LATEST PROPOSAL fer the local goaaaaament houndarlos ln HéIton Roglonal Gonarammnt comas tramn Milton Councl.rTh towi atolalona a centrat biock as titi Milton anseaand maintaitin Lt couli urvîcO this arias mon OfflclantlY Rennes Of Haltoni Couaty recenti drevi a mnap attd ti was approvaad by Hilton County Counil las assoi on te understaaldla It was nobiont ta change, It me amphaaîzad at the County Cncîl meeting thai Milton caald submi furtitor information if Lt disslred. AIl athor manicipalitias indecatd tentative algnoanent througt theîr County cauncîllors. Peel County opts out of mergor commiffo. PeeI Conty Cncit toIt 00 taaaionaîad lis Participation tae Paal-Halîas intaa.mnnicip rnoal ganaraina commutae aflar sîarmy cncil dabaîn. Thte conty alto dititandad i 000 angional govaramas tOnmilîe Pallowing lth raigoation of Mianimsaugat May( Robeat Spath an chairman Of t tammitîna. The ratignatia toma Oiîhant Puablic tommnna and was acceptad ity tae con oîithout deatî. Mistsiauga coceacillar Lot Pars ont citargad tae cauncil oiti a'btogallng its respnLbit i, Uta tag-inat gavarînnarnt moitai, ced saud -eY Pat MuLacipol Affaîts Minnîna boarts McKtougit had Itad La couny leodert baere ad boan "mnitplaced". The isau îsanooin lt aodn of loctl touaicilu La cith Peal mars:cîpalîîp. "Waîdrn Nooca Horwood said site tagiaete tha mura and a mont ta Put tite regioal gavarniait proposoi diaacty inter tte itandt of local counicis. "Il looks fia a staigIt mollision ittno ltae nartit and tae toutht and tit s asne ttag tat dîstaîbi aie gratly," ltae adan commrnîad. Site îaid if local coUais axpacel Mi. MtKnongIt ta oppear ai eaoi of thitaL meetings on ta tapît îlotas uotiting nhort of "atdactlp' Meaeoila Haltanas ragioaal ganaramont canitltae ian tarnd ap ltae caaaty of Holtan ced coalitard ta panas for dasigotion of Halton os a aingle unit ralli Utaîn mnrged ot Peel . Votg strangt on tae Childs seeks re-election Cotncillor S. Cids oli teah ra-eloclion liî yOui, ha tld TIte Champion titis wooh. Theo couacillor ralnrnad ta mouncil tis peailla complea tae tenua of William Frgusan wo renignadl bettuat of di haalîth A conesat fat ltae taayr's position La tae lait elaclion, ha Oas dafaaîaed in a rivemap roae H e ratuned tlocounicil aarly tis year. Concllor Gordon Krot Ladicoled ita wnald itait elacîioo but hitilt 001pa delarmined ohatar it would hcast a contilor or as dapuly rnne The tita n Lvoltîrd ta aflaen jn tounty meetings Oas ptovnttg of tancera La withoîr bccautd davota nafficîrn im îot laltae watt. Councîllor Calta hwîllîr itad fuharae a uottîpal peonîtitse futureacindmandacpsion yoi oa and Rem A. Ledot and Mayor B. Bct lied 001 dacidad on taïr course affUter. Prsniaualy bapluy-Reans Ran Hanria indiratnd Ita woald be aootlng alctioa asaeete and SH Councilor P. Bor ad dattarad Wc lhnael for tae positin of ot deputy rava. site 0 a ci y t 8 t tt Halton unît teos proposed by La Cony Couracil last waah giving 'ai two voe'tla Malaon, o ta e, NoaaooAon ina l a Gaongtoo- Equatig und fout In ta Oatyll1 wti ine ta il Burliogton. eArt Nleiges. soeking t sont 01 COURcIior Art Meacson, a local business tan ced a log standtng aitaihr o f ltae c a munity btas tannouooed ita ould rotai tht rat for Cournoil lia ynaa. 1 Amaog istaolivilias Mr. Mlcean Its saavad on thte Searola SoItool Board, OOs a citartar Mambar of tite Kiosotan cb and Lt Wenl hnowa La Mil tonl npotMvg ciaclas. HLthUt filrt la comae out wiUt o dafiniîn oonO.itant ta mun ce a touri0illo. Pnrcy Barr, curra otly a cantillat, aîîoaunced ]ast onet hae oald cotnts tae dapuîytaeve't eo in te bac. I alnolion ced Ran Harris ias tatvad nation ltat ho would contînt tae Raen's seal an Milîon Coancil tis ya. Ail atla hav araemainoil nCeMtatltd. -Matlou Pire baparîmant la distaibtîîg ilIs Co latiion caitototttt lcai storesan cdn offices titis orat, Par ltae 1969o Muctlar bpsîaopty campaign.g Cary. central square in Haliton Mîlton drafts new boundairy miap M lt a gaI n nIa thace IMor atpaan t a bannntlin Halton. Tha than 'Cancasna an aods for Oaklcv aadBatn tawt UaAcaNaopy0 ntr dtat on. hndarlan for on tha o! reinta dratg pator napa ta fra Wn aplgon ta 0fth rp the r taa c hasaawe aa t r Boaaatan uUayraaLadto utato nawl o asd d-nn prp Maa coasI a to a. purrrao fa i lot c ,ait..,adaîa Camphat ai liae oni thai ha taa gep 000 Etya si o ag'sL n ta onty if Couci hyr nylat Uta rold ayo tarna hy Mt' iThoa airt handad af e Chiton Natta woldla Geraptas nnatta ntý laac p.aHn01ed councinorship tlnit orBoardPI . 'ui g in tedecio hnd thte meanh-sarndae narceta'gaeaAl nt hesget t o te eeeselmiatd rot isusUt. aY seta t lav af th Cotaîync for a fuStondtht cd an0amg Board Tuoaday of Ealtor Ln a dotailad tnanh scoar tnd aatural stormT heashrnbudr dofcfî Lt ra t heingyfrth u] it lutI Oak, te saima day County tabainLan, ta toe Cony drmg.Milton oat prajactad ta aU a n Perepone Haaold Funh t t he Mayor Concl had appravad lis on Raanoa: comnnnttea an ragaa Th Minppol drcama tae CamaphallLl Sdaroad, ta PO a xrse yBadmni faap paaepard Y tae roanataff gavarr m nt, Milton hon Ont a ceottal square af he ;Nas i fUt SiaUt L sin e iavc n t tht bahanc Ooitt inm hataadla btt forve atai PrPsdbondarias fortafour c000îy and anas lot lineorat a 1~ aLgdOkl, t fron t cont a nad li iha ial d o c M muta ni rtaamo o Uta cono ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ outy. Htetdta fN.5Siaadcasn rt Acian ta e a dhalistan Mni a th forma tiony o VOL 110 -No. 26 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEONESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1969 aaac.n ail Rogtaton Numi,,a Thirty-Sox Pages.- pifrpa Ceani Esquesling residents opposle race track t Bnqnasmng Coanctt Manday and sddad thrat for tae peann involvad saciada tha EHi att fartam itght ocoaptad pranantatian of a ail coan Il cotld do oaas accapt on tht Thord Litha K P..' ptitnon by rasidanîs af tha aa preaaatation of tae pattaa Marshall larin on tae Fan 1th laina sothe ofr an S aoudt Linae and tha farta forma t bies ot o Ut Ut i ed , artnd hy bava Lawon iln hai atpandn th ccOres abos bntor pnrchaoed by Partoans intere an etblilUtsg toma formea car toting tract. Hovet, Rot Pataeson Wsat,. -an Pa snn pokannaan fort tante mot deputatioa h "-Wall have ta watt ntil wet wht this lt gaiag ta ha first". Ma. Pattarsan laid councl lth hae had toa eridanca tltt lot-h re a engprhs for tae estabhent of o c racmof track, bot odmilted ijntko htIn frc il motta bo. The petitiaa, tignad by4 rotzdents exprnsad oppostlio ta estabhentaof a drag stri Or race track in tae aae barderd an tha at by th fourt fine, on te watt by th third line and an tae orth h numbar 5 nideoad. "Wa moy ha a littho oarly oLth thîs prenntation", Ma. Patterio tld coosncil, "but ta t'a foroarned it ta ha faraaamod" Ma Patarsan nt on ta axplaja that ha ondarsîoad the group had astamhlod 250 acras of land and wauld poachasa More if thay mara tOcattfui in oitaaiig a litante faom tha provincial gavaramoot. Ha alto ceid hae had head ltaI if thoy obtaiard t licrata the gaOup mighî ha ahle ta mave L ragardiats of whaî coonicil tald. lil, tl migit ha possihla, but t wauldn'î adnino thota 10 tty that glatre. Thay conIt avorala Oaa laws", Rorva Curta raptird. Mr. Pattarsaa added that ho tught the gaaap watt tht tama anal teha waatad la usa the Gardinr Eaptttsway at n lima and paitîd OuI îhey hadl aosaccnssfully tried ta locale in Chinguacousy township twa taars afia. Following tht ditcussion, the eean cofatsad that bchaà ad appaiataoant ta tarot wth the iroap Ttotday morang lit 9.30 ERIDAN ARCHAEOLOGIST Mrs. lIse Kremir holdi pltui of 'Odinila Indiens pattnty thougt ta date bath te 5 B c, Thois er intit ind sitelstonwera oocaoated frot an anchia-îngoi t tti Milton....Ptuîic R elotions Sheridan Collagle. ig Snbsaquna ivestigaion by Tha late farmn has haaa sold ta ted îlot nolpaper has ta fai failad a Miltan mnan woa t.ranallig il. f a ta prodaca aaY ansr t about Officiais aI Ea I CIara Lad. evo tht prapatad faca i nct. J. Reportes lard te paopat <caatasile ta P",n O> tha aMilto n moves et to zone land ; - 19Wtth rumort of a lanld asambly on ltae north snda of 3 HighwUy 401 for soine type Of rata tract, Milton Counicai *.. lamovad Monday to Usk the Ministar Of Municipal Affairs to p cona lands on the north tide for industrial osa, the lcngth a of tic Milton boondary. The ln is in Esquasing Township but Ls not govarncd by a zoning by-law or officia] plan. Mayor B. Baît saggested about 270 acret Oas ipratanîiy involvad on tht Esquasing sida of the Milton ibaunadaay lina and Lt had ban bought for othar thon AIDiNG UNICEF mata a groUp af siadenîs tram agriosalîural usas. Ha apaculatti t "may flot br a dasirabla Milton District Hitit Scitool who atoad outi n the uoc" and could rasuIt in a minimum Uttcttimant on the atma -id FrLday and mat aof Sauday an Main Street, whLlc produting major traffit andl policing problantis. Onitint donations faompsesb fo th Acknoolcdging ha Oas prejudging tht tituation" the Utildrenos fand. Money ioas tat on a tinta af Mayo notd i wasPossbleto aply o te miiste -Using tape laid oat an tht tidewli Showing Mayr ntcdLt as otablato ppI 10thtMinstr Of the Monoy lta0y hait collactoil are Shita Famness, Municipal Affairs asking him toi UpPly zooîog contraI on SUai Sonne, Onbhie Meibaton. Joyte de Koer tha unzonad Etquasing land. and Janat Boyd. -(Staff Phtatl n Snow collapses pens, birds escape Hunters Hlock to shoot 1,500 free pheasants Fartaaa.itî prablatas hava tht hîrds bath, phrasant traton wrahand aod monra watt bitng violat a agalatiaaî hcy con do oa hrap Ihata aoay froai tha long haro a problata to rural had uot apeard, coaiplicalîag chaagad Mooday. aothng. hosoftepoet n ornat but seîdata hove tay tae prablat avao fatbt« Violations iacladag ce afoa What trycan ohwvr l (Cmottord aPaga 9l aaachad ltae dimeansions lhay did inliat Otisi, ptapîrîaîo of ot'ti.litaîl, 100 for shooîiagndoiova Osofltapptyad lta hirdee Li Esqaig nors on Ctaiglaa Patta, ts wotlaag wiih frota the aoad and fiva fat o the hir Lie Esuesng. otrs ta gai ltae biîds bath i t a rio bath patellas tai enabla Tha hasy saoo tollapted ltae thea pant by enticiag trmr wîîh huteritit lba idetiiîd. cadar pott ssppaaîing phaant feed. But huniats aire sitaoîng Harîp Gingridgr who La ciaf poas and 1,500 phasanît watt lte birdt bafora îbap con bc of officîs, La ltae area said il oaa faaad, Wedaaolayavaaing and lnrad bath. Aboat 150 have a hunitrfattaat pioblt aod bit ' Thattdlay moraing. By Ftiday hoe ta tcavarad Iodaite. man watt doing ltaeit hat ta ltae word was out and huniart Titaa taon frota Ontario keep ltae id on il. titaongad ta ltae arta frin Par bapaatmaat of Laad aod Whîle itrey att dning oint and naa, toa cnaiiog frotas ut orant at Weil as offîceît fiam lta0 cao ta itrlp Mi. Geit hava a ' fai away as Toronto. ltae Matent datacitairt of lthe chanca ta pioteava bit busiontssn7~I At if il wata't hard aaatgh ta OPP ara paiaolling ltae arta. Nînt tht pacitiro is a Itard anae.~t.. attoatlci tht pras and entice charges watt lavied anar ltae Ptovdig ltae hitrst don't Indian arfifacis dating bo 500 et.. found in burial ground near Milton lodian artfacs uated paiiapof Of Canadais fist The Woodavds lînrd in itis orta îrecnîîy in an old IniabutI inhatSin ltae Mdton are. a n 0Bcî 00Abod îîaund naar Miltoin, drscribed as Site * itar 200 staanî th iakîartoug0t ADitana ancpttn" att iagcal untovatad thea boots of fine itet hec ftom 900 t0 1100 find,' date bath ta Potnibly 500 Indian shalatons titoofti10A pro itfaî Cirîn. . balong ta toutirea Huron trites Drt W. Noble, arcitainlogisi ut Theo relcs Of Canada's cires 160 ,Plus itistotîcal past watt du apiy ce os bain .Poltry, flinît McMater Uniîversty taataad ltae Sheriîdan Courges fapplîad prt.witeitabas the 1 ioond K<amd qathe itapa ln. Mm.k aîcharîîlogy toaciti Mat. lite Iodan an 1~tt odadKatr adttiailpte Kramr anlan aod tdrapOuttko ladans. foîd and iheoltshalan nîgit cais of antituats, d ith tl could ha paîtoP sutenHuona tursi gronil twan Oct. 3 and 18, oý n si ro ay ftiiit a0 i Prnpertyantd by a Bulinglon fodn Up o10 r20 doctot. Althougit Colltga Ittaidetna'Chepa e sirivuSarmdltofd fitiiradtadvaug lIt aam r a l apot atre 'vatY Mudi [lia saine as ratant sitr foi fer cf iipping off linds at Hronia. souvnir huitîoi, il is hrtientd FIRST SECTION: SPOta 4, 5; Mît. Kiattai sitd tht arlifacîts tht rice carmertcin a large Chatiunds 7, g, 9. ' dait tig balc to Wodiand Indian butiit ctîîcd cr o adia,i i iitir odtound itrîtde flic Ntqiar E c,ir1imctc SECOND SECTIN tni fiile- Lîîîceciî fdlitigion, n aîtt ili w iii Kvla Editorials and notuta 0 N av.ib kîîkoihs Cnonntc Ahav Titsi m omen't nesi Ond wtaMinges' i îch aîiliaelc)gi.u Ioda, bat arr taaa 1 hva aîvsîo 4. farmi meurs B5. peont ps, nanetheleii faiîty tait. ooraagan ihal once touird frdia 136 Soine cf tht tiltes in titis ara encannprnnts, villages, T RDtitat htave ben ancanaîad iold bat e i l s an b ral gr u s T ' D SEC T IO N 1 H i architaî r a n i d tng ba th t a biicunety of u rlatinly iiter Eqaipoet s oa «"dase 8,000 B.C. Site saîd tht Indice fndople of ltdan bancs lit C3; tiTaon Tou.r Oapjîoffta buiying.groand find tis a bulldozeanttn ed al ltae CitffOrai 84. tomalting lthai happons "001 Collaees Hay Eqaipains veay ofien." bcoan ou thea ixat Lina of FOURTU SECTION. A Tht main boia pathai Mas. o Naanagaoayu in May of 1967, is ap-sta taintl rasath0 tdîg Kaaaete îacasated itolis 100 c holieil ta hava spaahed Mas. Yen hOwit Oaemia MMr forvr stalaloas, panitubly a Mtanitr a lCtaommure atri o î ar 0 thisuiWta ;LI anid idd, hurd wtit ltae shalla Pi fCottbnaad ta Papa O) Higit sohool Sîndont ConnoLj la olive ced mail." 'I THOUSANOS 0F DOLLARS ivdmg a dn lrn utav rimtt af thea far men te presera iot tae nt, haa precipitation conseil pbeitont panis ta tai in leîasing 1,500 birds. By Matie0 150 ai theo bials bail boa onen n nataan M600 bail shotU by buttera. Thea piaasants beanged la Jalias iOeta Craigla arait on tae Thirti Lina Eqasng, anil mear naan t $6,000- -(Staff Photo) Penny drive obtains $350 for UNICEF Onar $350 was raasedhby prasîdani Rîch Brown said tae stadantn of Mito0 D l3îsîctHigt rsults of tae drivt mata Scitool tit posa «tSend f or excealnt bas ha rappail mony of tNICEF. Tha atoil srie hesuet i tesho o theppo a Mai tt'aing ltaeit non-partiction Ln ltae Shogper and ain St. nFtriday avent. Ha ceid oaly about 80) nigt ad Sturay. studants tnraned out Friday Lagt Thay 't np long ptacan of ced aIl dy Sturday ta tout oslciog lapeaond oitiens mari oflar tae lapas. inetaia Place ony aman of The stndants liit "tcotomtd", alnoan lthe tapa. Sîndann alto, Police Ciaf Rap Andrena ta ris aquippail oith aonboe u ietai tomp4gn r furher onatons. Sources nom tapot "Th Chief