Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Nov 1969, p. 5

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[ Tirs Casiadish ChampIon, Wedoasday Nov. 12, 1969 p Gam & ishNews uttp by ara cauisas Beoyaoe titras ta hua klad words anca ia a whito. In aa ttria ia titis papet Oct. 29 ,tht odtitar doomoti fit ta iphatid the spottmaas-thasl yan. ra atar sssld thora ara uaay daftias af a spatmraa. taer ia tIra spartmm an d tthoa thora ta the raatr haunrar. Tha traa huator hamts raaatly fat rocrtatioaa parpaos ataaa aad is afreaaaa in the waads with lts soa, dag mnd rifle art jasa as imapartart ta hinia s yaar gatf, hridgeora curtitrg ta ta yaa. Tht Mut haaitr cotas abaat aaaa af this. He shoota with aatdttsa ahandon, ovor hait, atan higttways, privata, praparty, etc., as long as ho liste: must ta tatre om and hrag ahoat. A SOa o rtama is a haatar wo refases ta takre aafair adatago whtthar it heofa a hird, mn animalt or aaathac hoator. Ha refauiaz ta taire a shat atra dock or goosa heora irisa withia range, as ha ulgttt waaad the hird with a poor tar pattarn or spoil a shat for asothar hasaror. Ha kaaws thar tht gasrt taos ara matit fat the hotfit af att hastara and ahtys thora. Ha doasat tatasara tas hants saccassas hy the amuat ai ganst hae kilts. Ho tooks for and aajays tht aay calots ia hmntiag-ho valae of ralsotico ta itis day of cash, cash, cash, tht fctsh air, atew kaawtadgt ai ostajo atnd gaad casapaaiasship that canot hoe hoat ut mny htrtlg trip. fort ha: hotnas lot af caattavtcay avor hate high a dock or gose cmn fly. Goaso hava hota tacoatocat hy pilts at (gat lias) a hoisjrt of 29,000 foot or lireanmd a hatf miles ap, and thoy cmn ly at 60 uitles par hoar. Tht dada, accacditg ta Canadas atdoar uagaine, Rai and Gmn, ha hota eoaatarad at 24,000 foot, flyiag ahoat 40 uoiles an hast. Tests hava hora dlockSd at 60 utits par hoar-ta waadac wt cao t hit thoul Spatiag ai apatd sn aar widlifa, tht Prigatt Bird has hota craditad with s spatti of 200 moitas an hoar and hae hatds the teord. Tht fastoat uaviag tastat is the Ocagotty with a spaad of 55. Tht faatast faacfooraed mitral sa tht Chtttah with a stop-warch-riutd spoI of 70, white the fastrat thtag ta the walor is tho Saittish with ati estimrat top spaad of 68 utioes mn hoar. Tht Pitat swius st;gat 40 white uast athor fish prapat thtustlvts araaad 20-30 ulra par heur. Tht ld ani alt la tht wactd jr tht giaat tortoisa. Oaa ws accidetaaty kilîttie a gt t52, ard tl was hrtiocodl possihle il carîti havo livod a facthoc t0O yoara. Sat haw a tlow paca cent ltagthaa yoac tifo! Tht Hlattet Spactsta's Associatior moalti lit ta moka a psoit te cloar ap saute castrovtrry amoag spactmira. Thra atilI persista mn dos auaag smt hators that o haatiag lictace gmt:s tht ctglrt of acctsa ta gatto hat this jr nat tht casa. A haatiag licencel it rrlp s parmit front tht Ccaws ta takis pa daciag the opea ttasaa adE mhbjact ta athr aach rastrictions or may hte uade la the itîrrt of Sa uanagement. Arrangements ta parrat gaur or pciratt lads art tttirtty a mattar hotwaoa tht tattdowarr and tht huater. BOtTOR'S NOTE: This is tht first of a striot of sumiaioos hy Ertat Wison, m aid ratuhor of Yaath Bowling Coaricil ta Miton. talis C rtra article Brea ropîsios tht parpoot and stiecataga ai heoogiag ta the oatioo-rtidt orgaoreatin. BV BRENT WtLSON Tht Yoarh Bowlhng Coaoviltns a pragrounio rstt n otaadr for vortoar scoresan oti igrrtt ai rktttsaociveti. A attits of taacoamrntt ond choapioarhipt thot wdl hte itrstttg anti ohottragirg ta yoa, rtgordtrrs ai yoar howling ohitity. Tht popatar doahles rharapianships, t haat my avnraga, foatily toosour, ood Voietrotor't mored doohles oct st ap on tacha ooy thot tnooo ia the reagot vo entter and 010. Tht PFoor Strpr ta Stotdam" rvèot offert partcipation for aIt W,.. '~ uruers, on Sttp N r ~ harte qaifiiig cas ~ qoatifiers advaociog Sprovincial ond rhamptaoshipt. ANOTHER FIGURE SKATING raaan sot artirap tst wooh. tt iiern tnoîvnea Prraitiart Mrs. Bîmar Btacktank discamaes tht rtah'r aatlaah far the in tht Nattoral V. catira poar oith laurauctora Janiro Grairger anti Tarr Rute. and Scholarritip Fa Janica s in har seondi pur as pro olit ctae Milton Clab anti Torry as vampaigo iteit anno s saursor ta the arta -(Staff Photo) becett par anti par W.iI qualifiod pros t.ach Milton skators What sa hrtitnod ta hi ta tacotti raratrarot hot shawnoap ta toka part ra tht t969-70 tearaa ai Mitaon Pigttra Skatiag Clah. Tht clah got aatirrway huit wook mnd otill urat twire wrtktp hotorro 4.30 and 7.30 Totttiayr aoti Thatatis. Bsck itou lart yrar ta hrtp cao tht show la t9-ytar-atti pro Jamira Groiogrr mnd hrr Cor hir tesit ytar sa atsistant Trrp Reuter, 25. Bath are orît qoatifirti. Mira Graiagtr it a douhlt gatti rtetiaist. Jmico maket her houa o Richmonti Htill mnd otti tcetty attirtie Guelph Uivenrsity. Q Mlo io o House league happenings Bp Johna McLtmn Mitas Orpartsatat Storo tati off tht Wttissay aig)rt actiaon with a 5-2 oit anar Hiltuter Rtal Bsatl. Gordion Mtorhm aand Mark Hyatt srorrti a pair ai goals tarit fac tht nictrr whie Atma MacKlmaan atdati a stagle. Tiu Witten mnd Charlts MAlrri droew assita. Raptptag for Hfiltuar watt Brurt Beiley on a rat op hy Gîta Haoy and Mtha FoPrti trtS irt Loti Rigo atnd Glas Houay. Park Paru aorchod tht Birt and tait goal ai tht goute hat Stila Aato Bodiy scarati titrar gas intaee wand targati as 3-2 virrors ta tha opaaiag Mitigot gasat. Ratip Hanso rro on a rata effort, thas troatid sp irith Doa Lesdio ta raltp tas racoati oaa whito Haroldi Solos atdoti o single aaassiattd goal ta roundi out tht scoriag for tht teissors. Park Paras ucares vlaut front Boa Nyhaîr (aaaastod) and Dano Haati wha nas rat ap hy Stopitra Branciar. Rap Eva arcrti al the rat as Lttiwithr tiowoati glsat 3-t ta tht secondineu. Rady Hawdonanmd Lotlit Wilson tarit trow two osalats for Ladwiths. Georga Presniaa acocati tht Pigmet goal as a pas' fro anaeMcKat. Harta Picktrtg tagistret the titatoat as Harris haumlattti tCaigtt't 8-O ta tht aightcap. Goals for tht Stotiasoct caur iroto Kirk Low, Gosa Holtiritiga, mnd Gary Mcoaagal with twa spitteanmd Kirk Mitchell anti Bah Ferier atitirt osa tac h. Bah Choaseman, Daon Pay, Bah Prerriar, Gary MeDoogot asti Dosa Haltiritig (2) ait tirw assstt. Satartioy morsisg atam octionstate Polira takr Deartorent Storr as hasti as thry coure ast as top ai a 2-t gate. Par tht witnr, Joho Vatpr scatati asca asti aise tito tan aasist on tht athar goal whirh was acrrtt hp Gary MrDouao. Jar Wiluats reptirti for Drpt. Store on a patt itout Charlas Atranit. Daag Broon atoppati tht goals front grttiog in anti Strnt MrCaao titi tht trariog as Belt Brothrs atappati Hithar Real Estate 3-t. Bryo n Ha rar trw os ossist as McCmo' seconti goal. Mika Hyatt ctrtaittp tirrtat tht thatoat or Mawhrays tiriroteti Piremrs 3-0 on the opaaiag Novice gour. Goals for the Fart aapptir rama front Davidi Clatke who tireti a pair, anti Edie Leapririt. irifooPrior and Larprirt assitteti Barrit Brothrs atigrt Littlr Protiars 3-2 ta the second gor ar riff Lyros crrrta o iawhite Brimn Tarner atiteti a siogle. Dasg Dacsep asti Lance Lyaos dret assistr. oa Hahkirh carati ote goal and artisteti on aotitr witer Wayne Mootioy seareti tht secondi Pontioc market. Ledlit Ctoer tirrwon aotstitt. ta the final Novicernoaooter, Rthrkoht oand Crrt itattîrt tao 2-2 titatiart. Glenn Youngaond P.. Wees win two blank Thornhifl hitta Proe Wtt Bs thujoti Bah MrLeodanid Bria frshilî 7-0 Satarday asti thon Loldlaw wose tht Ciigooraasp hate; ta a 2-2 tir agaittat acrrt. Ctsingoaraaty Sandoy. la other tn Bmtoum acion Rap Garetta 'B" ortias Mitas Bantama irti tite triag mitit to goals strateti ta a 7-3 oun ovet anti or onsist whtte Rati Coaltet Brampton. nvoctd a potr. Dthec goal Evocees Gary Dancevced tmtrtand wece Mortonewth a galalnd asrirtrti oncr wMille Trerry Nana, tmoassotttnt Claudie Latirp with John Raakou, Kenin Mcoa, a goal mnd mn aarcst and Strar Ravn itchots andi Atlan Duanm Bratiy with a goal singloti ta the 7-0 point. Citante MacFnrtmre coBrctoti Assista want ta Tonry Nana, theeti ais, Chris Bapi ftat a Party Capuoanmd Raort Prour. pair ad singles woat ta Dano ta thoit oncoartotr aganr Bare mnd Mma Koith. Chingaooay Gary Omne mnd _ John Roskou wora tht scoraca at Rort Froa "slti Imit, -This la tht Ciaa wook ai dosa Ravit MrCop mnd John Retinu bowling seaman ta Narthtca onca. Ontario. Rahii Chamour srreti for Rtitehahr wheiîJato Andertaon asti Mthr Murray aond teo assita. Crrtt raotert rame itoun Chartes Kerr anti Ttti Glinay. Mikr Vrrholtto otsistdone At tht enofa tht tirst perioti, Hoatis Citrit Krngr tere aitrat 3- Son goront uPrrry Capuo, Mma Duoran and George Carhott (Tatit Coaetit irto rote oror t) in tht apaoiog Pro Wtt gaine. Titen it teas ttmt for Mîlton Lauher ta waht rp at Peter Rota srareti o pair, hatit on passer fronu Kevia MrCap aand iatp It 19.17 ai tht tmal perrati, Rager Datait tcrdaon rusitrîr goal ta sec, tht final terre on the borarti 3-3. MrCaig ta suaooe and Pitousary watt ait tird ap gaiog itta the secornd perioti antil Kirk Serai ireti an roottitrt gal ta rrr tht final scatt ot MrCaaig 4, Phocuorp 3. Par tht victars, Daviti Antiroheit taltieti a pair wite Daniti Lom otitir ont. Assisto mroc ta Rondp Claar, Lro Wpsuon, Jris Clareitige and Steve Wolrstor. Par Pharrarp, Strve Hanonr ptrheti ap a itot trtckhwite Kevun Watsan osristrt oncr. Krvra Hoati toohet qoite improveti as ier regirteceti hir Csrst thot art ai tht taso En hetpiog Papas tiritt Corotior Tire 2-0 ta tht footl puie ai tht week. John Raskou mot tht marksoan or hai oasons, tht Orst rote in tht fir prioatt tht ont minteî mark (Grrry Timhr atnittirg) atnd the0 itucarre morkrr ot 18.20 ai tht final perioti (uassosteti) o. t,' the md, olith t zoneo t fat aou C. Trovrl ot. Thit cayot n Tht hig tarot ai tht yrar ai at Cornall, Amante anti corte is the catoival htd tarit DOtoawa briatr tarotiog pro. yrar on tht spriog. tht thattd oith tht tc Mita Reuter OOt haro ta Capatirs four andta o iat yeors, Edmonton atnd trarneti ta skate thro jalarti Haolidoy on tc or na thr, prnorrtig at for ar hier oaa yar toar ai Europe. No sevrodi test. Thao rite travet ta livng in Bringtan, tht rs Ottawa aand targht at tht Miata tracitg at tht Baetiogtao riait Claub as oieil ot a couple ofiyerc as wttl as ta Miltaon Blank Brampton 2-O show big improvemont Miltaon Ftyerecarrpotit pettatt ai iarti fast sitattog otith tittir hrtt gamie ai tht traraa ta hatit Mtlton coantrt ramtng i Mlark Bramptan Jovnitrt 2-0 tht secoond parioi ai tht taine. Motiay on Tci-Caoty Javner Kirk Gaatiag apooti lthe hockey action En Mittar. cartag o a plap fcrn Ptte McCaig ondi Bill Wilson ati tt oosoactoo fast gat anti anty titrer ratntes latte Boit titrir performaancr mas uc Knoter vathrd it on o pars impcrt ve tort trhrk* effort itout Ras Hall andi Jrery Legoîr. ogoiott Prtoan. With itrlp icram Plyters oil set actiaon goto o soliti tirirse, Ttcry Cota Thacstiay la Arma oat 8 pra., ctgistttrd a thatoat. then arr haut agotott Doanvilît Tht gamne roloreti titrer an Maotiop Pat Palterson wins- Ontarlo sports award Cifton P. (Pot) Patterran ai Nateal foruter reitctt-i-tohiei foc tht Ontario Amateut Hockey Atroation anti forer Esqaesng Cooico anaog 31 people ta tevrtve tyrvial artit front tht Voacth anti Rerreottan Bronvit ai the Drntatta Depoctuent aif Eduatiro tit oreit. Lohor Mintnter Dalton Boîta pcrerted nytotol aooctit ta tht 31 mita, in 1960, matit oitstatiot conritoitonr ta spocts an coaches, maonagrs, officiait and ractive ueuhetr. Amoog titare creinisig tht rpersal omardt mere Toronto Telegromt tports oritr Trti Rrevr andi Lloyd Pertivol. Tht rcievntr otre given o iroueti cittion arnd o opel pin. Tht Otatto Sparts Aohieveuert itorri ptoao ooracrgantreditp thetProvnce ai Ontario and isadiisîeredhpy lthe Ortario Deportuent ai Three clubs ho nored Memhett ai titter horehal teints an Mtlton Oece hanreti thtr teri miter thep creireti lettccn and ncolt itout tht Prtime Mintvtec ai Ontacto, John Roacts. Tht tacaîts anti lrtteer arr celevaot ta tht 1968 reaoa ohmn Pet Wtt, Tyhe and Javertte teout fronu Milton orot tht dtstance andi mat Otario champtonsrips. SPECIAL 1962 Ford Pickup. Two ton. Red and White. i Lic. 2811 OB REDUCED TO ONLY $495. MANYMO"FRON WHICH To WOOSE GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED Etdiavcato ati o rnsyuhad retrttiao ironcit. Sceolît tere peesenceti ta 600 Otaoathietet oho or andiritiroin or meuhrno ai trou, won ao naional or itrnioal vhmptarthip dortag 1968. Tou Gaoct and Jira Eltir uooy diffret maya. tt actas yoa achsance ta oio prre for yoartrti. tt fararaher yoar tragat with atiditioaa optcotiag mooler andilt praritirs rrharahipo ond travelling roptoots for provnial vchampa comptting in the natioaltinals. tt roohîrr yna teohot lnan argaaiet yaath trogor hcee hy sapervisatt arnd oorrstrd hy iosruvtocr, cacher oond tram voptaro it orî hiieep score ondi help ta moitot dirciplitot Bowling in a Y.B.C. reagot otît trovh pao vtocdtvattoo ond gooti fclloorhip. tt mdli inrtitlli yaa tht volar ai goati rpoermoorhip, vomprtttiao, and foie play. tt alto gtver pao the oppataity tearto ont ofiche very fro sportr thot pao van tohe partmi far the cett ai por lii t. anocr howling looer me have fivt tecritoc assrtatst. Jonc Goalti, mha rs a moscet hooler, isvspersroadoalongoahlovJac Goalti iosrcvtv the haolecr. Reg Grap, Joyce Scholte ondi Joan Smitth itelp ta roavh and o ito matheer donote thete time ta help heep roore. They oct on ecellent gtaap ofhooteers anti oct fuIl ai helpial hiets. Mcs. taotti haries the husieass affaita cati uap t toy ste dorsao very gondi job o ait! Loot ptor'r mtmheohip accort Conada ceorhed o record hroh of 38,325 hooleer. Sa if pou hart tht rhightevt otteertin tabowling, coma or art thir Sotcdoyoand jobn tht Y.B.C. Let's tep ta heot larr ytat't record. Vootre mort thon orîrame! Anddathtrr,tif yaae chîtd tirer oirolacelp oothng onaSototdov, getut or lier totecertet in boowling. Yoo'l hie dotag hoth poorelfoond poat rhttti o lot ai gootil Administrotion fret ore anly s1.00 pet ollt. Mr. Chasholm pays tht dtffiec of 50c o hoolce. Tmo gtoesrec plaped Oc 312c o gome ondi t5c vovecr aarti feer. Total chorges amoant to75ve w .k Tht V.B.C. snw el ondtcooy mn tha '69-'70vseaaon. Wethave monpgoodhootelersthr per and thep ail orc datvg o tood jobt. Evrnou ao aagr haolcrs oct datngodahSn ioto th e ai cf hent. Mp jobit j ta show oajort homacou olers art pcatctrvint, va hece ot as Tht htgh douhles ae thtr dote ote on the hontoars; gicr ondi hoys, or have Dean Wocd Glen Eden prepares for winter sports Tht Holtan Regton Co orva tien Aathitt a pceparing tis acean for tetater spor ts ett sitais in tht wJJ teoterstei.F At Keina Consrton Acta 1 there arct aioiitirn foc thiing, shotirg. tohaggansrg anti rotmoitet. Tht Dito Eden Skit proes Acta is lovotei mitii Keino. t festoiesnaT-Bac andJourccope Y U t1 tamr. Titre areranorietp taits W Vg rangtrg frcau 100 fret ta 2,000 iert. Tht tht chalet rs iarattd at tht have ai tht hili. Oraiite ih pattai ace on drîp and ierrarr are ovailohie irt itrrcton at thte tht satanl. Tht ni toter aprate on orehenti rt 10 aum. ta 5 pum. as Wedrrvdap andPctidapunghtifront7 p.m. ta 10 pum. and Wednesdop aftecnoar front 2 pra. ta 4.30 pum. Mruhershipr are anattoitte. Titere ore faioctis orr r rnamahie ot Raitirsoke Point Consecvatiaon Acta and PA T Maanthecg Daur Prtsrcvt. Bacnns Natuce Acta ard 21 Pitesd Campiteirilie Camuaitp Pond THIt OFFER oct irai ir rkotng. cepcene rted cthe Conodion Eqariio ttamn mith mon the gottIl medal in lthe 1968 Oipuptvv at Mexico City. Angelo Cargtian ai Bacliagtan, ~ a Conation ficetyl rtpie mg À vhitona prereoteti t Canada / Damner flot ta Heoith Mmnstec Thouas Weil Tit fia0 repteenîrd tht Céanada Damen ritampanshp mon hp tht Ontacto tcau la Haiain bowimgatig ht3t5, JamesaCratt oith o 307, Mororn Schultz otth a tmtogin 311, Mary Lpaa Pop withoO ao0 nd SharonoGray oih n oven 300. Tho ht0h douhles foc tht junioc hoys and gtir oct: Strot Wlonoithoagretcig 405, Lyno Coolton oirh an aatrtonding 409, Kathy Rata otth a 334, Diane Taitrs huis a 320 ondi Moctlyn Wattrrs mitr a 327. ta the rentot htgh doahles or have Gary Sacton bohligoa344t and Bran Thomron otth a 341. Tht high trotter ta thit date arct ta tht hantants gitr and hayv, Dean Word agoto, haowling a Sti came ai 189, Jouta Canner osth a tome ai 188, Ctiiaed Bran otth o 175, Moclene Schalte ith o ntve 180, anvd 204, Kathp Rarit wtth o 193 and LouiseDavsotthoat97. The seniorc' high singles are vecygaoucd Firs viehve Gary Succon hbohlig an textellent 230, ond thcv Bcton Thomsron th a 194. Thtr oceit tht amactir foc tht doahlesrvhmparshp tere pcceoted ta the minorer. Tht mînorv foc tht hontamt hoys mccc Mthe Ellît and Part Kahtnev and tht Evinneer foc tht girls teve Macy Lyna Fap oand Sheila Wtltatr. Foc tht junor hayv, tht mînneer oece Ceasg Brawn and Gary Sactoo andifor the titls, Loatse Dovir and Kothy Rarit Thcvcetrnownoters for theteios lTORe CRJSPC). cr raiaiiras PAK $4.99 atraaos Psao Crst Chohasn Reg $5.79 11000 MQNDAY, TUErOAY, WEONIESOAY No 7 8Q NLY - odDiei -q. Bowling provides good enterîainment BROWNIE'S SPORT SHOP 198 MAtN ST. 878-4602 MINOR HOCKEY JACKETS 0,r UOW for Gristuus hapa $il. 10 rama $1900 skates shacpttati white yoo wat CC. and BAllER SKATES FIEE TAPE OR PUCE WITH EACH STICK PURCIIASED LTYON AIEA DISTRIITOIR FOR TIRES CY HILSON ENTERPRISE [ID. 32 BRONTE ST. 878-9733 WhoInIe & 1.1.11 FOR PASSENGER CARS *FOR TRUCKS eFOR THE FARM liRE VAIMRS MO 5MLB fi

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