M Ils.Canaden Champion, WadnoadyOclohaS ,19 *Afteu an exaopenstlog experiene solUs aur computer sype-ssslg rquipnsont in Use plant I con andrstand wby anc publishor mas recentty citical of Use pomsibiity of compotie ditis. o If you had difficulty ioudlog Use final paingiupb of a lestr to Use editor in tant meecks issue, yoo bave mp apologies nom, an bebalf af the nery oltin.sophintitatrd, computr-ice maebine shat upparntly ment beiseris and piodoted type tbat lonked o.k. but rond veip petuliarly. *Acsaly oui typesetting bas cbanged mare in Use pans fine yesîs thon it did in Use previoun 50. Wbere tbe linotype as Use standard machine for a geneîution in piodutlog Use cnona of type, mene cbanged t0 tmo other syntens in Use short span of about fine yonrs. ,The latent creation bas on opeîataî typing ail tbe material on a key hourd similas to, o typemeiter. Wbite tiile in pioduclog the unoat typemitea piodt on o seet of paper, she ns alis. tiasmittlog att the materia cunte, a mugnotie tape, tisea tape recorder. . iote User oie booad te, b.e sorte erreurs, Use typed copy is pîonfîeud ad eos aie coriected on ascond tape, iseyed in by Uiae numhoi. Whea boUs tapes Il mas a beautiful day, o merS ugo Sundoy, seben tbe mife cojoîrd me mbt taing bier and Use girls for a matS on Use Brusce Trait. I mas pretty b.sy at home ai tho tisse, cteoning up sonme mork frons the office, and in a may I îesented the intrusion. But afler fine minutes on the trait, tl mas at moîtbmhite. Wr aItlihid a mondeiful outins. We "borromed" anohbr tittie girl fions Use neighbhood and look off to hike u section nutriig menas fin the Appleby Lin. above the mountoin. (We've waibesi fl's aotevr ther piece of tise traiu se alto Couty bt ha somhowminseil that one.) Il mas obvinan on our arrivai me mouldn't hoe alor on the truil-thero mer. ahbout fine cars parked uround the intersection ond a steady streain of troffia ma comint andsin oî.p and doma the Applehy Line. Sure enoogis, once me got a fom isundred yards domo theo troit fions, use relatd, tl mon so buny me mondered hom noon tise Bruce Trout moutd bave rtbring out pedlestriuo policemen t0 sort ouI the tioffic jatn. Perbaps thot's anisaggirotion, but in 90 minutes on thetirait me mat bave met, panneil or iseen panseil hy about 90 otiser popie. Bruce Traiders dam tisey're the "friendiient people in tise morid" and you'ne gerra believi it. Everyoni said 'hi" as they passesi andi muny ntopped 10 chat about tise serather, the trait, or nomo rare sigit of nature they hadtjontnseon. If youre lookint for a niai sectlion of trait to malS, I'd isîartily rconmoens tise pi ece runoing ment fions Appteby Lîne. We only malisesi n o miii or ni but in Usai short spaci me spotîted millinons of le avs changung lu their foit color. dincovered dozens of differenrovarieties of ferins, sam a spot mis re cotns hard bien raidîng a former's corîfuelil, encountîresi several yoang couples hagguoe eoch other an they matisoi, spottîsi a cîtîprunis andi a hiatjay, andi 10 cap il ail] off gut a gond loui s a simili Cigir of Canada terse, isonlune andi headîno soutismard in their V formation. tl mas agransi malS and t sureoren bacis ta rthe dmudgrry of Iromemoris a lot more refrisses thon t mas isefori our bike. Duet fadsidnî mdl i Ibrilîrd 10 isnom therins o oea "diet aoois books" on tho markeit. Il's supposed 10 oulne a map of earîogmîisouî rthe frustration of mont of ioday's pound-tsedding rituals--you isnom, Use grapefruit duel. bunana duet, egg ier, drinisint mas's duet, calorie diet, corboisydrate diet, etc. Tise pufftheet I recrîsesi says il contaîns 500 catorie-countei recîpen andi 300 menas, nuitabte for everyone's use. Iras ansaaîvg hou mny seopie hoîp sayîog tieintedord is d eao.d".T moy may of thnking it'i the livellest .orpîaîvr lustory, au tistre Mi. Marshall McLuhao. Tey clan TV and radio are talung ise te consmunications morid. They oie Tbin inroads, Id h.e Use fient to adnmit, btte day t hey replace books, Rond an inteiestlog queole fions Acnotd ~lî GiNgch, publisher of Enquire magazine on th1s mbject. Ainold saya: urc ploced oa a s.eood machtine, non anly arc Use smo tapes rend, Use coeetedl ia is inueited in place of Use tise mith tbe foir. Automasicatly Use matorial is ripiodated and eh lore in lettr ai moîd spaed ta make Use columas emm an boUs aides. I t an only itmagine Usas somatbing ment umry, lent morS, poîbapa in Use meing of topes, and the monllt ridicuoos nonsens. pionided Use final puiagenopb ta auseiaus lester tn tbe editar. Nemsapees bave almays bad mistahos, Use buîd port is dhut thop olmayn uppeur in lerecallabîn black and mhite, but mhen Use computer Cakes onor you con toulast an tbi maissake being more grondins. thon mhen Usey meîe tenspered by Use buman elensent. *Nom seben Iberens talk about editlog a peper by comsputer I saddee, siong mitb Jack Homardi of Sciippn-Homard Entnipiis.n. To bhune neme copp edited on Use bonis of bom a soiy lits a givnayce. and Usen ullttd a ginen oumber of mies, adl by compiuer, jusi seemn t0 bie ton s.nioun a prospect t0 consider. tu:" gaess in old-fashionod but I think sha mitlag in important-tho figuros dont ieulty prove it -but to me il's more imsportant thon il us.d ta, be", said Mi. Homard and lns junt old-fushioned enougb te, Istrie. "Wbat bas uimays amus.d me about Use McLuhanites ns tisai Usey ait, fions, tise master binself doms to thr tant anîd leoti, of bis disciples, uit have to icot to Use pristed mord to covey tise amenons. tidins tisat the pristed moisilis deasi. Not Use toast ironic is tise recent unsouscement Usat Marshaull McLuhan si grtting out a semnietter, douisttesn t0 prociain, in un earîy issue, tisat an o foin of conmmunications tise nemnletter nona dead as tise eighteentb century brousiside. Tise pronouncemiesîs, rasging froin tise semn. on, long and toudiy îepoîsed front thse MicLuhan eamp that books miii bie muuns pieces in mnoiber decade -siace misicis faist flans of doons McLuisan ban blinseif mritton tbrie more boos- ait tise muy river to tise otiser esireure, of tise proclamation fions tise Bonhoeffer disciplen tisai Gmd in Deasi, seens to sare ose patisetic follocy: tisey miie tise assomption tisaI thins con, ut a gives point in rime, i sentIes off as finisisesi business." Quote of tise wriS: "As Ottamu stutistician bon figaresi il mould taise 50 people, moîkise day ansi sigisi for 175 years, 10 moisi tise saine mintaken un etectronic computer con make in onty Us tee secons. t thînis tise peint ns isear tesing andi sel f.enptusnaîory. Rensember tisaI ultîmately, tise roton buog mas lasded uranuolipu" Tise qunte came front a taiS on "comsmunications" hy tise Hon. Stanley J.' Rondait, Ostarions Mîsister of Trade ond Devetopmnt ai o bsusinessîconférence bîid in Toronto o mwhite ailo. Hin topic mas, "If pou'Il stop talkisg, I can say somnething." Havne pou eve askîsi sey sonsesbing mas done in a certain moy. onty so ie toid "Because Usat tise may mente ALWAYS dosne i"? Perisapi tise clmnsic esomple of Uhsn ld of seonelese ansi stuishoro adiserence te, precedent oecureed misen Bismarcks mon ambassador to tise court of Alesander Il. Lookinî oui a mindom of the P'eterhsof Palace, in 1860, Bismarcks notîced a sente y standing match sn tise misdle of tise lamn asd idly unkesi tise Czae misy tise mnas o ibere. Tht Czai anked the aide.ile-cansp. He diin't knom. Tise getiers] consnanding tise temops ai tht palace wsea sonsmonesi. Hi dids't knam eitiser. "Tises find out misy and report tome," cmmanded tise Ceas. It tonS tistie dapi of intensive investigation, but fisutiy tise eneiai cami hock mith Us. onsmer. It seemesi that in 1780, on a fi ne spning urormueg, Catherise tise Greai isus iooised nul tise mîndose ansi hud sein tise inst flomer tbensting ahove tise frozn grassi. Sise isasi ordîresi o sestry pnsted to preent arpone frons pickisg tise ttomer, or îvadnerlrotly nieppînt on il. Ansi 0 prom latir, a snrry was stîli there. No ose hali lenter anse tisai ampie, onr.morul question. A computer bas reptaced tise "isformation" otb in Frankfort, Gersny. At Use main ruilroad station a $30,000 machine answans any one of 4,765 questions ansi in 30 secons miii pusoi out a sisut of papur wiUs Use îequested informnation on ItL TIPTOEING THROUGH THE TULIPS? Or Movîh in Ontario, and the Ontario mayhe jant poîderina tise pesais. The Depaismons of Agriculture and Pod sprlva tulips saou biens are on exemple of rocommomis plantinu hugin nom befote the many tine bath narioties that can 11e sonore weathnr sons in ami batin; are ana hie piantoti in tise fait ready to blonm at ta tout proporiv.-Photographbyh Moaek winter's ond. Octohor is BuIb Piantina uf Ottawa) Ct'èscei'e t/he 6eit.. In just one month Miltonians mutl Proposais for growth, for nîw be nominating those who miii seîk subdivisions, for nrm condominiums election for a two yrar teri as and apaîtmînts are bîing presrnted members of Milton Councit and with an increasîd tempo. For a toma Milton Hydro Commission. The date Chat mas fenced into restrictive is November 17. boundaries for sîveral yîaîs, it is Tht nîxt two yîors miii obturai that expansion should follom undoubtedty set the transition to when additional lond is mode regionat govîrnmînt ana to say they avaitable. mutl be crucial years In the history of the aria, is an undrstatensent. White aIl of this mili provide o Indications that there mili bi basin for conoicil detiberotions in the changes in the gioup that hus met for next two years and occntpy Ch. the tant tmo yeaîs as a counicil, ar rninds of members, the nsost alrîady evident. Deputy-Reeve Ron significat chane which milI taoke Haris han nervid notice hi miii Ibis place witt hi the transition to year seek tht position of nee. î egsonat government. Other rumhlings on moyen up and At the moment tht procens seemn moyen ont have bien circalating as to move at a painfatly slow pace but wett as ramais Chat some former there are indications that Halton in candidates may neek a mandate to giving it more connideration Chan retaîn to council. Fiel wbere there han neyer yet bien During tht pont Imo yeaîs, fion aoy attempt 10 dram hoandary lines the granting of additionat tand by as Hatton reines havi dose. annexation, tht toma has bien Afler ait tht ideas are in and at launched on an expansion course. tht reports pîesented, regionat This han requiîed considerabte goverîmeot miii mature into fact and gioundwork and coontens bonis of pavine tht may for tht change mit! hi effort mhicb in not always evident. tht counicil that gels etected thin Tht malter of tht new officiai plan Decemheî. Mach witt depînd on ils and zoning by-tam is an exampte. compelence and its knowledge. Weighty documents, they have not Novembîr 17 mitI hi an onty been cotly, bat they have important date because Ct in aI Chat taken countens huis of detiberation point thal personat decisions musC hi hy planning hoard and subseqaently made by indtviduats about whîthîr coancit. to seek office or whether 10 liane tht Thîy are tht rîqaîred blueprints job for somione tise. Decinions munI 10 mhich tht tomo's gîowth munI be be made, 100, about mhether to taitoîed and tht pressures 10 amend support candidates or whetheî to sit andi change thens, once thty obtain hack and constder tht campaign the final approvat, mitI he constant. Il's latent enteîtatnment on tht local viîtuatty impossible to consîdîr then scent. final. Novemher 17 is the ttme tht The tnstallation of tht tîank 1970-71 colnnut and hydro nemîr is. in îffîct, tike tht citation commission art in tht emhryo stagt. of a hackhone to serve tht tomu and Tht ltfî espectancy ts Imo yeais and tht new acrts mhich tht town gatned death coald come sooner if regionat lrom anntuatton. When tht îeqatred goveînmeîst arrives in 1971, but tht hortzontal "eues" or sab tranks are periosi of tifi witt i criticalto1 tht addtd thîy witt entînsi tht valut of future of tht aria. tht main trunk and permit WitJ you hi there ta conceive tht devetopment of tht town. hest? ('xp/adiis pteaôe In d(etffit.. Witb ait tise information heing hombardesi ut tise sortis Bnîtîngtos aria hy sisal tomn's fine chîîf, thiongs tht varions sesn media, perhaps uts lime for north Initiation resîdînts ta invite Chief Reg Lawe ta a public meeting ansi expiais junt misaI hi intînsin s ire protection loi Kîlhnîate aval tht verts. thei chcisioi lia'. aiready hoon mlade ta ihdraw sortis flnlns frons tise Miltos Fine Aiea ansi me suggesi residents of Kiîbride ansi Burîington are entitiesi la dîtoin. Na ont con argue mîtis tise need for adequate li protection. Il bas a significont hearing on insunance rates os meli as tht preervation of lives and property. In this light me monder about tise adequocy af tht propanesi $950 fine pomper, mentionîd in ont daity nesespoper story, mhich mouls ihe ntntioned in Kîtbîidî. Tht tant fine pumper purchanesi for tht Miltas Aria depanîment cons $35.000. Tisent hon ta hi a clifferînce. Tise Burlineton coanicil han also indicatesi il intencis to purchase fie proitection for sections ai Barlineton frons tise Miltas Fiee Arto. With no0 conta for ibis estohtished il dotes neen moitis exploration la determine junt sehat thone costs art gainsto 5 h, and hase they mili affect tax tîvels in that poeticutoe aiea. Our confidence in tht $950 pumpte is furtiser undirnsintd mhen tht chief is quotei as suggenting if Sug ('r Thsis enfua la non going tu hon, ans Ustemo, bt sovoral. Poir nougb? t'vo juat ce osdfions an oabauuting mookend, taugt elgbt 404"loto perloda of Eagla tend itd a depaisment bonda' mooting mbltb andod by as pan., wiUs ovonybody -li1ns. We mont to niait aur daugister lit university. A mlotako, but yen love Usons, Fient fem meeks son bad onongh, but mison you udd n tonUs extinction, with tomplitations, it's 'orriblo. Complitate Usas mlth lon.lloeso nd pan bave a piotty sod kld on youi banda. <Ponp, iur't it? Kida Vpend poes tolling pan hoita gladi tbeyll hi o ges uaa fin Useïe rotton parentsanud boe FREE. And a muek Insee theypie despoetetp bansnlk). SBut it mant att b.d. W. b.d a gouil dinnei, oas; and Kis iuined bier neot leather ddtit by drapplog s fried sbeinsp an it. This is Use ooly okilI able han ieally nsaseied, a00er 13 yeurs of educetion. Dioppog things. And then Usons as Doanis, Use tab drive. Rotand and jolly, b.e talked stondil au hoe drone us n locirce and osa, lonking foi on addiems. When an tnll found is, me roallaed an mouid have malkod lo batif Use tise. And Deanis, ntriking bis foeead violentip, iensurked: ýGetz, 1 thoulda kom dis place. I mork right urroas do street diene ut dn sauage two nights n meek." But bie gave us a refond, mhieh you'd nover giet lo mont eities. Perbapa Use bighligt of Use weekend mas Tbe Nemîpseeda. We more eoming doma in Use etevatoî on Sundoy. A voiy laigr manin bits late fities, and Inciner! tu Use eyebolls, jolord usa Us te fnfth fane. Ho mas ucconspantied by a stasuesque blonde, n biei eaîty fifîles. Ais., atones, hotua lady. Coutdn't say a word. "Wantcba 10 meet Use mife," hoe burbled detiriouslp. "Jost gost maeiird yosterday." We meîe deliglsted ast this manifestation tbat love ha oms no iace, cîeed, or age, and congratulttd thons heartily. ar and Spice "W. got 12 Isids", hoe annoursced peoudly. Boum ah.e had four mmnn and hto daughters and lie b.d foor daughtors and two sons, by pronlous morriage. Lots of grandchjldîen. Thoy mer. Just off t0 Boston on thon. honoynsoon. Nom, don't ski me why anyone mould go to Boston on a honoyenoon. Thete filn't that manch tins tu tUN white you're goins domn fine floots in on olvator. But thoy seemd extenely happy, nnd God bleu thens, and 1 hope they nsado it out of the eity without baing theomo in the nssplaird diving tank. He aimont miped ont a beflboy as ho baoed nmoy fron thb otl entrante. But love nd ponce tu botb of thein. Hom would you 11k.r ta stait on n honeyasonn mitb 12 kidît Personslly, t love nnd admire s.sybody mbo betievos in love nd admiration after tIse nge of 50. But 12 kidit And ni those ginndthildrn. Wow! lt's like soins ovni Use tronches ns damn mitb stoap pâlt and a string of fietenthcers. Tsons two. Dons nybody in lits right mmnd anderutand Medicire? I tube it fron tse since tisat the nasmor a a inaounding "No!" This mili tin=c tsaI, nd tisat milI ce p lotoshi, and I tan gnt a hearlng nid, .bich I dont need. Hom shoot a sineillng aid for thon. mbo tant snnIl? My mife, aftnî carofully rmading thn utteîly tanfuing directions, ban Use ideu Usas we belons ta foui diffurent mudital pions, none osf wbltb milI puy att oui nsedical bilta, The only Using Usas taonsu Usiaugb to mn, loud and tclar, is Usat itsgoing ta cst more monoy. Thesti thee. Do you realize thut a bigh athool mith nbout 1,400 atudents ini it, is a mnakis pI? Confine shoot 1,600 people (tounting staff and janitors) loto a libell fnclory about n city block in site, and sobut do you get? A ltoins situation? No, a barlong situation and o maggle of paranoida. Morn aboat Ibits tfani. when Uns feeling bitter. And 1Ifeel brtteî atieudy, just baving stidt IL. Page. of he Pst 20 years ago Toises fions thisue of Tise Casadian Champion, Octobr 13, 1949. Atistetia pramens mas featueed ai tise Milton Public Scisoot's annual field day tant mets. Champions of the different age groups mere Anse Clarkse, girls ove, nia years; Joy Robertson, girls six and limder; Biity titus, lied mits Dougas McCutciseos for boys' junior champion; Gary Ellis, hoys nier asix pears; Carol Tufford, girls' junior champion; Delly Koimnsa, senior girl champion; Donald Fiso, boys' itîrmediate champion; Bos Sales, boys' senior champion; andi Ruths Bramier, girls' intermediair chsampion. Mes. Mark Gray of Ciosmeil, Michsigan celebratesi lier 9Otis bîrthday os Tuenday, Sept. 27. Sise us tise former Jensue Hume of Nelson ansi Milton. A umal onîbreas of petty crime mas discoveed hy local police durung tise holiday meekensi. Beginsing eariy Saturdoy sommen sneas tsieîes sytemticaly pîlferîsi milS bsoules of residents on Miii Sar Latent i s hîlurvei tise sainei mo stoir imo hihes front a Main St. home. Wisen tiseyencounterel o fiat tire tisey lefi thus buSe and stole anotiser. 50 years ago Taisen front, tise issne of The Canaduan Champion, Ocaisnr 16, 1919. Jus. Maths of tise Mars Bros. attractions han mode arrangements t0 present D. W. Griffitis's artustua production "Tise Great Loir," mils syraol orchstra and refinesi vaudeville, aitie Princess Thseatre, for ose sigsu osly, Tisursday, October 30. Seats miii isc on soie ai Mackesoie's drug store. Lont, o block ostrucs featber ruff, on Priday evsnen onst, belmeen tise G.T.R. station ansi Robi. Caspheti's, corser of Victoria andl Elizabeth Ils. Remord. tht toma decides to use it for flooding ice rinks on seorks depansment jobs, he hou onother pumpte he con setid toi Kitheide. Tht valut of tht ansptcified punspen mas sot quoted. Noîbint in moee fruntraline Chas ta bave a building on fine andi a seighhorung deportmeat restricted Irons fighting IL We hope this moulil neyer happet in titis aiea but me feel tise people of KOillie and sorts Ilunlington shoutd bave adeqoute assurance that tht Ilurtiagton Chief's proposai is saunil. A publie meeting la Kilbridt moutd sciera the logital forum for sacs explanations. Poil retuios of tise elections mut hoe gires aitie Priscens on Monday evnint, as seloraseeceived isy tetegrans, mits a gond prograns of pictures. Tise annual meeting of tise Milton Cnrling Club mîlI bie iseld is tise Iberiff's office, uit tise court bouse, Milton, at 8 p.ns., Friday, Octoher i 7tb. Etection of officers and goneral business. Tisere mas o very pleasant card party at the G.W.V.A. rooi yeîterduy evesing. Tise veterans propose te, continue sensîntsly punties tlI sent spring. Deer isunting licencos for soir ai Tise Champion office. 100 years ago Taisen front tise issue of Tise Canadian Champion, October 14, 1869. Mr. Thonsas Collîog of Lomnitie inforns os tisai hi plantîsi ont poassi of Eorty Rose Potatoen, mic yîeldîd tise nice littie crop of one bundred pousdis. A man wsee non.mn wedd roi naint steppesi agairns a section of tise isnife of o reopîr ai tise Milton Foundry on Tuesday, ansi il rolîrosi tise caîf of isis let, makinî a dangeroas mounsi. Hi mas aarrîed to Dr. Freensun's surgery but faînted frons tons of blood isefore medîcal assistance couid h.e peocared. Under tise docior's cure, isomever, hoe mon able to returs home. Tie Conîcert inthe Towen liait, Miltos, on Taesday evening, sn aid of Groce Cisarci, mas lorgely atîended, about four hundred people heing prisent. Tise musical entertainmnset gave estiri satisfactioo. His Royol Higiss Prince Arthsur mas enspinyrd pesterday in visitisg tise Ottawa tomber mîlis, and in running tise stides. mhe departure os tise tppet Ottama trip taises place today. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 090M0S,i, OE h.i 7823 o=sei, 5, 0 e n -4,iuii e o 0-. 1 W.ni O,, n.,as I 4