Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 1969, p. 13

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sOmlettmaa I corne acces an articin aid aics I aget complnicly aid the cnading ai i serves cuenncourage tihc point of vice O It boisera me foc senmne enho nanant t l b aahnd byea plnasaeîmacreniey ".May 1 ctil]1dm wiso ia calltng?" misco I plCe1 a enlapisone col. I iseegse pncisapa, ~ceu tisn pracia aueam so Sailneai, tisai h t smech misa met 001 aiap. .A eceot articlen in Markenting Magaie n dicetea tisai I amn not aloon 10i dniccitng tce peacie. Aetisoe David Sceit-Atkisoo aeggrîic tisai "Todey's instant idiot i bostnsai lensiiy adenoiflnd ne ene wisosn incrntaiy ieayî aiance bis celle mush thn qesetioo "May I telcimio wiso ta caling?" 0 ln'aiy scrvicn busine tce qunstioo ia ioielly inexcusablc alites and ai indication ai pampoeity, nI.*mrtac or tisn absence ai thn miish ta or a "ece A case map bne belt ion tise seennng of celle i nooacvtica beetinanae tieegs 1 da oot haeppaieo a stribeet lt. 1 ccuae for god pisone mananea". litis e eaier deveeittng parageapis bot if ite aveastcd it uemas mnntly ta aidncltnn the peoblcmi. o The aeiisoe cone ep mus soma suggestions usai arn boulod to ovîccome the qunstton i yoe ane feeltng a Littlc tipus wen (cedi wt then smnctly cpon phrse. * The eeisoc eoggnaii one toue iiet goit tmmndtatn acioo ta tisai qestion "May I teil bien in misai connecian yauae caliogO" A recpon oi "lt't aboot my wtin'a condttio" gai bina ia atentiaon. *O Dne oillnr capaon ta tisc "May 1 tell him misa la cettiog" bit le "By eil mans, if yoe baie, atbcewiae i atil tctl isim mymnîf". * In e aeivny ofitop peoplîe nembne of diffcent fields then astisae repartid mastait eespaaaci fcant pebliscer Johna Baset, John David iEaton, Alan Bureton ai Stmpianî and e hast ai atisnrs in tise advnetiaittg aod public renlations fielda. O Wliln l'I1 eajn tiset "May 1 tell hlm mis a. cetltog?" ta fer aepnetfo ta tce corrupiono a nt phrane Lt Who'a calltng?", nitisîr ne paciicaly acceptabln. 0 If ihnyaaenednd in bed tae ilia ai thc netisar eeggnaia by "then iordioaely rudn 'Gnt mn Me. X' oct." Witen thn timc le aaed by tce celtingcscceutive it iî aacd by tise encipint wiie te oe gnttiog tise cati ta getd fueat by thc ancenteey and ihno egelo isy tce caltanit. Joat misa iovcoicd thn "big-iime" eppeacs ceriioy caatd tae cendit far e itoeeising îeccams la tenis ai u, bait1 incarns aitte ad toct it mous be coaidcecd e iedecce. Sugar and Spice by bill smaleyJ its dicc to mekle a nw fieed, bai most yeu are aaadniisg wisniisr yaa cent stli memiera ai =u spermes, tise aed ape, gara tao nilea. agace tisai aid frende arc lise bail fieoda. YOUNG LOyERS ara rn aisuntaoce, om on a pictr table in aone ai tise distille tbe warmer anatisar la bsec. A pacha. -(Staff Photo) pbotogeapiscr aegb a couple la a gai-fs et Down [s] in this Corner with roy dlownsj In Afite nalives isea eimange gamne celind "ismait" la aisici tise playeas lnap ep aid dama and beat tise geoaid minh clebs. In Caiada mc hava a aliotter garme, and me cati igelf. Pnople misa play tii garie mne cellnd t goliessii iney mre goad et ta, duein i t ey ara nca eit i, peos ifiincy do it for monny. Mtnd yoo, fcont misai mave ueeo su faa a loi of deffeca ithintey are gollfrs. And e lot oi rnpposdy amteurn pla foc Tha objaci ai ine gaina hs ta bit e Litln mitn spbne minh e stick, and bit tise îpisnn ai fai asy front ou as yae cao. Hamvr tce ganta dons; ot eod tisan, for sucer s gofr liait tmachd ibisîpbaee aay frnt i i halk aths oi and bîitien. The spisîce la caliet a bail, or sonietions s S c@t/%"*- bail, dnpndiog onr e m iantods or bo at ii goes diner yae bit tl. The stick la cellnd e adois, and tome deubs are oe aod same ac made ai jean Hamevar saan are aade ai atloîtau or glas but inny aie stdli callnd aaads and irona. Most ofaille ctobs have oombne pcinbid an the battamn ai tnm, abich la ralmicer affly isncue yoo cenoa une tisa nembaes misa yuare mc atg tce ctub. Aisoet thn ooly ay yoo cen rend tce membeat abco the clobsaree in u is ta ie ai tce gcaod. Bei mat goliaci lis standtng ep or iisog',daan ai a place caiied thn iBis bale, abich isl ibe descetbnd in detal loterh ibtis nsiey. * baive ine gcaod o o Lite poictd pieca ai moad cailler a tee, Hoacvnc ti i dlficetaLo nait iîcausu the bails ae anly placer! oo tees eit ceetain paois * tlicaegi tiis garmn, the test ai thn aima tha bail lies or dic gcasad, or i te taise, or aiog inn aides ofai cacue o place howas ett reegs. Bei an degnus lai... an inh the nrpiaiaiioo. Coline prccnd theaagb a ancins ai balais, nemsened frcnt ose ta lB. Expects say this La a e osarya exrccuiseieot nsachtog thn l9tis bist, abicsl te tone * mout golans ienm ta lika basa. The lesit 18 have flag tgo vec inem, nacis min ita oas distinccive nombr, aod aii 18 are out ai deanr. Tise lBth aimnys sern Lt bcano todacr bain, eieeiiy iacatnd to a place ceiicd e dois isoase, abicb. la nat nniily a sou se e ail. The abjactis lec gei tise bail] froam tae tee ta te baleina as ira alcahes ai the clebs as possible. lacis isole le ealcd for the nombr ai sicahas a goliar SHOULD iaisn, for tostance inee, fouc or liOm. This is ceilad a pai. Net many galieci shoot par. Mostly iney shsoot o ira steais avec par. Theareu oinec golf teics ued ta, deoceibn cores, sccs e cagla, bidle, bogin, doueis-bogie, etc. bot as moo't icedea yae inh ou arpicceioos. Calices cbangn clus as tisey prccad icam tbe tee ta tise hale. Tisa nambees aie part ai tise secret ai misy iney chaige. The ciaste te tae haie, tisa iigser tce ocmbca. The flaggced bealcs me sitoatet to tbe ceate aiea plae ai ciaiaiy ceapped grea calird a greno. Ucoaiiy tae greeno iseccoodnd by ae acuses ar tend pita caited teape. Once bis bal] tende on e green, the gatir scs e clcub caiied a petter ta tre ibl tamard the binl. Sameisaes b iche ih. Ail pactiripaite in tbis gan ai golf ast trad saitiy an tae grae, bacau ilLa aitan sait aod spog. Samntmnc galinet miii bae sen jumping cp aod dama on the greeo, bamever. Usalty inis bappeos aisea incp pot te ball to tce baile in oe Uht icoot tce edî ai tae greeo. Ofien ih happentsa ihnnthy taise flac eteahes cei get tce bail ino the haie front tise centre ai tce gren. Mcccel ainth picynci aire pat dhih heur tto tae bale ihey remave tise balla, cangraielote aach aiter, fub a lt, and mach inder scocecerda. If a goufr taises eigist ateahas ta get te te isate he miii eeoally tep oui iaud "I ised a dax" and achte dean a lve oo bis sccamceed. Tisaniace il ts nat necceteay Lt hecp recis ai poor score bot pisycci ueooily hcep a mental ceot ai iller appoeos' scaes. Tisco iney steet ail avre spito. Aitea the t'est baie roee seucaond tee, and aftea tae secand hale carntet the tbied tee, and se o uildicy meach the illin isahi aisa isaedsias aeo erchanged aod bite boulas gai peteed mrocod. Ofn tese bLitl boules mne pasud aoad betaeeo tbe racet and the iBin belles, tee. (Coontinur! oet aeeh) P. L. ROBERTSON Meaccing Ca. te photo. The original faciaey vils tSa ana Lid, Sm iangoa aloi alisc ibis pissa maes ssain ai lt, bult In 19W1 te, mnanfmaire calisoe arona 1912. Toap tae plant hSth wo mrld'a finit sachet Sat! enrae. madcraamsd ta nceu agin lhenrt siame In C/ mr èe asipect. Tise imposition of clovace or tise debate on Purliameot Hill, tisaihacd drcggcd or for 14 dapv coocerning propovet mile chanoges, is jasi anc aspctr of a rcry distasceicti situation. Tise nend foc tise action iv cqualip disiasiafut and anforiaaatrlp promicles a ted conanentarp va tise operotivu ai Parliamant. Thec avcrage citizen, me saspeci, iv 50, emaîprratcd tisai deisate coalt continue so long und vo fraitlraipy tisai ie iv cvmpieiaip uninceresceit. lu a fast naoviog mortd ise erpecis cthc action's biss to ai irast iseep puce. He erpecis drisate mo produce sonaetiing marc char pages ard pages of mords. Tise episode chus per, hevi temead a filihaster, ts nom unoiqae. Ih foliras lait pcar's filisaster and chose nf penous peers tisai did ootising tol cievate tise image of tise Housîrtof Commons. lu feet use House naerelp hccanar tise ohieci of derision. Wr don'i ise tise governacat to bave uniimited pomer. In fart me moodr ai jusi misai point tise cttizcns of Canada miii Seconar va conamoalp incenird absoat cisc gacuaiîg guivet îaîeieia itiet rtirît and pomer as iv reisc i u its constiration. Av citizers tisougis, goverord Sp a naajoriep goverrarrit, ma ihavc a rigisi iv empeci cthe nation's basiaess ta se cantacteit mush sonar reuared despatcis, is tise naajoriip misa are vappaîrd te' sndervtaud tise mses of ciseir J io*Itie.4.. Tise MontrraI Mutaitor ir o receat adimariai naind tiat mnirities are cisc ruling graup la arr svcirty. Said cisc Moritor: "Lise tl ror nom, me have eacised o point ir life misere tise naajarhtp na lorger raies tise oosi, and navreaver, tise mhaorttes abics tend ta isc tahing nier arc doiag an erceediugip poor jais." 'T'his iv trme, and it iv certaiulp vue van fait. Majorities iseep mani. Tisey are compiaceni and lttargic. Tisey ta roi get in tise aras hcjose tieey seitann camne ivrard. Ih s the minoriiiev h maisle tise va miles art get tise ieedlines. Most untversitp studeuis are isard avrhtug, mint on gainiug hnvaicdge. Yet image ai uutvrdcp atedeuts cvdap is a radical, aven a lalesi vue, Inecause ai, tise mnurttcs ont thiscr activas.' The ipie movament moult prvbaisîp have tted a nolurol dcats if t isat not recctved montd aide consticueris. If tise carvtiirnis feul ta cammanicair tiseir anxirties art dedires tbey miii he tise long terra lasers. Tise raie charge atapird Sp Portiamnn, dehatet for sonrt 14 days art fialiy passet aiter dehate mas corclodet Sp ciosace, miii alva tise govcranaert cot liait tise iengcis ai tesace. Sureiy cise opposiin parties rom onn heis future mili Se pot navre vu tiseir nartal ta stiie ai mechresses la tegiviotior tise navre qaickly. Soreiy Coration citizers cen Se ropectedto reactif htey are rot doliet Sp tise amfut mnotory of dehate tisai mrri encourages ietisargy. Sa mary speeches in tise Horse ai Commars arr mords tesittret merrip for Sa-omsne crasuruiptivu, tisai antoit Sature are moscet. Ccrtairty meurbers ai partiamnaer most realize tisey are sert ta contrihute iv meanirgiat dtei, rocher tison isvme'tomr yuiiery. ladeet tise limitation va speechses chat mas once placet isy or rarlier civilizatian mugisi have vartie eppeat iv tvtap's citizens. In tisai cime tise lrrgi of speech mas timitet hy ore's eiity ta statdutn ue ta. IL ceetainly avait meet vat tise ramnsg tisai vo mary of as bave iseard la lotay's Hoose ofiCaamaus Distastefot os tise imposition ai civasare Sas bren, eqoatty tîstastefri sas heer tise grvmirg navootain ai morts art tise frustration of eractîng tise contry's hosiness. poisticity. Suoait yacks of minaritues aubin majarities espoant thisel philosophies art mary accepi thym mittut reilecliva. Tise murrrity ruena iv vitra valut, ont certaiaiy mirorities are entittet ta fier spechi. But il us a goat question misether tisey are entilet ta tise iloots ai paiity tisey sometimes recrime. Fea public manicipal ments are verp mcli atteutet. lavaeiahlp masi of tise interesi disylayet iv isy sonar minonity grvup siain orxie ta geint. Yet tiey are viter tise vnty voice hearut. llie Motcer.l Mûnrî c soins ce tise aaiveruty siuativn by vayurg tisai "ta ail instances, aboie participetiat forai no mare ihean smli perceniage ai tise totai. Yet as sucS tisep havc managedte ivie hnstrumnactalin 10ot anip demanding changes, misetiser iisep Se goat or biait, Sut ha Srva-Seethag tise aajvrtp ivt listantug and aficu etoptiag mise viemi capremset Sp tise tiigranclet miaaritp." Lest arcis, i tedlthe bcsî ai tisae ima dituatiaons, and t1 a ra nt aaty dehgbhted but esiaoissnd ta bc dire ta caport i. Tise aaiy tiia tisai dartat sera ta be fictcaaiag is ay Lirer. Mast bse la bettec sisepe ihn i tisaagt. il irgaa airs a thrre-dey vuicaa aaa ou aid fieeas, tise Teepias. We bave arc ai tisesecmanions once a yeac, art tl cscetty taises e mach ta get ovr tisem. Trep ard1 jourd tise dir farce tagetiser. Peggy art Sose have ataays gat aiarg aeit hecease tisey haere tise saiar iaterrste. Thay car tais far 20 isaars at a strtch. Or Tcasday ougist iisey aear ta brd et 8 .t5. Thet's ca. Kaam abat tisey mece taiag? Tisa aariry acceptarce tests. Tisey scared vry bigh. Bot tisey mrre a iittte desiat miser 1 tatd inaa tisat isig îcisaai bide gar 5 itntotes ta da tisa. It bat taee tiesraecra hases. Ant yac sisacid iset risea piayiag teetson tise piaaoet 4 a. Oaa ptayiag Geaay Bay art tise ctisler Tales Fraa tise Vîcnae Woads. it sacads prtty gond cati try begia ta sing. Wrtt, tise Tceps teit, and i settiet! dama far e quiet day ai rectiag and recapecatar. Kracs aitie doae. Aratser aid fieid, gili Heooa, ait ici tai ga sciig. Appaaeatiy, tbaegs L'IL swar it rayer isappeaed, met biat e long and iavaired tetapisare taiS îrrtirg tise timeaned tise day. Na aay out, mitisaci biseg e stiahea. Sa i îattart aff seittag. A peccier spart. It taises an boaut ta get ready. Thtis iserd an a mer mhisl dyirg an bis iret. Tiser yaa tiai aat iandfr e couple ai boauts mwhite the skippr daspratety tries ta catch a breaccr nosiggec tisera seicis. Tiser, saddcaty, thr's waist me aid saiiaes cati e spaniistg isrrrcc, and tise skcipper is batterrg et yaa ta "cirai yaac jus" and "buf yaar tee" art ait sorts ai oesty tiigs, art tise dam' bati isaurtiag aaog aits one sîde eaaot cîdea mater aod yaut iseer bas tcabad mtn tise ige atd llachaoesae,ttaand baoedtuoa cmndca. Naddisg avec e tatn dneare and thn 11 p.m. aeas. oae-het rnge Cisnney yauograicr, "Aoyisady home?" And yav go daosatels and there aaatbee aid irierd, petite Jeaaae Save, and sisa's baaagst yao a iseatiiat ease icana her w geedea. Aad yes. sse'It bave a gir aidea loai e iew rathtaaa ard a tma-isasr tais alin Suse. Tisecc aasatlyaanewayaut, and i taak tl. i ptonger! aff ta tise cetaraet craomig iar t.taisidge and tise Oatario Wenkly Editars' aaaat cati toarrameat. Hait Pete Haidstrr, c Noimegica misa dudait kaaa eaaags ta go havre aitr tise a. Bat isy tise acar ai ecumea aaged ta aary auf bats hos ids ainsi0 taa aeess. Oeae Macdonatd, tise mer iran Gtrrgarry, aisa mon tise prize fae tce targesi dcive ai tise day ise' drea 280 mites ta get tisere. He etsa tavtsted 1 bey bin a edouble eveey tiar t iset a daouble boagcy. A atii prapasitior for bath ai ua. iobaay Jemes ai Bowanarlte mush taa streppiog sans aisa hît e gotf hait a quartnr ai e mite. Werblis draa, Werdea Leeveos ai galtaa, misa ptcyrd foar hotes, cacatiag tse l9th. Cisertie Noa ai Stactinilte, ga et a acwys, gettrag tiscoaghie beltes deiprie tise pea. tiscttieot Hanry Stemp, misa rar tise îsow, michis stillnr ltisn tryîog ta get 40 rtaaacerai ta sit ap eit tabte ard pet or their rephier lam ttti ai Actaa-Milta, gemetl art eaty-gaog as atay. Aide aroer atses. Tisats aisy tl mas rqatty pteaîeot ta nier ara irirats. Dore Scaît ai Fart Ee, tse aaty mcan ire lever seer mhii iaour limes straight ahite trymng ta strihe e golf hatl. Art "Ting", tise amiabte troti aisa cactoons bicîtirrtly, aad tise oaty meri eiirc aisa ccv sksate in ous iscre iret on a caiicc tebte, aits coasters as skaetes. And a dacea atsecs. Thece's aatiîg ise fieate, aid ar ara, if yaa aa ta iseat Cabret's trompai and tie a caupe ai tecates briare pace tie. I Pages of the Pasi j N... from champion filesJ 20 years ago Tahea iron thislsue ai Tise Caretuer Chsampiaon, Auguat 4, 1949. Milton Caarct naet la regotacesession Taestey, ait meaisers prescrit escepi Reave J. W. Higgirs misa us lt art Coarcitos Hattemacrth mio mes oui ai toma. Raev Higgirs tneee bis trsgrctiaa t coaricil, or accauru ai bis healti. Ha isat fasat tis strp recrsseey as ha biat hier confnrd ta hit far a carsiderasir rima. Joe Prureau iv ta ampire e bsig touble iseoter saitheit game tise tus scisedutet for tise Haltta Cammurury Centre on Acî. il. Miltoar Ai Stars arc ta ha putird agairet Neso AI] Stars ai 7.30 art tise facture gae ai tise everirg et 9 pam. sers Tars Boaas Taroto Mapir tuais vs. ther Toronta Cuty Palice. Tht crant promases ta bca egreatilJaoscaiar ai sainisit, tise poaitan tise itoattugius. Twoma acises ai tise Miltonr Lar Bowling Clubs hat tise gaat fartone lest Toastey ereirg la Brapton ta scare ther peuru.ct rat o ai ruhn agairît shise opperitio. Tbis scare mes aic tise mare ramarisable an tisai ait tise opparent' bas mena auf tbe grern. Tba toat pair, M. Ereard ont Homard Beare, casaiet serra isamis an tise grern ant are "iuty toucher" rn tise dutcs. Aratiseer a paiamylitus mat repartet or Jaly 28 ta Haltta Coanty Heeti Uit. Thsis us a 2Vi yrar ait cbitt la Oaisvitie. Sise is a stigii teger of paretyss. Thre are Iwo sait pitieant es tercer tttrs in Victoria Pars aidthe Roatry. Cois is et praserit pottiog tise stantards ta place for tisree swings. The tomn as aiea sappluet a picaic teblr for tise pars. 50 years ago Taiser iram thisue ai Tise Caoatiao Chsampion, Jciy 31, 1919. ies Margaret Mecha>. mas aogrgvtd ta trach Bayar scisoot aot Mite Maigat Dear mi tase charge ai Bnii'e sciseal. Leet Sartey abaut rao, a Kitchener man art h mur biat irt Cisevratet car suait or tise Martia Street crasirg of tise C.PR. tari asatdouble tuvatvvivvcght train mec appioachugrmthereat. Thy secvt tisearee by jumping bat tise tra stacs tise rear rnoti er cm, ahacis mat badiy anechrt. The rogine mci oot rnsch, if aoy damoaget, noe mes ana ai tae front tines, bai tisey mece ai inai acre ot sinaihet. The mnan oaid ic bat sUot off bis nngine ot tae heot ai tise decinto thie ccooding and did nat oet tae trai ootl ilmes vary close. l as c giag fast. Ha biait o ahmr fer o finis atari and ie aid bis mine bcd! isacti lime tal jomp. The namasing ta vecp daiigccaoc. Thcen csoeld bc e bridge avec t' Near Martay mi hi Mltos's curic holiday ai meit as Tarrnto's, Hamiton art Caeips's. Tisece miii bse no speciet taing iserr aay maiy cituzers miii pcaisabty gaieo illier ai tise ciris ac ta Oakisvte aisnrn tise ntomet vmilliers ai tise toma viii hae ghven a ig day, ot Nacrai misece riere seiti is greai tangt. 100 years ago, Toiser iraa ther issue ai The Caretias Chsapian, Juiy 29, 1869. Robert Mesciri at Nassegameya ltit a aur ofifce yesertay a ipeciara ai ciamer, lime fret 10 iaches in tergis. Mc. Young oi Oeisvir tbis antis puishies isis ceet, os istuet ai merige icrcces. saciselars miii prease mace a note afil;t they mdli fiat Mc. Young erer reaty ait atliag ta pot tsea oof ai sry. A faisa repart as ta tise seiname ai tbe stack ai gaats iatety impartet irana lagicat by Mn. Wite ai Kilbitie, isas brea antousy circutatet. Or eaqauriag, me furd tiser tisera us rat tise etigitstrt isnl it, rat o tolicrus morris isaing bren miheit, airisaugsth nstrctest scatiay mas mate b>.th risatcms ofitciets m ia it hie birtty tait by Mc. Witr's PRIENOS ta lookisvhaepiy ara tise mariet. The gobas et owa Kithatde, art iserurg baro isaugt et a grert admaitage, mii] bie sait prapartuoraety cisrcp. A ira tayv ega ar ritrt tise cvamououvnem store ofiR. Thomson ai Cammansuirl, andtiaurtu iahr eqaitean riegartîncructuce. Tise structure rtircts ascs ccctut or tise haitter, Michelt Lent, and tisa mesar, Wiliam Scott ai Miltan. Mr. Thoaccnius resotret ta spare no pis ta satieiy bus cuvtomee art rs settirg bis sakapi a"ocs rery ciseap. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION DIUm "m'TNGAND tavIeIMN CO,,veî.io. .a -1ai. -a Ph- 81,i, 2341 a. 'a 191M-S,,ret l - m . .. ....................................... . . ........ ... . . . . .... .. t

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