Hall. extended s Women's I4 Chstmas me nt the home by Mca. 3d ga" s veey in meeting cloaet dalioun lunt the homtes se Mca.' Jim Plant Tise Not Comunnty Novembor oue tof Mca. Alfrea 25 meitns t cali, nhe mu wlIb the Club business bout i donatins b folloig Th Chriasma Bei Christmas Se mada for o IIs bel dl in tht Chrcs Hall, Januaty. Followhig lb interesting prosented by M shoseed pictor receni trip to I Ilinis aes e. Rice foc hicr in phitren. nhe c weill ie ield at Douglas Dsle Roi. A dala served by tht social isour enjc Mr. and Mes and Me. and Mi retaarned hisos from n doncs s loride. Mr. and Mes. and Mr. and Mi on Sntorday fc RAPII DUR~ 223 MARY.

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