The Canadien Champion; Wednesdlay, JuIy 30, 1969 11 Ses handwriiing on wai i+for merger.of Halton, Peel Asaeulug c dus e sa id decenlealtue il, peasatsiesg s etiacation anatasn J Ostuelo un Ju in aify "tisa bottee d tsetsr sarvice for Che for a shift cf Coaa = had la un thse mal" for s antire province. A segiuesal peaperty ta iscami .7 ca PeiFe asti MaolIn directos, -Carl Matigett has hae nom monat! ise as ceasalias, accordiug lu Mâton's namedti 1 oveeste ose regian auncis the proleut. Muyor Stian Dust. Chasua in stretching front MutIn ta "Nom is tise I the prsovinscial syasomi of Bracebridga. "These mcn't Es welfe oct, ton, membres of Milton Caunci ut thoîr Meeting Mosduy, hy Mittue. saismero la ck Chatitas. Wisen Ms. Charlton sspluincti Maitn and Peel sre heiug umpeti in one segiaral aesaiug seau wish ils heuliqusetera Ultey ta ha aituaei tes Brampton, the Mayor semueket "Humusn asti Fel ret ueieg wetded tagether whether ynu muni il orsnt. Tise hantiwsidesg is dtiitety on the watt." lie provinre has tiecitiet ta talcs nvsr ai asasesg asti Mits". the assesune peedicteti. If a sais-office is nesteistne Maltas il mauld tikety ha tes Oakvittu e orastrisgnan, nearr Che castre af population. Eqatiasios af asesmmens peactices mili he ans hensfit cf the provincial systent, Me. Chartntasnaiti. "Tlsry ropect it mutl talcs a tas more heip, hat il's quitle a gonti systese front mhut t haune seses of il." Sevesat councittora figaneti il moutti cos a laC mare, lieu. Coancitior Percy Bues saiti tere shoatti aise hbr changes sn Report from Ottawa hay rui sehiting J The closing days of this session of Pariameet Oece precedeti by ses upecar mhich coatti haedCy be calledl digeified. les tise dehate on tise peopasseti suie changes, charges sere matie hy the Opéseition Chat the Government, in ils effort Ca itaiit dehate as legisiatos misich camtes hefote the Hoase cf Commoncs, was eniaesgeetesg free speech, Chas lise qatCy af legislatios wasCd deseriarate andti has these praposeti rate chsasges %volati he a stop tomuerds dicsatoesisip. Had t, for aese moment. feCI PaetiamesC. The 40-misoCe ltest dhit oue tiheeties as Canadiaus or Che 30-minute limait or the meee ies any way sn jeopartiy, 1 20-minaee rate Ciras wr have are seoutti sever h ave supposetedtihia desiais cf actimiteti free egisiatios. But after havtesg soC speech." ib hogh a tes-mosCh session of The tiehale vient os for 12 ParCtamesC and aftee seeiesg asnd days hefore Che GoversmeC isearng how the husess Of appCied clossuee. Goveresmeut is coesducted, 1 1 have bat! reeativety fem catis isom, asnd eveey Memhee of or tettees front my cosCiCuenCu Paetiamn kesos, Chere is eet os this suhiect antinte discussion foe refoem ansd rate changes if mith other Mesehees cf PaniiamenC is tc geC throagh ils PartiamesC t find ChaC Cisey leu inceeasing volume cf husness. h ave receiveti very CiillCe mail on The federat hudiget aI Che this paeCicua suhject. If hegiessieg of this cesaey mas a Canadias srioasty thocghCt ChaC tiCCle more has $46 miCtion thnir tiheeties aod freedose cf cherras tcday in Partiament wes speech ocre ecdacgeedt hy lhr'sr aee ieutiesg mith C13 -billion mie changes, then 1 am ceey sare dollares. We kccm we aee liing intChas Mesees cf Paeliament a esew eras asti in a Canada facing moutl have heen detageil milE ueo aesd preming peahieses. lettrs aesd phase catis. This The honorahle Me. simpyhuas netheen the case. Diefenbiaker reatied Chia ehees My famiiy anesd 1 wiii hc ieaving he wss oas Prime Ministr anti as for a short vacation and mie tisatiS li his ta say: espect Ce ho lsua agakýhetu "t sesc seas mhy deisate 1 OCh cf Aagast. shoatti not he reduceti sn fan s the suseher of tiays s M coceesed. tmmetiiateiy, t suggest Chut ste opposition mli ** Say Chat Chey arr hring Ju lia cIITie, throttied." Me. Stanley Kesomîsu cf the OPTOMETRIST N.D."P.* tocis an active saodi n Chis dehate ati said ut a meeting outuide the Hanse a frm yrars B R IO O 'Paniiameetntaas stars mith a MALL nalices that frerdase of speech scmnehoo meana frerdas e Cc lt TUIHONE 632.7788 foceose. Cctsing qff dehate is frit ta he desial cf a hasic, demncsatic right. Sut the fcct is Chat mie do Chia in many ocys ssin 088 Irncier Ons the. ring for bu ... Bey he diameed rieg front the l»mIle thet oise berme and truss Hase Sesaies Jemeliera sean/alls ln dlamnds. Eev alierserd u5lsred Ce ana hm ben aheakua asesiaoa Ev M,. esani'r 1c tla -atau, ard the ronnasrg nf yorac oi n tmi e rnske shs parin engragemrnt ring. Tisea lm a eranele cramoed an suit eau pr/ued s lov aM .0 R0SS ORMIER~ E[LER 220 MAI E. MILTON 8186341 QeSaD. contingent flies to Yugoslavia . Ma plumpeti tas front rsu e tax anti said irai limne Ca ime tc talcs I titirti the "Ait coancils ia Ontario siscatt go an restorti andti eCi the province mr'rs sot gcsng tc cottrct edacalson taxs afr a certain date,' sciti Coanclos Sans. "Let Ihlese go cut anti cottect Chnir Oms tac." Tise discussion ent irt ota any tiefinite action on hîs proposai. Sic yacesg ashietes front 0.S.0. Mitton are flying ta Yugcstania Coday (Wetinestiay) Io participiale ses the Wartti Otympics for the Oeuf. Tise 0OlImpics staet in 10 days' Cume. Tis six frcnt tlie Milton schoci ment tc Bellevîil 0.0.0. Friday cf last maris for final traini before Clic Wednasday ilighti Teacher Orrois Snuier men lontccgcocach tise men's TOPPLED O 5 TREE EXOPERTS, aoims of Victoria dlon in sectins, înctadîn ne a thlie rrace te Panks E/mu lie acensa tise geams aller heing triledth ie cenatapis Tise Etes rot bois ils tlt make your second car a DATSUN PICKUP from JOHN SMITH MOTORS morê4foe-your-mofley Yna aur a hurde-aiseli pîckap ChaI narra ovie abohall utou'd pay tor ather tracks -aoc tl censt tel about ha/t as mci tu funl! The spcnky, ecvcV/ca/ ncerheadsasvalve engins vcu 30-35 mil/es pet suas avd ras a/p cou a/osa aI 70 MPH aith sutsormme power ln 8usd. hule a ton Dataun pmovos ou d55t isave tc0 be big Io be rnuois. i cas hast a toncandsno sea. w/1h 3,apeed bloî. ailschf WheO oa goI onvcation or guarbon. patstsd dash neekend tripes. take acampOer n ucsosrs. 2spOSee is, a/ocg Fc/i s/se 4-beth campers aivash/elccwanvets, taccis ci/I cno p/Oslfttoasi/yoncilsOi 6 /l. oatharcephcoieqcatsiiad- long steel brtsathbaei And ou /îats andtcu/lcrageof car, alays rel/on Datsunvtogo instruments. ohece b/ggot tracs trac ro Thvre ua mare thar 20ODatsca Iceudi dees coast-trcoast lnCanada and $1.000,000 cn parts ta comiforts of à car han/m eau. Tise new Dataua cao seait Cree ato-luolers asnd yna gel as $2135 Istsant-anting isere rsterns from TAlC! A DEMONSTRATION RIDE TODAY NORTH END B.P. 235 B u sse 878-2471 MILTON TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERV ICE . CON FIDENTIAL ~COURTEOUS *~ PERSONALIZED 878-202 0 FLOWfR aten4 HOC 878-2881 For Chu ueot rn WEDDING DESIGNS ANNIVERSARIES HOSPITAL GIPTS FUNERAI TRISUTES 'NHAllS STYLISTS FPrChe Youvng tank uaneaI nets andcusora 878-2501. SAVE WAY SELF SEgVE CENTRE (lais floweresli PANT SUITS & 12.775 1 CLEANERS & SHCgT LAUNDEgERb Atterations & Repairs for tres esk ce ccc aslicery phnu 878-2972 EATOL TINCOMIOR7 in t/te PLLASAVT AITSOSPIIkRP CARAVAN RESTALIMNI phase 878-3901 JUNE DRAPERY iscjeatcrng EASY CARE DRESS FABRICS ALI IN THE LATEST COLOURS AND DESIGNS TO PLEASE YOU * STOP IN SOON 878-2513 SMOKE & GIFI SHOP nuise masey ta hrtp senti Che Canadien contingent. Theis 400-ycash matisathon hnaaght tes $5,500 anti a smimiathos as O.S.. raîseti a farther $2,500. U terine cancer, a major cause of death amccgc'crcv, ccald voleyhatt fetram, anti to Miltov hc/amont lise par ceci curable tf boysSerian Dymovd and Wai dhscceead ir lime. says tise Ming Sera are players on Sisal Canadien Cancer Scciety. A tain. GrrO Crcifceti, Silty simple. pain/ans axamicalion, tise Wisyre, Mike Smith ced Linda Pap test, makri il possible for Russelare cmpetiig in tac. doctr Iodrtect,/cancercoflthe andifietld evors. creros macy montttsisrfore acy Many lcacl rrcidrels omît bse sympîoms appai fottcmingiisaîritripmwitiiceres __ Tise Haltjn acd freel Assocîiatcon fcr fii Hearicg Handîcappeti A flyîrg rcnîcr ceser Eus any tîetd Io fund-raiig avent, tc trcublte maiiga tcndîcg. WHY NOT ENJOY INDOOR LIVING THIS SUMMER TOO? Heating & Air Conditioning (Halton) Ltd. MODEL 105-81 (91) L06-82 t92t 109 82 t92t H09-82 t92t HIC1-82 t92) Hl14-84 t94) 1-83 (93) T24i-83 (93t 133-83 t93t CALL COOLING CAPACITY 5,000 hlais 6,000 hlais 7,500 isîci 8,800 isroh 11,000 hrah t14,000 hîcis 18,000 isîci 23,000 hîcis 33,000 isîci 878-4111 VOLTAGE 115 115 115 115 115 230/208 230 230 230 PICK-.UP PRtCE $170.00 $277.00 $316.00 $377.0 $460.00 $595800 * Asidiienat charge fer iestlttiasl FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OVER 200 UNITS TOCIIOOSE FROM - FINANCING ARRANGEDJ AT SAV-HERE LIMITED DISCOUNT PATENT MEIIEHEALTH AND gEAUTY A/DS. POLLOCK HE Gnt ini stcp with the AIl Out paraderofhappy and FOReq satisfied costecters Savîngs whc've discoveed _>7 the ease. covrotacce acd pirastîre of shcpping rifht here n .Milton PCaza. . .whrre\ " saviofs acd service ccad the mcy OPEN EVERY DAY 9 use. sui6 p.m. -THIJRS. & FRI. te 9 p.m. DRY CLEANING SPECIAL For This Week OnIy LAUNDERESE AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY WOMENS tOOMENS WtOe smla WtflotCs $5,77 -8.77 $1.97 -4t.77 RELAX mi0 ous b.I. Tako il,, W-, LAWIDER EASE Actccrutic Lccnri WE Cl/T VOl/R HAtS THE WAV YOU LIKE CT AT NEWl STYLE BARBER SHOP FURNITURE PROM Tais FACTOOT 3 Saurs Front $399.00 InsarI Crnil/Frme Sîcrage s.eetin & Puante G-ac FABIAN PUgNITUSE 878-2091 GALLINGER MOTORS 878-288 LOBLAWS 50 visiss Os OUALtTV MESCHANO.SE StNCERE SERVICE AND OEDtCATtON TO CONSUMER SATISFACTION MILTON PLv:vg à j- by workmen Monday. Eight were dropped or cut