Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 1969, p. 9

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-I_-~ ___ 16 SERVICES * DEEFENW8 MILTON WELL BORING M. Peltier - 878-9552 lecey Osscjuk - Weler Dlobcer Toronto 3664390 tOc-te PACONI ead Stock Remnoval UIMITED Ilhest cash pelcea for desd or diablei caseés acd horses ALL OPERATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Lic. No. 183C69 H. L. Stuli Excavating R. R. 5, MILTON Cali Milton 878-9360 Georgetown 877-3840 AL. YOUR DIOOING REOCIREMENTS No Job Ton Big or Ton Sasul" 16b-tg Kent Precast Products Sidewalk and Polio Slebs Chimney Caps Curhxag. o alnz Ccasenl Fluors and Scopu a special Phone ACTON B53-1013 853-1747 25 H8ghway 2 mielis nxalh ut Aon 16638 if 7 REAL ESTATE __ 1-87 ACREtaras, xquipped for ,hippirsg Ibuid reilk. Base 859 v. per day. Apply te Russela cairsRRIl2, LaurelOnt. 17c17 973 ATTRACTIVE LARGE LOTS { or Your Homo - Cottage OR Investment Opportunily AVOID TRAFFIC JAsInS orNeil locaixd in the sommer playgroood of Sonthoro Ontario. ArNear Byngx Conservation Park and large oal-doxr cxvinscing pont. hr Weil locaied lois on Lake Erie and 9 Lots riear the Gracd River. FULL PRICE - Slartirig ai $2.588. xvîlh $5890 dlown and $20.00 monthît. Lxxv Iieeci. OPIEN TO 09390 10 PRIVATE SALE Jasi Wesi t ournville 31 Miles front Hamsilton PHONOE. 774-5776 DUNNVILLE1 Variety Store, Snack Bar and Sheil Gas Pumps Establisheai business icce 1932, le grxoica bon of Pergus. iPromises icclade living qoar- lers and are locaied on main bighxvay. Accuai volume 150,000 xviih geod net pro- fit. l6elailc farviuhed ou re- quest. Grocery Store cidepecdeci grocery store, an- nulvolume $110,00 and bn- creasig Premices include al- procimateit 1.'500 sq. f1. of cacîsuer arcent, plus adeoluale ciorage faciliii, ceparale saol buciness oRfice coiable for bairber sbnp, and large 3 - hedroom aporimecl up- "cairs. Available vitfb $10008 clone th 1e righs pavly. Lac- sied le the grnxvicg 100en of Arthur, 28 miles front Guelpht on Higlyway 'No. b. Lisied ai 351009. ilA J. Youngblood Real Estate FERGUS ONTARIO Phone 519-843-1365 ROBERT MANZER Pbone 843-1439 CORDON THOtPO j soce 843134 People buy oh. Champion to read and read the Champion Io euy tael week. 17 REALES$TATE 17 REAL ESTATE LET'S GO TO THE COUNTRY ie taxes af lccreasing values, xve slill have 23 acres for cholce building sites on sce i c escarpaseci ca conservations orea. Iuclades 20 acrsofslexcllcnt garde sitsand 3 acres nf vooded arna. Pricxd ai $1.508. per acre, with gond ierms. Cali Archie axd Anna Cairns 878-988. 34 acres excellet i Lvxsimxul prvpxrly xiîk txvu resd grecages oncecarpasaci area. Prico $55.000. xvith $208.00 dowix payctect. Coul Archix and Axua'Cairos 878-6988. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Red brick 3-bedrouas home, on Miltoc, xvigh large fiuished recrai- ion rocn and xicx lîxished dîh hedroas and entra xvash- rocsi xith shoxvxr in hasemeci, good lot xvbth palea driveway and rooasy 2ar garage. This is an excellectlbuy at 827,50. For appoilacsex coui Anna acd Archie Caircu 878-6988. BUILDING SITE 10 acres on 5ih Line Nassagaxveya, jasI south of 25 Sideroad. Poli price $12.000. Halldloxvn. LIST NOW Oxviug 10 rcecxx sales, on are ic cexai of bungaloxvs or older type humes in Milon. Many inuairies for homes in $20800. t0 $25.80. ýraxox For proaspt service, cou syear Oibcuu Wil- laghhy Li,,en. Anna & Archie Cairns Chiarles Martin 340 Maio Si. E.. Milton. R. R. No. t, Milton. 878-6980 878-2161 Kenneth Spence R.R. 3, Mi1ton 878-4615 17o12 56 YEARS'CONTINUOOS SERVICE Measher of lise Toronto, Ontario andi Oakvile - Trafalgar Real Ectale Sourds NEW HOME IN COUNTRY WITH A FUTURE Modern ranch stle homec, siloaled ou 17 acres xfliand, jusi ast xl Horuhy. This sîox and hrick lali xleciricl home tei- turcs a larga kiichax (L shapadl, dixixg aod living renas plus 3 hedreoms. 4-pic bath, 2-piere xvashrexm, foul baseasent liihxd ixc runs, largx fasil sioasn xvlh xvalk-ou paileanddoule garage. 17 REAL 8TATE Il REAL ESTATE u-1 f8.aty ansa insuraneo Lid. KINGSLEIGH CT. HOME - Broadloom, L-ghoped living and dib. icg eoas scilh svood bureing tirepioce, 3 bedrocs, mod- erno Ilchn ceramic îiled 4-pince bat.h, 15' x 24' fieished recreati?fl r-oxa, aluminium axvoings ail xindows, carport and palio. This home is in excellent condition, xc a oicely landscaped lot. Asking prico $29,900. Coul Mec. Giadys Rich. ardsox 878-6292 or 878-2777. NORTH END MILTON - 3-hodroxes brick hungalowe wllh living rokilchnn and 4-pince hath, fall divided basemnin xilth inishedhbedraont,forced air oitheal,sixgle t- lached garage, pavrd drivexvay. Tis home is in loveiy condition. Askicg $24.908. Cali Art Peacxck 878-6292 or 878- 6447. NICE NEAT HOME, 2-bedroxas, fratri and asheslos siding bun- galow,. large living roose asd good kilohen, close tx dolas toxvx, foul basnment, hot xvalnr -hnaiing, single cor garage 12' n 24', paved drivxvcay. Early possoession. Asking prion $21,90. $26,90D - Weil haill hrick hungaowx fealuriog large, pleasoot liv- ing ront., dioixg raonm, square kilchen, 3 good hedrooces, finihn hoxemnl large loi. Cxli SIan Thonipsox 878-292 or 878-2455. 125 ACRES NEAR 401 HWY. - Stone haute harxs innexcrllent con. ditioxn cao he osnd fo'r honl caille or homses. By appoitl- ment xnIy. Cil LxivSains 878-6292 or 878-9136. For SERVICE and SATISFACTION CALI Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Mi Iton 878-6292 or 878-6592 OFFICE HOURS - Moxday titra Thcarsday 9 oam. ta 9 pic. Frsdoy 9 are. lu 6 pu.ü Saturday 9 arn. te 5 Ic. 1c PRIVATE SALE " 1 LEGAL On quiet court, close t0 vahaxix aod shopping, spacloos. cxstia hoîlî. 3'bedroas home. allachxd douhle garaga, soohen icxd panxilxd livingroumxi ith fleur tx ceilinîg siont lirxplace, paxxiiad dxx in hasxmeni coold bix usxd as 4ff6 hedroo. -Many axtraas înclxding broadîxoasand drapes. BUILDING LOTS CALL 878-2433, 2 l½ acre lots, cn quiet village, on pavxd road. Wilt seil separair or 17cl2 as oce carcet. t acre lut xith a gond weil on Dundas Hxvy. xvevc of Palerme. 2 I09- 200' lots, corlh-xvect cf Milton on paveai road. ALL LOTS PRICED TO SELL ACREAGE 1814 acres, in t000 ol Miltn, anra Recidrouiai. is the firsi phase. Will cxli in sasaller parcets. Services availabie. 17 acrec, bu tcnc cf Miltn,. gond industriel site. servicesi avait able. NEEDED Licgc of ail kbuds, lotc, tortas, acreage, home, industriel aud commeercial pruperly. DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OR 845-4267 17cl2 19B McARTIN STREET MILTON, ONTAIO WIE TRY 'HARDER LISTINGS NEEDED Homes, Forms, Commercial Propertios Required for our newîy opened office in Milton Cali Mr. Neal - 878-9511 17612 $1,00.00 North ol Casphelville on the Guelph Lase. Il acres of rolibg paclure laed, ideal location for yoar rieur home. Scheeul narby and ony moinutes froas Hscy 401. P25,008.00 Situaird on the clope of the ricarpasrent tibis thene baid- recuas bungalo overlonku t6e couirycide for miles. Fie- isheai in brick anxd uloce widh panorilxd living renom fiee- place foul dicicg rooas., ihren gond siaeai bersoms, ci- facialt garage thiu homne cs mout attracive. 16,900.90 Here bu a baxai-io-find one acre lot juad eorth of Camsp- belîvilte on 16e Guelph Lune. Trxo-froOted axai oeIl drain- cd i1 l close tlu ansd Hxvy. 401. $35,088.00 On a ianducapod. irregnilat 1-acra loi. ibis 3-hedrooas hxaagaiow, iriamail vciih 'aclioci an4 toe i100 luniqxe. The 1811i. living ronm is opcn itu tha dioîog/kiicheO accu andi spaciensul is he koyvoua A aiiachxd garage andasxyiany tas ake iihomexiiy desirable U28,9080» On ils hal acre lot. chic uree hedronm brick biaga- tIll with tIssca basetet garage, bas a laseplace in the living recas, Iwo bathouas, nert deik opciias froas dbsbsg roas asna ptecty of spare. A indly beaulifol hume. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Local Rep. JOHN L. NEWBOLD, CampbeIville 854-9968 878-3888 17012 Christie & Woods Real Estair Brobees 189 Main St., Milton JUST LISTED $24,000 Foul Price 3 hedronas 'brick bangulow ith1 brighi living ronas, Youngsion Rit- chcc. tull basemeni mibh compleird panlird recre- ainretand office, a virl iur1i kEpi home. 826590 fll prîco. 3 hedroxas brickhborneiiving ronm vith haîli in hookuheivou. kiicheo xvith nalurai coiihoards, foul basement,tamily room,xtira hadrocas. phoingraphy darb- moco, second baihroom. Toimu ce hn arrangai. LOT Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F FRANK LYLR KENNEDY, Traesie, Decaseai. AIl porson haviog dlaims ag- vinsi the Eslalx of Frouk Lyle Kxnnxdy, Tramer, laie of the Townshp ofNassagaxveya, in thx Coniy ast Hallun, seho ditai on or ahout e 1th day of Jan- cary, 1968. are hevcby coiied tx send particuiars of caine t0 the udersigneai ou or hOfore tho 8fh day xl Acugic 1969, afixr xvhîoh date the Eclaix xviit ha disirihxind xviib regard cl tu the dlaims of inhic thlie u-, dersigcxd shall ihen have nit- ice, and Iha anderuigced xvill nxi 6e liahie tx aoy percun of whose dlaim îhxy dhiali noi ihen have notice. DATED ai Georgetonxv, cici 416 day ut Jxly. AiD. 1969l. Norman Donald Kennedy, Adminicîralor Sy Hic Solicitors, Hxlsou. Latimer, Baices and 'Lacgdoc, 3 'Miii Steet, Cxorgeioxvn, Ontario. 9l l,' LEGAL I, STANLEY 6AiRVI90 'HEINORON, R. R. 2, Cansptellville, Ont., wilt cul 6e reuponsihî fr lxau dehîn icarred 'by my %vite. Carcle Louise Haudersox, ie my came aller Ibis date, Jaly 15, 1969, wilhool my ivrillen signature. l9c14 20 AUCTION SALES For Complote Auction Service CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER Solex of ail types. Big or smxli, t'ii do 16cmt ait. Sales cooducîrd anywbere. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Miltun, Ont. 29991 Ward Brownridge Licxvsxd Axciionner Foras - Livesiock Foreitore Sales R. R. 2, GEORGETOWN. Phono 878-6730 2001f AUCTION SALE For the Esiale of the LaIe Mms. Deruthy Stspleton Wedaesday Rveclcg, loly 301h AI h p.m. At 14A John Si. S., in Aclon. FLORNITURE -China cabiu- cil round glaxv donr asnd ends (gil chaslxrfieid and i chairs; piaxloras rocker; PEu.- ipv 2IV TV; cafîxe tahlx acd end tahles; flanr lamp and tablx lamps (good): iniephoce chair andres;scardrhx; cwio hxds; large dressnr and chesi ol drascers Inear xxxvi; cedar chot (exucellent); xiacinic brai- nr;ltraxsisîer radio and 2 oh- ers;vacum leaer;chrome tablex and 4 chairs Ixoear xxxvi: Wxstinghouse f rig.; Mfalt nîno- tresiove (gond); Communiiy Plaie silvxrxvare and chesi; good selnclion of glass, china and dishes; piclures; asirrors; couliions: 3 good flacvr ixgs. Cxix Collection - Inchodes U;S. peny: 1858, 1901; Mfrix Rxp shilling: 1895; large peu- ne:1881, 1687, 1901; hiat pen- nies: 1898 (2), 1904; pennies: 1870, 1909; one cent: 1921. 'Blaishais and haddixg. Several gond perses. Qaxiiy ot jescxilery,son very gxxd. TERMS: CASH WH'EN SOLO. Sale uecxssary tx veie Es- Execulor or auciioxeer not reipoosihie for accideuts. IAX STORET Roekxvood, Auciiouaer. ONE HUMP OR TWOI Whern local American Moturs dealer Allan Clements won a holiday trip t0 Spain in a salas contest, the week wsplanned wîth lime for an extra trip t0 Taegier, Morocco and AfiCa. While there he tred out aspecial type of transportation. Legion Notes I 85" OG. L. DAY J Ancxxcouxc meeting xas hel inc the claheon on Thacsday Jaly 3. Esncudce mechxcs and ollicees [mniooere Pcxsidcl TontMash, Loreuine Schutza. it Moxgeao Fed Johcnson, Lcn Pope, AnSI Meecan anS D. Gilder. ltioc discasseid inctaded changecinlhe L.C.B.O. lSsxsî laoc. esxendod cuelo 600, possible charges in calens .ehalcsntais and confirmaioofthe appointienit o lix Eige as chierfsteard. The xxiv rame on the belaithe mmn sthal of Chuelie Kecnedy. SPORTS At lhic lace of the vcae sports NOTICE To alil Clientelis of RIGO'S TAXI W. are disconfinuing h t a x i b u s in e s s i Lino & Maria Rigo AUCTION SALE IN THE hIATTER 0F Section 0 f 2 Tesetues, 2 Gsrden Tracteurs, RotsalUer, Musaetscld Fueclture, 30 of The PlascgStlS Ansiques, Mllscetlaceus 0. 1968 c. 296,______ 10 crelut AsingS9,00. IN THE tOATIER DPF au appli- us ara oi Akîo $9.00. cation hy lIse Corporsation cf the Township cf Nasalaga- FARMS wcya. for spprovsl or lt Ras- Icicteai Accu By-law 11-69. 150 acre dairy taras cerner pro -passeai the 4th dsy of Match, periy. on poîrd road. lia-up 19.9 60 hxad xf caici. stable dlean -______________ xi'. pig haro. implrmeel shed. Largo bric k housa. dopiaird. PONMNO al] msodern convoviences, Ach- HPO TEARING R iog 195.000. ERN 50 acrs saxdiloamsoi.coi- forlabia slorey and hall home THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL vcilh haîthroom, and fornaco. BOARD harehy appoints Wedl- bavk barni iocaiod norih- oasdav. tha 3016 day ol Juiy. wsu of Campkoliviiix. Ask- 1969, ai 1he hour of elevan i00 145.000. cMock in 16e forennlon (local lieai tho Coocil Chamb'ers, MARKT GA DEN AR in tha Tîonship xl Nauxaga- MARKET GARDEN FARM a al Broolillel. for t6e 13 acrae,,sand% loamsoil, fruitikharbvatofal patisiioiried ltaa,. rasphanî'îcv and vuraxv- la sxyyortiva or oppouivg ibis hatrias, largo 3 hxdroomhtappication. Stick hoose. ixorocas. living Aod F.rlhcr Taise Notice roum divnroom, modern That ibishaarng isaing hed kiichen, 21 i car garage, bank priniatiii tx docido oheihor 1he barn, îîaii iandscapod xviîh ahove-me'niiooad hy-iaxv uhoold large shade irors. Askig0 orsold net bcapprovxde.i 155.000. Hait cash. qorsîs lot changes xviii oniy 6e considarxd hy special leave CAOL. gtanixd 6v tha Board and if sollicîxol advancounotice hou 878-2095 878-6057 hero c-vr i te eri noic 1of 17c1l cxch reqouiss t0 cxighhoring tropet osnatu. ht uhouidhbe voiad aise ihai any decision To mvade a ithli hat;ingis ibje-t tutridi o anvpiî' i n-rvr BUY, SELI mantloodar Section 30 (19) of Tn rc DATED aI the Teowcuhip of RENT, NRDE assagawveya, in the Coutl of Halton, this 14th day ol Juit, USE % CHAMPION The Corporation of CHAMPION the Township of CLASSIFIEDS Nassagaweya J. C. fslcltyra, Cielk îlllba Ai the faras iiaied on the 616 Line uf Nuccagaweya Townc- ship. approxiaaîny 3 asiles xvecî of Highway 25, second taxas uoutb of the 2816 Sideroad. FOR KENNETO IATFIELD SATUI8DAY, 2OLY 26th At 12.30 pas. Masvry Fergasontiracior 35 wIt Fil6 du Rabin front scoops. onit 414 houri; ý1946 Ford tracter, lne xocellent shape; Mascny Ferovason aimable dise. 8', 3 ph.; Jo6e Oxere hay soivor, 3 ph., 7' cul; John Dxrr aanorrsprxadcr. on rub- ber; 2-tcirroiv piont. 3 ph.; cri of chain harrriv; Plauxi Jue- irgardro iracior sciih ail las- piemons; Slmpiciiy garden liacior o-iîh 30" Ifid o and coltivalor; chalos for trac- ot.r ft 12 c 28 lires. Gatdxnaassr roîoîiilrr; euh- liar îitxd xvhxoiharrxv; 2 i Gem i gardon sprayeru; gacaien dxvior. xixciric tencer; y- post hoix axgxr. 3 p.h.; dozen sieel lonce poilu; doaro cedar fnce poilu; quaniy of luasher; qoacity ot cadar lecce rails; uaddix rock; Puanel Junior whexi hox and aitaahments; hxavy duîs --hnch vise; coueter- ucelohis: qxavîîîy of aluminium uidîog; vso honku; 3 ipoey) sadles; Cycone serder lawe seldr qxaoîîîy of odd bar- nevi: box iraîlar. 2-sheeli; cou Oi'ovhkill; and i-t rgxior 'xii taixi .ind gatilx taols. FURNITURE -Bnd dEes- ioriîld and matichîng ohair; chxulnrfixd o hair; 6 -plece SALE ORDER: Houarbolai; Lach avablobte. TERMS ARE CAS No reserve. Paras is selai DOcrer said aacioncer nt ce CHRIS 26e Laadyk, Oerk. dixxii suîite; Laxy Boy chair; viovi dinoîlo voila; 2 kiicbrc cui'hoards; S Eitchen tables; uxiid ivaloal extension table; chiud' dosE; ivooden colbo horse; 3 druueru; bookcase; cioihrî rack and garmeni hagu; siep-ol round, heavy plaixd, walmirtor; 2 continentl hedi; t stxel, wond 3/4 single hedu; double contionental bed; uovotal piciurxv andlrams. APPLIANCES - togîlu axis- molli scasher; Gonerai Elecîric hborner siove: Frigidaire rerin- gorator; Viking SI cu. fi. deep freezer; 3'lhroch filo polinher- 2 table lampi; Iloor lamp; tno- vel) ooks; mantel radio; quan lusv of icailpaper; hoivu axai artoos: qxaoiy of hedding and the regular houcOholai ut- onsîls; barbecue moinru anai ANTIQUES - fine benn; round oxk coffre toble; tll sidbard withmirror, a vil uuulone; pin beick-bnacb chel; 2 pine lampu; oùi lampe; faix stand; wicher rchairs; ixoshoos; rocking chair, ru- cellentishapo; pion bok stand; recordi yi.ivatcabinet; 2 llv er tables, vica unes; quarlx braus heuuu. coller; brou orna- mxxii. gea. single sou, lever action, etc., etc. antiqxu, wagon lot. maîchlnesy. Hl DAY 0F SALE. s puesibte fer accideats. A. CHOUTEN, Auconesoe Phone 878-276. 2t22 actixiis in Ohc Lepion anc prnlîf qaiet but on Jli 14 shafuesîd enthusats wcho liappeneilixlbci lm clubhoacn enoxed aae treai ohen the lmais of the 5xallicm Ontario sincles championchip of the Ontario Shuffirhoard Associaion ueoe g lnyd on xac nco Bak exw Play siacied ai 8.30 pas. and oas on a "doable roundi rohin huis. The finuhic xnsc Ilc North, Ochoin.e Geolf Dunny, Aclon; AI Tnpstia Oukoilin aud Houaston Fîaity Miltoc. Thxgao es ere etcucn sneaan ohcn plat oui concladcd lu t about 1.00 in the moîixîl thn osait, Dnnoywon 4, lost 2; Filason 3, toit 3; Teepstaowon 3, tst 3;Norh won 2,lest4. 1.Inli. plhy'xff toi sconxid pcsze Tnxvsir eauFilat 15-10 in accai As the oionnc, Gnoîffg afree trip to oWlliam o i ils sainsi the W c nît ,u Oniacî M le aniluhc cahopion and fhom sberheculd go on lu plat on the Cccadiac cha-pionship final. Dcst of lacE, GeîLf EN'I7IITAIIMENT ace Acenk, voxentuoaimeot chaienan. previdnd anoiher exiolahle «nceing in the club muni on Satccday. ll 12. Musix uns pendedt 6v Jack Feqasou (no seatoi o0 Bil or Harold) on the piano, 0,16 a drmmr. Theee ou quille aOfond iaeooalofomeohrsnd they aitseeoed toxncol hseles. LaIes in the relixgui Sarent hexachtin it hi-fi0 eqoîporul amd kupt things colos axil ctusmng tcx Shipwreck, jol C ARING (cfflivxvOOo,o pge 1) Matc h ikere mac an indicaion ihal Ng Boas Jang and hec failyo Hononghad been accepled as immigrants t0 Canada. In virxv of the lîmiîed lacîilies. liomever, lor backgroued enqoîrîrs, il mac n0t expected îhey coutid 6e admiiied un111 the end otixoe. Wîîlî the papermork complele, the eccape soccessîsi, Chun Fac and hic lamily hoarded a plane for iheir flighl via Tokyo, Alaska and Vancouver tx Toronto. On July 2 the famîiec er reuniled. Thiogc axe differeot ix Canada. In China the clîdren utteeded cchooi fot ball a day and morked for hait a day. Nom the ceed cl t0 have Eeglich classes and thai is Rxd Whitiigsoext inteiesi. Il dthl avaitable Mes. Bbcg Ecg xvonic te take iheas t00. Despite ken 62 pxarc and Canadion resîdenceslaece 1953, cite maoîc te 6e able ix do more Ihue moke chatge ohen che uccomponîs het hxshacd t0 seil ikeir market gardien ucse in Toronto. Bicg Eegl leumeai iis Ecgtbsk ut the aroket whece 6e asakes hic 4.30 daily trips t0 sel] the produce frontas micaraket gaeden. He raîses the wkole ronge nf vegetahles ikece as oeil us Ckiuese vegeahie. Nom Chien Fan mdul 6e able tx help with Ikose trips and witb 1he barvestef and gaedee oork. Il's a happy faasuly groxp xc 16e R. R. 2, Honby foras nas. Whee M.P. Whiig calteai uth1e taras rexectly 6e didu't kunas the faasdly kad arcived troce Hong Kocg. tI had madte a cote Ihai the projecled date of theit arrivai wac Io 6e the end of Jute avd aI had helr noihing totihen frto nîllîe the Departasent of Immingration (K 16c Ecg fumity, t mas catcg persucally te, set if l coutd 6e ut furîber assisance te016cm ou csp returai 10 Ottawa". The M.,F. receinedai royal welcoscg The funmdy was &U in the fietais despite the 156g temaperatssr but the arrivaI of Ruai Whicg ma cause for s ceesrtboc acdail 6 mrk stoppeai. le:

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