MI' w IIIIII %W -CIIII THEV SAY YOU CAN'T TEACH an nid dog nam nf Scaehoroogh tried ta toash hi the sces nI tricks, butsmth such prtnytacns, what aild tm lng. Vncemaus master of cnnmonnesfor thn doil monid pans up a lessos? Vince Mountsind succassful Hornby Garden Farttpand thetgil mere fonrd ha mas afil ttomàs" mhen Canadion among tht pennrmn s. champion batnon artifans Dole anld Eiaina Hardman INSTANT VENTRILOQUISM mas tht came aI the gasce aihen camedion and uentrtloquist Cy Leonord called Heathen Belley and John Retd ta tht stage os Horthy Garden Party. Vu should houe heatd tht sounds cactegftram the unossers as Mn. O.eunatd capahlp peactd te's the motter ai hts uaice-thnomtng eus. > Fo a deawek e toBe s ag .l n Th. Canadian Champion, Wsdn.sday, JuIy 23, 1969 SHOWROOM. FRESH LOOK Corne in for à j complets appraisal today. AUTO BODY GENIAL JIM MCKAY vuas kept prntty husy et the ice creant cane coceson aiSaturday's 22nd annua Hrnby Garden Party. Hes 269 878-2721 pictcnesleiishincgup treats forcusantne EllenandiStevn S. John. Main s, Befote the ntght va ues o hn ma s un n n t p e y aown supp li s ns 8 7 8 -3 2 5 1 1 5C CO FFEE_ EXCI.USIVRI.Y FOR OFFICES, FLANTS, SUSINESSES WITH 5 TO 50 EMFLOYEES - No Installation Fmes NO FLUMEINO NO DEFOSITS REAL COFFRE - NOT INSTANT. OUR "BUNN SREWER" WILL SERVE YOU FERFECT COFFRE FOR ONLY Se INCLUDINO CREAM AND SUOAR FRFCALL TIL878-6028 HOOD'S FINE FOOD AND COFFEE SERVICE a MILTON DISHING Up HOT DOS vuan quite a chore foa the food hooths mhere Dave McLeod, Damn.Juhb, tht crem as Hornby Garden Part Von Starday Do iena Leslin Elva Homden and Art rookus wer ntght. Manp of the 4,000 mho astnded htadned for in charge. ARE YOU IN THIS PICTURE? A big cromd vuas on tond for tht 22n1 annuel Hornby Garden Party. This oinm shows port of the attendonc2. Tht annuel garden party projtct was launched ie 1947 and maes held at Cliff Wrigltsworth's toute, latte movd 10 tht Nenionids totto, then ta Cithert McDowei's and around 1965 lound ansa home aotthetnm Hornhy Park. Proceds from theavnt finance the Hornby Soli Ciot's 14 teoms including 200 chiideen and oduits. Il vuas only raintd oui once in 22 yeors. -(Staff Photos hp Roy Domos) i 'E 0F TO TWICE THE TREADWEAR -Btsîsss tssd, cta,.t OVER IWICE AS STRONG-..ia se G-.ites t.y tt.d..bt NIOR-SPERO STAILITY-tSm-c ans, oM c p. - nn ON-COURSE 5TEERîtdG - Woî't at.nmu..snan SPIT-SECOND STOP-STAR? TRACTION -Du c w s.ctt-tetmambtinssnant.. SMOOTHER. SAtiES ROLLING - Anstînssoui lm 1 1FmF-1WN. T' ï ia ' LESS BIG TRADE-IN OFF THESE PRI CES on PAIRS or SETS ROAD HAZARD INSURED No Tise Limil--No Mileuge Limit 40-MONTH Ctlnst atuaa " FREEtstitto "FREE No cales oith$sa5otatic Whaa leias C'ASH RONUIS COUIPONS.I O s'stse oa5s-te IZE Osons ILAns aies. Tmie/t,.,, (.y osît,d -Wat (0t/tt.. - - tt.91 15.41I "..w ~ ta Ottd 15.tip561-_ 7 tt te ttnatN. si -t c:thon S 775t15 (t70/1î 9.97 10W 97 Apply for a 'CAN-CHARW 'Cr.dit Card today! 3 d . A 5t. M 9.. U....k 439NMinYSt 1106III M .pts. ntS e se e. BRAESIDE FARMS * FRESH, PITTED * SUGAR ADDED " READY FOR FREEZING MONTMORENCY AVAILABLE JULY 281h to AUGUST 121h IN 22-1b. AND 30-1b. FAILS. Where f0 Find Us - Phono 878-2665 Uppsr Base Lins Stelet CL BRAESIDE à 2 1 ý. as n aupt«u Sm RIOLýLU RIVE Sm 070/14 825/1. Mi/14 835114 P78/13 771111 078/13 il».813/1 H7@/15 855-643/15 70 RIFIL&CES mes c WHOI un ULARANCE Famm D70/14 695/14 E70/14 735/14 .... "0/14 773/ý44.... 070/14 825/ .... H70/T4 $50/14 .... f7o/14 7 .Z, i H70/13 055-145115 WMUWML .,MI' Na U, OUR SNOUE Pd. lâm DRO FIIJR ý5.ls 34.10 fflo 44.115 49.30 M,65 sý .50 4115 ".90 46.00 Wldb o» Ski, 11,d lb»m .111, Nil U. OUR salais 'd" ..h TIRE FRIR 34.20 40.90 53.90 42.20 6010 41-40 67 ' .1.00 73.30 SS.55 6, 10 « .7ý» 111100 75.30 37.00