1% TieCassaia Chimplees, W.dsusday, oc"«bu 15, 1965 Ambulanc, service busy on Thankoglvlngl M@nday The Milton Ambulance Service 4.30 poti and tbey handled mu fairty buy again titis meok soother bouse catil ai 12 aie on mitt nulne raais to baodle. The Martn St., Smndoy anornlng. lirt of the meek mat e transfer Another hoase cati at 5.28 pant. ta Bortingion on Oct. 7 et 7.12 tom the service being used once Pme. afen. Tbaokugivng Mondoy mas a An accident on Higitmay 401 isny lime for te service. inrotnn ixijcisea srarting off mt a 6 a.m. bouse Ctnbelil cais ou th colt, a 2 pao. bouse cati, a 4 pot. abulanc ut2ptThett trunefer from Milton to reapooddt osnaiu Burlutgton and a 6.30 p. Speyeide on Setarday, Oct. Il et house col froot Moffet. Council posipones decision on lmnd se pation request At titeir regetar meeting on Monday, Oct. 6, Eequesing Coancil decidesi to refer to titeir sicitor e roqoret by F. Devid Thompeon for a lans uparetion and thon discoee the motter with a ful Coanril prescrit itefore matcing a decision. Recto George Cernie vas absent from thte meeting, vitich wan chairesi by depoty-reeve Tom Hitt. Mr. Thompson told Coonicit that lie i s interotd on purchasing tond rout e neighbor Bruce Frame andi ttot hoe and Mo. Frame wer wilting to draw op on agreement on utho would maintain thte rigit of way and at o toue in thte future woutd AACHITECT DONALD t. SKINNER BAnnit. - M.RA.IC. 17A Milt Street, Salle 2, Anmei Telepitono 85-3.2740 or 20 Siareitant Rd., Fort Crodi 274-3428 Office Nours ity Aspaintmonl ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK B. Coin., R.IeA, C.A. Charteresi Aceouinteolt 163 Mein SI., Mitron Phtono 8784W8 CHIIIOPRACTORS A. F. KENT, D.C. Doctor ut Cbirpunwtl 237 Kinge Court Crescent Corner Martin St. PHONE 871-2031 BY APPOIMTMENT INSURANCE CO-OFiRATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home, Frolectinn-Accii. ont ansi Sickaess - Family liabiâty Faru làabffity Yur Milton AgonI Me-s. Thon KRc R. R. No. t , Millon Phono 878-9741 CO-OFERATORS INSURANCC ASSOCIATION4 Home Protection Asulo, Accmatl Deelis ansi Inepeiemese Sae ODrtreng, Extru Vole Fremniamo Most Ecareomnald Cali' R. S. Heoltherregnon R,R. 2, PAillon, 876.4&3. Oser 21 Yece-e' Service 04ff rissue Mtuas Lite ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Orvilir Roosi, Acton Bus. 41&4f51.3460 Ros. 519-853.1527 FUIdERAL DIRECTORS McteKERSIt Fureral Home 114 Muin St., Milton Our l7tit year or helpfita, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. MILTON - ý184 Main St. f79972 Tuesdays ansi Friilays ACTON - 54 Mill St. E. 853-2520 Wennndays andt Satarelcys Rosisionon phon 876-9678 LIBRABY HOURS Tuesadoy, 711tarsday ansi Folday 12 nom e Ct530; 6.30ta 9.00 nSeday, 12 nolon se 5,30 aed Wekteday Saerdsy - 9.30-12; 1-5.30 Council bo asked to mointuin the road. Mn. Thompeon prosentod hie roquesi to commitco of odjesiteor lelt weit, but te committoo wae unaitte te come to a decision on te malter ansi paesedl t on 10 Coanicil. Recently Counicil ogreed tal if commitic of adjatotent more eer undecidod about mithStr to allom partons t0 beild hooses or umaninsnd township ronde titey titould eendi a represertativc tlocoancil mnd tite tvo btodies mould como to a docîtron iselmeer temutrte. On te ssisiet cf miteter Coancil eitouid make on immediate decîeion on the mtrater, courcittor Russell Milter eaid, "t'm rot ogainel tir, bot t moutd tîke ta ser rt diseussed vîith a fuit Counicit, miten lte Reeve ie bore." Councittor Ker Marhal oddod ltat hoe titougitt Courcil eitould serk lthe advice cf titeir eolicitor in cale lthe property levor citanged itonde. ites opel itouee ait trot ment aI Milot Curling Club, and nov meutiers are inviter! out ecti crenîro te try lhitor itard aI lthe roarîng gaome. Scitedutes biteng Oct. 27. WIII report on dcii olympics ut Association meetin tonight People vito particîpatsil in and eupportod lte Holton andi Pool Association for lthe Hooring Hnedicapped in titeir swimuaSton and malitaton fundrising dtrirves carlier tis yoar, vilI hoe able to iteor a gond report on wborc lthe monoy vont tonigit <Wednesdoy) in Milton. Hailtie Bryant cf Belleville and teecitor Donnie Sciden cf 0.5.0. Milton, whio coacitoi lthe tracit and rotleyso tleamus cf deaf stud ente ansi adulte vito porlicîpaîrd in lthe Wortd Otytnpics for lte Deaf in YîrCoslario during Augost, vilI hoe on hend a lit e Aseocialiones frsil fait mreting Io gîre e report on te trip. Tite Naltnn and Foot group reiuod $8,500 Invard lthe $40,000 cost cf sontling lthe Canoîlian dotogoln ta Botgred, tonke tn lthe gononous public support cf thitor emimathon ansi valkttion. Mony higit scitool utudenlu in Actnn ansi Milton vero on lte 32'mile vatit t0 hntp noisle lthe funde, mnd mony etudents andi edult suppcnrd f tmth.Servtoe5 J KNOX PEMbYTEEIAN CHUECH Itsrien Moiterutor. Rev. F. N. Young, BA Georetown f77-6206 "O came lt ns morsbip and boy clownu; ]t os itaoel before lthe Land car Moiter." SUNDAY, OCTOBER If, 1969 9.45 a.m.-Sr. Chue-ch Scbnol. 9.45,a.m.-Ycung People's aubIn Clasu. 9.45 a.m.-Tsr Tisiniers". 10.50 o.o.-Jr. Citurcit Scitot. l1.0 a.m.-.coruing Worsbip. Sdinister, Rev. Poofoseor J. C. Hay, BD.., PFill. 11.00 aan.-Nrerj. MILTON GOSPIR HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878.2822 Citristione gottred. in tht camte cf nhe Lure-sus Christ. Lord's DRY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 106f 15.30 a.t.-Be-aking t< 8urasd. 12,15 pan-Sanda7 Saol. 7.00 pase-ospat Sevite. Wrdnrsday, 8 p.a. - prayer andi Bible e-easiiag. Ali are velroote to tise The nord of lthe Lord en- dormt torevy. tl Feter t, 25. BOSTON AND OMAGH PREBYTEIAN CHURCHES Minister: Rev. Stanley E. Smith, BA. SUNDIAY, OCTOBER If, 19 0.00 am.-Bosion: Worsitip Ser-vice. 11.15 a.m.-Bostor: Churcit Soitool. 10I5 a.m.--Onagt: Citurvit Scitool. 11.30 ,r.m.-Omagi. itvrsitip Servicme. ST. PAUL'$ CNUECN of THE UNITED CI4URCN OF CANADA Main Si. al James Si. Minister: Rer. C. A. Hainer, BA.' B.'D. Orgaoist anil Choir Leader: Mrm, Haroldt Magne SUND4Y. OCTOOER 19, 1969 11l00 a r,.-Worsvip Service. CHURCH OCHOOL 9.30 a.m.-Sunday Scitonl 1cr ail boys ansi girls orer 8 yeors. 11.10 eut-Infant NsrSry ten charge cf cegluloresi morse andi naurseeyl de et 11.10 ar o.n ýiduto m d lvmr Dpruent age 4 . S. Invitatin To Att CHURCH 0F CHEIST No. 5 Sideruai and 4rbl Une Te-faelgar SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1969 10.00 a.m.-able Sdsool ,Classes for ail ss 11.03 e.m.-Alerutisg Wurnelp 1.10 Pmn.-'Ptlmdsiss cf dise Gospel. ORAC5 ANGLICAN CNUIRCN Milton, Ontario. Rentor: Rov. R. W. Foocer Assistant: Canon F. H. Mason SUN100Y, OCTOBER 10, 1969 Trinity XX 8.00 a.m-Hnly Communion. 9.30 o.m.-J. Chervis Sc4tool. 0.35 c.m-Mains ansi Sermon. 10.45 a.m-Sm. Citurvit Sebont. '1.10 a.m.-Holy Ennitanisi ansi Sermon. Titursday, Octrlbnr 16 - 10.06 aut., Holy Commnion. Yon arn Aimags Wetand et Grace Clares NIONWAY GOSPEL CHUECH A loa a sembly cf THSE FEPdTECOSTAL ASSFBRMBUS 0F CANADA Fostur- Rer. M. Cbrsstensen LORDýS DAY SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1969 9.45 a.m.--Sunday Seitoi. 11.10 a.nMorvlau Worsblp. 7.10 pim.-Evengelistic Service. Weuinrsday, 8 par. - Bible Slidsy ansi Fruyer Meeting. Fmisiay, 8 p.m. - Young Peoples Service. A Clturct Yoss Cmn Malice Yossr Hoe A Werm Welnome ta BverySe EMMANUEL EAPTIST CNURCN Commercial SIreet, Milton Fastor: Rer. Claylon Cotes 878M473 878-.3542 The Lordus Day SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1969 9.45 .m.-Snday Bdeoei. 11.00 a.m.--Mornieg Woauhlp. 5.30 p.r.-Tes, Colînge & Ca recru. 7.00 .-Erroicg Wcmeblp. Cn iroing tud lodf the Boalîlodes. Tucvday, Octber 21, 7.10 p.rn. -WMF., pot tank saisper. ,issr Audrey Lawence eîli speait on bier worit in The Chesi andshowee pint- narte. Wedesdey, Ontafuer 22-.30, Janior Club; 8.00, Bible Stsedy. Tencher Training cnd Frayer. Everyoae Welcnnse Nursery et Sasday Services O.S.D. svimmors in toîn swimethon. At tonigitis meeting Mr. Bryant ansi Mn. Sniden vilI tli on lte trip andsihSow pictures mnd mcrues cf lte Canadian dotegation ai lte Olympics. Te meeting senste aI8 pot. and yuli ho bels in lthe Junior Scitol auditorium aI O.S.D. Milton. A speciel inrilietion is extendesi to te generel puhlic, ansi etpeciolly titose mito itolpei lthe Association raie lthe monoy. 12 inch main on Main St. ta third line Itllation of a 12-incit mater Ele on Main St., oat cf Ontario St. t0 lte Titird Lino, mou approroîl in lthreerneaîtings of o by-tav by Milton Council. Tite projocl, outimael eta $86,468, milI hoe on a local improrement tauie mth lte tome titarroitimaîrd at $50,174 and lte pnopenty omnere' staen ut 136t,294. Tite by'lov mutl sprosi ltre cnet of lte mnrit ovnI o 10 yoar poriosi. Whdie e t 2'incit main iu being installei lthe proporty omnors are being citargesi only on lthe houis cf temr neqoîromnî for o siincit urne. Ali lthe properly owners inrorei pailiosei for lthe David Hunier listed "%fuir"t Daii Huner, lte 20-year-nld Milton otan inrotresi in tite fatal occilont on Higitvay 401 tat moekcnd, il lietesi as boing in foin condition ansi conucinue in thte intensive cane mansi of lte Hamilton Gereral Hospital. Arother Milton youth, t 8-yoar'ols Tosi Hoosi, mas kilîrd in lthe came accisientleflor te car lie mas riding cn, driron by Hunier, collisird miith an aimait eloppesi picitup truckt on the itigitay. Thc drivr of thte truckt, 45'year.old Walter Mingr cf Wnoxeîer, bas urîce h oon citangesi ity ttc OFF. Robert Burtt rejoins staff Robent Butl nelurns ta Thte Citompion nemu staff titis mooit, efît a nino monlit 5h01 us sports îdîlor cf then Norltheen Deîly Neye or Kiritonsi Laite. A graduare of Algonquin ..ommunily College journalmon citool aI Ottawa, Boit upent almnst Imo ynarî vîith Tite Chtampion in 1967 and 1968, tet rsignel le accopu lthe post ai lthe doîly Fapor in norlhern Ontario lest Januany. Boh mîlI aeaîn be itandling .ports ad gnnenal nemsmnîîing frTheo Citampio. He replaces Larry Matin, ito itou lofI Then Champion. ELECTRICITY il Is Our Business f Cal a....mat. nuses H uss FEATHERSIONE ELECIRIC 878-6378 i fieashiug Ilght oaed for "be fore somseone geti klled"l For the second dîne in lire oaid, "Do me have tri have menthe, two poeentially -ooebdy kllled before w e get e dangeroes road hazarde mere ltgbt alt onvelte corner?" criticized ity Nassagemeyn The eecond bocard mentionedl Counicit et their meeting last b y counici was the intersecion Monday night. of Eden Mille Sideroed antd the The bazarde rapped by counci] Guelphe Lie. One coancittor mere the teck cf flathing warnleg noted cars liait driven rigit tiglitea etwIo roaid interections throegh the dead-end in the townehep. intersection and had ended ep ut The firet intersection ee lte a farmeres field. A flashimg corner of Guelpit Line and 15 caetion tigit was a requested Sideroad, van the reesont for a for tii corner. petîtion by towneip residents, Reeve Anrna MacArthur told te May, vill were rqeetng counictt site woeld brmng the eomething to bie donc about rte motter op itnmediatety mitit the corner. Councittor Art Giheon coeniy roade conemittee. Holton goes to internatimnal plowing match à~ Halton Coanty milI bu goinq to lthe Internationl Piomin Matchitnl a big may tis yeur The match, itcld neor Parie i expectod to attract up hc 200,000 mnd Halton mli have or exposition depicting raricut arcali cf lthe county The coanty itas alvayu itad a lent on diuplay but tis yeas undor thte teaderehip cf Major H. J. Newman, county disptoye miii lobe ona nem look. Frogrees in lthe fields of induetry, commnerce, rocrootion, education and conservation vitl ho dopicted in serorat dieplaye. Museum, Emergency Meueures and United Gae dieplaye mitt hoe eitom a etl. Thte titemo tii yoee it 116i yeors cf progrout. Otd piclorut and an aimost continuel stoming of films viil iigitigt te Naton effort. Ther coonty film "The Mon ornd Thte Boy" and filo fealoring lthe Canadian Eqretrian teece andi Otto and Maria Jetineit mli ho sitome. Natton's lien Day iu o membur of lthe Conedion Icace. Contract debates by police, council Tatits are andorvay itleen tbe Milton Police Association andi Milton Council regording the 1970 coniract for thte tovn police, and oltitougt titeir ditcussins t date haeve iseen reparteil as "amiable" Jitere ae silt sevro itome ltaI remoîn onresotvrd inctodrog tatanies. Anotiter mteeting es eciedoîrd in oarty Norember, Mayor Brian Brut reporîrd titis vert., Nrgoîioîione on lthe fringe benefitsiere reporteily uteiing gooi progros. i a big w.>' tl A musical ride mill feetore C itorsot froot Aimer Stables in Paermo. Loono Scots Pipe Band twitt bie on bced ltatepart in Ste band. U of T students studying bîke If you happen ro be cin i= n the ricinity cf Crewfor' Lok in lthe fnt mitile, ten don't hoe stirprisd ifPeoptleaeohrrying cf te muter and eturing intenîty Ti inquisitiro group is froot the Uiniversity cf Toronto mnd tbey are stadyieg the laite as p art of iheir year'e vork under Profeseor Rigler froot the uninoreity. At e rogielor meeting bcld Thursday nigbt, the Halton Rogion Conservation Authority teernod lthe group are fourt yoar undergeaduato eludonis and vilt prescrnt teir findinge 10 rthe eutitorily by April. In a ltIer t the aathoruîy, Profossor Rigter onpleinrd the grap ites not got mucit wort dont but expcctod t0 do further etudiot. Thte April repart mitI conutituro part cf te etudont'u loreni eorit. Je IL Cordeý OD OPTOMETRIST BURUNOTON MALL TImRONE 632.77U Rductious Adams Furniture 47 QUEEN BT. a., BRAMPTON dEtilgbai 203 MAIN 51'., MILTON UUfd 878-3272 SHOW TIMoES YSun. sera Titno Fy anut. Miltoni THEATME Sn Mtni WED.'THURS. PEt CAT. OCT. 15-1a (4 DAVO) Showu Tises Sept 17 & 18 vil a be6.30 pus. g 9 pu.. ICE STATION ZEBRA (Color) ROCK HUDSON GUIDED MOUSE ISLE (Cartoon) SUN.,MON.TUES..WED. OCT 1922 TH4E BROTHERHOOD (Adut> (Color) KIRK DOUGLAS SKI BOOM SIC TRANSIT (Cartoon) THURS..PEI..SAT. OCT. 23.25 CHARLY <Aduif) (Color) ACADEMY AWARD WINNER CLIFF RBERTSON TRICK OR CHEAT (Carfoo) SATURDAY MATINÉE OCT. 25 OIT (Co@r) After me its u bod office staff tom ofi n d morsbouo la lndale thse yau go. P.L Robertson mfgIers o Lt. has moned it ail bock to Milton &gain. Mondoy of lait menk the rouvre mue complotait mnd Cte baU Rexdate staff of over 100 bas ben retocete in lthe Milton plant and offices on Brante St. Geoif Dregar, mito is in charge of the Miltoir operotion for Robertson seid the morve innolred over 100 emnployees-aboet 75 la the office mnd arerntd 25 la the marehoase. Mr. Dreger said! te odvntages of baning their heasi office mnd main plant in one location foc A.k T. MOORE CAMflBLWU Paie. Rtoberton mov« office bock tle town GERMAN-CANADIAN CLUB 0F HALTON COUNTY Octobterfest-Dmnce Sat. October 18, 1969. -8.00 P.M. Unson Hati, Fisse St. - Milton. Adissison: 1.25 Gussta "mute,. BEIL L UINES'9 by Arnold Blachford, your felophone manager Thte mors tins citange te more titsy Sulay the tomse. Wi trees thte followinn ecerpts frutm "Rlute For Troublemen" itoassi by the Chicago Tetepite Company (nov Illineis Bell) tn 1511. -Put op a 'gond front", Itla not necsary to adoartîse any tailor sitop neititer. s it necaseary tn go abut yoar worb lonising libo a coal iteaver. Overalis can look as reapactble ut anytitingaiese, bat titey must at saust shoteuhat titsy are n siseahing termes wit thes laundryman. -Mase thte liveryman mast ansi oit our itarnesa, and do nnt rie tite iarness Up witt mire lnnger titan is nenssery to et proper repaire. Tite saute may ha said of your uispenders ani buttons. -Trent enerybonir as yoa tike to hae treatusi, ver forgetting yoar itors; if yoa want to knew tite itorse's aide of it, aust takre off yoar caerand ier stme zero day, ititcit yoarseif to the tome pout witit yoar liait, andsi tantd there about two iatous. Hereafer dont forge hie blanket. -Don't go pell mail rthroagth tisutres rogardis of pedieetriann as thoag you more going afeer your selsry chaeque. Thes fart titat a man le almays in a isarry dlosnt atmaye maln tisat he in arromplisting overmacs. -Close tise door miter yoe go oat, nrt forgetting to abat tise front gare. -Be courrenas ansi paIllie, andi don't bu efraii to itard oat a urnte jolly oecasionally. Il dosent hart arybodys feelings t0 a 1usid a tittie. -Carry yourself mitit digniry andi ulteru mil accord it to yoa. -Slady yoar business ansi rry to improos lte qeatity of your mork. -If u wiii do todar mtot somsbody moalsi put off antit lomorrout yoa rend not worry about yoar future. Jeut these mosiba ago se mars mitnsa tu the filer tatupsona callti te eon. Feisapa aticipatieg inesud long distane traffit to tise anar surface, tise Poiltmustng of tsa Consultaeion Committen oe Intenaotional Tetuphone Carrisersmill inrtads ciooainraanAesaCode ftremuoon -~~~~~~I . .1-.-.m1..-.Ià oeteibdhan the office lacats bSeity, sa foc from St ospat bure la tome. aThbe-eu- monettuhally altatd aboo for mnth ag. The mei fJ 5 the tses stoff usedbock to Milton fraie Rexdote mnd the big shift mas comopletai luot meek mben the acceans staff returnea te Mliton. Tht Reudate operetion io buing pitased ont mnd aheeld bu closed by the end of tia moth. Seveuti of rthe firissi office staff fin Milton travelled by bus to Rexdae dueisg the puet tbrec Years. bCr. Dregr ad tome bad quit eter Stan Apple day Buy mn apple? itte te appentl Stis meekeed as Mâtont Cube mnd Scouts toar lthe tome ut teir annel Apple Day cempaigo. They'll bu calting on homes ansi selling apples on the streete Friduy mnd Soarday, to taise fonds for Scoutlag projocte. Divisional Conunlutioner Larry Senricar reports there are 30 bustols cf sbiny applea maitlng 10 bue told. cosenero, and'Rajsrg "trs goptoyod Cu rate= Nowmmns of te futime Matons office mtct r eoges~ ceidat milo quit railler dta more toi Millon. extensivei renonvationo rfto titato Bronre St, offices andi mreboasing 00505 to ecconsaodote rtae tatona of the staff, COMPLEUT@ eCOVERA008 no favorites, fermiers knowl Feri. live-stock, itrodesice are-ai te ecrey of Naeaore's quirite. Inaurence psrotecbion in a musa! Aak about oeur Imlticiea. INRN 2o8 Mam St. E. 1~ 't - - - - -- - - - ----