CHAMPION CL ASSIFIID ADS DRING QUICK RESULTS *IRTHS uîOrIvs - Mr. and Mes. Do] Broatas '(me. Lasorie> o Oucen St., are pleased ta an nounice dt birti o f dtir dass* ter, Kerri Lyon, miot0lis Il onc., et MilIe Ditrc lIce pitlI os Sunday. Septemberto 28 1969. A sioter for Ken, Dasn Marie and Uisa. MUND96 - M,'-. ladi l'riend Inte Kasomiegal ci 2m omeca Ave, Milton are plensed ta cnoosece ths tsirth of their daughter, Sonyo Kateine, seeigbt 6 lis., 14 ons. et Milton District Hospital 0e ltridey, Septemoder 26, 1969. LAIWRENCIE - Mr. ced Mes Gerge R. Lawsrence (ne Olersbee) osf 7 Cousrt St., Milton are plecord te cneunce thi birtb et their dctigbter, Cicr issa Siseila Darne. weigt 11 ls., ci Milton Disrc opt on Sqester 24.Hot. LOOS -lJcnd lace LMoo (mee Peterson) are deligbt ed ta anosoe îlhe sate crrvct sol Todd Andow, 7 gis., 13 ces. et Ocasville - Trtlgar Menor ici Hospital, Septeedier 23, 1969 A oseo plcyooste for Scotttsite Gregg. LOOSER - Pete ced.Bcsts Loos e lnen Cosling) cf Il Mass St. S., Actes, arc plecsed te ce- nonsie dt birtb 0f tbeir son, Peter lunes, weigbt 4 Ies.. 5 oas., et Milton District Hospi- tal os Septesoder 25, 1969. A brother for Paul, Johns cuti Riclcy. b ENGAGEMENTS Me. ced Mes. Dece Gray wisb te cnonce tbe engagement ai Dbeir dcugbter, Sasan Nadecti ta Robert Bruce Sioddcrt, soc 0f Me. cmi Mes. Doosc Stodoicrl 0f Orcotesille. 5tedding te teke piace on Sciscrdcy, Novenobe 1, 1969, ai 4 oirbonk et Knos Peesbyteotan Cincd, Milton. Me. cnd Mes. Ivan R. Aras seroong 0f Milton wish ta ce' nuance tlot engtagemnentof etheio daugloter. Clocelene Rsdoy, te Me. Allen Robeert Foscrdlt, son 0f Mr. cnd Mes. L.ewis Faecrait of Durlisgole. Wedding te tcke place on Nowoe'ober 7, 1969, ci 7 pas., ci Knos Presisyterico Cbuecb, Miltoe. 10 Mre. and ides. Roy Robert 0f Motdesoe. Ont.. cau pleased te annouce tlot engagegmntoel their dcogtr, Sandra boan, te D2ooinic Fezie, son of Mes. Mcry 1'ezio 0f Hamelton. Wed- ding te teke place on Sctoce- day. Novemoter 1, 1969. ct 3.30 pan., eit SEmmanuel United Cboorcé, HOamilton. DEATHS ANDEIRSON. Joseph Abet-At tiiatton Centeneasi Mener oni Septesber 23, 1969, AI- bort IdAboie) Anderson, bus- band 0f doe tete Mary Eliza- beth Caelel; dece fetber of Edoyt (Mes. Williamn Dods) of Meont Forest ced Rclpb 0f Milton; cise suevived b y sesen gecedebiloiren ced four greet greedcbitdre. Pinterai otas bield tesse tbe MoiKerit Fueee Home, Mil- tes, Feidcy, September 26do, 1969. lelerment Eserern ce- mttesy, Milton. C25E, Edoyl Meoucrot - At -Rochester Genercl HesPitli on Wtdustsdcy, Septendoer 241h, 1969, Ethyt Maroceret Kilby, be- loved mile 0f Harry W. Core; deer moter et Lorraine (Mes. Splfeedi tsi -Rocbester aed Floyd ofI London; deugbter of Mrs. Maegret Kilby; and sister 0f Mns. Hitdcy Wbite of Terce- Funercl service secs hetti on Sctcedcy at tbe McKersie Fee- erai Home. letereet in Ester rete ctooetery. CUIS, Sertie Louise - At Traflgar Memerict Hospital on Seteeeder 25, 1969, Sertie Louise MdClecry, belovel otite 0f Frank Cetts of Oekvitle ced dece inether tof Stanley, Allain ced Lerse; sister tsf Edoel. SMit- tee, Roy, ced Hazel McClecey, Mes. Campbell lOcisyl cttdMrs. Speers (Otedysi; aise survived by foer granddsitdree. tisanerai services were beld in St. Petes Chuech, Erinoicle, on Scterday, Septeseher 27. letter- ment sin St. Jude's cevsettey, Ocheille. DIJENTE. s ug- A-t Miltn District Hspital on Moedcy, Septembr 29, 1969, tige Dur- anein hibs 9th yea, hsOOd ofl lte late Teresa B,,cc..e deur father ot Aide of Hcriy, Lou- is, Jo-Anne and Peter (Jath) 0f Miltos; bruter of Aosgelo of Milton ced Mcria Feltoin (de- neasedi; geceol'ethtr 0f Mieh- atl, Christepher ced Bryce. Foerai mss aI Holy Soscey Choosot, Miltos, on Wednesdey moreing. Interast in Este- green comttery. Milles. 8090yno. Hai. Waead po- hy -n'nu g 8702301 DEATHU m GRBEN, Phoaie Jet - At gOal. t ton Cententi Maner, Milton on Sunday. Septenuber 28. 1969., Phedo lae Coleman, foowserl3 0f 86 Ontario St. S., Milton. Bc- -loed mile tcg dt late lobe Ban- delpis Grese., in baer 8696 year. Oece mother of Mes. Dougles Irving (HIael) of Miltons cnd Lpredeceaseti by est sCosMark iRandoif Grees. Oear sit. 0f fMes. E. Dichensen et Eueling' ton ced Huntsville. Resteti et tse Scubl-CUlion t PneraI Homr, 1391 Ontario SL., Burliogten. Puneral Service ce Tcesdey at 2 pot. Interosenit Gretnoeet cemetty. CARDS 0F THANKS Sincere tbaohu te frientis ancd ntighibors fer dtie kind- nsdocries my stcy in Milton Hasepital. Special doanhks ta De. Hantr, oures ced staff. c22-1637 Oas Mowbtray. i mould l66e ta docode cil my teieeds ced relatives for the cardsand floers set tte dceing my stay in bespitai. Special tbanhs te Des. Legait and Hoentrs anti dt nersing staff of tht ourgital mard. c22,599 Betty Willienson. Imwidot expess my sincere tbetsks te relatives, triendsancd ntigbers, OSiP. ced the Opti- est CIlb tsf Milton, and Bowi' ig Tram, for dt tbenglsl' sese dueissg my stop, in hespi- ia;aise a special doanks te Dr. Mcckcy ced Dr. Legate ced aIl tht ourses ced staff of tht Milton Hespital. Mcny ibhanke. c22'164 Reg. Thomas. -Siocee docodos te Iriende. negttiboes ced relatives for broutifit Iloees, gilte ced gel meIl carde. Special thanrke te Res. Stanley Smith ced Res. Cicyts Cote fer thtir visite ced prayers anti eppetictioe te ail nurses and Dr. D. Aiken- beati tee their hindeese ced rare sebile I las c patient in Milttos District Hospital. c21'4645 Mes. Thomas Snoon. Tht faotity et tht lete Eilren Dowss ssuld lihe ta expres beaeiltît thanke ced apprecie tien te tetero er cade tonters, kindneSssand cosielý acescdurisgeur bresteoetl cnd deeieg ber iSleos; seiib esecial tbcnhs te tht nurses cnd staff cd Miltoen District Hesptct, Drs. Mathay ced Le- gale. dt tsff8mrs ced stsef of Milten Dpip., Res. C. A. lIite and David Howdesttsf cKrsie Fuerat Home. Ssocrly. Emeson, Roy cnd JecAnce. 12.1641 Tht lamily osf dt lait Jes' eph Albert (Alauit) Andersen wish ta extesdtir sinere thcehese ta ir retivtes eige- bers ced iviende tee tht f10w' ees ced c.ts 0f hindeese dur' ing tbrir recent bortavemneci in tht teess 0f a betovtd fair. Atto tht MatKeesit Puneral Home, Res. D. R. Nicholsoni tee bis ceifertiig metssage, ste palibterers ced tht nesgtdiers for tht luech following dt ser- svicer. Salph asd Graco Anderson, Ethyl ced Witl Doibs. c2241638 IN MEMORIAMS WATERS - Ie lvisog esemerv sof e dear father, Wallace Ru- ban, sebe pcsstd cwcy Octobr 5, 1950. Hie minoey is ce dece teticy. As en the boue hie pcesed cmcy. Scdty missed ced clwcys e meeedt by tovieg son, Alce. dl-704 COMING EVENTS Bingo gantes evtry MoodaY ut 8 pet., Hety Roearp Paessh HaIt. Mltone. c-1395-tf ilazace sae bohrtd ci Hill- cresti Jtted Churvh, 70h Lie, Saturdcy. Novenibte 8, 2 lu 5. c22,1633 usore, Bopote CommueitY Centre. Feiduy. Octobr 3, at 8 pet. Adision 50c. Ladites pltase provtdt. c2241570 Cansibel Seci Club rote p'tme, Octsbr 10 cnd 14, 8 petm.. Masoin Hall. Campbsell- Ville.c23,1634 Tht forert Heroby Ghuomh turey sepper mili boe hrtd cI Hiltcrest Unitedi Churcit, 7tb Lie. Octobr 22, 1969, lross S te 0 pro. c22-163,2 Rtartsy CIlai ot Miltes Fat B.Il,, Iliceber 29, a Lcgioe fiai], Mltote. Music ity Tht Cornots. Bsffet ci 7 p.m. Couple 112. c?2'lSOl (Mtilton District Higb Schsei Ceesmencemtent eterviset wi11 bo held in ihe sthool audiler- itm on Feiday everring. Octeb- te 17 cit 8 e'clnek. c24a1636 Ruchre, Octobr 8, et Noedo Trafalgar Recmetoin Contre. Horoby. at 830 o'cloek. Admis- sion $1 each. Refreolenente pre. videti. Spontoreti hy Sunsine Ladies' Auxfliary. 1034664 COMINO EVENTS MOilton Senor Cfiena m heving c hon trip te CollHeg- weod on Tamdcay. Ocirdoe 14. leasing Milton et 9 aim., fim St. Pascros United Chuedo, Cee- tacs F. w. Hathtte, 878-938 or Bab6 Lakiosg. M-2.710. c22-'166 Come cnd have Mterneon Tee en Pervice Market, Satuardcy, Noeenter 1, tract 1.30 pie. ta 4.30 p.m., Sit. PaooOh Unilted Oltsrcb Annuel Bazear. Ap~rons, caedy, haking, Christmas ced scriely baotb. Barbit de8l cie. rtes, fisb pond. r22-1649 Reietrcion for ail Cubu, Sceuts, Veeborres ced Revers. at tht Scout HllH Tuesday, Ocl- ober 7, 6.30 te 8.90 pie. Ralgie- tesatien tee $425 per bey. A3U Cedes ced Scouts muest bo ce- coeslarried hy a parent. Come out ced meel yaur leaders ced group ceamittet. C22-1560 lMdoh Aosniveescry Services of Limebeuce Presopierian. Osuoti mitl ie oelti on Sundcy, Sept- totier 28th, co 13.02 c.m. cnd 7.30 pien. Spdoaker. Sos. R. W. Maddeek, B.A., of Hilistrurgs. Speciel rousir. Everycose ssci. cornte. A bot tuey soapper otill be oeretd ai tise cituoti on Tuesday eveoscot. Septeaobor 30. fraen 5 te O p.m. Adcls 81.73. Chiltiren, ý12 ytaes ced under, S1.30 Pre-chel fret. 11209 F.ÀAC.TS. Fcing the Action cf the Cburch in Todey's Seciety. Sanday, Octelser 19. 1969. erter- eues ced evening, et Wtflng. tee Square United Chureh. Bar- liogoon, Ont. An active ced ce. toffel peesetation is bting pot. paeed. Facts w411 be seec. Fccts wilI bae heard. They wi11 con- stitue e cemprehiessive sites tsf whabthde chureis is doing and planning te de. 12 ehoarcioes cf Haltes Pes4hyttey 6411 d do t presestatiens, assisted hy tise Gestral Counicil Execotive ced tise Board 0f E. andi 55. Ceme ced lec e dtlacis. c234629 1969-70 Travel ced Adveniscre Stries, Ontario Sehoni for dot lied, Maie Audutorlon. Toe. Oct. 7-Drenis Coper "teoside Passage aed tht Alettice te- landes". Tues. Nov. 4--Rot>rt Breower "Serait Santrica". Tu- esoJn. 6-Romain Wilbehnoen "Yecaten Traits". Tons. PeSo. 3 -tapheel Green "Inside Sih- trie". Tues. Mar. 3-Wciter S. Dedoon "A Teste 0f Isecel". Te. e.Apr. 7--Bihl Kennedy "Norve Sotia". Each performance 8.01) pes. Admission $1.50, etudentul 75c. Sccson tickets 16 admis' siens) 16.00, students $2-0. Spensoed hy tht Rotary Club of Milton wtd preetede fo ceemecnity prajects. c22-126 FOR SALE TV fer sale. 878-3966. 1t22,1,706 ACIX30ION, in gond condit- ioe. 878-6503. IC22-1640 4 SKSDOOS; i shidon trailte. OteweDeop'In. 874«939. Ic20413 PIREPLOCE menti, aise kind' lisg. Phone fM4000. 1104199 USEID toment bloeks, 10c e.. appras. 150. 854.2349. I0a-1661 30A20Y rarriege. geeti condit- ion, $10. Phsone 870.320. IPIANO anti bosch, $130; clec- tric train ced table, $3. 8%4 2393. 1c224657 3 - PI-ECE sehite bath set witb shouver doues. gond condit' sen. 870.4676. 1c22-1631 8' x 12' CABIN Scitebte for sleeping or 0501 bouse, ohis seidisishtd buaildi- ing is msade in 2 sections for easy transport. PRICE 8180.0 Con tac t J. E. HOPKINS MILTON I ION0<7008 878-2389 1c22 TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINS - MILTON UNIROYAL Tires and Batteries coerincendceedohe nw UNIROYAL MASTER lThe tire for tire worriers USSO PASSENGER Mad IeAE.M TIRES USRD TRUCI TISS hn AU Sifa. 878-3131 Mr hbu" CML. 6704.236 24 Hour Service i FOR SALE CoTI'AOI LOTS, Elchoater Lake, Parey Round district. M78 2974 or 879-3130. 1121609 23" RODA. VICTORt televisien seth 8 unes. warranty on pict- une roe. 8784M0. 1102-1666 14' CE045 strip biset. fibre- glass battoant, sieering. $7 se bons etIer. 87M3584. iPMRBWOOD. mixeti sottoee ced hardwoed ends. 9.08 c lbcd dellvred. Phuet 876-3881. AJDDING MACHINES, type. scrters for sale or reetal. Phue 87~62, Mareris Station- toy. 1-10417 5010 AD RANGER R.T. 910 transmission, cttd 12,000 miles. Sesi cffr. Pbane 826,1468 cter 5.30. IC22a159 BOYýS 26" bicycle, 4 pes. old. gond condition, 3-speed sbilt. bondie bar beahes. Prie $25.00. CaEi 878-22M6. 1102-1595 YOII WILL LIKE buylng pour building isatersats ansd ceai et Crewfoed'o Casepbatlvlit. Ouicir service. Higis quclity. Phone Cacepbeilvilie 854-2232. IcI. MAPE- Cd Miltce diwtn tise nom bouindasies sehi4o trock et- lect lanouy 1. Ringie copie, 24c anti le ton ai The Choampon office, 191 Main St., Milton. 164819-ti PERSONALIZBD sutionery, 100 sheete plus envelepes, as tomw es $3.40 al dt Chamnpin Office. 1e48.lf COMPLETE heaig unit con- sistieg of 100,000 B.T.U. fur- sue humborer anti cteols, 200 gal. tnk ced duct wro. Att is ecellent condition. Oaihviile T4.79 1 c2R4E KELLY SPRINGFIELD - TIRES - UP TO 50% OFF ON BRAND NEW STOCK TIRES EXAM4PLE: $1 2.95 Similce big aings on ail odoe szsin Tracter, Truck ced Car Tires. MILTON TIRE 191 MILL ST. 87.27 1 TV TOWER SALE 30' toseer insialled wido cil chais- nt beai 138-50. 40' tomer insialledti lchan,- osai bond $72.50.* 50' tawer instahletiwith lcil du- isel isest $8750. Entra heads lfer seceond TV set). Imitalleti $2050, F.M1. otereis bond. Imic8Red 020.00. 15 eleoseas celer heati. Intallled 064.95. Autensatit roter. testalleti $69.95. Repaies of ai types. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 2ni mainl Street Eau MILTON Phone, 875.6949 a. 1 FOR SALE WHNITE enanori kitcise an- nex castiron topwit 2 lid, tit new; baseloard bette; with aatomaiic control. broote teamtlled steel. Phon 876400. lc2Uc708 LARGE glossy peints of Cans, osice Champion staff photos, Si 7 oûrt 11f.0 8 x 10 s.ise $10plus tont. Cash mut accempasy oi, der. Enquire ow ci Choamp"ea office, 191 Maie St., Mille.. IPLUSH indooe - eodone case peint, eeg. $7.99, nom 5.99, seitabît fne living roome, first qstality; Propylon Hardtmist, cutomn gelti, bronze olive, eg. $11.95, saIt prie 09.95, fiesi qtcclity. lune Draperies. Milton 91cma 873-2513. 1c22'1702 RANGETVE, whbite enamel; targe wehite Noege electiu steve; lcrge wthite hitchen cab- inset; ech marderohe; large eck dinierg reoom table; Otctbec cook slove, secety new; blck leaiber rockieg chair; 300 baies of seheat stras. 25c c bale. Bronte 627-608 alir 6 s-es. 1102.1643 IJSRD Furnîtue of cil kieda. ceete, drescers, dinieg sets. Geod selecties of stovos. re frigeectere and wringee wsecd- tes. Ne is sed bd. Johnsoe Feesitue & Applianca Enchange. Shon Roem. 160 Main St. Phone 87801. Larg Warebe'csr stock 2278 Nipiseing Rd. Open evtry sight estil 9. Icl1-880 "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" " READY4tIIX CONCRETE * SEWER PIPE. ETC. for Mlion costomees. Webhavecawchouse at 3547 23 Hssy. cit Burnihamnthnepe Rond PIHONE 627.1087 Daity - e.Sunday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. b-if 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE '13 BUS, et cleaneti andti ret- eti serti wheta. 854-986. 2r22'1660 ,NO. i N0RTH.ERN Spy appt- Hs amoper $1.00. Pick yeue ovin. George Reatibrat, Waih- te's Lie. 878-44M. 2ç23.1647 CEE grade Mclletesh apples, $159 par hcoopee in your osto container. A. G. Humter, 414 Wclher's Lie, phoe 63446057. 2c22-IM0 McFNTOSH anti Ceettant as- pîrs, Pcncy ted CEE geade. seetci ttie. geapes ced parat- ors. Brtsp cestaiers. Roy BoutItietti 8786355. Closeti Mon- ticys. Open Tbcnksgivosg anti Saedays. kc22-16«O WE ARE nom open fer dt seaso. Apples, all varieties, as stases progeesses, 5 miles north cd Milton. BroeBar tarots (toretey Glensptp Fruit Markhet). Open 7 ticys c wee , 1p.s. - 6 p.. 2cI304-1cf NEW HONEY Clover, Ambar oe ButInwheci It buth or oe containers. Creamtd Closer Hoosey Rockhaven Apiaries 25 Sideroai tift 25 Heey. Coli 853-0266 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE BOARDING poties. $10.00 c meetit. 878.4797. 3c2241620 FREE, fliciy grey Iittens te a gocti itome. 87&-2173.32215 BULK ehavings. blowto in, be. les asailsibie. Bolton 807-2336. H-ANIPSHIRIE bour sevie able age. J. Douglas, Caiedonia, 765-2384 or 870499. 3c22464 OBRMsAN RIOEPHRD1 fe- maie, 6 esonths olti, for sale; 2 pips i(Labrador - German Shepherdi fret te gond bon. @Sem91. 3225459e VEHICLES FOR SALE * HELPWAUTED CLASSIFIED RATES sismi 33.MP 111110191 Ouue MrmU MhA1M MAMLUM@. V015ICOMuIO MAUMAfl. nu"ozàgfl - :oa cbnwn. M.o mect .13-d . "seas teSUMi uveWra CAMUS CV SuAsNX - qi.f £« h.d net ns of 3mh1Am - 01» Pl-Is. ", 1e u- ... ce.etlW 1.SYA. EawL MTAI - sui »t -dh= i. Deihon t" ..eaimo -O5 pý liend9. a=~ n5Omý h. 1 d - M.ldOOaO DEADUNE US 12 NOON TUESDAY * The Canadien champion, Wadnesdlay, Octoher 1, 1969 JUST TRADED ON NEW 1970 MODELS - AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 1969 COUGAR 2-door hardtop, with oniy 10.676 mules. Uc.- 11780. 1969 VIVA snOb automatic. Uce. 152273. $1,991. 1969 PONTIAC Laurentian 427 V-8, 390 h.p. If you verait tn go, don't miss ditis unit. Uc. 1(18186. 1969 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop Laurentian, automtatc and radio. Lic. 1(22066 S2,796. 1966 METEOR S33 2-door bardtop. Uic. K17389. 1965 HALF TON GMC pick'p. Uce. 30144B. 1964 CHEVROLET Impala 2-clooe hardtop. Uce. 1(2029. 1964 CHEVELLE 2'door hardtop. Uc. 233791. 1964 F'ORD convertible. Sharp cat. Uc. K(16230. 1962 PONTIAC 4-donr hardtop, equipped car. Ue. 1(21187. Lease your now 1970 Pontiac, Acadien, Firebird, Buick or Cadillac. Attractive rates. CALI US AT 878-2355 388 Mein St. - Milton 5b22 7 WANTED TYoPEWItITER seanted. Phsone 87M2027. 7c22.'1639 'PIANO wanted, apartnent cor medium site, in reasonabte cn ditioe. Oakvilte 9444671.i RPC>WNJIF R. flhlinFi AUTO BODY REPAIR Uniform Committee Wishes tit tsf people wiiling us stîl set NEJW style BeovonOt ceci Guide esiferoos ts non Bronwnies anti Guidas, PHONE 878-6532 or 878-3152 7e,22 8 HELP WANTED SEKCEPAESS foe Me. bawkh Inn. Cati dt Manager 854- 227,7. &c22-1600 HANDYOMAN. Appîs Mitoos Tire Sevice, 191 MiII Si.. Mîi. t00. 878-2711. 96221668 OOOTHEIR milI look acher PMo sabeer en ey omos home, on-se day te Fridcp. 878.4633. 6@32.1665 .EXPERB0CPJ service stat- i os attendant, feil timre; endst part tiee maitess. DowcDimp. Is 878-9229. 8t2l4l6O7 Service Station Attendant and Tire Man Esperience esseostici. Appip ta: MWC HUNTER Halton Truck Sales -1%97) LISUTBD Hogbmcy 25 Nordo, Milten, Ont. 878-3121 8c22 TOWN 0F MILTON REQUIRES Police Constables Applicas mst qoaily un- tir thr provisions of tht Pet- tce Act. have satiti chaufefeur% licene. -Excellent scaar ced fesage bendfits. .1979 Coosiroci prtstenty under nagstitioo. Subesit fuitll om f de cdsos, merital siio ed dt avosilale. prior ta Gattober 6, 1969, te: Mi. R. Andress, Chiel of Poie. 301 main EL, MILTON, Ontarlio. 6n20 8 HELP WANTED 3 SALES3OEN ceedeti tor or ewofice in MOlton. Saper. iece ce asset 'but nt os-. scry. Centaci Me. Neal for in- terview te discuts comsmission ami benus arranogemnots. M76 9511 , N. J. Longo, Realtor. 9610774f MAN Gioad vstes. Att ompiope benetits, BILLeS Auto Body Shop MILTON, ONT. Phone: 878-2721 EVENINOS 878,38M4 McKINLAY Transport Limited Reîocating Oct. 28 Hem offies comter of 401 ced 25 N6ghways Reqoire experencei paproil perssonel. Phone: Mr. R. SMITH 416-277-1461 6.14 8102TON OOUNTY BOARD O0F EDUOATIOO STENOGRAPHER Location: Norths Nation Ede. cation Centre, Milice, Mont ha peoficient in iepnt anti general offie work, Inteemiet appiiect mre in- vitedti temil PESSONIdEL OpptR APPILY Haîton County Board of Education 166 Sodo Service Rond Base OAKVILLE 845-2501 EXTIENSION 32 or Pl calllng Long Dissince, dte cali may ha mtade weliosut change by phonlngg 'lon Dios- tance' anti askuo6 for Zeeldo M884 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE GEIJOBSi. grade, 46 banda, SMy lck mane ced tai, gond 641h childe. 644U2. 3d348 à NiaS or 1969 mais palcoleaos, pintas amdieot. outo, scidie hred. Alois aaddle herses. O. D. Morden 845-44M. 31034t52 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 2 USBO Dion forage bliies, i n exce lient condition. Young'a Parast Equipasent, Clap>1eon Cornts. 689«U6. 4c2>i1535 ROTMY cutter, t' oui, 3 pt. hitcb. noew bar ced new hlade, le excellent conditioe; alto McKee forage binwer 64do pick- up; 2 harveot wagons. Phsione 854-9960. 4CU2.392 SVEHICLES FOR SALE '1965 VAUXIHIL Viva, $675 ce hest offer. Phone 98-M48. 5c22-3942 Real Estate Career. WANTBD - c fusll disse Rel Estate Agent for Miltoas area. Exptelenceti manager ta llp pou pls entra ativertisng lis rospent comemissons. 8Ouo*te cf mont Real Entat Boardo. Contact LLOYD G. LEE, F.., Vice Preident H. KEITH LTD. 101 Eglinteos Ave., Toronsto 12. Phono 487-3333 8m2 SeIl Rural Real Estate THE PROVEN PAUL S. STARR WAY IThese ativantagea hiip BIG MONEY Il. Fret Bcal Rotate SEdooL 2. Outr on foiluut.ed neompaper putelisbed. mouEMy. 3. Extensive advetiing peu. grammte in aet 40 Canadiean anti US. pospers. 4. A orte~ag <Elcer ta ar- range fiomuoelag an yistr cales. t. An Advetrisuu Deparment le ataiost peu wito oepaper advertising, specoal borochuoras anti marin piente 6. Or on cigos tepartment to ooake ced ereci spatial allus sehen needeti. 7. Afany %vaiting Soupera pins oe Ieda ceing in delly. 8. Guoidanoce anti belp frm Management 64110 pera ef ex. periemce in Real Betate. 9. Hiccelleni Smeisdlo @pit te help you reco exoutedv rmiege tat ced a prestige positioen in pour comitey. Nerer befere boss dt tiemnd bren so greet for countrp pe.1 pardes. Cash in n Ibi goïden ongorasitp Soy pbrn or «AX- Iervost fra uam n UR18. ITOM MON7OMY AT Paul S. Starr&CO. Ltd. '173 Wosnlcls SI., ULM Phone 824-5054s 1960 0185'O11.E ntatin olon Phisj 8312t6 5122.401 ,966 OEUJE, 1IN mostar, autoeoptîc, complote,goas teeti gond condition. M7011. 50024662 1963 MMSI Galaxie 380 2-door harditop. 3M5 ctgine, auaton6o, custom radio. Price $150. Cal 878-2568. 12m4 '196 TRIMPH Bonnevlle. exellent condOlOon, nmm ce- trot. Must a«B. SM3. Phone at ter 6 Pmt., 854-2m8. For Vour Next Car... T'y BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 9MI .mÇD 2 MIEN wmoted for mudoraci flur. Stead1y wo&yes round. âgppOy affl104.3eh mcmn Parm, ideoty 25 "e LIEN for.wawrl9 dsap. EsIperience balphil bout ne aie esaay. Gond mages. Apply NM etteu Purniture Ltd., HIMW. burgh, ont, 830460. 'URBILBSIRM wanted, h pceienced on neo WOrk. Top waïges. taI or par t ime. Apçw te Moeettels l'urnituneLd, Hilsbuell, ont, 055.46a1 ADDITIONAL CASH FOR YOU By denionutratlng dut beet coometien avallable. You ean ern 10 or Mm m hm la 9wFor iler information Please Cail 877-7840 Cl.rk Stenograpb.r Minimumn Grade 10 Edoocallera Taping and Shoedsaed Ontario Provincial Police Office, Base Line, MIltcii GREASE RACK MANI " Seay position AMY Service Manager Milton Motor Sales LIMPME MILTON, ont, TRANSPORT DRIVER Tractor Trailer and Stralght Truck 40 bote weck, no niIo wort Gond wae. Apply in writlo stallng expereoneta1: ROYCE TRANSPORT 1,10 Railrcad St. BL9MPION. Ont. 0c01 1 BROWNIE & GUIDE l