READV TO RIDE anar the difficult crasa.nountrv course is Capp of the tcam froas tha Arva Pote Club. Weil over 10( front Ontario Pony Clubs participatad in the rally held at b Raeway lut waah -(Staff Phota> Report from Ottaw by rud arbitir WIut do the mords The lest Society meut ta yoa? Il phrase heard mach duriog the lait year's election campuiga. T mords ia which tae peopla of Canada placed bigh hopas that fieagigt cgvna poruiyt okfrbte h allof us. Thaetearc wodsla duistie i litomiadsof sotieoa Utapia and bacanne it hant arrived me hrar ia soma qarte <ha Govammeat bus not livad ap to its promises aod axpectati Wail jasa what lias happeord? Mach bis taken place and tubea great steps formard. It complata its mark. The o must ha ratoambred ihat sucb correction mas show gavaramanru aoat do ot ceata the Credilistîs, arba cons a jut aociaty hut rathier the part geoap of rightraa Me aI gavarrament it ta try ta create mera ala ta proof dis conditions that aae il possihle. on a Billt for twanty-ibra Mach dapeads apon the people Rrcognizîng Ibat a ravi aliemnalvas. tht Canadian Consistai As wa cama ta tle end of ibis rorantiaila Iath fais fiait aession of Canadats 28tb Canada, plans ra la Purliamant, perliaps arr shouid fraqarot Faderai and Pro askhas Ibe gaveraimeot moord cooferacas. Tara In duis direction? I thini cao confercairs arte tsetd tiai ha said that real pragrats had liera made but, an my opinion, Hoossag, inflatin, basait oa myaossaosevations conttrord prosprty thro an abat bas bren achtrvrd, the Canada acre aiso bîgli an greatsat strides wttl lie made and of prioasiais arbch arades the amtea aauts ai lia mieal drait miîh. durissg tae neat yaar andl the yeur following. In total h5 Bills arr The legialalian mitici aras ly the flouse dartng il praseatad abis trsso o varrd a stssion. Thara is st i aide range of public iaterst and go-tht tagsslatisa on lis it hacame avident as the tession changes mantioard ahova paogrrmaed thut a nombr of tl n pastrd peras th prioritias mare sasolard. Il aa aimaid in Govaroarrot as amsential tat maoy matiara lie iittae sarootisar as ara ctearad amay bafora rat progress inarards tia Jus( Society. toards the Just Society coutd ha madeaund its rffrcls frit liy tepeople. 3,980 pets ut The fiant invaovd tIse nard for anity la Canada and a major strp rbes cic in thts dirction aras a Bill to a bisci hlapcroct shispsssties i Tht Hcalti of Animais acanamic and social devetopasent batararo raflons 11s of tisa Canada Dapartas. Ca natda. tl all tua tima bafosa Agricultura lisas rateata the faIt hanefiîts of inis figures for the racant laginlaion ara fait but as trust ar vaccination cttnscs ha] bom tl i oaa in opeaaias and Hatton County Jane 9 ts me are arring toarards a goal. 13. odas tlisa tara cati Tha officiai Languafes Bilt aa 2,736 dogs ars vuccinats pasaed. The parpana of tis Bitl t1,244 cuis mata aras nos ta ragultt tisa iassgagr protecion. alli citizans mast spab but In Nassagaaraya Ton tulliert li pettitit a siliivss ta isa ti02 dogs aod 29 cals aèss thea officai laogage of bis chale 199 dogs and 93 cuis in aliara fusilile and so do so 74dogs and 40 catssauKi ahen deang ariti tIsa Faderai 606l dagsaund 331 c Govaramaent. Bortington; 9h dogs and 4 Parliamrotary reforr aras ta Haenby, 349 dogs an unotr priarity. Ittsacesaay cuis in Georgatown;, t7 ta streanslinr the Raies of the and b6t cats in Paigamo, fi7 flouse and modarnîzeanisd 416 cuis ut Taafaga procedures if Palisamant is io 254 dogs and 64 cals in Young pony club riders not leust horsing around Twlggy, Marte Asstoinette and of citarge, Mr Cas o epI lia liath ctub arould hanafi s h bung Wmmne tae Poo mare ai Jockey Cluli aoud banafi bnoalrdgbe rders and attanduac ut Mohawb Racaaay bausa the y oungatrs horsaman ar bng far hem in lutI aeab but tey weran't tar eomptnfo tin t avents aetd go tha fatr a emahava cama out of in their acuai apucalsas. They on in the eqsestsan arortd and thea Pooy Club. mare ail hamacs and their aers mare ail maintien of thea Ontario Pony Club, campati n inah Onturio Regianai Pony Claub RalIy. The mnars, abicli sartad Tborsay and moond up Sunay, sa 90 yaangstars front 14 clubs ail anar aine province competin i n the abrea-puat rally. Thea finit purs aras, of course, riding, and contestants hud 10 isa tair barses theougi .taugli cross-country course tna certain umoont af time at points lieing docbrd for îaa mach tima on tht course os nos taetOf enaugn aime sofag aroaod te circuit set ap beliad the Glrastable uras ust the raruwy. bridera The second part of aine mat tnlium au a pructicat campatittan ta arbicn ridrs inad ta shoar tint judgas aboie abui in eaaamiag aine bayrt and tabiag cure, of ail tineir aqaiparrat. Thne third test wh1 mas hard on gavrat beaartdga of harsamanship. a Ciif judgr for the meet aras J Doag Cutto froos Winipef, arba i s laise the ragicinai diractor af the Maitoba Pany Cilb Ma. Catto caplaîned tht compesition as a aras antrd muinty by yaog PONV CLUB MEMBERS <ram Kitchener Sues Rielil, lait and bey arr people front seburlian ureas la Cotteen Masbat are ptepuring their tramis suddles and hamneau belote tom ar the provnce msth onty a frar tinen moe out ta tube part la the raiiy. Att phassa oforsemunship, oga for comsog froar forma. Ha aiso includiru nthe cure af oqsipmenu aras haîng judged lin Poy Ctub $is, of ynsnted out moat girls officiels ao --tri, s-ire hf!a4t oinn ovsEd by thengirls in this as tinut oataembrred tint boys ulthaie pteputatian. -(Staff Photo) mt to bacausa girls hava ci. tima ta rida. ce hune mr ard for Thea rucray facites n aber iaeiudiag stable aras, wr titue a doauid by the Jockey Clu Io \Al ~ Ç arbres, thea Poay Clb. Winausina ar camion sacn fucilttîs mare danatadfe a disys. sion of sion i s aerof id foi s 5rst. tha tha tist passad lis firsi a Rata . Win eroad tl ha a tasndi tnt of id in 0Jane egotirs ed and givra cashs p. Milton; Ibrida; 9 cats d 162 idogs 7 dogi r and Aeton. Ja R. CuITIC, ceb OPTOMETRIST BURLINOTON MALL 1UWHONE 632-7788 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday. JuIy 16, 1969 Çen'in t/he .4,ath to'r... iCniscsfro1o Puce 04) to tint Qabvilie Parbu Board for drvelopmrnt. O Detailed piano for chanael improvemeats on Josinua Creeb hava liera complted. P-Taro damasites ia Northn Oabvilie arr carrently on thie priortty list, oaa at Droarqein and oaa at Agerton. Botn mmli prenarve mater for marbet gardanaers la the area, ansi pravide a good flow of mater to tise soatn aIl summer. Engiaeering la compirîrd. Q-Tine Hager-Ranîbo Crack diversion chanari is lthe next major flood conîrol projact and tIse Aatinority and thne toarn of Barlington are presentty amvaitiaf upproval on federai griants before startiaf. Tis is phisse one of Burlington's overali fiood contrai projrct. R-Tine Autisority is conssderiog acquisition of a place of land ta tise village of Waterdoma, for use as a local racreation park. S-Flood plain mappivg is cndermay on tina Grindstoste Craeb soutn of Waîerdoara. T -Engineering plans have bren dran for seven other siasî streams in thne lama of Bnriagtos. G -The Carlisle Communtty Pond, a recreation and mater cottrol project, is locatrd la East Fiamborougn tow'nship not fisr froos Berltngton's mess boendary. V-Need enyone le rrmindrd titat Mount Nema conservation arma, Ratîlesak Point Park and Crewford's Lake are aIl bocaîrd mitisin bine bosîndaries of bina toma of Beirtington? If Oakvilbe monts more parks along lthe bines of Kelso and Ratiesoake rigint aI lhinel front door, tlîey sbossld look 10 titeir bocal parks board for bine ansmars. If Oakvillr's isarbors are a disgrace tue fauslt mnsI îlie milin île counicil bisaI han leen avoiding tle prohiem for tle pays cenîtiry. If Soutu Haiton editeriabists feci "neglecîrd" siey sinoald lobk for a fear fisets Isefore popping off about tom ils conservalion dollars are providing Insurious parks and dianis lanbine norîti. The new Toyota *Fast, Efficient Service' * SATISFACTION Corolla Sprinter. *1 Finest Quality Prints' GUARANTEED! This fastback is FREE! SAME SIZE 0F FILM WITH EACH ORDER nout STOCKee 3U7 u~ nokbeaup LADIESAND MEN'S SHOES on sale at tremendous savings SZSICUE 2,2,171.2,3m SOKUP NOW ON SANDALS, CASUJALS, DRM & WH such famouis brands as -naturalizer, Whitecross, Laut.dQm*tlths - a iq H* uston wild wild wooley's, greb, mchale, jarman, ritchie, pedwin, hush puppies HUNDREDS 0F PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM Fuiiv.saciiningaaata aaauo auto suta isatroenasth 3 sccai boen cillemait laIsta fuii wida5 earasl sac oane s tran in fronstar 5 D dL ~L Fie1-sower5 .I P detou tsaedtu - pddaul intatint tintait cafentO M 1 Oicatmund whte Veil, tres budi-su ltghta 5.cdtiafs f laclar. t Sd reata - ctiactiie maosa duel brirté. -na senbt -~ frn ndrs 1Atu Ail for OnIy 1050 al 250___MAIN____T.__E.__MILTON_ RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LVdITED 25 8MIN"501. ILO Mat. ta Tausa8 am o0 9p..., Fsîsatu8 a. 0 )I& Satssa 9a.m sBr IoIBP- A NT . MILATN I Ls 1502 Spars Rad Dakalte, 827-1021 827-1031 S MI T IT