CHAMPIONS IN "A" DIVISION in Milton butor Ellison, Ted Cheskey, Door Robertson, Ern BaiseaIlthIis year were KsigSn's Dry Cleagners. CSarltov, Mark Brarnier, ami Gron Ru. Bill Totm members inîlade Sbewn Goshding, Guy McGinnis coaches the club.-lSlaIi Photo) McGinnis, Gary Looe, Pierre Galipeau, Bruce MINORI BASEBALL TEAMS celebratosi their bocIs rnw are coach Dace Smith, Terry Aseltor, sirtories an Milton Legior Wenesdae nighl.ý iere Jcey Gooton, AIrS Asetion. Scott ARid, MiSe Elîley Pbarmacy wbInS worl' nhe "r 'Hyott, Murvay McPhail andi coach Je rhempiovship, show oif nrnots andi trophies. They MrCorn,-IStaff Photo) are Brioni Tsrner, MiSe MrCoy, Kenîn Sitih, Pool MrCann ansi Dan Nuiioîin in tho front os In the Fali races begin at Mohawk Raceway Mohaswk Rasceway oeid treya-l aeswl nig111 firai 4-dat cnege ntesee ariotm sssil on t aldasbs cmpt inte$1,0 Scanneli misses bld fin ishes in 4th spot Ovet 5,000 fins sam whai was andi Silva hasi g00e Sy ansi lie rîoily the heri rîcîîîg yrogramn liatto setllefor foorhplace. rrer sagrd aî Flasohoro Speedmay Saturdtp iiiglit. Forty lFor Conîam who drives the soper-modifird andi 30 laie Kotlesigo Rochrl" out of model tr0cr cars putîo uii 0e a Tornîto il mas the second major batrde for $15,000 in prore sictorp at Flarnboto 51is moîîrp. season. He hail pocketedS$1,000 for a 100 lap ictoryeadrer in Thr hig story mas thil of the peur. Bentley Warren of Mlton's Homîr Scasînoîl, lIse Gloocrstr, Mass. ploord seconds 1969 track champion in the lato for $1,500, Olie Silva of mode] division. Scantîrîl oSk Havrhili, Mass, toob thîrd for ovet the mîteol of Novm S1,000, Scaniiellwas foartlifor Morlonts sîîper.modifind and $850 andi lte prevtoos niglii's, camei mîthîn ove Iap tif mînoncn $2,500 mînoor ai the Delaware the $2.500 fîrtl prive mliicl Interoational Syeedmay, Jack vientoite winiier of the STP Cooely ofSrighton, Mich. too 100 laip fealore. lnsload. ilseosci fîfth for 0650. Harolsi Brown of a lappnd carmhicli couldnlege Brtantford fitished a very out of hin way in lime, Scatili commendahir ointS for $405. had 10 setîr for fouoir place Scanseil iront' hic fomîliar ansi $050. 1969 Dsîdge in rte LaIe Mode] Scanneil mon lise firsi Division bot again hasi t triule qoalîfyiog Seat ansi starlesi the for fouetS position. The 35-lap 1l19lap race inpole posiion. He featorrace mvent 10 a driver qaîckly grabhesi the leasi hot front Pîneceît 'Sperdmap, Jack Wareen Conîam ansi Norm Cook of Toronto milS Don MaLkovoth slayedsi vIOS on lis Biedrrm an of Port Credit Saick homper for 72 laps onîîi secoosi giieteman lias Mackereth liasi to retire 10 the porchaîrd Harolsi Bromns 1966 pits. Dîlie Silva of IIaverhill, Chevelle ans i mth Biederman's Mass., then mores inloo the tîtird big 427 cohîs incS Chen mogine spot and one of NorthSmeîca' s itran quicker titan anythtng on top drivers, Sentley Warreno o f the tracS. Eavl Ross of London Gloucester, Mass. look fourîhl ook thi spot mîth Scaonel Onece". Waeren passesi Silva cri Brontford fi. the 7iîh lopand for theooext21 laps the firît fouri cars riti Suolpe o au iitper B M ILTON I stie' stnTElioelp ug EPHONE nercame opon Bob Seelman ansi Eu Ken Andrews mîto mere fSghttng ANSWRING Coniam quicblp foonsi a Sole on' SIRVIC the lom sude andsi ippesi lhrosgh ~ CNIETA 10 take the osil. Scasorîl ino 1 COU TOU sheer desperotion ment may SîgS ORECLS iroi9ii the tmo us bot mient PERSONALIZED iio the corner mtac too fast 87 - 0 ced slis int the fence. Bp the 8 82 0 lime Ste recoreresi, botS Warren Massey-F ergoson StaSes. Thîe sarry arrayof diversfor the Missoy-Forguson includes Kejîh Waples, Dr. Johnî Fîndley. lacS Kopas, John Hayes, Dancan Maîjasl ands Benoît Cote. Gien Anderson 's sellont for horsemos wiuscS mas desîropesi Sp fireolaîl Asguss lllhcrack in bosiness fo lia 1 0-meeS course aa new silo near Campbellville People from for ansi near alîeîîdod She schooi to er more ahbot horsos. Thîrten hre eedesîtoyesi ii the flico Each Wednesday ecenîog in MoSam's Terrace Dinin0 Room. there'Ili Se a men 't asnd women 'i fashion iliom. Clîîîhes mîlI ho provîdosi hy Hamilton stoires. 188 MAIN ST. Mosbîiz ail forces for TrimCounty wcars The word o MO!2o.,Minor Hockey o ln uago" Ibis Sunda as aIl five clubs frons Nov.c tarougS Joveolle invede Chlsgoecos toms of thbe. feo oro. e AUl Ove clos of course miii be lookiog for Tri.County chmpoships and provincial horr Iis pear. Joveoile coach Jbe Au ger expecte t0 bore a good cloS aod a big yOOt. 1tIlei toit sooo t0 telI bot vire sbould Sie tolid os defeoce, elrosg in goal ond forweed 100," Auger said. A lot of sebot happeons wieb tbe lovesiles depessis partly on wbo tbo Juniors tlbe op. Bock front ast pear os defence are Dore Gales and Kirbp Monte wbille Nigel Fergiason and Rick Goodisg are bolS joinisg tbe club as ceotremes. Goelirs Trevor Roberts ood Teery Cols are expecind t0 bouster tie Juverile defeoce Ibis pert. Tbe Jurroiles weon tbe Tri-Coootp crowo last peor and were SeatrS out in tbe fii roond of the Ontario plopoffo agais Thornbill. Auger, wlso r.laped professiona] bockey for ooisvilr sn tbe Eaostern Profesiosal leagel, reports the spirit of the club is bigis and a good pear lits aîteadt. They lied Oakville t -t in tir oolp exbibition gante. lits Murray, msanager of the Midget club talks about the mekiogs of a gondi cooteoder in tbe Midget ranks Ibis yetis. "Wr have a bie club Ibis pear, bigger thon otber peors," Murray sali. Tbe team's bright spot wili bie in tbr nets miSS Pal Oerlio and Brasi Evans, bolS top flighl gosiers. Wbile the forward tiSes arr sont settînd yrt Rich Murray bas becsi cenlering for Grog Cbocbmnacb and Dure Heipet and Pbdl Collent bave bero playing on a lise wilh Harold Merrp andi Rick Jb. Rick McTrach, Jits Sales and blet Robhertson bave ohl seeo action on forward lines in exhibitioo action. Hugli Marshltal and Bob Rosk bave pairnsi op on defesce os one tioe and Steve Robertson andi Kits Mosotoso have paieed sp on onotbee tire ssii the defence looks ileoog. Others hure shows srell t proctice and the coach and manager bope tv hare the club in shape for tbeie opener Ssoday. lits Msnro is couching the clsb Ibis yrîr. Batnans Coacb Glen Dance ns confident bts club mil bie a conteoder and put a serious bud in for the Tri-County title. Wlsile coach Dance has made ail the csoecrssarp and lhings look goosi for the flmns, lhey mOl Sie set bock o litle becouse of the ahsence dse 10 sllnens of promiting Rick Bridigman. Bridigman mas a ntaniiosi wilb the Fer Wres in the past few tessons bot will miss the Oirsi montht of action Ihis yrar duse to on sppensiicitis operation Friday * Second yesr men on defence wtît bre Wade Bekar, George Je La CorneOD OPTOMETRIST BURLINOTON MALL TRIPHONE 632-7788 878-002 Tiumera wlll reuture 0ee clueb Ibis yenas au mber ooe goaie. Gary Goodiag aad Keety Kitcben relumts th Ie Banit foeward lises asd sewcome Scott McKenzie ba good potesntial tnbelli the club. Bil Rowsey eaturas au team manager, Mueray bicCossel jois the club as asistant coacb and Sid Dance will Se club tramner. They wes e th Ie Ontario Semi-Finala lust peur. Tbe Pee Wees battled t0 a 6-2 win orer Burlisgtn and a 4-4 tie wilb Guelph orer the weekesd. Tbey played loitnoighl sn Burlingîos s torigll in aep dswiog isto league play Sundop. Coacb Ted Kennedy sa opliisiiic about the Pe. Wees' asimediate future. "Weall gire it Soccer team Ioses, dies O.S.D. battlesi 10 a I-t tic wiIb Brin aod suffered a 1-O defeat at the handi of the Orangertlle club in recent soccer action. Orasgeville jumped choisi eorly in the game os o long low ihol from the right side of the net, Seatisg the Milton 0.S.0. goalie and learing O.SO. trasliog Sp ose for the rest of the game. In the secood gaine agaist Brin, O.S.D. feii behinii in the second haîf bat came Iac on s goal Sp Joha O'Brien in the lait Oive minutes of the goume. The goal came on a higlt shot thl floaled orer the heads of aIl plopors and into the net. The remaioiier of the gaine wsea plaped sn nesieul territoep. a od ,"Kessd sud. defesce postas, they sboiSe roo defessivelp. Beuce, Blleson, Pau Sprcet l eJao Tondit are bacb frot last peur oit the formard line and diould Sie 100gb. The club os a rougbt tradition nu follose after going te tbe Ontario semfi-finuli a peae ago ced the finals lait peur. Bobs Rollins milI ausist Keceedp in coachisg the club ced Don Wilson is club manager. Bob Colles will basdle the Novtce club instead of Poe Wae Ibis peor. The cluS will Sie masaged Sp lii Smith. Colleo said the bopi weee dcatitg Ove nigbls a weeb aI hockey arbol butlibed Sot belon oui t0 a Novice practice pel. 150 te pari in race event Close 10 150 girls ced boys tceb part is Martin Street Senior Schonl's cross country locel Thurudap. Younguters compelnd is thrre different divisions, junior, er and inlermediobi. lunioers tan ose mile wbile other divisions ran a mtile and n hâtif. Matp Nijholî asd Ron Heeings cendUp in the senior divisions abesd of lonie Bird and Stephes Caputo wbsle Woniiy Lpons ced Don Kosulicb lopped Inleamediate compotition and Palli South ced Brad Jopce sete runsers-up sn Ihat division. DebSie Roberts toppodl junior nannets as diii Geoif Bonnet for the junior bopi and Lee Aso Bard ced Mark Brancier mere close Selund in the juior erents. BROWNIES SPORT SNOP SPECIAL HOCKEY EOUIPMENT SALE _ SK100 HELMET wjîh mouth guard .9Rag. 6.80 Velue SALE .... 4 .5 --. V EOUOIENT 40%OFF - .HP5 NYLON HOCKEY PANTS Rsg. 20.00 SALE .......... 12.0 SB87 SHOULDER FADE Reg.7.00 SALE ....4.0 G P66 GOAL PADS Rug. 02.00 SALE..3.20 GP64 GOAL PAOS Reg. 400 SALE. .... 21.60 CCV.HOCKY STCKS GP56 GOAL PADS C.CM.HOCEYSTIKS R-0. 76.00 SALE... 45.60 LIIItChiOO .99 .79 Cnrei ,.50 1.19 Ne. 28 HOCKEY GLOVES 2.98 2.28, Rsg. 28.00 SALE..15.00 Alisier 3.29 2.50 SýITp .. .. ecrl No. 9 HOCKEY GLOVES PREEtape wtIrhockeysick Oas.I1900 SALE....1.4 BAUIER & C.C.M. SKATES 10% OFF. Andi StIe Cooper Lima FREE AUTOGRAIWED PICTURE Of 101.1 N&L BELOW COSI! THESE CARS: CAN BE BOUGHT: FOR LESS THAN OUR: OWE * HONEST DEALER COST! >00U if Î YOURSELF To SEE 7h51E CARS ,* SEE THE FRIENDLY MlAN AT TRAFALGAR The Canadien Champion, Wednesdaey, October 15, 1969 :Public Skating SUNDAY Octoberl19 FROM 3TO 5 DMISSION - 5 CENTS Acton Curling Club APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING RECIEIVED FOR THE 1969-70 SEASON Pieuse marke enquiriest 1< Secrerary of tlc Acton Curling Club Box 1042, ACTION WILLIAMor CALL 7he New Budng seif be Compiete byVNov 1 ALL ENQUIRIES WILL BE CONTA CTED