---ry 1- e5 1969 Merchans rock K.5p.11e S Ports forum to sc ore sec n i t r ity hai h o scrIlon it r I ta M eit n elA Marc ante.s rohc ..,e . Don e am s.ta ve b c . Pliyer personnel ie i problein besettingjust about evary hockey tao n taOetsri and thte competition for players has never bren keener. The problens rspidty surging towardu a climaxnand therr aren't toc sssny hockey clubs tttut nre flot concemned. At a recettt meeting of thr Northrs Ontario Hockey Association, (a bruttch of thte OHA) tht problemn of sortisein talent beisg raided! by southeret tenon of Junior A and Junior B calibre took prlarity. Naclhers tssnar hockey associations are brisging players alosg ta the point where lhey can play and then wbes southers Junior clubs wmt te plnyers they are sol wilng ta puy what lthe nortiteco clubs tiisj firc. Even store angravstieg 10 lte nortitemers s te iden tIsa lte clubs are beisg cosmlted osly atter lthe player bas berns pokes lu and t nleeady exciled about going os ta sotsething greal aod glariaus in lte touchen rasks. Wtes lte scout or leant represrnlalive does gel 10 lte club ie bad! an adomtage becase ie hastlalked lte yousgsler mbt goisg mnd hie toc ispressing for a refasse. Wlsil lte bIlA Je. A appends 10 be lte villain ut lte norlten part of te province, titey to00 bave problemus asd reudily point lteir fulger lu lte Asterican cotleges wha camte nortit witit promises of hockey asd as educîson lau. Add 0 ltaI lthe iscientiag sumber of leamts of Junior A, B and C clnsuification and lte prublemn is a rasi une. Thte Western Ontario Juior Langue (mn outlaw leogue) can'l ielp bul be a problemas n fac nu hurtisg Junior B asd C trams. Befote if n boy in a Junior C lown wansI good enougi to play or gîet n substantil offer from n acollegee afler bigit scitool, ie plnyed on te homeloun lean mnd wns htappy lu Stls position. You don't have 10 go mny fuilter titan te Suburban Junior C Hockey Longue ta efiperience lte peoblemn. Befare lthe season stenil Millon Mercbanîn expecteli 12 players of lot year's clit 10 reluen mnd faoin te nucleus of ltis yer's club. As il itnppened about haIt chat may nctually îelumed for mucther yenî and lte club is facrd stitit n iebuilding job cater tban coundiog corners. Several Junior B clubs have uppruncited te Merîbanîs for player reoeasses. On une occasion veleases were giantrd, but itad lte club grmlted ail reuses requestrd there would hie su club ... .md il is as simple au ltai. Bich ole, Grnham Hon mnd Pnul Kilciten, ail top rite players,. refI chu rnks chis yenr before thitr titos s up in seaci of greeser pnstuîes. Hein went tu Brandon, Manitoba, Cule lu lthe sew Junior A lengue and Kitchen vient off lu scitool ai Troy, New York. Gnry Young cdll play Junior B hockey in Dixie and lu furtitr complicnl lte thsitations John Gage, Steve Loawrence mnd Jim Citnlley nil will bae ont of actios as fac as te Merccitcî go. Gane itas docided nul ta comlmute my longtr, Loweucqi,ja* teachert caliege mnd duesn' have che line for lsockt. annd C bas bucome Burfinglen piitpeily. Witle Challey itas piaed1iere1II, alter yenus mnd cill sut play mnywitte ustil lte McMnterfouîhnll ssan la er, getting a retente fronm lte nec Burlinglun leant wili ie laugit. Eves with ail thete prublents lise Merchmnts still are eeasoaly soie of cumins up eriit s gond cuntesdeî, tanks tusa healtity MiltonI Minor Hockey Asaociation. Wititoul chat nu doit cao peoduce. While Milton's piobleisn mgit seemi grave they are only ut n min or salue ein relation lu chute ut 00e greal rivais in Gorgetown. The Raiders bave rin m mure titm thtir fic siture ut praitlema. Not only arr titey tnced with the pruitlemis ut players gradualing lu btigltez ranlcisg clubs but four players trust lait yenî's club waml lu play Juvenile hockey inther thon Junior in that tues. Millon urgunicers ut courte are concerned about lte situation ut Georgetown becanse for une, il is n dlote trip, and secundly because Georgetocn rivalry bas beougit their test gales for yîaes. Witile Georgetocn is duing everyching possible lu gel a conlesder their problemai are seriaus nues and lte prublests fncing Mst outher aras clubs are and cilI continue la hîcoste tersous. Is is and ulter parts ut lthe province court baIlles bave teen threslened andin ut a leasî une instace ltey bave gune lu court. There bas totle n solution sortie place. Dock seson rn Soutitern Ontario cas a hune moccess for soute aI least! Bil Sields, Jin Smtith, Don Keantey. Lomny Naylar mnd stime ut the boys tram the club ail got their count uponing day. Arn Coolson and somte frjends guI lteir full cont ut Bîacks mnd Halads soon atter upenisg day. Titese hirds cre thol in grain fields mdl cre in encellent condition. One black dinke ceigited nencly lhree puunds. The Hallon Sperctseo's Association itd n muccessfuî stag niglit tlnt Pliday and a gond numiter of gluesîs cere preseut. As cas sîaîed lust yeac anyone cjinhng lu sitaipos up their ryr toc dock thuuting mny use the elecîcic trop msts Salurday nOrîsuoons toc membars andi guesîs. Ali you do je contact n Memiter and pny for theils mnd dlay hirda. TheWvhelsb Nîghtly 7:45 pm, MOHAWK excepi Sunday âf £XTD-NgggswAv401 Heselrn-1 is chipp OHA Jnir C ehbition hockey g e here rcidny niglt. .Mehbms uutitustle.d Hespeler in lthe fistt periad, tanm t-O lead mnd outtitot Hespeler 20U3 The shot were indicative ut lte play in lte first peiiod as te Miltas offence swaetsed nround lte Hespeler sel but fadîdi ta gel many of their sitotî ucny with ny rip. Add ta ltaI n lougit Hespeler goalie and lte Meichasîs came out of the fsrsl session aitend by only ose goal citen they sitould have led by four. AIl Hespeler altncks eree îendily sloppod nI lte Milton itlue line. Duig lthe furst pociud Milton had freee ceigu on lte ice and lte osly bright spot on the Hespeler club had lu be titi gonfle chu held tem su lte gane. He missed ose thol by Merchants to open season Milton Merchants cilI bte îidiog us lthe ceesl of thîree viclucies in euitibition ploy, lWo agoinst Hespeler and une uver Builiuglun when titey opon che Junior C season itece aguinsl Sleeetsville Feiday night. Gamne liste is 8.30. Merîbnts cili go mbt Fiiday's garne at futl strenglit and will be ouI foi titeir firsI sin of regelai sensun play. MitIon's frt counlter. Put Hiton sitnsd 3.0. Il 1ohs Goals by defescemnas Bah stes ns if lte Meccbants would R.bson md Cits Bock ni lthe cati lthe sits fac the test af the Merchants top Hespeler 4m3 Mâtas Merchints caeved n ocriase 4-3 viclury in nalJui C exhibitias gumne in Hespeler Smdny sigit. The gae ended with n drasalic finish with Hespler caming erititin ose goal of atie, atoeing aI the 19.52 mark of the final poriod and erith lteoir gonfle ouI uf the sels. Mlon loch :n eneîy lead cites Dos Hearns seord in lthe fsest peciod unassisîrd. Hearas scord whal lained ul luh lithe winnecnascell, fmnding the rage aI 18.56 of thethicd puiiod on a goal fcomn Marty Seedu nnd Kicby Muaro. Keilth Bridgman nelted Hillon's second goal of the gumne giriisg Ilhen a 2-0 lenil. Don Dyee moved Hespeler wilth n goal of of Millos but hifoce lthe fii pociod ended Hilton's Cites Bock bad pelled an insuince goal. Tiniling 301, Hespoler pressed! bard lu score lthe unly goal in lise second period and once aguis muved lu within ont goal utfHillos. Doug Hâlis cousîed foc Hespoler in lthe second Don Henins scored the Miltos wimner aI 18.56sand losthn40 seconds laler Hespuler tlSied os n pues play with Bah Hillis ecoeing fcom Harvey Boomer mnd bave BelceSlo. Merciatass wre plnying erithoul the services of Gary Nsylue and Ray ToseSli. Manager M] Pacton said flie Junior effortldidentmensaeap lu their thoeing ut home on Piiday. Pacton snid bath teamns plnyed pocely nI limes but yet plnyed os rncilisg bcnnd of hockey. Thte manager made spocial mention of gunlie Lau Bietî's performasce. "Bienl wasiost out of tisn corld,' Perron commenled. Both leamI look 21 minur penalties. Is encit ut thte chie exitibition gamres the Mercbanîs bave speni far toc long in lthe sin bis and coacht Enci Pou winS bc emphnaisig titis point ciith bis plnyrs foc suri citen the Mercbanîs itoît Sîceettylle in the senson humer hece Feiday nigit ut 8.30. Win once tie Guelph 0 --- A bard-skating Millun Pre Wre I k tm i club scoced nn impressuve 6-2 * cia uver Builingtun Fcidny and L batled tona 4.4 lie ciit Guelpit itere Sundsy. Stover scred teice for lthe Pee Wees Citile Jobs TonelliS added n pair mnd Paul Spcunl and Rucley picked up singles. t g h r t a i Pciday. Guy McGiocis, Ron Twiss, Stover and Tunelli ai ~ ~ pce passisîs in lthe finstorT d - o u he n gasne chile Tamrac hulprd ouI o e fo d f n Icice. Millon Mercctmts Junior "C' 7 aI Milton Aima, in o gaie Titey play in Guelpit tunigitt Hockey Club ili meel lthe rslablithed lu assil on lthe mnd in Citinguucuy Sundoy in Hamilton Red Wiags of thte bitulding ut lthe Ted Hood lMpsjrner . - O.H.A, Juior "A.' ,,Fiday, Nov. Memorigl Pond. Execucine memters, of the club losI fiîlle lime in cuing out lthe details foc titi prmotion ut lte gamne, as ils "M i or ock âi 'contrjibtion lu titi fod lu meets.Sunday Edde sw outce ny John McLemn Titere cdll be o meeting Sunday aftîrnaon ai 1.30 in lthe Lagios for ail mioe hockey couches, managers, cunveors, rîfrent etc. as ch ere are scîrral rule changes titis seanun an ceil as updating other unes. AIl ltote cuscerned ace urged! lu attend. Tte Hockey Scitoal cames la an end Saluidny and once again il tas iteen n succusu ns ltere itas bren a very gond tombalt for lthe entire scituol. Head insîruclur Jre Auger cîshes lu, Ihanit aIl ut is helpr tjuniocsinsrucurs) for their itîlp dueisg the scitol as viel ns ltmaking te studînts for lhitrr cu-opeenlion in mnking ltse scltocl n suocess. Thte ouse Lague cdll swing insu action nenl creit nnd because ut titis, mny une cita cithes lu 5h11l rigisr stny doteo us Wednesday andi Thucuday nigitn and Sotuidny Muming during the hockey scituol. Tite scitedules andi tram lists wili re in lte Octuher 22 issue snsîrad uftoldny hicaune Ihere oie sth11 registrations cuming sn. rushi cas onîy 100 hanppy lu itelp ouI foc thereveol and the genicul manager-coach ut lthe Red Wings noîrd itis respect foc Tedt as a hockey ployer. At roasI Icu ut the Red Wing players itad allendril the fumerai. Coaches, managers meeting Tite Tri.cuunly minur hockey lengar cdll hulli a coactes, mtanagers andi reterers steeting aI lthe Milton Lagion tunigit aI 7:30. Reere-in-citief Don Lawrence itopes lthe meeting cdll mottle coaches, managers and refrees oluar ramny rule changes Ibal have uccnrred tis yer, itefoîr lthe tentes sînrîs. Coaches and managers plus thr irefrrrmn.chirf ut ail - 11 los ** "ONE 0F My SlONSi WILL SEREviOU Seo My san Mdorley % about updatiag y.ur ma Mautomobile $eon a a c Reichsardsonv un STILL A GOOD SELECTION mi à DRAND NEW 69'S aM PLUS O.K. USD CARS M Catliodar and a* far Always agqutdeelscsn nfIe 70' s dsplay. à JACK RICHARDSON Citeveelet OMessie Lod. * Mnie RtabîltoH.Y. 25. MILTÔN 802303 in lthe reage are lu attend. Currie signs Don Cornie, a Milton boy, cilI once again play ciith the Onlîli oa in Senior A hockey cumpolilion. Lait yeac Curie caa named lthe mosl valable ployer on titi Ouku. EOUIPMENT CENTRE SAVE OFF ALL HOCKEY EGUIPMENT AT MILTON Marine & Spors 20 COMMERCIAL ST. ONE BLOCK SOUJTH 0F MAIN ST. 878-521 Ilsa u ud ; tr = ui chaug, e=ple c8g0 =fce ndvmntngu af lthe exît mis. Dure Peate scared the Ile ga on i higis sit Ibat hilte e:22 ber befare golsg in ermie Rip Tuckcelt ail ouI n tero minute Mnir penalty for leippieg Hespetee's second gal camde lero minutes Iter eritit Ray Tanelli in lte penalty box. The tco quick goals chmnged lthe enlice complex of the ganme. Tieti hird puriad wns aul Miltoas nslte Meecbaels tetlied as f ive separale accassans, halding Hespuler seoreless. Bob Robson slorted chings off ut lthe 5.03 mark ecarisg itis second goal of lte guse tramt thte peint mnd minutes Inter Marty Seeds picked op n loose pucit in te Hespuler zane and rippu ylt net seoeing MâIons tfith goal. Peitps lthe prettiesî goal of the Areing cnt set up by Keitt Bid t. Biidgtnn cnrieed lthe plny front cenltre ire md it Gary Nayloc eiith n pues going scrute lte bine line. Nnylor in loin dumpodil lutc Don Citacitmaci, îendy mnd wniling fleur che goalmoult. Tcu goals ity Don Heans mnd Keith Higgs withis 30 seconds of encit olther concluded che Milton tcucing, sendian ten saned 0-2, the final score. Alto feoluced us lthe nigit ut lthe seventt wdl ie lthe basdliug ut the gaine ity officiaIs suppîied ity lte Nntional Hockey Longue thcougt lthe cu-opuintion ut ils e fere e-i n-ciie f, Scolly Morcisos. Don Heircsanmd Beb Babson 1 dlthe ac, * is thterogss euhcitnle GeBxcrnt Seeds, Don Chucismic mnd Keilth Hiej fred single. Gary, Nnylor eue fonsdamental on tbaee occanians plchlsg up saisis on ecti weiile Grog Cituchmsacs eeesled telce, Don Clsuclsssc once mnd Ksith BrVidgtmc. BLUELINE DATR Ptsyere front bath Ienus mnd n crawd af 659 puying customners slnod silcal for ose minuta puying tributa la Ted Homd whit ens kltlled in i cac accidest lest ereek. Players mnd tramt persanel erore blackt son binds in memoiy sse. nppeîed pteased with the Mercts' secaed victory in as mmny slins. Cacht Pan put in i spaial word.for the esobins on thelti. 'MIe rackIaes erilI ome similg. There la doubt et aIl in my mind tbat titey erili The coacht explnined hoe was deeiguing hits leon ta navoid sny super line. "There ean't be mny finît second mnd Ilsird fine ar mny sper defonce 'tatee"hi snid, "I wamt thse slid! bnlanced linos and fou defenconen, thnl's etl." Pan nsed Brisa Carter and Lon BretI in the sels. Wile bath ployed! well Caner italde tht distinction af nat yel being ecored an after plnying psits of tea gumnes. "t dosn 't grv itnsth insde trac tahugt,"e -i Po er elaCha. se a f the lea fromt ont of tues and ee cmlt lu use une af the local boys plnying Juvenife." Referees nssessedl 103 minutes in penalties, 6110o Milton and 42 lu Hespuler. Most af the penalties seere eithee for elbowing or inlerfereece but ecith club picked np extra lime in falith penalties. Hilton toak lea stiscoaducîs far baving toc muc to la ay mnd n maoar for speacian chule Heseler bock une majar penalty. Heecitanîs tee nction itere Peiduy sigsI ai 8.30 pas. when they meeco Streelerie in the first gamne of the Mssn. AI l enroll. in swimmhfng titl Y.s -t O.D.A etdit lassons ontce a week. ln addition tauii ti, theu '@_ dmte divingSort synch=hronlzed swhistltg clubs. Hartoun, and Patti Wtesosk, mnembion of lthe Synchtrontsai! Swâm Club, wett ta Torontoa tu s clinit on weter ekille. AMIlthe gicls on lthe teis are wacitln btord, itopieg ta, perfotttt au comtpae titrougltout the yeec. Bott lthe divlnd srtr teemas hold reli practices eati week and ere working t6asds competitios titis year. Win tourney Mie. H. Ssbcock and Chihe Anderson, bath of Milion, coPped ber net scores et lthe Trafalgar Golf Club Cltsrtsted Members Tosestumant Ssstday. -Local Scouts weh itald titea ipple day titis weekend. Day an ipple mud support the Scosting CAN 04V ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESN LOOK Corn In for à COMPlot. appralwa AUTO BODY 2»878-2721 1 878-32511 kirUI1.X w 00 g5 dànttr ga lntOli f0 a is a . R DRUMOUIN GARAGE HORNBY 8784807 OR q7.2217 ®1 Once-AY.ar JORI 1MOIROWV Griot Reductions Adams Furuiturs 47 QUREN ST. I., 8SOAMPTON 414000.1w 203 MAIN ST., MILTON 704 MILTON CURLING CLUB mew Curling muiers 1969-1970 -à SEASON MEN - MIXED - DAYTII [ADIES BUSINESS 6111. ALSO MANY SOCIAL ACTIVITI ES OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 2Oth-251h FREE INSTRUCTION FOR ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED FOR FUMTIER INFORMATION CALL: MI Pielpt ............... . . .........ime Jen Harioîe......................... 87.2453 Ken Hein........................... 3Z in