p Tisa Canadien Champicn, Walnscap, Match 5, 1969 Nassagaweya arsa <Ceettcei fron Page t> ccttectieg achce admeets; ca avec if the ceivices much as wctec and seaage ctclved le the ascods-thece wccld be an aeaeceîcccy duptication cf faciities the mcral ceideets have clcecdp pcovided et theit case expeece. Dtvision cf Nasscgcweya foc redictribution ta bier neighbcis nes cncetmcacly abjecied te. Rtent Hcey seggesttd tht accecsion cf tadlingion ta Hamilton (c poccîble cecommendetice cf the cchcdcled Steele Report) woctd teave Naton denoîd cf 50 pet ceet of biei precent asseccmet. If the Ccet>' sece gaffed! le that marnter, eotthtrmost Naccagesetyces migbt tahe a secoed loch ai the Wellngton Cecet>' tag. Thet woald mece c chcnge cf ciîcamctcncec and constqtentty difféent treedc cf thccgbt ce tht Towncbip Coccîcit's part. "Wby no ai ce'Gint as tht top cf tctttegtcs, and peîhaps evn tht socih oI Wellingtcv,' intsiead cf exptcting ta taie land?" Couciltoc tibsce sxggtsted. "Then se wcald have a cetted mccal-oiented nammacit>'." i secs evn discietly pet fcîseacd tht origieal Pianketi Renteas an icgioeal gorecement migbt have bcd a fea ratîd points. Former mayor a a (Ccetîsa. d <nons Pare i) ccntleced theic support at tht A resoltoc ihai Mcc. cacicit. There n seco changeiin Keceighav be cppcinied as ciso positioea. toit ce c recorded note ced c "I take tl fions Coancdlloî final rescîntion ihet S>'dnty Pay's attîtude thet bie cansîdered Childi be appcîeted cas caîîied the commitee cote a cui and ceanimonal>'. drîed deisîce", Cocecillor "I acs't hi atiesdîng ce>' Gordon Kraete obserned. mere comaittet cf tht aboie Tht abject of the concil meetings in tht fotuce", gatbtiing as a Gcocp secs ta Coanoior Pc>' declcîed laetint thresh til te pricate eclier tht meeting. He etxprescad than cesse ce>' imbariensment disappoitment in tht hacdling ta anyne, Cccecîlloî Omîllie cf tht appoîntimini, scggisting scggested. tht mayot aas îestmucted ta set Mayor test coted there ai ont man cel>' and if he iri no caise foi tmhaiicssmini witing ta stand ihai aonld be piiot ta Monday's meeting. Hei th e coanc il's appoînimint. mcîntiied bie bcd ce obligation "Thete as ccl>' one man who la the îatepayers to ducatss tht bcdl fouri notes et tht maliet aitb Mis. Kerigbae as commutter", hie îîcclled. seett as Mi. Johnson. Cauccllar McfCcig looki Cocnclloî Pc>' îeîteralîd bus exception ta tht suggestion, stand ibot bie aolde't hi îeccfling hc bcd aspicswed bis clieeding iuîuce Commîttee ai prefecenca foi Mis. Keenigbcn tht Wbctt meetings. "hl cas't a ced adnîsed be acctd speak commîttea of tht aboie", Miayor ageinsi the îesnltian pcesented. test snmieslid. Mayor test pcinted ont ibat "Iltaas thesamnelhîeg. AI]the foui mecîbets fancîed Mi. couc lots aire there", Johnson ai tire committet aed Ceenclair Fay cocladd. SeIcret plan... (Contlnnel Item Pcge t) Iedustriel ues, ced decree ce ocderty fashioe foc thele devtepmntest. With projecird "Phacs" cf devetopmient. octlined ce the officiet pice's chacte, the tosen ccc contcc the growth ced contrat an>' imbaleitat hetweet esidentet ced îîîdnstcicl'cammecciat ancasiment. MilIce's nese officiai plan is cao tspecttd bo set ont the attoabahî masîmuas dtnsîty cf population cI the vrnces entes. Whitt apactenents aili he cllcaed in estome sec tiens cf tht expanded toan, gîoath seul he restrîcted ta tcwn hcnsieg, duplexes ccd cingle famil>' homes in cihet areas. At Thaesday's FEthiar>' meeting, Mitton Planning Board meabeîs renieaed tht pcogress cf theit lcng-aailed plan, acd decîded ta ahe tht Oirsi public reteese te the ncaspapec ce April 2. Tht hccrd is planning a closed meeting in tht aeek preceding that date ta reniese the final plan wîth planning consuttant Dcîek Little. Tht genetal public, cnce tl hcs dîgesied the plan, is espected ta h ave came qucstions and commînis o n soch b a canicaversici documnent. tlwl especial>' affect tendcwners and specclatats euth holdings in the ican's neaisi 1,540 actes o f land. toard chaitence Nota Pearce is planning ta makt sce stides la pic led ai tht pcblic meeting îc help epîcîn tht official plan tc ail înteîed Tht Bard expiais the deaelcpeîs cr0l he oct ai full force. acd althcngii Chaîtma Peareciîndiccled the Bcard aili stand hiie ce ils dîcisian, an>' woîthahdle seheuscions and cmments aili he taken entc connideralîoa. To date ccl>' the pccnets, the coancîl, tht parks hoard, iedastcict ced cecce atice commitîce memhecc are amace of sehal the plcn pctdicic fat Mittce'c future. Tht ptceeers hetd cloeed secsions with eacb of ihese grocpc tact moeth ta ceniese the proposais ced selicit theit commients. Oece tht officiel plan ic iettased ta tht public, the planeing bcard ai hegin îedtaftieg tht toan's zcctng by-la ta coefotm eîtb the goals set oiciin the officiai plan. Discucsions xiii sait on the coning by-la saur, chaîrcan Peerce pîedîcled. Jimmy door grab $100 RccghytSI00 cashea stotte from Suet att Fîad Mdl on Manien St. hetaefn 9.20 Fîîday trenteg and 7.50 Scicîde>' nîoînng, ahen thuenîs jîmmed tht office door and depcried autO contents cf the cash hon and peu>' cash bas. Sîcgeani J. K. Robertson cf tht Milice Police Force is înaesiigating. Investigation is stîli contîncîcg cno large thîfi cf pa>' chîques fîca Ontario TitiPruits lac atîbi cga. and tht thefi cf a 1963 Valîcci 4-doci sedan front Johnson tros. Garage lait ireek. 1,100 prot.st McK.ou g plan Concece avec the icalptdleg Ltir Iasict right, aad la cecacil, ce happeeed witb the regiceal gaecetseat ic Se greStctamuett diaeefeccchise- Haltes Bard cf Educatiea. je Nacsagaweya Tosehip, a mient," it gays. The heatfits cf c.gioaaalizatica___________ geaap cf disseatees bard itte tEperience shows fihit rural cf gevecemeet are actweighad trouhlegSettiegoet1c10 maOnimes a re a taxes lacceaste by tbe liabilities a scaclfl JL afflxed ta a petitien cf pcetest "dicastceacly" whes they are pcedottiectstly rural township I H N ' dccieg the pact wtek. ateatgamattd with cebea acas, waald bave ta accept, thetE RO E The petitice gainecd the and the two-ceaely merger docuesent wates. It cails cegiceal I hlessieg cf theteownsbip coanicit prcpased hy the minister woetd goveremeet "ce eectoacbment ANSWUIINB at c meeting Mceday, and ils 'ring the death-knetl cf the ce civil libecties and the SuRVICE orgenhcers hope ta prescret il ta fccming coimeunity," scys the cetithecie cf demaccccy cnd Ontario's Mucicpl Affaira petition. It cisc abjects ta the peogres." * ONElDENTIAL Mînistet Dacc> Mcffcoags latte prapcstd appainiment cf "c Townsbip caaecil alsa gel a CUTE S ibis aeek. Pet Redgcave wha higb cat bacececrat" ta replace look et e second, cale, COREU ctied the ratepayets tcetty elccted repitcentetivts. petition et thee macting on caniaittre cf cant 30 mec and Tht petitian poiets oct Mocday. tcsilteacDonald, R. R. 878-2020 acînen repocts 98 pet cent of Ncscgaeyc ta te scend b, Miltton, bas circatled c thase ccntacted ceedit> siged fenaccet stete and has petit ce I ch eainty proet tht appeat. Vice-chairmae cf the p acticalty ne debte, ccd McKeangh'c proposaito c pi t cotemittet as i. Ltcyd esprecsesconcen the ralapaye c Nassagaweyc en tasacedi" cane Chishotm, acd cbout 30 wttl have ta absa b hege deh s pert ta Mtoe-ceetctd haeoegh notenteece qeickty cicattd campited b>' se aeundieg a th the apptr portaon pan htly copies cf (lie hîtef te most mencicpalities. Nassagaeya cIsc gaing ta Wettington Cccv y. Mr ratepaycrs of the toaeahip. fears c lacb cf lcal MacDonald reported hie han 60 McKecngh's proposai forac n epreent c an on a reg a c nenties to dae.e egional gocece ment aiea ____________________________ conering the entîce canttes cf "qoteeunecssery," but atto V O N 'etniraly nacceptahle tu ns," a the petition reports.B 0 1L 1N G poshit> ojcfr "cames th poblaito c "clsnot eot>' r1 2 bcdy' coapletel>' ignorant cf aed cefamiliar aith the pcchlemts peccliar ta thetioanship" hcvng c ralîng hcnd cnet c commant>' pcopced fragmentatione cfh FO W L sîeeped inaettio odf"h Nassagasepa robc these volts cf 2 9________________ FAT S *LICTRIC A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICI S INDUSTRIAL S COMMERCIAL 0 tESIDENTIAh O ELECTRIC HEATING * RURAL POLE LNE and SERVICES P~OEfl 0M#48 hi ESN PUDPAU N OW A? Jae RICHARDSON CHIV.-OILDS. 679t Dluai Si UMMn 'I I STOCK UP HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS Down Gardon Lana, off MiII St. - 878-44l CLEARANCE .00