Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 7

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s j * Legion Notes BY Tony Mass An Execative meeting mau S1CKCALL hold on Monday Peh. 24 la thse Loene Eflwaod la .1111 la à elahrom. Executive wemhera, MIlten Hosptal and we alncerely chairranen and uffleeru present wials hhnt mail, The follomlati mere: president Andy Meachan, aseceri are a t home Ped Johnson, Homeil Hopkins, recuperatinS froce their recent Len Pape, Bah White, lice ilnesses; Murnay Greulce, Bahs Smth, John Kennedy and Tony Tonelli, Nelson Pekett and Tan Maah. Wheeler. items on tise agenda ced nem SPORTS husiness mhich mare disctassed Commercial Oaet League, incioded; charitahle donations, standings ws of Pais. 27, sparts sponsarship, puhlic Superbers 228 points, Diaciples addceau systew, repaira and 210, Trafalgar Motors 208, additions, possible sale of dart Reations 144. eq=pet, Eauterl slag prizes, Jackt Ouimlstra's hiai scrm of Caln's challenge duait 140 and isigh finish of 114 stl tauceaceent ta b hietd ut Milsan stand. Legion on Matcis 22, and tisa Euchre Leais, atandings as of purcisase of a uew Black Beuuty Pris. 27; standings as of Peis. 27, shufflehoard siriti caver, misich Liamlle 1 58 polars, P.L.R. 156, mas spprored ut the execulire Brumus 151, Zamenermaan 142, irvel. Sceatans 141, Slowpers 132, Happy Gang 125, Dufferil 100. CLUBROOM NOTES An enjoyale evaning's enleragltceent mas isald ut tise Cluhmcemt un Sauaday Pais, 22. A nacer of couples utteodad ced daneed ru tise gond matie wupplied hy Pced Sargecel mils fils Iterru equipment ced Run Malloey ut tise piano. AT T EN TIO0N -AIl1 Legiocetires; Voue mewhoealap fees fur 1969 mere due Jan. 1. If you hume ual alceady dunte se, pieuse puy lisem son. A return soiail riait mlii hoe trade isy Baoule Leglon mecers ru Milton Legion an Prlduy Maci 7 ut 7.30 p.m. Sa ici us se tise Miiton memisers torn ouI ced give liscm a sincere meicome and sorte lens stiff campelition ut dures, sisuffleisoard and mnooker. COMING EVENTS Monday, Matchs 10, Genaral Memiseuiip meeeting (Nomination of Officees.) Saurday, Matchi 15, 8.30Opm. St. Patriekas Dance la tisa Legion Suada fpi 5, Zone B7 Billiards Taurnumnent uit Brameptun Legiun. Suturday April 12, Inter Coanly Duel League Tournament at Buellagron Legian. Salurday Matchs 15, 10 a.w. zne B7 Darts Tuurnuceut ut Enfiu Legion. Suduy, Matchs 16, Legian Officera Semiar ut Broute Legion. Sunday, April, 13, Zonr B7 meeing ut Miton Legian. Saturday Apei 19, Zone B7 Euchre Tournuceut ut Georgetown Legion. Marriage courses starf here Sunday married or recently married Rer. Crawford Smiths of Knox hegan Sunday evening at St. Preshyterian Clturcis, Guelph, Paul's Uinited Church mials a cover ing ah e spiritala Iawyer and a batik manager implications of marriaga with discussing sorte of the financial ý'With Mji Rinsg I Thee Weid." implications of married hie. ., 1, arnrmaWnt Inea,*aecoatle osts The foar-week course, la he aise dollar for -each pérson; aod hntd Saodays or 8 p.m. is heing refreahmenls wiii he seryrd. spoosored hy ahe Miliou and District Mînisteria Association. Book manager Ray M. HarrisnTw spoke on '*arr you spending y ar yoor monry wisrly?" and tawyerfo asum David F. Thomson tatked ahoutfo sa l "making a miti and huyiog a homo" at Sonday's firat meeting. Assasting a police officr This Sonday rvrning, March 9, drew a smo yrar Kingston Dr. Ivan A. Hanter wdtl dscas penetentiary terni in Miton "Platning t0 Have n Famity". Court last week misen Provinciat and March 16, "Do You Hear Jsdge R. G. Graham haoded 'I Mr?" isy Dr. Gardon Askmith, down thr sentence. diretar of thr Halttn Childreers The sentence folawed a Jan. Aid Society wiii look ai marital 26 assaott on Milton Constahie __communication and attitudes. Gardon Crooka. ISIRVICINO THE MILTON ARIA I LE-MAR 0 *ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL I ~ * REPAIR - SERVICES Hee0sl comeital u lsiri LES GRAY, 82 Charlea St. 878-6617 MARCH HONEY MONTH "SPREAD Il AROUND" Use Honey For Health * BUY IT APIARIES FRESH- 1-lb. Container - 40c 2-lb. Container - 75c 4-lb. Container - $1.35 8-lb. Container - $2.50 AVAILABLE IN LIQUID, CREAMED OR SOLID Rockhaven Apiaries No. 25 Sideroad off 25 Nwy. (Walsh For Our Signe> ACTON ONT. - 853-0266 N. K. DODDS, PROF. MILTON OPTIMIST CLUB rededicatd irseifter service lu tisa cuwwueity dormin tise clois's Optimist International 501h annirersary dinner und darnce ai the UAW Centre on Satonday mvaning. Presideor Jark Charlton, lef, preseniel a plaque renewirg the cluh's dedictior su Mayor Briar gmst. Loaising on ut righl la Dale Duttielal ut London, District Goerror ut Souther Ontario District, Zone Two, misa was among once 100) guss atteeding.-liltatf Photo) CHARTER PRESIDENT HERB HIGGS mus hunoreti hy tise Optimisl Clubs ut Milton ut tisa groopas dioer anal dance celehruting tise 50th araioeeae ah Optimiars International Salorday. Puce Prisudent. Bils Vivap uf, #lte Bucigiosthechartered tise Milton Iront in 1987, left, praelelt a plaqtue "for aulstanding leadership as cais peesideni ilaeing lise ynor 1987" ta MitIon's charter president, witîe Mes. Higes rureineal a looely bsouquet oh flumers.-hiitaff Phuto) T Sou chai pies Hiis rail T Sh ma] do' Der ata que day he prer ieng andl quit hie t A foîl, hoo if p. cho mut lhei Ti By Mns. Cecii Pattersun Milaon Hospital for sargery. His many friends mtsh tisis yaang hie fournis meeting of Horny wani a spredy rrcarery lu isealts. l Dehuteens mas iseld la lise Get meit misises te Gordon k ra.. an Sstarday, Marc Roisinson miso hou had surgery ai 9.15 a.m, Tise president an his hand. irrd tise meeting for tise 4-H Si ocere sympatsy t0 Rer. Ige and rall cal] minis iceice Stanley Smith and Mrs. Smiths of on puttiag tise stars on tise Milton on thr recent passiag of tudance chart. Tmenly Mrs. Smiti's oidest sister Mrs. ohors attendedt and cesmered Davies of Toronto, mîdom of catI, "A, mie la ciothes tisai Rer. J. C. Dunies. s r." Ther nent meeting is e Martis 8 ut usuai lime. Prierds are pleased t0 teram hie discussion periotd mas led that Kennetît Gilet is srrogrrssing lise lraders on posture mîlli meil foilomin g surgrry in sin James demoostratine Dakvîirl Hospital tat i we. kig tnigand sittiog Former putoIs and friendu of kin g ae y standing Miss ironie iihrrrilf mere sorry nbr gractieuty. Sn eveal to learn ofhlirpassing early lt nnsrtratice th s ing ofs ris. Miss Siserriff taugst ut S. nonsstrin stisrb asewingof S. No. 7 and mas tise lot teaciser 'stitching dans, guthers aod taler fost ime ai Percy W.d ns, tise leaders mere assisird ltrfrasottm tPryW s enior girls. Ther Merry Scisool. Miss Shrrriff stiontaie for merting four possrd amay on Wingliarn compirîrd. Aciiverîrot Hospital folloming ao ilins of plans mere discusard buot miii more tsar a yrar. considerrd foriher ai nexi Tise montisly meeting of tise ring. Tise club is oIeh Cooptes Clubs mat helil ai theo seniing a sktof 10 minutes home of Mr. and Mrs. S. tis andl tise topir is "Cuot McFadden or Sonday Marris 2, linr for tise individual." Il t must a good aitendance. Me. and e possible ail memisers toilt Mes. Ed Jesseman, presidents, akiog pari. mere in chare. G orri speakr hrirf break lfor a snack mas mus Mrs. Doncootor of Norval, omed isy a mork period misen miso shomed pictores of Britishs i of tise cuîîîng out mas Goiana, nom Guana. ipîrîrd. Tise memisers mfii tinue mors on tiseir record Tisese pictores more heautifol k, pructice good posture andl andl huad hem taken mile she ossihir prepare iheir dress foe and lier hosisard Rer. Robrrt ing. Tise memisers have D oncannon hoad hee sen attractive colorfut missionaries in tisai country. Ail rrials andl simple patterns for rnjoyed tise films. A fellomshîp r dresses. and bsuffet lunch fnllomed tise lie local Omags Men's BaIl progeam. Boyne Centre forPFriday eening Matcis 14. Beilaires orchestra miii proide tise music for ibis gala mvens. President Douglas LeRicise, secreiary-ieeasarrr M.c McKinnon ced John Eres arr tise commit tee in charge. Some hoider of a iucky ticket milI receive o SI100 bsond us fOrsi prioe and tisere are otiller valuaiste prites for tise dram. Tickets are araitoisie from tise memisers. Loncis providrd. World's Day of Prayer srvice miii bse ield on Prîdoy Marris 7. Omags Preshyterice W.M.S. annoal pot iock dinner miii be held or Tisorsday Martis 13 ai t12.30 p.m. in tise Sunday scisool ronces "Mur sud tise Boy," a lilm produord in HalinConnty miii bse sisowu afier tise meutl. This flmh isas rrceived armerai emards in tise U. S. Yeu are Inited la attend, gentlemene use mricomed, and tickets are $1.00 attse door. Gel oeil mîiset to Allan Kiernon, miso is a patient in Congratulations to Me. andl Mes. Wiifeed Lamrence on tiseir 2Siis mrdding onnierssey. A recepiion and donce mas lîrld in CHRISTIESu - Reg. 43e HOT Bus .69c SMeIItff Plain 'Tomn Pakr -Reg. 69e POTATO CHIPS 49c- LANCIA - i-lis, pisga Macaroni or là Spaghetti 3 C 151% VEGETAB5.E - 121koz. Gai, Unico Oil $1.59 Boynr Centre for tise hsappy event on Matchs 1, for tiseir friends ced relatives. Tisey mecemred wany gifis ced gond misises. Mes. Homard Lamrence of Manitosa is visiting in tisaorea minis relatives and frierds. Birthday greetingn und good misises to John Seelen, Bos Femirro, Grant Denlin, Mes. P. Opîteen, Dale Destin, Tîmmy Green, Wayne Ells, Nancy Taylor, Nelson Lamrence, Lindu Eves, Deisea Rayr andl Jimmy Johnu Jones. TH1S WEEK AQUAVEIXA iceEiue '4oz.__,Jmi 774 BAYER ASPMRN joos --9 634 BENVN Cough synup 8oz e 4_'.123 DRISTAN Tablets 24's - 0__M 99+ BILLETT _.W, IIBLades j~~ 2 GLYZE RON» __~9 HAPV FACE 4 oz. ____#X9 M~R SOAPM Pe,,oral/Sze '~ #USTRNE Aàtiseptc l4oz.__31?-'034 MYO SPRAY Disinfectant 7oz__I 934 PEPSODENT Toofl Paste z »' VME UAN %hmpxo ]2oz.Â4 99+ e uPff SPÉC/5AI IELSLEY PHARMACYI * imis-l PRESCRIPTIONS 878.492 NEW ANNA MA4RIA - Ren 39e Man DRINKS 3 i'89c 5 Vaegettes-Orange, Geuipe, Fuit Puinchs Oraage-Aprcru ced Orange'Plaeapplie. Vitacein C Adaird POR DIBitES - 24'eL. Reg. fige Pamlive69 New flocor n laHearv 'uy iCng Bne Reg. $1.93 FAB DEUEROINT $1.45 Delaey - Tola Pak - Reg. catill 37e Iathnto,, fli's 6 0. 79c ARS CHICKEN WINGS LEGS 41 C BREASS9 f tIENH LOIN FRESN PORK FRESN PORK PORK CHOPS SNOULDER BUll CHOPS 69c É 45 i 5 5~ No 1 Ontarte 25-lis is Freah Na. t U.S.A. - flanches POTATOCES 69c Gneen Onions 3025c 'Ne. I Vineripe Mexin Marintosh Nu, 1 Fasscy faie Tomatoes Ij 39c APPLUIS n$19 BANANAS 5 I LÊTUUCE 10c FREE FR I ILE ae You re ahead in a FORD FROM .. TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 Main St. East Phono 878-2369 OMAMI The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Mercs 5, 1969 7 Posture, dr.ssmaking 4-H demonstration

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