4The Csnadisn Champion, Wedrsasday, March 5, 1969 DUMP FOUR Tht Georgetown Raders wtre elintinateri faosn the Janior C, playdowns Fniday as tht Milton Merchants hacenterd in a cruslong 19-3 nsctory te sake tht foorth convtcutinr gante iu the stries. It wtt a consistent three ptriod effort for tht Mrrchants as thry mntinend the pressoure on tht visilors Ilaroaglsout tht 60 minutes. Don H tarot led tIre Merchont attack, claanting ine goals and thee ausistu. Kip Tackwell coanted three and ont sssist; Boh Rohton hadl thrre wath a single attisa, Grahamt Hemn toL to and one as did Ste gastead. Marty Seeds haed Ito and Iwo. gig point getter of tht session thooga wos Ted Hood. He counttd a single goal but was in on eaglal more in the high-scorang elintination garnte. Tht Merchants needed n 10eniv t alte tht foorîla VWh moets tded,.ts? if's eiher Ajax The Junior Merchants will hoe ptayigtatlarr Ajax of Lindsay Frrday naghî an the first gante of the senti-fanaIs but ai press liane i wOtnlt known whach or wherr. Afler defeating Geotgetown Raiders io tht quarter finals, tht locals were sitîd 0nte elt Ihe wsnners of tht Ajax-Lindsay session. An eighth gante wtts nrcrssary in the stries thangla, accordaag to Manager Alan Parten, heanast thetleants each had three gantra and one sesuion was lied. Tht eightb ganto was IRAIDERS STRAICHI gane. Rinalry wilh Georgetown has long enisteri and lhey woaaa on tht ice t0 make il four striglat in tht stries. Tht furss periodas four goals for tht Merchants sel tht pace os Don Hearus rock tht puce front Ted Hood t0 ttet il off in tht second ntinute of play. Basîead, Hood and Lawrenceteach hiokeri the light before tht period endeil. The second period thetlono was tht taine as oner 900 fans cheereri the locals throaga senen moegoals. Georgeton toole the only abret penalties of the peraod as the Merchants stocl eo tht gante and tht goals. The Il -0 lead as the endi of tht second added 0p t0 a pretty convincing edge and the Radersabhegan lu show tonte enhaustion. Wayne Copeland rrlirved Boh Sloddart an rte Raideor nrts part way alarouga tht second, hut hie w as nahîete 10 tent the otslaaght. or Lindsay scheduled for Wednesday (lonight) te decade the Merchant's opposition Frido,. If Lindsay stias thie Metatants mIl netre thet in L.ndsay Fniday. If Ajan laktes ',ht stries the action will he in Milton Faiday niglal for tht openr of ahe four of senen stries. . Newmarlel and Dalenille squartd off lot niglaý for Iheir roand afler Oalenille tlianinattd Bomonnille in lhree straght, and Newntarket dad ahe sainte Richmond Hill. Iadacalang a desare Ira rau tht scorehoard pasl attsonit, tht Merchants tank Ihree sote goals an tht third feame hefore Gtorgttown't Dwyer and Hay conthinrd mhile hoth teams wcre thortharded afler a major meire. Milton took anothor goal and Grorgetown eesponded witb a single. Milton shot Ihe more and the Raiders ont. Goal nonther 19 for the Mrrchants conte an tht final minute of pIay. An indication of thr play mas tht 69 thotu thal mient aI tht Imo Georgrtown goalies to tht 20 shots tht Raiders gos ai Lloyd Vaughan. In thse major melet tht Merchants' Jit Chalkley îangled with Brad Johnson while Ride Col e squared off with Brian Loucks. Challeley packed op a gante miscondoct for his part. LLOYD VAUGHAN, asite nelminder an the Mitron Marchans' Junior hockhey cluh, was sottet tht fart' mare popalar Marchent an tht soason's hallarirg. As a roannt gante Hanh Kelman, ropresensirg aIl tht tans, presovrerl the trophy nhar tuas minh tht banne su the popular Morchant.-IStafI Photo) f7HOGLUN mviaIrrCuring ClubhN-s Sondr 7.30 p. P. Gashe, ' . Garler, R. Ornanir, H.ancar 10.1H. Fule,. OFenle,J. MoCutrahron, t. Mafotolan 4. S, Sadalio, E. Nadalin. G. Clrmntn, M. Arstrlong 7;L. Furîso. R. McKareon, A. Mcitro.n, N. MaKessar 5. B. Mafhoil, D. Meain,, R. Cont. D. Comp 10; o uoî, L. reoint. A. Fale, a. Falle 3.w K. Hen L. Hm. A. Arnold. J AroolO IÏ. u. Red, D. maleo. L Walkr, 1. Reidl7. I4IGGINS Mondon 7 p.o. B. ttted. B. Polin. L. Douglas, lE. toasts 7; C. Anderson, G. Flerchrr, C. Oanrtr H. stalsr 4. L. Fort" ' A. C airs, G. Sinclair, K. Moulds 12; B. tRot. H. tanthau, S. Sth 5. E. Malsut. D. Hall, D. Hughes, i Huaghes 7; a. Slrssoa. H. Mano G. Careathners,. a. dlatd h. D. K nntdy, T. Fronce, L. McKenr. J. Stewart-Smtith 7; L. MoNeil, G. Clase, L. Wolher tR. neson 5. Morday 9 p.nt. L. Fot-'o C. BetIn. B. Tom. B. Stewat 7; S. Harrop. F. Oison. B. VanGrnet h. S. Ltot, S. Mcaoddn A. Canna, T. StreIn 6a; O. Proen. Hl. Steir. J. SoaI, O. Wilkinsn 5. M. Brat, F Raalarraav, F, Foastr 8; D. Rooanr. n. Gardhouse, D. Waorronr 3. Tanadet 7 foi. M. Lord. 'a. uonîn. CMatin, C. terra, 9; A« Mu.,o, D. Laalo. E. Foser, J. Huaghts h S. todoan. M. taeacry. B. frînat, R. Corp 10; K. Moota- M. Otata. as. K. Plait, t. Harriaon, H. Lama, T. Haghesa 7; K. Orro, S. (aulda. H. Ramshan. L. Fualwi 6. W. Elaînt, R. Mrr, A. Arnold, P. 5utntman 10; P. Gathor, E. Tîrtah., J . MaMillan, L. Soopson S. HaGGINS D. Gaýn, P. M etrn, G. HOmdraa H N Sr thy 11,0R Rowlrr. G. Sm. 1,L. Oni, J . Edgar 7. t. Loaao, A. Calma. t. Ford, A. H.tostr 7; G. Fletcerca R. tsanaarr. B. McClure, P. Strntmno 7. H. Cria. G. Sinclairn. MaGnachan 8; M. Plpr. A. Falke, B. Casstn, J. KerOt 7. S. Onrof N. latte. Di Wi.gaaa Kaofmn, J.. KaatmnanM. SreeS. D. Roolot. J. ttowlrf. A. Falh, B. Falke 8; t. Reid, D. monr, L. mmles, L. Reid 4. K. Mýoo. F. Moose, O. Emma. F. Nhble 7; L. Fatîso. J. Faah, L. MaKersie. G. McKersar h. t. Anderson. J. Anderson, A. Antoad. J. Arnadd 8. K. Onm. L. Otan, F. Stemono, M. Sttonant h. MIXES Oltdnttdaf I p.rn. R0. Hasrison, J. Harrison, t. Thomsaon. L. Thomson t. O. Ferle D. tank. B. Stewcart, O. Stewart 4.- C . marrer, P~. Watters. T. Sîrrîr. A. tortiana 12;,A. Mîasso,. Btotn, C. Brcton, .Mone 9. S, Nadaaio. E. Sadallo, G. CIerrant s. M. Armtong 8; P. Gartea. R. Gare R. Hsnar. r smir 5. as. Roolcf, t. mord.A.ot.J Lange h; L. Forbin, R. Matimnor A. MoKinnor 5. COLTS Tharsilaf 7 s.m. D. Romînt. t. Omanasîr. S. Edgar 11; A. Mu, J. MaCtlalaor, O. Ms. urty, P. Sweetma,0 B. Rid L. Santpsor 10; G. Fletahr,. K. Plait: t. Ourtr, B. McClur O. D. Flolrnty, S. Rbers, B. Oero, J. Smilla 6; S. Harrof, -F. blason. S. MaFaddrr. T. Sîrnîr 6. I Sînsser, A. Cairns, J. McMIaot. J. Sptonl 5; E. Mdllsot. 5W. Elselef. L. Farlar, F. Garhor 3. COLTS Tlî,tseo 9 p.nt. L. Fettos, M. unaîf. B. VaoGmnnt, P. Slte n S;u K. Plait, t. McCanaiea T. Frencla S. p.' Swettar.A. CansG.Sinclair, u. Stewaat 13;.S. Sadalin. S. tldds. L sisu B Poînîl 7 Safety CheckecI Todlay Py aclary Trained Tehnicns I lOB main St.. Milion 878-235 Cadallac -Pontaac -Osoch Salesand Servan I100 POOL TABLES ïsici SI 1n$ll5caé F.ësB "mssse Aesis&i uE f 0T FmN UQINIAO MIXED BONSPIEL A ruxeri bonspiel for cluh menthers mas helal aI the Miltn Curling Club on Sot. Match 1, sponsord hy tht Mitron Branch of tire United Co-Operotines of Ontorao. A trnphy mas donaîrd hy tht Uniteri Co-Op 10 thr Club for animoal aonpetiliora. Thae îropby oald pri ru mere presenreal hy Ken Hetn, Manager of the Milton Co-Op Store. Tht firsI marner of thae nent Iroplaf, ond alto frit priot marner of the second dram mos Phi] Garber's rinlewith vice Mrs. Jeon Harrison, second Reford Gardhoutt, anal leari Mrs. Marie McMiltart. Second priot winaer of tht second drow mas Bob Rrid's rinle anal tht consolation liraze minner mas Chris Watters' mLn. Frist prize winner of thr firsI diu w anLeuoFalaa'saiinkmwith vice Mist Jure Fasb, second Boh McPboil anri Iral Mrs. Hazel Stewart. Second prize minner mas Ernie MlIton's rinle anal tht consolataon praze minner mos Demnis Rowlry's rin. Saltfleet is put out by Pee Wees With paria and SaltiStet falling hy the wayrido, MitIon's Ed's Weldiog Pro Wees nom ente Ontario Pan Wee sesi- ais againal Strathro. Tht frini gante la in Strathrof tonight (Wednesday) or 8 p'm su.rd officiais are hoping for a tel.r gaine n Milton nexl Monday enning-hat deuails wat't ho irnad nul attit afler toaight , garne. Tht Welders doohîrdl Salfeet &-3 in a gaine lrst weeh and tank tht second rn the strict here Friday with an M.4 shatoat. Scott McKenzit anal Ricky Bridgmtan fired a hat teick apitar while Jon Tontîli and Gave Roberts added single goals in the win. Tonelli alto had thrre assisîs, Ron Twist and Normnn Mowhroy Ito each, Andre Wyseman, Ken Fay a ndi gridgntan atm apiece. Novices oust Preston in consolation Millt Novices are doing well in their sri-coanly consolation round, and ousîrd Prton ina two gantes tbis wrek. They'll go on t0 play Guelph in the consolation round fminas, with tht fii gante in Milton nont Monday ai 7 pa. la Preston Sanday, tht Trafalgar Ford crew handily scortil a 10-2 tictory. fixing thre gats rn tht fiss and fanal periods and four in tht second. Date Marshall had two goals and two attists, Steven McCutcheon two goals and ont ossist. Steven Hannon lwo goals, Scott Serney a goal mnd on assasl, lEric Ellison and Pery Capuoao goal and an astist each, Gary Dance ont goal, Dote Turner two assisîs and Doag Strath ont helper. Here on Mondaf. il was o 6-0 shutoat for the Fords. Marshall led the pacle wilh thee tallies and ont assit, Ellison ailderi o goal and an assist, andi Hannon andi Turner hari single coanters. Single set-ups wenat ta Dance, Stralh andi ian Saliha. Schedule I I 4-Town Tourney I The nnual four-towo hockey toornaeet moves iota, Milton Arena ihis Saturday. and a fouf day of hockey action ie predicled as the best hoaro teague playors in Milton, Acn, Fergus and Geoegetown meet ia 13 novice, pae wee, hateant and mldgea Ses. The aourasent annual motet aroaod froin towa n t owo. The teants are cosoposed of the top hoose lague playors and no ail-oIt ployets are attowed. Senti-footl, final and consoatation gaines wil ho ptoyed in thse novice, par wtt and hantam agit groops. The snidget groaping, which was on innovation this yeat, has ateeady drclared the finatiels and juat a chantpionship gante will hoe worked jeta, Salarday's prograso. Herh Higgs and helpers front Miltoo Minor Hockey Association ara in charge cf arrangemnts for the day, assistedl hy volunteors froin thetahree visitog towns. Arrangements have heto mode ta provide dioner for the etrants aitIhe 100.OF. Hall in Milton hetween 11.30 ont. and 1.30 po. Poltowaag jr the schedole: 7.00 a.m ........................ Bantant - Milton - Georgetowna 7.55 a.nt ....................... Pro Woo - Fergus - Georgetown 8.50 o.nt ............................. Novice - Millon - Fergus SCRAPE & FLOOD 10.00 a.m .............................. Bsolant - Acton - Fergus 1 0.'55 a.m ............................. Pet Wee - Milton - Acton 11.50 a.nt ......................... Novice - Acton - Georgetown SCRAPE & FLODD 1. 00 p.nt................................. gBantan - Consolation 1.55 p.m ................................ Pro Wee - Consolation 2.50 Pa................................... Novice - Consolation 4.00 p.m................................ Novice - Championship 5.00 p.so............................... Pet Wtt - Chontpionship SCRAPE & FLOOD 6.15 p.nt............................... Bantoos -.Chantpionsuip 7.15 p................................. Midgot - Chantpionship DINNER Bantant ........ .................................. 11.30 ar. Pro Wtt........................................... 12.15 p.nt. Novicc .........1,00.............. .-...1........ LK p. Hockey school during summer A hockey sehool for aIl hoys of the area interesîrd an amprovng thear skill ai power.sleating and oîher vtal areos maIl he held in Daknille Ihis Iloder tht direction of power-sleatin g expert Rotss Gorner, tht uchool mdjl include speciol classes in ihis sohiect, as mell as an enenan g hockey school and a hockey day-camp. Flyers out for season ITS IN THE BASKET and Wisrtan Higlas junior on ia Ontario playdoamna. Thetwso gymnasîurns hathothaîl Inant choiks sas anathor point dariag ai O.S.D. mort hony aIl day long os neama fro Iboir tounamont platoff witb Eloca. Ontario district asentres foualat foc thetnitlas. O.S.D School for nhr Goal hasteri Ibe CWGSSA "B" erteed two trams far exhihinion gantas-(Staff Inarnamors in Milton Sanarday ami boys' anal Phatol girls' junior anal senior minners mort setoîntît tap HE HIT HER Judgr: "I carlt thinle of ouylhing morse thon a mon heaaing ap bois mife. Whatrvtr mode yoa do il?" "Weil, soid thr defendont, "Shte kepl soying, 'Hat mer! Go on, bit me' and lIlI have you hauled mbt court anal Shot hald-headrd nId hahoon milI givr you a jail trrni." Jadge: 'Case datntatstd." for tht MiNou Nadalin Electric Janenile Flyers hockey cluh. Thornhill lenocktd thent out of tht Ontorio qaarter finals with a 3-I min here Tharsday and a 3-2 victory in Thoanhill Siaaurday. The Flyrs hope t0 schedale tonte exhihition gontes t0 leeep tht hoys In shape fer the onnoal Tri-Coanty Janenile hockey tournamnta alarylI host in a fem mereks tinte. Wbile Thornhdll held an edgr on tht play and desernrd t0 min Tharsday's gante here, inepa officaing mas anrtainly a cootrihuting factor an Mlton's lots. Cluh officiais h ave since discusseri tht actions of referre Merv Witehead of Brampton with thei r conener and althoagh no formal peosest has hetat launched, ahry hope they mon't se tht official hock je Milton again. Flyr ntanager Reg Woalsey said Whitehead sented t0 miss ait the ohnioas anfractions, hut made a hunch of cheap, horderlint callu. He saad hie hlew o whastle on a Milton goal that STEVE OASTEAD, Jr. Memrées Irft winr roaring sweaterroaorr 14 a 19yrs cf ago. A rosidrat of 1Oskvlr and a podant cf the Monor ferot. thiri, hoe playrd sevoa gas wnth the OakriLlr Jr. Blades=atf0 and Initiai the lntoh ntid-woy, through the curenOt saum. ttttv mnpyd by Maris Trnspootir IrSTEVE BASTýEAD '.CHICKEN SNACK aFP'ces of Flevtr C se e !- 2Pice o CicenRedy$2.19 cIikn 79c taSev French Fric FAMILY PAK -eCHICKEN in aBOX 14 Paecaof 3ff 3 pi,-a ai Chiahan Chaaken, R ll *779 Frenvch Fies,. Coe law n Hoa..n Z» otterw a $ PARTY PAK Hone ~ JPiecovoof $5.25 Family Bas nf Chachen 09 Frenach Pore 11.00 Single Order SxRails ý e Fronca Poses ne as Farsily ILs Cole Slaso 50c Six Packs of Hafley Mc PHN 7-08-OE ASAWE would hast tieri tht gome and it brole Multon's htatt. Front thea on the offacial's anti-Millor action anfuriateri bolIs plsyecs and fans and hy tht end of tht gante nare-players--riglat of thent Flyrs-were ceowded inlo, tht penalty hou. Thornhil played eucelleat hockey, ntraawhile, tard copitaliztd on Millon's shorthanded situation to walh oway with tht game. tht latter haîf and mon 3-2. Captain Keith Higgs scored tht ferst while Milton was thorthandtd, on a pasu front Dast Gales, the laater holl andl mon in 3-2. Captan Keith Higgs scorril 1he foust mhile Miltou mas shorthandtd, on a pasu front Date Gaies, and Higgs notched tht second uassisted. MILTON ARENA TNURSDAY. MARCN 6 4.30 - 7.30 - Figure Skating 7.45 - Pan-Am: Coin vs. tecLevran. Prestidgt os. Champoan. FRIDAY, MARCN 7 Jonior Playoffs SATURDAY. MAECN S 7 arn. - 8 ont. d-Tamr Tourranont. 8.30 - 10.30 -- Pablic Skating. MONDAY, MARCN 10 Possible Pet-Wtt Playoffs. TUESDAY. MARCN Il 4.30 - 7.30 - Pigare Shating 7.45 - Pro-Arn Pardite vs. Thornoson; Lawrence os Wilson WEDNESDAY, MARCN 12 2 -4-Adoît andl Pre- School Skating 5.30 - 9.00 - Minur Hockey Hoose Leagot SWIMMING EACH AFMNOON 1.45 P.M. TO 2.45 P.M. F0R19, 10, Il TEAR OMO 3.00 P.M. TO 4.00 P.M. FOR 13 .16 YEUR OWDS POOL CAPACITY 60 SWIMMERS EACI4 F91100 * CHANGE ROOMS O COMPUTENT UFEGUARDS * Insrusction Not Available ADMISSION 25c BY TICKET ONLY FOR SWIMMERS OVER 8 YEARS OF AGI (Facilities for non-arnisosors ors ot ovailablel Tickets must b. obtalnad In advanc. from Municipal Office, Town Haill (TICKETS ON SALE PROM 10 A.M., MARCH 10) This prograin spossored by lih. Milton Recreation Coanstete. in co<oPuralloo wlth Ontsai Scisool for the. Deaf Garber wins 'spiel Hockey School AT OAKVILLE ARENA RERECCA S, OAKVILLE, ONTAIO Directed by Ross Garnerr POWER SKATING EXPERT *HOCKEY DAY CAMP *POWER SKATING FOR INFORMATION WRITE: OakviIIe Sommer Hockey Sceol c/o ROSS GARtNR APT. 109 - 501 BALMORAL DR. BRAMALIA filon -7- 1