Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Oct 1969, p. 8

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aras sevave Cc DCCI E55STE are, sever. Duel nsrewu Wedns.dsy, Odober 25. 1969 ala olema Den ..-.-r aval ..anRTT oa C la PERSOMAL @MM etsui or deoi - loin aes VA" Omo a~eBerbewm, ia- dap evsssl, 8 pia, et Trahi- goP0sonfseclEs Har- -.1M 875195T 1e 16 SERVICES '11 FNNE-aaa CARPENTRY K & R Lumbers Genera m00reetieg reseba eilieg, aiterellees, sec. rotent trisn .crk etc MILTON 870.9927 ACTON 8ç333 160't Boat and Motor Storage Service and Repairs * Tzoiler parking and repaire * Wheel bearing service FRASER'S MARINE AND CAMPING CENTRE 1249 OUELIH LIME 637-5288 16c2i PACONI Dead Stock Removal LINMT Higheet cash peigne fer dead et dleabledl cows and homes CAL!. OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Uce. No. 103C69 United Masonry Brick - Block Stone Work CALL ROCKWOOD 856-9957 aler 5 P.m. 16c20 HOME DESIGN & DRAWING GENERAL BUILDING CONIORACTOR Rnmndellieg mnd Repaire. Qsaanleed workmanubip. Gerry do Wiîdl RA. . Mailtn. 878-3534 OAK VILLE EQUINE STABLES Special Winter raes nase Noin as egulatien juospes & seerk ring Prefessional riding instractions 4 fret lessons te eacb nom hourder Phono: 878-3200 lic-Il Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHOME 878488 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Martia Stest Servicesanmd Repaies on ail malteis et eewing machines. 16e-tf ED. McMULLEN fonlreetor a Coeet Floem., Sldeweika & e Chlmany & Plusteries Repaies G Seenno Watt e Firepiaces Phono Acton 853-1818 16r54 H. L. StuII Excavoting R. R. 5,MILTON Cail Milton 878-9360 Georgetown 877-3840 ML TOUR DIOOINO EUIREMENTS "No Job Ton Big or Too Seal" 16b-tf Kent Precast Products Sidewalk and Patio Siebo Chimney Caps Curbing, any acte Cernent Flouo mnd Sloops a sIIneiIfy Phone ACTON 853-1013 853-1747 25 1igsny, 2 miles soute nf Antan lb" 0f SOLVE pour 80* Wealed -mu bp ut ails 57856 -MO as.adwes IdOR7SIAOE FONDS. Ist mnd Zed available, residntal; coin- setvial, aise merogagees pur- chased. Cali Olen Dmzey, Oukasca Really Investimeetu, Oakville, 827-5713 anyliene. 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2ed & 3rd MORTGAG5S Arranged ie she onveaience cOf pouir home. Lose cest. Tu cmn cal toi 10 p.m. loday for bellifsai, courte- crsservice. 'Prompt Investirent Cerp. Lld.. 62 Richmend SL. W., Toronto. 366-9586 EVGS. 239-4913 161c26 17 REAL ESTATE Private Sale Spacious custome built 3,bed- roote home, on quiet court. - Aîtacbed dotible garage. - Sueiten, red woed Parelled living zoo ith flour te, ceil- ion stone fireptuce. - Large, brigbi kitchen bath separale dining erea. - Master bedrm bas hailt ie vunity. Double Siiku in bathroomn. - Fieisbed busemeet bath punelled dIen and seasitreete. -Macy entras including drapes and bmuadleose. 6 per cent morgage. Phono 878-2433 17c22 1 ACRE - HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 6-rmoseo li-stemey home, nestlnd atoong fruit tres, 17'pmnel- lest diniajg muse. perfeci for lfaseily enîertainint. aîtached aragt. Asking OnIy $26,500. CML Mrs. Annette Chuchmach Milton representalive ci. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER 878-2051 17c26 Acton Retirement Home 3-liedroo brickt bungalow, den and partrecroom in base- ment, laodscaped lot, itandy location. 165 menithly pays esc seostgage of oely S8,200 aI 64% inîluding taxes. Oued buyer's salue ut $23.500. Builder's Beautiful Bungalow Brand nom 3 - bectreese homne wcîtt separaîn dining zoom, family size kilcite., tceed lot near laite. Reduced ta $26,6W0 scîit terses. JACK HOLMES REALTOR ACTrON 519 - 853-1650 17c26 Member of Oukoîlle Real Estale Bloard 4 Bedroom Special î17,500, 63/i%, tirsl rogage On tbis oe. 22 year term. Friced Io sel], $29,900. Must Seil 3-bedroces buntulowe siluated je Ouitville, large lot. Try your dlowcn payesent. tmseed- iaIe possession. Listings Needed Cdiin ilos arn, oe Mr. NEAL 877-9511 10B Merlin St. 17c26 FIND The wap toiexntre eaah by seling items o longer le ue wltb a friendlp Champ- ion CImuifle AL WATE HAULAGE ELVIN COWAN Phone 878-4898 16c27 "EASY LIVING" No strchieng tises, o marins moIns Jeast ieaneOsa eeesny liv- in l 3-bedrwmn brick bungalowe seth oves one - haO act etlmad. Il lat ail possible fer eoly 834,0 mnd chat's more, yms could derive un lanme Drom the baismenat ap- ertesent or use it ter langer famliy living. Regardias lot- S-es - there le a waaser, dryer, 2 etoedfg. Md ail the drapesi. CAIL HELEN BURNS AND SEE FOR YOURSELF We have many clients wanting homes and property in the Milton ares, please caîl HELEN BURNS - 878-3997 or our Oakvilîe office 844-1080 PARSONS - TAYLOR LTD. REALTORS llmbere et Outtille and Mlssesegla Resl Esatee Boerde 17c26 95Santes ef beauliful mature bush mnd mîlling trae - fmontedl grase- lands, Dounting on 2 madls, am ient for future develop- ment, clone te, Hsey. 401 et Campbelville. Owner auku 51,100 par acre. Hall cease eeeded. 88,300 cash for tts pretty taved lot, celm 10 CnmpbeRvvlSe, le INDUSTRIA-L SITE - 1.89 acre industrie aile bath 20V- Osonteège geod vaIne. I acre of sloping haïf-clenred, lmnd la un ida on main thomtaghfare la the toan of Miton. IdonI for site for thal spt-level home of your drea. tenait hadutry. Asing $5,000 bath gond terse. 83 atme et gently sleiplng lmnd weuld mate a perfec site fer fut- ure devedopment. Pareel includes npring fedt pon5d Md We are pîeased ta announce that Mr. J. M. Ledwith several gaed potentiel pond lecetiom.i nu well un semee seenden amneage. Osener aske S1,00 per acre bath hallf has joîned our staff. Please see announcement Rackwood ia the location et tis vent attractive 2-bedrece bsseg- alose. The smaIlest ronm in 12' Mn13md tba besmamî. fally inouleted. ready fur pmrelling. Necly deouratad mnd bath inesive electric tieat, tis beautiful bomne le neel- ted ut tee loot rf a biul among Ore. Weil kept lavent; ad aetaehed garage give thin tise look of a large home. Fenll prise 53,000 bath three-flftits cash. $7,000 on the Guelph Uàne near Brookville, we bave 1 reeain- ing single acre lot. Weil dreined mrd baith quality homes adjacent, thin ont te close te public echeol mnd just a kew seinutes frees Hwy. 401. Termas. BOY Your Land Now - Buiîd Your Home Later H. KEITH Lii). REALTOR Local Rep. JOHN L. NEWBOLD, Campbeîîviîîe 854-9968 878-3888 17c2el REALTOR PAYMENTS WON'T "HAUNT" YOU WITH AN INCOME HOME Come al mnd on tibis gtod income pzoporty sesth dtie spaclous 3-bedroues main flussc for pour ioing pleasure mnd semdy income Drom 2sd fleer seIf-contained. apartesent. Osener bas hemn Iransferred amd must Loave this area. Litchen. bas nese built-in cuphourds and baîbroote la cotepletely nom mnd fiî.ished in cemumic; tile. Den't miss tis bargala. Reduced fùm quicit sale, 524,900. Ifere is a aise place Vo ive and a gonid lacame fhem tise upsaeirs sell-contaissed apartsenl. Each fleer bas 2 bedrotes , living mut, dinieg area. hothmoom mnd ilhen. Centrall locatei, an exceplionally nice teed lot. This neat wehite frzon 2-stcrey -home is la gond repaie bath, alumnium storme and sereens througheul. A good selid home mnd sleudy income. The price ie 527,900. CaIl Autrui md Amcie Caires 8780. A REAL FAMILY "TREAT" WITH NO HIDDEN "TRICKS" Wntil censtzoctedl zog brick bungalow, but by stllable butîder 5 years ega. CanslIss af 3 mmnmy bedzooms, large living ut bath Stone fireplace, dlleing area, fanily shoe kit- chen. batitmom with vaeity mnd shoonr ecren. lots of tupheoards mnd ciosels, beautihal recreation muse. Titis is a betier castote bacît home mnd must hoe som te, ho appmeciatnd. Large hall acre loi seiith berries and Some fruit irees Price 520,00f. Smart wehite brick bungalow le the village et Ritbride. Han 3 bied. rmss hotbmuse, gond laesily Intchen andi large beighl living muse. extra bedt-tem la hoseseent. Situatei on large lreed loi, vent cenomnient te achool. Osener must seIl. Frite 825,000. Cuit Anna mnd Archie Cairns 878.980. DON'T PUT HER IN A PUMPKIN SHELL Consider Ibis neat 2-bedzoom bungalow. just right fer a retiring ospif or a poung couple slarting eut. Itetaculatey dlem bath nese broadtoum andi geond ile fliciro, nom gas lureuce, beaulifut lot mnd garage. Prits 120.500. CatI Anatn and Archie Caires 870-6900. BUILDING LOTS Cboice building loI, I acre, convenient te 401 and O.E.W. Higit ways. Frite $53,000. North Burlinglon bailding site, I acre. Peste 55,500. Cui Anna andi Amcie Cairns 878-6980. on Page 3 Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Milton 878-4118 or 878-4119 17a26 56 TSARS'CONTINUOIJS SERVICE Member of the Toronto, Ontamualoid Oakvlille - Trafalgar Rea Efftalte acardo Now. s the Tîme ta Buy Your Home in the Country ESQUESING - 4th Une, duplex, 2 ynars oId, 2-bedenes aplait- ment 4-car garage, on 2 acren of la"d Price 841,000. Mate an offer. Denvl Lawrence 878-9543. ESOOJESING Bth LINE, 2 miles norols ef Georgetown, 4 bedm00m eplit level kitchen-dining area livmng tuen, stone fieeplace, fininhed faesily room, 4 P. B. Double attachaed garage Price $32,800 M.!. S. Deezil Lawerence 878-9543. HORNBY - (9th Une, Oek), Beautiftil 4-t,edroomt homne kit. chen. dining roem. spacioue living ren, rec. mont, double garage, tuai shted, on 2 actes ef land. 135,000. Own- e Ill takte back first mertzuge. Textens te bue arrueged. FOR THE HORSE FANCIER - Wenil bejît old fates hseme, on 3 acres of land with large bure, 1 mile north of Palere. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - Lovely eIder brick home, on one of the nice eteeîs in Milton, close te doseelown. It coniains a spacieus kitchon, dining zoomn wilb fireplace assd large living roues witb a besuliful fomet bail and winding esair- case, 4 bedroutes, 4-piene haals, brick garage, on a large teell treed lot. Make offer. Dennil Lawerence 878-9543. LOTS and ACREAGES 2 jets in Rilbride, 150' o 425'.. $8,50 mch. 2 lets en Ne. 5 Sideroud, Naseagaweya. $7,000 each. 10 acres near Milton. $2M.000. 2ki acres. No. 5 Hsny. eerth of Dundas. $10,000. ESQUESING 3rd LINE near Milton, lo 125 e 220. Price SM00. Ileezil Lawrtence 870-9543. Listings and sale et aIl types of pmoperty wlll reeive our personal prompt attention. DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 845-4267 Meser of lthe Oubville Real Estate Bourd GLADYS RICHARDSON 434 RINGSLEIGH COURT - 878-2M7 17c26 REAL ESTATE MANAGERS and SALESMEN Oulotandieg oppertunily for show in the Real Estate pmfre. Sien te advmnce le, manageral positions, OR 1er thse coatempluing entering the Real Estate fild, thia la e S-e seelceme Mr%. Saus Zillo te aur sales staff an representatie enIlig nom challenge tai serve lte public mnd Set paid top moaep ef ose of Onlanions eider and ment reliable compner t for doing it. reat estale - Oibsen Wiloughby Lîni. 1 tLe us tulfill yoor nestential wsith cr 69 vearsof eweeese GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED Represenfatives Anna and Archie Cairns 340 Main Street E, Milton Phone 878-6980 Kenneth Spence R.R. 3, Milles 878-4615 Mrs. Susan Zilia 160 MiII St., Milton 878-4546 big adverlising, prospectmad reerral sylem, bonus plan mnd REALTORS SOLD de WARSs - Red brick bungalese cith single, c«ar ttachedt garlage, en a emepat mnd viel Isndscaeile lot seatlag Assend stesabbeyfnt tisteildntof et eek Looaesd clee le stheolis mdt elsoppltsg faclltes, la a vel etablislssd nelghborheod Thia 3.bediums home bas a seodem lot for Youneg seodeers, Aaklag aMpy 523,300 HOME ON THE PARK - Smart 3-edmute splli-level home seith epseleas kitelsen mnd dening rm combhsetlea, farge lv- kng m seakleg a citeeree cestre fer nventdy op ipy living, dry baisemn year round. Idont tor recreation muse. Carpeet *i doublesn e rainy day play atm, Large, patio et me a park ae. Asktng 823,900. Tentes available, FRIVACT PLUS - Nmsled en lovelly, Iree baedered comer lest la titis brick bunsgalowc onsistinig af 3 bedmuenis, kitchent voiie the sehole teselty tan ait doses mnd ont tngether. Uiving rs esieSed -te show ymar funlishiaga ta best advastege, 4 plece bath, ful dlrlded basuent bath tac- retias mese., a garage for 2 ig cee, plus ail the, is tenlo ett., yeu osen. Perfect for a family seekirig a prime -location et a reelletit ptmce. Asklng 527,300. IT'S A -BUT - Inaun atm that radiales Use friendâlneen of hippy Yenng faseilles le linis weil kept 34bedmom hume viitti 12' a 12' kitehen, 4-plece bath mnd living muse Seseil enaugn -ta mare tee eaaity mnd large enough Ion nessoenePtt baisement bath retronlien muse plus den . 4th =eesse Tou'ra lucky pou man ame 6 par malt mertgage dent cernes tee 8103 per mente PIT. Asking 526,900. INCOME HOME Large eIder home, bas bien oeverted te 3 aelf-contaShd spart- mente In doantown aiea, Gooni inocule. Excelent eMe cen bu arnmged. Owner wiOl teks bantr 1 monsg. 4 BEDROOMS - MILTON Tis tovely ail electrin homle bas bien roedn in prie M oea- ers bave bougbî. 4 large bedroeme. ail with double cl- Ibms closets. kiteben, dining zom and living zoom, large family zoom with walt.out te back geeden, 4-pist bath witb extra wseaurones, beautfsillp lendaneped, within walklag distance of deentosenmd sehools. Prinet WA300 seils good terme. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Lovely 31-bedzoom bueglow,. sltuateed on nmcely londecapei hat, scithin walking distance of downtown. This home le bu. maculate mnd Stas mmy extrea wscd include lSntld rec. zoom, entra waelszom, 412e bedmeen, attae«ni gar age etc. Osener bas huan transferred and peine bus hemu meduced se 5,30. Excellmn termes cm bi arrangd& BUILDING LOTS Speyaide, 2 acres. 513,500. Honnby, I acre. 112,00. STELLA PARTON - Milton 878-6705 Seil Rural Real Estate The Proven PAUL S. STARR Way TIiese edvantages heîp YOU make BIG MON EV 1. Pree Real ilalate Scisool, 2. Our owe ftly illustrated nesepaper pubisheni monthiy. 3. Estensve advertisng programeme ia oiver 40 Ceaein and U.S. papoes 4. A Morîgage Officer to arrange finencing on yoastsms. 5. An Adverlising Depertament lei enelet y00 wlih aespipe advertising, speclal brochures mnd mailing pionnes. 6. Our moss aigni departmenft to maheanmd nrint special i egu sehen eeded. 7. Many wailing boyers pius wws leada comsee la daily. 8. Guldance and belpi fromt Mansagement with yeneo eer ience in Real Esaiue. 9. Excel-lent comemission Spit telp Yeu reucit exectative Deseaed for aIl types cf tome asd country real estate bseareings faut uni a prentige position la ymcr cosematy. acter bees greater Represent lthe mmsL recpocted sace la Roui CALI. OR WRITE S. R. PASTERNAK GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED, Realtor TOWN AND COUNTRT DIVISION 46 Eglinton Ave. East, Toronto 315 Telephone: (416) 487-8161 ertien, Cash la on chils gokien opportesahy by plseahsg on senttig todep fur a ceafidontiali nterview. Mr. TOM MONTGOMERY PAUL S. STARR & CO, LTD. 173 Wooîwich St., Guelph Phone 824-5054 libZI j 17 M&ALESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE Christie &Woods Risal BatisteLhelied I A 189 Main St., Milton Wa ed 0ta 0Ac s JUST LISTED thv8wlth Homea s- 124j54 fssI peine, 3 - bedronen 1 aeaclient wantlnga Sn 'brick bungalowr, livizsg noue tnt homne selA enrae wlithl epareta ~ .~- 10 mile of Milteo. 3tedmoom "P" "'Sheuse in sood condition e- kileben with natua cu qulred. Water and a bhen on boars-do Mei dacu ent eIn roperty la a enst. Early seaped lot and paved drive. P 0nlepu Terme. I= I lsieyu If poe bave stade prnperty, Incarne Property pIonne col: 32,000 MeI peine lam"e2torep brick, aider typse home, non- ANNE CHUCHMACH verted leto 2 8-zoom spat. 878-3432 mente, each wslh lisa or Bramepton office 451410. heating unit. Aekleg S1OjO17c2 down payeseno. l~ COUNTIRY HOME 20 AUCTION SALES I5230 feil prine, 3 betlemm Strict aplit-level and il g ý Hasolwood fiente througenet For Comploe escept kitehen and bath AutnSslo whicls are dite. Trans at roe uto Sevc cet lot. Ternie. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN 827,9W lfuIt prion, brand onew 3. AUCTIONOU& bedmees brick bueglow, o. ao ,ml ye ehaped living and S" r a Wu zom. fireplace, kllchen t Bigeor »aiU. 1l do thernsl. naturel esiptoards, 4 - plae Salue condunted ayaye. bath and Sýplee voshesee, ail eaturat we<sâwont, ff Tel. 878-2576 basomeel, oitueted on ba* R.. 3, Milto. Use. acte lot. Termes. ____0b__________ M3,000. full prein e drci brick bungalow, L-shaped liv- Ward Brownnidge ciran d ding rnSm, kitdeen Lâeased Aauttisone wits modern atisorite oup- boerd, 41fiece beth, leuadey Pestia - 0.dveitod Yom. 2-car garage Oeil base- FumituOsre Sais ment. R. R. 2, GEORGETOV4. ACREAGE Phone 878-6730 44 acres. Asking 568O0. -ftt 20 acres. Asking S14,00. 42 acres, partly clenried and v NY HO K S iravet pit. Auklng 542,00. IN "H K 10 acres, paved! madl. Asking LMOENSMH sIOCMiNDE 011,000. 20 acres, 4bledreoml older type Phone 878-2657 home, atl ceevenennes, bite 20*4É and ether buldings. Aatlng $5,000. Terme. Tesar message remises lund- sede of relidents and reades CAIL whmnyessplacelit la Champion 878-2095 878-6057 n,-enî. juet i" oemmSl. I e.m~5 9 % Ck"- Chwnpbn, Wednu*y, OCWM 29 , 19».

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