* Cho fit of lte world'a population ta outtmated ta have satin il. Coantee. thoauada fotioed lte couaidemea, the luanih, the, Iaadtog an rte moue. l wau "Oe amtil utep fer ma but one giant stop for manhtnd' au the Acrt ecutehean ttepped auto the i anar sur face. An accompltnhmrrent, receguteed ut the lSfettme of thute mite centiatrd te lus auccot, au ne otiter dtncovrry ruer mat. a At thlette notea are taritten there ieu alatad the mrefo ef the Eaglr te lthe orhttng hume atnd the tale cetuen toeoacth of thr three mutrunautu. The tuccems te date tarmu te tndtcatr littîr cause foc concert mtth ail the apatemu morinue tfiutenîily bol autil the reoan wr wiii tti, fila tmillionu of cillont, hoe tnttntiy tntrrtrd lu thr final OThere are tme anfertanaîr aspocts te the detnine markt fer mhent mhde Canada lu predactue more thon Iter. Tht finit and meust ehveaus, of ceacte, lu thatr perhaps ir a gentralten mary of thoee atarvtng in other nattent seald tcare te mfrae o f il and hardie it eftictrnîly, prevtdtng eue rente le a cedecto in atarvatten. Tht ethet aspecita flfiit il tatea the prime minuster te collie ther aimpleut solutton le the pcehlrm, eceta lent mietra. The taper ale or f the gouemmeut agatuat mecid martets in mhtci lte pcc ta drrpptng, joni atun't geed ettecei anp moe. Tht atmpir acumer vsg le icuat altheougi mpirmrnttng the tugmeaston may hoe moe inicicat. * Foc titane mite ould etecciat mere contrel oe adutettutoti t mtghî bte intetotttng te note thot the Independrut Teleataton Cempuorae Attoctatten Cepp Cenmtttrr tn liitato cejecird nerci 1,000 commectala or uerci 15 peu crut ef the itottl abittled. Titre lite accotaettte wn citdeen houdiot a hetffe ef blhîor e tltmitne a dcntnptpetul prove iteloagit a pair ef stes ma are oaute fer elliminatten. lu car biesseta rejeci ads rvtrp mentit itcaute mc dent fhîil thepl horals or tetimair. Centro as hotug e rarcted, tutu if ail people dou't houe aitout t. * tinhoiuaiti as ie rema, une cf lthe tresuents 1 dtacouerd ahirat e cmier cf maunen flathtng ighta tan ou auto constutctiou prejeci mure rot moritg ma hocacar aumeour ha t uolcu lte iataies thnal epteete filtm. Safetlpcoacoot as menp peuple arr, there aie oltheu mite lhmacî the itrut efforîts ip miti taotiîg shert cf malîctocu damate. Ou lte sauiue peujeat ameur ttith a taîsed troue cf hamac moved lte bacricade te block flie flood. lu lthe dactorat and et a mil taildr conttraction, ltai cou apeti a '"u accideut. lu flltec toallp acmccue around mite motd e tomne tort cf kickt out cf aci a Icaedy? * Auotitec urp gocd icticc te the editur itad te be couttgotd le the "it-and-trc" file. tl dtdu't lieue a aigntature mitai e eqaucud hefote mc ili pahtith tuait lttura. No e ml lieue te mvatl'aud-tctifusonmcnmploaih init i didu't appeaiet ahictfite me sul tunte thrm tongul the]citeriondtar'iluar iifr puition. Mlesse atet yocî mame te nitera tai the cdttor, tutu if yoc taot et te use e pen-name. 3J5 s i his Corner wih roy dlowna1 Mue hep. Woee. Mclp amoitea. fipea. tiggh. Oucti. Whee. Pardon me, hall1 theaght i d cat titis mentis soiomn tatith tome ecatattont t junt ftnnithed eaimtng. l'ut jutt crod lice rtchwe Canadiaoa are uappeed tebe, and ltsuanholtruahle tit the "cter hlait" (or mupho ils lte mither ihrcee-qererc) ta litving ou att lheae filteintcomea lthe Gr een Boit telas us iîrce etinti. The Ore Bock, tn toue pou mismcd tait meekus press reperts, ta lthe féerul tacxtton deparîmeut's anouul cccoitg of Caelodions' tuteute aîd ta utuatîtca. Titepe o tile bhiîd milStht biîfod of ment upîinOttawa, and haeustrceieated ta date ui (lie peau 1967. But thetu fîiurca are dîttîru. Wem, jaOt tiie, thece arc ove ' 16,0(to uelf-emploped doutera and surceonsani Canada cepttug aerage icomet cf 1127,347. Befece pou go leoutng poor tonal M.D. aitout il, hoeuel, cemnemier thote 16,000 top me ge torners (and tlicy did top lte tut>) atue paid un aurage intoe ax cf 117,324. Malien ceuds pcettp higit cei Sei hos mheu tl cames te ig îucoîuea. The toec cf Oututie ted Canadas top 20 iauktug nîltes inuvecage tutomea, ut $6,927. Yocate goîta cememhoc ltai Qatutillen iaheahoîe tutatearce lthe nommer ptopgecaada f i le Bap li. ceomd and thete aie e pile cf tareutie tppea calliet Liakitole home lte Oakiulle'nfuece in the tncne depaulmeut prohaitip liîeped Haltîcua total tuceme htt a tdgit of 1224.0 millîon te 1967. 0f tit total, Outuitie tapapeca catrd te $132.2 million, or tuore thou iaif lte total of lthe choie countrey. lu MalIen there aie eepeeîedtp 059 teuspepeu tatith tucer cf car $20,000 pet peur -uud 528 of thear lice te Lietudie. Multte hian 3,199 eepcting tutemea of $111000 le $120,000, and 2,281 cf item are Ockitudetea. Cclieeeely, jent 4,577 Haletonasa Sd tricorne cf udeî $11000 and jeai itaif ci titte tact front flie takedîcuie cmii. Malice redeutsaiee tîaled as pepîog $32,255,000 lu tancîce les fir 19i17. And lthai mou au tncuase cf $5.6 millioc cuti lte prevuttepuer Wr gets Ilt noetrd Our total M. Pt' teaeay, buet did Malice receîue aopehereueeîr $32 milltiotattin value front tce bops dcea lu Ottawa? It deaitfel. 0f iteti ml Se lte added fant liit 4,643,587 fauadteet fiteut ta rut ecua ie uSit puer liea'erage icm cosfl ucutrp mes $5,037 eed flie averege lau peîdas $005. Aa uoted eaelîec, atif-eiptoyed dencra aud surgeons tcpped lthe ho c f oargeat lnces. Self'empicyed ougines and actets ata ers and ntaouer deitit andenteeuitatare ett. Se item dort YOGA saarp catit ep atouisi ail titis? t dcct knoc 1 toc poc sood, heut pardon mu hde i goas euhlie houa fou a big ucise. Witi cil uSaI noeey floatitucercedlvactil geîuîp shoreuof Malic seior icuual Jcdge Alce B. Sprarie dehaveîed aecture lasteekdia t ahocud bc fuît fai and cîdenirsa flice tccuily. Me cactcd c eritgfittiftblure, drug coviton ilîlemail lait l'or yocîiîfct ofers. "t tople (lie stadeits et' liitoe miii gu i le mlessage, il] [lie fluue git'ttc stres witeb ptanud oit flie ollt et* dueerrete te aeteunc. tlu le he) bcuepeut ehl stedeuis te tuec aey, ciii pacte euîd ceaie the sae and despacî hentuenguIl thiteies and lueur famillest chen ltey todaige litiilutte ittegat anîttitlea,* said flie tede. J cdge Sp rogce coneecned touc Bcdliugtou and Waiurdece teenagers tee possessioced seoliegci'ds supeudetg uentec and placung itiai r ouc yeaîs' probationt. Fait caritttgt PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST MILTON *ALL TBAM cf 1890 b raprodacei fecut un eerlp sasimfii loneli bg a roulier, Con pou ldeclfy tbsmP Chaempion flet cf thut pour lelioroe S. Bruit eus tho eom'a oitunl-out pitcher, eccliothent an rte club mare E. Hueulea dOnUtP, Tack, W. Blockioct, Potaocu uscator, Mittcholl hallier, C. 'Johnuson fieider, Eliout secnd but, Cooper fioldor, J. R, Johnon finit buse, P. Johnrson littotp, Puenorsn thîrd buse, Jarula titird bue, Lietlo, Mitccholl sud Wilson. The aid swimmin' hale ElrnmpiEdit#6#iiP Çonpte dworkin9f mqc/uinerq .si W a rdue Il George C irie speerîeeded oct of lthe ciis prantinal ltones teI regicuti goneru neted froît e cocuîny sacdpoîcî, flai: lies tean laiten te flie tîotîs aine flie proposais ou flie stîieci mure advaced hy flie Mteisier of Mucipal Affetus. At lest cuekas cccety cootîcît mîeetieg, lthe merden ucceocsed esteablishmîent cf c staff coutetîttue, mtede up cf flie nterks frot flie noctty's sevn îîîunipctities lThe mort of flie ncoînttue ta te, Sue co-ord icnaied ity t lte ncceiy clent-ad iliit tairo. t-îectty soclie practicci stepa mii Se teke bo gui te lthe huart cf fle kîed of problilît chicS regiecci gouerucîtunt cati prescrut ced liîopefclty soclie ielitgent scotiona eau Se advanced itefore flie ountp ta aaddted miith proposeaittoagit oct ouli thie incrp tomers cf Troute. Freqceetip flie nutancd blta of a ieue progreiti reqeire tlie tirîeg cf a coeasuiieet. lThe tîsue t cocrst ta for flie conultant te ltea scccp te and pick fle treica cf lcalt officiais mitose ,ttd tsaciao eetiaîed te pronîdîeg tîoctteis of stelistins. A repairt ta tten lieuseeted ced flie goneriettienlta tsefi a ltlle pcorercund periîcps flt i oci miser. tit tis case flie cardeti tics picpcseît fiarîîessiîg (lin consîderehie esperieecee ad flie collectine ciadetît of people cuti keom flie ccîîeîy hesl. lThe cterks ci flie tinîvda einipclties kcom tacui ced lhey cisc kece flie chicSi lie pr'pcst gonertilleet mîust fit. Tae greet streagli t 10le etent hy aierieg iheci tu i prohieut crus and hy eue te dtsnoss fer mîore teteil choie concept cf We Sente heuet sitarpty flie nocly's teck cf nopief euth fle regiceet e proposaiseadvnced eerty t mes oct y efier cousidere lthai egrecîtt tuas ruai t fcr eau sparat tlitc rut ltea e eptauce cf flie Peet'fiietctonergee. Sient reptouci gonerceteent e liaitc Se as heut p ece ecîisteel. Annueocnet Sp fi lSdt e atcdy cf lthe unr regîcuet gonereiceets itedertakue sceîîed tc prc eccse te conticce lt acl îuîiy. The Wardett, homenue set ip flie ncty'a OCOi aI ta to c Seiîped il ciii pi eeeary iteck-cp teforei flcetected cfficiais te ci flie finai oîtcoîîîe tif gosereet eut ciii depoît ditacîtsstocs cilS flie prîouin We cnîîceed flie Word cotîcty fcr fîeetty esicittîs cnîrkteg îîîaciery ou lit "lBer flie dcci, Mattido, oud nioe tem aiteti! Henrp, loch te peau flinfoci! Thitu aai arr ou thte moi-petit!" Lut liopu rl doetut ncornu te lit, bt flhc lodias of Canada. a qeauler-mîihlou of ilcntvso titis catcniethv ithîcd ie iic yt, thît it's aproduni cf politsiic ou atouire Anod iiny datai ouud tooielieeka.itont and auîttet. aed ryica cesta tis finie They hiast tee capou cioct hucg lieutl rigli iotto flic occle ag. Oneuiattflchte mottas gii ciuitpits. eu ltinhih iiîuy helahitihit ai ecuty oppotioty. lThe mie sfitniîtimedia. citînli tînt- ait cusg citl a sitl [liai inouid eike apoblic lietu ue cocto iacîita ii.tsofiudtp(ie lodianui nee icitiil ofu of flie grtt iStait Pito) cet jobs ii Iiii'tiy uten flie aro crates eu dîccnocp. Haeuyo enue edocie"'Tleytsoctd giei. foul of poutîn staf litse.- As long et t iue iesîtnco licuaeand tlii guets gîces te ,lc sky anid flit mootuilats dt notal cw . u tc. etc." Tutu contes fi crnllt il ic tittti pîttît. Asa lonig.asîlic Jolîdit tiys on flt interne. antd ouc 'fi cial iti lia i, luipucli- flie salp). lie andfilstoildu and Iichidun*s dIl lont cuiv i touat itîoîîy irn i Gîet Wiîe Qeuen inuis flie Big W.iîtt tttuel F-oit atnoeiiiicdcoitead, iltîiglitîhue setteg toto 1.000 ptotidtttilii Net casi i uflin. re io.l ici ul --lie t ;t unC.0 ilictonoo Figurenot p at c ahuencu tntt mliii flic noietc(is uan 1.000 ud officiels pocîîds sterlinîg il, cQ69l Yuî. iniflation iaes oe possibleu cieglit cp cit flie Itdiati, toit. itg tliei liucty Liy. ecoidittg te old tîlcoîs. îgeîîtly fle cuer ii, heeatLal fair et flie lueinae. t-anti regîcuel lediat l.ottly iecuined is site etf flie loui and aceunuieca fictutuigaýtie'idirect criticel cf miles aiooud te supelatu flt fitieat au i lia cluy te titalY Morcley ai qoînkit- ai Posile. lîîvty in Tdey, lic ouigit ho aitle IL, hoy a tee cuerutineul houtles of ui e btis yeer. tl Ie dehete Suactnd. flie Itdiai culurie, ou citis e i ) , luftîofîtl i tqotte distictlauIotatioffic cdi e'a Wtctc ciai.I i, ciand tuic omnuu al, gion rucher tierui thart cuttlttoc stîntety.lie t tutu flie clintty in te iitter tas htieg nide ample n tank cf -lias cee itdy ced il cdce fle teticu f'or tose lîcuda regîccet Il dortue ten and flie Sieg socle e stiljeci. COienhce tjf W&a4te ... Lecîdeece ci flie colossal caste ce attiui prepare to tc cepi. cari te stucl aioitg tu t cadaidecs. i lit e tuatis anîd cn flie vndaist of pîtic prcperîy about citînui enerpocie t s coecereed tit nooe ta preparesi tc dît eepihieg. We teccoi atîtîcat niolent suten me se flie resuit ci vndaiacu in parka cuti ceonsernvatitn amais. Bct etuat trotules tus eneti moire cru fle ctnce" people cite cac tease a dlter oft guipersancd creppers cîitîiuireclîîg iîstance cf a cete recep tacle. lThe chut tur tf papers is ait se innuocen't. It'a luit aroecd piacil lattes or sitider a parik lueîciîîî lit e people etc fîccity pick ut ep are peîd eîuupteyees cf a cnervatti etitcoritp cr park bîoard. Il's alîuss as if flie guttural popultitîhl lt nuclied seclt e'> g rel uuake-eerk-prect Along fle tîglictys cn flie provine thîs per il ciii coal eearip SI .000,000 juit lui kuepth litter pîeked cip. Imuagine cit lthai Sl,000O00, apeci ou irce piaetîeg or lte reinona cf decd titi trous moîîld coutribtîe. Orimtagine Sec men tgiu ligte fltas îued ec tîtîglît baese het il' lthai ai 110 00 couiplent init ail fltecnu lier ancliitilet projetsentross flie province, ted tecu unneeeecp. Ceuteeniel Petkitnt Miton s met rouet fromcietizeut and viaitera. Il tsauttrautive ard onveuierrtpy leuuted. Bot il's ateeiatiug hue muet 1111cr hS te bu piceu uap it thet ure deapile lthe peeneu cf Ime cater large manie rereptaulea. Last ment a boeard ou tise au of eule ef ilic ceieut-ecded tenciies peeciîesed te'st per. oct trekue.' Antîcler ci fli eiîclues. crtu abitu S50 cf tes payera' uuucey, teas tedl flie fîrat nervng îctlîcted cu il. Aitter et fle teerd's tas aise tenu flie targuI cf sotiet cesie.erieeted tindîtedl miita siteîp keife. Its so easy te say flice policee siîeuîd cnorce flie lac. Biit il's itîtînti tmtre pranticel fomr cil cf Lis te sand tetceec tie kîd of caste ccd vntdatisut teîcg seec te parksand coearvation crueas. Lvn aterlîcg lthe pcolice le flie acnit. fle indînîdîtat cîiîtien nocd play et timportent rote cn teducîp flie colssal t ate tisai: ta a drata oit flie denetepîtent cnd iîîîprcvneîu et otiter gren crues aed parka. Lest year 353 persees cura' ceesit:ed oif tilt eeîng flie ligluccys in Ontarue. lu additioc eeey cee stoppud t5 flie police and carncî aboct lthe fiee fer titîerîeg. Whee eue couaiders tht cuites et' higitecys and lthe acres of' parka flie nueer secoua seucti. Perhapa lthe total ecutier cf cffecders is ait tit ce ait tuiler. Nuittiu. us lcr e ounappealitg flitt aiesopi tita mci ora lituteuld îank. Lhîtl on ail aLseittie nchallenge te redutin ibis faleasin maste thSd flot ou te elmoat euerp eocuetp or roadaide, me till te pepiog e igh prie and feiting te, set e mise cuampte. its ehout liceme e el otiet tte ants-lîtter teille hp uoiifpiug poie cf vaudelisin or offcrtrg a quiet suggestien le effeuders mite are littcrtog streets aund publie uruas. romeolîn rufra hant te lthe "uoble ted eau'« hc puaemaîîîîs tala hie "a shîflctu item'. Nuithu ta aupaheir ter flit uth. lie titchumit eing.M Hesatîedie îad nul con mtuecnole tai the tuai of us. , iîtu. flie paredoxeati thai titi edrua heas spectel pîtaîlegra edca tari, lieu elusnc. ce ltae lthe rescur, etc. ancd yul lit ta cneupîîaîlegud liefeit incîaîeg and edcucaou plot pliu cid discricination.soncl andiecnoomtcl And tee, flie t-edeîel gcvrnrîeeu. a cold logic thai teceile autep doet front hie. Tcudeu. safi. "Pet uor oui îp. If yoc ari. toapy abto tutu flc ay ceni thlclgs. de) o yociaelf'. Titis. afti yeeac f liclig rseveswili iltie lagessu and ititneleice ciceily aciîtiud cutil au tîpîcciagu. lThe Fedletai goeuiiet proesILt doîp flie tudian piohitt iti t flie paîceicia conlcls and flie hîdîaet linsle.ail ii flie cocue i ltint litais, te fîîld ils leut and sîcai offii citele triglee tprovincialctiseccuuinttsseut flie hudilait Profilent iteilîy et flie Blanit Plegot. Se do, fle Initîdcît Foi (lie ]llern. flie Lacadiat goeutetuucnewpliny ia stkea,.n le noctu facllit-et ortul yucg itîdiaus, disnoluon ot etle utauttua ta thte hulnd litai Seaus itelitd ytc Fer flie ecddle.aged deldedly.aicîoîugriyug. lediati leader Wîlîîîeî Nad1ietii ofCapu (citer pet cl iccinl y. if oveiui-uoipy winlic seid flie tieta legîslaîin eooid aic ai] Indit Iat sii piLty toi to boes tfire clu it dîeni ivle a profilent Itcitate nu. lite iodon dt't caiti atoueilactin Tite'Y eact lipl te gel -ri lhiu fiut and soutie tudîto lior 200 yoea eof bituog ceiduiedttecoednicafsaadian. Sorttienetv are wonoilttss mote clu acs. Soute ait eslîeicly talochle as polectoal iuseit aleea.llowcduas eieyody gel c fair sate if dtutu conda aie fiaeded as uliy setc Ill ) itct titi gotg tuosele [itai oe te lice yueus. Pierre Ellîcli. IPages o f the Past I' - &U(1 rom champion filesJ 20 years aga late front flie issue cf lThe fauadau fChamupues. J ohy 21, h1949l Milutesi (oity fticcit îupîusenauvse Retu liggica and Liepiy-Reeue Liai distessud cot cotndc Tceîdey. tuec pîîpîîsnd dinision tif tlii Peut-Hli toit furîfuie Aged. Millt Coutii uspîessed cnurnewlflie puspesal i, u ld a tuparteuhontte hccfotits uty iy asuviecof il itu hre, lialisît Coeociy C onurci teas d,iedd to suild a hont fo îtheaged tui llelîct taulier litait pariiipatc uni acn more espuediucr ot flic hontîe ntc ceued joiuetty hy hliecoml iti Pteel anîd IUeowi A ituuidiug ,.oultee sacteduuI)duluituuiîtes and plansuau Munnîs. Armustrong, Soun Suehie. Wunkliau and Lisit feelias pcposed speîdîg S 1nuhS tit fic Breampton hte. lThe to cuiishase tead au aunchleeagreeentu for 40iyears. A nucit- custiasted plaîfeuc tsifrn tif Briohuifue lait tis ut tie f ficu mny piepaieion iliai aie bitcg ctudu foi tit Nassagasaeya Cutteoui lTheîgtluîue ay tiret octurt t-uday uecucig ct a dance. htondayusrin a cauetgondntoahet and litlped noie of flie lter c îpý aud iaspitetren 50 years aga Take fieeot cseue tif The (anadian Chamîpitn. Jc1y24, 1919. Soteafri ngletiuToTesdaycof lest mrrh sonne doung persca or petiots, efie r lîytugsvauetus ciedoas ontte teaund flutorttccetddioforcing acuedoccupoi the setond slotiy eh the itigli ,soIec et Laictle, and sesueg anerence Adreur iii titi teatitra mont cas guied open aud sucera itundies cf ruceunacion papers cre îrecnued. lThe paeta cre ou lieue iete oaed ta hîgt schoit eees. Lite culd nuauy suppose lthe titefcwatedîcegeî anquiucted cith cit ca atead cf buin, bt flie pagera cdll do tit no gcd, os itcy ciilhbeitacgud. Theîcntueati duh i ouf, wit not sucnnednine oild ifuue a oiuuuîiîci enclýAs cas uuiiuieiiuiÉlu, ossotted adayeorIcwo erlieuaîLalgary. LOSI Ou Mata Sireur, Milieu, ou Sauerdap ateht, Ith tuai., o lady's tmcgpreuged toctetur ahej iahet tetat, suedded euth trillîcts Remurd fer narut ut Ttc Champîon offie. Ttc Laiettie Star apu rav T. M. Jefferîs cf Ouhuie ns tht eldeni Oruogemnan iu Conada itp a numiter cf peara. Me iu in hous 98tt peur, carne le Canuda in 1845 aud itecame au Oroutieuun 69 pearsaugo. Me ta lthe otdrot Metitodist Mtututec lu Canada. 100 years aga lakît froct lthe tisue cf lThe Caeaduau Champpion, Aegcot 19, toits A sotiespondentintferea cis lthai Chaules Peut of Leeite itastlahee froct lune acrts, 5,500 shces cf eheat. Someeeicetîeaccaiunciedeidcîida lest Tcesay tigii eaisrecird a glatit fcce lthe setond bridge un fle uc îoed froee Milice o flie Tird Lune, Trafalgar. Tht Loudot Adneîîseî sys 'lThe Mdltun (Chaepion us qte liulp cuder lthe tee umanageentuî Iheais, fuuend Adaetuset, ce eûlltrly iciteegelso.One entit eulunemporarp, The Gucelgph itoroeg tEiaisit, douas icit surf turity obsarvte lthe rîchlu noimoundiet, fuir ut fic eca tcicets tif is issce of lthe t4th test., ae foueteinets aeu tertit fiee lThe Champgion, foi cely lthreotf ehith niedit puten Neta, irtie Meiniun., plap fait. Lie the faot of Jamurait Presonuteer iiercht- , au Liait cait cas cal- tel pctted etcscseec pcadscofsix felt Bei ttcs cas nct the cciy peciaaity. Ou euuipclteg dutc stem, a jcuor teeditsrot forth wichi, oltheeg oct deaetcped, cescrud 10 tncet. Cou aepeoiat couleuup eccues grcdce e cimieî exuaciteoefcatnvegetato ,eorcdtitrp lucîtly liieut the paie le Maton? A haunest home Pîceeûtil te field te lthe pute prote, Kitheide, cuhp thrue miactea' math froct the Fosuntuu Motel, ou Tituesdup ea. Ttc "Odter batnd" mdli hoe Prtert te detigt lthe fesîtuve getheriug, andt u fleoeuig hou iteru laid fou ltote desioca cf luippiue ttc "Sigit fautatc" THE CANADIAN CHAMPION P. blh.d hl teU m RNTN AN i. LSMN sCO.O, m~a. niti. i s - un-..i -,ura, Ph-. 8..8u2341. t