Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 1

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Qkbe ftnêitbiau 1 Second Class e ad Ritan bombes -0913 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1969 llnmio Servig the C ommnn or 109 yr Tnaenry-Four Pages - Fsfteen Cents Invite Darcy Mdc.ough to Rotary Club dinner Duety MoKenugs, Minister of and aita te attend, le Mulgipul Affaire fer Ontario, Il mns Mr. McKenugh mhn wilt uddceu the Rotaey Club of netlhsed n plan fer.segmentl Mgton ut lits evelaint dinner gunermment tintahsg Hulton and nseehsgan nendp, ov,28, Peel Cnentin let peut. Tht tis clbs reranehausnes f repoal hes beta bitcly DuvdThenpenuneattdtsî fnght hp transit Hutton week, coseetlBsen and a ceounittee of Hie tlt on regianat Hattns cee nt aesly u gensnent ns it mili affect eue dona nd= dru p al hounduey cmu is jexpected te tee plan le sow Halien cnald tuiet fi tqre nttn intis ame, ns a sepente unit nf tregeal und thse Rotary Club bus iavs'ted geveennment, wisis tht interins eeruaale f cessntâ and eplit miet Ove mnnespaties ne sevetut eneurons le MBtn bncnsegls CP rail cuts back on. Milton service Canudien Pacifie Rainauys wiii cuseel tmo of lis fate trains russsisg httwses Toronta and Wind6r by Octabte 26, nuyu L. R. Smoith, vice president of CF Ruis tusten division. Cuscettgd in the nena slinedute wdl be tran 339 nabicn suons Toronto for Windsor us 8.30 u.m and urrives ut 12.40 pm., und train 340 nahneh teanes 7' ood fund uuîder way is mcii undts nauy, suys Bruce Heoud, ca'asdinuat af tht fond. Hetld Tht Chumpion severol uarge aegunteusatns, inciuding tht Ontueio Steel Praductu emptape uta tht Miltton Opsimist Club bave ureudy indtcated thent niingness ta cantnibute sa tht fod. Doations ta tht fund muy 6e madetrtugh tht Milton bruncb of fthe Bank of Montrsui. Persans mnshing fusiber informaioan ssodnng the fond can contuct Niek Chucbmucb, Mimo Eige of tht Optnms Club, Bruce Haad os any member of tht Miltton Merchants Junior C Hockey Club tatassivt. A benefit hockey gume hesmeen the Merchants aad the Humilton Red Wnngs miii be heid uitShe Miltoaa Alrtna, Frnday, Nav. 7, mith the practeda ganng ta tht Ted Haad Fond. -Good cranadn mert tepaeted us the fire huit apen boause Tbutsday and Friday. Windsor at 5.05 p.m. and arrives in Toronto as 9.15 p.m. Truins mhncb are stili eWunined an the main fie nanti bhnumbet 338 naich itanen Windsor us 7.15 a.m., arries in Miton ut 0.39 ana. and, arrives i Torontoas 11.20 am - andtran 337 mhnch leants' Ïasaaso ut 6.30 p.m., arrives in Milton at 7.07 p.m. and arivesnin Winds ai 10.40 p.m. In caacelingthe tmoof four trainntnttvnng tht saute, Mr. Smithsaisod. "Oas figuresushow tisat tise trais affectod hy tise chaonge casrned ail average of nay 22 ponnengeru pet trip. Risîngnaage and mattna cos. asnaeii as aclearsindction inat tisa tranvelling pubieo psofesn. aniser mades af travel, lad un ta seduce tite service.' A LITTLE BIG fat Wayne MeDougal now, nhis tistfighîtr's Tht Miton CPR statnin nanti snuipmet wii lin im in a fem mors veats Heiping su ger thse nom 6e cianed iv December annd thnt recrain inta, bis gear uith1e open bouse heid as tht fire bal Tisursday osto wini bcaerved in future night is Milton fitsfnghntr Jina Couison. Tht open hoass mas iseid to fronm CF Rain' Londaon office, observe F iee Ptevention Wesis.-(traH Photo) CowiIy aRd ii ess is wro.g Enrolment 1,215 below projections A dtastic ttductin i etementoey pupitn actanstlhe countp, dmn 1,f00fromtBoard af Education psajects. mat sepanted ta membens of the Coaaty Boats) Tîusdoy hy Assistant Dnsectt2 . S Lanatent. Prajecîrd necandasy scisool mocii nt a danan 215, Ms. Latess painnedioui the pravnauv peuts in lise Battnngoass st bil nndîcuted 18.4 pet cen t of tise ponpuatina itceuse septtnenttd vtadeatn. Tis peut tise factot masonl 8p .03. Het aid Hoard memhern hie mut ussohia ta avpîaîa tis ignificant dîffescace iii tht Bunitsin aveu. Projections forn esnolmesîit in tht nonlis educunian aveu natte naîthi 184 af fle anticipoîed ettmttnty paplin r ite grades In tht kinîdergarlea tises, ntte 63 mate popitv titat projected. SIX PEOPLE mere inlureti in a singletartcrash front tht Kitcener-Waterloa distriat. Att six nasse Wednesdaymwhenlheittlate modet sedanmeitoat tretaed inMiltnDistrict Hospitatandwere sent of tontrut, trossed lise median and ended up an ta othes aveu hospituts for more srutnent.- (Staff tht esrlh havis of the Highmuy 401 (ast east af Phata) Cumpetltitte. Inture i n lise rass mete six people MILTON POPULATION IS UP 821 101,e541 Mitton's population for 1969 is op ta 7,547, an meteuase of 821. Laut pear's total mas 6,7261 but that did flot inctude Ontu Sctsgnt for tise Deaf restdeotu. F iguresteeased by tawn assessor John Charttoo show 59 2 peopte ttving as 0.S.D. attd 34 ut the Halton Centenniat Marier. 0f the 592 ut O.S.., 44 are stuffatd 548 ure stu dents. A bteukdown in uge groupu shows 418 are thrce yeuns aid or unde, 12t ure ugle fous, t34uare uge fine, 290 are uge nux und ueven, 303uare eighsuandnlune. Titese une 543 from age 10 ta 13, 139 ut 14 yeasof agt, 506 fromn 16 ta 1 Speurnofuge, 3,436 fsamn 20 ta 59 ytons af uge, 197 fatn n60 ta n4 yeots af agt, 156 front 5 ta69yeastnaf ogt attd 234 fronm ite 70 and ove gt brahet fot o toal af Couple escape near tragedy A yauag coupie . mannng meddsag giftu ftam QObvitte ta Milttanwettnonted frotauneut dinantes Sundoy by o camptete stranget. A n'an fatiawsng tise coope, Anne Richardsoa und Gearge Neweit, nattced fise in the bock of tho truck, stopped tihe truck and helped put the fise aut befase tl upreud enguifing the enttre contents of thetrock. Oniy o utesea recard piuyse was dumaged andsthat isnot heyand sepuin. Whtte the paufif cauple stitt do not kaow the lady's name tjney use indeed finsalmanst ise vecandaty gtutetuitaforlierasnst levet nhonatd an actuat ut Antan "Wsthaut lier me iof 482 cîîtpared naîtî a laut envythîng" Anvs prajecied 494. At Milton 883 tntilied campused cuisi thie 5 a psîîîectad 890 und in IEEPaIease Geogetown 1,449 ansatled compased mis o psojacted M.Lamions emphasîed the o n factors naichis v0 enced tise Population i projectins havne semained townshisp mtcrtustd i caonantse tise tant feu' yeatv in 196 t 9,059 i bus upptpîng tise factoas ta rtet report isp prajectians fors Sepsemiset 1969 emmînboser Art Bts praduced rsultv tîgnnficantly Tolier msi' H e popultuion of 9,059 Htl aattnrîbiuIt(ed tisa' 4,401inthe (2059)a itnet-tstian of grotavt l a 3,936 je tht fonder tianndomn in hlouse convsuction and 722 je tht and savlet . Ht nated a bracket cosraieastetument ai tht Tonal asssotst ,,nmbenofanod orsunanîed townshsip sa $17,3 compltîad du'etnngt reveattd Thetsotalisj made ut i1.005 anîtu tin Buslnngtav, 455 ni residessiai, 3S.8% Oukvilttuand 100 in tise nansin 2.6% ommercial an Tht decina in atiicipaicd laod. eilrao1 ie ri sarqoîn ed seorganîaatîîsn ofi staff and a tednncslion ofi 20 annîgîîad 19 o e Iccesin ttle etamcîîlary scol.In tise vctnooin milis to zoniri n i gnI i fiîcanîs dectea Il ensîsimesît tisa principalsi ivn Nniînetean ohîec isetn gîvaîn tlic options ai Mitant nenazanîngib ttdacisig staff Ici maas t ic registed with theT uppsîîned eaciscn.pop ratioî or to tise Oct. 8 deadlîn anînîgIlila vsaffaltiicuverali rsvdaols misa waîî t suppiy taciiisfiuisimithinli th e ezoned lis permit schol. - bilidings. The nîgîîîtîcass affcct oni Itle Ail objectins nanti cîirnrai buadget mîihtlcl lia elce h plannnghbared a îsî 19t70 isccaoic of tha 1.000 tos shicîcommenn h dcrenasci îîapacîcdaenomcnî. arte fatmarded ta lis R evîsîîîîofiritecca pitl budget Monicipal Board. miii alto ha' itiecssaly ta anpect o hisntg naît danasmiva hou' many af ir In latas ibis peur toar psaîvctad nana tacîltîian wiii ha ta tise nem officiai scqoîscd. Mr. Luavvssctohdvd. aîîning hytua . would hune enstd. hip Esqaesisg rlom B,605 e 1969,a ton stuted. preset eonsists of .8e bracket, 20) beseket (oet 60) for tht 98,782,*09.* of 8l.6%ý lai and il sodustrel y-lau' weta onprias apusemnt t nd couicit efosa they a Ontaria Ofician t bc heid abj etianu pion und 6,611t. Add ta thoti 592 ftamn 0... and 344 fsam, tht Marnos andyaahhave the grandstalof Tht annervtced part of tînt tawn aconts fat tt6 af titc total. This os the uttu aaneued ta Mitan tout Januaey i . The ton's papuainasu mate thon tripltd in ttte pont 20 yeutu. and tocal officiai s arc pstdicting tl couid evee double tht ptenant tigure li rte ant coupte of ytaen. Hotning and upustmens proposais htoached ta titamn sace the anneuatin taah effect ai rite stat of ibis peut naauld uccommoate cnes 8,000 more peaple, anîd tiseso n stl omfor mose insnde tieo enpassded son bhandasnen. Figorsn rite pans 20 yoas shoaw itou Miltoti lias gsînn 1950- 2,405 1960 - ,520 S951 -2,460 1961 5,614 952 -2,540 1962 5,834 1953 -2,676 1963 -6,037 954 -3.342 196h4 -6,384 1955 -3,935 1965 6.44h 1956 -4,410 19h6 h-,620 1957 -4,603 1967 -6,670 1958 5,010 1968 6.726 1959 -5,257 196j9 -7,547 In 1950 Miton'n populatinî wsjavius 2,405. The big bocum May be opposit Barr r White musny of tinte prevasrn ca0 un Ilc il la en ancommîtted, namte isova arnnusîced thisen intentionsv ai seekîng offices in Minon'n Decembes election and luis natai one definîs aond aise piossihic cuandidate fus depaîy'ttavecame ta ligisi. Cooncîinîsr Percy BOarr, a en peat netern oan couîcl. is defîîntety viîootiiig fol teus l af depoly'satve fan 1970-71, lie tond Monday. And Couacîlian Gordan Krantz,naiscliasnheena membesaof coonicit fourstant, in nttriaasipcosdating" tanning fat tht tomte chant. 'Ihad tiogsiabotasining for etitis er es neve oan deputy'sevo" Coosnciior Bats toid Tint Chnampion, "but i prefer la go ave niap at a lime. Cousîcîttos Ksuîîia naid lie is ctli uadecîded about ntepping ap bat mat cestaîniy "gîvia i t so tetaougit." Thne depoip'scees veat is pnenentl fi teld hy Rosi Harris, yes nata 1î954 nu 1958 nnio tie Kingtliîgi Coost aad Faiiingbsooke osoon natte huit up-fat fine yes tise Population incseaved by almant 50ooperyeas und the populatson daubied in that fîne-ya pesnod ... fsom 2,60l0a in953 to 5,01i0n 1958. Gtou'îh nos) ionad oifuahbt inc 958 andniîîooahmost 10 yeas fos Miltoa ta add anatnes 1,500 reinsi. Houtnngnsiamtd donand maun of the atwomets camne tuaupaetmens buildingn locoted onn Ontario St. Fi goret rtaina ta tht onnenmentînn huveetyt heen campîied but informuation fsom theannesnors office gnves an estimase af $i13,000,000 grand total. Through the pages Milrt Commonity Cret Unian affieîaty opens ils oom ofiîce un Main Sr. this Oaurda0 and sixnyaasad lSunsan aning ' made a taur of tht brgsn ani benttît of ous photographe. VautIl tînd Sosan's tour and mote noms Sabou t tht Credin Union in tht Secand section of toduy's Champian. s, Ottîts itesofanees in ibis matIn' Champion inctude: Sporscovsscge . .Pages 4,5 Ciasifitd markset .....8,9,10 * O itîriais. coîtmnu .....B4 ,~a Womn'ntnas...........87 Fatm nean............B Yoosis page ..............0i ion mns for. deputy misc anîîoaacvd fast meek 6e Maoynr Brion Beus and ywoaid coîes rinne iieeehpitis Couscior Colin Omiie siso pan Inîcombetns Reeve Aunlun temtan on tht uncammtted iist, Ltdmîtnîrepotsn lie ns undecidtd a paît of couaciiot tii meis aboat lits futane on coonic bat indicatsa. Coanctiato Smitie bud wai gicisfluitsome tsoght and beensîînaosd tolensrcknngaone tspacisd lis malie an af conci'n top Insee mcats but aiisîuiîctmant lhîn a couple naauid nos casîinrt smwnhen olatait, cîntactedby Tie Champin. Youth dance-a-thon proceeds to hospital Tht yaats of Mta un ar epected la go toaad equnppnng setssng out ta prova ihey DO cure assau' X'suy deparsmnent ut tise aboat thisen cammoasty, in5 a ispitu. neaaiy constructivemway. Tise auditorium ai St. Paul's United Cioscsho bra n haaked Gsi Saîorday, Oct. 25 a fan tisa day and vtudentt are out s2lous danct-c-tison is ptonned iisiu'tk tiiiB op sponsors misa ttas o n ds forMiton itict miii pay tirm avsetfee fareah HospitlSuodantn aitis Martin soeus tiîay culs endure tise St. Senior Public Scisoal dance'a.thaa. It'v apen ta, uit canccîncd the idea an a tiîhte ta teenagers ns Milton. rtie ispîtat's l Otb is thduy laits Registratioons nanti e taken isis yat, asnd tint Hospital siossîng ai 8.30 a.m. tsas day, Aaxitîasy is lisaping moka tis auns) thedancig sltat i9 a.m. assoisgements. Tisa fonds naie ans) svns tiîyip.m. Akirport noise zones Restrict development in N. Oakville About 2,400 ucres af Norths zones anîd piloct resrictins on Mr. McKoug Sad indiidutt hoauîng miil ie aloe ottnan) y if lites veut Harnhy ans) lisvrne lb ahotite lasds nasti be affecîed oshun denetapmieî, invnasyîvg vsoas) be pnaiactad fronm rte tisa subisdvision plcan lis uttcdy nu on tise cnrclnng pals af ove ai hy restrictions an denetapmienî degnees, on the vaniat unses. vainc antils ofi tice cirpont natîcs hae aiscpsocs) hy tfic provnca h siscîposi'sscismcy. "Lookiag in aitpat'"naise os"otiics Tise rstii.iicaivesîpis ai iiiis)mil hu psyii.iiiigiî,iiy ors n ,îi)ilic the prpeivei isiii a(ithe mcails *inul îscci hia hy Municipal Aitaiss isteric s)ccciiici iti 147î wlîi iaîc piiyiicallnhy dlcmcging, lie are nitieds fis he îcveopes .cncsntiics)'Aiî.sotIilisig Darcy McKeaugi lst week. But lau' airpotiîs ecss.t- t b voougeits clis) uscs nsoas) hcabuout tsa iiiî,l pschlcm. ta North Oakvile ooid haveaiohb Huston East M.PP Jas OSsna ins hast i anothvs location. comnpatible misis tht degres af maximum naîse anael uvean OIY as noust 1,700 feet aoae tise t00 marrsied abot tise Zones stretcinsgout fronm smo nainse smaasig Iran tis auit autdoassecaîsna facslts land, ie uddes). segsulutiaus' affect an tonds najas Toranta suamays stretch taffie.. Asspnrî plans cati for ail miii be ptmnitttd. mitisin Halton Caunty ou shey mesinard and crss oves tise tukeoffs uns) tondisgs ta bcsi a mre anl tht auter euteitp of Huitan Cauoty houadasy mess mess os nuets direction aod tsgitt Ms. Onana topects tht affetss Most ai tise Norths Oaviit the nosise aunes. und navtb-mest of Streetssitie. mnsiciptiies miii be uffectedl of tise restrictins in lise North lads uttected hy the restrictions One zoe lits juet South af hy the denelapmnent restictinas. Oubvitit uires mautd 6e tttry ties in tht usea Haitaus regissel The province's plan moutd Higbnaay 401 in tht Eightb, tn sonse noise zones detuchtd, mininal." gavessîmen t canmitttt bas dinide un 80 sqguare mile ursu Nisth und Teatis Lise ateas, und uod seni-dstucbtd singls family reeommesded ta be inciuded ueousd 'Toronno lotemnationtl tise atier sa disectty opposite dmtliigs naill bc prahiisited, la "The nuise situation mant tisas mils Milton in o fivtisoraoug Aispurs mIat noise seositinity Sltaetsetiie ut Dessp Roud. attotheuzonetsingle fumfiiy bil heet,' hie said-Ms, Snena segionut ucea for Huston, VOL. 110 - No. 24

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