Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 21

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»» casala ctaaà.WnWaMud. wmkwà tA 1 Halt-on takes county herd titi.leî~ aitM te. amn vice&sand wgrod te sticlpated chsge - Hltoit Holabela sede a fias MoGeo. Norval; A. H. toctse. ahoig brig hosto s naaborof riz niiioanad masotrehim. Thro oro14 esibiorafras iti c an d a ttl o 7B ehbtorst iltogothor. Haltos entriea inctuded Achvilte parma, Miton; T. H. Gegoos ttar Moo Teer, Ctt; Preti ruMmasd Boss, Georgetown; Joif Nurse, Gortos Clasde P. Picket, Goojrgoona. (who lied 15 mnet), Johan Popp Rýonod;, W. J. Proad, Palso H. C. Reid, Mtiton; Gordon R. Sitnclair 4îla*.Ceuty,. nost:=.coat trophY et tdm WOUt Castrai est Pridy. There wore alite qtltl in tiscldae; and Haltes tpdWteloanti Pool te daa ttW .1.Woad lroplty. More Naton exhibitori stade anoiber fine ahowiog et ein Pair avec tht Thoodaîgina holidfay weesd. Senerat 4-H club stintben won peines and Halte. subibitors did wail inodas Jersey show, field cropa asti negetable compotilios. In field cropa, Johas Nurse wn fia for chopped hay and geais cornsenira, psa secasd prine on ataika of tig'cors. T. J. Srownridge toock flrata for dais raid stangolda, white stuogolds, yellow stangolda, fotider bea, swont cors, Spanish otaloos, citrons, s1uah and a collection Rock-Silo Jerseys onneti by Ken Silo *ad Sos, Horaby, shwdth ~camtpion bai They aIso toada faee in the yearling dlaa and thoir eslry wnson Oto wia theojunior festale chaaspionship; anti a firat prise foar-year-old weat os ta ho seaior and graad chsampioo fostale. Sulas as had tise firal aged con, firat breeder's bord and fini is the later-breeti hast adder clats. Is tise 4-H oas coaspetiios Rasestary Bootis was in the ficst prise graup, Dos McClure second, and Barbues Browsridg and Dosais McClure Ibirti, Keiti Austin asti Johan Nurse were in tihe feast prise group in 4-H coco, nida Piip Agnen and Joe Andersn in theo second prisa graap asti John Altierson in tise third group. A 4-H isterclab colf show sas field for colvea front Welingtou, Peel and Huilas Counties. In senior Hoîstemas, Gadi Boardmare of Pool wn out aver 26 beoti. Mary McGoe was second digh, Davidi Reid foarth asti BiS MoDosali lOtit in the firat prisa greup; Bandy Bennett, Barbara Bcawacidge, John AIders, Bob McDonald and Beryl McEsrry noce in the second prise group; and Paui Stewart waa in the third prise groap. In junior Holateins, Les MoDosetti was second anti he mnd Barry Reidi noce in ther finit prin group; John Putterson anti MaY Fuchs nere in the secondi prise group. Thece wr Il beati in dais campetition. Fine brati, ail fraom Hilton, noce exhibiteti io the senior 4-H Jersey clasa. John, Susan and Gati Nixon noce finit, secooti and dairti in dae finit prise graap; Bruce McKeown and Macg Robinson re in the second prise group. Juat Ina heati front Hilton nero in ther junior Jersey dlata. Carat Nixno nas ficat and Jane Nixon seconti. Caret's edlf nas alan choses reserve champion colf andtihda caif of Geil Beartimore nas champion. A competitias nus hoelt for a group of hroec colves front anc 4-H club, anti Il groupa stade estries. Peel 4-HHolstris Club nua Cest; Hilton 4-H Holstein Cilf Club tbah second, dairti anti fouerda prizsa, Hiton 4-H Jorsey-Guernsey Cilf Club sas surah anti rigbda. The second plane tram iscluieti Bob McGosalti, Sandra Beonett anti Barbara Browntidge; thicti, Les McDoalti, Barry Reidi, John Patters; fourda, Mary McGee, Bihl MeDoalt, Daviti Reidi; sintb, John, Snamn anti Gnd Nixon; oigblh, CuraI anti John Nixon, Marg Robainson. A. --u--------u- Agriculture at the cross-roads 11 Sy Henry J. Stanley dlay soit obia thootti br draînetiîaoît Agriculture] Representative bcing tiruincti because of the uncraînîy of ýk agriculture. Agriculture in Haisan Counsy is ai the The farmcrs in the ceai of Ontriro arr cacas-roati. i muai change cousea anti move cdaanging anti opdtiig Ibni, faemîng ut a a- ap the buti of progress or tide taon anti rapiti rate. White Iukiog parti n the Landi out of coaspetitian. lise Tour of Eastern Ontario last manîb t 1 4 Nabatiy, leasi of ail a farmer, cao atanti oas mass impreaseti niîb the greatstoIdra stiil. His coss bave continurti ta risc aluan matie on tibr s catirti "bachnard" section a0celeeatiog rate, nbilr bis recripis per unit of aur province. Their corn pîitias for ther of pratiace base ceaiord faicty constant, pai to yrors arc suparior t0 aur county. To aseel ibis challenge, the Ontario fanser They are dcCiniteiy oc compctîors in tbtn bas becamne store anti asore efficilent. He Creld, nt josi western Ontario as ne siglst pratiaces store anti more peatiace per msan hune ibougisi. A scitulr situation esain an dais fans, mat farming Cieltia. Socb la not the case on any Halsonv County fuas. Atitiinai rati! bicha bave Do ne continue at our prcrito pace antid bren Idroon op uloogthie nay -grraîly sioniy stitir farîher anti fuctber bchinti9 Or, i ncrcusr t assessaseot anti spîrutting do oerucn abeati, having faîtb in ibis taxation, regiosat tohoal boards, nobotiy conty ast in thr future of agiculture? Do on counicit ta rercsenr the carat area (o or ignore the prsaistent ceai essaie - compte te reversai of the pat, rtc. Many saleamen oho bave faunti clients with more .4 farancra bave becoase tiacourageti odar no asonrp thon cas br laogiord, anti krep in one sereti 1 t end as r or corc. Whro dais butinesa of foasming? thda knight in sbining arasacappearrd, the Many wi11 tay "No". Bat oanyt as lanti spocalator, asany weicomcd the sure, oi tiecide ta krrp on thr race. They n- - oppactusity ta gel val of furming. or Iast oi 'change their attiitdes - onaîierng in Ibis counsy. (Samesanra the armor performance of tivratoch over looka or,. torneti oas te be tin inatesti aI hartirord brerd, volume of production avec number ateel). of cons, yîida per acte oves nomber of - Others are prolrraaiail ai ooc-eighth ocres etc. This la the thînkîsg of the dacotlî. Tdaey arr ondecitirt as ta nhrthrr formier of the future. or nt thry shouli adil or nais anoibr Aic pou as the cross-roati Whîch noy yrar. Many are nos chuoging ai the rapîid ni;; yoo go? puce oecestary to hrep up wîth oc -- campition in thae test nf Ontario. Vrry -(Reprînseti front Hatton Foar News.n, Clais leadcer Rock Slla Cliax Debra. a con breti anti nrt day Konnrsh Suae asti Sos of senior tbrr-year.oli doasa braderL T A E for daheasonih of Boptembrr. thae CanuanU Jersey Catile Club reports. At chee yrara 3016 dua, in 305 tisys, Drbra penduceti 11,319 is. mh, 662 has fat, for a 5.85 pcv cent Goiti Meti record. IJOHNSONI IOPTOMETRYI (O SI LSRTD IMILTONAND ACTONI IOASLUTAED more ouadi0 A.Yes. Preseni day visuel Iservies belp ta ascreuse the c fotanti sharpueta of vislon for maximuse enjoyasonl of suc aoctivntet as roudmng or other clolse work asti toisa a vientng. winners at Erin... andi Bos, Srlinglos; Sert Str, H. rsby Henard in o Tarol Mlogîow; mdM. Fh D.Wisgrone, Camupheelil. n m Claue Pîketwas unne-là By Satan Kid Ciad P ctewart cfonr tp Tbe Nasaagaweyo te Boltons R. JStwrfotie held their firit me hosor of beiag oasted premsier Torsday, Sept. 23, at oulsibitor. Mr. Stewart waa as of Met. H. Stanley, premier breeder. Me. Pickeî e leader. Bbc is s showed the senior, grand and Met. H. Hejat. reterce -senioc and grand Tbe election of offchminfmladfl nr lc sflos wos the bet adder campetition. Sert Stewart shoord thec grand chsatmpion Mtale anti Craig Reid CoIIeens cc liad the reserve junior cbamspion feasale ofthe sho. stock dinn Other Hntnwins: Poasdsng and Bull caif, Tanowell CersI, Reid stuffin, forg a (lter) aitld, Wingrovr ninth, Fred flaok steak began t Nurse i 11h, McGre i8tb, 27 Mseeting of the Cas estries. BuSl îwo yeara anti avec, Caileros 4-H clsb. Ail Stewart Cinit, 10 entrer. Grand as Breoda anti ngrid t champion mtale, Stewart. hoodsat ortffing it Junior yearling heifr, Picket brannei aati pst an tb 121h, 23 estres. Seno y- rn cank. heifer. Reid second, Tarzwil Tbe meeting naIrs i fiftts. Stewart luth, Popp 17th, the varloas ets oft 33 enînira. mribotit of coaking Members noce taugt Dry cow, Pickrt first, anti mait mneths. Wiagrone sixth, Prouti eighth, 22 Gnitirti cbeese aos entries. Twa year aid heifer, sandwiches ocre servrd Picket seventh and 11 ith, Reiti steak. tflth, Wisgeone l9ih anti 24t1s, Papp 22nd, 41 rotries Three A rt.~ I i year aId brifer, Wingrove finst MF LIlO and l9th, Pickrt 111h, Reiti 2(lth, 39 entriet. Faonr yer brifer. Tarnwell 1ieth, Reanid t, s candia 29 eotriet. Fine yrar aid con, Burigo's War Pickcl first anti secndt, Tarwl corclortn t Lno 141h, 32 mnes. annaunceti psibiicly be Senior *anti grand champion a candidtiae fnr the tei foutais, Pîckrt; reservr, Pichet. word Seat on Bau Brst utiter, Pichrt, five entrira. Drcrmber etectian. Breetieras herti, Wingenr Mir. Lsntinp ani het sevrnth, Reidi 1111h. Oct-af-sire, asbed ta seeda the Pichet firt, Wingrove anti tiepuiy.rreve bot be prr Gr e on fit,1 rnr ecemain a narti caonc Prageny nf dam. Wingrvr Cis, tberr as se mach ye nine mnes. Caanîy herti, accnmplisbed ia Hatn Cirai, Waterroonsecnt, Blringian" Hr joineti PrelthIirdo ine mties. port nay ibrnogs ils The jatige nas Roy Ormiainn. terni. Car check PL Wben is the bast lime ynu cchetie ynar brake asti tari iigbta anti tan anti bigb bramas CAM P tva, far that mastter? These are important aitit ta yoar safrty on .O,,., the highwiay. Tbey gîvenarnog EMO tn oibrr drivera of yur orovi- ENiao intentina anti may prrvrvt an accideot. Sn gel ino the babil of cbrckîng shese irmî befvrr yvo stat n tbe bighnay. m Ibacon nith the e Il Tbrer hia neda nauldabr or nvcth rlingIon's liat bren seat of ferrrdtt ilnr "as t 10 he North couincl present OCK with a Lana4lian '~#,MGeneral Electrie washer and dry( ut show. Nymphs ti Aaudrey Mliaon; vice-president, Nysapha Irene Kitid; teasree, Benita retint oo Pries, asti secrelary asti preat the haste reporter, Susso Kititi Other viha is aoc stembera inclutie Jase Nornooti, sseti day Lits Dennis asti Suaan Panadida. Wr then bahk notes icera taak nn cbooaing fanti fac daeat anti president, meat ant i la value as foodi. Meeting twn nat belti ai the k home nf Mca. Stanley an ok Mntay, Sept. 29. The roIl cati ont "my famity's favorite mess or diada'. Wr taak nases an the scectinn of setras, prepacing characteriasiet af qsaiity meats, tieliciaus identification af aseal cula anti apbilthile cota of bref nilb auggesrions foe natcetiâ canking. The tirmonatratian was rirtIeir cn cula of meol anti tdacir re heir locatio onthe chari. n aia eoete interatine Chas nn "The Stnry cealt nith nf Meat in Canada" falloneti by neact anti questiona anti o discussion rocb cal. beatirt day aoc leaders buabanti, the il Mc. Stanley. BIG 16 LB. HEAVY DUTY WASHER WITH EXCLUSIVE MINI-WASH AND ELECTRIC DRYER TO DRY) VOUR WASH IN ANY WEATHER. NOW YOU CAN HAVE AN AUTHENTIC CANVAS REPRODUCTION 0F A FAMOUS MASTERPIECE IN YOUR OUPZS HOME.. 12 EXCITNG ' ,, o. sc a,JJ Ie PICTOJRES TO.. CHOOSE PROM ,- IA s c- - s Wbea yen PURCHASE the exclsve MINI-WASH WHAT US "MINIstWASH"? Itls a CGE enclasive .an entra littlo tab MInI.amh.llstl -Netefaewmeetsl moee lthaI flt over the activutor withit lI onn Il lu extra gerlie, wiIh tiebicate labrics... naler aaving anlting. It haa a J-poaoti Denignet 1 hardie fragile starments clothen cupucity, andi Operutes nitIt theo alty... yea, even yoar aboareat lingerie. li lillen ..thero's no tint-fane, even on taras little loatis Anti aMM pour srteefl henda tool Mini-navet bot nater ..ony 10y, gallons Il null ouas aneatera, cotoarei labrics of naler (total Ion wmIt anti rinsi appron- tOt mn, or unplthng pouti normaîly wasb imatey bail te naler asei on tise Ion by Otanti. setting Of Mont dompetitive, waaber. BUV NOW ON EASY BUDGET TERMS - OR USE VOUR CHARGEX ONE YEAR FREE SERVICE AT:. RICHARDSON'S 201 MAIN ST. 878-OM u E) Isaciulp. He's a sweet smnellng orange Datcb variety. Jast plant himnow in fall fo agarden bazing wh brilance in sping! Or choose fromn battalions of other Oatch tuiPs, hyacinths, daffodils ana cro- cases. Al wthuniomly ow prces. BRONTE ST. MI LTO N ATTENTION DAIRY FARMERS We are now taking orders for Fail Deliveries of BEEl PULP - PLAIN or WITH MOLASSES - Check Our Pricen and Place Your Order wifl, us NOW! USE MASTER DAIRY and BEEF FEEDS FREE ANALYSIS SERVICE This coming fall and winter let us take samples of your hay, silage and grain for analysis. This information will help you plan. a better feeding programn for your dairy or beef herd. CALL US TODAY - THIS US A FREE SERVICE - W. stock a fuli lin. of MASTER FEEDS' MASTER FEEDS TIUWAMTOwN) DIal 877-3512 - G.orm.f@wn -Be sure ta me thse Hâilton Couaty diaplay, if yen attend thie Intemeationa Plowisg Match eute Paris tItis weea. -The poitical pot ila startins ta boal locally, witb Mlltos coutii and hydre, commision k

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