a -- *1 LOyijjm Thé, Canadien champ Fakview studen ts present Davey pupils give music By Mms. L.U. Swulltw Lot and Michael Pocock, Jae The Aueambly Peogetet ut Rudge, Michael Teiscbiet, Rosa Ftieeiem wtt held on Thutsdy Seebeeci, Leslie Caear, Stlly lue 19. Mos. Uems and Mes. Iload, Billy White, John fren ha chuge McCtut, Jute Gibton. FMir on the poaugt mus "Thse Creetice Dance wtt dose by Seake Woatd," with Basse Loana Gaatby, Debbie Wilson, Jeff Ducis, Puul ttatclaimoo. McCoamack, Bey. Edwtads, "Ate Yen Sleeping" badl Debbie Daywood, Joey Wilfoed, singitg in fout laaguuges by Shawn Cittisitolu, Resale eceeyone-English, Faencht, Ihompece, Evelyn Snow, Greg Getmat ted Rendue., Swufllw, John Cdieg, Muray e e e CeaIore, Michael Steheach, lit Tht Bualiogaun Western Collieg, Elizabeth Medutie, Saddle Club paesents a 17-tuent Sandy Hoted, Murray Hall. honse show the foceth Sueday Tht 'Makte Belieut lltoey" eoeay mooîth ut 1 pet. et No. aacladed Detug' Jamie Fawley; Ont lladeraud and Cedae Springs acase s, Mark Hall, Geeg Roud. Refreehmeett tee seeued ïItodetaicn, bonnies, Jttice and theat is a "Candy Sceamble" Luete,' Geoegiet Byta, Antita fut tht childeen. Larse, Sherry Kinag. Mes. Petee Galet bas been "llomewheee Oute Tht confieed te MilIeu Hospital. Raiebcw" iocloded Donna Lyn Lautie King, uged aix, Richaadson, Lori Gaeb, and tht dtaghte cf Ma. ted Mes. aboie cf Lyon Russell, Ane Stewat Ring, wtt bit by a cte ut Fishtea, Cathty Hilton, Loana No. Fiee Sideeoed deiven by J. Suautby, Debbit Htechieset, C. Philitps cf Otlcuille. Aflet a Suait Seowball, Kim Pasue, stay ut Joseph litant, Lotie is Ruthy MilIte, Kelly Cochton, atcoutaieg ut home. Denise Coulsue. Lotte Ring had t stan "Peterantd tht Wolf' fetaed eemoced aI tht hospital feom hea îet, Robin Mitchell; Wolf, foot. litemy ienzen; Bite Jay, Kathy A peoposal te change ahe baid Fostea; Cal, Mttg Fulda; ceue ut Caet Springs aed No. Cieutdpt, Michael Becktea; Dock, Two Sideauad is snhadoltd foa :tay Richards; Natratot, Alan neel yete. Tht rad mli eue Fisher; Hanlees, Steue Monk, aterougit the cotet cf ahe Leslie Curet. Baelingtce Springs Golf Club. "ýA Faog Ht Wou l Awooing Tais daegetous cuene nan oeiy ou" had t cast of: Feog, Teacy be tauen aI a tpend cf 20 m.p.b. iechall; Mita Mouuit, Linda Reaidents haut been sadly [let; Uncle Rat, Red Fostusa; tmuted ut une tige etecetd dhuit Stotekeepet, Willy Reibt; Mothea stauted a spetd of 50 whinh, uft Feog, Loei Aee Clarke. complainte wtt changed te 45 lui Bye Danceas weae Mary m.phl.-whach as stdll laugituble. V Repor fromOttawa Thte Off'iciai Longaugea Bill mhach, ua lise icf wiissg titis celan, bat eut teceiutd shied ted Seual radisg an the Honte, 6s ntpecsedl su pue befot te Sommet Reuest on Jua 27. This satsinelut Butl bat heen une cif tht mute inatesting pienea cf segisîttion iettodaactd duoeng tisa sessaon. I say ibh o becaeuse cf ste puapose and the content cf ahis Bal! aioe hua i teetlad hcw the eew commattet tytten ha ec deueloped tisae tht new Rolea ted Peonedutet weet entc effana ta the heganeing cf lis yeaa. Aeotbne point tt wns fcc aithea offiai iegouage thotougitly dispellei ma te Englitit ce Frencht, ce anycue. contentaon abat Mambeat cf As te Prime Manistea hisoseif Futlittett tee lite shaep and poactnlied ut, nineay peacnt nf follpw ltae Paty lina. tht populataon wili neute hauce te le tint instance at mas eus un latt easitta tecnd lungoaga indivaduai hua a gacup who unlesa tey pettoetlly macs an. heoke aunha witb thitet Paty. Ma. Stanfieid and a nurntet cf itis followees supporeed tht Bill hot tome cf the W essean Bid ted made theis opinions S O R keown in tht House. While abis mac uppeet as e lucit cf emsty on lte pat cf tht Coinseratiues, neute-she-lese in my opinion if t Membet feets staogly uhous an issut he shoulil stand up and ucace has piions. j r At tht samne tinte t Menthe muy eut oppose in actai a stand aukes by has Purty os, if ite is un tht Gouemnment sade cf ahe Hotte, t Goetameet Bill. Ht bas the aight, and se my opanion, is s, has daty te stted up and exprte his uiews furthae recoed. As I pttuicutiy ntantioned, t Commttee syttent ha ec encoueuge d and dtualcped daaing ibis session cf Faeliemena. alatmtnt in fourstages. Partaoaiac o gue angt sintaodunad atis as ntnelya Fueliiunentuay fcoalssy. la is deaead et titis stage. Manthets ncntnend it, etatince it tnd amndmes ae setasaduned ted a uote as tikn. Faon itee t a gotaa uStanding Commattee cf tht House ne a Siseniti Commiatea cf tht Hcese for fuehaanadeasan. la es ut inis stauge miten Memiteas cf Fueliemeos tee guen a ceai oppoaaunaay au ucace thesa iedioaidaiy. Thes ma aspeniuly saut cf te Laeguagea Batl. Is Ibhis stage swesy-ieae O tendments mete uppeoutai. E Feesonaiiy, I appacued cf aies Butl, ulahugit ta ntaeeeuffect the people of Haltte. I fait itisCH munit lulte ueity cf Cenedu. Tht keowledgetat luegeage aighte tee acuilahît to people will TAB meat moe titan tht untount thut ahese aights mati ha useal. Sousasamas mc haut samneshsg bes is',n use as sass Ortoi as LAM ts ans gsasd so houe ce haue as la aitceld ha sentantheed tau mite Boniz Bni lte Laegoages Bill dues eca -Don't mise tht patin bond's fieewoaks displuy ut thte W cent Tueduy eceinegat dusk. LR -Ceeteeceety ocertIhe FURP popte Tace el'tet 14 MARTIN ST. Bugpys hthtl lehote ares Coad Mmep - Opus Tue tee lsetetlly paotestig tht Widiutdy atm, iuduetey. ilon, Wedenday, Jute 25, 1969 assembly recital Mr. and Mes. Gordon Osborne faon Ctmpbellifoed, Ma. and Mes. Clarene Durhaem feunt, Sterling and Me. and Mes. Cetig Featheestone meat guet aet lte home of Me. and Mes. C. Warene. Creig; Powell, age itino, ton of Me. aed Mas. Htgh Powell soit Imo teophies, second peine 440 yda. aed foueah peine 220 yds., lest Staeday ut lthe "Fouettat Anoosl Ontario Alons, Tyke and Mile Tenck and Field Championahipt" je Toroeto. The ecenîis sosadb h Loyal Qadea o Moone and the Noti York Teuck and Fieldl Club-higgest of ils bled io Qelecie wiah tpptonimttely 600 contetatt. Congratol- tions, Cenig! Cathy Steeodeuh will tepaîseet Aldeeshol High Sîhool ta lte Unoited Nations seminse ut ahe Uniuersity cf Western Oeneaio. She is sponsoaed hy Soceteige Chuptee, I.OD.E. Following is a lit of pupils of Mes. Jack Decey heued ha tecital on Feiduy euening at Faiauiew Scitool: Jacitie Ruttan, Susan Bye, Ctthy Zwickee, Sylca Ketus, Dusny Colltog, Cheistine Frankalis, Ruaay Btiley, Kelly Shaw, Gaeg Gcnhy, Muey-Jte Aitkes, Lutie Shaw, Jaee Dauey, Magneet Nipshaget, Ceag, Powell, Datlene Heaheeingaoe, Bradley Coieg. Lyn Bawden, Grahtum Bye, Anttaa Vani Taiga. Mary Bit, Alison Feeeuaoe, Shelley Swaltom, iimmy O'Neil, Belieda Slow, Beenda Rtaheeey, Etin MeAcella, Futti-Anne Ducey, Lyne Powell, Uise Gueby, Wendy Wright, leene Khaut, Shelley Frnkilin, Elizabeth Feegosot, Lynda Rapts, Maia VaoTiga. Bathuaa Goci, Kathy Ratin, Marianae Heais, Rod MeAvellu, Kutt Stedetton, Ntecy ONeil, Ciedy Powell, Jche Beyee, Beverley Ceemn, Nancy Weat, Htet O'Neil, Karten Seteles, lu I tietteneegea, Matgtret O'Neil, Matit Beyee, Jaoet Hustea, Eue Raas, Rotenttey Collisg, tseet Peea, Normn Smith, Donna Licittenheaget, Lee Fiaher. The "Tees Tout Band" teck fiast peine ce Sctutday t Fot Etie ageibsa aay Ateeticte banda. The Toue Bd wtt in 46ah position in ahe parude cf lte "Faael'aghaees' Convention" so ahay badl stiff competatioo. Congratulations! WhJi tdcs.ik oh*ohfLng 700 Se travelling country cairavan By Bat Wued wtt tht huass geite pityte mate tht 7ll-yost'oîda Une cf the lat muining flietaid with the gidls ha lthe many westerns. travelling vaudeville shows made audince. eteanca e inte an sppeaeunca e i on ha Many peuple gatm esties tas weueing ail bIta Taesduy ut ste Atene. Tommy tht show ment os and mtey hund-mede pact'Conr rvnshw eeai atngfrhetrof etrnb ua eluued befote auoune neomd of tht show Colonel Tint McCoy, stetan seen tine ocee 700, ie a performtece peomoled hy tht Lions Club cf Milton. Tht carucue troupe peafcemed on top of t fltbed taidea for the show, doieg tope ted wip tricks as mtll as gen tmiaiing, thatp shooting ted jegglieg. They tise mnaged te ahaow inet few countey ted w estern scegs as mel. The bted wtt made ep of membets cf tht castantd tht deunter foa one te t Myseioey urntd ap egpin a s f ru ecoading star" who saeg and *pluehed e poilue. Vetalility je the naine cf tht gante fut Scaas's teoupe and oe of tht membeas of lthe cmlt, who hed bees on -the eceli for 16 yeues, sad eceay menthet cf ste cat must he able te do us teat thate thiege. These ahaee range front tope spineing tc thatp shuetieg. The casa seemed bceed deaing ait performnet, miten lhey mont aheoegh nunthees they ited dune six ce seen igit a emei fut mtey yenrs. The oely une mite seented te ejoy bimseîf cernet ster of He made bis munvie style, ah elothes, t le cf deessy td the largest sthe lesI Tomn After t speech which mut hune deugged on fut 10 minutes, thte colonel baouaht eut a pea ef Australien deonots' mlaips and teled te do t fem tricha with thent. Ht hade't aticiputed tht peeseece cf t mite steung sereis ie atessa ansd ai lasaepeeed lain taicks bectase the mbip kept gettieg caogha ha the mite. Col. McCoy finally gel tetlled dome, found sentie ciete aie ted thowed he wtt a muttet of tht mbip. "Gand '0I Opaey" ilmms' but gond ftmily enteeraiment il COLONEL McCOY 854-2271 * CLEMENTM FLOOR COVIRINGS PROM CARPET TO CONGOLEUM * Expert installation 123 Thomas si. 878-2194 Sununer's -a Couning FREE 9-POINT VACATION CIlICE CAMPING SUPPLIES *nmff Camp Stove Fuel, Hand O0 UATTMY * FAN MiS Cleaner, Barbecue e TRANSMISSION Lighter FIuid, Bug Killer * UNHAUS? Outboard 011, e sNOCxs Fire Starter e WNUL SUIINOS DROP IN SON ... 0 UONTS OPEN i a... - il p.M. DaiIy m ..-i .. Sunday MI LTON ESSO Comw Main andi Ontario Sits. - 878464l t . IL e