Ailton District Hiah School 86 The Canadien Chamtpion, Wednesday, October 29, 1969 Classes win By RichrardPFigg Tire ceeue wau lire gym Monday os cire girl's irskeircll testas irosled O.T.H.S. In lire Junior conten Milton carne ou slrang in tire second and rural qoocters but test minute Semobles faded sund O.T. sealked amay naclors in a iiterly fougirl coctesl. Milton's senior girls Ibm tanok 10 tire fluor bot clerc uOr=see iry ca ocrunger hanl li io came up wîirh lire seîc in lire second iralf of rire Janior-benior doubleireader. Our allumpt ut nolîcyball seemns 10 ire seukenang as lire older boys irave left ro Play senior football anda caccellalion of thirer first toumamnent iras darnpened lire spirits of lire youngec players. Let's irope liraI Mr. Martel> con dc someliig tu krp lis cloub goacg. The junior football season iras ecded . Pridoy lire Fourbera of Perdu orec in tsec for 001 final conlest. As tire soos clcared and lire puddles dried lire Mustangs sere tramplcd 56-0. Mrroogir lire air mas cold tempers wece bol as oor mort sadastax fans sere lrealed seili outirurols of figlals an lte second hiaf. A smnall namirer of playra, muslly Perdor sere amincid from lire Sane and penalty fl001 concced lire field colt of lire Samne as Perdue got cr0 lire babil of kacking off front lire Milton 45 yard line. Tire Junior Mustangs endcd seiri a 1-5 season record icir siroold ire gceally isoprovrd ccxl year as cloe liras 20 of Ibis year's players wilI ire bock. Tire senior cloub irose sciredleaisncry indefinite irope lu open lire seasun ugainsl O.T.H.S. miro are preparing for tire playoffs. Tire club offers o bacc offensive lice aloof matir a fast, puseerfal backlield lu me an offense micir siroald ire abrle 10 score or roasI more points Iran rire defense will gant op. Fraday nigirl was badît Hawekins cigira as patrons of tire act of dancing and wralentr else gces on mccc cnlerloined by lire "Pour Sools" a closI fillicg camne for a bond tu play uithIis type of "ýGrair" douce. These foot goys lookicg somneseial like tire Moody Stucs filîrd tire gym wilir danceable freakoul music and teed lire eyes seili asluandio ibing mtwIcir flasirei tla stage filei aeit duccers froin tbe audieCe. Iso fealureil ut tire douce was "Marryin' Sam" miro mas tbere lu carry on tire tradition of gellîn' usurricil ut tire "Sadie". Non. 10 cu 16 is Yuli Apprecialion Week in Millun au Tire Oplituisl club offur lire yoalh of Milton a chance lu soow tireir staff, su slart lirmnof metiruis cn micir you con do Ibis. bouc yoa miSl gel a chance lu nuice cirese Spekmn of Nonembur, une sauns nu look forseard lu Chrristmas iroiadays sud a gtance ut u calendar telln me tiraI ocly 39 scircols days cemain asciI Salocday, Dec. 20. M.M. Robinson Select <Que of Hearis" for1969 musical Sy Llonna-Janu Sycru "Tire Quers of Hrarls irukrd socle torts and tire Ksane stole lirem." Unique? M.M.'S Revue bociety, ireaded iry Mc. Clauo, irai cirosen rire Quers of Hearla ai lire musical of 1969. Major circaters indudte lire Quers, rire Pcincesc, tire Knare and Prudence, ail of seioin seUl ire ceqaiced 10 sing. Tire play wili alto, include vaniousciaroclen and a cirorus un weîl as a iack lice. Mc. Chaotolîaery optimsic about Ibis year's proposed production and craîrd lirat audîiios mIl slart sborîly. Revnge ! Take tiraI, sud trac Nelson. Tuesday Oct. 21 irefore a comparatinely amail hrome crumd, tire Roinason Senior Guis irasketball tean miaped Nelson 60-20. Tire star oflthe M.M. squad mas ucdispucedly caplain Lync Young miro scored an oatstandacg 26 pli. tu lcad tire senior ladies onl 10 a Imo gaine seissing slrrak. Second in hune for seoring irosors mas Carol MorgaOn settisg senen faeld fouît ond lo foui sirots for a total of 15 points. Quarter scores wccc as follows' ccd of firsI 17-6, 2nd 25-14, Jrd 42-18, 4tir 60-20. Eocir teacl pluys lire fout olirer irigir scirools twnce, once ut irome, once useaf. Tire semi-finols seul innoîne a w Saine total point moisir and eil ire ield approsiaately Non. 13 and 17. Tht Junior tuam lookang for thirrr second nistory oser Nelson Hagir squasired tire opposise teamn 39-16. Tis sigir sedl irave lu ire knosn as capluins sigirt as tire Junior lender, Janice Kay, dcopped eigirt field goals and four fout sirota for 201 of MAM"S 39 points. Anue Ramsiram, Karen Lacgsiras and Josie Drakre racir cected Ises field goals, and D. J. tallied foc 3. The ndditiocal fouI siruts from Anse, Pal garretl and D. J. comploterd tire otirer tirrer points. Nent Saine: Roianson ut Mldersiot. Witir tire resalîs fromt M.M.'s intramnural crack and field meut ireld Oct.* 15, sese talent is tire eenss offeced iras bers useartired. Tire chrampions iu lire boys' programume mere au follows. Senior, Bill Enerrt;' Junior, Rod birippee; Midguc, Tom Secire & Gary Tireobald. Garl Chramps: Senior, Bev Riley; Junior, Lync Kellond & 5bet Harrison; Madgct, Sandy Ogdec. Pield evenc for tire boys cousistrd of diseas, ciroîpul, javrlin, long jamp, triple lump, irigir jump, and pole auIt. Pur lire tracir events, lire 100 yard dasir, 220, 440, Sf0, bacilles and tire mile and Imu mile mure offereil. Ic rire girls' depacîmeul were seere irordles, 60 yard dosir, 100, 220, 440 and 880. Discos, siropt, irigir jamp and long junlp completed lire field enents. YO HO HO & A BOflLE OP APPLE CIDER? Yen, pou read rigirl. Tire tirrme for ibis fercs Sndie Hawekins is -Piroles- Il seili ire ircld on Non. 7, fcom 8.30 10 11.30. Prices: $1.75 010f, $3.00 a coopte. Enlerla*nmecl for lbe enening wilI icclade The lameson Robrercs Revclution and of course tire marcying boolir. Tis ycar, as oppused lu tire former Maryisg Sam Boothr, couples sell ire married iry Captain Houir anal seilI banc lu sealr lire plank. White Ocks Secondary School Wildcats By Pat Ford Tire White Oaks Wdldcats irept a bold on second place in tire Oalsnille'Milton league Ibis weuir micira 19-14 seau orer Slairelock. Peter Rowbiottom scored iris tird loucirdomn of tire seasen on a ground play, Rossîr Sarer follsmed wîirh tmo clore, atd Pred Lus made a single, aIl sn cire Rist iraf. Tire defcsse dadn't irold se wclt on lire second, and Ibis mas miren TAS sneaked sn lireir 14 points. Tire defessine retain hold on second place lmne-up iras irees weairesed wilir tire loss sf ils iresl ployer, John Alderson. Jobs is sn lire irospital miir o irrores cfg freslt of lire lasgSaine against Millc) and we hope irc's feeling irrîler clos. Prior 10 tire gaine, tire prp rolly wsa iigiligirîrd iry the anîîss of somr senior studesîs in wiis presîdeul Rîcir Clark reseîred a creain pie in lire fase, courtesy of Monuio Piasenlis. Tire cross-country sao esded for iroli boys and girls Ibis mrek. Tire girls lrorrlled 10 WALKING FOR RIDES seere yooto peuple from Hiobseus Pentocontul Gospel Church, walking se thty could belp boy cehîcles for Fontecostal missionaries. Gwen Thomu studios tire route ehile Fatsy Roeer, Cathy Nichrolson, Allun Ruttun and Stephen Wood lok 00cr her siroulder to flan their osen stratey.-lSaIf Photo>I FAY'S ILECTRIC A COMPLUTE ILECTRIC SINVICE O INDUSTRIAL le COMMERCIAL O RESIDENTIAL 0 ELECTRIC HEATING S RURAL FPOLE LiNfâ anal SERVICES S Cassai «4 waae Ne ee Soles a Rassa Highrland sn Dandac for lire SOSSA Zone I mccl and Came homne seitir Ise medtais. Lynanne Lylle seon sesond place os a snry itougis, hîlly course, irralen osly by sue of lire home girls. Setir Lindniir also irrougrc WOSb a medael for narlir pIsse. Tire boys mesc 10 lire Ontario seini-fisols at Srcsi University and rast tirougir tiraI sn0w dita Sou.e people walk so ofloers cm ride Porîf-six people rasgisg in age front îiree 10 65 sel off baturday, on foot, te, taise cloney 10 put missîosariut on seieels. Tire groopseere memirurs of lire Higirsay Penîrcottal Gospel Cirursir of Milton and tirey see sealkîsg 10 Gairville froint lire cirorcir1 to rise tire fonds seiir tire spossor's irrlp. Tirey scarîrd out a 9 a.m.from te curch ond lire ls of tire ealirrs îeocired lire Gakirvlle dîsîlsalios aI 2.30 trot aflersoon. Raîsing sn excess of $1,000 lhe sealiers. onder tire direction of Rev. M. CCiîstrsses,mwr part ofoaCanda-endeclovment reld to îoisr $25,000 for lireir nnîssionarîrt. Accordisg 10 Mc. Chirsiessen, osly fout people droppedl ouI alosg tire seay. sorpriseid us aIt tire nigirî beforu. We just narcowly inissed ut Ibis meut, seili Perry Melin andl Mccv Hughes rosir unly ose peint shcct of qualifying for tire ail-Ontario finals. The girls' irasirrîball teams bud! two garies lis eei and managcd liree nictories. lu a home gaine seith Slokelock the seniors losI 46-24, bac tires that 24 turned ocut ire cch mugis numirer that won thc juniors their close gaine over dcc Slakelanir juniors, miro seoceil 23. Lacer i lire wsek se wat lu O.P. andl played lseo cliff.hacgicg gantes thal secte batIes lu lire finish. Tire juniors pulled a 25-22 sein ouI of lire bat, anal lire seniors came up seidc 033-30 score. And once agaîn lirac badie Hasekins lime, of yeac iras socle apon us. The G.A.A. is plaaning dcc brig iras foc Nov. 7, so keep your cyrs open, WOSS girls. REGULAR MEALS Chîldrec are gcnerally irappier if thirrr meals follose a certain routine. Il siroaldc'l ire 100 strict, bol meals ut ircegalar lanes, soobies before supper, Ian macy soft drinks and su on, sas cause unnecessary upsets, says lire fedlerai irealtir departmesl pamphrlet, "Peeding Huitis". fire scro Ils Tire four classroucas seiicir won aseacis for the bent parent altenilsors ut Milton Pire Depactenent's fiee bull open bouse lst seeir bave juot been amiounced. Mrs. 1. Cbasu's grades tirrer and four clas won tire scroll aseard foc Bruce St.; Mrs. Wilnun's kmndeegacten et W. 1. Dicir; Mes. Acbic's kmndergartes ai J. M. Denyrs; and Mca. Denlio's grade une ut Holy Rosat. The amardls seilI be presenled os soun os lbey une eugcaned, and sedl cemain on display in eacb classrooca for une yeac. YOUNG TEENAGERS from Maron Streent, I4oly Tbey roclcsd and rolsd froin 9ar.until almose a Rosary antd Milton District Niait Sehool came out prit. witir aponhors paying for esch hour they to St. Poul's Church Saturday Io rakte part in a danted.-lStaff Photo> Domc-A-Thon in aid of Milton District Hospical. sinate 10 seconds; J. M. Denys 4560oe minute 14 seconda-, W. Fire d ills . cc, 162, 56 seconda; Bruce Reslt o te chcifis rils St. 140, 54 seconde; Rnds te sch ie drill Campbellville, 94, 50 seconds; condcte duing Pir Marti St. Senior Public Scbool, Prenention Wsek by the local 342, un minte 14 seconda; tire depurcanent seere relessed Meilto dds ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i wekbyPreCie . . n District Hials Scbool, 883 Clement. mnt 9 scna Holy Ronaey Schcol, 549 Sunabine Scirool, 30, 25 studntssecon da. Ontario Scirool foc dhe otdns ne minute 2o Deaf wsea alse, drilleil but nu seconds; Pisceviese, 434, une rimes seere avoulable. IN THE SWING of thitus ut Saturday's Danse-A-Thon, this young couple danced op a tom tu bnlp toise monoy for Miltos District H4ospital (Staff Photo) rosi rnJheiasas IWATCHES G AMONDS CHINA GIFTS REPAIRO 220 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON, ONTARIO PHONE 878-f34 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR CLUB PLANF4 NO INTEREST OR CARRYINGCHRE Fashiar uàpiece service for 12 1itiZa srrotc soo cons"(.N. ESR Rose 2aTABLESONS'a 1raoLnrsEuT FlnK. 1 BUTlTERKNlrl. 1SUGARSuriNcc SPECIL $9993 CIEST INCLIJDEDV bAtiS SP $91.40 lots OPEN 550Cr WR 40 DON'T PAY TOO MUCH FOR YOUR CAR TO GALLINGER MOTORS CHECK OUR PRICES DRIVE OUR CARS ....... SER OUR ELSEWHERE FEE OFFER IN THIS PAPE R TO OUR YOU'LL A6REE THERE IS ONLY... TO BUY! The Oallinger Motors waY CALL US TO-DAY. *G LIN E MO O S -IMIE Three losses in basketball, football an ujj kVRksjpp ART CLASSES DRAWING DESIGN PAINTING TECHNIQUES ENVIRONMENTAL ART SCULPTURE for entoilanmt Mdl iuformdi phim PAUL FOSTER 878 -2013 CLASSES STAAT SATURDAY OCT. 2501e