[ ~ III ~ fa C ndiçc C wsnpla, Wodauacy, Orcis 15, 1969 Memorial service held bo honor George Thomas (IateWsed for &Wa week) Friday evenmng Oct. 3 in honor By Me1s. L. Thomnas of Art Oiarnond, who bruefatia Eb anezer Churota, artce.wtile workiag oncurct Nasaagaweya, waa fllled Saeday Proaaerty. avaasag, Sept. 28, math frienda, Mes. Isabel MtLgaa'aMrty aeighbora and relatives, for thte fresd wiaa hier a speedy deditatien and memeuruat service, recovery. She is witlt relatives ia in rnory of R. George Thorotd, recovering front Thomnas, whro an Oaka ftowrr pneumne. stand, brasa attar vase ansd watt Wr arr ptrased te tram that csr fer the Cemmution David Ward bas reptacrd tetest Chalice, werr envedcd by Mra. ea tris trg and gradnatcd te L. Themas. trattca afitrr six werks ef Aseeng the geests sere Rcv. iatoensientr. and Mrs. G. F. Kelly, ef Mr. ad Mrs. Jeba Henry and Terente, whe merrird Geerge John Simpson ejoed tce and Liltiae. Rcv. W. Leretan of seteman scencry, whitr on a trip Paigrave, a formrr patter mas te Ottawas and Algonquin Park get speaker. Mr. and Met. Tem retcntty. Pester, ephew and niéce cf thr A sarprise party waa callîrdo dcceased, readred apeciai muric te nemty weds, Mr. aed Mes. ateag wit Ebenezer Chir. Bill Price, last Priday night. Att Me. and Mrs. William Earty are wccc m a de r weterne. rnjeying a holiday by train and Ceegratutations, Bilt and boet te the West teast and sang wettome te the remmaeity, British Colombia shore te the Jeen.A RE Yukon. Mr. and Mrs. Harey Patt ef AhnREs Aidcrgroer, Britîi Columbia arc e d tme A crekinae social mes held se vistieg relatives aed frirnds in mrs.Ir tcheslement cf the thurth on the district. coarsea Urban board hopes to continue with fewer meetings, townships Northa Heiten urbmn board miii saeeb another effort ta kccp in existence, aitaegit moat Milice an d Georgetowncount il membors have decered ttaey thieta the grctp niglit as sert foid up. Foc 16 yeaes, councils cf Acten, billon and Georgetown bore boe astard te attend the rnonttaly meeting cf the urtae taoard, mnd foc ail cf the 16 yee es, Eaquraseg eand Nesaaey ccueicals bote boe attard in vaiv te joir thergccup. The aise us te discuts mutuel protatemsanmd ce-operatr on micutions. Atlcndmnce het etmeys bren the min prebiese, reraered the representerives te ettendence recestly se the Acton cont il tbamber - chaiemen Sandy Macezie cf Georgetown; Acton Maeyor Les Duby, Acten; counicittors bEri Malls, Biu Ceets, Orvet Cbapdten end Peter Marks; Milton deputy-rreve Ron Harris, courncîttors Gord Kreeîz mnd Peecy Bacc, mnd seccetery Jecka McGeactaie. Milton ceotriillors mnd tar chaieman front Georgetous botta ceporird the feeling cf thear eus mounctai that the usefuinese cf the board haid dwivdîed mnd it rnigtt as mcli fold. Acton seunicil bod net yet discusard the prcblem. Hoseever, after briefly rrvieeing the tarnefits over tar yces, ail agrerd te e motion te rrccmseend te ibear respective councils thet conoideretion tac gaven te contancanO seill the urban boerd, pcîtataly under a new came. The grcup wouid meet four âimes e yeer raîtar than mcnttaly te discusi mutuel pectablest. Esqursîng eatd Nessagausye estl egain be anvited I te joie mnd send representetaves. Sccrrtary Jaca McGeectair reelird the boaid's formetion se ime, 1954. At fictt, mn enginrer tad bort rmploycd bolmeen the tarre testas. Sutasequet plans (suct as es becert thouglit ofea joint piombice iospcctoc) taed fallain ttaîouga. Wîîh cegionel gntcmmcnt, nerd fur joint actan tccmt tom vital. "We'r bomng irgaiaird eut cf tasiness," Mayor Dubay ttaoogt. "The uchan tauad hes taeneIIa e u seful tmci of gorerrntmmc. Esqucîmeg and Nemageryt haste massîrd the boat tay net pecticipeatg.' 1If me cen't c-opcrte onee t impie tbitg like picmbang inspectan ohet cmn wr do?" mmced Mr. Meacezie. Me. Dutay coanteed thet erre discussions are monta ehar. The relue cf tae annuel meetato e dinner mnd dette muta gurstswes cerirered tay tayor Dsuby mnd initiel plans sere mae te hld il nent monthaie Georgetous. Mayor Dubay peintrd mit Actan ceuncil taad net reccntty bod e social nagtat cf its eus, boceese cf tae suctras cf te utam. bo-r effeir. Mcmborr cf peeliament were gUeett, thcrr croc aaraysa goodhturtouus ofcuncilors and wcearr, dt muci as gainca. desptr tac atfotmaiaty. Watt, tae mneeling boginnang et eigtand regeler serfese set for lit p.rn., teunicilors Lirai exttamgred opinions on gre tepîurnig insections for 20 E, etas e se Utn open east discussion, ctseivtg te Josr terfes dîne. maa on dhiu orn existence. Alttaouga cee cf the itrms mat ther difficnlly cf tsscmbling se egenda, jeat before te meeting adjcamcdi Mayor Duby asked sebet othet tosees sere going te do about buming lettes, tnd Me. Harrit meeticerdi e coenty incierator. Neitcr cf ttarse wes ditcuased. The question cf gren tarît tegisietice was tetrcducrd by Acton councîllor Ceets, seho perticuleely ted in mtincd the subdivision ptenncd for ttar raat cf Actce seacta mutl reciecte the ceeek bcdl. He woederrd if the tonteattors coeld bc reqaied te do remediet morta there, in cleenig up te tend urcurd the creeta. The tend, unuseatle fcr the buder. movcrs about tit pet sent, rtiler tma the rcquircd 5 ar teet. Cheirmao Muckcnzic repertcd Georgrtosens 'md expetiece" en their caster ed, ted rrcommandaid Actc dMontand ttaey do someîtaieg." Mayor Duby cemtcered Ihet the towe bei e degee cf eespcesibilily; "maybe me Utcctd sabtidie sane cf it cursetves." An cpen wter course woutd mcmn maintenance. Me. Krntz enpteincd Milton hasn't taed nese subdivisn letely, but se moat cases ttaey too a sa in lieu cf land. Me. McGenchic saggetted thae touns atould heve its ptens foe theacreek tard att reudy befote building staets. Letesi officiel recommasende- tacet, teac dded, ece thut ellced perkteed staould tac tacside stisools, to edd to the area ttar for the use cf the geeral public. Despîte the board's prercous discussions on joint piumtaing inspectioes, ail thce tomes aee ieft Weiîtah their cet arrengements, satta rportcd in tuai. Georgetosen busat reed plumbmr, Acton the sortat Preseutis officiai ie expects joint Miniater agreesi ta bans tae plan rafcrred ta tise Ontario Municiltpa Bead. Refercace of te ptan tu the b m i t ate t ta at jaatO tc Plan and n te nssplemesnting zoniag by.lam. Mayor Beet toid Msiton C anl tst Maaday b. bcd aise discussold rqoiont govarneait ..AXED ATMOSPHERE et te Milton Chansier oI mes faIt course far busiesmen ta tarriati an by instrucCar aie. Tiss naIt avamp a sansng tise 20 mis iget ap fee tise mhithits desiget ta iselp Incal isinessamna an thoîr ~n pentadure aed Chair approacta emarketing in flterai. Mr. sepetisteedent, mnd Milton a new sespecter ce the seocts staff. The consensus seas thet a piumbieg inspection frle staoutd tac $20 te cover coats. The preret comrtty fer is $10 pies 50 cents e itare. "A ridiculcus p rîcr,' comrncntedl Mr. McGeactai . Open Sundey discumion brougat oct te feci more places arr open in MilIce bmn in Georgetowen or Acter. Milton bots un cpen theutre mnd bowling ailry, bat couecîl tad just rejecird open bailliard pariera despîte a preso. Miltce councîiors revirered their position mnd the feeling open biflterd parlers wcuid increese the tciterîng protaies. Twe cepresentetivesaednettedl ttaey sere net se agreeseent mita the Miton count il deciaicn. Topit chaanged! te the tcîtering taylaw mnd in wbo t caes it't used. "There's no juslificulion fer maying these ycung peple heve nettaivg 10 do," frît Meyor Duby. Muard Mr. Mearks, "We're feiling saine plece. Maybr se Utculd try smnsg difféent." Sneappcd Mr. Kcentz: -Thccc stcutd tac mccc cf the eoodshrd, sot mcrc foc the cloldreo SHOP MILTON PLAZA 878-2881 Cataaetel News Paît Arreeaneets Are Now Ararlaie ut Ripa irs TUNE set cet C MPTONE 7 MNECAING A11.9 SAV & YEAOUSETROULE L4EDUSCHAN C DT mmmi, sltting an ai stetlalizes inisatpira market tir pradati Eduatttn ta mndat Fomer Hoérnby girl nanner-qp in Miss Muskoka competiin A fermer Hornby girl sehe asei on Seierdey, belda the rite of Misa Port tis tome tisl tal Sydney 1969 mas ficat ranner.ap den a thurtb aisie. in the Miss Mesakk contrat te the allai ef Cht tacld et Pot Carling reccntty. Port Sydney te ta Star is Marjorie Mletten bride of Vaagbe Stas (Merdi) Wood, ege 20, deaugtt Mc. mcd Mrs. Joba B. of Me. and Mes. Lleyd W. Wood Barrie. cf Port Sydney. They fermcrly lived et Hornby and Georgetown. Aseoeg the 7,000 people mathing the t969 Cetalcade cf Celer parade et Port Carling Oct. 5 sere ber siater and tarottaer.in-em Mr. and Mrs. Vene Meurs, Raymoend and Elizabeth cf R.R. 3 Georgetoen. Lasîde MacDoaeld, 17, Misa B Bcecebridge 1969, seas choses Miss Muakeke ted Uitc milI bo a candidete an the Misa ominion of Canada pageant in iaty et Niagara Pets. There seere four 250 MAIN ST. E. ciher girls in Senday'a ceseipetitien. Mardi mdi be in the spotligt he table, ta part of a tma-nan flans witr anewty nrenizat ire aed iselptng thon ta sHe mas hlred by tha Ontario Ospartent aI et tise O-meas maurs. -StaII phoato) OPTOMETRIST 4eV. t only ce aparade She mdtl go BURUNOTON îist Cburth, MALI eteme tce rgems son of TEUpHoNE 632-770 Stargeas of mats ths see mi sa laWho ag setinait afloration tats a map of te Milton arm uaIditalgrdtn services md tae tant ith tan be ereil iy Ua am mUttenese trusi Tse Ministarasegrait tank ina Isc Boclsaa ltdramal frea ie ilonPr Area in te lgSht of antitipated rogueonal governateat icage, Mayor Seat rcparted. ]ktw y.r.&àiwlbea dog Thswon7t 197CSNOWMOBiLES Lcadiag tce way--ageaiai 1970 BOA-SKI ller&14 sew feature parkcd madets in 3 greotcris .. MARK , MARK ] and thccetiting COBRA. Thse difféene.. POWERtNACTONIl Se for family fan or rating ttrlla. do yetrsclfa favesse-irfe thr winmrrlOA.SKt-1t't year heat BU Yflas. BOA-SKI Snembilrn oa enieered anid mnnfatard ia Canaak, and inetede the rxçsive GOLD STAR WARRAsNTV - yar assurance cf totat dcpcedability. ON STAGE NOW AT BOYNE SERVICE STATION I4WY. 25 AT BRITANNIA - PHONE 08M3@12 Wita cios. te 3D09W denalaca orosa Conde there basl la bo onta <bas i ta, The car of the future. Sonc dy ail rajs rragis ocýe c,.. I c e aihe niairiul eyns oi 1,104 insyecors, lierove taie potalava. aaataes ttastaaerveîecc e atieae vsprti vcerysinlîe partna time Se day ail caca mietat comae Sove doy ail cees viataerage 32 vilas Soya day cil crs vatave n taeic ccv oV ue ench yner ceaivO halet, net tceocgllonavon glhyconpies, ece qastfat. elciccroa diagnvostir systase in esrta dealer. lusticeokieoditcccet. Sova sca ni caca vieat e t alognîbat staip te diagntose sau petaiens haera the7 lioe day. *Our eolutioncay vaew Oognosis andi Mainteace Syste.