Milton .dges Siades in aill omit slug TROUBLE PROM REFERSES is votiting reclly Releros Vern Buffey signaIs te penalty. lThe Howeerthee ae oher wh arenotas oncrn abut cent for Ed Bush,. Hensilton Redi Wivg Cochit NH L pictare nts posed lore te garne nertei., Honver tiereareotiteswhoareoctcs oncrce abut Linesinen Bob Nyees and Roc Wyehs preparn to Proceesis cf Ste nigitt ment ta, Ste Tedt Hoosi conservation, good itucting habits or being c guud citizen. itecce Bush into te sin bic during c henefit garni und.-IStaif Phtoto) To baun bucticg woutd b.e Su Suite front lthe good huniers teis favori te recreatron ced St duont seent fuir. But fariners ccd sorte bcnteonneec sec it an te only ientac tonsard safely cf their childeen, aimais and pruperty. Tht bue ccd ccy againtt te hiters itas prohably cette been as locd ccd the toit cf finit and gante clubs bus neyer beco as imntortant. To iteep te sport uperaliug in Esquesing, Nassagoweya ccd otite. actas whiete it stîl is cperaticg. cpcrtnnten's clubs arc guing Su have Su prove titeir inertit or tteylI bie kcoching o ctosed doues. Nassugcweyc Coucicillors have ltreclecei Su ban te sport ccxl year, os soon as titey are chic. Trouble is spricgtcg up un Esquessg ccd btefote long delegutions iu liitely b. ntabitg presenînîruns cf Esquesicg Couccil. lThe Halton Assoctationitas lune andltaneagain said tty wuld itetuager SuinteS niitt ucy coucicil acd tep to ficd a cyttey could itetp stagitten o peublent out. Titey are alto nsilling Su itclp faciners in te tinte cf need Su prulect their privaS. prupccly whiere possible. Junt thîs weci tesrt Compitrîlfurd, ove. 15 peuple inere ccugit itunticg illegally. iniit te exception cf one tboy cIl bcd licences tu buint yet noce cf hient could reai te "o butice" sigas. Thts points cut irepocsîitîilty un tht part cf te peopte issuîcg lthe icences. "Non. cf ou. club mentiees hure ever itee lite tit," Arc Coulson assures us. lThe Haltot Sportsnten's Assoctation pluns Su tube tl up initt thiter fedierato, itopicg te situation cachle cecttftcd. Perbapo part cf te ansiner nsould ite for lte coucin s itandi tugedeer ithd fariner and finit ccd gaine clubs Su, force mouresteict Ieidutiot on issuicg licences. Pecitaps niten a fenter ceisis arises fide ccd garne clubsn shoulsi offer asststance tu cocteol te unwanted huniers. This cf course nsould help cuetail te problent acd front te huctee's point cf vie-t it would hcve te cddcd effect cf being aticncted wiîb te fariner. Fenners in cced deould feel freeto Sush. Oct>' titen dues te club huntw cf a prublent. Regardlens cf whtt hacppons in lthe future te.. are surit deftnitc quaccels aganst bucting ccd ucless stepu are taken soon, dhe bocard ccy ill groin oder. Goce arc tht days niten yuu could girait a gan and beusi foc lcinucely dcy cn lte bude. lThe cced for Sigitter legislation is apparent ccd part cf thte cos Su spearbeasi thte legistation mtust faîl on Ste huuniers titeiselves. Jets tie Brampton in midget A nîp ansi Sucit baille sans Jan Scons Jets leasi Bramnpton four tintes cn a Iri-Count>' Mîigel gante bere Monda>'. lThe gante fically rode i n c 4-4 tir. MilIeu coresi fîrt, Brampyton tiesi unîd Milton cent ubrasi again scîting tre pattern for te gainte. Dat. Heipel rappesi lthe OirsI geai honte on a play' freint Richtard Murruay ansi Hugi Marsitall. Marsitall aîststed on te first titter goals cf te gaine. Grg Ciacitracit tiiesi une honte befre Heipel îcored is secondi goal. Iluci Marshall ansi Mackenzie scores two A Insu goal effort ity Scott MacKrvoî and srigles by Kery Kîlitrue and Gary lHunt gave tito Legion Battants tnert lird eso cf tite yer Salutday aftervouc in Milot areca. 'the Barlans bave tittemwnsn, aloss and atir acd scotesi c 4-1 over Preston Saturdo>'. Kitcitets goal caine in lte tesit pmriud ansi gave Mîltuei a I-O Iccd cctli lthe secoosi periosi. Prescn coucted titeir uni>' geai cf te gane aI lte 6.i0 incrk ccd il inos cari> in lte final stacza befote Milles lied lthe gante op agaîn. McKevoîr icoteil te vn a rw fronm Markb G,ý-:ke and Kîlitet and Gary lIuns tapped te fourtb Miltoncgoalîinfont Wayne Munsiruy ansi Dace Robertson. Manager Bdl Ronsney ssid te garine s a gosi une feururicg snany ensi to ensi rushes ccd inus cime cctib Milon reablly camne clive indtedeied peicd. "We'e hcgiinmg bc bock bite a ltird peeiod hockey club," b.e comentei. action Ricit Murray ussisîrd on Heipel's secondi geai cf rthe gaine. Harolsi Merry sceresi Multon's fourtit goal on a prss ftont Pi] Coller, lThe club merîs Coitourg in exhibîtîon action Sunday aS 3 pin. in Milton. Manager Jün Murray saisi lthe gante nsas a gousi dean gante. Il cas a fastlgcntcitesaidccling thte inere or:ly Insu penalties calird wintcis lent fer a isget gante. Ski ARLBERGU COUNTRYO EPOXIGLASS9 ARLBERG SKIS TALK TO h BURT PORTER V OR JERRY LEGATE Fri Eus cr tSi. M ILTON Manne & Sports 25 COMMERCIAL one BInk outh nf Malir Rais. $1,400 Wings just too much Merchants play weII Proceeds front a beneftt gante fcatuing Hamtilton Red Wscgs cf Ste OHA Jr. A. andi Milton Meccitcts Friday ctit cntounted te close le $1,400 inhich it inlibe ducated le Ste led Hood Mentorial Pond. The gante inas erganed b>' lthe Juntor club us titeir deare in rcssing mney for lte fond. led Hood died cn acarecrasht une muctit agu. NHL officiais Vent Buffey, gBob Myers ccd Roc Wicks cefereesi te gane. Wbsle Milton caine eut on te bcd endiofa 94lfinal scoetey itandesinc sentie cf thte best hockey so far ibis yccr. Bode clubs made itecdlocg, rosi te ensi dadees ansi iepl thte 1,200 faons cn uttenderce htappy. About 200 bouit tikets but sud cet attensi. Brooits scorei te first goaleof dhe gaine for Hantilton, bacgicg une htome front, close su after a sceantite at te 1.57 macrktofthte ficst pertud. Miltun's Cites ocit feunsi inself moarine cn on te Hantilton net ail alune but ite appered tubc ervuseelysin te gante ccd bis sitot was a sft Midwacy titrougt te periosi Don Hearns flew nte lte H ailtu enrzoue ansi beat Hamtilton geclît Veser on a bard bigt sit. Foety-six seconds later Gary Hudson fullowrd suit te gite Mitec a 2-1 rosi, lThe Milteu least! nas thefirstand thte oly une cf te gonte. Milton fans wnt nilsi as lthe Metciatncs surpassesi dent cupectattuns. Hamtilton goals b>' Gilbtert cnd Roc Climie put te Wicgs uitcad before lthe end cf tite fîrst periosi Hamiîlton poures it or cn tite second pertosi fiîg feue unansneresi goals, taiîg a 7-2 Rowley scores three goals Roc Renslry paceal Millt Ed's ineldint Per Wees lu an 8-3 wn rivcr Preston iu MilIon Saturiay aftrooo. Ronsley ced titrer geais, tvo i cSthe fiînt acd une rn lthe titird cn Milton cane bort front a 3-2 deficit aI te rosicf Sthe secondi Periot! scurînt six lunes in the final stanro. Paol Sîcrer, Bruce Ellisun, Steve McCuîciteon. Date Turner and Paul Spruatuail scoresisingles in addition le Rentiers bat trickt. Scott Senney assintesi Inice andsi sngle itelpers went to John locelli, Bruce Ellison. Rosi Goesicg. Paul Sproat ansi Steve McCuîciteon. Brantpton vîsils Millt Salurda>' ait 4.45 fer exibition lecd on goals front Gilbt Ryan. Williamts ccd Gary Gealter. Williamsn founsi lthe range ngain cn lthe tiîrd periosi as lthe Wings wnet aiead8-2 and titen9-2on a gea front, Butter Harre' Marty O'Neil ansi Ken Partun casitesi n o n goldeon uppuStonilles clusint lthe gcp te 9-4 laIe in te deird stucea cnd bringint lthe fans te lteir feet encr again. Gary Nayiur assistesi Itice, MarS>' Seesis, Bob Rebsun, Ken Partun, Don Hecens ansi Don Chtuchiinu cit ail ussistesi. Hantilton cutshut Milton 43-3 1. FOQINDIES: Mercitunts playesi teir iest htockey cf te yeae agaicsS o leaco tino divisions better titan ltheiselves. Titey sitîd tarsi, sit inien titey goS Sthe pucit ansi bit bard but dlean. Ken Paton steppesi icte big Bustet Harvey' aI lthe Milton blue lice once, lThe pucit goS titreug ansi Harvey,. althougt sioeds dono a uitIle, gel lthroag as ineil. Anycce else inecis bave iteemoine dece sonsesi den. Harvey' ias one ut lthe inuit imntressive Wtng players. At icteresling peint carne up indiscussion chocS lte NHL Seferres ofler te gante. Titeir calis resulles in sîSelcitea cf play' for Insu or titrer inutes andsinc nterl mre eneraicing gante. THE INGRAM, MODEL 5C321 25" Instant Play' corsolette color TV. Pre-sel VHF fintim îing, front inounrdi speaker, color balancer, precinion crafted VHF tuner, sobisi staSe 2-speesi UHF tuner. Contemporary consolette cabinet initit clean fines. WalnuS grainesi finisit 31 1/16" H (nititlegs), 33 5/8"W, 19 1/4" D. 3 YEAR PICTURE TUBE WADDAIJTV 6d40.95 ORE YEAR FREE SERVICE AT .. Aftec tht.. percds of kncck ont down, drag ami out hockey Milton Merchonts defected Oakvilte Blodes 3-2 in te rougteet , toughsi geme cf thte lisn.Tte sin extended MUton's undefeated etteat ccd sent titem acto finit place al clone in the Western division of the Junior C Suburban loup. Bcth teoms ccrried their sticks bigit in the firit tino peciode of play ccd bit evecy opportunity they bced. The penalties in sthe fiiret wc pericds inece ccnfined tc ocinots seith the exception cf c lO-sosute mascondcct to Tom Daley cf Oalcville. After the finit t0 minutes cf play it secs apparent te big question wcs sehen the lid seould b.e Iifted, cother thon if. It hcppened in tht third pericd ccd neyer ctopped happening. Miltonts defenceman Ken Ponton and Gord Armnstrong Scngted in tht terst cf c seules cf battles in front cf the penalty box. As PacSon exchacged blows seide Armstreongntien the penaty box Gerr Nash cnd Docg Antoine tected eacb eher at te otite. ecd cf Sthe dont. Ail focr combatcctc tcored clean shots at each otite. ccd for titeir efforts received c total cf 20 minutes in the tic bic as inetl as gante suspeccsions for Ncsh ccd Antoine. Befoce te gamei inas completed Bridgman and Ray Chicholce becune engrossed in combat ccd Gary Hudson df Milton and Bob Clarkt of Oaitrille excbanged blonts. Hudson, inhile h. goS ic hic decee of the punches, is iteliered to have been the only one eiith a-ring, fidesg te only sud cf dee finst peeiod. Genry Nash cccisted on de play. The a came on a screenbly secy Bridgc bcd ccored o goal cel ie. that bcd to bie dissalloseed. Eric Auema put Oakville on the score shoot on c partially screened shot cn the second pericd. Aunns sit cccgbt dee cpper coener cf the net. The second pericd ended 2-2 witb thte play getting prcgremively eossgher ccd it s eppceent from dhe stands tbct it woatd only lie c mctter cf time befote dee Saine wsec tuened loto cttee chos ccd ie did in the last peeicd. Titere seere t0i minutes in penatties in that period clonte ccd o total cf 139 minutes dueing dhe Sotne. Milton defencemntc John Gacgne plcyed bis beet hockey cf the yece in dee ntidct cf the ruckus. me bced ititing tect guord crcided the sin bin cli gante ccd oSt the 6.52 mcrk cf the deird period aidestepped the Blade defenie ccd ripped one in fron jcst incide de tade ittueline that caugt dehe corner, potSing Miltoc abeod 2-t. The Merchent leud lestedt for exactly 30 seconds. Tom Chideobo pct Oakville on even footing when be picked cp o boose pcck aS the Merchant biceline and wide Unsseorde at bis merc deked han ccd slipped N.wmark.t Ioop serious inju.>'. Il inas ltougitt its Milton Mercitants atc dhe onby continus boriten. totoin cte Subueban Junior C Keitit Bridgmntc upencd dhe Hockey Leaga. stili andefeated. Honsever their recocd sa nuS as A nyone for glamurous as itntigt sent,as it is marred a littie ity tino titi. badm nto ? lThe Mercitants cee lwo points badm iton? beitind Lindsay and four points Acycre for badinnon? beitind Nensincket in Sthe ceerali Mil iile Sthe sport is nul active in standings. Meciants hart tino Mston or district cigitt cons, any gcines in lsand ove. Lindsay ccd local adoît entitusicsts cao juic tee gaines ix band orer in tite foc titrougt Ste Newmincket. Surctngdale Recreation lThe fulloining ocethde lecgae association cn Ockvslle. lThe standings sncludisg gamns greup. accersbng te pesideot Sucdsy. Mes. Irene Goobie, bas nseckly Thursday cigi ganten aS White lean GP W L T Nemsit ........... 8 7 1 O Oaks Secoudar>' Sciteol witb Lindlsay -. 9 t 2 2 four courts in cction for ltre. Milton....................5 4 0 2 boues eci Titcrsduy evensce. ut Ajx..............5 4 3 t a cuit cf 75 cents' pet nigitt or Oakitc. O6 4 2 0 $5 for theseriesofo ets ..........7 3 t t Attendocce usuully averoges 28 xtsvillc ..............a 6 4 t and t c lot cf foc. Tbucnbtl......... O 8 c 7 t Nightly 7:45 pm, MOHAUVK .except Sunday ExIT3s-HYiOHiwAVOP the psik Into the clpent coerr. Wlt cny dece.s minutes slnoseng on th -led GcTn defeodr ccan d o oe Ken PacSon shgooitooy dent secs pcetly blooltsid buit floclly slosed tu o dribblie ccd sud mc. the lie for the Wide s fece off In dee Milton zone Oakvlle pclled del goale ccd put on the preisur. haut could eont beoat tinseede. The saine tino teos=omet lut n*gt ýb Oasiile but weee ithdoce die services cf Geeey Nash ccd Gaey Hudson froms de Marchtent mtoier ccd Tom Ciiholin, Bob Clark ccd Deug Antoine froi the Ocille club. FOOTNOTES: This gante wsec dee ecugitesi cf the assaon and lefS ont tlslnking cf the gary hoties Meexhonts andi Georgetown ueed tu engage in, ce seos dein tradition for yeea. blercbcct trainer John Poson, sebo is noted as being overly vnciferous juce aout became engaged in sonte cf the violence Su-nday nigbt. Pension bcdl hasa tconting some cf the OCicoille players and while they seoir gesting play ccdewoy ofter the gcne's lut figt one cf de Dinde plcyeec cbcllenged poston and pudeed once befote being pclled oseoy hy hol own tecommotes. MILTON ARENA THURSDAY, Non. 13 Pigue Skating 4:30 .7:30 Pro-Ams 7:45 So 10 pi. FRIDAY, Noi. 14 Janinr Gante 8:30 Bosemanoille va. Miltos SATURDAY, Noir. 15 Pcblic Skating 2 -4 - 25e. Tri-County Hockey 6 - Public Skating 8:30 - 10:30 -Soc SUNDAY, Noe. 18 Tri-Cocnty B Gopi 3 p.m.. tu 7 en.. MONDAY, Ne. 17. Monday Nitees 4:30.-8 Tri-County A Clubs 75 lO 1:30 pi. TUESDAY, Ne. 18 Figure Skating 4:30 -7:30 Pro-Ans 7:45 WEDNEBDAY, Nos. 18 Adit & prs-scol2 -4 - 25c and 1SOe M M.H.A. - Moine Leago. 5:308- -~:~ IBUY NOW ON EASY BUDGET TERMS-OR USE VOUA CHARGEX RICHARDSON'S 201 MAIN ST. 878-6949 à IL