Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1969, p. 1

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Esuesing protests * education tax for landowners higher than total tax last year 4 ~Esqoesmng Connodi ss font ah t o accept peoposed 19 edocalson tati increases sosthi 41 ONK"t figlt. c m nilotisg the regolar meet incoonicit chambers Mont 15 QIlut (&înftbUl EIamto Wilst ae f ïht sent to Edocotion Mini! j~Wlin g avis, tesos ni ip are se Vo.109 -No' 50 Milton,.Ontario, Wtdnestay, Apil16, 1969 Secondçilan anl Registratin Niisstts-0913 Tenty PaesFtrftotn Cents t-ilton East MPP Jins Se __________________________0 Opposition leaders in gNo buses Close Hejalîts scimoolofli atnCuySe MOUNTAIN UNION WOMENBS INSTITUTE marked iss 4B1h enninersarg mith a hirrhdoy ceslebation le St. Pool's United Chameh o Wadnesdsp. On. of the goest speakers Or. Ethel Chapmean, mha s a ent aoshor end speaker bort Maton Coonicil millcotii tu preess flot etalishment ni HaIson Coonty os o anis ni tegloa gonetomeni. il mas aged Mondoy os meanhets reeieted o deafi h6ief on the soljeci. Tht Misistet of Monieipal *Affales, in kms tentotive psopsosi on the suletect, hail oatlnned o merger of MaIson andl Peel otan o single reglonol unit. Snppoetlng mops bo tht tomn lret, deofted hy tht Mayor ofiiet discusseons ai coonecl outtane tht aevices oeiglnatlng feot Matn te tht soeeoonding rueal oseai. Tht aeeas of hydre, telephone, mal, liee and neans services are outlined. in suppot ofi tht ptoposed foor omet fier unîtis of gonemment. Milton moolil fom o oeil ni in Maison Cnanty, is pienaret eattitg the anninarsary cake. Lnnhinî on as lti s atother speaker Mrs. E. Setail nf Enais, pas provincial W.. president, eshile Mnantain Union presidant Mes. Valeta Nantis looks ana et itlt.-Bnoll Phontn) gonosomeni ineiodmng tht soth section ofi Nasiogotiepo to tht îoth Sidesood. Ib Esqutsîng tht fine moolil be consinued te Ailegeont and thon dlip dotin tht Senenle Lîne to tht Fiitle Sîderod and contiuenno file east hoondaey nfiho township. Tht noothoro mimii of tht propased Matn oma mnoid les tht norihtrnnsetion of Oahnie and Bodîington akone tht Lotion Boit Lino Rod. Tht oetheso setion ni tht coanty, aloet tht Milton fioe anoli he tise ActonnOeosgetotn unit. Beloti Miltn motd ho tht Bortînglon andl Oohnille uniti. Mltone' lret noggosls île regnonol gonernsmn honsld les opponntsdl b office ley tht second sier siscied msmhs, on tht hanin ni popolation, hot in the cire of nnting powoer each monicpolity shotd hav oneq ai noting rgels. Tht local or loties ries of goneroment psnposod ion tht Milton osto moald incînde o îînoaselecied os large, fonr cotnucillos eectd hy tht nîshan osto and ont coone ilon iroin sootht Esqoesing, sooth Nassagamepa, nneth Ooknlle and nosth Borlnngtnn. "Regrditen ni anhat forai ofi gosesoment is estahlishtd, anmte fiota of soiegoord moist le psonided so fihit o second tier gontroimont hon tht night ni oppeai 10 tht Ontario Monicipol Board ns lico hndy, in the toto s ihol il s fiorced bo stagnate os seioîed capital fondi. Each and enery socond firsgotitsOmet shnald le psrnsittdi to denstop oiiinls so rsonas and capahilities". thlesîilcontode. Dtiending ils contention finir Halson nsold ont les messgod mille Peel. tlise lsief nogget île coonitys e mldsd togethor on o soceeseialsotiiyhy noce loings ai hoîpitol gsants. Haliton Cen eionoal Minn fier senior ctznfle eounîf Planninng Ansciation, Coonty todonssoil Commiesion, Conty Chid Welfie and Fomniy Coolsîslnng Usnit, Caoty Heoiil Unis, Coonty Moseum Boord and (lise influence ni flis Haison Region C onervantion Aosinorsty, Ile Rtgnisssy Office, and île Coonty Board of dati. "The pressris popolation ni Hahton Coanty foits anîhîn flic ceitoria estohlsshsd for a Reginnal Gonssomeol lioity. gCnatisd on Pana 2) phmd nMao frVae6,7 C Bn 8efladeels ville, milI ho utleadleg the Merlin St. Senint C h Puhblic Sebeel senl pyu Assistant Dîcrer Douglas loin o Luminea et tht Hulluon CeuaIty Milo Heih Board ut Edeestin eeutiresd Sepisanhes mai ns Tht Chsapion Tusdy. ocrosethercetio Seepteuwhe reneled changes forsricio natom metleeedry changes et sindente adnptedi the tltmtetaty sebuel mivel, Board ef Educnti ntetprted a parugrepe la the The 100 sts Ittte le mereu bus île Milton Heigle trasportatin mais plarutd. attend tis J. M. Sehool in M Me. lamInes eaufimd au bas hindergossen mn gr. transportetion le halug plasaed in gra des h Inn S mitîtin the Coma Mortn St. Pole Diset owig Criticize province not us, says Armitage and criticiana tht Bord and the municipalitits shoold coo1rate ho a common conestedl effort to orge those niho ast realy sesponsihie for ont penhients-that is, the provncial goneennient-to imptemtlnt e ffiectrint eedies", Coonty Board ni Edocotion Chasemon P. Arinitago said Tnesdap. Thtl c h airman mas eomnsetnting as gtotiOg mnicipal dissent nes edncation cnstî moontsd. "The MaIson Coonty Board ni Eduation has estahiisied a budget fine 1969 mhoch il belienes il reatonole asd ealistie, toking loto accoont a tignificant inease in the noanhes ni papas and incseosed colt ofi apesation fine 1969 anhon cnmpaeed to 1968 cosis", tht chairmant deelored. He t stedi tht hoard i eîponsihît for 55s onnul optenting bodget bot ha on content omsr proninctot gsanti and the appnrtioning ni tht- costi bo tho momipohities. "This is dont in occordonce with îegisioîion enîcttd hy the peovnciol gonersttent". Tite chaisman tIen notsd tht Board is fiosmarding o leriofi lu tht pronincial goneroment nsatiining is senceso and adnnncing recommendarin on the grant stte. Tht cois pst papi fins eiementary edocon in Hallon le, $587 and fos secnndasy St,027. "Coite s pppI in mont lange oshon mancipaletien and anetro oteas, pronnding comparahle edocatnot pengram in t9h8, oncosded $600 fins eiementory popiis and St,100 fins seosdory popis," the chansman pointed out Thin yeas 451 pescen t of tht total $32,025,422 hodget mvili ho pa id hy the ptnvince -Tht halance ni tînt coite, tensed J. Hhu s <rditct for IIOW library cetr Architecte fins ficn consts onf cf o lishssn rs nnrce centse as hînti's Monosn St. Puhlic Scnnai antre oppninted hy the Hotton ieosssy Bord ofilEdocatios danng (ii sogoior meeting Totedof. Tht Osrm ni John]J. Hiasknieni, Borlingsnn secennsd tht commission. The nanan fionst liaid htentresponnhtt fins the adiin of the auditoiumn. Tht psnject anas ont ni' 10for mtsich asetiittcts antre oppoinsed on hoilding psngsomns In htgin tii yeos. nge shoo iosnm seflectd in ty hoondary onsosy scisoni ny rthe Conty ion Thossdoy. ns inotod as ns Sclisonlil1 Osoyen Puhlie ilion irom ado fine. Thons ciii attend rte natcolalnd oeia dîifoerentin f"rmla as the oiomootory oed i ose aeonddryncool evel. Nsns geos tegistatin coile finsfine etemensary conte to he apporrsonnd on flhceecnndasy nanti ane tini yens. Total cost $250. school boundaries inclode grodes h 10 8 fins ail popis in Milton from tIns W. tL Oncle, J. M. 0e nyes oand Brocs St. Ochool hsgînnîrg in Septemhes. Proniosî rtt echool yod mncloded nntygrades 7and 8. Asnistant Olsectos O. Lamions, in p r ese nstion tf rocommendotion.' nntdl the Mostin Stf. ne hool had accommodation les 400 ad mon prenently only nccopied hy aout 200 stodents. 'By oddnng fltotin grade nie popile and tinsse fronmthe asea, fulousemill ho mode of tht nehool", lie noggcniod. Ksndesgosten popîls se the Compbholll asea milii otend c assai Bsnnhnnlle Puhlic ScI ont and no hndergarln n ill hc nptsatsd in Compheltnilie. Tite knndosgosion ns presntiy opesosed in ssnsed qooiers i the nillage. Tîtone popile tiine onso rieur rte Nonnagameya tcnqoesng rotin fine. nortn of No. 10 nidernod tilt attend the Speynido Pohic Sehoni. Tînone popils livinog n thetonie fine neouth ni mdll attend hol J. M. Oonyee Pubhlie Sehool in Milton ns li Mastin Si. Puhlic Schnn5. dependîng on grade. Me. Latilens snid tise hoard no considesasson mon hsmng givn to onsondnng the noe'h hondosy ni the Milton District itigh Sehioni as the prscnrit. Ht nrsd odditino occommodation moodhbcstqootedhy 1973 an she nosth or tlins conty ond ol mdll ho neceneosy te decide hoti tînt incese miii he lisndled hy Preset grade h and 7 stodents enntiled in Porcy W. Mossy. Snsdes, Falgormnnd. Monon' Sinningdale. Lonsie Shoco and Paterme Pohlic Scionin mii anlni grades 7 and Soai Monsclion Pohlic Selînol. Tis esifti dl offsect an ensnmated:4tO stoden te. Ht noggsld hoi Milton Hoight soln moid ho osed oithr fins andin eoual matenat ns for admînîsisotiot officen. Changes in necondoyscinni inasonfifctsd Bosinogron and Oaknsie ecis on . >69 out 'ing day ing mtet the ot K. C. Lindsay reported taxes op a total of $204,972 ntsc tant yeas, taegety doe to ineseases in itte edocotton hodget ondes the nwcoot ty board . He ment on te cite actoat figorsnon a tnmher offaimsoandtlots nthe township ondes neni assessment. Fos o 300 acme fasm anhen ttltaons in 1968 mess $1,670.54, thîs yoars' edocatîitn tati atone ns $1,839.66, an secteans cf $t61).12 o s ta On a 100 acme fasm, total stixes lot yeas mens $773.77. This yens sthe edocasn tan atone ns $79h.25, antoch is an socreass of $22.48 oses total taxtes lat ysoi. For a loi mîsh a hoose ofi avieroge anentment, total tanes loii yeos tiers $425.95. The edocalson ltix atone inis yeas ne $419.*15, o dififesence of $6.80. Total stixes in 1969 mdll ho $558.89 ns o 31.94 pes cons increasenriertlastyoot. "Qosie ohnsnoeiy theyar shrnannog the t an hosden n the tond emnes," enopped Reene GeorgsCose. -Htotnlng are îCnned on Page 3) Seeking road improvements A 5250,000 snod fisoan Hogh ni Thennon. Bromo are ont ntandnng op to trafic. nosiace treasmenteacin Tho snmn'nnhoseofthnmosk on nslsng, Cnoncnilns SanItie impennetisot pnngram han hoon sohmittod t, fli e Opartmsni ni Highaoyn for oppronol hy Milton Coonsil. The psngram nsr 19f69, n a coit-shino hona nis wlfi Oeprtrn tm)1iecHighiay 25 ssdtnignaised ainng Ontasio St. and tht Base Lino Rd., rallher thon thnougi she doanntwn a ni Miton. il mold inciode installation sof tie ratîso signale as the Main-Ontarin Si. sotersetlion on d flise meosrcin of Main Si. froti Bruceto Marin. Pan ing anooid aine ho ondortahon on Cicon St. Mary St. mont ThomtasSt. SaraiSi. $6130 on 'nerettbot Town raie is up A5 1.14 Mill onicreane îlot rsidsntiol psspertic nd.6 fn7o cnmmesonali.nsoil pnnpssiion ies ncîpaîed ne Milien prepors bo finoaes se ocrsl, csonliy and edocotien ionien for 1969 Appronai of usc salon ise epecled to ceins nons Monday. Tise i ocreont anonld aIl Sf1i50 an tantest ar"ea" linuon ansenned ai S5.400. Coancl, meetingin coOsniOOt ni the ansiis ol i aill ciscocil, agios1 I o occepi tho (onîity Board nI Edoicasîn hndgetl boy and pronce1 le o se O oiae. Mayor B. Sens ohsool sic! cospased illii fle efc edocatioo lotion ancre socile) on noms monicipoiitise, Miltn d Si. fronm Masn o ing,HugliSi. fron Mary to Rohen., Sydney St. fronm Thnoma oCommercial, ond Gomnes St. itemt Thoma os Lydia. te doy-iiing discuonsn mssh Oeportrisnt. Coouncîlins Colin Sanitîns otlnd tho rotins acceptonce ni thenredsignon ni tht Higlsiway 25 rotes on o nfilho proposaie olinel in o fieansiiy sody. Ht nnssd coss ni othes proponais mers proshiitins. Tino re-donignation mîli soqoîrsY an epondito afppsonimotey $40,000 ni snsprnnsssntn te seccitinef iiiinenensseoadthon rie sot hatie noomc nno.,iscinpie aout e eceptila l asO ne p Linder flie figurs teticsied the rsential onul noie ios sîccain moid ho 4.2fn ysos compare4 mis 41.77 lacs yeos. This conny raie on renîdensiai tiold ho 5.21 tîscr compared midi 7.05 ions yeas and fil n som enrlo operating rase mncid ho 34.77 compared mis ianityeis36.72. Redocisone irflie coonity and genesaiat sasoremodecpossihlehby increOsd onnonoineniThTlemnl ratesnsipsclcdi o ccon0000id moid ici the'renideniolnnO soie as in and (lie SosinssiaindousialO rate ai 96.01i. old ho 10 per cont onder the connocisglIsol agreement. ConconmwasenPsedniver tht dsserotnng condition ni flhe Mois Si. firnt BrocesSi. tan Martin St. anrdomows srsstd tit ronslruction tii tins 40 fines wtidslipsedhby couci mac ingical. lin mold ot restants porchnse ni any odditsnnai lond, Etesmoed ceni cf fihe tssnect i 9i50,000 ni mwinch tho omis esase mncld hs 5flPer cent. i s psnpnnedl tiso ne undssaksntfinseyeon Mryi. ties t sf C h aor le s nn,'e the declinent of pnnsts otf-etreci parkinge ni h, as"aea o nne ttled. Ossiiiniingflitc pion for of nfis n patin) ni nomtisrees. Coonoiior Omillse poinstel ont .isccin foin itiîain o f li pniecsesitios liad odsqcoio esfoce drainage os eintng siensi drainage. lise povng, oti noggosod. Miii seducocourfoce maintenance cntn onnooflyaod prisde ho te n ti's einc ts. TIse (Conrisiiet ponnsd nos suas pans pto.tinc socs heen fins flicodcnssmant.enac "tstn tise nlex ni fe yeasn me retisse tins foremuao me msi noce, pocol mroinet if li ail, of oinson' ,rc s",le ohesol Tis miii i ail psehchniî y ho acndispiieen ai ne adled iorl connsn ogs ie le a lo i for ny enpndtoe on noed, hot mneh mdll he ondorsohon nnly on those streets sthasaituy need if. Essimosrd cnet ni tht poning prognoain inn tht siocted etreets ns .41,304, of mhich thetroin's eshare ll ho 50 per cens. Conrcîl a pproed tht application to the Osparsmnt nif Hnigmow ayns fins o noppiementory rnad oHomwane ni 0206,000 for construction daning tho conrent yeas. Tht fiondmoldhbcdhonsoredoand provincisohndytinait!dhtPad an annoal paymsnln are mode. Monday. Miltnn Cnuncdtlors. Leotsd tho snmn'n nom officiani Pion tiO cois on esimansed $10Ooeooa oppneed te an nriginalt5titimate nSof 8,0. A nom hase nsap of $700 ssqoosed mili ho entra. Ronineon of a prensoons drafttd sennng hytoan is e snmatsd se) cons $2,000. Mayor B. Beel ssnitmtd tht eornats aises dincuons mth sho platnerc as eonede amise hilm for tht psejectn chmhing aonn tho essiates. Metihos nndncosod S6.000 tiould ho isested in the caon!n hudget to coner shenncsreeon tise Officiai Plon, rte Zening hy-iom and tht logal and hard fese for finiaiton of the projecti. FORD OP CANADA hahi a dînnet tee about 400 st - lpe nd émoir minas in Toronto Tharsdap, ani lnner empînyel thu hase made igniticiant cuntribations in the field uf communit snervice. Amnn 18 presened midi plaqas fer services as Bill Tayler ut Kîîbridn. ashe heuban actie as a Scut leader foe 14 yeans and racsitly rascaasd a girl tram henealle a snack anhiele hall onsrearnsd und caugt tirn.-(Btatt Phuoo Hlton Sportsmen Stock 100 Roinbows En pond Yoeng anglets soaid Bave a Sportsmen made she hep-day ai tse Censeettiet Pend arrangeenseo tee shaenchins le Milton mihee troutsueaaea pregeam. The fih mae ohtained openseondipril 26. trees Iean Crpdletmanes Today IVtsdnsadsP officials 'Raiehont Ranch" et Maltas efthîe Hilloea Spertusse'e white te raleheme hans bneen Asesociation lare tone ts@ retenrd le eprieg-tsd pendsh 1110 11 pond mi 0ate 10 Reiebom hsg sg Treses eam@ il the 12ce aches l tee enm 'fn rlsa"aha h e d osaniseation socle in lei mie la uîsdwua. pend lrstae shnuld salit h. Due Knrey et Hallali round tee tîsserese. troc. THE DRIVER WALKEO AWAV, UNSCATHEO, but nhe prnpeeip Maseiltu Haulaes Gahoitnle seati the S mile the petlssene damage nuit mass prttg legle ahen îles ueaor-traler domp trueh anas unleur. He sadleamanaednutoetpuutoutftecab eustheîtll ncaedt el sand tnppnd nivt in tht contre of 8he nanenti bridgaton slonto tippad ote The nehletruele the ides oftebridgessnd Higlemay 2h ar miesnat ho> nane IasnWednesdafl mon nng Traffec wo tiresmwere bonnd telrae napped in seeruî pîscnssthe mas re oted fon sentra ours onti Ithe wenkane and the 20 son accidenI happennd.-ISteff Phonto) load o> sp hoe sand enal be ha eaned p. Oriver orien Leipsah nt Tsu's "f te feogl Halton one regional unit

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