Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 3

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Pilot for council... e Upper Burltottos Citizns Forom iras asked Burlington Coancil t0 appoint Artirur .Liodop rire Word Theee coancillor, or irold a irpetection to namne anew cooincitlor for the nortrere word of tire tran. The Word Theer seat raas racated by W. A. Reeve, who was anamed Depoty-Reevr after rire deatir of Drputy-Reeve Mro. Evrlyr Barke. Mr. Liodop, a pilot wîth Air Coooda who tires on Cedar Springs Rd., wos thr roooer-op, t0 Me. Rerve io the 1967 municipal elections. Harbiniger of Spring... Two heoltiy Robios werr spottrd on 10 Sideroad neor Kitiride test raek, and if trot's rot o gord siger Spriot is on tire woy, it's hard to say whiat is. Mes. A. Doffy of Hamoilton and two frieods saw tire eed.irreasled relurrees feom doras sootir. Aed speaimo of irirds, tirere are re ports os Liouses tirai a torkey irorcard migirt ire responsihte for tire onsotord disoppearance of severat smatt pets and irryard onimats. Tirey thireue on carrioo. Two simili dots and o pair of cats disoppeored frrm ose Georgetoran district farts, and seeral resideots on tire area re port sigirting o giant irird wiricir tirey tirooght ai first resemirîrd or eagte.* Eveeyirody chaims yoo won't find ragtes inis fat sortir, irut ont mas cougirt in a professions]t rappee's store at Nortir Boy last wreir. Muscular Dystrophy... Mitirs O.P.P. officirs hod asirare in tire cireque for $tt9 that wspeseoted to Frankr Murphy of tire Muscotar Dybttopiy Socirty OCaado or Oohvdtte Tirrsdoy rveeîng. Tire cheque rereseeted tirr procerds from the orsool dance cf sire No. 3 District O.P.. Association. Const. Jies Hodeos of Milton O.P.P. and Cot. Bruce Deacos of o akvitte O.P.P. made tht persestatier. Tht mosey pots to irelp M.D. chitdres. Six-to-niners busy... Bnrtingtoe Poticr report o rosît of house hrerohins dormi; tirr tort y eeints recentty, aod hovr ashed for citizens' iretp sn comirattîng tirr rosir of irurgtorîes. Fiee is ose raerk rrsutted in tirr rirefi of sileerware, cois cottections, canord foods, tiqoor, meots and groctrits feses tocal homes. Att tht crimrs tosir ptace je tire eaely erning and police tavt duhired tirem tire "smx-to-tise stuff". They orge residents to roave tots ofltigtrts irornt if thry ru ot for tire eteint. Wintor holidays soon.. Studests suffrieg teogh the midiiter dotdrumns mutl socm have a raerk of hotîdays frora their docot heois buitding. Motch t5 tc 23 are tire dotes of tht mîdmîstr trolidoys tis yere rahich reptoces tire oid E astr vocation. Tirryti stiti get Gond F riday and Eostr Moeday offschoot. Whit.houso take-ovor... Procor Limîted cf Dohuitit. tht hem micir purchostd tht 60'ytae'old P.L. Rohertson Moeuioctaeîeg Company of Mitton, last raerk ososnerd it hos ocqoired Whitthouse Fatroiegs Ltd. of Monteai and Rexdoir oneiof Roherison 'e competitors te tht fasteer mahket. Whitthouse moi ceigiealty lîurîded rn Mitton oed used to oprate fronta o mocusre thre tower mnve of tire Main St. Centre Building. It moved to Monteai and Rexdair o few ago. Procoe, a suirsidiary of the Americor, Tink Car fitem ai Cicago, oiseow Graver Watee Conditicnrît Comepanty locoird in Oaheitte. Railway tasnk cors and freiglit cotrie arceoanfocturedoti Prireor's Thitd Lie plant in Oahuillîr Von ison out of season... Twoilocolientttmitrtdoiahneeisg for friiteeisoe face cirarges of setting smares for dttr,ritoctirg dett cor cf seose,oand ittegal possessice cf veniiec. Consievatioecofficrctci.ediiirteguiîand careciieetheme mere appreeided "ie tire act" eeas Miltone eceîîtiy, aed tirey miii appeat in corit iOii. Deer iraîtîtiiin Noriierît Oîtaerio is sili tigit mools amayorad tee las ireen nodecso o anopen fal tracen in Haltes for 1ir9. Bilingual sch'ool wiII be studied MILTON rU. A spectat odtisory coraniite to slady Feeech- ango ge instrctio in H alnContY O R -K IN D E iry lire Bcard of Educato O t Trustees Tom Watson cf l -M4w Acton, Johe Noire cf Milon E I T i adFmed Bidmeti cf Burleg onG I T werreainrd to tire committe Frencr-speahieg tatepoyers F R S P E utl irc choses for tire commit teFO E E ar a meeting catîrd fut Matchr 12 ai tire Martin St. Senior Pubieî if you have a chîld5 Sciroot , Miltoe . Tire committre was fremet before February 28, 1 after i19 fre tch ,eakirtg form below and retut rotepaytet reqiietteti r Dîrecice J. Sýiegiete the school in your orea t erplained tir rtepeenetates realize it would sot ire possible t0 irave Frenchr instraceion NAME OP CHILO........ tirroagiroat tire secondaty scirsol buirt tirey irope to secthlie DATE 0F BIRTH.......... developriteni of a iingual S scisool. "They recognize, thir PATHERS NAME .......... linsited nmrier restricts", tire directat noird. ADDRESS.. ............ .. -Finse Cirief A. E. Clement reports lire Ions in tire G. R. Chatte home lne ast werir wilt prorairly reacir $25-$30,000.a Airstrip ait Esqarsint coanicit wttl nstîfy to tire Board of Transport sire torasship's newty fonrd rahesier il gors ino e t. Planning Board of oirjections Cotottiltat Marsirall said if sire front toranship ratepayers t0 a driegalion Entra tire dligit proposed aieslrip and flying recon'eesiencr an oiessrip could scirool on lt Bideroad brut cause sirry raouldn't irein tire enlertain douhis abotut raietire counicîl chamires. "If il mas a lire Board iras any juetudictice golf courte you'd ire ail] fot it" ocr lire malter. and it woutd cause mure traffic Coancit agrerd to do inis aftr ehan an uirslrip. Ht irad lived a detetation of 17 toransip rigirs heside an atrpsrt. residentu, armed raîir a petition Mr~. M asson s aid lire irearing 140 signatures, ieged pelustoners frît tire airsteip c oancdllors at thir rtegotar mosld cause mort eood iroffio, Monday meeting t0 prott tire decreose tond values, stetilzr ".tarit appeotol" give tire land on tire opproacires tnd rare peoposed oiesttîp aitie Rossiaire alto conctenred ab-ucol triclicot tesort, R. R. 3, Georgetown. on tire hit of bioldings if it Siruiesmon fer tire delegation rarot theotgti. He said tire ras Coohîttite soiitot Colin deletotion ras oct oppcsed to Mosson miro taid flie petition airporîs pet se bust frît t could repeesentrd tatepoyers raisin an ire locaîrd on a irntner spot. eigirt mile radiut of tire peoposrd "Tire use is not compatible to airnleip and flying scirool on theirsidentiot ose developint on peoperty iretongint tu lonttime adjoîsîng lands," ire clairard. resideni Jot Rots. Resîdenis had Tire towanship plaening boaed several oirjections to lire airltî1 could consider o preveeion but tirry sleessed depreciotion of hy'lara ustil os O fficiai Pion for properly ealues os tire mais tire townrship mas appeoved. oirjection. Me. Mosson raid iris cliests Deputy terce Toni Hill tooh ae c ned hecause tire orea immediale exception to tire could ed ap liE tlie Toronto deputation ollegiet couicit irad Istand airport. gtnen permission to haild an airpors. "Wr osly gave Rerve Carnie advised lire permission toiruîldoiaeagor." ire bld lire driegation. Tire only aisti wul c hruh h GERMAN - CA Depariment of Transporttuiece tirey conleolird lrceecieg of OF HALTO airpeet% Mr. Matson seplîrd tira ire ogrerd couei dort not licence airpotts irai ire frit tirot sînce Rosscamof Deparement of SATU RDA Transport approvol. tire Department horra eotiring of tire83 proposrd aiesteip. He prodaced a U ION HAI lettr rahîci slated lire Deporimens mas uaomre cf tire "THE ALPII aieslrip irut statisg tht omeer raas notsecessaeily contavreieg O Everybod' any regulation at this stage. Tire detegotionts spoiresmas alto peodscrd a lettr front M.P. Rod Whrerng in eepty to ose from peittoners stoting tire airstip could Oct oce aitirout o licence from the Depariment of Transport. Me.' t Rots iras alrrady irad a feasiirilily sludy caeied out andrits ete ', approved iry the Departmeet. F Councillor Ken Masharll odsrsed the detegatios tireS solicitor mas dorng tirem a dittererce hy hrregrng lhemt to couicit fiett since Me. Whîereg mculd he tire logîcai yarty to appeooch fieit. tut Mr. Massue raid couecri has issurd o permit t0 huild a hangar.A "Tirey cas put up a dotes hangars over there if lirey mast." tord Rerse Geoege Cuerie." This O PIG. inoundes tire jurisdîctrcn cf tire FRSPIG. Drpartmet of Transport.'" ADD A Mr. Masso rusaid ire didelt agree ince lire Departtetsm nct concereiedmrith zoerng and 1 wl08à morci as lte body te charge slitr Cooscîlice Marshaoll satd tir Depasîmeet mas corucerned iiiîroeieg acutd arpoetr. Tire depuly ererv chjectrd to Me. Mastct't rrmark titat the Departmeet mcîîld go oirod miti its appeceal if tire township didet îth1ect. "Cîtuecti toto t 133 Main East gri aeytitg to dtt mithit" i.e _____________ arserted. Reeve Casre asket the clerk, K. C. Lindsay, to eat informtiolrn lie receveet trrîm Gîtelyph totwnstrp and Me. Ir Lindsay raid tiec suint lit Guelphr townsip tît arE if theyF had arîy control over thteGuelph airpori. He repited titl lite townrship had nocreteri mhiee atd it cis est irely up Rossia ke detegation rire petition sirould go to tire M. P. lirst and ire woatd get in toucir raie tire Minisier cf Transport. At tis point Dr. E. W. Brown stood up and said tirat suirseqatel tb tire ttr lie irod met murh Me. Wiisrg and ire is maitint for couri decisîse. He maietained a roning hy.lam moald stop tire proposai and asirrd Planning Board ire advistd and o poic meeting irrld to discoîs lire plan. Pteadint loch of tinte to prestest a futl case ire achnowlrdged losing "consrderahie eleep and time otet tis." De. Brown raid ire did nos question tire building permis but tire implication uf it. Soonet or lotter tire airstrip raili ire licttsed ced werîl ire saddltd murh a type of land ust incompatible mitir erîstînt land use. Ht calîrd on counicil te tepeese ni tire ratepoyers os meti as Me. Rosi and tire two men miro mant te iruild tire steip. Another drlrgae Professer Biad, raid ire w os coeceened since tire area had a hrappy eviecemees sp to tris point. Ho relaird o persona] ruperience wirre a plane landed on iris faem NADIAN CLUB W COUNT NC E Y -MAR. 8 IP.M. L- PINE ST. sJE ECHOES" y Welcome 0 and ire badl "quitt a lime grteîng rid of it." Reeee Carnie maintaied counicil badl no jueisdictron to "go oer and tel ice Ross tu stop opteatrot." Another mon je the delegtr'on raered mirat courii mootd do if tht proposa] masoa dance hall. Atars Or. Brome oshed council te ask the emy oppointed planning bocard t0 consider restrictions ce tond ose. Coancil ogeeed. Nerr merting of tire Board rs Maecr 19, the reere raid, anîd jr wruld ire on the agenda but tie touhîrd they could erercise any taris diction. (Peier t0 tht telegation's appearonce, Rorsiake omner ice Rots told ther pesns iry ter ire rntended to drop tht Olyîng scirool end of ii projrci brut moutd continue mith tirearsteri and hangar. ) rýU!IR' Delegation opposes Tire Canadien Champion, Wedesday. Mercr 5, 1969 3 More $30 salaries set... Are Connty Board of Edacation soaay ptecedeett eecouraging hralliry toises in sire field of municipal polîtics? It appears se. Last raerk Halton Coonty Cooncilluen eotrd tiremtsetes ao50 pet cent toise in pay, uppint tire former $20 a rneeting oe $30. Georgetowan Ccuncd dîd lîhemîse last weeh, giving theraseltesat$10 roîse to $30, Georgetowan alto voted tire Mayot o $2.000 motse, setsieg iris otrual salary or $4,500i, and upped their cran $10 commîttre meeting rte te $30 mîtir a $30 a a day ceing. Wîihsix coueicil and commilte meetings a mnontir, couicîliots row sirould tecerer $180 per eoonth. Dutch Canadian COUNTRY CLUB WILL HOLD THEIR MONTHLY DANCE AT THE CANADIAN LEGION HALL SATURDAY. MARCH 8 ~ORCHESTRA -"J.C.ANDTHE SQUIRES DORPIEAt UBUAL Memirhin Cards Avilbl ai.. th . LIC SCHOOLS RGARTEN ~ATION %IBER 1969 years of age on or 970, ploase fi in the rn to the Principal of ........PIMO E .. Paret Signatuare res Pick-up And Delivory Complets ESSO Service FREE GLASSWARE in exchange for Our Bonus Gas-Savings Coupons *MOTOR SHAMPOO *COMPLETE Lino of Warranty Oul and Filters *LUBRICATION *WHEEL BALANCING *SHOCK and MUFFLER Installation *ROAD SERVICE OPE:7a.m. Monday thrSaturdoy 99a.m.MSundaYI Caii t pm. Sflday tr hmUaJ MILTON ESSO Corner Main and Ontario Sts. - 878-3641

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