CHAMPMO 'CLASSIFID ADS DRING QUICK RESULTS numsgwr - Mr. and Mm. Don rele oeShdi) ci IL R. 2 bOStnir plS.sed mOan jnom ce the birlin a! fseïe deg- ter, Kimbetiy Susain, weiilbo0 il Fos., 15 on., ai Milton Distrit HOospital on Octotte 26, 1969- Finsi grindctsld for Mr. and M-- Willim K. Shields. HOSULTON - W. and Mca, Willim ELamilton f nec Ma 0 t 301 Rlmmood Cme., Mi- ton, ire pleased to nnalBlce the blrth of lisoir son, John Wil- liam, weeht t Ibe., 10 tes., Bt ý1 Milton Distriet HOospital on1 PUMRNBO - Mr. and Mis. Jeus Pedersen of 72 Murtin St., Milton, ire pleaatd to on- noance thse birtit cd their son, Steven James, wttght 7 Ibe., 7 0)0,, i Milton District Hospit- al on Ocldlier 22, 1969. A liltle brother for Pai ST»aKtE - Me. and Mes, Le- on Stictle f nee Smith) et 263 Ontario &t. N., ApI. 102, are pleased te announce the birtis 6f lteir dasighter, Christine Bl- les, wtlght 8 )bs., 1 oz., at Miton Disrlet Htospital on Otc- toiser 22, 1969. A baby snoter for Jayne. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. mnd Mes. John Vincent Soonomiti of failton Neegts soish tn, announce the engage- ment GÉ theOr daughter, Sus- arme, t0 James Lotir of Med- icie -Mat, Abera. Mr, and Mm., George A. -Bal- ley of Hornby wlîh to aenounict the engagemsent cf their eldeit grdaughter, Laurel Cathnr- ibasr, n or Dommnviem, to Mir. Stanley R. Wlhite of OaS.- ville, son of Mmi, Nan Milte mnd te 1elle S, R. White. Mae- rioge to tite place al Bathel United Churca rul1emltli, Sît- COMINO MARRIAGES LEE - JOUE9O9 - Mm. mnd Mes. Ted Jonamra o! 136 On- tario St., Milton, are plmesd to anoouoce te forticosing mirriage al their daugister, At- ice, 10 Mm. Bruce Lee, son of Me. mnd Mes. -Bruce Lee of Mil- toi, The weddint to tate place - , on Sattardiy, Narember t, 1969, in St. Paul's Dnited ChurcliaM 6 oclocti. DEATHS AYTON, Margaret Clivin - At Joseph Brant Memnomial Hos- pitl, on Sanarday, October 25, 1969, Margarel Otivia Smaîl. be- loved m1Oe of James Ayton, R.R. 3, Campbetiville; dear mnoter ce Mrs. Bruce Coverdale (Tel- mu), RR. 3, Camithelliltle; dear lister 0f Mmi. Ear'i Clue- ston (Clama), RER. t, Freetton; Pulnh Mml. Eottie Philiips, Gat Jc mail, Campbell- -o r va ville' F rank. Smali, Moffat; Mrs. William0 PicketI (Jlmie), Camptielivilte and Mms. Fraser Hardy, predeceased; deargrand- mother of bOrs. Don Haint IJon, Burliogton mnd Mrs. Ru- tene Coalter (Margaret), Camp- -betivitie; dear great grandmoth- er, 0f Donnie and Rinsmie. Foneral service was heMd on T ,sdy tntertnetlt in Bathel tcceetery. Donations in Bethet Ohorcli Cetsetery Fund would be apprcbated. jL*NTZ, Berthia - On Tliorsday, jOctober 23, 1969, peacelfîllY. in hem 9lst year, at Italton Cen- j- tennial Manor, Berthia Lantz, beioved m.om0 George H. Lanîz, aisd dear moter col CIa- ra (Mml. Stanley Coy3 of Wil- toondate; Marie (Mmi. Harold Sutctifle) 0f StClair, Michigan; tIsal -IMrs. Ray Gordon) 0f Wilowd.le, Stuart of Guelpli, Orace (Mm. Ross Roberison) Of Milton, mnd tise lte Doris Lantz; sister 0f the lte Charl- es, Mrs. -Mima -Miler and Mmi. Lenie Van Norman. -Funerai îersice ws ld aI te Rumiley - Funt- - rsl Home, Acton. on SaturdaY at 2.50 p.m toteroient Fair- view cemeteiT, Acbul, b i0OINMAIN, Stella - At Hal- ton Centennial Manor on Thonday, Oclolter 23, 1969, Steis hountgin. daublem 0f te linte Hannah and Alihtml Mouotai. - Pneral setvice mas hetd on Sntoeday aI the OdfKernie Pun- eri Home. Interment in Ever- green cemeters, Msilton. CARDS 0F THANKS For the .mmY hund and thoughful enpressions of sym- pathy showtl to us in 0lany may. i the passhmt of our dear mther, one lsealfnlt Ilinkts, Oar appreciation and thns bo Rev. A. H. MaKenzie, lte Ruintey à- Simatier Pittll Home mdiMr. Alla and ble staff aI Malton Centennil Mal"e 6m264192 Thse Lat amOs. CARO$ 0F THANKS I would 116e to, th-S. my friands mnd relatives for carda and nusits whlle I a min le o- pitl. ITionts tao thenureses fW Ibeir khsdness and m, Dr. Woe- rail, Dr. Legate mnd Dr. MciCut- elteon. c2641936 Mes, Rndoy Morlon. I mlsh 10 tirant; te nmring ntaff and De. Koilownhl for te cere t recelved mhile a patient at Milton District Hospital. I iea weish to Ihanti my tr'ends, neloighon and staf if Matton Manor for their tributes aid idness. .26-1922 Marilyn PhIillips. l wosald tiS.e in tilani Milton Legion Ladies' Aunutiaso Bemeti 136 for flonsers, aino Eveing Star Rebetats Lodge, Dr. Mc- Cuecheon, Dr. Legale. mnizi staff and in tase Weho sent me get-mei carde while I wns a patient i Millon Hospital. .0611966 -Edith Patterson. I would Ohme 10 express my appreciotion to frienda, neigh -bers mnd asaociaîes for cards, gtsn flomers and visils rceoi- ecd wle I mas a patient aI Mil- ton District Hospitel, atmo sin- coco îhanto to Dr. MacKay, nie- se. and staff cif the habpitat. c26l2002 Dive Best. I mist ta, express sincere linsitnt friondi, neigsbori and relalives for the ttoywers, cards and mnny acti cif tind- cois durint my stay in Milton District Ho9P-taL. A sptcial Ihaits 10 Dr. hafRay mn'd the nurses and staff,. Marjorie Hitssn, C-26,1919 _Te famly 0f tise late Gor- don Hill sincemely thank their many friends, relatives and neiglésors for te floral trili- uten, carda 0f syoopathy mnd mnny acts 0f tindness duming eheir nad bereavemefit. Speciai Ihaiba to Dr. AiS.enhead, Rev. Fonter. Canon Maso, tlie pail- bearers and the MoKersie Fun- erat Home. Marion Null and Pambly. .2&-1929 UN MEM IAU BlEt) - In lovbng mentory i a ctear haiband, Oscar O. R., soho passed amay October 27. 1968. Wioghisg today as t svislid be- lte, Wje ýksuld havé. n5g4. MM SI fem years more, Witb sulent thooglit and deep megret, Loving mnemorbes I mili nerer forget. .26-1925 Loving mite Janie. pLJMOtJR -In lovi1gt5emoY 0f 105 tear mother, Annie, onho passedl amay Ortober 31, 1966. At home, on tlie beaotifol s 0f 00f, By thie valiey 0f rest so faim. Somte day. sormc lime, whlen 105 past is donc, God willin-g. I nliaii meet my mother Iliere. Sadiy missed and aimays me- men3bered S'y daughter Isabe1. C26-1 AN NIVERSA RIES Congratliationts to Mm. and Mrs. J. w. Cragg, 422 Wood- ward. hilton, on Ilicir 4916 Wedding Anniversamy, Wedises- day. Ortlbaer 29, framn the fam- upy. c26-1968 COMING EVENTS Bingo Saines evry Monday at g p.m.. Holy Rosamy Farbîli -Hall, Milton. .24-1742-if Rouchre, Bayoe Commanits Centre. Friday, ocloe c,3119, aI 8.30 p.m. Admissiaon SOc. -Lad- les please pravde. c26-lif9 A.C.W. af Orace Ohorcli invite 500 10 the Hoiiy Tea and Mini Bazaar an Satumday. December 6,frorn2 tc, 5p.m., inthe Par- bsh Hait. c 26-1946 35azaar bc lie ldaINl creot Uobted Ohiorcli. Horeby, os Satumday, Novcmber 816, from 2 10 5. Bate sale and af- temnion sr. c26-1930 Turliey Sapper., Sa.turday, November 8, 1969, St. George's Aoglican Cliamali L»mille. Ser- nings: 5.30 0.10. 10 7,30 p.n. Ad- ulîs $1 73, studeists 6-1-2 peors, $1.00; rhbldren nder 6 yeans, free. .27-1834 Travet and Adveotore Serieo. The secand in tle 1969-70 ser- Oes of travelagueis ovili ho p rcs- ented on the O.S.D. aa.ditarom on1 Tiaesday. Novconimm 416, aI 8.00 p.m. Robert Brower mitI give a sisid presentaliOn 0f - Sceiic dontrica., uoing three screen and -far prajectors. These Rotaey Clus sponiared. programs miii continue on Jan- uaey 6, Feisruary 3, Mareh 3 andt April 7. Season tokaies, eond for sin admissioans, rnay hae otîaimd fro sony Mdilton Rotarien. Adults 56.00; atudenta $2.50. .261918 COUING EVEITS , Chrlulmas = t Pegam1 e pre- seflted by utdns8 te Ont- ario School for the Dent le their main auditorium, Friday, Den, 12 and Wednesdiy, Dec, 17, an 8 pan, - %-1961 "histmas aIth Country store, Banoar, Monos UJnited chureh, Sinth Lin ai Dundas Stmy., Saturday, Novemhber 1, fromt 2 to 5 pas. Ho0me made haS.lng, basaI made sif lu, tea 35 cents. Rveeyone melconse. c26-1841 Coine and have afternoon tea ini a Persian Msarket, Saturday, Noveniber 1, frram ý1.8 pasi. M 4.30 p.m., St, P1aul% United Churcb Annual Bazaar. Aprois, cndy, bakii, CitasandOt variety booth, Barite doi cIa- l6es, fiait pond. CR&-1650 i FOR SALE LARG88E dresser, 5 drawers. 878-f9249 1.26-1978 BLkBY carniage, like nem, Phone 844-6384. lc26-187l I SINV3LE garage door. Apr ply 873-3X85 afler 6. tic2&1-l9 BILUE winter coal, nete, pet- ite sim 9. 878-485 afler 4.30. 1c26-1961 2 - 010,CR chestecfId auite, Reasonalble condlition. 8-253. 1c26-1937 MdCLAîRY meinger wanher. gond condition. 8.%-2203 afler 6. 1c264986 21 EES- LEJCTBIC TV - in gond ruomns order. 8M6 20«4. 1.26-1973 2 LAItOES' pile tined jankets. 1 reversi-ble. Bolli site 16. $15. each. 8789529 aller 5. 1c2(Y192$ OIRL9S cmlt, for cottar; also plaid winter jachet, site 10. Bolli 166e nen. 8782704. lc26-1972 ADýDINO MsACHINES, type- meiters for sale or retl. Phtone 878-6962, Hareris Stationi- ery. lo-4-17 "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" * RRADY-fotX CONCETE *SEWRR PIPFR, RTC. for Mailton mOstomers. We have a waréhouse at 3547 25 Mmwy. aI Burnhamithoepe Rond - PHONR 827-1087 Daity - ex. Sundny MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIAIS LTD, le-tf Demonstrator S -A -L- E 5 ONLY DeLuxe 30"1 WESTINGHOUSE Electric Ranges In Oood Condition 400/ OFF GOO'.#-NDLET 1S HARDWARE GEORGETOWN 877-2551 11>18 TV TOWER SALE 30'toscer imstalled soill ail chaes- oct head t62.50. 40' tomer inntatted willi ail chan- nel heod $76-50. 50, tomer installed mitlf n o- nel head $9128. Esîr-a headi (for second TV set). Instatled $20,00. F.M9 î terec, head. Imtnlled $20.00. 15 claetolr head. ImitalleO $4,95. Automnatir rober. Installed $69."5. Repairs 0f att types. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 201 Main Street Bist MILTON Phone 878-949 16-ti 1 FOR SALE FIREWOOD - Mixed sot- wood and haedwood ends. S. a lead delivered, Phone 87& 3881. 1c381933 PERSONALIZBD elatinery, 100 sibets plus envagQpoes a low as 13.40 et- thme C opo Office. c84 $75., LADIES' pentessional figure sIates for $38, aise 5, us- ed 1 year. Phone 87&-M2 after S p.m. -1c26-189 t A$lMOlîittR hue - green, le encollent condition, 940; 2 port- ale radiant heaters, nenrly nervi, 118 each. 878-9781. lc26,1975 BABY C26IB and maîtres.;I U.oyd stroller; snow suit, aiqua, size 14 mos. Ail in gond candi- tioa. Phione 878-9449 aller 4. 1c26-1944 PYiAIMID 13' trailer, encel- lent condition, bel and cotd wa- tee, toilet and basin, 3 - borner gai suive, gas frig., sioti, steeps 4. 11,600. 878-2247, 1c26-1921 YOD WILL LIRE haying yoor boilding materiîls mnd coal i Craterd's CampbeUlvtlte. OuhIh sereice. 101gb qualily. Phone Campbeltville 8%42232. lctg-416 MAPS cd Militon ishomng lte nete heandaries whict muot et- foct Janmary 1. Sigle copies, 24e and le tan at The Champion office, 191 Main St., ltont. 10401940 'A.LL coins bought and nold at Coin Dept.. Trio Smoke and Hohby, Stopedale flam, Oak- ville. Open dally, 10 arn. 10 9 p.w.: Rolomdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.rn. 527-4211. c1833-tf LARGR glossy peints of Cana- dian Champion staff photos, 5 x 7 site $1.00, 6.x 10 size 81.S0Oplus to. Cash malt nccompaiy or- der. Rnqsire nom aI Champion office, 191 Main St,, Milton.. DARD Otriture of aIl kinds, cheots, dressers. dining sels; good setection of stoves, refrig- era..orsand wnger washers; nom and osed heds. We also bsoy fond osed furniture. John- son -Furailore and Applionce Rnchiange, Office & Shiow Ronrn, 160 Main St., plione 87871. Large marehouse stocki, 2278 Ni- pissitat Rd. Open evety night a,îtil 9. 1r0717-tf 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE APPLES, McIntosli, Cortland, Delicioos, Oreeîingo, Spys, Fan- cy and Cee grades. Cider mnd potatoes. Bring containers. Open daily, 9 a.m. until darli. Cloîed Moîdayî. Roy Boosfictd 878.355. 2c30,1963 WR ARR nome open for te leason. Apples, att varieties, as season progresses, 5 miles norîli 0f Milton. Bm-«Bar Farmî <forlnerly Gtenspey Fruit Marliet). Open 7 days a weeli, i p.m. - 6 pm 2c138-tff 3 ANIMAIS FOR SALE I BRAGLE witli paliers, 1 year nid. 878-3588. 3r2&-1965 B UiIC sliavings, ltosn in, ba- les availabte. Ballon 857-2336. PALOMENO stud; blacki alict- not mare. Thorouglilreds. 878- 3597. Mc2741958 t FOLLEiD Dorset ra.. A. O. Hanter 634-6057, 4184 Woiter's Line, Burtiogton. 3c2&1i953 FRRE to gond homes, 2 block Retriever popl, t mate, 10te- maie. Plione aflter 6 0.10., 878- 6776. 3c2&-1974 3_ WELRH parles:1 I2-year- aId tiliy; i i-ycar-oid fi5l; t 6- monîli horsercolt; 941-1529, R. A. Fish, R.R. 4, Oranfesitie. 3c26-1923 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE WHERE IT'S HAPPENING - AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 1969 COUGAR liardlop. Lic. 98825. 1968 CHEVROLET Caprice 2-door hardtop A îliarp car. Lic. K21315. 1967 METEOR 2-ciror hardtop. Equipped car. Lic. 654695. BY APPOINTMENT 1969 IMPERIAL Le Baron, loaded. Ocreers namne ont reqîlest Lie. K0642. 1968 EL CARMINO, 396. V-8, auiomatic. Lie 2980813. 1967 DODGE Ciarooll svith 383 V-8. Lic. K,20897. 1966 BUICK 4-daor, tave mileage. Lic. J49745. 1966 CHRV. pick-up. Lic. 30103B. 1968 CHEVROLET dunp truck. Reacly 10 go 10 mork. Lic. V29599. CAIL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton 511b» CLASSIFIED RATES Telqbs Tmi Cdn lil Ma lit 1178M14 Ch»ie. M101 onMeI SISTMS. DICATIR, ILARRIAGE, FOIITCOSIOO IAMAE, MGAGMOMWA - No C111.1101..1. r os i B nÂ. romt 11..IaM.t - -11.50 .90.1- -mà.15-d DEAD.N US 12, 15O TUd. eSfl DAY.ý TeCndian Chmpo" Wefsdy Oco.h9,16 cobma ~ ~ BHELPWANrTEAM 1.0f-f i TEO SVEHICLES FOR SALE ,1961 PONTIAC, 6, automati. Bent iffer. Phsone 878-2964. 5M47-913 90 TON O:M.C. truck,. in good meelianical condition. 878-733. - 5t:294954 '39 PLYMOUTH coupe. Olds. engine and brans. $200. 8783367. 5c26-1964 1969 TOYOTA Coroita, 6.000 miles, neso car mamsanty. 876- 4503. Calfrutti9a.m. to 3p.m. 5626-1927 1963 FORD conoertihie. V-O. autotic, pomer sleering, peow- er-rakeî, neon paini. 'Best offer. 'Phone 874-9480. 5.26-1868 1968 CHRYBLER 4-door liard- top. sinyt top, automatic, pom- er brates and steering. radio. I mcnem. $2,550. 854-2616. 5.264935 1967 iOODGE Monaco 300 2- donr hardtnp. hochet lento, au- ,omatia, console, $1.950. -Res., 884-9721; hos., 878-2962. 5c26-1920 LEAVINO coutry. Must seit M96 Mustang, yeliow, black vin- yi interior. V-8 automatir, con- note. pomer steering. $2,100 o hesI offer. 08-9607. 5c26-1938 Far Your Next Car ... TEY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 8780 7 WANTED MIILL for cliopsbng colt corn, ais o corn etevator. Cati 854- 2354. 7c26-1947 BOiiY S-OUT aniforso, lice 12 ta 14, also for sale, Kennero Knita-malic. 878-4539. 7c26-1940 GOOD home lac part Coilie and -pari Labirador dog. SSooîe liroken and gooli mill chidren. 634-31660 alter 3. 7c26-19ff9 8 HELP WANTED ,CARETAKER, middle aged mon. 878-2741. 8c2&-192 2 MEN, fll or part timc. Toogmero Mu&shenm Co., 878- 98M0. 8c26,1960 PART - TIME heip. Appis' T. Salon Co., hilton. Ont.. jn mrttin. 8t:2641955 Lacal Mon Roquirod Iceed arepresetative for my lies in thts area. This open- ing may he morîl up bo $8.000. yeariy tom t6e rîght person. Fuit or part-lime. Oser 21. Can 500 mKe short ato trips? Weiope yau sobti start soan and staY soill us a long timc. -p-pis ly lettr, givino phone numliem, la Division Rapereisor, 5 Eclo Place, London, Ont. 82 * HELPWANTED s HELP WANTED YOU3NG MAoN wetO. acount- lltg trainintg. ReplY os wrting, stating edacation, accouumting courses and business ea510r- ience. Box 414, Canadian Cham- pion, Milton. 8c26-1836 3 SALESMEN needed tr ca nové office in Milton. Rager- 11101 an1 01011 but n01 noces- sary. Contact Me. Neal for in- terviewte 1 discuss commission and bonus arrangements. M76 9511, N. J. Longo, Realtor. 5JNE1f money for the holiday season? You can maireit elling Rawleigh Cosntetics and ollier seasonale products. Sales easy to makte. Big prii. Write Raw- leigis Dept. 1-284-OC, 4005 Riche- lieu St., Miontreal 207, 032 8c2&-1674 ADDITIONAL CASH FOR YOU By demonstrating the best cosmctics available. You man earn $10 or more per hour le yoar spore lime, For furîther infortmation Pleate Call 877-7840 8B-f ELECTRICIAN Fully experienced in adjont- iog. serviciof and repairiog cf ail electrical aspects 0f plant olachinery. equipment and fac- filltes. Most hold current Certi- ticale ci Qualification. Clean, modern plastics plant. Rate' 13.49 aller 3 moîllis' probtation period. Building Products of Canada Ltd. Main St. North, Adton 853-1230 Mr. Fillingham 8l Maple Lodge Farms LIMIT6-D Norval 616 Lion. meot 0f Brampton, i mile nortli of Steeles Ave. REOIRE A TRUCK DRIVER Minimum ago 22 years, for 3 ton van. Top salaiy. 510 day ccedk , year round employrnent, detivoring eggs and dressed poultry. Apply in Person Saturdays 10 arn. ta 12 noon 8626 NO MATTER what you neecA oeof our readem probably bas IL. Try the Want Ad pige fleat. AUTOMOTIVE SALESMEN Experienced or ovill train. Escelleot remoneratini Company car ilimvtdod. Ail Iringe benelits. AFPLY SALES MANAGER Andrew Murray Motors Limited CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Georgetawn 877-6944 8h18 THE MANPOWER DIVISION OF SHERIDAN COLLEGE affers a course in SALES ORIENTATION tage of tle oniimilrd empînyment opportunitbet in local leisi- COURSE DURATION: 5 mere. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: the Appîicant must lie oser 16 must have Grade 8or eqivalent nshoold enjoy mecting tlie pubic shoid le able ta alisorb instruction and comtaslcate in EnfUli *sliould enjoyfgood heallh tEES: Canada Manpower Refermais - Na Charge Contact yoor local Canada Mmnpnmer Croire aI: 130 George SI., Oakviie Foot Ollic- Buildinf, Milton 672 Brant SI., Barfingtan 4f Dardas St. W., Cacliscîlle 24 Qacco St. Bramptoan OTHERS - $10.00 SHERIDAN COLLEGE MANPOWER DIVISION 98 Chtasob St. E., BRAMPTON Toronto Oakville Bramptan 364-7491 845-9430 459-7533 lieu CURAINO lady, omo trans- portation prefemmed, norili Oak- cille area. 8706248. 6c26-1951 PART TfME honliteeper andt typist. Write Bas 416, Canadian Champion, Milton, Ont. 8c26,1957 2 WOMEN for part lime mort pirking munlirooms. Tangtnrre MolrneCo., 876-9800. 8c2&-1959 'MAIN 10 mor in o tmber yard and on. hehind couter. Caslmay Lumher. Oatcilte. 845- 9352. 8c26-2001 E7IPERIENCBD hairdresser manied lac nom Raton. Appiy i4 Martin Si. or cati 8783976 allor 6 p.m. Top magel and commission. 8c26-1,870 TRUCKR DRIVER manled. Icactor trailrr divr, foir pic3c- îsp af lise poiillry. Must ho 25 yeams of age or aver. Appty to Maple Lodge Fartns, Norrai. 8c26-1970 WOMEN 10 col op chickeo in poltyproresing plant. 30 -40 ho rs fwork. 5 ays amcek. Hors 9a.m. - 4p.m. pprs. Mioimums age 18. fnpcrience nal necessamy. Apply in person, Maple Lodge Fartos. 616 Line mest at -Bramsplan, half mile nocîl of Sîrcies Ave. 8c2&-1916 Real Estate Career WASfTFD - a loti lime Real Estate Agent foc Milton1 area. Enperbencnd manager 10 hlp yo pIlus extr a adveriising 10 expand commissions. Memher of moîl Real EtIate Boards. Contact LLOYD G. LEE, FR1I., Vice Fresideot H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 181 Eglîntan Avc. Toronto 12. Phane 487-3333 8c26 WAL WNTED IMN or WOMAN To meigs poullry in pruema- iog plhttt. About 40 bours' morS -5 dayo a wneS.. 8.38 a.m - 8,38 p.m. appron. Apply in Persan Saturdays 10 arn. to 12 noon Maple Lodge Farms LIMITED Norval 616 Line onnst 0f Brampton !,i mile north 0f Steceles Ave, 8c26 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL do housecleaoing two days wemkly. Phone 878-31l67. 9c26-1872 WILL day care children und- er 5 years in my home. 878-9249. 9c2&-1977 500USRWORK wamted, exter- îroced. have avon transportai- ios. 878-3287. 9c26-1979 WILL looki aller chuldren le eiy omot home in tomno0f MI- las, 878-6622. c926-1917 WIILL do semiog, matie clolir eand do alterations. 190 Main St., Miltos, aoytime. 9c26-1711 MOTHER mill rare for pire schOnlers in my home. $10 wecS.- ]y or 50c per hoor. 878-9277. 9c26,1931 13 FOR RENT 3 - BEDROOM aparthnenl le Kilbride area. 876-3320. 13c26-3967 ROOM andi board available for 2, TV in rouim. 878-4539. 13c26,1939 FARM HOURE and bure, $135 per monîh. 827-5597 Qaliville 13c26-1942 FIJRNISHE3 rcoin for morS,- iog geotleman. 876-3135 after 6 p.10. 13c25-1911 STORE, 2,200 sq. fI, avait- ile Nov. 12. 150 Mill St., phone 677ý-. . .13r29-1932 FIJRNISHED room for mor- king gentleman, $10 per wee. 870-2016. 13c26-1971 ELECTR8IC MOT W A T E R HEATERS with free service. Phsone Mon Hydns. 878-2345. 13s017284f 6 BOX STALLO, 12 miles front Mohawk on 25 3Emy. Eix- ercise tracti. 836-2674 aller 7. 13c26-1945 FURNIISHED. healed lied- raim, bodding and tomels sup- plied, rentrally lmcaled, gentle- man preferred. 874-4675. 13c26-1926 2 - BEDROOIM apartmneot, hoat andhydro iocluded. $100 a moolli. Availahie Novemlier 15. CanspOeliville area. Freelton 659-3974. 13c26-1952 t - BEDROOM apartment, cenlrally locateli in Milton, av- ailable Dec. 1, adalto oaly, no0 pets. Applianres and ail serein- esprosided. 878-3393. 13c26-2003 NE3W home in coantry, 36lie- moins5, limadloom on living room and master hedroon. 1U4 halls, parllod rer. rmom, 2-car garage. 1175. 854-2616. 13c26-1934 NEW hlouse, 4 entra large hadrooms, large living room %ilh fireplace, diniof room mnd den, 190î balhs, 2-car garage. Hsy. 2,6 miles norof Mil- ton, close la ochool. Phone 878- 9666. 13c25-1843 FOR ChaI Fait party or db- ne,, rohaora the occasion by reaîinýg anc, sof or beautifuil stainlass steel rlsaling dishes, aod the coflec cahbc pcrfecî by using onie ai oor percotators. They cama in variaus sizes We alsa hava maoy allier items for yoar cntertaioiog pleasore. Colt Milton Party Rentai 8789413 or 9956. l3r26-1913 Office Accommodation -Avoulable immediately on Miain St. near Martin St. inter- section, Apply to MAX HATHERLEY 878-6891 or 878-3171 13c26 14 WANTED TORENT IJNFIJRNISHED, 2 - bedroom apartmnont, mentrally Iocated, rcqaired immediately. Barbuse King, Halton and Peel Real Es- tales, 843-7161 or 878-551. 14.264688