Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 1969, p. 6

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pTihe Canadien Champion, Wednuendy, Juiy 30, 1969 xt.end wlsheïl Ms boy breaks arm r D Mes. Coei Potton afteoded Omagh scthool. Ho la Wo oxtood gos e wsno te sutvsyod by tria brathors Hugh et Coilo Crombie, yeungest so of Toronto and Douglas oftOmag. Mr. aid Ma. David Crembe, Ho mas tise Ioving husbasd of FlOus Line. Cola hadl th Marion Cunningham and dear miafortuoe ta fait while faihor of Betty, Koith, Barbara, swlamlang and piaylag an Keiao Lioda and Laurto. We extend Park and broke las arn ait tht sicere ad hearteit sympathy elbaw. Coln Was a posiont ie ta ait wha meurn las passng. -le Milto Hospital and lter mas ,ei lie mach messed le tise trared ta tick Chiddrn's, commeeity. Taranto. Me retorted home a MasY friends tramt a distance fow days aga, and wifl be attrnded the tueemt et tise tate apartisg a eet for neyerai marks. Chartes Leriche et saturday Jly 26 tram Hilicrest Charch. Misa Lynne Bamaiet et Hla oncle and caaain Stanliey Marrteid bas bers isaisdayîng Beatty ccd Harvey Beotty minis her gracaiparesîs Mr. and attendrai tram Londes. Mes. Herry Bamdtn andi aise Wilt Lace, Mr. and Mea. Fred witis ttir friend Enla tos. DcYiae and cindres Pauince, Enla tees' a visitint in Eeser tesan antd Bily et Hamilton fer Ibis mers mush r iseidayed mush tht Crcil gracaitarents Me. and Mes. Patteemen tamiiy tis meek. Risede anud aliser relatives. Birthday grersinsa ta Lacie Tis cammettity s'as saddened Kebicec, Mary Elizabeths Castra, an Wednrsday t e irs et tise Cecil C. Patternen le., Wiitaed sadaien pamsing of Charlts Featisersien, Artisr Peacoch, Lerichse. Chartes s'h s'as eniy Karts Adamsen, William 39 s'as harnoan tise Fiti Liar Mitchell, Pail Cripps, Richard bres'w Omags, son et tise lte Ceibecb and Rendy laces. Mr. and Me.. Keits Lerichse. Ht Wedding asoiversary s'isises ta iivedl on bit faim entii a tes' Mr. ccd Mrs. Wiiiard yes ega whec ise moed te Featbeestec, 30 yeres merrird Fifti Lise Esqeesing. Hr an Aeeast 3. Coledonia weekend reunion opportun*t to re-live past Fer thase eba meula i tue te isathe la tend recallectren et tise may t cirai ta be beck an the taese, lisono s sesisine libereal bie trip dams menary lare-use kicd yen cen enjny et Celedevia aver tht Civic Holiday Weebend, Aceut 2-3-4. Tise Marcis et Tinties leo br pnesrnted by tise Golden Hertethan Antiqe Society, an tise groends et Heldimnna Ceensy's Ageiccîtuici Fanr ai Caiedania, mi give yac ample appnrtusity so e-tivt tise pas miie esjaying e vis sith the type et people mise are interesteai eneegu in oui iseriiege te prescrit e unique display et their collections fer the pebficn esîjayîîreu. Set ep in misai bas hemn semeai tise Golden Hersethoe City, the accent is an acntry Seving la byrfane ayn mith dlapicys et all types et tam andi hauseoed items tnatured avr the msdsummee long ispliday meehenai. Incieded in tht asti que village are sec b attractions as an ald-trtne implantent repaie sheF, biacicaniti sthap. fvery stable, garage, geserai store, trading pnst, batik, jtmriiery stare, gen thap and aid cîsy bell. Tise Caledania Ageiculsurci Society, sponsors et tise loal Fatl Fait, wiil be aperaiing tiseir teatuted "Olai MscDonaidns Fanm, aient miss misicis tisere milI be an aint endîtas duspice et daed tanm macieey ccd eqcipmenî, mucis et micis mdi be in eperatian ibreagisaci tise meekenai. rghihsrgof ethiis portion et tise pragrein mdll incluait steen ibreehint and barse-pulling cactrsts. Entertiiiment-s'ise, lisere ce plans fer metern-style riding campaSstions ccd an ancisery cactesi, an s'eu as deily eppeerences et Vince Mauntard and bus troupe et ecteetainers. Dciiy grendsiend parades miii tccîurc mny efthlie dispiay items-even a barse-dramc celiipe. Fan lise cbiidres, thene miii br stage cachs rides and pany rides, as s'eu as netresismeol bealis ireets. Haldsmnd Caeniy MilS Board miii attend, mils tht Dairyr Princess sereine ian creant. A Gy Ninrties Pageant" mi br pradcanai in tise crene nigbs5y, ander tise direection et Gerge ippey andi nasiciguc nembera miii be sang by lise Cisaleirs. Os Susday evesung an open air service mdll be beid, s'ith ail deîuarrsratiaes nepreseeteai. ta, ut yae misk yae cauld enjay seelag c scrrey mith tise tringe an top, c singl mi. sirann engints, aId irectars er a meaper that's "Jus like tht one me cirai te have, sure ta plan an c elait la the Ccledaeia Paie Grounsai aver tise Civic Holiday meebend. SMALL ADS HUGE SAVINOS 68 Deaige Palace 500 2 Dr. H.T. Autarnatin, Lic. Na. 484356 onaty 1ti,9f. GALUME MERCIR Milfen Plaz 878-2883 A MUSCULAR DYSTROPHV CARNI VAL was ecaie a lot cf morrimont. Hont Barbara Pmace, sesai in Kinasloigs Court restiy hy vuve rigist. gars set te tans tise met apange at Jensifer teigbhscd nbiidren. anai tbey raiseai $3.27 fer Stinneri, ieft. misile Richsard Fitiporonhi, Citaiy tise M.D. fend wits a sariety cf mony-mabing Pu chrinis. Poesi 0ev, Mary-Anse and Leigs Farley proients. Titare mon a penny sale, refresismeet Wanda Ramshattcn and Kim 0cr Lacis cn.-ittaff stand, aon tisram, bettie gante, bowling ame andi Phoeto) aish-the-cp ane, pies a spongn thees' ibat Firuuea's couvtioo of Wbitby this >cear Multent tiretigsten are planning te attend tise anneci conventien et tise Ontario Asnociation et Firefgisiers in Wiiiy ibis srreendý Caps. Harold Ceuisen et tise Milton brigade is tht 1968-69 president et tht Association andi mi be cenducsing tht eeeiy business et tise meebena convenion, betare ading ever tht gavel sto es' prenient. About 20 local tirefigistees are planning ta matchin l tise hig parade an tise Mecday baliday. -Civic Holiday seat Mendey. Nine brotiiers, sisters attend Bristow reunion Nine braibers cnd selects and ibr tnrilies esjayed e happy fenily reanan an tunday as lise banc of Mfr. ced Mes. Vic Brisias'. Elizabeths Dtive., Actan. Jeus ander 50 cane, tramt Unianville, Ociseille, Milton. Hamilton ced Acian. Tise geiberiag sierirrtd eut as e samwer fer Brende McKeamn ced develaped iunta tise tail-saaî teuily reunuan. Thise matiser, Mes. Hyseri, Hmlnii, mis 85, mas avable la attend, but ber tint cideen s'en ail lisent. And lise tamily ravged el' tise wmay ds'n ila b he r gree-grasdaiaugsier, Laurie Van Delen. misa's e yecr ccd e hait aid, andi ber greci-greal grnddrugstc, lue Vecastre, imoan na hait. Is mas lise fii tine un Oive yecrsthlie teniiy hall ail been tageliser. Bratiser Jack Sies in Milton. bealisees "Ticis" endi Geore in Hmenilton, sisters Mat, Bertha and Rase la Hamiltn, sînlers Bec (Mes. Bais Andrsns) and Daris (Suis. Fred Kecnte) and braiser Vic la Actan. lacS Bristas' et Milton isteagit tise lergesi tenily graap- 14 people. Stanly Robertoon Fredfenth (Stantey) Robertas ast ia Stle by ell0ctrcutien la nt accident an tise tuen et Bd Gansen, Proton as Wednesdy Jly 9, 1969. Me s'as cnhia 21iai yeux. Born et Miiton, he s'as tht ses et Fred Rabertson anai tise fermer Christine Pell. Me residrd as R.R. 5, Milton, attended sciseai ai Waterloo S.S. 5, Esqcesing caid Speyside Public Scheoi. Me maveai in lune 1968 wits bis parents te R.R. 2, Desdaik. Ht bad bren empiayed tnr neyerai mesabs ci Rendue's Fred Miii, Decdaik and ibret s'eeks egae refi iere se drive a tracter tratier tee Ed Gannan. Sarvivise Stan are bis parents, one brether andi ima sisiers. They are Dougas, Mes. Eaci Besity (Fat) and Mec. Jack Waaliey (Laone), cii et R.R. 5, Milton, aise Oive cephenes anai sieces. Stan s'as isnes' tee bis aove et sncii cidren, and geneeos ecigaief persncliiy. Tise teseral s'as briai Fridey Jciy i1 ai ethtie Mchersie Funerci Hme nisere tise Rev. R. W. Fesser et Grece Anglicas Ciserc cesducied tise service. SELECTRICITY Is Our Business Ô, t ir b . MrOts FEATHERSIONE S EIECTRIC Tise paif-bellrera mer. a casis Ke. Cela et d felaenda Reis McRenze, Actes, John Fisher, Milton, John Yong, Streesele, and RirS Tonry and lin Maedy et Dndolk. Interntent s'as la the tamly plot in Evergreec Cenetery. -ilUse a Chaampioo nlmadie&i -A twa-mas rairarch *sean s'll hourveyicg Keine vinltera about their ase et tse Miltes area park this camlsg Meaday, Acg. 4. The taris raiiectrd are pari et c previcce-mide recreeties needa study. You'iI SOI Have PIeoety L.ft SEvsn After Yom Sh.pOur SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS 1/30OFF 2 5 % O FF SHORT SLEEVE KNIT TEE SHIRTS JANTZEN, WOLSEY, STANFIELDS ARROW, LIPSON and E. S. CURRIE Perme Press Tericote, Plains, Stripes SWIM WEAR by Jantzen and Checks. Button clown and Rogular CASUAL WALKING SHORTS Coller. by DAY'S and JANTZEN GOOD SELECTION ____________ rsPUCIAML GROUP 0F 20% O FF SUSavnd ': ORD:?: E LIGHT WEIGHT SLACKS by NASH and SAVILLE ROW Light Weights of Polyester and WooI Terylene and Wool by SAVILLE ROW and HYDE PARK YOUNG MEN'S WASHABLE CLEARA CI 0F NEV'R' PRESS SLACKS Men's Regular Weight SPORT JACKETS by GREAT WESTERN GARMENT Terylene and CottonON RC Slim Cut SUMMER ~ ~ SALE 1* The new Toyota Corolla Sprinter. This fastbock is no skin-doep beauty Yeu get; Fciia.r.ninn asis* ame dcty huat«-.est mith 3ismnd binas, * cigrette ighter*f idi h parcel shirit - on e tray n front -smwo in thes msat *n sul ton a rrrsirng *assanon nsis antiids *recmilli demr hrndl im d rad ntrior 6titd safty gles Ifa ail nd cuwhte ide -uckp iights 4heedignir fleimhann hSd regt,*nilannlbi. acming delaibrak terin-i Sm boit$ - ft santir AarO veirtutin *ad tror. .. Ail for Mnl $205 at RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LNITED 101o.t Ti.. 8 a.m. to 9 .n.; Fy a...tcfp.n.. Satuadie 9 an,. tu 5 Pr.. 1502 Sperr Rond - Onkerlle, 827-1021 __827-1031 Lhult.dmalW uî A*9SDustena 2«e MAIN ET. -MILTON < Tax Notice RATEPAYERS of the Town of Milton are Reminded Thot THE NEXT INSTALMENT 0F TAXES IS DUE Aug. lst 1969 THE FINAL INSTALMENT WILL DE DUE NOVEMBER 3rd 1969 >~Penaty of 1% ParMonth or anypoeron teof, wili b. chargeai on ench overdue ntalment until D«. 31n. 1969, 081.1 muics date lotiront et the, rose of 2/3 of 1% Par mnth it li b. addution titi finit day ef euadinmesti, AUDREY B. BRUSH, TEa"SuRE.

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