* The. Conadien'Champion, W.dnandy, Metch 5, 1969 IOUJR READERS WRITE: EDITORIALS ON R. Doe Me. DuLs, Thanh yor so much for sendieg me tht repeins of yoae thnee editoeiuts - Januany 29, Fehruary S and Feruary 12. i sboeougbly enjoyed ail of themn and I tbieb yen have summird ap tht varions points very meSl indet i. I do tbush yoa fan presenting nue proposuis ta y aut reodens in secb a stinghsfonmard moy. With kinilest regards, Sincereiy, W. Dancy McKeougb Minissîr ah Municipal Affaire CONGRATULATIONS ON NEWPAPER HONORS Dean lin: Congratulations are ssdted en order ta yuu as Manogisg Editor, and ta yaur staff, for caenying off tbe louveta as tbe onnuui convention of tbe Ontario Webty Nenspopers Association beid recentiy se Ottana. You mustbcevery pirasednwitb theboouruof beig curen bes su botb tbe cioseil'ied adcertisisg section oedi suhie pintant story cotegary oeil ta bave bren juilgeil second sn tbe cotrgury for bers use of pîctunes. Tbese bonace are sicbly deserveil and 1lsuigiatuiotc yluo andl your staff os tbe bigb calibre of y aur senspoper as juilgei by tbesepects. Wltb every guad i s fan cantisueil succes, I remais, Yous ssnceveiy, Rail L. Wbsting, MYP., Huilas. RETARDEDNEED MORE IsEMBERS Waesed: New membrs for tht North Hulasn Asarciation for the Meesuily Resardeil. Tis oeganination sîredi nen membees, peuple mbo are muit ta mach ai beipinit semeuse tess fortasate thon thtmnsetvts. Those in this association do sot look for prom ian bot hrd moek. They reep theer renseil hsomieg the mrssuiiy netarded benefit fromt mhotever sbey bave dose. The Nortb Huiton Association iS lus a emuil port in tbr averul retordeil anganicatios. It belonts ta Regios Four oeil local represestatives arr Mrs. Olive Nyt, Milton oeil Ruipb Bron, G eg le taown . Thene eepeese statives mers mith members fran Oubvilie, Beetinglun andl Hamilton district. Tea membnvs front the Regiosui Causcil arc ninctedi ta the huard of the Ontario Associationand oei ey sn tues ba ave represestosives us tbe boad of the Canadias Association for Retardeil Cbiives. Tbese membrs ove sot necemsarily parents of retondates, bat are people arbu bave tbe inteners of lbhe resuredi aI heari oeil mare of Ibese peuple are neieil ta betp. Jas on ondl learu ban top professiosi mes se Ibis f'ield are mueig for tbe ailvancement of tbe netardeil. M em brrsbip Cbairnu s J. C. Langedyh, Misas, arbu cas be cunrocteil ai 87"86.6l Ja aril p in yaue cnmmunsty. -F. V. Canorn, Publiscty. RATEf/sYER FROTESTS GOV'T BY IMPOSITION Deor Sic. "Taxation n icthaiut Reprearntatsuu". ibat nos tbe cry ah tire e.iriy Amnenîcan Colonsts befare tbey seceedril andl il cas wcl ire nîbarilsuon by tbe citicens of Nassagaweya, if tbey aimai tbe vivisarction of tbeei tonshbiy Quen's Park. Rubants aid bis Rabats regard ail curai muescîpolîrses us gaîvea pigi la be cul op, usel. oeil airuseil for Ibrîr irgîsiative esperiments. We arr cuissilereil as euisting uniy foc tbe ecosamin benefit of tbe Provinci gaversment, miro ser tbemneives as aosbd corporation ofprivileged beings. Ir wouid be weil foc ii:ant rammiri that ibny dnîîcu hihrr poneri froa tbe canaent of the gaverseil, oeil that tbey Fuîmes ta righi ta impose usmelcome ltgisltias upon usmithout thut cessent. Whtn ihe Plashets Report mas fusisheil, iii recommendations ment published so that ail interestuil people coutl eend anil criticice ils irisas. 0ue actions defeattd Pluneet, oeil vintuaity Spunet. Qaten's Parh imn'î nsaklng tht rame mistiahe thin tinte. Uàtile dribbles of informstion are balrsg grerdglngly, doled oui, vague promises une heieg made, hutftnuths c lothed in sanctimonieous hyproceicy are heing moathed, uil ta chad the reul issue ai siahe here-the l'sgbs fon paner hesmees the Provincial goveesmens and tbe big metrapolitan antan seho are mare and more goieg steaigns ta Ottanu for decisians. le tbe counse of tis lgts me e inlte ruent aneos une goieg su have gavemment by imposition, sot by tegidlatios, trpremieg sot the nill of the people han the self wiii of pnafessionui, paner bungry politicians. What McKeaagli and Robants don't reatize in ibsi nhat haids gond for thein so-called "local govemment eeforms" is equaily pertinent seben applîed ta tht pnesent stucture of fedenol.provinciui goveremeet as il non esisîr sn Canada. Cuerird ta ils uttimate conclusion, ne cas ash, "if the blgger tht Region, tbe bttten the gevemmens; arbat eeed bave ne for Provnci heundanies? What purpase dots tbe duplication of tbe same g avensmens agevies as bntb tbe Federui and Provincial etes serve? Wby dont areed tbe epense o f 10 Premiers as neil as a Prime Ministen? Are ne notual] Canadians?" Wr ave the mass ovrrtaued, ovevgaversed country in tbe navid taday. Our finances are deplrsed, our economic prugnamei paruiyned because of lire duiplicationnof gvenmenr dopariments and procedures. If ibis country is evrry goînli su hecome ose natioal instead of os unnîeidty conglomneruse of 10 paocbîai provincial peincipuiities, i s time ne spobe nitb une voice-soi 1l. There ns nerd fan oniy smo etes of govereiment, the coanty and tbe fereui. Ose nuuld salve probiens et the local ete, the aibes nould deui nitb issues of national importance. Hon nould Quees Park ract ta hsbe suggestions? Nerd ne ark? Jast thinb of ait tht lîttie empires that noutd tappir and tht emperors uiong nitb shen. But tbey bave tbe impertinence ta tell un thut ne are su have just sacb legisiasios imposel an us, and 1 quote fromt McKtougis: "No inanicipuiity nilt have tht eigbt of veto aber tbe impiemestotion of Regionai Gaversment in ire aveu." Wbat peice fneedom? Can yoa sot feel the bot brrotb of dictatoesbip an yoor nechk No ose notices saday that the tans nbich pus ose tand, aur monry and ourvry unves ut the disposai of polisîcians are nnitten hy politiciens. On the contvaey, ne ave entremeiy pvuud of tbe focs Ibot if ne gel tied of une ganig, n ecas tintt onother gang of esocsiy the ramte brred ta tube sheir place. And shis us Democeacy? For me tbe nord bas aost uts meaning. Il bas bren used until s jrs soured and tarnisbed. Il bas bren moutbed by do-noting da.gaaders, men sebo nons rocb boots, nbu set os fences, nhose arbule motivation is "nhut's in se for me?", nbame beities and banb arounts ose ait tua fait. Wbrre are aur leaders today, mes nitb gels nbo wiii stand up and be counird? Tbey ased ta cont maisiy fron tbe rroi areas, tbe very areas Ibai Robaets nauld libe ta tee sullîfird. Arr tbry ail dvad? Or junt sleeping? Or are ibere nu thîsbîng peuple ta lead, lues sherp? 15 is non o montb rince tbe implications of McKeougli'r plans mmre autiord ta aur Reeve oend Council. Has o tonshbip meeting bren calird? Have tbe cîtizns of Nossaganeya bren înformed nbat Regioaa Government miii mean toa ncb and every oneof us? Havenwe bren toid ose council's pions ta ligbr tl? Are ne beîng organized insu o strang, loyal, unifird, informed tonshbip? Honever gond the idea migbt be, b un cas ne neise lesters, n ben sîne-ientbs of us dons( keonsebasmwe are objectint ta or nritisg about? Are ne seeksng the support and bnlp of aiber simitoriy affecird ruruiara witbin aur su-coiteil "Region"? Wben ose ne goîng ta stop taling oeil do sometbing? Or arn mn prbaps sitîîng ibis on ut too, acs.sîosaî outithe 'Educain Danc'" iaying "Regiovai guvrrnment s inevîtabte." Is is NOT inevitohie. Oety ne hy aur destructive inacsivîty anil ignorant opathy mdll mnake il su. Elva Newton, Campilville. -tchools held open heures ta mark eduatian mee lis meh. O.S.D. open hoase is lenight (Wtdatsday) fromt 7to 9. -Champion clussifieda- ...mhere hayer and l ser mtiot GroCe Church confirms 31 Thirty'one candidates were coufiesed andl wntcomad into the fuit fellowslsip of Geace Anglican Chuecit on Sunday morning. Rt. Rev. C. R. H. Wilkison, assistant hishop of the Diocese of Niagara, officiattil ut the service assisted by Rtv. R. W. Foster, rector of Gracechurch. Next Sunday moreisg a first communion mviii he helil for the nemty confirmeil candidates. to he fottomeil hy a fumily breaksfast in the paeish huit. Those confermeil Sunday meet: David Pearce, Brens Wilson, Steven Smith, Murrty Wallace, Colin Duffy, Rohert Langeidge, Jobs Kelman, Jumes Kosolick,, Jobs Hasselfelt, Robert Militer, David Rapet, Breoda Stchultz, Lyse Coolsos, Jase Langeidite, Ruth Wilson, Heather Argait, Joan Griswotd, Susan Peorcr, irenifr Stewart-Smith, Murilyr Waters, Anna-Elizabeth Btuhm, Vichy Clubise, Meesa Wilson, Nancy Nobte, Colies Clemtnt, Carolyn Feame, Wesily Kerich, Shrtty Breton, Vichy Sctiszzi, Steves Bor oend Shbaron Barr. Visit Poland at travelog Potosil was tbe most recrot port-of-cat os the armcbair tours sponsoreil by Miton Rotary Club inse re trovetogor perseotatios in the Ontario lichoot for the Draf auditorium Tsesdoyrevening oftlast wreb. Wîth uccompavyise lecture by Mr. and Mes. Pauiauskaî, the film shoneil tbe saturai beauty oend covtrustivg modes of tife ie the t,OOO-yrar-otd countvy. DRAFT DODGERS HERE MORE HARM THAN GOOD Doe Sir; On eeading the article by Me. Dowsen os the suhject of draft dodgrs in The Champion of Feh. 19. I mas quise antoundeil nitb tht' attitude be saab and it seemed ta me Ibat be nos sot neit ocqoaineri nith the cincumstances ievoised. It is quise true that maey draft dodgees fnm thr litates are neli educaird and intetiectuotly minded. Honever il shouid be noted arbat bind of educotion tbese peoplr bave bad. An estremriy largr flamber bave sobe tibera arts or non-pnafersîonai coursrs us a university or coiiegr and bave tittie ta offr Canada i tbe noy of techeological hnnwledge an Me. Dames implîrd nben be spobe of tbr"Brain Drain" and "Brtr Jobs" nbicb usuaiiy appiy ta professions] people. Oece sn Canada tbesr peoplr miii norb ie o field sucb as education or polîtics nbere, 1 ibink, tbeir ideas mutl be of more barmn iban use ta, Canada sincr tbry con be impressed an a great numben of prople from sucb vantage points. Tbeîr ioyaity ta a country tbat verdi tbem and lbei rivesprvt for tbe iaw of ibot coonty bas bren ampiy pvoven. Wouid tl nos serm liîbey ibat o persan mbn nooid bervy tbr country in nbîcb be mas bore and educated and bas lived ail bais life miii soi even more easity desevi a forrign country? Do you veaiiy mont ta placr tbe neifave of y aur countvy ini tbe bondi of sucb people? If Caonada ever tnt entc trouble ynîî'd fîrd ibmr ail se Snedev. Any pensum ubo is niimg in bnlp undermine lii owv cauntr'y ns eicome in any countr y bai mie, and I'n Canadian. John Traas DRIVUI TO joàRICARDSON CM.-OS Mr a" W nomr Compare et $2.03 KCINGa SIZE ARCTIC POWER TERRIFIC BUVI -s{39 Compare at 2 for 39e AYLMER souP * Mushrooms * Creamn of Chicken * Chicken Noodie * Chicken Rica * Vegetable 10-OZ TINS 6i1 Compare et $1.79 PRE.PICIO AT $1.19 WOODBURY' Shamipo 1 3-OZ BOTTLE 89c Compare at 79c W1LKINSON SWORD EDGE STAINLESS Blades PKG. 0F 5 39c Compare at 72 c - Grade 0" BUTTER 5 7 Compare aI 27c - Super Save - 24-oz. Loaf WHITE, BROWNe CRACKED WHEAT - The Seat and Freaheet Loaf in Town BREAD 19. Compare et 41c - 131/- oz. pkg. - Christie'a GRAHAMi WAFERS 3lI a INDIAN R1V E R (Pink or White) y'aa GRAPEFRUITr 10o'69c SAVE 30c LINK BRAND Canada No. 1 Prince Edward Island POITATOIES 25 89c Compare at $4.39 and $4.49 ALL POPULAR BRANOS - UMIT 2 CARTONS MACH CIGARETTES REG. SIZI CARTON KING SIZ1 CARTON .s4.09 s4.19- Compare at 35c - 15foz. Bottie E. D. SMITHS KETrCHUP 4i99c Compare et 63c LIBB'S BEANS 55c WIfl PORK 48-OZ. TIN i