Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 1

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ïbe ùfaaldt!LX Smnierg the Comemunty for 109 Yats MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1969 EkIî pIin tSend sseoMai Regstraton Nunin -093 Developers, landowners propose plan changes Siron wails alume short circuit tl mas a short circuit. flot a deciotation of alt-oat warfare. thon tsoched off Milton's omoergncy meniares warning siren Toosdaot moen ing. Re"idents came rashing ouet of their homes. petiestriorts stoppent atong Main St.., arnd practicatty eserpone it toast tore a pazzleti a pression mhen the sires, Moasted atop o 50 foot pote on Mary St., hegan msanisg andi groastifg artearet 9 a.m. Tuesday. T he tom weil lastoti aboat f 10e minaine. Hation's .M.O. Co-ordinator W.* B., Mefiregor totid The Champion it mas prohabto a short circuoit in thn mires that toochnd off the sirere-there maes Real cifff'aqner no national enmergency. t-e tetapitoned the C. eadiat Armp base In Toronto which controta the siren and hati them pull the switeh antit repaies coatd be maode. "The Army sa compteteto in charge. this office h as no control ocer the sirenI Me. McGregor espiaineti. n case of an emergency the ringing sires wouid alert residents ta laneein their radio or TV station for ins5tuctions5. In the case of an accidentai otarm-like Tuestiay's-the E.MO., poliice or fire departments have instructions to cati the Toeronto hase to, report the matianctien. Boy sfranded on clif f rescued by fire Iadder A clase Poney ai Kelsa close part ai tht ohactiocet Cnervation Arto arcet inctte a qaey prteperly oc tht real ýcliffhtanger" Soteetay nighl escarpasent al 10e snalh enti tef mîten police anti freeltghlers hati Keten paek, tehen Sienen tiecitieti tu help a yteaag stitl iaen n tety scaleef a cenact in the frnt a peecarroos perch 40 feel 80-foot high rock face. Ht gol tep a rock ctiff. ahout halfmay, pteeicketi, anti Sîtote Deelasecer, 16, of 149 decititt agaînet clcmheag any Mary St . Milton clung en tht htgher ne retteencef 10 thse rock face for ahot te bots greunti. hcfoee hc mas retceat. Milton Milîones fie hrigatie mas O.P.P. %aid lte incitent mas nol alerltid anti six hfiigitri titon repoleti te thent, bt a as close lu tht scelle as they pttrollîeg constahle noticeti tht cotett wilh a pampte. Statienle commotion, investigaleti, anti were receutet ta assise ccd they calîc ti th 1e fiee deparemnene 10 carreet the 4e foot tatiter ta fret tht youth. mOet Stenen hang ru tht Accortiieg tu police, tht Gratie cliffeitie. 10 dlate of Milton Disteict High Sieeno helpeti caeey tht latiter Schooi mas honing a year-end hack te the touck. A FAMILY OUTING ar thse Kols Coneserveation tht falt tef tht otnrel dam situate i n tee middlie Ares mas the order of the dan tot Mr. anti Mrs. tef tht Kelso ares. Moere photes tet thse htes area Fomier of Qakaitte. Tht Ftemlers, along with their park insitie today'e Champian.-(Staff Photte) chitdrnn Stesan, 11,andi Mark 4, woeepieninkinu aI Board modifies, confirms sections of officiai plan Subttmisstons ftom seven b eandoIlefic]pan Mt. Ketntgltan hati poned denelopter ote latdetirsmee asi e pc ihtelnstiout if lte lantis tyete zortet open htatdhbythe Mlton Planning bcdsgnatda deeome npact the ton should be Boatrd Wednesday as changes in zotne in tîte nen zontof hy-lan. (Cotneted n Pagte 9t tîte proposeti officiai plan ee sougit. On Thuestiay ntght tht f Bnard,' afttt consultatinn tntth ro m r in p c o the toten plonter agee Fo ...a i"s ec o notifica tons, tienieti tome ions of tht offeceai, plan. I A metieg of courteti an La La Skuce dies planntng hoatrd to tenithe finael proposais mat et for L .L .Shece, ac.tnve in Weillknomcethoeghottthe Thuesdaytvnng Io enbete edtecatimni t ltiton Cone cocntf. Me. Skuce mas alsn plannete 10 neake iteceesary fnrn 1938 enetl luteieeîent, acîtienitt the Oakntlle heanch of altraton prerto inl dedsutdtenly at lts Sottdetdgt tie Victotean Octiet of Nures. shtnienion Io cttncdl te July 7. cottage Mondayootentng. Ht mat alto aeeenhbet of Knox tl te expecteti tîte plan mtll thon Follomeef lusttnmnt ftom Pteshyteetan Cîtutot, Qahealle go an tht ptovtnce fort le edocateon moek tie mat mett tite andt e Matotets Lotige nectsteyîround of apptonalt at Haleott anti Petl Trust attd thtlvlbfr ensbetI aig Comtpany anti mas A prtetftetalservce %vil an Ontateo Municipal Boatrd manageof tltnMilton Blanclt he itelt i ttLtndeay, osth letateng aed finatlappoal. fîcttt 1964 outl 196t8 miter ltt I t in t iltt a t Rtnetstde Achtangenfrontlom denstty mas appoittt a sPtctai Ctmetty. Lttdsay. eeedenleal 10 medeumt densety tepttsentattnt. mms apptonnd hy lthe Boatrd for Mt. Skuee came 10 Halton landonthtmwest sieof Bontt Coaety aeedmotkcd fteetMilton St. from Mate 10 Derry Rd. ivntt a, les ptot o f Puhlec Sclenois Armstrong and neglthoensoghl froin Seplcttthet 1938 otl the chane, poceltcnoltlcatta 1958 Mien lie mas appetenteti -mas consanîîy seeng Ille Su pentteet cf Ttafalgar resientital tete attacied Ht Tomnshiep Pubhic iSclenols. When fanettaihome, tleeenstallation of 1I9 't It c w a ' namedt an tîttatid tatîmay anti tIe ttpetnentdet end cotittnncîin estabhetnt of a commercial lhat postioneontellh etiecmcel use aithencorner of Main and in Dtctmhel963TleTcoe Brote wetît aeacheeîg Ile lo Shuee Puhlic Sciteeniin l),kvelle deneevtnedteteal ust. Ht ashcd mttttatttee leltlusttet. the ' a c zoed or igli Ilitli fIt l f 1964 lie Oas hesiy c ocifrlei amtd manager o f lie Boatti Chaetman Noem Ptatcc ntmly-opnned brheo f liaiton ekplained legh estîymasheing atîd Pttl fTuet ie Milton anti confinedti 1lte lomnescore atta cetîtîteont ontil I1(, lieui mlie hut medium deneity moulti mas appottetetil spceal permit apartment bueidings. retetesen taltt antibuhness Tht applicaton ofChriestie titnelopmtnt offie. and Woods fnreIleechange ofa Mes. Skce peedeceaseti Mrl. the ceaclo , Br nteS Skteceen 1967 L L .t SKUCE Say north end fire station Burlington's responsibiy Provision oS atiditional tire Botiogîten. Tht commiite nolunleers tel one lime mere Counîcillor O. Keantz, a tome poli fcglîceng tactlitttt in nterth presennted tete possihilties mteach tifficulis ennisiooed hy tht memher tef tht olteiteler fiee Fine bt Barlînglon shotelti he tht woaiti have the Miloc Area Milton Area Board, brigade euggesttet ltai north tie Looel reepoeschilcty of Bteelingloe, Brigadie iooking aflet a teuck antiCd nîîe a oeimc e Barlingeon mas a hig area. outt tht Btertmgrae ha mifh 0ee eeahiset thta pehilem hai tioteti tente o Whtn pou're lalkcng ahotet conseiderah Boarde ofag thet Piret Areabihe h rbli a evlpdo Cedar Sp rings îles defferent froet equîppeda mette atiedinc rectemmenda- ai Kitheitie. Tht other propasal a fiee fatalîty aI Cetiae Springsu tp n tht mountîn Ht Tere a s lions frot, tht Milton Area Fiee moulti liant Btelington looing andt tiî mas a fine hantiet hy scaggeteet ltte mas no may a potîtteti CureS and a repeesenlalînt tef tht afler il. tht Oterlenglon brigatie since hrigatie front KilOnide coulti arrangemet Ontaerio Pire Marehal's Offece. In a steheeqeene rentent wth Mitonntaecîot calletirahaStnettmenttî o eoc ouricillor tht Fiee Cîteef anti. a eharieo temuan frfnnc toeîlo hartes Iay rept eset ative oef lte Fiee The cotencillot noîtti there sicktt thui a nîtîteec hrigadec mecletieante Milpontt hteometain Marsîtals Office il mas hatil eett to complainte feo ront MlteA ts Mîtn Coonicîl Montiay anti recommenieti tiraI cf Btelingioe tht resients of the area. Mayor Beel noleti tht cosi of coîcetit y asheti a reolcalcon of sappoet' fo ate e as et eter proteecton ce fire service 10 north Btetlîngtoe i tu 100 tira thetpositioen,mwhchht mld chootti he tooketi afler hy Mayor B. B est renieeti lit ce about $7,.800. Tht area ai ai thce lake 10 lte Oece meeting of lte Borlinglon. tender tht pttecrit tire area ....................... . . Pire Area Boarti. Peohlieces of enlisling enough agreemenît a~ ttttniccpalily muet Tht counicillor revieeti lit a volanteers mito motelt 0e in lte îthtiran t otalif on six monihe 3 meetingi of tht Boardi mas helti nillage 24 itotrs a day anti tht notice prior to Octoher t oS aey : mcih tire finance commîtte of prohieret of training 20 tee 30 year. Eur!y deudline lts maches Htghway genetoIIy iscnen esith Basect inH piotit costs mould cltmh lvof a nem stationtis t Ktlbttde. u re r Mts. A. Brush li n lthe agreemtent al cotmpenseation tot a ig mteotectpaly. ouin statenfi the oiinon tte matter fteti for cottotitraîton tetgiJuly7. feom iomtiensîty 10 mediume tiensily mas tieneti hy Ile iBoardi. Thet liete acte parcel meth 300 feet fronlage on Hennt St. , et mas teplatet mas close 10 te hospetal. mat on a mate artery tias municepal sernvcces ant ise close to eclîoît. il mas eoggeted an aparlmcnt hbuilding te lthe atrea motelti ppeat qitît reasonahie. An applecaeeon leom Murray Kernegîton 10 tant hec six acrett off Margaret Se. zoed fot medium denscty ose mat denceti. The Board eteledthle area teoult Fireworks, pageant at park on Tuesday Canada'eheerthdaymeilineîtht ostîlooket int Miltn. Fietoîkt aîdtaaheeefloereng of tht flag ceeemony, coopleti mette e mat, pageant hy tht Melton Rottre are tcheduled for thetoInos Cee rtentiaI Pa rk. leeteateti lt year, thn atreal leeorkn despiny anti nîhet eenes tirem haek-linîeg ceteas anti tht Milton Pathe Boadnndtct Receateon Comnecttee has tieceidet 10eptat lthe enent. The actenety melI hegie aI titsk, orappeonîneattîf 9.30 on Ttesday Jtely t. ¶ kr~ O HeId ta JuIy 7 Delays apartment permit A bailding permit opplication tor t mueks nommîllet, naîlcet are construction of a rt 10 convtuci an 83-saite Depaly-Reeve R. Hattis noteti naît feom Ontaio fI aparement bailing on Ontario lits comnaittec suitl tati some installatio o 'f a sidentaik St mvit] be acteti on duning tht reservolions llat rite drainage front of tlic building. Botte W July 7 meeting of Milton pion eabmitîed hy lte firmes tu bt coeet hy a hondi anti Council, membene decîde in cconsultants. ativîeofltîe cngîîîeer mas te commillet discussions Moeday. Ht peoposeti rerouling tht souglît on lthe dollat valun of Tite applcation fromnToretta nreek 17 feeîin front heroati bonti reqotîcti Corporation tirtm teservations aend cemen ring il teit Il teas etîpecteti lte fige catîcer on tht popteseti drainage ieiefocccg; ulîenaoe lgle anglc fente, îles ceocnce. scoul plant for thn ctnck iesseing tht tai ur ecalleti for. anattahi. lot cauecet action atea of tht propety. Reporting Agteement tati heen eacheti July 7. Tuesday holiday The Champin mii nbserve tht Domition Day :: holiday on Taesday, Joby 1 anti titatiinet fus sema anti atiertisins in nont motOs issuo haae beoen adeancedino mraite t possible no have tht popor nat on )ati time Wfetinestiay, Jnty 27 iti Diaptoy atieertising wiii ho accepteti anl 3 pa. te rian, June 27; chorchsnotices andtmattstatais l ar iý untel noon Satartiay, June 28; andi ciassifietis anti te noms untit noon Montiay, Jase 30. Any news items be ententiot for ynuth, farm or omen's pages shuttbe lie romeinet al The Champion noffice by mnon Fridoy, Jano 27. Ints Tht Champion office miii romain cînsoti ait day h Tuottiay. Testimonial dinner fetes E. W. A tetimtoideeenctat Knoxe speceal tdeetateon profritaetil Fe)ttets ehb lie ct etfce Ille Boards gatlieretctmItîie dieee. Chu ch hall onWttinesiay sant mhch his quîîecintereeted. and chiee econteief preincipaliot et his ioteat Bruce S cht c)l thetleachees of Miltoe Publin Mr. Fostr eepoets tht ne fent an "A' type tcioeel eltentheen te principal Raymondt Mortîsoît Schoole pay Irihule te a mate Years. ohoulti repeesene quie a t couîîly. or hecoMing mas chiîane anti Weslef J. mîco fut 36 yeaes hae sereet as nhallenge vo hem. Ht pions t0 admieistratien assîetantt in one Clont eptke on hehaif of lthe principol andi supervisisg continuet solive ic Milton. of tht hoattis offices. "In t ie local p rincipale. Mes. M. perincipai of the toon's office ont mou Id set nothieg of McEochnen tîn hehaîf of lthe tlemetaey enhoots. Miton schools miii no longer tht teachers or t papils." 0e Miltn teachers. Don E. Stinson banc o supgervcsng principal. saiti, anti rathne tOi,, sit hehînti a on hehaîf of tht former echool Edigar W. Poster is teansfttîing Under tht neas counîy hoatrd of desk 'tollief tep fi gures anti board, anti Mise M. Oemmtll on 10 Oakmood Public ScOotet te edtitcîon selteup, supervision of going gray" Ot chose tht hehalf oflthe former leachees. Oakvilie os peincipal in the fou,. local schools miii conte frone the principatship. On hehaîf of tht galheeing, Ir is a modern, 20-rooset schocel Noedh Etiocation Ares office About 75 tcettrs, torinet principal R. W. McCam anti witO manual training anti home locoîtid in Georgetowon. When teachees anti mentheen of tht teocher Mes. E. Emms presenseti economics niasses and s nem the boardi etinsinott Mer. foemer Milton Poblie School a heautifol occasconol choir ru Foster gooti anti seoe hei.,«cara Morreson socenîtid. "Our lots te iedeetia gîetnehut teeis a gain 10 tht East Halton echool cystent inOakvitlt.- Ht joktngly montiere i f ibis mat Oaknelle's methoti of reealeaîeng on Milton riner the recenî lad anneaton. Me. Ciont recîcittesed ahot hie oneaely years te Milton. "Whttttttt lttee mere citildree. there Oas Mr. Foste,' tie said. (Continget n Page lis EDGAR W. FOSTER, tesving Milton publie are principal W. J. Cloas mho apoke on beoaf of sehoots after 36 Vtars as principal, suptrncstto tht local principals, MmL Poster, Mma M. principal anti secretaro ns, tht sehont board, was MasEachern asho broaght preetinga frei nhe honoreti Wednesday hy the staff of Miltnn Public teachers, anti Don Sninson who spoko on balhailf of Sehools. They presenteti an nccasional chair mhich the sahoot bnard.-Btaff Photo) "Mer. Edacation" s picturedti rying ouI. With him VOL. 110 - No. 8 venty-Four Pages -Fefteen Cents

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