w -~ Ibo Cane Testimonial dinner il (Cantind trou PagOne) Ht pnaised the adminisîralor son bais abuttdasct of hamoroas stonsas, bis abilily su isIena l nveay paoblenm, bis wiilinginss la accepi fuir roasoitg and is credo, "staka has siowiy. "The guidance hae ha givasaus thaosgs the ynuns bac assly han by ruampin," ha addod, "thn bigh idrai ba bas hadl speaba nurmeiy mnii aad bau made il uay la meab wiîh hîm. Wr al mvish yau weli us mn mark ibis iulsoar sn our ife.' Mnt. McEachenm recalied bis fnindiy umilo, bis cbtnry word of grnetisg, hi s istarastinl the papils and bis millisanesa ta benp tsa teachoas. "Wt misb yau toccata sn yaur saw position and mn kuow you wiii iad youî mark ramardiîîg ac maill as chaliragno," sha suîd. Former huard chairsau Don, Slînsos nuphasizrd Mr. Fosseras adminitîrative ahililcas and ihougbl a sol of 10 hathoxes wouid hean uspproploa gîfi, as Mî. Fasîna snnmod la heablhm o ar fihl maay diffamait hatc Io do Ui may jobs. Hîs souad a -.j MAS :EILEEN MARTIN sahotar 12 Vsant has bn asaocaalea milh Milton sabola and the sahaul board, mas hoaoand ho the sahani saffit a dinans WedaosdaV. Teacher Peler Phillips proseand aa attace rosa and mishesi ber mail in her seau munr. Loakiag oa ai igbl la Brace Sa. sahoal principal Raymoad Marrisas miro ahaired lire testimonial dinana honaring supervsing principal B. W. Fualar and Mas. Maria-lStatt Photo) Honor Eileen Martin present aftache case White Millovas Iraîtiirs gatherod iv pay tribale 10 Edgar Foslar ou leaviot Milon aflor 3h yaars as priacipal of local achools on Wadoesday, thay alto had a parlîvo gifi and heaps of paaisa for Mît. Eiien Martîn. Mat. Martin, sîsce 1957 tervad final t asacreary ut théreayr achool, lai ac assisanta ancreauy and ineasorea of lire Milto Pablic Scirool Boaed. Her position, liOn Mr. Foctar's lias beas mîped out hy lie aem eaualy hourd and sute ha beeo offaaad a position as business udminstraior ut ore of lire Halton bigh sciros ia mîlir 1,000 enaoimaat in lire fali. Whiten thare mas plealy of jokiot aboat flue tact teaciîarî bored ber hccasa she sgaed lhirar puy clieqoos. teachar PaIr Pbiiiipc praearatd o hnînt speechr aulolling ber virtuel as"a excellentnrecapîîovîstanada tnuiy pnafasîoa adovaistrulor- aad pnasatad the inacirera gifi, a Samonila attache case. "Wa maI you iv bom me uppreciate yoîr administrative efforts, me aae geuteful for your personaiassitanc, andmost of ail mc value ycar frieadcirip,' lie saud. Mis. Marltin llîaoied evaryooe ad aolad site h as apprecîaled the iaduass of the board and staff oser tht paît 12 ynara. "I aajoyad avary momant." Mrs Martin bas alto haao active as co-ordiua 10e and laloi tecnolany-laasuren ofitie Nortir Halaon Music Festival Associaton. Races, games highighl of St. Peui's piaîic Racas, huiigantes andcoolasls weehighiigirls of fie St. Pauais United Chorclî pic o n irulurday ai Lomoilie Park, aliaadad hy 100 memhers and fami y membrs of fie coogragaliov. Orgaoîeed ander lire directiov of MervEzeard andmith races and cool esîs cupersisad hy Ed Liii, lire pnogramt mas covcioded mîirh a pot lucir sopper. advimo and couasai wennofgtreai balp la the trastees doms ibrough the yars hne recalîrd. "Wecansal afford t ls aurt10 may people of Ihis calihre," ho coaciudsd. "I frai vaîy bambin for the muuy bitd mords sasid brr ibis anino," heau Mr. Fasica. Hn raaoaniscadl ai grea lath about the pragras in the Miltoa achools, and hrobo bis liii af mamorics dama in10 ihana pariods. 1933 lv 1939-Ha cama t0 Milton 10 the i0-room Broca Si. cchooi a'hich liadt eit clacîrvoma, aigt loacheas and 285 pupils. Thae memory highiighls of Ibosa eaîiy yeas mara the monderful coacerts al the Martin Si. achool (Ihnas high %chocl), the operaîlas, lira music festivals, the inauaguatilon af Haltoa'c fiasi home acovomica aad maaalaininîag classas, aad tha tips hy cas lukiat grade nîghi, la aisîl the musoom aad parliamoal buildingsinaToronto. Ma. Fosiar hoida lira rcord for the loaget cvalîaooasaaumhaa of yeaas fo ihos tipi ad revalus the finlt lima ha droor a cs lv Toroato ilmwas inanaoldFord and two papîls radae i he fmilll scul. The mur yeaas- The srclory Jeao concerts and coaresîs , mura siamps. caiiacvang s ud diliig aulkmerd podts, colietiag a truck fail of oubhher, t he huyiag of the Orimovia pavînclar for the achools a10 stll frcsi ihis mind. The expansion years--Tiry hegar in 1047 iti 0.10 clodorlu and osrrcaomdiag inalm ovar5 room. The toma y0e lin heau a course ia Basic Esglish for Pouash farm marbrs who emigraird iv mosb o011 e farms. la 1952 tha chidaar mare lraasporled 10 Toronto hy hos for the Oirsi lima. By 1953 errolmoant mac 43h ad nvary ivor i he school mas fui,. la 1954 a doasa mas sel opa in he lomo bail, and laina a portahle mas hoîli ai the reaî of the schoolana roomm ase aa (,raca Chuîclî. Ai last in 1955 the J. M. Daayac scirool opend hot hy 1956 a four room additioa mas aeadnd. Luir the eighi-eoom W. 1. Dick achovi mas opaaed. In 1957 lire lomv caiahraiad ils croneorai and lira Bîuce Si. sciiovi figured ia the celehralîovs as il mas alto 100 Ihal yea. Dy 19h61lire îaedî mreheîng soma fvr asenor public scirool avd in 1965 il hocame a reaaiiy ohea lire hoard purchasod lira former Martin Si. hîgir scirool. Misc Gammeil ramivisced ahout haîag an Milton for 3l of Mr. Fvstarcs36r yars, and oed the grvmlh from aigirl irachars i1933 10 49 vol lira saff lvday. "Ma. Foalor gava aasîictîagiy of himcaif and hîs aiîiy .. ire lits grvev mucir of iiseif in lte hrarra avdvids oflîaodreds of popîla. Thirr lices have haro evrîchad hy lus guidavce, afid thearocrersirveeci erichled hy lusileaîdership,"che sa id. Tire preseolaîcon foiiacviog a di ne r a rd a snooso coodacîrd hy Mrs l. Emîrg milh Flop Emtas ai lire piano. Issues rables wamngn for vacation The robins prablerm a o cantinuing probiem ia Ontario as rabins spanads thaough wid ad domestie animais, Hulasn Couaiy Healîls Iijs madicol officer of healli Dr. L. M. Stuart aoted ibis mark. "Il is of purticuar importancr ut this lime of yaar 10 those who cciii ha uacalioaiag la the rasait arrita and aiitig Provincial Parks mmmr the opporiuaity ta contact wild anirais i greaty inceaurd," Ira saîd. Iis au wisr precution to avoid usy conact ilh miid aoîmais, iacluding aay aisampi iv play mith, coox, or fard tham by hand. la additioa il s stroagiy urgnd that ail dogs and cuis ha vaccinaird ugoîval r abirs. belcuu lot aoa îkiag fin tv the racort oroas. Slîould anyane ha ritn or saoson scrolched by a wihd animai, on a damesi anial which is bnhaviag abaaamaily, a physicien shulad bc eoasuiind as san as possibln ta dnrmian whnlhnr or ual lthera is'aay possibiiity of rabies infection, and the Madieul Officer of Hailia for the district an which oa arr lacaied uhould Ian nso i fierd. The Ontario Depantaunal of Hnallh pruaidas abina vaccine and scrumi, faen of chanta, for usa by physîcianu for the irealaural of partout oupasrd iv possihle rahina infecion. Fanîhen information and assisance may be ohloiand from staff aunaboru o f the Dopuarraet of Lands aad Foancts, the Deparimen of Agricalturn and Food, or the local Depuarale of Hslth. CUSTOM WORK BALING PLOWING cOMBIING DISCING G. S. HILLMAN ____________878-3454 _______ CIRCLE TOURS 16 DAYS - FULLY ESCORTID FROM 1239-11 PER PERSON INCLUDINO 15 NIONTS PINOT CLASS ACCOMMO- DATIONS AND ALL TRANIPORTATION DEPARTURES: AQO. 1& SI 23 TOUR mie§NLIBNTSs9 Quebec City Tour and St. Anne de Beaupre Gaspe Peniarsula ond Perce Boat Tour Prince Edward Island Tour ond Cirarlottoear Festival Cape Breton and thre Cabot Trait Halitox, Peg- gy's Cave and Annapolis Valley Bon Harboun, New Eaglondan od White Mounains pop Information and neseneetions oet C. H. NORTON UES 3401 DIJNDAS STREET, B1UURLINDTON MILTON TRAVEL SERVICE 14 MARTIN ST. MILTON 878-921 1 S.., \ ' .1 - ~tv. w~v Y I Coming Soon.. Jully 3 to 5th "4It's OurBggs SALE of the Year"9 ilamilton - Burlington -Dundas kiedUuatIUOn ia rioeDepa ;0;M d%10 -1ioi n BEZALT & BEAUTTAMS I 246 MAIN ST., MILTON dian Champion, Wednesday. June 25, 1969 Y 1,SIMPS01