The Canadien Champion, Wadndy, Apeil 16, 1969 Farni Page Holstein caif club sees milking filmi Ey Geace Bird 'The finIt meeting cf t6e Halton 4- HoElstein Calf CIlub mas beldi on Aprîl 9, aI file Agrieuliaral office, Milton. The ineetiaif oas opeard math t6e 4-H piedge. Janet Huiler recd 1he minuts cf 16e oegaolcatlon meeting. Tu'rnay-rmo membrs ansmered the roll ccli Those mhc hadoînletrae presriat atthe organicciion meetinagreceived aboie maierials. A Ohlm mas shomnabcout the importace of good milhieg pracetîces. productiovi of milk and ils qualaîf. and hom ahry musa 6e maîintaird. The leaders rald t6e club ninhbers what tbey expeca ohmn ahey nusit the farin a 10 ae t6e calf pccîects. Bill Sinclair discusard 16e puras of dairy and bref caille. A quiz mas tbro camered on the discussin. Ternis in dcscribing bref caille ocre read and studird. The seirs, led by John Dunford, ,usislant Ageicullueul Repeesentatîve; ced 5cr Errol, Dnîry Ccmmission Fidano; leasrd about mîlh quality aid mere raid bom lvi go abolit Ch rie peojecti which are tb lobe ordic ncmplrs front varicus coma and nrudy tirn. This part ofthe meetingover, the seniors and junos miena bach t0 the joint meeting, ad weelod lu 16mbk cf suggestions andidrafor the unemeeing. The plegrain for Ibis meeting is refI apta t6e club membeen. Continue cost study on Halton farm crops Ey H. J. Stanley (top cent studeare t bc the fratute of the Hcitea Soil and trop ýImprevement Asseciation progeain for the ceeîong yrar. Farinera mili brep tracbofftlic oumber of boues. machines used, ivint of herbicides. iasecticides, et.on the ocrons crei grecca (in their fae. A recod book is br iaf prîîvîdrd te ail the c"eraters. Lait yer Ierr ocre 24 mnes an Ibis sectio. Resulta slîed the costf growlORGrin Corn te be $70./ucee, Coro Siage $90./aore. Hay S60./acre. avid Sprint Grain tache $S4./acae. Higb yicld competitieas cee te 6e held le 1969 for Graia Cern and Spcing Grain. The mianer in t6e cempelilion with t6e baguient nuinberof riers will receive a gold match, cemplimnts cf the U.C.O,Halton Branch. Speak up If peu have an idec abat mîli improe t6e aafetp and efficieacy of peut fiern familp speuk op. If il ould bnlp erbee peple en peur cemmaaîty-speak Up and tell peur Pur Safrtp Counccl. But if peur conversatîion mîght nactell someene and cause an accident-e Ibe hquiet. Thereiis a ime te speak cand c lime for quiet-for safetysabe. Anyone grviig Sepheana an Halton s eligible fer a grat of $20 te ansiat math t6e porebone of herbicide. A bus trip for ail meinhees as planard floe latr ia 16e summet. Anyene micbiag te ache partin lesr proîrcas slîeuid applp as seat as pessible t0 thr Agrieulturul office ie Milton. Ther Oral Hclstein mile cf file year t0 top t6e $100.000. mark mas 16e disperai of the Amilly Hall Herd cf George ced L. H. L.eaver, Campbeliailie. The 103 head ocre scld Apeil 7 aI the Hayv Sales Armna, Qakoîlle. 1cr c total cf $104,360., mith 16e excellent coerage of $1,013 rach. Thirîp-niee head mere saldi for expert, laîgely lu the U.S.A. hua iaclodaeg iales ta Soath Africa, Jipan and Purcin Rico. Thîrty-one animais heoagha aI lcana $1,000. Top prîce paîd mas $6.500 fcr tir fiee.yeaî.old coin Ailî Centurion Aidta. 86e mas hcughr hy W. J. Eceahel, Tcllesham. Agc Breas., Hamilton, bouilli c mclher and her lino dagbera for a tctal cf $14,100. The ievee.yeae-cld 'Vecy Gcod" dam, Ehydule Reflrclin Karen, îeld for $4,200; 6cr yearling daughîer fce $5.200.; and ber heifer caîf for $4,700.' Homard T arrzowîel1 Georetrown , pcid $3,000. fcr o ed brifer sired bp Romandale Refleclion Marquis and $2,450. foe a ..Veey Gocd' daughtr nf Rianafe Centurion. Lowe ced Rownlee, Wccdbridge, hcugba c "Vr Goodi daughaec cf Rovafe Centurion for $3,000. and paad $1.000. for 16e "Vry Gciod , Thre Star foundaao com, Ronafe Refleclica Phoehe, despile hee advanced age cf 15 pears. aisc Phorbe's brîfr calf at $1,700. Merit mnedal Jersey bull The Jersey hal. Bramptoa Sir Brainpten Sir Bijou Radac is Bijou Rudar, Eocellent, a the sire vif 682 teSîrd daughteei Superior Sire and Gold and tct have ancaverage poducien Sîlver Medal bull, bus lunt bero of' 8,731 i. math. 462 ha. fa t, deîagnated u Medal cf Menit bull 5.29 per cent, and 547 daughtrs ce t6e high production of bis t bat have an average daughaers. by 16e t'antacdin classification cf 83.58 pet cent. Jersey Caille Club. This bull anas Nia cinusifird daaghtrs are as for several pears an cetificlul follons: 45 Excellent, 204 Veey ansemînutica service aad mas Good, 205Good Plus, 81God usrd midrly sheoughout Canada. and 12 Fait. Ne mas bred hy B.N H.ull and Son, Nonvat, nnd ased au t6e hrd cf Mfain C. Becdy, Milton, and fialy in theOxford POLLOCK & District Catile Breeding association, Nia is a son cf Brampten CAMPBELL Ridar, Exceclent, a Gold and Sucver Medal, and Medai of 10... Menit, Superber and Croiury Sire. ccd bis dam ia Bramnpton W -H ADEMMOIL R Bijou, Excelleot. a Sîlver Medal daughter of Bramaptoa Wcrld'a Records. witb a recerd i... a3 yerraof agc, in365 days. of G. 10,400 has. oaîlb. 625 has. fat, an2. ilma 6.01 percent. Albert Tee Den, Waieltcei, bougbtac "Vecy Gocd' daughlee of A.B.C. Refleclin Scicreige ni $2,700.; a 'Veey Gccd" dauglaler cf gond Haven Rng Apple Mapie aI $1,300.; ced, an "Excellent" daagiaser cf Maple aI 81,000. The biggeal bayer mas R. Dale Junes milc seced 13 hcad. Seven miens ta C. M. Soîlema, Indiaeapolis, led. ced six 10 Laurence J. Fiabler, Croirai City, Nebraska. Six animais miena tc Quchcc buyccs: Hilaire Mictin,. La PeesenlallaR, paîd $2.000. for n fcue-ycaecold brifer; A. E. Dombiggin, Austin, $1,700. fcr a fauc-ycac.cid beigec and $450 for n heifer caif; and Normand Fontaine, Sa. Mccc Mercheres, $1,500. foc a beed heifer and $750. and $600. fur Imo nikieg femeles. D. eal Preston, Waqa, South Africa, hcugbr a foer-ycac-Id beifer ai $1.400; and Shigees Maisaura, Hokkaidc, Japan, c bred brifer i $1.600. Anibol Gonaîe, Pueto Rico bcugha a bull calfat $850. Sixay-sii milking feindra aveeaged 01,059. eacb; 12 red beifers $794.; 12 heifec caves, 01,001.; 10 cpen beifees SORS., and Ihee bulis $525. Uot SalWY for boan deka empboyes Polîcîrs and a salaey achedair foc clecical empicycca vif 16e ccunly Bcard cf Edacalion mere approved Thueaday, gcveenig sl aaies eanging fecin $270 inonabiy lu $520. The sehedule calîrdl for the mndly saiey cf a mail and fie cleck, ur geecai junicr cleck tc lange frcnt $270 t0 $325. The top baches mas fcr senior staff seýperoisals ced staff assistants ci $410 and $520 mcushily. The policica alow 10 slarucscry bohidapsancd peoda for tmo minku bciidays aftr smo pears, bree meeka afler Oive yies and fcur minks afler 15 yeaes. _ 1~ DRIJMQUIN History of district is read to Institute Leaver dispersai sale tops $100,000 mark M Wcr Ape F e wei mei F Thu yecî the AhI don drc' olh dca' perr A Ial yen for the suit N ceai pria Ma fin disi the lace Mu yen Nie ioy Ire ta Te dis sel cf tha 86 ge asl la By Mrs. Cecil Paliersoe A samm'ii mes satin siariad aed tboasands of carda of mhite a. Frank Wrilee mas haister oeil staves mccc made an the the mrinhrrs cf Draveqai minier and piled la the batik af mera metiule on Taesday -the Sinseen Mile Cceek. aed il R ai 2 pin. hira. R. Rloaîcd le a silile 6te sprint. athersico. preaideni. Pram ihis trade Oakville gai ias comrd tie ladies and naine. dacird the meeting. Eleve En 1850 n pae iad.fham nbllrt ansrrd thr roll ccrl Qakvlle t0 Ralbfa mast laid, h -cWIidhocd ineinories". and a singe coach service men mnal plana mcîr madr for thr dasly front Cakvilir t0 vie parf ta br beldi in Georetomn. Taday le this cey Merry School n district mie lave a manderfud irsday rvirning Apeil 24. l.csi simitci cf contry mih homes r il mas aeey saccesafai and cf elegance ced lanaey, bai do group i areargieg for an notletias farget tisai these brave a langer aiirndaece this ypr. min and wmn ioiled le dangee reautifal mccl rut made and ced loneâesand laid the sied by Mas. J. Pîchrîl Sr. is foandatin foc ail the hicoiengs gain the apecial prie in the mc nom eojcoy. a and dirre are scoles cf Ail officiers mare mesialird et mceîhmhilc caicles ta be for aoller ear milh the saine nn for ced gifi for eveey of Mes. T. Aldeemen added as son aisendiog. diiecior. Tise meting cintred! yeae bcok of idalice Coanty miss Inaîlinie giace and lunch fisllte highlighis for the posa mas scrved hy the hosicas. r is t106e made and ha meady Mas. Henry Nomak lat t6e Instillae convention in cenvalcascieg i he home, Deeey latter para of May. Ordece Rcad, afser a sly ced saegecy in e taken and rvery mermhcr Rarlinglon Hospital. scrilad for a copy. Mes. Helene Miachede cf Ira. F. Tuch, hisîneical Pisoreheive, Germany, ian avisiter vrner, eead an inacrestlag mils, Me. and Mes. Heny Ncmah cie, meiiren y Rob Ray and cf Hcmnby Greenhoases, Dcrcy aîrd an the lcai paper cn Road. rch 26, 1913 and mas t6e oad A moisi sacceasfal Science Pair e hisloep of Hoînby and and Open Hanse mas beldi it cielt. Percy W. Merey Schcci on 6e sicey ns cf lior men and Tharaday evenieg. Apeil 10. Six le familles whc cefa t6e aid rmains mccc opened la parents dl le 1818, and arriord it and frienda. le Mes. Clayioe'a ddy Ycrk an Jue cf thal room Ihere maes folk dancing. e. Tise men Jchn Dempsey Me. Shierre tenir hcd i J. Fisher cf England. A. demcestaleiannaand science lace cf Scclland ced Tom rîhiblis. le the iibeaey ce and John %socn cf ceccedinga on lape froint every land came hp stage fecont Ycrk dlam le 16e achool mine plcycd. Muns and walhrd up t6e Bcys ced gicla pal ce a fine .t6 Lie te the corner cf diiplay cf gymenasica i Mci. afalgae and Esquesiet Fisher's recir, ced t6e enahipi. Thal iigha ahry slcpt auditcriaum hcd heen mit ap mllh dcr twc cm trees. These brave art, language and cecalive moek ilsrsard fcr a an lifr in t61v ced lne restieg hobbies front ticr, heiegieg Iheir familles ta carry clans, Il mas moar tle in t6e iras. Il mas a impressive and icachers and omised land mîlh a hage stand ar d i e nîts shea id 6le lianher ad cats cf drer and complimenîrdl on Iheir ey told cf hacking 16cir rodeavors. gnsa the hanik cf 16e The regular meeting cf t6e ace Mile Crcrh and forkinf Percy W. Merry Haine ccd tasmmmon fish hy the score. Schcel Assoaciion miii ba beldi In c fem ycarî Hnmhy mas in t6e achool an Thusday aupy hccming milh chorches, reisg, Apeil 17 aI 8.15 c.m. nerai sacre and liorri. Aaa GaraI speaker miii br Dougls aeey oned by a Ma. Brooks Wood of Ibis airea. Me. Woixd bas make potrail a potarcy, a bren clcd Peesideni af the fier bop and n blacksmith Al Provincial Trustee Bard. The ndiicted business en t6e aires. sîle of officers for 1969.70 mdli ""TIiey Iaughed when 1 drove up in my Volkswagen convertibe,. A lot cf people tbiviE the Voibsocagevi gollon cf gas. Volun 000f, dcvii gel the idua pu mon't coviviettible ls the fooriest thing ca carre bu padl ea vieeds oul gel us mimb vil u tbrill out of drieing il au aoog silice the Voîbsocugan. And te poiri covit lilîle. iWe don't pou ooild a big coaviertible. Whicb la wbp me davit gxoroviiOO tInb ig repaie bill are fcnoy ut uil.) In fuct, givin a good îtratcb cf open Ibai Ibis sort oi tiig mollI bappeaf if pou . Whut's mora, il ba a bonsimude top bigbocup und muphe c bit of a tcilocind, comeaulong le oe. Chutas pudded wilb 2' cf foum ruhber t0 f00 ccîi avien zip past oaa oi Ibosa Botîmbila Ibap're lugbing cvi the vil kcnp heat in and coid cul. big favicp jobs. aida, yoa'ra laging ce the inside: c VW Rut, juil bacculse uadernatb il ail Ard ochor could ha more mmli breazeaulcng fre 32 miles or a sinigle the Voîbsocagen convertible is itilI ls c briilivig fibon filet? Th-m ai o-. 280 vio --aaaa Carada. Tha ye ..u 1. la th. vaIsa PaOM. Il SMALL BOILING FOWL 25' L TCKU YoR REZRJ HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS Down Gardon Lane, off Mill St. - 878-44l b. grofatied, aise aUlet blina mla rafraalunan d goda hmif hoar. libre momabaeaip la nom iaiad aas 4 mllier. Mnty h0thsabaaaaamcd asthe die fr hiea Day ai Paecy Manry Schoci. A film mli ha ahomîn la thea auditorium aad a Iea mont, refresmensand, balsa sabla, gratia iiumb erad oaiie sales bootis milieh open foc business. The houts mli ha fiole I p.m. t104 pin. TIhis Ilia nem venture as usally tis clvens has haRo bli e the Priday evenaeg hefore May 24. Rlridy grealiags t0 <2caifry Deawhrook Jr., Rodaey Gccding, Dianne Soliha, Lysme Stewact, Jacqueline Wilkinson and James Hilsen. The Norths Trafalgar Slimeilas iseid their meetieg on Monday March 311in Pcrcy Mery Scisool milh 26 members aiiending for exercîsca and flirtera progenes. Mca. Ida Plant mas lthe mlnarar of the prize for hesl meighi laser of tia mmek, and Mrs. Ena Crocks of Milice mas miner cf the monlhly. Mss. Cracks has made fane prcgrels in the slimming progeamt as has Mrs. Sea Zilio of Milton. Congralaions t0 hoih ladies. Cancer si foand throaghua t6e plans aed animai kiegdoms. Fossile front the dinoaua age indicale e fii cancer han peobabîy exisîrd almosî front the laginning of lifr. Hrlp co pal an end ta risis moal stabisorn of ail men's eneanies by agenernas contrihution ta ahe Apnil campaige of the Canadian Caner Society. ATTENTION FARMERS. SEED CLEANING AND TREATING 0 OUR Silo CLEANER IS NOve IN OPERATION OAILY O Callus for a sed cleanig ad reating appoielad e wlldo oi cî,vos aoseelha you wîîllgel yor grainbacks oon as posible. Forithose ocho have a oirewovo probleor on their faerm, whave 'Liquid Menacne Concen- traCe. Ths producccan be apphied vrlh our seed eaer ad lcnros both ocireocorm and smut. PLEASE NOTE - We will not be able t0 accey grass or cover seeds for cd'an- ig ding the seed graincleanig eason. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZER APRIL vs the ,vonth ta apply Amoium ir Nate oni your Fait Wheat, Hay and Pasture fields. Approx. 80 Ibs. pet ace ontl yield you neyerai more boshels cf whiear per aceor gie you a better staand of hay orpastute. "CALa. AND ORDER TOUR SUPPI.Y PROM US TODAY' We villhavcegood stoicks of C.IL. Farm Fertilze for sprng delivery. We also havie a Pertllîzer Spreader avilable for broadcast spreadive of fertilheer. GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS NOW is the tîvre ta 6e thivkring of your "SMALL SEEDS- SEEDING PROORAM FOR THE SPRING OF 1969. We iIl 6e haoving good suipplies of "GREEN GOLO' Grass and Cimier Seed avcîlable. ORDER YOUR SUPPLIES OF SMALL SEEDS PROM UJS NOW ands be sure of getrin top r1uality anid the best of viarieties. 'WR WILL MIX YOUR SEED FREE 0F CHARGE" --TO1 YOUR SPECIFICATIONS" 0 Mixing Your Seed to Your Own Specificalions wiII Save YOU Money I SEED GRAIN We havie good supplies of rocr viarties and grades of Seed Grain aviailabie for immredaae boogand delivery. * REGISTERED NO. i GARRY OATS O CANADA NO., i1 ROONEY OATS * CERTIFIER NO. 1 GARRY OATS O CERTIFIER NO iKELSEY OATS * CANADA NO. i GARRY OATS O CERTIFIER NO. 1 SELKIRK WNRAT Il REGISTERED NO. i ROONEY OATS 0 CANADA NO. 1 HEETA BARLET * CERTIFIED NO. 1 R00MEY OATS O CANADA NO. 1 PEAS S CANADA NO. 1 STORMONT OATS MASTER W. stocku full lin,o FEEDS MASTER FEEDS OWi $774512 - OeoeROWfl of Am"lo year proiums agiE isas ovia aiý asnd whist Ille'v i in le CALL.. M MLL QMURENFIILD 17 WoodmnrýdvAc. OM70.171