Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 5

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iltnMinor Hke 1 , House leagu hapens The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlap, Mardi 5, 1969 5 m Couni Intensity and aeriouailcan of maser-tabl]; and the less atrained olmoîphere of tbe exhibition Samnes put the mhote Mine Boume Loague in poradox this week. NOVICE Ceest Hardware clincbcd their meima witb o 3-I victoey oiver Mombray Fuelers; Bcech Bras. equalled Chat mith a02-1 in avec Little Fireina; and Little Pontiaces gaI a 3-t victoey avec Rebekait Ladge in an exhibition gaine in the Novice boome. LADIES SPECIAL Eier 25 229, 1ld Geras B6 Other 221, Cao Han 211 Githeut finie Bec Ladies' MacMari Nomm Mc MacsI i 279, mn 738. OlEer c 244, flc liai and Tiin Pearon gat anc eacb and Daag Waters anotber lac the C rail cree, mith assistance feoi Gearge Trocs, George Carbett, Tui Pearson and Waters; whîte the Mambray gop's lavrer mas hy Marray McPtîait, assisted by Kevin Smitb and Pierre Galipeaa. Roger Delnin and Jeli Lyns eackcd ap the Beecb gras, its, amsister! by David Arbic and Dany Satiba; inhite Kevir McCoy assistcd by Jin Clacridgc pat ap the figbt foc the Firemea. Tino of the Pantiac's bits mere by Kevie Hooden, mith Petr Rata raacdiag out lte score assised hy Homden. Grog Einis assister! Hoinden once. RebekabIs books mece kept open by o solo effort freint Robert Burke. PEE WEE To shotouls and an exhibition gaine accounted fat the Pre Wee stice of action this meek. The exhibition gaine min Fay's Ploaibing lake Canadian Tise 3-t; while Hoodo macn their îmo-of-thrcesev'es by mipcog out McCuaig t esococce 3-Il; and Miltor Lomber made theirs by going one hetter Ihan Milton Pharmacy t-0. ~J Farrow and Scover mode the Pop s liîgt-blcvkers, ccîtb assîstocce froin Tîmbers. Staver and Marshall, svhite Warcen, helped hp Smith caccird EARLY OItOS Canadian Tire's barver. Fercar28 MoUs oncaaîested scacînt was Its Irviri. Frame and ics' Eigh triple, Cotîcir Ladcea' higi sine, Joane Goutd 31. 288, ladies' higha triple, tare Goatd iood sinesi Einnl Ainotd 73B. Cccn Geccis 216, Florence Me na igch sirote, Brty Smith lit. 1c te aira 209. tient, mer s hinhtIriple, ROay Waters 793. 20iMiltie Thom.i 206, Giher god single,, Ray W. 277, corn 201. '271. 245. taon W. 275, BilS 263. won 7frc7. Brei'aî frr, 261, Ivan C. 261, Aadrr M. 219, or 2, M a' 0 Cor 0. 214, Norma MacM 254, 27B, Star M. 252, 230, id. Bloc4, 238, 218. tactk G. 247, 245, 234, erg T. 24 1, BATEPAYERS 234, Kar S. 214, lac, G. 237, Barrr Pcbraarr 25 S. 233, Ede C. 226, nec. G. 222, Ror U. 225, D-a G. 219, 217. hlsg ringle, Noce, rstcr gondtecrscs Bill S 712, cp 292, ladies' Il riîple, tiarai S . 727, Jact G. 72t, Bîlda n. acMurphy 092. 705, Norma MaSM. 674, tRegT. tt2, ctgtcccccgtc, Ed DertccIl. St-mI. 658,Jun. G.t6l, cmaf. 'a hcnh triple Ed Se 0cr Jr. 614. Adrey t2t. Marov Malliers wca lac il, taon', ami singles, Bitt Bobcrcav I la", c T's to O , gils Staur nda Shemffld 264, 233, 7, L en'2s oR. , S m's 2ifor 1. Jaik Cliampous 249, Ed De nie Jr. 249. Donna Seat 258, Norman laS 223, Edn Boaci 267, Irene F00 231, GaWi 79, B for Spart e212, Bti 1 R.beeloce 244. 1 Ladies' ocd iripiro, Giendo 261, lad ci 689, Jack C'bampoos 607, fiis69c l'en 613,1 in Cetvin 62, Tom Mayas b 33I. mcs bîg entwon 2 forl102,Monkcaî 016cr ag eHt Donal4 Soc 83, NalsI S oc Mara[ 27 luerBomre fovr 7B,'/zDoc. 5 Hcapo26 72, Corncer Pivs S lac 57, Bavic te oc, 2 Sec 54. 202. 016cr g 707, Hei SEEDNESDAY NITESS Pie Va, frbrarp 26 iialan t cThe Pmt Sl 0 fnr 74, 373; cadi Othec 5fluer i 82, Hcad Law regi Traste vamed t cf Fl prepariv Tire ce assesoivi ondoue effeat Balicvgt leave 0 board. Ciller, be tes Liberty anîd G Bruce Lc Serafini, ohile Thompson, Prame and Leslie assîsted. The lare Milton Lomber minner mas by Arnold, assisîrd bp Rolep. BANTAM Baviamt happenings chic meck cccluded Milton Depactaieri Sicre's '2-t victory aivec Bell Bras. cn the fcrst gainte of the semni-fivais; chilc the tibrd of a ihree-game series pot Miltron Police arer Hulmer Real Estate 3-2; and or exhibition game mcc Local 4970 take Carbeit's Sporiing Gaads 4-3. HOLY ROSARY Lee Faller gai bath I cbraarr 27 Lieparimevt Store lighlhlivkecs, assi ed by McCavv, Pressiat, bîcb sincle, LCrolinc Beapi Hyccil avd Ross Fuller. Bell cas' b'cb tiler Cacaiic Bras. ccarcvg mac bp Tam WiIls, îob sivgle, Bill Maxwell 280, assisted by Brogtoo. ti triple. Sic Beape 7280. Miltan Police sharpabocters ocd sîigl., Iri San der rvaladcd Rask, Clarke and 4, Car Gpaic 274, Sic McTraeir, milh Isaiavd getiig t, MAOieee 261, Kar 227, Avve mollaton 226 Imo assis and Purbrict and Maca gettin ave each. cdo trip[c. Mite, O.vsdera Lamrece raeted ap hvth af ccv Vav dcv Oruaa 699, Hîlimee's bits, assisted hy Lyavs el den Beaval 9,Du 75, Ave Woltoni6e1t9.aa and Raberts. Cleaievt mode Imo ccvýs-o 2 rcr 10S, Ttc, cf Corbeti's bits. mhiîc Claccidge for 94, Garde Aepiraeiova 4 Sur the tird. plus an sit Tbc Pots 3 tac 83, Tbe 5 fcr 7, Pct., Piv Pais 2 Tr Moavara 2 fr 73, MIDGET ,Six 5 fvr 56. In final vaines cf tbe Mcdgel hest-of-three sectes Bifa' Auco i ALLES ROCKERS Body dcmved Harris Staricvccy Marh 3, 1969 1-1; Kvigh' e' ermd bccb single, lace Gcatd , b'Mr'Wermda cs'Il tipleletvGmatd l-2mwivavec ParkFarmDaiey; and Pigmevt and Cbemccai cadi eevctaa, Macr.e Speat leveilea Ledmith's Super Saveet McC'tettovd 283, Marionvs 3 ccod triples. tarnc Spcc Bad Thomas made hcib cf the oan ocai tt0, v Auto Bcdy bits. mth beli an mid650. ave fravi ira Gavce and Gecrr rtwo fordo 88,ev ricorrPir Legale; mhîle Harris' mcc a scia 5. Kvct Kars 1cfr 84.' effare fecin Mitchell. -m2 fcr 83,KingrPins4icci Wison and Sales acecacicd Pncs 0 fi 8. fartw tceaeb of Kvigbt'sscres met Hybit gettivg the Sfibt. 'son eads A sosis rrctaded Ima fraont son he ds Nybali and ave eac h tram on brief and Law led the chargero e Willsam Lamaav mac anrd Cloche. rl chair a Hadccv Board Pigmnt and Chemîcai ratlies ua n cciiitier mece by Bricace tice, and onr g a brefaoncegivai race by Trcsc, Smithband cnt. Mecan. Assises mccc bp Lewis, cmmiiîee ischargedmwilh Brause and Ima frain McLeav. the effeci regiaval Sapersaceet' sbcts ivciaded .nviproposaismcilihave îma frontGavsvare andaoe atiot in Haitan avd fle frain H anvav, mieS Evans ccp separarraS cof getig lina assises and Omene o cno Haltan macid Yerem makcvgavne. v tire precrvit caavip SEMI-lINAL SCHEDULE sc oflic camiîtec miii Wedvecday. Mardi t1-s.30 svuces Ervest Budrinr. pi. Pvics fe.h Peave. -snic -iir o Cavcdeac Tie vs. Miltas H. Tîcarpe. Sicff Ltambcr, 7.10 p.vr. Bell Becc. vis. s cciii beiJ. Sinîglet cand Milton Departmrvr Store; 8.06 vndiep. p.iS. Bils vs. Pigment'f'bemical. Ladie' biîh rivete. cair Laing 202. ladie' InE coipie Sotie Lainc 712. Other gond singles, Diane Grant 207, Jeasa Piiip 202, cvmme Danoor 253, Diavv MeDovîrd 222, Shirley Bail 255. Jean Mccby 203, tiean Doccr 200. 016cr cood tuiper, Giavc Gravi 501 Lcvda Donne 518. Sac Garoavkr 500, Jean PEcîtîps 547, Becir Kîvedor 525, Donna Evactra 523, Leone Fiaritî 558, Fore mood 541. Dianc BtcSovatd 535, Shîiey Hail 607. Jouiv 0-cr SS6.,r - ahe 527, Norma foveril 549. Lynv'e onv lifer 17,lJoav'a2Sfoi 40, Leovc'i 3 fr 44, Saliras 2 for 21., forvecax S tvr 26, AfIcr'o S lac 12, Sac's 1tfar 26, Sondy'ca foc 0. Ladies' bcgh single, Elice Dcccv, 278, laidre., bîcb triplr, Reve Mefat 016cr govm ingesra nrv McCay 248, PinkTciadlt227. Oumre gami tries. Illiv Motee 633, Givvvflalpvaa 618. Sherrey Sic ... 5 for 93, Pii Wmsptcr 3 lac 87, Docalhr F.abýr 4 for B5. Pink Triodri 2 tac 17. CANADIAN METER GIRLS Frhraucr 27 Laies' Ilr sivle, Giecea RBaak 324, ladies' bcgh taipir Glerva Rak 768. Gîber govmi tiples, Donna Greetc 738, ientie Moanoan 702, Jeae Wtersc 677, llie Wilsv 676, Mary Hiripri 644. Greckona7 fr7, Murc7ra . 7 Co te, 5 tors5, Evavîl l oiS, Smalh a2 Soc 2, b or 2 foc 2, Baceirl t for O Hcipet O for 0. LOW VILLE Fbbcarr 28 Ladies' fusil single, jearyctte Paqacîle 30lOaioue' hicb tile, Linda King 090. Menas Eigb single, Bill De l'arse 270, ncn'î togly trple, Bill Dr Forcit 726. Other gomi ringles' Mel D. 25. 2 21, Geod H.235, lavire B . 214, Sic K. 154, L. f. 221. JSn D. 241, 20B, Mucthe H. 205, ilI B. 200, Marlene M. 261, 220, Ref S. 216, Elcarai N. 202, Ken P. 259, 248. Harold G. 220, 218, 213, Jack K. 248, 221, 200, lin N. 257, 2IS, 206. mari"a K. 218, 204, 201, Linda K. 274, 221, 203, Bruce P. 211, li B . 223, PEUl C. 250, 211, 216, Daca, f 228, Biâ O. 247, 209, Cc K. 210, Shirley D. 236,204, Par T. 227. Ote[ gam i hples, Mal D. 616, ocd B. 601, Ja D. 628, Murere M. 657, Ken P. 682, Hamrd G. 651. Jack K. 671, lin N. 673, Maro K. 623, Phil C. 705, Jrenete P. 661. Bil 7o"2 for87,Macte 5 fur 85, Phi[SSrfoi ,IJackl evfo 82. Mai 1cfr 8l. Si lu 0c f 9 1, Linda 5 lac 76, Bagre 2 lac 69, MUNDAT, MAKI lM, IYOYa FR AT 8.00 P.M. FRCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND M ELECTION 0F OFFICERS M ," PMUTerltonp Curling Clob CAMPUIKVRUI : March 5, 1969 Dsrcvg a ccguar crccg fileccabjcctarnd rccavmerded it Macaycy memrchr' of Mcllcac loa -uiis Couaccil NOW THAT'S SOME TROUT-Jarh Simpson avd Jim Hamilor, a couple of Hornby resideols aiEa uer a kick out oi ire fishina in ininter, fandait a ceai beaaty reccvîiv ov o trip ta Lake Simcen Ttc Lake Troot waa 3325 inches long and weighed in or 14'. tEs. il gave teaill aia fight belone thev Itrougbt cr in.-(Staff Photo) Bantamns entier quarter finals Eîctecîng flieOntarcio qarter citicck mcl, a pair ofi gocalc Osnais, Milton Legion Bantains cieca Grg Ctcicmc ccddad trooved Tharold 5-2 hleue cine. Jac McCariicy, SScdr lia, Saîaedap and hopre toc dean op Kim Moariî cacd Picicp Caiiev tbe secicoîin the secondgamecin al hallccasscit. Tlîorold Ticocsday ai 7 priî. Thca tettits arr icadi 1-1a(ilic Miltn loitbetoss and aitird end oifi irrt peiad. and2-2 gaine, if nccessary, miii be hock ai ice end cf flic srecd. Mtilon in Thocold Salocday a 4 p.m. tumpied ccc front ci Merry's Hugli Marshall avd Harold ciineg gccal li tlic ticd and Meery led tbe Legtoovacres' tuer ccdded ticc a nc talls Acton wins senior laurels in Accion, Wîacton, Wa tenon and Artbur hig sahools mac a CWOSSA "B' hastethail toarniment stoord ai the rma aditorsinms in Ontario Sahool for the Deaf, Mitono Batardap. Fasciers trams pacticipated in the tacrey's 10 escititg naines. Acion Redinv emecgrd mîth the senior boys' champcovship bp a lopsided 51132 victrp avec Grey Higlands schaai froin Pleshecton. Il moarks the ficst hl octke t hall1 C WO0SS A Midgets in finals oust Fergus 4-2 Milton Mcdget faar-tomv hockey toorvameri tram won the rigbt ta enter the icaroey's ficals Satorday rtiglii, mheî (bey damped Pergas 4-2crn Satarday. Fergas brid a 2-i lead in tbe ficst perird and the teams ccere lied 2-2 ai the end af tbe secovd stacca. Tmo caaniers in the last perîad gave Milton the viciary. Baddy Thomas, Wayne icmvrs, Steve Smith and Bec Nyhlat registered sctres fac Miltan, miii, assîis gaivg ta) Jrhn Hopkins, (2) Wayve Emins, Avdp Treves, Sieve Clark and Ray Evans. Fergas marksmeo mccc Riet Andersan avd Macl Sovnder. Mitan picked ap faar af tbe game's fisc penalties. Ravdy Havnonnof Milaon and Gave Hotciîvca ai Fergac mare assesscd fiv cer ntes fac figbtivg. Mdltov: Hariey Pickering, 1910k Mitchell. Jatk Gurante, Rap Evans, Scere Clarke, Raody Hannon, Buddy Thoas, iim Sales, SteSe Smithi, Avdp Trilles. lir Haptis. Wayne Emms, lievvy Nyhait, tîc McKee. Riek Ormard. basketball Tue Redmer îîcc ccdvcccce ta the OPSAA Ocitica fcîcalc in Peterborogh etc Machi 17-11) Eucier Aciti defeuiad ai, 0.S.D. ircvi 5t,-24 cci ai, aexîhiiin mtic. Grey Highlands halld clated Cicealey 38-34 trthe preiicrcary Juvior bcoys' cicaiipiavtip mcci t Wiartaiin icricybfear Elrra b0O51 in flic tauniccr final. Eiara lcad ahbycficfinalancd Wiartac dccpasrd ef Maunt Fmccci 47-34 cancier ci flic day. Wîvver liv flic senior gcrls' divisiaon mas Sacad fleri cica tramt Waikecton. They pal cat Grey Highlands 34-20 in hibrr fîrci game and damped Ern 24-1 i ile f1rinal. Ecii hald cachier beaicît 0.S.G.i9-4 ci an Tire Arthcur talli gcrls' eciry won c ite c iiacvipiactip, deiratccg Rîpiay 39-371. Bcpiey liradtdgedMountc Fcoresicica prclinrccary. mice Artlcar ficrlda bye. Ctivever af lice learvey mas Daag Andrews ofl'la. A ree gîacc ti ticigt ft flicte p accty. A braîcc cciil aimays rrnacc flic caice distance framtîtbc groavd ni malter o ARTUR A JONNSON, O.D. OPTOMETRIST 9aA osin FRIé DAY Rg * Appraedtrpacclaeofal $517 I B.M. Scîccccce lypeccecter focr irrmuncicpal ofce. - sgrccd ao Ille Ttcccd Ecre of Ile oc e Esquesivg. front fil- Bacse Lcac ota t Iliglcccav l01 as Flccrccp Grive. TIre admcinistration pcclccy tIrcc fi'ccvicccccslýan Asvctig. *Nacied Gaepuiv RiAc Rl. Il cci, s c ad Ci c .llar Il sIct aitg to fli Parking AuticAccty asv caurccc ccpce seSt, tcars. *lDcrectrd eaihment of a imtd bus parkcingzoe :cfrn oit Coitenci Park on tAcccc St. * Approvcd Acs tA hirAlo c.AvtrsncvArs ut S45ù csannctt5 for tie chmcira, und 501 foc cmisoeswith deducioA,, oI S3II lac icetings missril A perclientof S2lltccraaoutaf to meigs atapprovAd. f ascecîlars t cy, Smdille acd Barr c pposed tli mc ion.c CAsked cIlta Hydrccand Bell Triephove fC.I rc'.t' AA Av1 Macn St. ecttOvcv, flic cccdeved portion If file ccgltt of way. a OppAsed a eolto prAposeod ta flic Ontario Muncipal Electrcal Assaciatiar thai cvasd mckcrelaccctcAcof Icydra ancd utility laces achciargc ,cgcccat tirc aatlcacty ccqacriog tiemayae Presccccly tice tomn pays. 50 pcc cant of flic tabac ci.ý cater i ocdeccattte c Oppascd cccy chaccgc cci fitc cîcarccterand usecof Algonquinc Park as prapaccd byaaîhceccg and minu cgict caet,. c Rrferced tao the Admincstratcon 'amrvcttrc. cteo sabjeccaf acagvg Vcccariav Order of Ncrsccgcsrvce cccfic coimnty. Tice Narcth Ilcîca licbac Bacrd recacciy ccccdcred p roc'cC tu, rccccscder tEe pcapccec leigciccccicctlt wccccd reqcrc tiea Occc.crccc bimacc ýsAccAycAcctacsfercanimais for csah Il ccc, acciad cf filr HamccraSciety dc,iscnicicad ccs dccg ccctrcct cccrk flce iccac cccad bctccrcad tocc.Artraccils l)arccg file ragcccrcraeetcgct Milccv t cc last ccrrk. crairbers: oAcceptcd a latter tram Onctario Fcraarsial M.iHrs( catcgratlatttg the Miltnc tFile Brigade aoc ccccccig an hcccncrable taton i fle antimali ,re p cev ltccIcic ociltest tac cîtcctctccpalttcr mcttc a pcopuatcion Iccaveclirs agcecd ro add chicer ow ete r ofconrtlain cnd senccd il toc tice brcigade. *Rccv.d ac cIter cryn Millauc ti5drc CamicsscAn cccc.cctccacy suppccrtcg the establcshcment cc icydra cAmrvccccac by amas.cs suggrsted ic tice regcoatca gccsrccvect prccpoai fcîr Hilit and PeeaiIl mcc sggasccd sch acmisiosstavttad deci directy mcii Ontaccio Ilydra, and rc,, iccaugi addctcavai reticcrci cLearccd flic Ftzgeracld vnsuac ce Sgecc.Y iicad dcstrbutcd 35 pec cecct af the tl ,amvssAv icme franc 196,7 1cca'tcof MiltAcc pcemtsms ta twcc atccr lacal cgents E. B. 'leccevcs acI R. F'. McCuaig .cgccec. Ticc fccm asked direction ccc thc dcstributian af l1f6S pcemcacs. *Acrptcd ait admincstcation o mc tccc ccpccrt mtcc dcvclased stace cccrare btng dicussecd . ccd ficc Ccambcr af cmmerce c, brcrg askrd ta atcend a1 dcccil cccmmcttee cccAcctng 1,r taceicer dcscassicav Promises clean-up at container firm Prccrcsadcrcpratcccaintctci thc cissda'ctagr ofl Maarc Cotcaner on Onctario St. wiii be cchsercAd. btcltctc fasccil deccdad. balte cc cacctrcg the arad 1,cr tarît, r ctionî ta etict a s.lei c ccp. In a lecter tc tire Accvvg .cdccccrctrctcar. ldmcrd il. Htarthc prcccccsclcfit.cfils fcrcrc.mttt dais cic scd aalaottvc palicts a cccl cccc1tacccArc, wauld discontinuec Scivgcvg in marc paitAts fcora weerand rrcart s ccccccchcry. lic. bugced cmak peccad csaatd sec caccstdcrable crtprascrecin Caactcti agrerd ta acitid actionAt to fc tl periad. Ç)«wt 9fme ektff Club PRESENTS UTS llth ANNUAL FIGURE SKATING 1 CARNIVAL __________FEATURING 7A e )>(qicad #eecppd4«P eppe STA R RI1N G MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB I MEMBERS AND GUESTS 0 PRESENTED BY - MISS NORMA SEDLAR, PROFESSIONAL Iand MISS GRAINGER, PROFESSIONAL BE SURE 0F A SEAT - GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FROM ANY CLUB MEMBER OR AT THE MILTON ARENA Saturday, Marci l5th *MATINEE AT 1.30 - EVENING 8 P.M. AT THE MILTON ARMNA * ADMISSION 0 MATINEE - Chiîdren SOc, Adults $1 .00 EVENINO - Chiîdren 75c, Aduits $1.50 *1 A sound raie of rhumb Wh Ir Wh t M folio- -lhen yoore WhtW at valuoma voar home and pupss osreard In Your anythino that p apoe s ver Home'wouid calte accay in i Home!van as "contents," and the remainder as 'kjildino." PROTECT YOURSELF MCCUAIG INSURANCE LIMITED 208 MAIN ST. E. 878-2894 iMil TON CURL ING CLUB8 M*NOTICE OF !ANNUAL MEETING :The rogulor annuol meeting of the Milton :Curling Club voeu be held in theo club lounge DISCOUNT PRICES AT SAV -HERE LTD. IN THE MILTON PLAZA Reg. $2.99 V05 HAIRSPRAY $2.70 Tabe, Jar ar Batle Reg. $1.29 Head & Shoulder SHAMPOO 99c Req. $t.49 Secret Spray Deodorant $1.19 Reg. $1.291 Scope MOUTHWASH $1.09 100's Reg. $1.35 ANACIN 99e Reg. 75c WILKINSON BLADES 59C Reg. $1.79 Head & Shoulder Shompoo $1.59 Reg. $1.29 LISTERINE $1.09 M - - - 11111M 'l 1: 1 ý 1 1 .

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