Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 1969, p. 2

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Admini stratîv, centre in old H.ights scbooI Milton Heigirta wilt be the administrative centre far the Casnty Board oaf Educalirant nocihernaunit, menaberi agreed Tirurîday. Tiree assistant tepeirintrdenta as well ai cornultants rail) lie tocaied ihere. Pacilities maire initiolly 10 ire aplit for the rarrtir educalion ares with an office ira _-4 Y HEAVE HO, ami oerithey o Sici Ron, e t, ricnsar ethonerareco in olarge ptseilaerally andRBil Bradley ofHoory weeprtothe cre construce frll tis papraeThe wmon havecio of chefs resisonsible for cookiral the chickees et St. flira ovrr the roeî tien chîckrns freqaently ta, Siephen's Anglican Charnr cicikcr barbrecue ai preurne thrm irom oer roosigi -(Staff Photo> Horypr.Pae bietracce mmc grids, the -Flow the ruaacionî ira Resource centre for 'M ilton -Wise buyers shop for hargamns in Champion classofieda. ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER .Arah. - M R.A.I.C. 17A Mili Streot, Suite 2, Anion Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Siavebnbik Rd.. Poit Credit 274-3428 Office Houra by Appoîntmani ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK B. Cent., RIA., C.A. Chartered Acooaurai 103 Maiîn Si., Milton Phono 878-6542 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Docior of Chiropracio 237 Rings Court Cipaicet Cornr Martin St. PHONE 878-2031 HY APPOINTMENT INSU RANCE CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auio-Homei, Protection-Accid- eni and Sîcknrss -Famiiy Liability Foai Liabiiity Yoar Milion Agent Mrsi TSra Kur R. R. No. 1I, Milton Phonai 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Home, Prote.ction Auo, Ai denil Deati and Sahc Driîîng, Enlra Vonoircl Reduonr PremiumsinMost Economical Cal]; R. S. Hea.iherioginn R.R. 2, Milton. 878-455. Qi ni 21 Yvarsî Snervc The Mutiua LU.e ROBERT S. H-ART Ageint 341 Orillo Road, Acton Bas. 416.451-3488 Re,' 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTO0RS S McKERSIE FanL. al Htome 114 Main Si., Milton Ooi ihrh ier of hoiplol, 878-4452 O PTO MET RISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O . MILTON - 184 Main St. 878-9972 Toesdays and Pvidays ACTON - 54 Miii St. R. 853-2520 Wedca,daî' arid S.totdays Resîdencn piionr 878-9678 LIBRARY HOURS Mondor As Fefd. Tnuday & Thamdmy 12 nom. a 5.NI Md 6»1 teo9 Wednod.p 9.10 to 12 nom 1 te 0.10 wiII cost board $63,.540 A $63,540 tender for the Hualîngioî fur 54,800. construction of a resorcecentre . Hcrringa Bras. Construction ai ihte Marilin Si. ichool mai Lîdý for a nroroof onitheM.Z. accepird hy the Caoiny Board Brnnett Pubhlic SchooI in Acion of Educalion Tharîday. The ai $30.560. îuccnîsfoi hîddee mii A. J. On a recordrd voie mermherî McCarihy Construction Lid. agrerd 10 rrturn tht $2.500 Tin, Ladgei or lhe prcje..i had hond of Ray Olan Coniroctoit Ienriv îely indîcaird an Lid. despittiheîhsuîson of a expecied price of $48,000. Hidi loa estimat, mithdramr afinr range4 as Iiîgh ai $88,574. openingof nt hr hidi Trastree Included in the totai $76,000 John Nohle eoplainndl the Milton programt us site deoeiopmenl faor conleacior bail diicorrd a addiion of' a parkintg loi, maihemnalical erior afir rite eqaîpmeni. archieciî fera of $47,215 hîd had hemn optned on $4,000 anîd a contingency fond tLe Martin Si. projeci. 1n such of $1,40.1 casis the hid hond, mhîch os the Gîlier tenders accepied hy the conracor's gaarantee of the hoard astre ihan of: . GEl. hîdînisforfeîied. Buckinghiam Construction for Seveeal memes eîpreîntd addition of eîghî cliaitoomi and sympaihy foi the coniracior hut won senînar moiunsoithe declaredithehboardasolldhbt Ceniennial Fubhie School on esiahiinhîng a dangerous Georigetown ai $149.940. piecedentin iorcîornîog the a Heerîng Bîo. Constiruction $2.500 hond. Lid. for the addiion oîf rîglil On arecorded noie four clasîrooms and a kdergaiten 10 trustees oppord thetrefuonof the Rveron Publie Sciîool ai fic hon4. Chut& seîWoeti j KNOX PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH Rccý F. N Yunga.HA. Gvorgninîso 877-6206 "O coame Iei us icocihip anad bush daiiut let as hnni brlnvn thc Lord ,111r Makar.' SI \ODAY l LY 27th, 1969 Soit tuul L bcuia luan 0.00 Wacship. MILTON GOSPEL HALL lus Otaria Si. N. 878-2022 lirisliass canLred in tht narremof theLord Jsus Chist. Lnvd's Day SI. \GY. JILY 271li, 1969 10.30 .nou Brenîg of Bread. 12.15 pas -Siodas% Soua. 700 t iii-Gospo Sori oce. Wrdocsdis, 8 pa.- Pvayev and Birl radirag. .52 are uiricamn 10 ihese s r vl as. lui "it,iutl Hebh 10, 12. 80STON ANS OMAGH PRESSYTERIAN CHERCHES Rev. Stanaley E. Smith, B.A. SLIGOSý JULY 271îi, 1969 Bath ChLiraits and Sardat, arei 5iaiul foi Jiulu TA, ciongruatlins Su, Pauol, lioîîud Chuîrch, Slî,iîao tn, lic Jointl 5cr îuîcv îuî h Knox Preshy- autoa Chavch. GRACR ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton. Onario. Rvaltor Rev. R. W. Fostir. Assistant: Canon F. H. Masora. 0.00 a.m.-Hais Caommuion. 10.00 a.m.-Matmni and 10.00 a.m.. lhurîday. Joiy 2-t- Communion. Piait raote lime cyf Sîîmmrrer You are Mwayo Wetconrd et Orace Circrd Attend thr Chorch oft Your Choice os Saraday ST. FAULS CNURCN THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mauin Si. ai Jaunes St, Miniraieru Rei. C. A. Hainer, H-A., B.D. Oarail and Choir Leader: Mni. Harold Muger. LUioS.uîuc %th Knox Ficîhti ii ,î ChuroL SI.NDAY Il LY 27th, 1969 10OS.00 .tîiutWovîhip. ti St. Fiais' Sert. nuab-a lit, lhaiu, ChtitiLnil i Ail Altit." Gi,,,,t, Rai, D: Fuuîhît,t.n ol tt. (.îîtthll Ilu. Ohtîth 'An lniittliara To A1> CNURCN 0F CHRIST No.t Sîdîvod and 4lbLmue Trafalgar Si SuAY, IULY' 271h, 1969 10.00 o m.-Hîinl Sahoni Classai lot al[ aces. >100 .m.-lornig Wovship. 8.00 p.m.-cnahing of tse Gospel. EMMANUEL EAPTIST CHURCH F.î,ta.' Rat. iltan Colts 878-4473 f78-3542 The Laid's Day S1 JUr lLu 2"filt. 1969 94.5 i.m.-Sonday Scool. 110 i.m.-Maonng Wovship. 5.30 p.m-Yîuth lime. 7.00 p.m.-Eîniag Worship. tuVdnsdav. 7.30 p.m. - Bihle SIllîl andl Fias-n Metering. Nusen.sai Sund- sevices. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local asseraily of THE PENTECOSTAL ASMBLIRS 0F CANADA P-r lauEu M. Chrioteostai lORD'S DAY SUNI5AY. JULY 27t5. 1969 9.45 a.m.--Suaday ScirooL. 1.08 a.m.-Monig Wonnliip. 7.08 pma.-Eargelisti Sevice. Wndneiday, t pan. - Bible Study arad Fveyer Meettng. Friday, 8,p.m. - YoungO Peoanlc Scretre. A Dirra Yao Can Mdokae Youovme A Warn Welaomtent Ev«cWmn BARBECURO CHICKEN mas the order nf the day for Diane Whaley of Noriai as hic starteil to liait ratai the aiooked tielicacy. Diane ad more thoan 500 others mccc eeioyina thre mca> or St. Strapherai Anglicn Chureir annuelibrbriecue heid Saiurdoy or Horniry park which offîiils termed a quoai sacaiesi-(Ste)) Photo> Asks board eliminate religlous educaftion from Halton schools A reqanîl ihai reeigious educalion he eliminured fromt Halion schools mas uuhmiired 10 tire Couniy Bourd of Educaion Thuesday hy Charles L. Rea,a fuiher o> imo yoint chîldeen and Tyler Ave. Acion nesideni. Hourd memherî agrerd 10 revtas the peserai regulatiors and 16e peserit condition of the programt in the sohonis. In a [euer 10 16e Hourd, hie. Rna exprnîîed support for the recommrndaiions of 16e recent McKay report 10 16e Ontario Legiilaiune. -lit making ibis reqanni 1lmish to express my Sirm helief in the peincîpin of the stpuruiion of chues6 and sture, oni in thai 16e siale may 6e unhampernd hy eîlîîcal corauiderations iii ith decîsions, hait on the conieary, so thaf iii moral neîpoaisihilitiîs mayhbn caified. Ail were welcome except. . The siga nalaid Si. Paus Utrited Chuvch adviet ail ove me/comm an tht Suraday services. But orne yong niailor haad 10 6ie shnoed nue duvirag the sermonaiun Suradayis service ashera le aodered ira thie opera i îdnie. Hlead aiher Gemeiu Lawrenace, who ie uniua/y oeaced upora tu green ail viaieno with a huadshake anad a ami/n of mvlcomc, decidnd Io bar the raemcomev s enraaav anad siammed the iracer donc of the vestibule in hia fac-e bvfuivv the vi inor had a chanice tii fiod e Then M. Lamrenace ahoond the iaecome oatnof the vestibule. The raiater and rihe vnrgaein miîsed neeieg the enure incidentî. Once itauide, the discviantled gatv-vashrvrîtuvned tui his grouordhng houm- a i ther mur tif the charch yard. -Peuplennennnstop rading clasîiSned ais nîpncially in tht sîmrmerrîme. Uit Champion clasîsifed ou tel] Four story. Notiral ihee are miany belînfs ti chonsv frot. Me. Rea suffeili thal 1tu gise imali childen the impression Lhai certain beliefs of certaîin traditions mitiîr Chnîstiunîiy rnprvieniifile one mrue may, an4 las liaveit. sa dîioriioa oit only nI hiîîîoîy, hut of the prescrit". Assistantl Diiecior D. S. Lamînsi poîind oui flie Hourd must haseth1e permi ssion of flie Miaulter of Educaioa isth pnogrumtisraoiitohneoffneed in Halioa ichools. Teusien L. Pt use suggnted tht Inîter mas wrîln ina dîsutalioai forteand -l reitral the imîplicatin ihain are rnucinig luii.Thisihoar-diionly six maîmîhs nId. 1 I etne mionder asiose civil lîheniies are hrîrag prîîîncled hy legislalion, the majoriip or 1he minoriiy." Backgrîound muierîi on the îuhjncl is 10 be prepaed for 16e SUMMER CASUALTY? -i- 0 DID VOUR V8ATCH GO SWIMMING WITH1 IYOU BY MISTAKE? oriehap caaih ebeaika intended for o PF YOUR WATCH GETS LAIO UP BRINO il IN TO US WE'LL RESTORr TTO SMOOTH-RUNING PIiECISION 1 11n4 t ain bi. - Iieln1 878-3272 Milton THEATRlEt a cMa ce THUR.-FR1 -SAT. JULY 24.26 NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKYS (Aduît) (JASON ROBARDS, BRITT EKLAND) a:OLOR> BELOVED FISH PINK PARADISE (Cartoon) MATINES SATURDAY JULY 26 MAGIC SWORD (Color) SUN..MGH*TUES.-WED. JULY 27430 CARRY ON DOCTOR <Adult) <Color) (FRANK HOWARD) A TIME FOR KILLINO (Color) (GLENN FORD) THUR..FRI..SAT. JaIp 31.AUO. 2 THE STALKING MOON <Color) (GREGORY PECK) HOME MADE HOME (Cartoona) Georgetownt fr tira afficiait neeraira tire schoar in tire Georgetown arad Acton irigir acirarl orges, raid i affice at Miltara Hcigirt fr officiait teraing tire Milton Higir Scirool A lack raf focilitiet, ira Georgetown tchads iradicattil tria would raat bie possibrle asithout movirag ira twa portabrle Coulter fund tops $5,000 Tht Coalier family fund lopped the $5,000 mark on Moraday of ibis wseek, ns ctîîdenhs of Campirelîrailîr, Nossafaweya loasnsfîip arad oilyiag areas posred i contibrutiaras 10 aid. lire hurraed-out families. Cumpaigo treasorta Met. R. Ausin repotn 570 donations recaised up to Monday nigiri have ircougiri in a lot>lraf $5.183-"aaid lirere is stilI mort ho conae. Res. D. C. Nicholson iheeding up th e " C am prc llraile'C Scores of caravasseri hase iren out knockieg on doors seakirag gufis of moraey ta hnlp William Coalier Se., Mn. and Mes. Gordoan Coaltar and Mn. and Mes. William Couliar Jr. and To family.______ Plas arc heîag made ho huera oser t6e Oils $5,000 ta the Coulten family some hime luis aseal. Campaigai officiait liase hees dclayed ira obhaîoîrag aa iracome las luicence nommer fromt the gooenrmanl, irai hey'rc MILTC morkîng os hl anid as soon as ara officiai samiar is received asill hngin i ssaîrag recaipri for BRAMPJ donuahiors su NEW09 DATSUN 1000 2 or 4-400v de/uxe sedans " high-parinnmante 62HP eanine * top apeti 84 MPM * 35-40 MPG * 4-ara-the-flnr " retllrioig Haaiket soutt " ail the eotcan are standard eqa/emeri " culenst cor rn the woud Ira park Sb Iralt/r 100,080 miles celi.Hilly 55 Ire $1845 North End B.P. Datsue Sales A Service 235 Bate Lie Roud MilEon, Ont. PH. 878-2471 cloascxoma. Merboa aghea wiiir a rtcomaindation raf tire admrinistcatioit, ta lire sinigle office uirould ie eslisrde Milton Heigirah tire t 1ra reccntly takea out of une. Tht oadia-aina ceetre wH ire accominidottd in tire partoblt ai Georgetown and in tihe Miltion IHgh Scirnol. 'As sinon ras acconmmodation irecomsee ovoiloirle a permanent centre airould ie etoilied in Georgetown" , tire Asniistant Dirctar told lire Board. He raoiad iis anipit ie possibrle i 1978 or 1971 witir nrw scirool facilitita 00W ondtr construction lircre. Home Brown - growa Iotaly NEW POTATOES .........10-lb. bau 69c Firm Green CABBAGE ......... .19c each Lady Pairicla SHAMPOO Large boutle Bave 20c 79c BhIanfuIl Brand TOMATO JUICE 48-oz, tins 3 for $10 Mbln'à GRAPEFRUIT DRINK ... large 48-oz. tin 29c Firi Grade Balton CREAMERY BUTTER -------------68C lb. Lean LOIN PORK CHOPS .........79c lb. Deve, Blrand BEEF & FXORK SAUSAGE Maple Laaf W IENERS ............. Tender Pîannp CHICKENS ........... .-........55c lb. ......... Sie5 lb. .. .......45c lb. F Edrac corail Corp memti maji Trust the h M. m iosip artist aseeke Area 1 opten Not off eh ipriof MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTM. TRUE SAVING ACCOUNT 75o withdrawals permitted at any time CHEQUING ACCOUNT u nlii Umber cf cheques free CHEQUE RRTURNEO TO MEMEERS MONTHLY WITH STATRMB4T Il PAYS TO BE A MEMBER OF THE CREDIT UNION - i n classifieds amp o

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