Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Nov 1969, p. 21

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Aplace to "get awacy from it ail" î h aainCa~in tnsc o 916 "Bezek" retreat centre near Campbellville v&F- By BOIt, Bcrtt Ener luiait tsete ma co et toge ju lui umuay front il e, u o e., clirni e bl, tcie peit in dicussios or just lu= wesuhde aieg u quiet prua«? Praidl ee. Bernard Warren's plao are col upset tîec ow anO sd tuas lime cext yeux, niions of a local retrtie tle falfilllug ticese couda mill hacame s îealilp. Racogplzisg tise nemi cf te pnesoured budana, oneemoiied ficousemife or tirubled stuident, Mr. Warren, it meille sud fresNaou d Eduse Hâie cf Milton set culta intae fil cf 1968 to sel upca relceut Siace thson lhey hune uc ace trlalylead 53 acte paccelac=lu on SeodLina ta Nosaogumtp, nurtis cf Capitllnville, utca cool of $35,000. Spe ct plouc concerning lthe shape oud mleuete uli il laIe hane pet lu bc dramntbutlIbc Mr. Hart oud Mr. Wuare hane ou open rnd aitout whal the prograni should include. They aoct aiger lu rnoIld lise progrrnt lu luit lise neids cf lise People. Ths minIer will hae ucad for Planning oud construction iaeilu hagin ta tht sprng. Tltep have decided tisey muld tey lu accomomodaie 100.-peuple foc meuhs,a pluct foc aboutî 30 tu slatp, onainight, ceaidnte for clipf s ml uo a lihrary, offices, ciaft esops sud c chapal. Arrangemento hune arlody hêeu made AUuuiST folk t. afpur Ratepayers noue wiser about proposed race frack Pur dia second meai na nom, reptîed that engineera are sti1 on Esquecccg townshtip rutepayete die process of drawrng up plans miso itd turne luo acourcîl of die pioject for counicti 10 meeting lu, prolest ubout a loch et. peuposedl race trais ic tise idr. Junes titan pat lte meint tomcnsip halmeen titi Tisird cnd rigisi un tue spot. "lî il or is il Puiti Ltaîs, Bouts of Fine nul gotag lu ha a race tacis?' Sidetuud, mire unaile 10 uituiu ite queried. suy mute information about tise Rient Curcie ripied diat il propocerd track titan îtey hi isnes mus tisai il mres gutag 10 ieady had. ha tome ind of tut ioctag. Wisat Reine George Carne lieud told Slnd, hi didn't isaus. ratepoyersai tes laweeke meeting *Wel, me don't aiunt il uod uf Cosunc tisai dia isupto of lthe seeaiin't going 10 hune il." Mis. land inuoled mire capposed to lunes rnopped isacis. "If I hune brin3 plouc sud speuificatione for 10 stsud on anorucnge hox and die rnylleiy project o lte nit stupionsh car fîomn comiot in,I tosucil meeting. mut'". Rent Cuctie bold ruiepcyers ai *;ie Na,. 10 meeting tia tie promoter of tise projecî bil C iscmed t0 say tisut hi sould oi Tmo lti found corne bisoa ahIe lu appear, but mould tîtaginli 10 tise iandleo 070u attend coucd's tegufsr meeting isuttisîr Soife. Af tir ating il Mocday, Nonemiter 24. îisey could isold, tisey touk off, Wisio Mrs. Dires Jones, une onty lu fail lu tise groucd mush of die estepayers, acsed lise tisud. The morcl of tise atoty ressoct foi titi deluy, te-doot fly off tise isodle miten clîrk-tnîerer Deimut Frentis pou're fsll 0fbiologna! Fire commnittee gets busy seeks legol odvice on split Wide residantin taordi BUtltoo ara aoxiuuisly tooiig forseatd 10 su open disat un dia proposai foi c nom Kisuidt fiee hall, tise Mdlton Aria Plie Cuncuittee micis gonernc tise Milton brigude ic gttting loto tise sitty-gritty of legaities sarrucdicg Burlington's t opoc o0 idram front tise 1ni-ciwiipclity tiat gcoup. At d ituera rmeetinghield Weniy cf lusI semis, cmhaoer dacidad 10 sets legai odnice front Torosto Soticilor J. T. Wei' hafore titey go 100 fac midi Buringtoces mitisdramil. Tht agreement under micis Mdtoc, Burîtaglon, Oukinli, Narnagumeya -md Eequesing fuiccd dt Ote ureu bsoord ceal peais ugo ia haî en riniesed sud mernhao decidîd lu amis tegal taterpretation of cocuie of tue clauses. Ont itarn of concerc is Bacliagonsci t 10 ovit $10,000 in equity ic tise hourd. Ple ot tunsitîte memherîcnoted tise ugieent suggests ony eqiy vnlises are linile lu deprectation sud cuggested tise Barlington claim-sîill sot focuilly pcesenled lu tise cooumiille-is asecp off hase. Ont dicisico aI Wedntsday'e meeting ol an agreement tisai tise 1970 Oct tcononittie seuuld deal midi Burîntagon's 1970 tosarcil lu deuida hum dire protection dioutd ha sold 10 nortiseast Burliogton's eccarpment tiaiu. If Batîloglun sets up ils Kiliscide station tise tuesi moid slsBi esi 10 iuy clmet& Nbl INSURANCEI AGENCV LIMITEDE 1I lMARTI 1T ITN protection from Miltron for tise cecidenîs utop tise easî of lise mounîloin. Meunsetale, tise tommittie ocdeced tuaI "0o segotialloos foi dire protection in Buntioglon ha cosidecîd untît u lega) opinion isus hato recîinîd asti setîtament isus hatu reolveti." mils Illîc Regica Concertation Auliiy lui hav 6,000 Irais plauted in lha>pnicg lise murs in tise construction of lis cent mdll ha dune liscougs nolunlaip Isitor. Anyoue mifing lu hetp will ha receinad midi open uccu. Nul uily help in lise muy of noluolccp lahor but malerics Oc vil mdll hi nîîdad. Offic a ' t, go huboks foc titi commercial type cooising uleocila, sorne six cent saPSI cpnterato Ioul, ovsnie , picha, axes, o sec isole diggir, Ismiter, cem sud uced, suy clou und suylhsog lisol migisl sourcd halpful cou ha ued. Mîlisoda of linancing aie sscI ficalloed bt ute îopecled lu curne front tisclu sources inctuding hocotaciuma front priacsing ccd spealcing engagementc, munîy front lise using lise facilties sud gifle front people misavmont tu isîlp. Organizeis hope lisut once rîedy, tise feciîiies mdl hae anfaui tti1 iniiyuni yuung sud old sud cf everp dînomination on u pay mhat yuu csu battis. Tht iticu moutd ha for tisose haning nolisini ta conleihute 10 ha milcomtd fiec of cisotge. Othete mito hune chdlity 10 puy mort moild du su sud luise up the doack in admiuisttatiop coutc. Mr. Warren iclînde lu, pronide a midi nutiely of focilitiec 10 Boit difféetnlocids. Hi is confident Ihat tisie e is oom for OBITUARY kilo..n Relu A lifîlong fuerner in tise Milton aria dieti Wedoistiay, Oct. 2901i Hiton Centil Munor. Boto Aprit 24, 1876, Bcnjamin Robeîrtson fucmid hie furnîty isorestîad casl cf BENJAMIN ROBERTSON Speysidi, a site seiicis loi grsudffutisi isougist in 1822 mnd misics is hîto sorked isy fini giotraîlous of tise Roisertson furnily. Hei isdati tedrd Duffeclo Scisoot ut Spîpsidi. Mcr. Robeîrtson mas pcideceused isy isis seifi, titi fonnec Margart Artis ad cuiy is iscotisrs ulso. Hi bil no todgt or cois affiliutions sud in su interviewe mils The Champion on tise occasion of isis OOtis isiriday tiscie pears ago ctmackid, "At rny tUttie, horsts and pigs mccc my lotige." Mc. Robsertsons s sucvsid hy tiscîîchildrîo, Douglas, Jean (Mci. lacs McGsisson). anti martyr fmielog toethise sd joy tise solitudea uthlis cciccetinmiZ eolsr mould isuld discussionseut ti s amne lime oî morier location on lise ptupet. lise piogrout is quh te flexible depecding on lise maete cf the people. It. Warren cotad it adivntageint ufféiiig recreutionil aopects as mîUl ou quiet sud pînyîr bacides. "Peoplt miret moretha dia place 10 pray," hae uid. Buts Mr. and Mîc. Warren have spohan abtout dhio oum projecl lu sevrerai cisuris gopin Milton acd atuund the provnce. M i.11 Warren is n former ministît of Mldirmood United Cisurcis in Toronto. Hi has ratited fronm the ministiy lu dunute iss full lime lu denetuptag dii retreat centre. Tht Haies ate actine in Emmanuel Buplicl Cisurcint Milton sud the tmo couples hune hein close fruandu fut meny yearc. Tisey ment un u 1,700 mile trip 10 nusit fout utisît rteat centrec, tisie in titi Untited States sud une niat Biockvilli, for ideas to help tuîmi gel undur may. Thu came cissn for titi coolie is" "Bttik" front tise stoty in t old testunment ubout Kiog Seul aending out invittlions 10 trihac in hic ltiritit r "mustet ut Bîzek" t0 belli, God's peoplt misu mite iseing eoslaned. "Saut ptomtaed reftediing belfote titi tttt, nictoty unit dii enîrny and cenemat of titi Kingdom,' laye Mt. Wurtnn. And diut le tht ctocy of misot Bezeis Ctntre hopes 10 do. Bell rates going up seven bo 14 per cent Tîlîptone rates mit) ha factor in estoisstng tse cuti tacreused isîlmeen savnc und 14 gnouping. pet tint in Milton if u curcent Campbetînitte ut fini miles sud applicution 10 tise Csuudian Georgetomn at 10 miles urnoI Trunspcrt Commission is miigisteinadetermning Milton's upproned. nîm cati gtoupisg. Mi. Btacisfoîd reportsth The Upplictn, presented lu idvda hm evc wls Milton Counicil luet meek, increase front $4.95 10, $5.30 pun c is umtc m istle bsusiness pisones mdll tetepsones inctdîd in tht acru front SI12.05 10 S13.70 Milton escsooge and tisose in ie omraegoio s ceacisîd mitisout toit chatte inauppioveti. Campisilînille, Georgetown, ___ Oukvidle and Buelinglon isad rnoved fira titi 50,000 te -Cridit Valley Scisool of 100,000 rote geouptat 10 tise Nutsittg'u officil opeosot and next gcoop of 100,000 10 open isouse mut b hielti Nov. 22, 200,000. midi tise opeoisg aI 2.30 and titi Couricitlors quectiooed tise bsuilding open foc tours isy titi reucon foi a moighitg factor geoirat puicî front 3.3010o 5.30 upplied lu tise namhar of phones and 710o9 p.m. in Buîtiogîoo and Oaknlie miicis countîd tacs phsone as 1.5. Aiea Manuger of Bell Canada, N. A. Btatisfotd potatedl out lise Transport Comnmission ccgotations uppty tise meigistiog factor in toit frît titiong oteas, miserioneighititg excisunges aie 10 lu 15 mdfes distunt. Oukisvli * D ut 12 miles sud Boîttagtoo ut 14 ureîsujctnd 10 tht sesgitiog d Vdi w Gruce (Mis. Cluiolm tlami), ail of R.R. 5 Milton. Tise funerol service mas conduclcd u t R urm1e y- 'Sissumaisi Fonîrul Home in Acton mils Rev. Andrem MtKeooie officiuîiog. lIntemtt maes ut Acton's Fairnîim Cerîeery. Mr. Roiserîsoos s gcandsons, il of R.R. 5 Milton, acted us pattiscorers. IT'S NOT MUCH NOW bsut hîlure long btuildings Bernard Warren is picturiti here with his dlu Coco wiii tise and pople witt corne toi lthe site ut mi toiting a louis or tht sire on Second Lino, mitt tsontualtp hecome a retreat centre. tîo. Nassalamepu.-fStaff Photo) THINKI Don't lot a minority inflict its wilI .upon ffi. majority MILIONI VOTE "%YES"y COMME VOTE UtYESYY MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1969 for cars and garniri infonuotion tsi aphoîe 878-2181 Be lure te mark pour Ballot wlh a plait X usiho the pencil supplied at lthe Pollrng Bootht tsun 1600 automiatic :>u everytbing* you want )Ut your foot doilwn. qie ym Just1çz litent' ontp ove map 10 handle tise Dalsun 1600 automatic. Britsklp. Whee pou mant lu pots on tise frnemapjusî swing out, tramp on tise gos ani our Dalsun will jump 10 il. You sec, tise Dalsun 1h00 is nul lise most small automatics. Smo)) cars geneeallp don't have tise engîne capacilp t0 hantile an automatic transmission properlp. Anti most uf Ihemn onhp have a 2-speeti transmission, so you don't gel anp pick-up ar a)). What you do gel is gutless sonder. Dalsun 1600 i1 differint. Il's got guis. 96 isp, anti one of tise isest powee/weight ratios in ils clasr A silisp limen (count 'em, lhreei spee Borg'Warner transmission. 100 mpt performance. Dalsun 1600 isas posE Anti mils att tisaI poire pou gel contourei iuciset seats, front discs, ah) indepentient suspension, choice of to doors, four doors orea wagon .., ail tise etras, ah) tise tuxuriet anti ah) the peeformance oftise standard Daîun1h0 lust no georsisift. If pou Iise a geactfîft, youscan get one for about option. But if pou dont, put your foot down and demnand a Dalsun 1600 automatic. !d And then pou can really put pour 1 foot clown. 1.Testdnrv a DatsU,, .t asy uithef 200dealrsa thenioe-for-your-moniey Sar ~2i85* 01O, O îc,, an O.0c Def S.e BO 2e 4-D-1 DE ... 50. ..wQ,1Wr.CO . o111-1 eu THERt ARE NOW MORE THAN 60 DAISU NDEALERS INONTARIO N ORTH EN D B.P. 235 Bessite Road Miltoe, OetarioTta8M DRIVERS - Please Note The Following Regulations WiII- Be Enforced By-Law 1166, Section 10 NO PARKING ALLOWED ON ANY STREET IN MILTON BETWEEN THIE HOURS 0F 12 MIDNIGHT AND 8 A.M. SNOlW REMO VAL. etc. la) No person in charge of anp vehicle shall park said vehicte ut atp street or highwîp au ru interfere witit anp of the operations or cerping ouI of any necessarp municipal work or service itcloditg roati repaire, as ploughleg, er atese ramonai shere anp suc h work is carried on, or ut any portion ot te street or highway muriset bp lions indicating road repaire, secow ploughing, or s00w rmovai is 10 be commnenced thereonor any streetor highway..isnreparking is teor.,ip,îîrsctet astspecial circovistucs may warrant. l(b) Wfinn a vehicin is purked contrury ru Suis-Sectiun "a", the Town Engineer ur anp utirer officer, or an emnplupee under titis direction, may remoes tr eauae suait vaiile té ha rneved anti rte corporation shalt nul ha liaitte for damage toi surit vehicte arising out cf or caused itp sucit remnoval and rte owner of said vehicle shati ba hiable to lte Corporation for lte cocos of aucit removat. Respeclfully, M. B. ANOBlIS, Chwe of pelle, Town ef Millon - ---------------

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