Tihe Canadien Champion, Wednesdey, ,luly 16, 1969 Sugar and Sp.ic e *Tht southeva houtdaty of Milton is kom os Derry Rd. W. 0f couaseit' ise ittomo et 10 Sideeoad hut the Daary Rd. daaigoottoo decs in miti tht contiouation of ste eoad t0 lte titi. The proiteas, howevar, tirs in callmlg tht moud Datry Rd. West. Milton dtaIes oumitea ftoo Beonta St. and froas Mat St. Stras t0 ltae tat of Bronte St. shoold correclly carry lte Eat desigotot. Thal mokas tht road in fronst of Milton District Hospitl, for instance, Dtrry Rood West, East. Sounds a litlt confotitil and il may tel mute lirt may as buildiog develops on ltai sîrtcit of road. Prtsumohbly the original West in tht Darry Road dotignalioo refeet 10 Toronto's Yongo St. or somelhiog, bt by lte tirnt il gels ver tare, ltae mooning is just confusiof. Can't yoo imagine tiviot directons 10 ltae liospitl on Deery Road West, Elast? -Finoily tome profirro may ha mode on ltae construction of Semior Citizent' oparîments. Cartoitiy ltae lomocoancil didolt malle ony lime. The report on lte nead was prcsenedoand 20miootes or s latta lte coonaîil liad approved lte projet. Thte nerd mas irai tees hy ltae Rotaryluit and meashers put aotsiderohie ciriton lte projeal. Witen goveromeol finoociot for te total projeal cameaolong Rolariatt dropped lte proloal. ollomiog soya immadialo action u'ouid foiloas. Coonicîl itositaco presing for theOHC reportland tom lte irsi liîrdic itasheanooercomne. Mind yoo OHC o flot mîtîrodînt in tis promise for an aariy sat on lteproject. Tite repreeenioiioa fave "indicotions" lit ealyilià,, posiia ;ccsid b. lone i proceed quickîy, mhia notig tee basic *e iteen io see ile "dry" Niag.ra and I muaI soy. il's quiicoaîsit. Tute moteriros Americoc Faits are really aomalhing oe itaiold, and heîng dry. lhey aeem 10 moaka lte Lonodion Horseîhoe futia loit ecen muait iîmr and more impressîce. Vîîited lte faill a couple of meaitenda ato, and on 001 way me aîoppod at lte Welland Conalte 1 alei lte hogi laite shlpî go titrougt lthe lochî. We'c a sean tem itefore btut rock diit seema t10 shom us somrlhirng nem obout lte intrîcote sylleas of lochs. Titis lime o 730 foot laher loaded wititcoaimoîscoming domn thtecanal and eveayone in oue party, froas youngaterî 10 geondparenla, stood eetlîralled for an itour malchîing lte îip entcr lte loch, tink to1 lte loaci laete, thili bail amoy. If youre Nioeora-hound, don't misa îeîng tht conal in oporation. We drosa oser and under lte Welland hhcmoy btridge and tha nemî titthe gocernmerirmoîgoingitoae to ripdevin and replacea sction of theafaialy nes, multi-million dollor ahymoy haought o lot of dîagauoîled commnia feom titoîn rîdîng in the car titot day. Tue uitile mae juît carit underîtand big goceromient these daya. eîpacîaily isiien ltey bioîd btridgea ithe that one hknomîng fuit oeil titot mîitie a coupleoof ycais il is goiiigico aetoit dtîttoynd aîîd icitl cý a~csiiiiodateao change in te caunai paogram. Duingcîir Niagara visiw is.ocejced u pianica uthlit park ai Queanîtoa Heigitiî. Oua girl and 100 ltile ciecas vsîîîîg frote Toronto were ansiousto climb uoytroch's Monument for a loit ai tîe suîîcundîcg countrysîde. and m as doinua oy hast oe aprain an anhie or sometuiing. just l gai out of thtelong climh. MY mîfa itas sua oeu faof lioiliîs site PEEKING INTO M ILION'S PAST GRACE ANGLICAN CMURCH weu ariginaiiy titis bulkling. When ltae nem stone citasai wu buiit an tes piretent site. lise aid aise-ai Yves tumad !it a Paruh Hall. teetet On project il tO hava titan compltad tino ynorî feom lte ftnit contoct miit lte mooicipaiily. Milton iîlot doioyint thte action onymay. *Goatottees, lte symitol of u ganorotion, are tom bitotg attacherd 10 eceryltiot, and lte resuit min 1ltae eod ha loin securily ratiter than more. Wa have toaranleod watts, ma're tlkînt aitout guaeatsteed incomes. olready thora ara supplemanlary unemployasont itenefltî to guaranlea income duning layoffs commun in tome indusltet. Strangely enoutt ltera is nomitere a guarontaed profil 10 those mito incesI for ltoe retirement yeors ralther thon dependiot on lte gparooleed oid agt asssance. Il tOOmstel1 me ltera is somelito onits whan ail lte energy of oor aile is direcled lomard tuaranleaint oua ultimata securily. In lthe field of daugs ltera are piiiste1 guaanteo. tin effeci, raonquiity, or nom pop. or ltae ioss of o iteadache. Do I asisraad lte liges ort dosa il ail add up 10 peuce aî ony paîca? * Municîpalîties oie in muait ltae saine postion as lte farea bt lte paroilel hatolt heen dramn cary ciearly. Reaanly foras oteld on whaîher t0 occapî o General Foras Organteolion sînce lthe fam coice il opporanly lou splintered. Peritaps il's lime for munîcipolilies ou consider a General Municipal Organization. Titan lte pratonIly spittered coîca of ltae corialy of oraonîeolîooî migit ha mote maeotînful and cootrîhole 10 effective cotmmsnication mîîhîsenior gocernaenin. The nuaher of coîcel nom is haîl reflecîed in lte carîely cf c'c'vvtren ei, id nfff.ialn are invited t0 attend. calilt go hiofmay op a ais foot sîapladder mîitoul feeling dîoey, bt site itraely voloninrd t0 tahe lte girls op. When me fl to te monument il mat ciosed forthe iiighi anîd rte mîfeseemed quite reliacedoal titis cama. So witre arae egoîngltoput the truchs ltai mont t0 drive ltrougit Milton on Higitwey 25? Thte domnoom people don't mari ristas domnltomn, and lte Ontario St. people don't mont ilîem on titeir sîreel aititer. Councîl itas heen maging o long hoilte îith te Daparîmneni of Higitmays ocr lte idea of reaoutîng theougit traffia aioiig Base Lina and Ontario St., and il appeors a complete nem detour 1acroîs 10 lte Thîrd Lina might ha lte only feaîîhte lut soorer or laIea Mitonîs homos miii ha stretcing casimord t0 lte Tiid Lina, and yîîî con gues mit rthe homehoyers milsac titan. Fourth Lita, anyonr9 Hom about on elesured highmuy up rue east aide of iomn, simîlor t0 lte mail lthe CNR huili for ils eaiimay bty-pass uiong lte meat aida. Vieil Milton could latas ils fama from ltae facl il is lte only malied city in Ontaro ... perliapa in Canada. Some faume? Tua Ciiaiipioiiî "Safeiy Conteer" lias iteen inactive in recent montits, and ltera's o good reoson. People stopper! complainint rabout 4 ttgeroiis corners, itiddan intersections antd otaer proitlems in and oround Milton. Tht staff itus iteeo haeping i ta eyes open for local liazad buthasn't turne dany op in raceni maths. Goî anyîideas? We'dibteglad toar fros ratepoyers mini paoitemîconcenilg safety. Wr î.ouId fiii tue coiumii silli hits on îafety fros the Miltori Police, OFF.., Ontario Safeiy League or Hamilton Autoasoiie Clubt safery division, btut ltai's n0t ltae point of ltae coiumn. "Safeîy Coanar" mania 10 deot mîith LOCAL proitiems. Recet lssuel of lTae Champion hase had some excellent lattera 10 rte edîtor. Tiîay are cor 010ally professionatiy maîtten bt thay are ganoîne ond ltaIs ait ltai counts miten lte mrier laites pan in itund te offer Fraise or ariticisas on local issues. But in a romn of naariy 7,000 residents, suraly thora îî more ltaI people aoutd mille aitout in a ltrer to te edîror. lTae Champion îitouid ha aonmng a page of local lattera eoch matit, bt lte average is abousone and aitulf per issoe todatin 196t9. Whar is meong? Is esarything rigt in Milton? Doas no-one do anythiog morlth a fem moedî of Fraise? Do you itelieca al] lte stalamants ltae poiiticiaoî moka? Dots onyore caca abotoo lte implications of Miitoiias ofdi.ial plan' Oîd coitody casa ennugis aboto lte lte Lorneitkuceloe ort fem lînes and ecito Thte Champion's proise for a asan mito serced odlucoîlon for haîf adoenlory? Wtstro mare thettIbs froas the hundiedu of people mito mere thotktd mitan Imo Young non ttIheir huaes in e Dominsicol Day accident? Witat's se scaay abaut mniting o lettîr 10 ha puhlishred os a nemspapar? LattaIs 10 the îdiloî moy ha pshliahed mith a pais-neulse, but The Chasmpions musl tnom the mallei's identily. Casse os Man, mitavae those lellea? Anlagonista in Soulth Hallon moatd houe ns iteliece ltey ara hiching in lte higgant portion oC ltae fonds and aaceicing lthe amoiteal sitore oC lte henefila fromt lte ps-ogs-ums of lthe Hotton Region Conseruation Autitorily. Titeir as-y is lthaI ail ltai- money il heing spant on progama 10 heip lte Northt Huston LosI meekahn edilos-iol ms-Ies- fs-oas lte soolth cootinued lte gromiof smeos- campuign in ant ed itoriai taI contoincd mos- hatf-tralths and lies thon fuels. "The south pas-t of Hutton is mites-e lina people aae, and il la ltae main sons-at 0of in ir Ce or counoy conses-aulinnists. Yet mitan il colites bo reas-cotion and celliselsa houl dacas Southt Hutton stands oegteclad," mas lthe laimt. Il's flot soi. Tht Halton Ragion Conservcation Auttos-ity itos ayant mos-e înoney in Oahcilte and Bl-ioglon 10, dole 1h00 il ios in lte alter secen îîîuîîiciputities mitti memitership la lthe authos-ily. Tht Anthos-ity itou pIonned os- s mos-hing on alose 10 smo docen mos-e ps-ojaats fos- ltae Oahuite-Bus-iingtoo as-a, Natult-oty ait lte projecla inolciog s-acreution us-eus und ftood cont-ol projeat cons ite aompltead in ont yeos-. Psios-îties houe detes-minad mitici coma firsl, and il is trot lte Aulîos-ily itus cosopleted sacerul of ils pursales und flood pluns in ltae Milton, Numuagamapa, Esqnesing and East Fomitos-ougit us-eus. Bol ltey mes-e needed fis-st. Tht sontit hua nos heen oagleated-ils needs are juI nom coming 10 ltae loy of tae ps-ios-ily liaI. For titose mito hust theia smars canopuignu on emotionolisas instad of fats, ma'd lite 10 oulline u feas of lthe fadas. Titese fuels, incidaotuiiy, con ha oitoined ity unyone lnao 10 minuta convaersation asitit H.R.C.A. rsaus-cas manager Doue Murray ut ltae local office. Tht fuels ara: A Altiougit ps-jcas ite Kalso, Hilton Faits and Scotch Black duams os-a locoled in ltae nos-lt part of lte H.R.C.A. mottssid, thay do serve nasly ail ltae people of ltae Hulton Ragbot. Witila recretion actas lite Kaiso and Ruttiesnuhe Point Pus-h report a ces-y amati attendooca fs-cm lte mumacipaliiy in miticit ltay ara locaîrd (Nassagayo Township and nos-lt Bus-lington), sus-vays of viîitos hava shoman ltae huit of tae swimme-s and piceslckars hava coma frecm tae huiltup as-tas lilca Burlinglon and Qakvlle. Witii suait dame do protact ltae headwatars of tis asteacos, titay aso affectively comis-ol tisa downst-aam flow cf tae eriots, preventhag ficclin and euinis a staady aunmer flow. B -LuaIst Wat llk t he Mc rr son-Wa dgamwciod Creait diversion chantai mos opened ut Qaheilte, o $2,500,000 projact ltaI itelpa proleat , lte cos-e area of Ouhviiia south cf ltae Qoran Elizaitetht Higitmap fs-cm floodint loch os ltaI tupas-enctd 10 Hus-ricune Hazel. Titose mito dlas lthe sout i l "aeglectad" moy ha shoched 10 eus-n lthe ont ps-ojact, ltae divesion citoonel, cat upps-ouimutely $300,000 mos-a thon ai ltae s-ast of lte H.R.C.A. ps-ojacts; compiatad 10 doae-nd that totl gs-oup of projecîn inciaiad others 10 OakciIle miticit us-c of direct banaCst t0 ltaI tomo. C Tilt Autiîneity itos donc as-osion cools-ol and estahtislied a picolca useu and traits ut lthe Sixttan Valley Pus- hmiicit lies jaît soutit of Omagit. Has-a's unotte- prsoject in Ouhuilla miticit ltae dilo-ll ms-Ies uimays setemt10 fos-gal. D-Tht Autitority hon acqurd lthe Fos-este- Flots in Oukuilta, and in planning improvemtents. E-Citunnai imps-ovamentî os-a itaint consjde-d jn ltae Bs-cala Has-ior os-eu, miticit is in Oakvilla. F-Anothe- project in Oukuilla cooces-ol citannel imps-ovtmrntn uiong Randali St. GSauts-ai as-as of Deausment of Higitwoys tonds houe itee acqulrtd in ltae village of Brsonte, fos- future imys-ovemants. H-Tht Authos-ity tas acqui-ad a place of to nd on lte Buslinglon-Oatcilla tomo tint norIls of lte Quten Elizabth Higitmuy for sts-aam imps-ovamailtî. I An enginerasing îtudy is undas-may concarnint acquisition of flood plain lands along thea Tmalva Miles-taein 10akville, J-A flood plain projacl il plunned itlean ltae Oakuilae Habo- and ltae Qutan Elizatht Hitlsmoy along the Simten. K-Aathity mrmhas-s osre prsasntiy consids-bng acquisition of 100 acrs-e on ltae Tasalu Mila Cs-ee nos-lt of ltae Qotan Elizabth Highmuy. L-Taso dams mas-a plannad on lthe Foos-teen Mlle Caeit in Oukuilla, nos-lt cf lte Qoten Elizabth, btut ltae Town of Oatcitia thas peos- dafts-sed lthe ps-ojacls fos- tact cf funds. M-Stadias cf tise complat citannel on ltae Fous-toto itlon te Qutan Elizahbeth and Lakea Ontario hava just bato ccmpletad. N-H.R.C.A. itou s-aenlly turned casas a 70 acre pice cf bond Il cos soutit cf Hlgbsway 5 on ltae Sixten, ICusllssd aM Paget Bi> TAKE TIllE TO GIVE THANKS Theaa'a quita a itaclahtitste days faomt ltae middle-cles aegaittat ptactically avaaytiit: malfae, satesldtes, inflation, Itas, andi aoytititgahe taI itt mitete il hits. Tite squomkaou, atd I joit itm oncein a mitila, foal lthaI titara la a cotspitacy amotg ltae govaromnt, lte poor. ltae fermera, the tkilltd tradatsaen and almoat avaryooaauxcopt tht miàddle-class t0 galtd the litter euceedirgly smaeil. lasi aitoot as middla-class as titay coma. Middle att, tmiddla locoasa, moriggea, kdt te aducata. And like ail ltae otitea asddlas 1 pay far t00 mocin toas. THE VOUNGER StT il heoivu o cool smmer, spoudlino mosl of teir aflertoons et lte nommunily swimminu pool in Rotery Park. Tht pool has heen entremolo hoso since il opene i n midJunt and on Salurdey aseleomeli tisa 5,Oggtit visiter of tise utosot. Lessons heap lte staff husy tonit mernios, mils open sasimmina pariads tarit eftorvoon and evenite-(Staff Pito) lt touad a yena? He's Solng t0 pay pletty of il in taxes. How cao lthe gorvatoaseot cotat Inflation whist lthe paoprla demotd more and moto and mare, mil ta tht seaiasdîn avaryhody la tryis to ges hm atout loto, the Irougit. Wity sitoaldnt Indiana gI helpi s0 ltat they t lift themaelves val of tht dalgradalion and aqualot ltaI has hen foavadl on them? Pttotealed ity pouerty and loch of education. they aititer dling te ltae commutai ]lie of tae raierue, or venture loto tht moald, gel e putnch of discarimination rigit et tht nase, and escape t0 drink. (LoIs of theas do oo the tasarve, toe, but mit thisl there to de? Wae baskets?) But once in a mitile, i taka stockt and, Tîsaies anolthea gaoup stest 1 feel foi, a daspila lthe trindint. find ptanîy 10 ho large elle. These aae sthe aldaaly mnd tha tanhfol for. disahled. Suas, lhey gel a penaion. Tiy living on it.you asiddlt-cleus cay-babies. TItis meoit, 1 mal a lady ito is livuing on welfare. lier hushand, frein mît site la sepaoatad, contaihutes nothint. Site haî six kd te1 feed and cloltoe. Tlîere is ne cor, no troats. no foîlîs, no little outras. Eveap monlth site is almont franîic mitit moary tring t0 moide otsl, just hefore ier cheque arriues. If lthe oldea chlîdran cen't gel sommer jobts, îhey cant go hock t0 higts scitotl, heause titey mont have any clotes. Ont boy lias h att repreaodad hy itis principol for meating jeans te scitool. Thepire lte onlp petts ho heus, and Ihopa cleot. The total inenase of titis family is tain titan any middla.closn poople a in1 incoase tus Tise lady k no "ait. Fret if site could go t0 mort, il asould astan deducîtons froas itr melfate chaque. She's slrugglitg dîsporataly, but chaorfolly, t0 kaep iter faasily togethar and gmte theas an edlucolion. And sites doing il, btut waliig ltae titin trdge of real ponealy. Why sitouldn't ltae miete former ho noitsidimed? Many of oua faîtea industries are, titroogli ioriffs ond speciai ton dealî. Tht former morts harder and longer for loin monay titan anyhody in lte country. Why thouldot a îkîlied worker moita Happiesl of thesle eue the hoa item, who'vi alweya lived in a ahacit, noyer plaid taxes, losualce, and seldoas tant. Titipie in clouai, proporlionottly. But they'ie Pour. Peihaps lthe sadidest portion of lthe geoup la lthe eldealy couplas mite moîked hard, tevar asked assyoe foi anythssg and saced for thalo old age. Thay inay have a sasali pension fros lthe jobt, or eues soine And nom, raady t0 apaod e fem golden Yeats, their pansions otd btonds are halved in value, titeir livint os tripied . Titey cansI pop the louis and hae to slI ltae homo lttîn ve etd for mnd asne loto a coupla of moinss. Tht îemaîd for 30-40 yeors (if itonesl loil. lits etough te1 mokac ont jon lthe hippies. it's a greal country. But naut die You stoal mitinina hecause pou coolt quise afford a second cor, thinit of lte fermer mitose miteat can't ho sold. lthe plumboî mito citant pour îtinhisg drains, lthe Indien mito fougitt io lthe mur and can't totoa jobt, lthe doughty waorant httlitg for lier faasily, or tlit 111e old lady litting aiont le afurnisited mores, living on hîead and las untîl hea cheque coas. 20 years ago 100 years ago Takan fromt lte issue of The Canadian Chamspion,iJuIy 14, 1949. Ovr 200 shattîs are aîsotted ini the fîgure sholîng course et Milon Arena, sponsoaod hy lthe Granite Cluit of Toronto. Staatr coma faon ail ports of Canada and lthe U.S. Attificial ico mes înstlied in lthe arena lot pear and lthe classes ara provîng o greal booon te the toaso from lthe slandpoînt of advarîîseasanî and incraed business. Thea childeen ationding are staping in paîcote homes. Il jOsi tOtt 10 proce wat o great adountageaon îp-lo-date sitating rinit isbtea loao. HalIon's iird population mas incaoasad lait asoi hy 250. la 1t crats, 250 b0'asiek'otd tngtith ringooeckod piteasants oerivad hy train for distribution in tsqoesing, Ttafalgar and Nelson towsthips. Unlil ihep are abltto1 ford ltonmsaives tae Young piteasants mut ha tapI in ouldoor pans in theo Bronta district. Wardnn Dudley Hiltcou mut hase ait lthe hirds taggod belone tht itotnlig soason opens ir Octohar. 50 years agio, Takîn faon lthe issue of The Canedian Champion, iuty 17, 1919. Neut Sunday Oive stainad glass windows, foaasing a comitined aseaorilte 10lte aigit nenhars of rthe congrogation io mede the suprome sacrifice in tht Grat War, mi ha anseited in lthe asoening service as tht Moltodisi Chuacit. A feas days agole a dog bit Ma. and Mr. t. B. Greitains uitile daugitt, natid sasan, oo Main St reet neer Bock and Moabep's Store. Her clottool tapI the leeth feoin ponetraling, btut tiee fleth mos itruisad. Site did nt koow witma dog; bitl ier, but iter parents and those of othît citildaen ohject t0 viclous dogs runing aI large, particubîrtp on dithe lte dog days. Tht Oakviito Star says tlie Toaonlm-Hamilton Higitaay Commission itas oppiad to have Oahsille Bridge, 00w undos rapaîrs, ade o meunty braidge, lte county counictt haubng rofused 10 pa foi mort an ils appooaches on a fifty-fifty barils. Tise counicil did notehbjecl t0 paying for mort on the briidge itseif, but tlasnod that Onavito thoald puy foi any muait donc on the reedmey, mii a ione of Oakvlle'a Stictsl. Tise comlty allait has bien notifîod hy Ma. Goodiohans, Clsalonan of the HiaJway Consmision that appliction mtll ha mode le the Board for perissiaon te omact a nom bridge mnd allecaste the anal. The notice asy aollslag about s coutily bridge. Taitan fros lte issue of Titi Canadian Chamspion, Mlot, Julp 16, 1869. Tht morolte b0h leaaned hy lthe people of iltontt froîn tlîe taso narroas escapes faon, liee tant meat, is thal a fiat compaop should ha aI once organimed and dailted ln lthe moring of ltae tre angina, itooha and iadders, etc. Veîy ltlle oupanse moaid pot lthe angine and apparatos on complat reair, and lthe aunhoritias sitoutd soi lthai il is dont wititoul detay. If ltae liee in aither of lthe cases hald galntd mucit itaadao lthe sonuaquascos moaid houe haro nosi colasltoas, and mie canot abmays hopo t0 ba so fortanale. A gentleman faoin lte couîntry caibedl et oua sancloin yoslerday mnd lefI os a big ender. Ho sîaîad ltaI iis mife had o Roman Catitoiic Bitte on Frescht, but ltoat as ie coutd nt aoad that banguage, hie mlsited us t0 translate il loto Enili mnd palot haine sapy. Wr inlimoled lthaI me maie not se mach un lthe Bihble btusiness as ast used t0 bc. Foiiomîog aflar ltae Yankee Gouerninent, lthe Dominion Govaremnî hava coasmenmdr t0 intt la ral Isiale. Titeit finit tenture mas in CHANTRY ISLAND. As îtep mode a poor hargolo of il, paooby titey SHANT TRY any more inbands. Rîmard of SI120 mli ha pold tompnone mito mili giva suchitnlformation s mitl ead t0 lthe conviction of the poison or portos asho on Wedoesdoy, tht 7th dtp of Iuly insi., pbucad a purcal of phosphorts amongsl lte mood undor oua stores. tls ovidoent tirat mach phosphtors ms put thera wsth a mabiclous lolent. P. M. McKay, W. F. Wilboai. CANADIAN CHAMPION Dmut sascN1 ANDac F1erM o ' iei. Or91 M-,O ott ast P.l - ol 78-2341o 500t 5 t dis onrt" n aîs y Pin.58 OiAsmmîemsezu.. .* .é So-. a"ans cw .sWhe.. ni;7. W wk;3000 a m&W *mamCa M Pee' A Pl lowealtv lte hay Ail of a wao ahi bottlle say ha s Il wl hava a mîith ail itas toi it il différer ltae 82 Assagie 2,662 h follomît hards: Savaa I titg 13,044 22nd No. 5, mal, 5: 341h, No. 1, milt, 4< 44tit, lita. mli 461h. 1, 19 522 ita. 53rd. No. 2, milk, 51 Tht Associa as îaui Lai ref pastad George Dout E< District Pîatî tecrttar potîcol Nieumia in Oaki Port *Tht laitor-fr extant would woald 1 *Na disputa just fi ae a lta msl t No fate col in Oaa p detigneg to rsti ltae Rot * Frt heas pro in Ota *Pie World 1 il shot at-flaci consita a rosît lriad 1< * Ri, itad btec prescait * Ai sitould and ca thita ou tN F Don[]in this Corner fJ~ Don [s]wih s-oy downsj I Çeavith /e imutk, top...