CHAMPION CLASSIIED ADISWG QUICI( RISULTS BUiNS CARDS 0F THANKS 1 FOR SAL CLASSIFIED RATES @ HELP WANTED 8 HELP WAUTED B6ALIEU - Mr. and Mr. 06e wush ta Ihaa'k aur fain- SPACE hieter, ln gentd casn-A L Mitca Baaulieu of RAR. 1, ily and friands for a meal sur- idition. Phone 8784579. Tesagb The Cd loi M" 01. Automobile Mvecnanic Actas. are pteased t0 ansatnre prise 351h Wedding Anaiversary 1c2482 S'IMgHb-Pl ue a octants the birth of their daugitter Ju- party an Rockmood toisa hall. lie Anne. weight 5 lts.. 10 as., A ceonderfot turmeut mode the PIREWOOD cut and daliver- BaR-tILS DEAn-. taaaRtAGMO 19awaaa a.ARF CLASS "A" LICENSED at 'Miltan District Hospital on party a reat success. Maay ed. Phone 878-4358 or 853-0799. ZNOA5EU1"'- e Cs.1 October 1l, 1969. A littie sis- tltanks for the iovely gifîs. 14-25-1750 ma eSAeM Fa is -um 80Ittat a.S.PA RT HP Pj BNPT ter for Lysa and Dave. Ivan and Annie Richardson. ta mi1.2 a Otaa.- h t q asO taý -4. a mle JO9NON- r.a, 24.1773 24 fINCH Geaaral Etaclric 11edlt..t .11-~d fa- -IL P.r.a NEW BUILDING EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS rs e, A-I condition. 878-9249. comaise czara. caRas or nIMMsa - t15 ft a, sA" LI. ta Tom Johnson of R.'R. 3, Mit- We wish ta express aur lc24-1779 t0. f., -hs "dtOa.t U.. lan, are pteased ta aaoouacs thanks ta Mms. Martini, Mas. IN ILMaoRuAot - $1.5a pia 10c p- as» of w Apply fa Service Manager the birtis of their daugttr, Ceseda, Irs, Duan Corre MASON & RISGH piano; 5LO8tWttt natL. REOL UTAS - t t Pftt lah. weight 7 Ibs.,6oazs., at Mil- and Miss Judy Dwyer for the single ltad, spriag and mattes statts thl t.tatta-Pee M so Mo rs Ld tnDistrict HsiaonO to oety shassers, aiseoaur frieado 87-U5 1c24-1816 Bocx astafh ta an ta. - Ua tdt.. e M so M tr Ld ber 9. 1969. A nister for Fraddy. for gifts and Seuod wishes and TRS aa,2rgtr 7 EDIEU ONTIDY36Gep fetGogtw KING - Melonis and Jack lare whose attoadance hais-ad t 5 TIRES,_________ 8h16 euar 7 EDIE S1 O NTED 3 ulhStetGogtw mkth vnnss n 5 4 tess thon 2,000 mites, ________________________ ____________ Hoadi of R. R. 2, Miltasn are moka ther evesiag SU en8j3oy- pleased to arincosse thebýirth be 24178 ThCaainCapoWcnoly coe15199 DIEtadveston&,1 FO RM of their daughter, Jaquelise Ofarfaret and Doriana Potoni. s2-755 leCniaChminWdntyOfer1,96 DRVRadivtais a-3 FRRET c24-1777gos for Suanhine Schal. 876. Sandre, meight 7 lits., 13 Oas., at S2t7 ACUZZI pressure syslea 42 2064. 8a24627 Joseh BantMemria Hgpi-gal.tan, hll r, ondSTORAGE apace. 8768723. 1ae- rnte M,1.Amoiateuli The James Brooks Family an- gitakbafp.mtrgd FOR SALE 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE RE a oe al ie1c412 laioOtor9.t9.Aita sdteriseetsk ta condition. $80. 878-2235. pMOare n potlry Hat P- m 3N1 frStnAe.their relatives, aeighbors and lc24-tf 24 rcsigputyHatnPe 30" GURNEY etectris stase, WR ARE sais apen for tae try Prodacs 8764401 PIJRNISIfEJ rasas fa, isark- LAFFIN - Mr. and -Mrs. Keith friands for the floseers, cards, EýLECTRIC Sy phasatte f20. 8703247 after 5 pas. nasari. Applea, ail varialla,, as 8s241819 isg gentleman. Phtons 676-216. 'Laffin Inea Soettil af Apt. t, kindsess and assistance dariag shord argon, hasch and music, 1c24-1818 neasn progresses, 3 mEt.a 13c24-1547 7 Court St., Miltas, Ont, are aar bereavamant. Spesiat xcattent condition. 876-9807. aarth of Miltas. Bnaer 130. POR 12 houts' salaeEsPuasa pt.acad tO anoUace the birth thanhs ta thase wha sent cords, ex l24-1760 RVTESL stcre and Par-n (farmery *Glentpey wark. Car helpful. Caa place J '.Phon 8R-26 __ t ai their son. Normas Addison, flacsars and vitsted tincte Char- living qoarters, 75 fruait trees. Pruit Markat). OSpen 7 days a aI nse, men or mamaen. Caliomn hs 8326 le maight 7 the., 12 oc., at Mitton tie durisg his tant 117058 ADDING MACHINES, type Futl prise 128,000. S12,000 doms. isek. I - 6 pan Putller Basnh 631661.1. pXn. 13a2422 District Hospital an Octoher ssnntbt. To the McKernie Pas- mriîern for tala or renIaI For parlicutars, appîy Royapft 81:25-1804 4 - ROOM apttmn spart- I1, 1969. Brether fcr Kasth Pal- cral Hrma, Ec. Ksith Hawkes Phase 878-6962, Harri Station Kacagar, 20 Third Sideroad, menaatstigscaa 2 milen frata MilIon. 871- rik.and the pattiteareas, sca are eey. Miltas, 878-2529. 1c2548%f CTae sais a ifarm ata a -16418 rick. ~~~~~~gratefut. Sisserety. ou a n nomtint 10 32-10 MA'RTYN - Mr. and Mas. Peter Jus, Marjorie, Helen, Bette PERSONALIZBD slatiosery, LARGE gtosty priaI. af Cana 3 ANIMAL$ FOR SALE taihe masey netîisg Raseagi BED -nitting rasas salth ligt 'Martyn ai Straatsvitta are and Arthur Brooks. c24,1774 100 shets plas enveloltes. es dits Champion sieff phalus, je pradactu, full or part time haatekees-isg facilitiet. 878. rieoîrd tonource the birtb ______________ îas 13.40 çaI 40e Clhaanpion 7 sire S1.00 8 n 10 aise 413êphat TERRIER pop. 4 mas. 978. Wrila Raislaigb, Dept. 2-264-PC, 2779. ni abir son, Mark Wellington Office. Ie4914 lt. Cath mst acsampasiy ors 9249. 3624.1776 4085 Richelieu SI., Motsreal Aotny, sneigbt O0 Ris., 4 oas., IN MEMORIAMS - der. Esqaire sais et Champion 207. P35. &c211673 FI0ISHED bhaotait, hare os Part Memoriat Hospital os GGOD used stean concrate office, l91 Mals SI., Ultog. t EEG. 'fHalstais baller, dan - haîbrasas lady prisfareed. 87M Octahar 5, 1969. First grasdson CHAMBERLAIN nts blocse 12" n 8" n 20., rock fana- o caise Dct. 20. 8706356. 3 SAJESS8EN naedad for oste 3658. l 3c24-17 misM.ondar. . dear, -I seothg er Ludait crop chopper. Vamp LARGE Norge alectris slave; 3s ow82 sasoffine in Millon. ExpeLI 'Multa ad 'Mr. and Mrs. AL. W. aemry fa da ohrarasonabte. 8706275. ls24-t776 rangetta; ouh dining raa0 Ut iass n attal bul nt sassa. Sh ieuse h coanta aauîy MonnLauro, s-ho pascal aaa ta table; 4 roins of oilctoth ftao iUX haviags, Masen la, ha-. ttr. Contact Mr. Neal fa, l>- ntitdale for cauple. $98 pa Mtyn, Streatsvite. saddroîy os Dstsher 19, 1966. YOU WILL LIRE bus-t pour csserinf; Kanmore ait spasa tas availahle. Ballas 857,M53. terviais ta diacust comssioaln mastt 854-2639. 13c24-1814 WILSON - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yor prasasce we mrins, boilding mataritît and caoI a1 heotar; Norge space heater; Be- 3o18214 and bons arrangemens. 874. EECTRI[C TW A T ER Wilson ai 180 Bronte St.. Mit- Yoor memory me treanure, C1mod apellt.OIkaî aomsenr BeaîtyIN I «tamura, 12 ,ye 81, N.074 2.Lna.Ralr EATERS saIi tS ervmis. ton, ara ptaased ta onsoosca Loving pan atmays, tarvise. High qualtils. Phonet wasbiag machine; a radio westeradirake; I palomniaasare, Phana M*oas Hydre, 871234. the htrth ai ttrur son, David Forgstting paunsens,. Ctampbattvîlte 854-2232- latf-416 cabinet; Mqaantity af balait O pears. atlbrake; I bey mare, 1____>____ 7______ James. msigbt 7 ibs.. 7 oas.. at Sadîy missedl bp Maria and -Np cd Miltas saoia th wnea-, Sraw; gren gale for p ears, urbroke. Ian Bulber- ADDITIONAL CASH 1 13sOM -pa72641 MitnDsrc Hospital on Oct- Eimer McDowetI. s-'4lf00ne bounduma mhh lok of- drisecay. 827-2608 afler 6. !and, Plrgt ar-, RA. t3 BRO s-raeî Mutas 99.Abote or- - District2 M ilton 87-Q FOR YOU . sînve. refriseatr, hat and hp- obrIf.9. Abobrfr______________fart Jasuary 1. Single asples.12-82Mlts,7-26 3o34-17â5 dra tupptied, downîoms boa- Rabbis.COMINO EVENTrS 24c ad le lait at The Champias USED furaiture of ail kinds, ____________ Bp leaastraisg the hast ioa. 878-9965. 13c3441620 _____________________________________office, 191 Mals St.. Milon. chesîs, drassars. diniag ses cnstics avallahle. Yant sas ENGAGEMENTS 'Bingo games every blanday 10401945 goal catection of stoves. refrig- 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE cara $10 or mare par haun___________ __________________as f s-m., JOolp Rosary Parinh DEFE huniers antd ice ficher- aratort and mriager isasheas; po upare tîme. Hall, Milton. c24-1742-lf men's slees-ing traiter, mintari- sacs and usaI beds. 06e ais 194MR1Y2dn5ad Prfrbrlfrsto PERSONAL Mr. anl rs. Chares Pomet - sI, ceciricai mtral. cingla ta 3/bygal4 s oriue John- tpin excellent conditian. m78 are pleased oa ananonca the 'Miton Figure Skating Club ta' double hed witb boottress son Foreitore and AlsIliasse top.SC41 Please Cai 877-7840 ENOYî' qaealge aschi engagement o ai sr daughtsr, alosoing, Novecaber 4, 1969, aI saphoard space, secs plates. 8 7f Exchange, Office & ShoweREnci, 8 b-If linJalIaWtaOa Doris Diasor. us Mr. James Eo- 4.30 ct Miltos Arana. c23-1726 3406. Ib2 129 10 Main Si., phone 87871. 1967 (MUSTANG, yallom, blackialt-Bsad.gprt Ia bert Coulson,sonof 'Mr., and ag aeos tc,27 i iy neir -,atmtc Mms. Rolbert Coolcon oi T aras-. Milton CoIOperative Nurseyaf ALA Log Openk 228y Ni- vinyle iowtteir S. a MtSaaiir dayvl, rcntc p m l TsSa la. Wslling la tahe place Nov Seot'umu sna GTALA FTI ptsiv d. Os-e vep i7î conso. pae seia M762 Real Estate goa 8all,292 orasae o4T0- ember Iti ai SI. Georgesc An0tgi- Sala ai I.O.O.P. Hall, Ostober * REAIJYWMX CONCRETS oiE .lI1-I90.10-72..1.0 ms5825. 1o71 caebrb osula 7.0 25, at I pas. c2541603 * SEMER PIPE, ETC. 1963 GALAXIE XL 2 - daoa WANTED - a full time Real__________ p.m. Eucbrs, Boyne Cosmunity We have a scarahaune aI FREEZER SPECIALS powrte1rng buaket sie Extae gent foar Mtt area 16 SERVICES Rfr. and Mmc. Lloyd Caanatt Contra, Priday, Octobr 17, aI 3572 w.a uaaîare G oaaet lse ledib shfft. $M9. 876.9764. pan plus fxtra advertitiag ta ai North Boy annoanca the en 0.30 psm. Adraission 5Oc. Lad. 3171 3.a Brnatop fgvrrmn npse,52440308 expand commissions. Mdane Sgmn of te -desrispes rvd. 24OW PHONE 827-1087 grain -fad s-rime bmaI frontn, 4-o I o most Rali Estate Boards. CARPENTRY ad10er on Lit Mr . .ahlcWmn Lau hinds and sides. Cul and israp- 1966 011)5. Delta 86 -do se- danhte, DnnaLos, aîhtuc WoSn ag Daily - ex. Susday dan, ail entras etc.; alan 2 entra Ronald W. MaciPhersoa, son Of Ruammage Sale, Saturday, oct>- pcd ta paur speniîicatios. Altoe ContachtsK, exRel Cantac Mr1n m.Wa5basbr ber 18, iras 'l asm. ta 3 P.m., at MICHAEL'S BUILDING parkt loins,.ribs and rasis. lent condition. Hava ordered LLOYD G. LEE, Gnm otatnrmd son nI Hornbp. Wedding ta taha the Haly Rosary Pariah Malt. MATERIALS LTD. tiser off came catlle naew car. Cali H. Sshuyler, Con- elling, atterallont, ae.rnama,- p'loace ilrs Uie ct aiait Tire, Milton, 878-2349. PEt.., Vice Pratidant trias wark ae.r Churcts, HorShy. Apple Day spoasored bp Mil. 10_L._LTS,30__B.5c:4433_MLTO____l3 ton coats and Cubc, ahis Pri- Boy Direct Irasn Ibe Par- 1969 TOYOTA Conclia Sprlat- H. K ITHL TD CO 83-33 dry and Saîurday, <ScIaisr 17 Hr, 5\U f LULJ.s AC, adoON COMING MARRIAGES and if. Boy an appis and aup- TI1R E CALL US FOR lUGIES ers, 5 tits aindw radia. EATO 6ctt port Scanting. c24-1815 Dslivsry in 'Milton and District mis-arn, masheen etc. 40 miles 181 Egliatos Ave., Toronto 12. N.EWELL - RICHARDSON R otary Club of Milton Paît FI l Wednssdays and Tbuasdays par gai. Balance ofri car ~ Poo47333 Uie ao AIr. and Mms. David A. Eicb- Bail, Wadnaslay, Ostahar 291b, F arrastp. Lady driver. flrvte. Phn48-33 Uie aor arîcn a Oavile ananse a Leton Oal, Mtas Mucs BD O GAN Carasbeilvilte 854-2439 aller 6M1 8c26 thrno l aogb le tisabeth A as, ps.o Coupl Mir2. sc259 SALE P ono A 689656 3624-749 Brick - Block the fortbcoming marriage ai Sp lhe Corosaîs. Buffet aI 7.00p..M C INIS ta George Albert Nemrtl. son itn ititHIbOho For Your Nesct Car ... <SuatRiel Machinist reqaaired Stone Work aein as las Nleat Mittos Commencement anercises isili KELLY SPRINGFIELD W eronfor isduntry i Wsllingabe 1, ake p 'lac Saur eb hall in the schnot atuditor- - TIRES - Ict T006 TOWN 'MILTON CALL ROCKWOOD - lo, aer lia 4rh Miton' osm on Frilay essais1, Octab- Ecletýaeadcmay8695 Grar ngicn huah 17 ai 8 a'cloch. c2"-636 UP TO 50% OFF 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE BUCK HAMILTON Enl eatmae itsI opn 8695 beseflîDaneMito afle, 5 p.m.. DEATHS Harinlube Dansber, Mutas ON BRAND NEW APPsLES, Mclnîosb, Corfiasd AT Atply ta: ___________ 2n_ ____________9 o'ctock. Jolgisg aI If pa., STOCK TIRES Dslicioos and Grassings, Pancy- B ME. WILLIAR WILSONM BROKS Chnc -At atonMittaras orchestra. 01.50 per and CEE grade. Smeet appie ci. BEL Ket rcaOPrdct Centensiai Manor, on Weil- cexple. Ladies 'brin1 lunch. EXAMItLE: dilt arhn donaynrs sOen 8t Ontario0. nesloy, October 8, 1969, Charles C2475 645 Wn 15" day. Roy Bousfield1 878-6355.54 Steel Products Silewtl ma Pto tit O the tale Jacob and Ano Jase Lowveilse, ander auspices oaf Af- $12.95 24-771NEDCmpn Limited Cotcu nosadop s Brooks; bear brathsr ai Mrs. lornoon kCW., Welnasday, S.Oman Clrbgsvnso alohr NW HNa sPlanasa Jane Henlerson, Frankin, Mani- Ocîsaber 22, ai 2 pas. Hume halisi. a 'un Milinn, osatnter NaHrEio.NTD011 p~~~ ittdta; Mmc. Esther Cunning- king. a prons sic. and afîeroos sites in Tracta,, Truck and Cîseer, Ambe, or Bucsheat A bam. Actes and Mrs. Alime tea. c24-1823 Car Tires. In bulk or au, containers. USED saal car, in gacd cas- 8829 hn CO Lindsay ai Milton. __ ________ - aise - dition. Reasoatly priced. î6 878- 39Phn AC N Fanerai service mas bell oo The Get - Togother Graus- ofhl T N TR Creasel Ciover Honey 956W. 7c24,1770 8cz4 853-1013 853-1747 P Frslay ai the Mersis Fonemat YeuMloaesosra MILT N IR Rockhaven Apiaries Pepeare aiprtefrhoeo Antan Homo, Milton. Iniraenu un Es- an Exhibition ai Paittngs bp 191 MIIL ST. 878-2711 es Proe dept- our ae- ergreesocemelrry, Milton. Mrs. Luna Gaztry os Saturlay, ltf 25 Sideoal aHf 25 Hwy. as naaepu etables 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 16M5 tr Tc _______18,1_-_6_____inth____t vit Champion Paor Resta cloas-___________ MacLEOD, Gorcon Flouffc - locter 18.rc Ih a, ina sesd Cali 853-0266 sified alvertisamelt. phone. Suddcsly, as the mcult oaf a 35c. 24-1759 26-If 878-2341. WSLL look aller eldres in Cusçtom islr cid.t na Maî Grace Anglican ChrhCor tVT N E yoses bamel s 9lc2 n4f71- ComLiin Forest on Tucsday, October 7, Chu, L Ci V OW E 5VEHCLS OR AL 5 EHCLS FR AL 1969, Doeresn s-oucf, belovel Anouat Rummaga Sale, Prilay, VEILSFRAE sVECESORAE ta.8062 9c31fulfl asise oi Amtuer MacLccd oi E. Oclober 24, aI 1.30 p.m. Cloth- WILL do teiig, ake clot. GRAIN asd CORN06 R.1 Cmýblvil; er ma-in, îaps, jeaseltery, usaI ftarn- SALE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE St. Mitotlo-.9c&11 uSer of Harvcy, Waync, Gary laure. Ail reasosahie prises. - Pogig utvto and Sharon, ail as home; dear Hall ai the Crase Church Par- SI toiser lmalallied cetith ail daa- WILL baby nil pro schoot and Disciag dacughurr of Emilp and Charles csh Hall. 625-1714 sel heal 538.30. - AT - c4tildren in mas home, Monda- Batldotlag, Dragllalsg V M es.t a Y avonne fl eder ai At NrtS Raton Acsociation for 40' tower Ialit wtalfaUhan- SALE 10riday, f ta 5. 87M477. metaPad Mr Vocs odr a A-Meotally RetardaI meeting la set heal P72.50. MILTONM CODEN CONSTRUCTION4îin tSar. 'Mrs. EIse Mcttlhinnsy Se held Monday, Ocluabse 27, 8 MILITON CODE ONSTRUCTION l of Milice, Charles, Brias and pmau Ocnsbine shool, Hon t5' raie intallt ailchan- -ECPERPBENCD clark - lys-- PHONE 855-333 Lueda. al] ai Ballisafal. hpb. Ail parents, menabers and setl hesd $8730. 1969 PONTIAC Laumesîtin 4-door, 427 V-f, autaiatis, power uisat d tîka lys-ing or cleascal 2b«tg AlI Funeanl servicr mas on Fri- -trsepaa r o~~ sseig, poerdisc brakes. LusRlll K116orkîota l oafinasy an ing dayOctber10t. Itenien ineretedperansarecorial 0 home. Please sal 8762108. H. L. Stuli ExcavatIng daygaey Ociabrr rin e y15 Inam n ie aatn. b517 1968 CAPRICE ChreroIt 2-door harîto- losally oissed car saISh 9c24,1769 E. R. 3, MIILTON s-O. Entra haadt lIa, Secoad TV lacs than 19,000 mils. Lic. K21315. meery. MiltIon and District H ortisal- sel). Imsallel 120.00. 1967 MEE$18a 902bo aîts.~~Mlon8896 a oral Society mil seat MonlaY, 196 MEEO Rdeu 002-oo hrdop Lc.6flS Mltn 78930 Octabar 20 ai 8.15 s-m., in the F-M. sterao baudi. Istallai 1967 VW asitb AM-FM radio. Lic. 5Osoot. Il LOST OR STRAYED or Ia CARDS OF THANKS Union Hall, s-ina St. Mr. Maur- 120.18.Gereon8 -3 0 ______________ ice Realbead l schan slids a dItl 1906 MERCURY Park lana 4-baor sIt-h -mas- s-awer. Uc. 1C20767. GGGReorghl naest ietwne 877-34 oi fianer garlens hae bau visit- 15 ali-teer O1ad Ist*aie OlyE an1,795.alec lmsbsabnhyniiaorel Eryoe e cs24-1767 $64«95» Asswers la Peoaper. Any ilor- AIL YOlE uaIOGING frirtlls and reltives for carIs. uaai aI, ntle 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 2-door hardto-. lic. 1C2292. saian, catI 078-9816. l'1cN1-161 REOIESAENI'S flaners and visits dorung sy An open WesternHoasaShan, $6995ati Naor lai Ta Igor ueSts dtay at Miltoo Hospital. Ss-ec- sposorsd Sp Cedar Volle Ril- -'1964 CREVELtE 2.-sacr harîlo-. Lic 223791. only $893. GOLD ring mith 3 jemaîn in ial thantks te Dm. Sper, verses ers, etn Ocuaber 19, au 12.30 s-m. îaOLSOIE 'hrdo-lIscaiesftouafeac orner and initiai R, Ashbrook144 and suasffi, The Rusces, 2475 No.. R5-ar cd6 OLSOBL ps-etv dmucing. Lits of61 Mols o99f 97ulefe 9Cuir9 . l'1c2-176 HOMEe DE78G c244l826 Roy Commît.. Siderood. Milton. Refreshasent ROI etONtyes__________K261_____$95,979._______ HMEDEIG mailtkat rsrae bat adscaihaIn hid 15 RMLE 90 8ataatr pxerserlg.samrita- NOecaa , aie al DAMN m es. Ss-ectaîoas sceicome. e s. Lis. K21363.sritacbHlyRasbte GEEM UIDN baks and as-precialion ta c44 rs acHl oay a, GNVLSBON friens, seighhoas and relatives tI-Ar5CR' es ornw17 ota cda ie inlt St, trea. Raiard. s-hane oeppILnSai-g- fa, their sards ald flaneas Eaashre and Crblnole Negt RIH RS N fes yornw17 otaA adin aieid 7434 12-15 ,,ag dRpie ishile I mas in Hncdaason Oea- us basas of OSts. Helan ab. I~arBuick or CadiIIac. Attracive ra. 7..1s4î1 enefs a eaa eral Hospital. Espesialy Lois- sock us-os bar mreents frutti Raio & TV Gpaaraalead warkmanuhip ViBle UL2W. far thair shaner teashing, Mondtsy, Octaiar 2 20, 1 là" Stmtt RotClameT Grr e id of cannel ftoa d al Inhas 8 p.m., at Brase St. Scheel. ITON CALI US AT 78-2355 CON ENEN Gerr den -reaWheR.6 ilt isba provided ana witit ridea ta Spoasorel ity the Brase StaSel AT butu Ways. Loo fl * rtlo luLigilIn te-lii.Home ad Sceel Assoiation. Phone 878-6949 388 Main St. - Milton Champion FamiIy Waast Ada 878-3534 c24-14 Uas. Alise Cotiltn. Refanuiments. Mca. d6475 ,l15 o a oooyb .1c9 16 SERVICES TOP S011 DELIVERES ELVIN COWAN Phone 878-898 OAKVILLE EQUINE STABLE Special Wlint, as nais la efect. Nem hax talle Ragsdatias jums & mork ring: Prafamîinal riding lanlstaclans 4 free lassons la eads nase baTde Phone: 878-3200 l16oi Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICIE RENTAL -IO RémWi . Milton Fabric Centre 1u bia-du Mtri Sesvels anti Repuire m. aE Make cartwing macl.. - 14040 PACONI Dead Stock Remnoval 1lulesl sauh Prt. for laid or disatleti toui anti tossa CALL OPEBATOR - 800 FOR Zenith 9-7950 Uàc. No. 183M6 WATER HAULAGE ELVIN COWAN Phone 878-4898 16c27 ED. McMULLEN Contasatar Conent Fiaore, SWowoUkia Stocrps e Cimny & Ptl.4n G atuo0WO&8 Phono Acton 853-1818 WEEDS Spray noand asel a iteattl 1laces ta the S-ring. RESIDENTIAL ald COMMERCIAL Woed Extorminations 878-3959 16c26 a 61 FINANCE OOOR7SAGE PINDS, laI ald md availabte. renidestial, aon. erolal, aisa morgaget s- tasel. Cali Glenn Dtnzay, shama Reaîty lavesment, sivila., 827-5713 asytime. 24 HOUR APPROVALS 5-sI & 3r1 RIORTIGAGES .rrongel in tae caseene of poar tomne. Lan cnst. Tan cas call ta 10 n. today fat- heiphla, courte s aervice. s-ratast Inveatsent Smp. LII., 62 Richmondl St. W., 366-9586 EVGS. 239-4913 r REAL ESTATE ACANT POSSESSION an asffer ami maya rttt ta Itbo 4-rond nse 3 itelsaom 2galan mile altamisel garage osais- tome an 2 acres. Agb- ETHE 53-ALLER PAMLY .700 mon-s s-u immaaly a fia csy 2 badianes bIna- J.ast ast of lama. CALL NOW Cali Mrs. Atnnette Chuchmach 878-2051 d. GODDARD EAL ESTATE BROKERi 17c24 v 08~n-*rt~vo ce~