Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 5

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Si"x O.S.D. students'entering World Olympics for Deaf _ 1~ ord Lae Daweson rofad in Theie otodinr rd th. xtendod plays in hu tira >tmites' r ptayed h tither r s the nu garne lune 29 Lomnifl ns 8:t5 trouhle. BiItp ia used t reptlation pote hut has aduptior hiesmîlf ta usi fihetus pote in the month the gisser pote ri ruter an added lift un. expecting te, ti rutee Ameticansctuoots cspahle foot rautts in tht 0l Bmlp ha recnired a loI n in kit qust for an 0l esedul. Prof. Alec Peppre physicutl education sth Unirersity of Guelph hai ont inmseay, s ha Dr.i of Unirersty seho beaii Guelpht Logion teuck clini By Roy Damna Six young alodeata fenes Ontario Sctsool for tht Deaf, i Milton ara hoding fon Yuooavia this somrmer, tc0 pnrticipnitn in the World Otympics for the Deaf. Tht otpmpics are hting hetd se Belgrade fenes August 9 la 16 onder the sponsoeahip af tht International Committen of Sulent Sports and tItis mdll ho only tht second time in tht Olympics' 12 yoes of sports ets that Canada ha snn an entry. Thetlrip ha tht dreuse o a lifetimne for tht sentet of 0.5.D. seniors seko qutified opainas stiCf coespetitipon for a place on Conada's Olyespic tnnm. The Canadian contingent includse jus' oVr 30 officiais, chuporons and rtidâtes, ond O.S.D. Milton ha proud la, hoave suc h o large sirare in the effort. Schoot officiais are pinoing their major hopos on smo of the loacaontinget, Greg Crockfotd and Bdlly Whytt. White ail six slsdents stand a Bond chance of copping os Olymspic medul in the paresa Crockford and Wkyte are otslandlsg athietes in their chanen fields, and are bing coooted on for top sarca performsances. Crockfard, 18, is originutty from Sarsia hut kit patents nom lire in Port McMsrray in Alherta. Ht ir a huat nîkte andi aflor jst thre peurs of throsrinB the iscos kie ces hoasi aI 143 fret distance. Ht hus heen ern tter ig shot putt erents for tht pot Case years und cent toua thr 12 poond shot a distunce otf 47 feel. He'I enter hotk discua and strot pots eresîs in lte Olympios. Whyteuspociatiees sn the pote rasît hst mitI alto ester tht kirk jump and 200 mette race ut tht Otympics. Sitly lires ut h0 Duhlin St. N., Guelph, and is 18 peurs aid. H e seer trird pote rooling until tort April hut cauglir uts qoickty and cati do Il fet six inches mithoot muck A7, WATCH TIIAT HANO, BILLY-Asr oatstanding pote vauter, Bitir Whyteof n .5.D. shows noar.partnct toure as his tibrontas pole lifts hise up andi neer thre 101/ir foot har. Billy i restered In thre pote oasis, kigk orna andi 200 moires race in the Wortd Otympics tor thre Deat in Yugoslavia. and ho is one ot ris 0.S.D. stsdovts porticipois.-lStaff Photo) The Black Horse 122 MacOorsel St GUE LPH China *Glu - Pnmitue European ail paintinga Teoaphoe: 824-7780 ITALIAN CANADIAN CLUB OF MILTON SUMMER DANCE SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1969 8 t 12 p.m. CANADIAN LEGION HALL Riviera Combo Orchestra BUFT LUNCH SERVUD Par Tickets Contact: Ross Cescon, Frank Pedlula, B. A. (Gabriel) Bortin, Wm. Serabtsst, Sergio Zoppas, Vana aa-r, Veto Coreadettt, Luiga Del Beilo, Preri Bonis, Sqonak (Gudel Rigo, Tot (Lindo) Zanatta VUYONI WIILCOMI o the professors lossed Biliy somte hees truining nquipment and mo n conrisced him ta tep tht paI f0hrrglas paie. ires a His main irelp ta date hua ir e's camne frose tht Miltos scirool's sfrose physicul educatios instrOctort of 12 Lindsay Mate und Craig Sassies. pespis Thep msrk h im for torts on tari ta irrip hies perfect iris f iretp style. Eren tire scirools' eiosed ympic circuit TV camera iras hemn of tht estisird, tahmor pietores of iris if ai nauts se ire con lter pick oat hniped kit Cashts on tire TV screeo Pomeil» repiup. ap lire Tht phys. tri, coches irave c. Tht alto kees ks mitk tire otirer uthîrtes. Mor anri Sarnes irave spent mssy after-scirool kours tncosragir tirese, mecasurror tireir jumps anri shot, anri tê iming thirrr rsnning. \ Osty girl ireadrsg Ceose, Milton ,ýe ta Ysgoslia s Lira Russell, 14, of Brampton. Sires hemn ranninn about tirren yrars andrisr entering tire 100 and 800 'neetres races, tire 80 settes hardies uari tire gigls' setay race in Belgrade. Linrasan ariri sports fan avri miren sire tsnt runnrvg, sires smimseisg in tht scirool pool. Whes lire Haiton anri Peel Parents' Association for tire Hearing Hardicapperi sprrnsored a maahion anri seseatiro to tase furtrs Ii ireli enri tire rirai i tiri.tes vrerseas, Lirda diri ir pat Sh outee frte 72lp scinoth i se cople tiedsancehniy j nd Oased $184 hOSDhh spse ors 400 s 00me riesad h f!c as orir doot rrtoint furg ice ut in 54 seconds, tire 000 in o diseus seinutes ergirt secondrs. nrs ut TIre eter ses 0.0.D. stodents (Staff patrerpatiro lir tre Ysgoslacra trip arr s pair of oststsnding rottephail piapers miro sorti join tire Canudran rollrykull restoi Ose ru Brion Dyseonri, 19, of Viveseount anri tire otirer ru Wai Ming Orto, 19, of Sr. Cathirneos. Dennis Sardes. a teacirer at 0.0.D., eili coacir tire sollephal tram on tire trip. Mst oi tire Sptapees use adoîts fesse uroonri Ontario anri rmo of tireme came frose Querec. Tire Fedrtron of Oient Sports te Canaris ruin charge of ratîrng an eutrseated $100,000 ou fitnancr tire Caradran delegattoo's trip oversua. Tire Halton and Peel Parents' Assooiation hori a irr, part to W play in tire Csvd-tasinf uctirtre s_ tireir w a lirtito irotuderi 400 yvoug sealiers frose Actoo anri Milton anri tire swarsestion rrrnolsod 18 0.0 . students of ail ufes. Tire rurseri an eutrsested $8,000 feose tire MtKE SMITH AND LtNOA RUSSELL, iroth top suners, are ireadint tos tire Wosld Olymptes of tire Oral vn Vorostuls ibis useer. Mik itonternr inthe 400nd800emais raes ardi possihîr thre 1,600 mee rselay, whiite Lindris psricipsrrr te tire 100 and 800 moires races, tire 80 moires rurites and tirsgirls' reaau.-lOrabt Piratai Imo evets S5,500 rose tire walir and $2,500 fesse tire srse. Some vr tire trip Morley serti cone frose, tire Fedrirel Gorernsent'u pitysicai frtness counocil. Ornerai oefanizattons, irusiness firss andrinrdrerruis irave mode donations to brelpi sctd Caiiada's t.att. Tire deuf vipseprus are irnir eery four pears, utseting in 1926r. Tire rrrry otr ln Canada sosetei wsea foinr ys.rtu sf0 aier tire farces meres tagori on Washirngfon. Mots titan 1,200 deuf arirletru froe tir cootttrter se it see pariae this yoar. S 0.0.D. Bellecville utridents also marie tire Caorrtt teant. A foew orirer dcaf adoirs frorrr Ontario are inelsded sn tirs Canadrar contingent. Fast track, good action At Plaseioro O peedmay tire sertit lits irrotirers. Jtttt Planttin Milton toiriry cars agatn ran ose 53 pserirut rin tir seucond urtrootir anri faut to taire tirce race. Eani McCoy rn car 8 was se eroieciered flagu. Tire sfsro featsre servner. Waynes ssphi raoirmas eutreseely fst Hosedettcar 3l7 wsuforrrtlin tire anri slrppery. Tire f ans nasorvie feature wite MoCoy rlaced real Oori spin ous, and for fourtin t tire tird tesat. saine driners tire fene came setirty close. Scsoneil, vue lare meode] M driver, tare cotrin't ge te trfer MEV O IG unarird sp in isttutot sntrl tire NON ses-finuis mirer lire rovir tire AN U CE cererd flsg; front tire starter. "Tire Cirief" sari snoier drirer Fa.. Pick-up & Delineap lir gor tryoveri or nsseier tiree MOtoa Auto Casm een fanes corner anri Hvmre mus puslred srdesesys ro tire utartief mre. At ESSD irrs tree anri place mie nas e veSI of tire irest dunen perforser AUTO ELECTRIC sertt1 Itosee in tire leari. If yov siroviriget spsneemvrnrnf tv o0scvtuo finit fout prrnt on tire brond of yvsr car don't iriase tire Bpetblate hi nergibrivs' idu, covri ire tire Tsaaaue.a and Caruration niger feose 99's tank. To reeeve Pluls tire airone peints get in toclr AU l aneraI Repaian sertir driver 13, ire sirvaîr irans rire praiu reseveri frve iris Phoase irori iry OStsrdsp evnvnf. Lylo Titring vn car 48 pîsceri 8449641 second in tire firtt ireat. Lyle or Eveasagap 878-2996 note is tryinf andtril seui bov irup The Canadien Champion, Weinr No drafte.s from Merchamts No players rase rire Milton selected hy Junior A clubs. Mercirants Je. C. Hockey clair Juvr Kodrasos, seho playeri for werv prirker sp hy O.HA. clairs Georgetowen last year andi intihe rtiget prvritydtrait tort arrng tire 76 otiget players Bantoms dlown Action B 20-6 Milton S Barrtases trorrvced Acton B Savtiro 20-h on a regrrlar June 19 fumne at Rotarty Park. WarrenrMoLerd andtsark Grevkelsred snourd dutier for Milton wrtl MeLerd tri rkrrrg out erglrt, rnalkrrrg wtt and birerghrt oiy titre lirtes wle (2reske strrrek ouitfoot. allorwed js dure orlkr anrd oas lot s Lordirg tirs itons sisggers adoourle lolloweri by (.,ro", iro srngles, rlek,od wati to rsirgls arndra douirle. Coreoi Prororal,, Rroo arnd MrtCrrrr sortir t sirrgles caclr andr t rers.ry arsd Filyri orirl Tirs sert liortre g.rtre for tre orti w irs rgrrrrt rire Geretownr 0,ratn.1 Juve 25 ar 8:r0tp.rr inc RotarytPark. esday, June 25, 1969 f attends Milton District Higr School, was pickeri hy Kitchener. -Use Champion clastufieds for practicatty ail yosr needs. @kkk MILTON mMOVIE SERVICE AËP COMPLETE RENTALS on 16mm Sound or 8mm Home Movie Equipuent ROSE'S VARIETY - 878-4695 Brownie's SpOrI Shop BAUER BASEBALL SPIKES Rogular 13.95 - NOW 9.98 Regular 10.95 - NOW 7.98 198 MAIN ST. 878-4602j S tlerm deposits onl2 YR.S. MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION OUR 20% OFF AIL MERCHANDISE SAiE EXCEPT TOBACCO AND PRESCRIPTIONS Continues until SAT. 28/69 ON HEALTH & CASI4BEAUTY O_______ UR LOW PRICE TON SAVE REGULAR tOR MINT FLAVOUR SCOPE $1.19 50c HEAD & SHOULDERIS 1l.29 50C FAMILY SIZES SECRET 79c 26C YOUR CASH SAVINGS TOTAL 1.62 pLUS A CASH REFUNO of $2.00 2.00 WHEN YOU MAIL IN LABELS PROM THE ______ ABOVE BRANDO TO PROCTER & GAMBLE r -1N TOTAL YO U CAN SAÂVE 3.62 E LS L EY PHARMACY 212 MAIN ST. 878-4492 MILTON GREG CROCKPORDglar bar anme trot patt prat 0.S.D. Hots otterisa tire thrses andi sirot part ea tire Wortd Otymples.- Phroto) -I 459-53398 CI-URCH STREET EAST BRAMPTON BRAMPTON, OAK VIL LEONAI 364-7491 TORONTO SHERIDAN COLLEGE 01 Applied Arts and IechnologY in co-operation with local industry CO-OPERATIVE PROGRAMS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS: * Chemical Technology * Electrical/Electronic Technology " Mechanical /Production Technology * Computer Science Iechnology These programmes combrrre academic trainirrg en the Coltogo withir esirircal erperience in co-operating indastries. STARTING DATES JULY 1, 1969 September 15, 19 POR DETAILS. APPLY, THE REGISTRAR, SHERIDAN COLLEGE

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