Mayor challong.d t, - 1 ý VOL. 110-No. 29 ïhe «OauaIîau ïhaipirn MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1969 S d COM Mil Reoisttra Nrmer oul Tiwnty-Tno Pages.- Fifteen Cents THE B~ RACE le Miieoo'. fl.. 5 ,,,,,,,su,,t t.eioo i~ Contest for every seat on council newcomers challenge incumbents preseant Mayor Brin Biug (tari und cbalaogeer Rease Ausen An eleclion foc att Milaon Ledwilb, Ramae Leitb dibu tu sep ap and ehatlenge Mayne Caunicit positionuse as assured Beat for the tap sut gor 1970-71. Monday sen nominalianc mere rocenoed ai t6e Martm St Police'Ass'n f rustrated resort to carbitration Pstrated in their efforts t0 nomna ta a 1969 contrant aeltlamnt seih Milton Coancit, the Milton Police Association bau deelded la seck help from an arbitratar lu gel the disputa settlad. MitIons police are the lomccl paid in Hallon County, accnrding ta Association presidant Conal. Gardon C'onks. At fical the association rquealed an 18 per cent mrsein psy plus a number of fringe benefits. Council's initial offer mas six pot cent. S Negoliations continuod unti1l is meak sehen 16e Association domonded a 10 per cent mage hike and otber bonofils in a one yoar contract, or a Imo pear contrat seilb 10 per cent the lires yese and nine per cent the second poe. The tari more unaccoptable t o council's ncgotialing committeo and the malter seas sort for cehitralion. At promunt, a firsI coa constatle in Milton receines $7,400 a poe compared t0 an Oanitlo fst dlam constable aI S8,400, a Burlinglon constable seho gels $8,300,a OPP constable sebo gels $8,200 and a Georgetown constable (on a Imo-peae contract) seho gels $7,995. Const. Cconks ssid thay hope t0 janazua, a Ititon f'sit tIosa McKeough stili in union of Hait Minslr of Municipal Affaies Darcy McKeough blid membeen of, Iallon Counly Coanicil hoe continued 10 500 "positive menit in the unon of 1he counlios of Peol and Haion, regardiots of the ullimaîr decisicîro Burlingron". In a leIter t0 16e Coanly Coancd hoe congralulated Hallon BEGIN WORK ON ROADS Workman freim Ture Anderson Construction moned mbt Milton tact maek t0 sIsal $60,893.41 worlh of onpoonemeors 10 Ontario St. ce h1e Base Lsoe Rd. The projact alse inciodes intersection impronements aI t6e Main-Ontario corne r and installation of 16e ioog-am;aitod lraffic signais. November goose egos Sion of wonm wiuter? Eigbt big fel gan.e eugs, a lttie nul of saumon but aaveellelesa laeicimare. moite Brie MnArtbae af Kilbride wrander if itsagain@eeu be amaces Nursseîly hie gese ap egg en le Febraary or eaely Match, but eau af bic bîrds have laid elgbt ap sn tae pans weeh Huas sel mare sobanhur tha guiling will survive the cold weabaer wbes abuy bateb, bat 6e's gaine la try. Meanwle, mre the anssaIsal pse sai a igri of a constabte's sslaty ta $8,732 a year by Jon. 1, 1970. "'Ibs is alti almost a yaar behind moat other forces in the coanty." hoe aoled. "Oaksille's fi rsl class constables miil ho gateing $9,200 for 1970. Wa do more morkhebre in Mitton thon most forces since me have no spocial deparîmants much as lhey hava in Oaknilla. Haro, a constable wili start on investigation and mîi hase t0 csery il nigbt through." A sergeant in Milton premently ceanises $7,900. The propomed nom contrat moutd boost riat rate t0 $9,200 s year. MitIons scond dlass constables nom receine $7,100; third dlam $6,800 and ptobatîonary constables $6,000. Aceording t0 Conît. Crooks, mhat irkod 1he police negotialing commnitor the mont mas 1he faci couniciltors said t6e mages paid the police departmeot mouid hase t0 ho reiated t0 the morks deparîment of the tomu. "This gon our backs upua bit, lo be pot in the sarte tIssa as 16e losen seorhs doparlrnent," said! the spokesan. The Association made cosse ground during contract talks, in thecaran of fringo benefils. Cennil nom pays 50 por cent of hospilal insucance, gcoup sees merit on, Peel for their discussions on municipal consolidation. "The onternai municipal boundaries outtined by 16e map appoe suitabie for the purposes of legidiation", hoe sroto sehile ackaomiodging t6e possibilily of "intir changes te these boundarios." The Minuster enpressed rosorvations abou t the county's proposal for reprosentalion on a Haltos unit. "t ame prrpaced 10 accepl the rocommeoded system, of represenlation on a tentatine basic onty". During t6e meeting Cal Mctutyre, chanseon of t6e coonty induttrial conunitae, prrmentcd a certificate indicaling the latesI min for the County Pilmu. Il mss receised by Warden George Currie. A bItter front Mn. and Mrs. V. Bridgoman exprrssîng concorn that the county might open up an uoopened road aliomance aI Lomnilir and croule hanards aI the park, mas referred 10 16e county road commttoo. Discussion on a Nassagameya request t0 lomerth1e speed lisait on 1he Guelph Lino belmeon Broobville and Haltonnilie fadled t0 aller the road committeo's prentous oejeclion of 16e roqacît. Rerse A. MacArthur rmphasscod 16e need for the reduclion and Depuly-Reese G. Agttem roniemed the facilities iocluding 16e school, township hait, merks yard, ced municipal offices in 16e area. The repesentalines promised a map moutd ho submiitted t0 16e road commiîtee t0 detail the probccu. insurance, medicat concrage and pension plan and the Association'socequest for paymrenn of tmo'16irds of theme coss mas nioeed fanorably by 16e negotiators. Councillors had alse agred t0 gise policeman an entra meeh's salary ( in addition 10 Imo meeks aleeady in effect) for altending court on thoir off duty heurs. Millon's officers are aneraging 144 heurs per yaar por man, points ouI Conît. Crooks. A $2 pet month unifoem cleoning alloseance for each mon mas lurned doie by counicil, and t6e Imo groups failed t0 reach agreement on 1he roquest for a 15 cents pet hour hift premissoi for mon morking t6e nsidniglst to g ace. shift. Barlier demonds for a 10 cent presosuc on 16e aflernoon (4 te midoight) and enening (7 p.m. to 3 a.m.) shifîs had been dcoppod. Presideet Crooks sasd, "We are quite milting to accept a reasonabte effet fromn council but in the meanlime me arr going t0 arbîtralson." The arbitrator is chosen by mutuat agreement belmeen t6e police ausociation and counicil frose a select group specializing in sebitralioo. If a mon is not fousd in a specil'sad lime, the provincial gonerniment chooses Whal happons if a anitablo mîeeole cimnt ho reachod? Conul. Crooks put il Ibis may: *TMore isa total of 55 yoarî' enperience belmeen six mon on the force as prosent, mhich is a lot t0 lose rit once lime." Mition's police chief, Ray Aodress, although a member of 16e association, negotiates bis oms salary milh Milton Counicil. Inside today "Sports oms ........Pages 4,5 n Ciassified market.......7, 8,9 Editorsali, conli;........Bi " Youth noms ..........B2,'B3 "Women's page............B4 " aimrtnems . B7 nMerchonts'ý g....... gam .* Our readers se .......B9 eRetreal centre underway .. BIt1 Scoan. tlncomiîtrd prier to the meeting, Reene A. Ledwith chose t0 conlest 1he position of mayor with iscumbeol Mayor Brian Bent. Cooncillor Colin Sminillie milI oppose Depuly-Reeve Ron Hiarris for the position of Reeve and in a sarprise muse, Esquesing townshi p couacillot Ken Marshall muti oppose Milton Councillor Percy Bser for the tomnus depuly-roeveslup. A claIe of sosen seul nie for the cix counicil meals. Incumbonts Sidney Cbitds, Gordon Keantz and Charles Pay mil be joined in the conlesl by Chartes Johnson relunsing afler a Imo yoar absence from counicil and firsI timre contenders Art Melanson, Prank Millet and William Woods. The Imo positions on Milton Hydro Commission more filled by acclamation wben M. J. Warebam docliord t0 seekîthe position. Incumbents W. C. Romney and Charles Thomuson more Ihus re'elecled for a ive year termi. The meeting folloming nominations mas quiet and candidates and officiais more ginen Imo te four minutes t0 Nominations ut a glance Hore's bnw Miltnn's municipal nnminatimns ended ap Mondey night: MAYOR <On. cu be elced) Brion Besta Austen Ladminth REEVE (Oet lbo eleaed) Rus Harrts Culte BSmillie DEPUTY.REEVE (One cu be eleletd) Peray Bacc Kennetb Marsball COUNCILLOR (Six tube eleeled) Spdney Cblldse William 1. Woods Gordon Kranto5 Frank Millet Chaeles Fay* Cbarles Johnson Art Melansan HYDRO COMMISSION W.i.: _ *Denî Race for roc RON HARRIS Candidates foi Expect 160 to hear D. McKeough speak Darcy MtKeough, Gno c Weou haeas J mincise of municipal affairsseh rs a bo l t R rstgoe Dn ce Milaon next Tueuday enenmng, Thompsos expocîs about 16010c a'1 mhonheniuitutomn tuspoak at a attend, inciuding many C Rotary Club of Milaon dinar. munscipal officiais front acrass His tapic, "Ragionst goveonnent Haton sud neighboring conîes an il affects aur donsnsomtp" la seho mare on the invitation tist. suca tu be ufinsecaut loanattpand The dinuor seillh b h aI 6.30 the meeting i. scbeduled for thr p.m. at Miltoun District Hi avoniug afltse hadmoases the Sthool. cafeteria. A poriod for Steaks Report on the future af seritten questiona mIii folias the the Hamilton, Bartinglon ced miilter's talk. KI reviem the year and present thonr positions. E. R. Peoren presided for the meeting whîch failed te stimulate a single question aI ils conclusion, front the 100 citizens present. Mayor Boss paid tribule 101the way the caantil of 1968-9 had faced ils tasks and ciled the Planning Board for ils effort in complesing the officiai plan and eoning by-lam. Ho niso paid seibule t0 the mork of Mos. Audrey Bruss who carried on sehile the lomo mas without o clerk. Highlighls doring the Iwo year terni wore the granlina ot annenalsoo wilh the attendant celebralion and the open-hearled greeling ginen the Boy Scoots sehen Iheir jamboree a glooded aI Kelso. Looking t0 the future hie foresase the arrisai of repiortai govetomeol reqairing attention in the nenîîwo year period. Reese A. Ledwilh noed a gr eal deal had happeord since 967 including aonenalion, officiaI plana and nrw oiog by-lams, enlarged semer plant, lrunk semers, maler melering, a long range road improormeol plan and 1he possibilily of senior citizen houning. Preparalion of the romo's masler plan was soggesled as the mosr important lask faced by couscil. "I uns hopeful Ibis mîlI mntue orderly developmeol aod avoid the problems hitherto caused by unplanned growth." Conlaînîog the property Ian mithîn roosonoble anmts mas suggested by the reeno as one of the major issues faciog counicil. "Municipal goseromoot bas fouod il barder oach year ta furnish the ieort of srie asked for hy ciîîzess" hoe obsersed. Poîstsog lu the need for nom sources of income, hoe suggesîed olhrr leoris of gosrrnmeoî mould he requred t0 bolp. Pointiog t0 groat changes, Reese Ledmith suggosted the implications of rogional goseroment areooetye clar. Ho foresase thr purtchasc of iodustral land, a re-examioalioo of road aod sidemalk plansand a resîrm of mate re ts as lts ahead for the oro counicîl. Depuy-Reone Roti Harris pedicled a lot ofmwork ahead f or toust il if Milton mas ta achievr ils proprr place io rogicoal gosernmeoi. Ho renîemed hîs positions as cha irman of 1he monks commîîîeo, tht reconstitution of thr Indusîrial Commîttee aod on commitlees of couoty coucil. Cooocîlloe Colin Smîlie eeeed muoicipal docsions for 16e purchisi of inoe clearing and ireschog equîpmeot, cîtiog savisgs in toits of operatioo thai mould coser thr original parciase. Reducioos on 16e sireels and maiki budget more effocied this year ndor his chaîrmaoship and the losen share of 1he rr-routîog of Highmay 25, încladîng isallation of the iraffit sîgoals, mili be coorod front cueresr faods. Ho assured hîs lîsieners hoe mould continue te pay hîs respects te the icepayer's dollar. Esquesiog Councîllor Ken Marshall aild 16e audienco il mac important ihere 6e no acclamations and hîs laod had beon iakeo int Milton on anoexation. Since hîsland on Esqorsog has hoos sold hoe mas asaîlable Io serve on Milton. He rosie mrd Ihat problosus in Esquesiog on ohch hoe had Seven seekina six seats on 1970-71 town council SIDNEY CHILOS GORDON KRANTZ CHARLES FAY ART MELANSON W - ,- CIIARLES JOHNBON els aahomson wp rov m d lewc o lsin7 otes n incmbent A middle sehool poogeans for should ho adopted for the Trustno John Noble of Milton Martis St. Ochool in Milton H aitoo termed a graduai middle sehool prograns. atgod the boaed tc mabe sure ai dosignated as a middle schanl e hi transition front elemootaty 1 a discussion on parents of midle ichool more turord domo, duo t0 t6e ve hi sch oois tu coon dary transportation, Me. Lamlosi stadesîs are amare cf tho imail enrolmoot. There are - ,schools-miii ho in effoct by anggeslod in the oear future prograns beforo il is hogus. Mr. approxîmatey 350 grades 6, 7 r-Septembor of 1970. At a middlo scbools mould be able ta Lambins assurod bis meetings and 8 stadoots aithis school but meeting Tbuosday Hailco hoe pianord on crhan areas sehere mcud le hoield t0 infeons t6e Mo. Lamioss reported il mould County Board of Educatioo gaveso otasprtaion is ottossary. Patets oct 6ie sorthmhîie iauothiog itfa blessing t0 establishment Pot om, sorte miii ho oeeded. Eaîlîer attompîs te haveth1e sucb a prograns for tesi lbao 500 othe middle schoo projrcl, fown g dehale that bas rangod ovte paît thore meetings. Idnas "Impructfkal" A sot of 12 guidolînes li sahtished in Burlînglos, Geogetown and Qabsillo as Suggests Marshall do his homework pio nrojcts,mwith grades6, 7 an students t1b hinîctadrd. Reommendattons for cuîlîsg tht 8oard's tagalat meeting hy Esquesint Coorcîlior Kmn The pupil'leacher ratio odil educutton toits more "enîîrîty Thurîday. Marsha ls moion mhîch called rmi the saineasit is omaod impractcal and oery math Tht board ulmaysiotîcomes for halvîog educatîoo trustees' idusriai arts and hme derimoîaiîtoodcaîîoîn canstlactive ritiiise, hall puy, rodcngsaaries of al ecnmîts, science roms, Haltoit Cony," usd tht shehi suggos these people do a ltIle employ tes recoîsto g oiver, oorryrsouoc cetes, general affaîr goto aat cf "a lack of bomeorb firsi so whon thop $12,000 a pcrt, freceing pups oroom, change ouiand uodersiandîug ofcouroperatoos corneioeusititymillhversorte toachers' salaries, reducîng the shoers and music mases wiii ho aod out budget," Halcon Board tonstauctive commeols," lie sumber of consultants on staff, COLIN SMILLIE included in ail tbroe buildings cf Edacaîîoo chaîrmaot Fned added. us iog exîsîiog buildings for Monîciair scboolin o absitie is Annitage tld fellose trastees ai Ht saîd 6ie seas sory dîslurhtd îemporary cassroms, morbing the only oonrnedng mort cioseiy mîth municipal tanspotain o uls couocis ai budget limes, and deputy alhougt sorte transportation puhlîchiog board eclîmates for hoyi neodod on outîpiog aroas re v u h r rn e a t tht publtît 10ce e fore lhopar of Georgetown. Tpng aod Fe vo c rs f i rh nt finaioed. isrmrtl mui ii oct hobi L Couocîilloo Marchail s offrredeutîtl more sludy con ho for yuae shiopping in M il Presool on tht aadience dori; giron thesesbjects. Oral Freoch 16e brief discussion aI miii ho on the curriculum, and a If pou liketeoplay games and miii hoe annouocod it The Thsnsday's meting. Ho didonat programi of tootnous progiesa tîbe 10 mît mcoey, MoIton's Champion. speab, expiaioîog te a reporter miibe adopîed. domno m erchunsi hase joit Oneuro ecoupcnmîttlaisa be frcmîthîsotmspaporhle was jas Reportog fîorîtheoîîdy the Christmas proîecî foryoa itiladod in echmoek's issueaof toes t obsevrttotticîhow commîtîro, usisiitntditectortof Telt Chuampioni. Theon.iiy tiie board upeatuii edacatîco D. S. Lumîtîtlaid the Theypre gicisg umay $50 c sipuaaîons ce liai inlttir Truste o u lcglas Wood, boardlthoroare presotiyî57 per meb totns$ and $10 gifi mas i hagod 17 or oser, aod nice-chairmuo of 16e board, cent mate beachots in0the senior vouchers intheîr nom Christmas they must spendlthei Gift Game congratlated cbairmau elensenlsey grades, 4:3 pet cool Gifi Gamne shopping promotion, souchersin theostores specified. Armitage on 16e press taae leh fenale, and 31 pot cent of t6e each meek front nom la Look for pour firsI free coupon issued in ansseer ta t6e Marshall *present staff hotd uninorsitp Christnsas. Shoppors seho shop on Page B8 of loday'c Champion motion. "Once pou examine the dogres. Il mas agreed the camae ia 25 psetîdîpalîng Milton stores andithon0stattolletng more aI facîs. pou mealice the Haltn the Item poogeam, ai hough anmte are cottocîed each Mooday and dosenlon merchonts. YOU excellent job," hoe ced, addingto aeudh anie n mi ognnfe opn eic 6 trs o atdptn any Bsd cdigo trnstees feut more of the taff each seek t6e iucky minnets' coutd heoane of the firsI meok's mtsh thaî tritits seouid corne ta yshoatd h ave univers ily namesmîtlhoediant All semnors mînners. tha board <'ast ta ase mdch a. dorations, mnd camei feût a -- ------- ---- motions ced press ralasses fraom NNTH MARSHALL highac toacbcr-sludeut ratio hoang nacessary -I L. Aý