2 1h Canadien Champion, W.dnuesdy, Jane 25, 1969 Fate of grade eights w'iII be decided later tehi a Eqaigpupils in grade Contrast et with tehl a ouvent oho want t0 finish tiseir attendance. grade eight ait Stewaritome wili The Board hadl previously bc consideered when a fali bus ruled Eeqsiesing pupels mouid schedaie la presenied t0 the revers t0 the hall day ateendance Cony Board of Education in common ehroughoue tie counes'. Jls. Trustee T. Watson ssggeseed je Boundary changes in the mas not mise tn asb for such a attendance areas of schoois Cet repore ai elvis lime when sv and mesi of Acton affecter] some many portat things remainet 1 Esqunsing pupils o-ho hegan be donc in preparaion for the atiendance as t he Senior School September teint. ai Sie twaion ibis yeav. The vequest for the repovi mas Truste. W. Lamnon asked ihey defeaied mite Trustees Lamion, hoe given lhe opporionils' te Gooding and Edmards complnie ihele grade eigiel year sppeiing. ut Steemrtion -enen if it eeqsived some addieional expense in transportation. Aneistant Diceclot O. S. Lawiessausked approvul cf te hoondary changes to permit finaticution of tee transportution report. Wiev ii pcesented, ie enggesteti, tee board could consîdev extensioes uit liet time. A ou o ve to have ehe adminiserative staff provedea report on the altemnate fll day kindergnreen uttendance compnred mite the bull day atenduvce mas defented. Trostee Lumion voted Esqsesing mai presen els operating on tee altervale fll day programt and wieile it mas te opernion, itwoald seemideal to ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BAci. - M.RA.I.C. 17A Mill Sireet, Suite 2, Adto- Telephone 853-2740 or 20 SIaveharsie Rd.. Port Creti 274-3428 Office Hours by Appoinimen ACCOITANTS EARL O. BLACK B. Com., R.C.A., C.A. Chartereti Accounitant 163 Main St., Milron Phone 878-6542 CHIRIJPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctur of Chiropractie 237 Rins Court Crescent Corner Martin -Si. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home. Proiection-Accid- est and Sicieness P amils' Uieitity Fuim Liahitits' Your Miltnn Agent Mms. Thea KRc R ît No. t, Milton Phonc 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Homo Prnotection Auto. AccidentaIl Goul and Impairo-ere Saft Gris îvg, Extra Vohicle Retioction Premiums Mont Ocovomicat Rý S. Hciborington 0.0ý 2, Milton, 878-4855. Over 21 Yars Service The Mutuel Life ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Orcîlla Road, Acton Sous. 416-451-3460 Res. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~y j McKERSIE s'avoral Home 114 Main St., e Milton Oum lOch ,car cf helptul. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. MILTON - 184 Main St. 87&.9972 Tocetiyn ondi Priduys ACTON - 54 MiIl St. R. 853-2520 Wodvt..dav and Satur<Ioys Rmud.ce phone 878-9078 LIBRARY I-OURS Mlonday & Fetday la namis 1.530 ?ud"Y & Tlssassds 12 nom to 5.36 and 6» tu, 9 Wadmoandy 9.30 t 12 noms0 Clou 5.30do Pedestriau, 8, struck by car A pedestian. eight.s'ear-old Michanel Brome of R. R. 3. Milton, mos ivjurcd Satuedus' ufternooemiece stvuck iey n car o-bile mulkîng on Hîgbway 25 near lvii home, Miltce Of.P. report. The boy solîrreti a col chie andi a possible ivolvee rigiet mliii in lie collision. Thve accidient huppeet accoîs lie rond frone bis hvomc, tlîc Oetario Oeuf Miion Favo- on Highmoy 25 jst novtie of Fiee Sîderoati. Barrie Sales. 49, of Port Cvcdît wsthetiver of teca. Harry liham director for r.tard.d workshop H"ee idem of R. R. 6, 136, Miltn, mnd a member et Miton, director nf lb. A.R.C. Orcem Anglicao Churce, Indstes merkuhep for adult Suevivora anclude his mite retardatis et Hories, died Wietifred, sons Sdmurd at suddeety ini St. Micltnefs Colege Milton, David of Fort Ceedit, Hopitl, Torante. an Jane 14.- Minister rejects proposai board issues own fax bis A coaris' proposai that boards cf educatîce isue their ome tac hbis irem litie ecoragement front tee Mîvisicv of Etitcatîce and asuggesicd meetingo-ith the Minister oe etiaca lic cott ini Halice mas rejecteti. lit a citter teconycuil lthe Depoîs' Mîrîster cf Educatîce suggeited tient siece the provitîon cf edutcatîtteal servcesr ~contes wîthie the puîciem andt îespoesîbîiîîs' cf lie Haltoe Courts' Sourd cf Etiacatice ... s'oc atitrrts a veqocît la the chaîrmue or seccetars' cf the boardi for its consideration". -Ties"'ve vers' nentis' paîneti the haclv. Reeve F. Oalveî ohservedi. Dciuis' Reeve Mrs. A. MacArthur, hersoif a teachor. soggestoti one of therprohliemîîs ltai the -cotants' ought a biOl cf gttndsivtih ttttiarts'peopein tlve lvterarclis'. She sungesteti is cliglit ho whevo the Sourd catait bc aset ta review ils boudget. 1i' rîiîicuioss te litiithci oi people o-c have ni te top.Il Reovo G. Gaiiaghev ,aggcsteti witl iticyýs data prccesîieg îs'sreos il shoolti be no prcbirmt for the boardti issue ils on tan hbis ah c Sevie ST, PAUL'S CNURCN Of TUE UNITED CHURCU 0F CANADA Main St. un James Se. Minister: Roc. C2. A. Hannr, S.A., B.D. Organist anti Choir Leader: Mri. Haroldi Magee. Union Srvitc.mih Knox Preshs'teau Chamch SUNDAY. JU5IE 29îh, 1969 10.00 Li.m.-Mrvîva Worship. Oct cîoo -sahjc, "To Serve t he Kingc" i St. -Poils. 1000 o !n-Norsars'. Av lînilt.o To Ail EMMANUEL BAPTtST CHURC54 Commercial Otreet, Milton Pasîcr: Rev. Cias'ton Cotes 8784473 878-3542 The Lortin Day SUNISAY, J1)7E 29th, 1969 9.45 n.m.-Suniay Schooi. 11.00 a.m-Morvieg Worvhip. 5.30 P.m-Yosth Time. 7.00 pa.-Evning Worship. Wtinsa'. 7.30 p.mt. - Bibele Suvi and Prayer Meeting. Nursery' ai Ottodaservice. NIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCN A localanemnieisof THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Pantor: Roc. M. Cieritenier. LORDS DAY OUNOAY, 3125E 29th, 1969 9.45 a.m.-Suntias Ochoci. 11.00 n.m.-.Morning Worhip. 7.00 pan -Enangeliiric S ervice. Wetieitiy. 8 p.m. - Bible Ortis' anti Prayer Meeting. Pridas'. 8 p.m - Young People's Service. A Charoh Yoa Can Maho Tatar Homo. A Wnrmn Wolaomc to Evrsove CNURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sitieenad anti *th Lime Trafalgar OUNOAY, JUNE 201h, 1969 18.08 aae.-Blile Sehoof Classes for att aile. 11.88 a.u.-Afonreg Wnt'siip. 8.08 paes.-Peeoaiing of thse Ge.pOI KNOX PRRSRYTRRIAN CHURCN tcrterim Moierru Rev. F. N. Young, BA. Gorrgetow-n 877-6206 "0came let us ornip anti btrivdcsvwn; lot un lvneeibefore tho Lord our Maker." SUNGAY, JUNE 29îh, 1969 Joint Serviceý Ioo bc hed te St 'taul: Uoted Char-c. 10.00 a-cMaoinin Worship. 10.00 toi -Nitirs'r. GlACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Ontaio. Rocior: 0ev. R. W. Foster. Asistanti Canon P. H. Mason. SIJNL1Y. JUNE 29îh, 1969 Fut: t t1l SLIau r ai t erto Truet i 8.00 .ilit-Iult Ccmmunvion. tI0.00 îtu llatins anti S,,um tn. pS.. , ,t oi ltrea un Stim-r Yac are Alias's Weicomed ai Graice Churce MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Onturio St. N. 87802022 Chrituans fthetdine te roumeof the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord's Oas' Si NIOSO. Il \iF '91h. 1969 10.30cm.BeaikiutcofgBreadi. 12.15 r .ni.-Sondas' Ochool. 7.(1) s'm.'taspel Service. WedoacdiN, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bihle reading. AIl arc isahome t0 these nervc Oes5. Ou Hi, uuu btaad. ho oeh- Iane utei al..ctmstion fom us. Haeb. 9, 12. BOSTON AND OMAGH PBBSBYTEReAN CHERCHES Minisier Rmv. Stîanos' E. Smithe, SA. St509Y, lUNE 201h. 1969 10.00 ,.o.-Omagh: Commue' ion Service. 11.135 a.m.-Omiagh: Cieurce Ochoci. 10.30 u.m.-Sloston: Churcie Sciecot. 11.30 a.m.-Scstnn: Comsun. ion Servce. Meeting te commnittee anti couecîl Mondas'. membees cf Mdlice Coeil: e tLearneti rending cf mater mers iait ilarieti to ho compleleti for tee introdoction cf maier meier bîllsng Jls 1. Firnl accoonts mîlI go out aI te fîrse cf August. A lem inîstallaions are s'et to ho compleleti andtil tmo repovîti udditiocut reqorats for remote vcadieg installations meve beieg receiveti. n Ageedti 1 register a tut certificate on cee uarge prcperty omrcr wooe taxes mere tierce s'eais iii arrmais and uccoonied for iealf the ecme'i oustandeg laxes. Notice cf the proposed action o-ns tcier given. a Appoînet Antis Keilis' to thee Commiitee cf Adjnîtment 10 fili theevncncy cuused bs' te resigeation cf Pet Mouee o-ho miv movieg from Milton. *Appoîneed Wif Peeson as trencb inspecter anti ne meeti inspecter. *Rescinetit a resoixtion cbjrcting t0 a land separaition frcm Edw-in lInile' mhes it o-m clarifiedti ebt theceecemar' lanti for fotnre moail itiening iead been pvcvided. e Autiecrized the morks sopevieterdent to cati tenders forc la ore' gasolice. fuitiat fuel, tiiesel fuel and mctov ciii ndt grenies. *Deferrei action on n proposai t0 hanve tee pianner pîcytre n tieveiopmene plan for the ecrtb commueits' designateti ai the proposeti officiai plan. e Orlerrei action on n propcet pcccetiuve for bartiiing plans of isubdivision, anti applications for amentimenîs te the aceîng bs'-iam. unil tbe officiai plan anti conîng by-iuo- have bere approveti. Leaned a meeting cf te couecl anti planning boarti oalti bc lieid Tiiortis' ce ftealîze joietis' ans' adtiîsmenîs in lte proposeti officiai plan so il mas' be ntcptcti ai lthe cui GFO ballot held Tuesday Hutiretis cf Huicen farine" o-et oe lte polit Tous' Io txr itileir frnchise en a vote oaGencial Foti GiguWiitiait for Ontario. Resli of tlve pichîscîte ocre net avaîlaele at press tIme. Tot Fs'ocer . R. i. Bomliigîce. hcaticd op rire G.F.O. commîtîce in Hallon iviicli litid inforentice meetings to acqtiit farouers ithtrhe tissusitnuiioing lthe hallotl A ,pecial laitoni rally c-c ieItld ai rtca.itocn Fridas' accntin itl afflitiai of flic provincial G.F.O. canipnige commteeîn ateeduece. Less Iban 100 Haitor farmeos bobk part en an dvnnce poil field Thurîtainse Miltre. Tuesdayis vote, timed 10 coincide mite te province-mlde baitnting, mou helti fromt 8 a.m. te 8 p.m. ai Bryne Centre, Senokvilie Hall, Stemnettome Hall and Lomeille United Chxrch. Haleon M.P. Rod Whiing veceived n onanimoos vote of confidence fromt te execiative of tee Hulion anti Hullon East Lîbeval Annociaton curlier ebîs mcclv. Wbitixg li eek celebvaies tee OirsI aneivcersuy ofliî eleciion to puriiomeet. "le mus vo platitudie," said David Butler, Association peesîdene. "te ose opinion and tee opinion of mny voiere in ehie riding. Rnd is one of te mont dedîca ted anti bardeii-molving membere of ans' of tee repreetutiveî front anymiee in Canada. "He morki long houes in Ottawa dsring tee meev and tIten comeî home on meekende to pst in more long anti iard houri. You couldn't ask f'or more dedicaiion and efor from ans'one," Butler ssid. Butler inid Wieiting wil bc ieonored ut a diener-dance mieice tlie Associatin la planning for the flu. At the saine meeting, the Associatio n execntve aiso pueseti resolutioms: e To mrîle Prime Ministr Pierre Elliot Trudeau reqnextixg the allocation of fonds for research b acilitiex foe hacisheechers; *To meite tee prime minister requsting eax deduction ieeeefits for personi mho financials' support political parises. EBENEZER Christening, accidievt church services in news By Mrs. Ron McLcatt Aaidreo- Clark Chapman, son of Me. Boyd, of Morriston, took Clark and Suive Chapman maes the service o-hile Mr. Pînlcy tock cbrietened. communion ai Ahorfoyie and Mr. Bill Early is a patient in Morvîston. Nexe Sunday milI hoe Guelphe General Hnspital, mhere co0mmonton Sunduy ut bis many friends hope bie mutl Ebenecce. soofl bc feeling hetter. On Juiy h. Me. D. Amichunti Me. Arthur Diamnnd had the fromt Trinidad wîili b tee misînvinne te fuît ivd crack a speaker for the U.C.W. o-hee bone en bis ante, o-bite they iaiee charge of lthe chuece trimming ehe hedge ne ehe service, o-hile Mv. Finlry is on churce. pnier te the Memoriai ieolidas's. service. He o-ut be meoring a cnet Qsie n number of pcoud for serme elme. relatives, iocloding houe sce of The ladies aee planning a grandpaeents, mere present mieen serawberry festival for Jls 4. CANADIAN IE)Li$TRE LMED 0F MONTREAL *AND- SAVAGE ORMS CORPORATION OF WESTFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS ham. appoined GORDON F. tlOW IMeerte Ruais Sbaoeina Range) as. aWarraney gamsmie for eheir litsams Tie repaie onrh la being dons et bis sienp, R.R. 1. Anme, Ontario. hone Csna E STV 8864 FRUT RAD BUTTER. STOREb COCKiTAI OLIVGES .... 16...o... _a 3 for $1.00 Unie Brnd -Sv 0 TOMATO PASTE 13 oz. tins -3 for $1 .00 Conea Brand CANNED POP, 7 flevors ..... 24 tins $1 .89 Vangaard Sockeye RED SALMON .... _ 1/ lb. in 49c Mepin LMEe Vacuum Packed COTTAG1E ROLLS .. 69c IL liaple Lea Rindîss SIDE BACON -.........89c lb. pkg. Tusdw, Piuum CHICKEN LEGS or BREASYS .......49c lb. LM. PEAMEAL BACK BACON.............. 89C b Colinof. Darteot, N.S., Rumâ fle Newmaen, Gaeeh of Pnerth, AustraaB, and Riehassi of Mitn. Two sisters Gruceand y.M. C. Chrseien candcacid the feanerai sereie ni: the Melesie Fanera Homte en Juean 16. Members of the Logiga and N.H.A.M.R. agiended in groupe. Me. itham as crensaEed et Wesn. Mr. liham hou bn uctive in te. lncal exsnciutionxo hel menali eearded for seeeal yeakHoa president ofNorith Halloa Association for the Mexialis' Reeaeded in 1967 and max chaieiag tie 1968 Plomees ef Hope fand-euising caospaign -~e aie lime nf bis deate. Foe Q -c eieee peurs he mou adali services chairman nf N.H.A.M. R. 'À ., y.- Bore May 4, 1910 ae - Birmingheam, England, hie bad 23 years of service mite the Royat Navy ou chief exgixe-eoom artificer, incînding service during THE AWARD WINNING hyde n e Cra tie Neil DaGeaorf. MnIuli Doue Smih who mu emay tie second mar. He came e Miltn Hydre Elecrric Commission hou hn cied ae linnsmae's scool. Poreman Bd Ramshoexiom Canada in 1956, lived ai foe four years ni nn cnmpensseaen accidenes Mil aise ecained a graduation certificaes alter- Reobicoke, ehen moved tn the Eleerrical Urilites Safety Association. 'Smn compleeing an nigiee-web couru et metrele Mileon sic s'eas ago. Mr. Ishamt receioieg tenc amard frnt O. L. Hadley, rigbe, sebool, wieere he lssrned ehe basic inseallaeion ni mouan active rnembee nf ehe Hydre Commissinn manager, is the cm including aIl types ni meeers.-lSeaii Pheoeo) Royal Canadien Leion, Bronce Kent Mclntmsh. foceman Bdl Ramshoeenm. and r Mil t on Vote of confidence Co un cil1 B rile f S given Rud Whiting DM't ot b. idot. ie Cfo is lu ju br.wm. Hurdly Chece teu standard lueuey fuatures andi us ieo fac aea te Corona eeallp le. * Pole usetaneoti, amuoIe. B arie tsats mode xf n oceerateti leuti.raete. 14..dromtuandarsd. -Lare re, Boue ut maie oacl af hit ced wu m itieod ssinnlaeuionl rnd. A faiiy poilutO 45h. *AdJusesoble 'PFrose Aie" tir- *Ceuinaetio ignition noaicoeucie8 l"d rauead nan coanum. 'Tmx cddd se voues. cigarete istoe. *Pxsaerfue 3-qsod Buse. *Wuil-tn-mloli Peereat. -Pll rosin e lame, norribly includinrewesarlemp. *Cnlopothle matoren ouume. tuel hecisinu asants mair ecO onnu vamlvmee etth romr bc.tsin avee. RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LUITED TOYOTA-ISUZU Sale. & Serrle 1502 SpSrà Rond -Oakvl, 827-1021- 271031 Mon.eteThuers.8 ..e 9 .m. Frld aeaeenm Osnla9@an.t .m. I. YOUR RED CROSS THANKS YOU Our bearefele ehanies ta te 225 dnnors mienJ aennded lase mees blond donar elînie, aiso te te. ladies ni te Cstieolic Womnn's Leagne, Tie Canadien Champion, the Miltn Taxis, te Lgon Ladies' Aanillnry, Harms Siaeioery, Saperamner Fends, Milten Districe Hospieal Aasiliary, te Mamtie St. scbeel boys, Richaordson Radin and TV and ail nibers mien assised ln any way ine te esaccessfi elle c. PAUL KENT,' Chairman, Milton Red Cross Blond Donne Clinic 878-3272 SHOW TIMES Milton THIJAT E St. Matine THURSDAY .FRIDAY - SATUROAY JUL? 3.-4. - 0GOLD GUITAR» Color "COTTON PICKIN' CHICKENC - Color AIL STAR COUNTRY MUSIC PROGRAM SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY JULY 6 - 7 - à "PLAY< DIRTY» - Color (Aduit) MICHAEL CAIN "COME ON IN WATERIS IllK - Carton WID. - THURS. .911. . B AT. FOUR DAYS JULY 9.1Ï2 "RACHEL, RACHEL" - Color <Adult) JOANNE WOODWARD "MERLIN MAGIC MOUSE" - Cartoon MATrINU - SATURDAY - JULY 12 "MAN HUNT IN THE JUNGLE" - Color There's a Toyota Corona waiting for you ..