W~ id& Àk -ý O_ à,I? ý-A Tieo Canadien Ciamplon, Wednenday, OctobeIr 29, 1969 D7 Plann Long Trîp This Winter,) Plaanning toi visit a distant relative oser tinis tinter? hert for Plorida fr a wesk or Trosr dreauna or a ineautitul le Chistmsenlaid tum Int a oigituntm If pou sinould eu- cortnter Imla u yosmoas one tino river àuati throu sh tac woodato Olnd. Chartier s bouae or titrait place ttins tem Jou lat ~ ~ i alyam 1 ou arc ntrati enow tires, ltu18derd ties or tinalua, a obovet a bai of rockn mat, tioint of anti-treos lin Wel se in pour radiatuet, ando ail the mecinanitai parla ut pour cae tuoeking elgint cam in g et tinrougin tin o arst thi tina le"a proin- lema. on. of tac iddcn dangers oanotu deivis latn lt ut b00 Ofkdin odeau vineeta in a asort Urne. Saume- tUme& tit forma bue bumnpu of Île. Mtn a screel ioire ice ooms abaven moderiato speodt, ansd prour tubeeto maY atout hinpg. Tit tan be tino finît otsp totuard b bopoless ilde. it la not untoomoOl la sec a' car in a er deifti or a ditin beoaoae tins driver lont cou- 0 trot on bnoonoy. pakel tee Ts dansger ta groatty ta- crisaaed inoirn yoie cars shock absorbera are tucai. Becauae springe and tires tuant ta UUI b3UUU5 A ITVaLIJ.IVIIL ' St Ont Top0 Wether' Aduce To Motoriats . aérien autom.oble amu sruhe.l à. maeli poiai dodosg fiait iad nini ei "Str soso et "b ,e.sblr." istae enreu knseelea ln idt. vno am nl rtu Wtuelic condition évitr tar s«oset, bau wtubas sare Moie lu tmc avente nebloinh tr monuor lot la baîdeol cri a lesaan the. "Ii.o abouts stus" ride. l . h. ad-,io, of Surioe. tirait I. our 11ins smit" pipe- inie su tbe wtuosesl tueuiso tumoeea5, .islublftro ota. sIos. enbet'tr Vireton, à tcip, on. chasid bàa. dffiesity 1. plbinet se brmau. rtie tsati-.oin -«o tird obbih the mota- lot in srnneiig. lo addition as ouli istrerc ss.iiy ieo. oity tbe olor timos tublis tbey .m oa.Olog. bounte tuhen tiney init o inump, pour wheisct vrould hsop ap andl dlown wotl oveny lrregulaelty in tac mrcd unies$ tiney hll nome arrostlotg torte ta koep titrentwlr tinyelqing ... ln contact wthi tino surfuce ot tine higlatay. Tit la vaiat alsoct abuorin- crs do - ut aro suppaseci ta do vinon tincp are tuonttno rigit. Wlson tinp arc vos. tirer arc st gotas aleng ter tac ride. go tuien vincota, or lto- tlmoo tise seiole car,anet ..netu sinock absaorbera. Tis klnd ut control, plus gencnaly stable, tigint steeong, ta dessi- ltirlisantn pou mmet drive oser ruttod, loy strette. Sometlmes at titas timeofu year ture got du narriod awaj tlt 99i tine oxtitamont - tt Aunt Minnio's tet truit cake ut tac ioaatonr on thse waj ister Bste ta golng ta IIlpI oser bon netu ski tue, tue torget ait about une ut theo moot lupon- tant parts ut tine vaiole vaca- tion trip: tac taltattil tnlend muat vrill haut atto us6 tacre and home agaîn, inupettaly valtiout anj problomo. Bclure you set out on thrat trip ton tino big tumly get-to- getnon, or winataver nis you base ln mind tue tae inOlday sesun, gise jour tan its iesa prenant carlY. <lise 10 afull treatmcnt tinotk uP and senvltlug ai jour tavorite auto ainop. AVOID EXTRA WEIGOIT Motoriste whio put extra welgintin tino trunk ot tinein car ton vintan drivlng maj do more inart tatan good. Extra tueigint distueto tac otensit îtabilitj ut a car and tends ta lut0 tac tront end off tae rond surtacc. ~1~~~M 011 Filter Change May Be What 'Tick' is Demanding Oue of theot morosinso winen may ho Ilsltng csnstderubte pou otant joue tan ysu muy daomage ta ysae engine. initen a myoterious ticin-tiet- Tise cil fou boy for ysurcur t10k teum, tac engins ton a 0ev inut ta lubritute ta redute tric- sconds. Dont Ignore IL Tino tion and t'eue of t'uektg soond ct heu al utgr ofImpertit- parti. It must prutect metals Ing englue troubles. tromt aeid andi ruottut. Its juin The tlsk-tick-tick you boe aiso inttsidns riesling, tonling lutne mounol of pour cana top- aind keeping tae englose elean. pois tapplug, a maiudy tinat A regnotur chnange stof rai one affctoisnme engincol tatool belpo tise oIt du ira joh. weataen whien thais tallos A ctreon ait fitaer inolpa, tant. longer ta filt ta tino vulve t bilpas keep out damugint mecinasum. Col ohl movea abrasives toat cain orri taeit slowlp bateauae in ta taintier. wup itthe eosgtn ont tine It tine tluking prevalu ton air lit breatints. more tiai a faill secons, jour Ait Obtura uboul tae chnainte proinica may ta dlo'ty oil andi Ion tleuasod, It puns ta tino e coggod oU fitrr One tiusy nnbanebb tjpol at leaut every perticle or decroamin- dix muntino, or tvite a jean. ute speok et ei r" plain Wbhen ta chnge oit ndlo 1 old duet troin toc air tan be fitaer? Tit dependa mure an eleui laiinder the upora- debvtog condbtbons tinan un tien ut theo precilin inydrasotit milerago. Sinort distance, stop vaet litterastat maire modem andl go drbvisg, fur example, engtoeî do quiet, la inarderuon rginos tinan bong, Ifts houlod bazen an Gomin- ateadp speeda. Winten %taleta- ont tick-tick-tick, tac Siet or, iso, prerscois probems. tintodadestata lookaet A gued robe of taumbl ta te tins lbta sticiner an pour doue change OUt about evcrj tance (amIsa ta an vison joutait ines tinouaand mitles ... on cvonj tae eal andl fttor tinangool. Tino ninety dapa ... and ta pot lu a luatman todo theob hOnsd ruseo ilterat evcrp oteoOrl have notai lit taone. If It ins chnange. beaun moto titan tite. montai Sume driveru tchange the 1.1- dures jou boad titas srvice, jou , ton cvey tirait tbey cinange tino oil, betauue trean uIt ronng tinrougin a tlugged filten tlis deteat tise nurse. R & N f SERRVICE ae pieaa 1., 5Wa diivlg Engtmol Turne u Siiocial and Safoty Chocki Our quality tune up profesuionally dons by expert mechanics seul guarantes you a better ride, botter starting, better acceleration, better milsrage, and 0ha1 assured feeling of easy saerta in the cold mantha to cornie. Aqosîse - $10u9u RIgee - $1350l fJOW OIy NOW ONIY1 use T/w Studa (nongt' in @Il pnOoSuO TIRE STUOBINO IMPORTANT: Top quelitylunacobrazd éaléd msrina lennast service lf and topsl eic mn AVERAGE: 100 Otudo pnn Tir,. Répuae -00 N0W $700 OIY Don8't let this happen te your car STOP RUST WITH TEXACO MOST PIOGFÉ ba"nM 0510, 0 f f . Oiuot OS enta1.1sse 0p be, too l . sIi (s tie né arns bds fieotOIF. laptabde ai8 sor s.oSom Mangmuh flent sotl u. fsuans P hf O.P. ain a& corsseol. Intiés uiso alcagoseh d e. ""es bord ta e àm Rglr- $14.5 NW$1 9 R &N SEERVICE 443 MAIN - 878-3342 - MILTON IOakvill1e Automotive Supply Ltd. Balle Une MILTON 878-2305 SERVICING MILTON and DISTRICT DEALERS WITH NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE BRANDS TO THE AUTOMOTIVE TRADE * WELDING EQUIPMENT * TOOLS * AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE .Mcharges of big puy increases Recccot rtports mhat Haîron convention mn Toronto Dct. 28. pet cent ef tîmeir fees minas DHSIP Dr. Kunîca descrîbed doclots mre onjofine a 15 pet Tint dectors ort' nt tin t pasn i eung mu puy. Dr. Kanîca year's icreasea as -realîf cen isrcoc s fes an a10 fours medacal fees mn Dntario sard tht Ontanrio Medîcul caar uf livng iccrease' statet'nnl hy ftdleral finance Asoiain neies' f tes everysin vredsafs mninister Ben Benon tba have iscreased esly 3.2 per cont t Ascaitti vrnadsafa bae b a ite astaally, cetpartdt o a cessof o yeurs and wt'i t'as and dnugprces aretsains doctars hv a ie living ineest of abeut ftvt petapprovaed tli5>,car itanttiglit pet accouert. inc crtrtneas y -'inc.. ,...î . ,,..n centiritciic'ltreitching utr etitr greup tri lins countrylhave t'adt tint curutifi ductrr fgtginrnmad. "This ns a sinocking sistottios of the facts, Halton Counrf Moditul Sociely's titt-obaitt'an De. R. D. Kunica of Oulcoille toplicol. "Wc stongiy tetb lino implication of Me. Bcnsons stoncho and ate oi pccparled ro terruin slloot scapegoans beltfet tec bar of public opîiio." Servirau mode tinttrstenotct ai tec Onarin Hnspital Association lti.iti consruction and uperatitg cuita are t prit'e resrsfer a higiner btaltin ill. Thne dsctsr sinottagt ns cttatly tint tesaît sf sinort.nngbred and inadtqoato fattrnout planning," Dr. Kutacats stalemeot replitol. Mtanwhiilo, thet doctor casîngainol crtrs sso dlaim doctots recense e 15 pet cent iureoasc iu Ibeit fée tn aiiert min peat, repsntedly la sffstthme 10 19i9 anîd 'li7 i , fiii peiyi cenlt fetOi a [li.. ie ilchard. Sent't douitii rictitd su inrsett or stiglit ireuses t'hrlt Soespecraîrats t'ere grsen a intalthy inoest sn their fies, ie eaplasoed, bat il eens anat te fsur pet test fer teeysst. Gentral pracnrîroners rettrrtd "a oliginrttase' for bouse aod office sisits, paediatricis neceiresi a large incteaso, arnd uame surgeons Sol no increàns, bcecxpiained. nhis aust a oints Hulltii's dîîitr liait baiidedi iiigetliui iii clfu OftslF', 90 per crsi payt'tit Sestral oîll ilrl tht patient fer ieutîservices and tint patient t'rll bne tosponsible for collecting t'iat inn cas frot tint gottttt'nt mncdrcaee scinome. Dr. Kunsca said doctots t'ere utbappf to leurs t t'rll tubre DHSIP Icro ns Ibete marns to proccsis tbtie accsunts and mail sut ibeit cinequts, and besîdea, "ils prctry complicuteri inoobintpinS." A NOTED AUTHOR as well et bint a mageoir ecoomist, Dr. tthel Chapmn vier; hept basf dut ber nsaetu et tino tctimonial bolol in ber hn Camphetltitlebp thne Haltun Wl . Tino booush iresi ber latet calleLHumenitim s Homespun." to inside.- (Staff Photo) secnrdCam MalsretloNunune .0913 ig cuts pay M 1 tr 1 dîe ti CN t'a aasnctt Mocday n iccuse cn ysllet' *rttsit trtes and tttttt' listings of rpartmetts tn the tecttrf. nd actton et a K. Syt, for a Stret i.ntetensien ef *eutti a repotand n is rcsittdfrnt a rtqet fer a A fret tht Mtlten oin Ambhulance, te ted attendance ef -s fromtheParking ata Parkinrg i Kingsten if acf îabtt Io attend. t'illit dtctartd tint issteoft'oety. tdr a rslto if tht Tot'n ef seekitg ltgislatiet 1 mnicipatitits te Mmneity ttera upasits thut havt platning rtratint of tht n berret' pi s fret' eîhich stît t'as rains te binald tine tetattd rail tit tireugi nte. Caatl has cemplarrrtd tint tsetd pîts dîsceturatint ef tint crttk tinreaghtesiet ef thearta. Tint ruîlt'ay plans to steckinplt mt'ae fret' tint Torecte Steckyards durrtg th in rnttr fer t'ering ite tint seil cn tint spritt. -Appreeed a peried fret' Noernshr 1te 15 fotrcantassing iny tint Seenth Day Adttttita. Tint greep asktd tint peried te Dectmner 24 buat ceracittets inalincd at setticg aride sein a letgthy perîed ef tit't. - Agrted to e nrte tint Salvatiet Arrny asing tirnt te seek municipalpert'ission fer cattussito sn futuet ytar. Tht greapt'astrepettd cattassing in Milten this acttk, altineug ne ptet'issionshadibentgtanttdhf tint rncpaltt. -Dtctared Net. 10 te 16 as Yeeth Apprtcîatîen Weti n e ineinaf ef tint Dptîmist Club. r-, Faut71 Twenty-Tw Pages -Fifteen Cents Steele report expected soon The report of thn Steel0 conmitission os expoctad about the last tireait in Nusembor, ascording nu MPP Jin' SnoW. The report is a local graverrment 'as ion on Burlington, Ham itiltot and Wontwonth and is considerod oreo.trcanttin this aes bcause of tin nocommendatinnvo lving Banlington. Régional Gouenent in Halton and Pool oi b. affectod by tino roponto rcommandation of sehethan Burlinon ra,,, a part of Halturs or os transferrool ta the H amiîtun Wentworth Mrn" Snow roportol the commission report wao an theo pritor noir. Women hurt Tt'o elderly Millt area 'omn tterijutd in aIw-car col sio aite ritersectioc tof ltighway 25 acd Fiat Sidetaad as tout Tuecday. Liattd in serinas condirtio in Miltan District Hospital is 66-year-old Muegaset Miclait of R.R. 5 Miltot, Saffesitg aseriis kl fracture. A paraesger in the Michie vehicle, 79-ytar-ald [da Hailey, alau of R.R. 5 Milton, caffered an rjrtd ltft eycand it inatiafactery canditionin hoapi tal Driver of tint rthtr tohicît, 19 year-old Cythia Heffertat cf Toronto cacapcd irtîary. According tri Millt OPP tht Htfftrcat car t'as preceedîco seaili ot Higlttay 25 and the Mîchît artrîcte t'as cnctaitg the hîghway whin the cars cirltided. OPP Contable Terry Devinetîs iteestîgatn. -Champion clasîfîeds bricg rig race track? o answers for deleégalion k help from province t'hegahtrrd tu "Cari feu tell this ceesicîl locaties ef ary type et car auprepoedtuace wtiat t't artegein aeracig trac ithe aranerdrd qatrino t'wnshiîp thtrt?' tint reese aaincd tint us tint tasr iy tint Feertn Lion, Tlard and Feurrin delegaties. l mett t'îint' etm unt t'est iny ire Thîrd Lite tFttttidead ltft Soet and tint pront'etrs atd and us tint nerîh iy Fie coaticîl tnot tiney dîdt'tinoet." hîderoad. te thitr questiiots Mr. Cernie admîtted, inîîtestr, Perîrîîrstrs thiiegt tire mhat tht iuyerseof tint land are pret'eîers matre tint sat'e greep ge Cernie nIld tint suppastd te bing plats and t'he t'uted a drag strîp et tint didt't inten aey sptcificatîess fer tint t'ysttty Gardîiner Exprrsrt'uy ai oe ty ddaneutit proetct tir tient est ceaticil trt'nie atd i aise, trtd ,and jest nortinof t'tetitg on Niitt'inrl1. utsuccssfully te oaei t'hrchrut'ors say "Jim Stet'said thryt'eeldbc Chsgeuacusy tot'sip tt'o ntra a c ar racîrg intre thîs tetitg,- William J. yturs agit. Fa trers et, detegatiet Lat, tn tht t'ting clerk Del cpenest'et, nIld ceatcrl. Tis F renchî sard MPP Jt' Stet' iad inreugnt tint delegutiei out to e e ints e teucn t'iti hît' thetceuscilt'ettitg. regardig arypropetd tract. Mr. Fa tttset lrsted tht Tint Halterr East MPP said he tinjections resîdett hast te uty t'as neitr pre octr cote int racttrachiin teatacitig seinctartit letkteoal]the desalsaatin ef resdetial and drtirs inut tint previncial surreetdîtg proertrts, plans for platningibeard teldnim ceunicil t'ary ceas homes in tint irta; tint could pesa a ny-lawt' r prohltîr -cetsidranlt terse, gtstrul estabilsht'enef artrachi tint nuiscnandteisy people"ta it'wnshp atdrheyt'rrctdibe t ruack t'oeua1d artt ra c, t';tllriig tir assîsî Esqesinsoi oetrcnestdgcoftnristitg ruuds, dratirg ainy.lat'. especally Hight'y25and Fist Coutcit decidtd teash tire Srdtrad, plrgtmore wri n provitcial plannirg boeard ru already osert'ered police; sted a rrpreserttetoir ru l rotnr pollutin caued iny tint tint cîtr, ots tht utgrtg cf aiccumulationt ef mutercycîta Deputy Recar Tet' Hill. and ars "Or frtt oiatienii tr tint "Wt cant doi asythrsg estil r.rttpaftrs ef tht townvship" weksut'ehai they arr geisgii saidlthe dtputy-rtrst - de," tint retat told tint Tint retre rnrsîstd ogars ine t'as delrgauioet t'ii nr, odt St assar of wat type -.f Ratepayesaie rudn proetct linilesladfrt tint inupet at t'ayn tint area, despîte lus t'eeing w thn (pret'eters ef tint rut'ed thetgroupTusday. "I dosilhke projtct asield appear as tht tht asst' 1get, h crrftssd. metingttgieftt'initt'a 1 dont ket', yeuhctt', apparett, site tIse t'as guito Ktn?" te shoet up. "I dont hct', rimher." Ratpaytrs prestd a arat'tred Ceascîller Marshnall, pertit t'rth 43 sat'es uttached t'hose fart' rs ose of tin thîrt ur theslastmt'ingeof ceericil tamed asintletgitg te the land wicn tspressed eppesition 10 rsset'iny deal. MPP also in dark Haltes East inPP ian Stet' Sou inad fer thenuowship, inonr'othrttt'ore hntRette hut tnpsctd the asrerst'euld George urrie ad Esesg hegvna nex rrsMonday's Il iiiicil ahociii aeta k -ott etingf ilict the yiiiy.il lie'i dh liairesa p r f oi, pliiiýa1î1iu,îibetiî Tutiday niir cobt u Sl i' tairt The locat'tt'inr and Rte arrangmntssfor ceaccitutet Carrit inad a meting wt'rî tin toetîbr scîin tht Dtparent of soicitor for ine develtpttn unrt Municipul Affaien planning ,î s ein, brrr drdn't lean matin btanch iu tient et' futre. o editor and home absut the firm's plans fot 270 Councni ns nttking Depiolment oraphiel cupiem of actes o f Esqatsrug land bencreen help in case riney dtcidn no ono lest weeb in tint Tird and Fsuetn Linos. Mt. invake a bf-lut' pesinibiliof tise leitgincre, is oneof Sssw st'd iet didal bhuve ensugn neuci, as thcm i s curtenlly ns pe nd mono photos iufarmation su the pesjncr ns, taning by-law an officiel plas in docide yen tubethet il vnuild ho thne township. -I