Gmdeos6 47, ,8 !@mhr Middle school The establishrnt of rniddle soola mas reecarneded lu Ha/te o Coueîy Board of Educaluen Thuesday wben rnembersereceieed the 28-page ereport ut the Middle Sohool Cuancil on the rubjeel sugpestieg Ihal grades glu, reen and eighr be included le the prograrn. A p/luI projeot ie an rcanI une sele,) mur recommeeded by Septemller 1, 1970 but Trustee Johe Noble mur bold Ml/ton's Marrie St. Senior Public Scitool wou/d nul be ured usta pi/or project, te respuere to a question ru the Couecil ebairman. Recrut borer changer have rerulîrd le grade r/x puptîr being dîeected te the Marrie St. Senior Public Sohool le Septembr 1969. Chaiemun uf the progrumt council, R. S. Campbell to/d Trustee Noble Ibere had n0t yet b een enough rrudy on the Middle Scbul progeamt to implemeet il on Septembr. He nugperîrd thersuccensful aspectn of the sen ior public rohool would conrinue toe crrîed oui ai Martin St. Ratroea/r for lthe middle sehool progront iec/uded the tact che/dree are maturing farter. grade ris stodente are more compart/be with grade etght rtodrute and g rade roven studett uth grade nie, a thre year periud muuld furler belter staff anderlaediug ut pupil rîreugîbu and meahenes, and ielroduction uf rotary progeume mou/d be graduai ruther rbae abrupt. T rustee Ltberty Prune questîoeed membeer of the Middle Sobool Couecîl ou mbat Iheir standards of succers wou/d be and hom the roccoe would be eea/uured. Chireman Campbell ruggetdibis cou/dhbe elask ut the Enaluiit Cooncil lu miiaal/d assessment on the progeumn. He empbasezed the middle school programm as o ignorieg the cote sohiecis aed boped rhey mou/d ho en/runced. "Wr muer che/drents inerests trobc further aroused a/oegmîib suffrteerd guidance te make mite chr 0cms". Trustre John Ronsoe ohnerved thensuccets of a programtcou/d necer by fol/y ovc/oated sertil the stadentr bad graduatrd from grade 13. He nougbt an opinion oe hou bue srenior pub/te ne/rouI program liras affeced pupe/s roachinp the /ergb te/toc/t David Katzesggested et mas tery deffeculi to deffereottate hoimoec begît nehool stodoni front a tenior pub/i c tecel and a full pub/ic echecol. ../s tbereuadanger yocme//lbe peckerg up tomne mito haeettot T ho Conadian Champion, Wednescday, June 25, 1969 program for Halton yet reached the level of mararity n'ieailty the more Ctîaiemoo Armitagestessed the to allow them lu movelon enior important tl s oe provede importance in new programi rit public rebool? Will ltey be guidance to keep rtre student evatlottru -We deetl cent t forced", Board Citairman F. from chitong badly. tryoooerytheog ccclly relly. toe Armiîage questioned. lit approving receipi of tho most bc scune goide te isr The Council Citaiemant report for furthor study, ourrictionrc ore ct. emphasized the grade six_____ students would flot be cast toto 0pcmlmî m the mtddle nehoot program. Sp cuttiing in -They willi dentify principalty harI witit one teacher te their own h i utn elarrroom. They cold have tmntmng anot/rer teoeher for phyrîcal g edoucation. rttusîc or art. Iltmud la hn 1'I- bo a very graduai change." be c g Qoueertiorond on the oper and J concept and conrtinuo s proprams oprrattnp in tome cold wave scîtools and their socess Mr. permns l e -* Campbtell soggesred theop0e0 concept, te hoe dene/optett cf dui the chrld. lion henefits telicit far yfie I ouruegr what rthe ocgu/at p A A../ a te/rool can do.k Dîrectoti. Singleton caotionod MAIR S1LIISTS ' - , titat thero are dinadxoeerages, MILTON PLAZA 878-2501 toeer>I docin't fit a/I OPEN THURS & FRI. 'nîîl P.M. citdron aird tire emore illouae thoroc isfot tro devetopmert cf Milton Hydro Combined billing ta start August 1 M/ltue Hydre ber taken oner une h/o ave lter met ors read tbe readiug uf mater melerrîin doeîng tIre day. tbe Tuwn 0f Mil/tue as of Jueie Some leomeomnere l me/eIv 23 and wili nom be respour/ble thir firrt murer hi/I on Augusi I fer eead/ug butb the bydro and and ibis mlI cever their birrr mater melers for tbe rume aed reoeth rtf muter coosumpteerr. ua cumbrieig the biIlieg for Titis hi/I mlI a/so coner tbe bolb serrices. repu/ar htydro bill and miSl be Meterneadier Neil DeGrauf hm sent out te homes sourit of Mute amsumed tbe dulies of eeadîeg St., ment of Commercial Si., and boîb hydro aed muler melers. on Commercial Street. Accurd/ug tu te commission, A/I ailter homos mi e/cIv tbe me len reuder mlI be nîniteep thiter fient combieed hti en borner during te day and mîlI Septemiter I aed the bt//s mîlI corne lu borner up unlîl 9.00 tlreebcetreular/y enery tmo prn. for homeomneer mita are months Swm on nd playc Full summer programi at pool, playgrounds Recreal/or director Trevor Houstoan aod p/aygrooad superviser Paul Fonler bave aeeouucedi tbey are ready for a full serrumer rearon of actînîtins ai lte îmiuniug pool, Rotary Punit and arvarions puygroonds iu lte loue. Me. Haurluers pool staff for lte smmer includer Jolie Seaner, Therosa Meneur., Sue Pearce. Dmigit Odeebacit. Boit Collins, Boit Martio. Geoff Waoland. Deitiie Simitht, Aune RaitI, R/ch Bock and Kecîn Fmenepun. T/ere Peuple mdll ho luoking afier a/I pool actîivilîns /uclud/ep rue/up lthe bsildiep, Discuss exercise Ha/Ion Mual Aid birnbphtr field îteîr repu/ar meting i l Bu'lieptan las( meek. T/te eene/g mur maie/y Ipeal te d/rcassing lte preetour mon/rn mutal aid exorc ise ai stremarttown. lifeguard mort and swmmmg instructioe. Full rintructlion for non-smimmeon teseperts bar bee eteap and Me. Houston reports oner H0 have stgued up already. Paid Foelr hans hie ariff/ecorl up for bot/i t/te day campe and somimer p/uyprounds. Gail Ecvans le i charge of t/te day camp proproni mile Lu Anee Lynde aed Sosan Rîdde// meI terve as Threeoscboo/yards hate heoen oitaened for une us p/aygroends and t/tepy are: J. hI. Deyos no/rool mth Mur/ta Raidie. Bot Wittoen aod Judy Ridde// cii staff; Bruce Street mil/e tige Jenen and Ho//y Sliesot arc staff; W. 1. Deet uit/i Lyreda Bt/anti. Mat/oie Reinhardt aird Lyene Franre titere. Day caer p aird tire ptuyprouedv meI ho opene Jo/y 2 aredreany actveeies/hace beee arraned hy tire staff for t/to c/et/droit. Doos an automatic stick shift make if more attractive? Our optionel aulomat/c st/ck rit dosel hune a clulcit pedol. Juta si/ck you doult rh/ft mucit. Drive 1 driver you ail over lown. Drive 2 drives you up and dowu ltre hlghWay. Stop by ànd shift for yourself. Plais Motors *I 88 Ontarlo St. N., ilte 878-2962 Annual gardien part>' is 'unqualified success Ho/y Ronary iltorc eleiod tes aeeua/ Gcardeni Par/h cir Itoe c/turce preeeceds Satcrday ced t/te day mats are ctiqoaefed noccrors. A esereival mas /eeid durerîg t/ce afiereorn uitl pooy eides, a fît/c pord, garest tif OBLIVIOUS TO ALL the ucterety uninu on aroocd tee. oee-year-otd LortSmithtis bust/ concetratirtg oc her cot dog ut rte Ho/e Pomoy gardiee parte sotich rite andf her setters aed brotiters atteeded o Satcrday. IStafl Photo) 111 chance aed othor attractioens 10 pet people rn/o a fun spirit. A famdly napper mur /ied ici the enenîep. Bi/I Meleryre mus en cbarge ut the mho/e day and mas annisted by Art Me/anson. Mes. D. Han/arn and Mos. J. Sosnomnki conened lte fami/y napper and these ladies mere helped hy Men. F/mer Serafrel. A feauro of ibis yeae'n sopper mas a roast pîg mich mur nerved sp ta more titan 600 people aîteeding lthe dimiter. Thte penny na/e. one of lte repu/ar featseen of t/te party, mur rua ebîn year hy Mes. J. K. Sunford, mitile lte bingo msr eun by Nicit K/îp. The c/n/drer' favorite, te poey ride mas an ity Dan Jones and Berr Churcll, rte crome and ancitor gaine mas ron hy Doup Hun/am miee John Bradley aed Jîm Harkie rail tite 0er and entder pame. Sasare Bradley rail rte bis/r pond for rte afiernoon ulùle Joe Lewin /ooked afier lthe baseitaîl ross. Mi. ced Mos. Peter Van Woum looked afier tire eror-pîpo/ar food conession, Julie Ias/air, lair i/cc puc/mie and drinks boott m/et/e Mie. Elerer Serafiet raol rthe itait sa/e. Manier of ceteetonres for/to penney sa/o mat BelIl Kelly m/rie roui/y hope tiees mocref. Mmt Mary C/onk aed Mns. George Robinrson mocre cee charge cf i/cc tIreos foi (lce deau m/ce/ mai lieo/d ai tIrecocuin fth nîîpper. Luige Lue /ccked afior TAKING A BREAT5IER. Pour-yeut aid Jatte Smith bosme ot dog te tte mrdrr oPa/lthe burt/e aed huer/e ar rthe Ha/ 1y Ronarie Bardier purey. -StuIf Photo) parking tire /erreds ;cars micle hrccg/et people ir ithe gardienepaety. T/to liard unit o ci ttg rip tieeho(itîaneduringlcceecu as done hy t/te Flccy Peecary N/cite Club. Cacada ucc a peiner ini aeriaI rie contre]. made-to-measure summer weight suits f rom Michaels-Stern 10)%OFF Who says YOD can't find a pure wool suit after Easter? We don't. Neither does Michaels Stern Coeri i'e o/lotir ececel ivetc int 1ig/ttce'ig/ttcrr'ev rttÇecl -puore ece-fr YyellKoeun'd ecrer? Fin. lBct don'tseiout tietjnllllcroin lierr c n teoc eiglit ciok.l Mich.ielse'ce c lie/c i- e/elt worstcd suit-etcý itce. Ixceýllent style' ced fine krLtel tr ncd/eterk. Pure trieh linen otie cc//ces permentr elcîpe. Puer 0e/cen thecad to eep toup tcr Cc pupping. 5001 tin paddlng, titthe, hidden tnde ecciv lepel lier pier manelt contour. Coetectoen cneelu 1ciheele Stem on ecl vuite. Sori. REU ARL FR O7 s8 .9)U FULLY AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SOPNPLASURE MILTON DEPTI. STORE 200 MAIN E. - OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 F M. - 878-9261 MEN'S SHOE SALE 4 BIG GROUPS -$11l $5ý $ 7ý$9 INCLUDED ARE SHOES BY JARMAN - CROSBY SQUARE AND OTHER QUA[ITY BRAND NAMES Ali colours - Ties and Slip-ons SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SEILECTION THE SHOE DEPT. MILTON DEPT. STORE 200 MAIN E. - OPEN FRIOAYS UNTIL 9F PM - 878-9261 -I