Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1969, p. 14

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nnting is imposiblhe ohen pou haven't teîedîir. Sementioned tiserere tistee types of onen, fis se oho iaise tisings isappen, soise saio Iet hiegu iiappeo. and those wosdos't keovaoytieg is happening. Mes. Sosail îlsonked tise Women's tristitute ai] oser the province lue ihe muesellous Ceetesinsol peolects, ohenorver $70,000n'oseraisedoseptn tise isteirmens of "[]omne and Country" dueîîsg tise (esseennial yea e. Tht Loosille ladies tri. Mev. George Coulsoîs. Mes. Tomn Raessiîuo asîd Mes. Peter Gâies accsoyorrsed hy Mes. Stanley Clîsissîlsîs saig swos vleciioss Tiie sessîsî flien adjouened hiera deiioss lussclitisi seeved isy St. Poul's Unsied Clisrcli Wsmrn. TIse seod saisît gistswr introduced isy Mes. Noreman Longton.s rst sice-peesiderit. Mis Johnsî lied. Districti W.i. peesîdesît, Mes Haorold (oulsors. liestsssce-peesidesr il S Poul's U.C.W.. Mes. Sollansysse, Mes. Mîsîloti. 'ederoteil Bîord Mesîiser for Guelphs Distict, 84 Thse Canadien Champion, Wednssday, Apel 16, 1969 Mountain Union Insitute Mountain Union Womein's Institute celehrared its 45th aneriveasaey uts Wedretsday, Apeil 9. t n'as heldi in St. Poul's Unied Cisueci Ch ristiani Educateon Cente. Tise norînmg session opened ut 10 unr. airer tise visitors and mniervs ad registeted. Mes. V. Norrîs aptnnd tise niornngsessionn'ithra puet on "Frrendvhsp", risen estended a isearty n'elcome toal]lMountaîn Union's gursîs ors tis happy occasion. Everysane look partîin a sing'song undeetthetledeshsip olf Mes. Stanlry Ciîislîslm. Mes. liallaniynt. paît F.W.l O. Board memiser front Guelphs gave Isso isueoroos recitions. Tise guet speaker for tise nsoening, Mes. Evereti Omail, pose Provinisal Presîdent F.W.t O. was intessducedisy Mes. Norrîs. Iler addeess strecsed lIse aduinlage ofi bieg trastîlute mnemisers, and tisit osir of ris oasis puepîssîtas 5 10creuse gonsd ,.rinsip. Memisors wi haenvrlseld office wr urger! iiisosnrr acive,isesause THE itSTH ANNIVERSARY cake ni tise Robeson Auxiiiary Wome MissionnoeOSocitytofKenoxPesh terieChueoh was cul ho twa oi tise lonet membees, Mes. E. E. Yates and Mes. T Lotr. Tise Batr thnisoeniiee meetieg aiso e iurei o film aeil oddlesa.-Staff Photo) recalis those early Dessert, work bee for fair directors TIre la dres' Disvson ofltiatton Ageicuturaoicety iseld suai metinegs ectnity. A dessest tuecisoon n'as eoyed isy 14 ladres oestre Agsicutuai Hiallit n Marcs suiersan îrlosestrng reoron tire crrovention oas gu ne hy Mary Marvsall and Ruths Ford. trous decrded ou purcirastîsoene drslire sud tIse sn'w cupisuards n'treiesd. Prce lIss usere dsscusaed ausd plans laid luis lue 1969~ lais. A work meeting waslid its oeis oins 10 memenis pressent. Prce tists uasd judgeuosre agasn eevren'ed, and su Oru decsdtd tui notsly use Isaeur Aussîasy Irle H.AS. ladies wulud sponrss lire Octoisee irtidsy par fuis M anoe resudevîs. A cmmsiee is i vared. Altos adjuruîosevi lise ladres htld an'ok peril t and and nanishe t usi ye cu ads COMPEE '(INSURAEX RR Ford MLYON ITEEPHONE I DANSWERINGD Il*CONPIOENTIAL I * PERSOP4ALIZED Vour hospital auxiliary Education key to success days Anra 12 tothe Provincial Board of tise F.W.t.O., Mes. Jamieson, Atta third vice.prasident: Mes. Everett Smatl, Provincial pose president: Mes. Velma Notrai, prearderri of Mouvrait, Union W. t., Dr. Ethel i'hipmaa,; lits. Nashs; Mes. Franks Hodtey, assistantsereary-troisuee, Mt. Union W.; and Mss. Goedon Fartow, second vice-presrdeot. Tisere weee t150 membees avd guests prescr. and Dr. Enset Chapman cor the anrnersaey cake, Tht afrersoon session optttd wiha sfg-sorrg, folloostd hp a short memorrat service toher hy Mes. J. Maurice Readhrod , whrch wfollowed hy a minute's nitrer praper in memory of iii memisers who hase hemn colîrd ru ightr service. Mes. F. W. Harbthlî gave ars rrtetesling eve. (if the aither antiversorres that lrad heers cclehrated. the lOtir, 20th. 251h, JOlis. and dOth. Mes. Ellerhy nf Li meirouse, puni district peesîdent read an inleresting article frm tire 1945 issue of the "Farmet's Advocale"- Tht Luseville ladies trio lovoredn'ith two morenunlhtrs. Me's. Ballantyne gave lw oir t humorous eeadings. Tie guesi speaker of Isle ail cesson, Dr. Ethel Chipmari ors introduced hy Mis Lloyd Ceuseford of Camphellsslle. Dr. Ch a pmean cungrasulale d Mountaîn Union Woneii's Isiueon keeping suds ais activehbranch gosng forsomariy yeats. She spoke on lire clsargiisg tsmes, aboat how early prograins of tise tesertute încluded tsi r of huttrr-makîng, hread-iraiuhig. cîîllîng flocks af layîog Iron ls. etc., hecause in ihose duys, il n'as tise hatter and egg money tisai oas tise h ouseie's spendinit money. Nons progtams could lhe planned on the cultural aide, înteeeslsng films arr avaîlahle o planning for your roîleemeol pears, sucisas "Hon' ru ise Isle test of yoar lîfe tht isesl oflyour Ilte." Plan an interview type progrant, n'heee questions con hoe asked. Study nOys to cOpO nsith modern day violenie ond oh scenIl i y. tJtselsp lire technique of discussion ostis yuung peuple, lamîly tilt, chdet flt, and ote Institutes or organibations. Hast a muscion come and teare o like gonrd songs; saine n'ith fine pîcrures se ors. st udy status of onrevu id put or a ssit Leaiioiiiiil mens to gîve sîsmesîne "lise power of attorey', sise suggested. Mes. Bert J oncs carred outl tht court essos and prtitnlaolsso the artistes of tie day oins a e well ciioste oeds. tnstîtute for Honspital Auxitiary Eveosative Personet. The institue Oas iseid in tise Ontario Hospital Association Building in Don Milis. ODe isundred asd forty'une membrs wnre present front tise 217 afliliated Ausiliaries in Ontario. Tise firss day hegan witis greetnge fron Allas Hay, evecatine director of tise Ontario Hospital Association. Tis n'as lolloord hy an excellent speechî detîvered by Sister Mastic, odmenisteatue of Hotel Dieu Hoîspital in St. Catharines. She spokt of organization in tise isospital and tise isospital Aîîxîtîary's reeatronsisip te ibis oeganizaiion. Mes. A. G. Edmunds, presidrnt'tltct of tise Hospital Ausiliares Association of Ontario lten spoke on tise iIlt egralsion of the Hospital Auvîlîary set tise înactinery nI tise isospital. De. Margaret E. Nix, tise oflernoon speaker oas outseondrng. Sise is a prolessur of eavioueal Scriencrsal aPace College Geoduate Scisoni of Business Administration in Ne' Yorks City. Sie urged auiiaty On 45th annivemr5ay prohtems thenugli tise use of whsite ii cotiege preparisg for tise ciidten. Tiseir chitdren itsctade commnunication, participation minîstey. Follooing graduation, Howard of Michigan, Paul af and leadership development of tisey orre enarrird Match 27, Wi t iamnstomit, Wta (Mms their members. Dr. Nux used tis 1919 aitie ciallege eliapel. Richaord Pochard) oI Ohio andi tisnee'poist formsat in liser T Ire Miii ers stred as Eltiseda (Mrs. David Tbomitley) presentation and dem' upun tire missiunariesiapn and Korta, of Marietta. ideas of auuitiary enters presert. At tise tend of lite speech tht n'ias just ly aeadedsadn ovto.nt o d a Miss W . J . Shl Co-nedinatur of Auviliaty t Voluntete Services oas tise speaker for tise ohoîr second is toi. f or panel day. She speke on tise formation A panel discussion on geve isis peint of vieo. of constitutions for hospitol "zrnptoyment of Irle d1f"' seri Sueîs fom ttsno auxîliaries. Altoai se dirreced Suet rm tesno groap discussions on tise isigisiglet ibis moeuris meeting sho iOSD aebe managtment nI e genrai Aocition lti ndPe invied to atteitd, asd aseyane ossembiy aird tise use nI lsoca ionfr lie Hearieeg interested in tise sahjtct is parliamentany peocedure en Handscapped, n'iichirsoheing oeicome tooattend. auviîar meeing. ietd ut i8 p. m. tonigis ____ Atisongs metns. JyradMs (Wednesday) ut Ontario Scisool Frame wrre sept very isusy for fo ieDasuiradtru. JUST TRY IT to days, tisey report risey Gary Battronte of D.S.D. oitt Tise corporal oas preparing to leorned a great deal and tisty modterae tie panel ared panel Ssngerprint a meenit. esnyrd their tapetience. menrhees oi ho Stanley Pont, a " Wa sh pour bonds," hie tse't tl fortunate tisai or are pla cemetnt ollîcer frm ordeed. able ru tend memisers nI our Hamilton; Me. Montgometly ufn "Both of tbem?" asked tise Hospital Aaxileary 10 a tise Canadian ltearîng Society, recruit. convention, tisai tisty may heing Toronrto; and Jer McCultocis, Alter a moment's bttitatioU e ideas and insighst hock 10 aupeevîsîeîg reociser of tlie O.S.D. tht corpeoral said: us? I ait mises for a isttr vocal sînal section. A deaf "No, jutt ont, t oast ta at organizalien, pou knoo. enrpiîyee is asisespeced ru you dn t.," Mrs. C. Service president Scotch Block Institute 1llie iSils aimasol mini'sg of Hurît. Pes., Mes. C. Wilson; Mes. C. Wilson bois tire chair Ladites Aid ofIllie cisurcir, to n'iiib tsel,,sal euche. tIre S.'cth tBlock Ws t. oas lieid ltrtsidtnt, Mes. C. Service; Ise ugain lu fiuishr tise business, cst S2.29 per plate. A speerat An iaction hy Mes. S. Hatrop iii Lrgeiy Haull oisn a suroipluous vice pes., Mes. J. Irving; 2nd Mes. C. Rooney reported on eveniiig meeting oi foltow sertis sotd tise casdy and date boaf to, pin taick tuocierrîs oiied vict pes., Mes. H. Duels;, Sec, tie District Animalotru htetittd iii a guest speanker. triglise hdders. Mes. C. Service isyroosîhesoei gusis trua. Ms. hu isiisnm; nie. ostn hurch May 21, winu Tire Aprit card paety oi bn moved a vote of thanks ru tht Mr. C. Wilsonrî presiderîs. soc. irtis., Mes. S. Mueray; Scotch Blonis ismueci biog tie cosîvorred y Irle flloseieg peesîdent and offhctes for tiseir oelconred al itois o ieiglîr District Dirercin, Mes. C. Wilson; isttesa. Tis event ontl start ut ladies: Mes. S. Ftaerop, Mes. C. faitisfut services of tht year, and sprrrrg penrtor lrlted "Gonid Alternat Dise. Drector, Mes. J. 1.30 p.m. tcu 4 pom. fotiooed hy Rooney, Mes. M. Murray, Mes, tise meeting ctosed seitis tht irsirf. Sarsry Apeit". Tise lispsin; Pubie Relations o dinner cateed to 5P Ilre D. Lasoos Mes. 1 Hirpi. Tis Quere. ssal hbusinss oas dooli n'sis, Oflice,Mes.D. Laoson; Banch _______________________________ resultiof nr cifiirients for a Dirrctoes, Mes. D. Robsetson, weddiig in tIse Lesis is Apïit 16, Mes. C. Berown and Mes. W. oaiiiquiryisoreohustoodto visi Hareis; Pianis, Me.R. Drdge, St. Lasotoirce Otarcis Co. unis fli Andiors, Mms. C. Johnson and uong oinsi a aist ristitut. Mes. H. Davis; Detegates lu Dise. receriri tire tollit, tirreerseof Aînua, Mrs. C. Service, Mrs.C. lIse Duoglitees of Irle Emnpire for Wilson, Mes, C. Roeey, Mita * eheserg rucire, and 5 EvCiisom dssrrsedltoithecanrcer fond. Standrn g conventers are: Textuim d & Tire cîreper ins ii carrdy and retlesietconvente, Mes. M. dole tirai oas judged isy Mes. (urnie, froasse, Mss. C. Roseoey. Yarer arîd lits. D2. Lioi. Fise conîmuîity activities, Mmi. C. peue ie orrdy oetrî ru Mis S. Brown;agrculture and Cosodion Non-stop shapelits hy Carlpie C rations en Rose Keitnu Mutas' lenlured liarrop osuli Mrs. C. Wilsonrsî hens tdustres, Mes. D. Luoson, Forlrei pehie hetin. Poohahie. N onssetcis Sonnetss oundi Left, taIiy ted liii date tiraI cîtîtrîship and tdlucatîon, Mes. set kr i$2 ri-addsu-o i$.Rgt leeessitwt Mrs C. Wilson. onI sacairg lire J. Irving; home ecueumice and sianststont2Bulhnedelnpa5 Rgsstnitsbîlwb chour. tisarked al li for teun ioatth, Mes. D. Robertson; ugluonai asi an $18. Noncalant omiset seh ncetrim or $12. Att in amati, csr'uperaisors dursusgle eriof lisioricat research, Mes. R. medium, largte. i, ony, iov, mit. offiuce. irvief; Iloters, Mes. J. Hophis; Mss S. Msura iron sdacied tire piogmarin, Mes. C. Johneson; ,sctontl osîlicers. os Iclloos. Milton Fait, Mtts. M. ('Ortie. tsdiisaioniss of lIse utlnost imotanse lue people today, regardtrîs of risese sgt or jobs. Educalion is lire key tsuccs ii lhIs "last.pactd" oed, olsereecow ideas. lisougisis and plans ore corstaturl hesnging about chaorges. Tire Miltoe District Hospital A usstsoary recognizes tise importance of educaion for thises rneers. Tisey keon' tisai sespîrot iuhonin iseooedge gaintd ilsesougla edocatron ontl iseip tse i peint their orgarrizulsio. Ili tris iuiiiiectioii, Hospital Auxiliay iromises aeeguaty sentto convsentionis iordtr tut tirey rrruy short idons n'îth irtîrs. arsd use ilsese ideas Io ospail arsd streisîlicr shor gessup. liis iecesoy liaI tire vitoreer hisîsyal isîseer ise educited.f luireli liter tu set tire imrepstance i' lire job lire is disg arrd. as oeil. tu rotate lierself moeureeodily lis tire proessirrsl ors ris tire lrospslil. For 100 days iris poil wtt k, Mns EissJyce. peeese oft tise Mi 1t îr Dristrict s Hospital Auiiroy and Mirs. Bi. 'earre. te Compbellville-born missionary celebrotes 5Oth onniversary A reception was belli eecentty and lter paatored in chtarces In at Willîamstoon, West Virgiata Nebraaska, Mieoura, Oioa and ta honnr the SOrh oedditg PesylvUani. Ttsey aia apeaod anniversary of Rev. and Mes. W. up 32 aco cisurches lit the U.S. F. Miller of 521 Victoria Ave., antd Canada. Tbep maved ta Williamston'n. Witamiutown in 1944, entered Mes. Millet, flie former evanglitic work, and recetitly Elizabeth Howard, oas bornai Ufield treir 424tts revivat it Campbellviiie. She OUI one of 18 Jackssonville, Florida. Mr, Milter chiîdren us tht familp and is stifi Uctive in tht etUsgelistic seeral relatives stili reside in the field. Carepbellvilie area. They are tise parents of four Me. Millet is frnm Oklahomo cbitdren, t1S great-gasdcsldes

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