* Tho Canadien Champion, Wodnosday, March 5, 1969 THE NEWS ESTATE TAX legisialion cas shoroughly discussed hy aea mnmhnrs ut ste Perleratian oI Agriculture Priday nunning as lhny came to heer Brampton lacyna T. O. Hall napiain the mono sidns oI thn laa, ans affecrs agrîculurai Jersey breeders end Most successful year husinessmen. Bradford Clements nl intraduaed la Ma. Hall melt Bp Ped. of Ag. frapnrlp cummittee ahairman Harold Mîddiehroah and pansîdens Denal Lawrence.-(Staff Photo) Frm age Life m.mbership award for local Guernsey man J. Lloyd Chînhole of Araconia execulie position ta hotu Farn, Milton, cas hooorrd fr groaps. Ha e ilcasrealy servîn hie yeers of contribulicifs 10 ltare 6 Caadu assciaio adnancemaal of the Guarasey natioal ragrssry comesîe. beeed lasI cash. Ha cms presnnsdwilh anahooearyilife Repressaithe anaaeetiing memarsirp an the Conodian îadicaîed an increase rn te Gaesey Breeders Associatian nueher of Goaraceyt ethhiad ai the groupns itrd onnuai ai the major shocs. Thara cre eetng an Toronlto. 22 additioas la 16e Honor Raill Me. Chishule sl a former ta 19611 and the rucher of haerdi prenîdet of holli lta Conadian avaragîag 10,000 lit. ai euhk or asd Ontario Guarnsay Breedean 500 Ihs. of fat increatad froc 28 Associations, anditasnhaid evey and122îo 35 and 25. I ~ REPORT Dursag the ceek ai Fah. 23 10 for aoiiler O.P.P. l3riucbeni. Mar. 1, officers of Miltoa ther coepliars mare ofaf Detachmear, O.P.P.. pasraiied minoartaure leqaîrîng ltille 11,096 miles ont area roadn lie toaclear. undar lhitnr 1ursdiclîon. and Nana accidents c are îeporled corked a total of 1,07S t'ours. daraîg tae mark. The mass Nîraly-lco chiarges mare laid fiai sartoata(if ilînne c at ant accident anvariatynofaifacionasifthe incwiciîîone persan lost iatlife llighcoy Tîafic Acs, and 9lît andixsperoitrcied injuia. carn is case ititinol PininadingfniProvinitalinudge' Ant addaîîanol lave persis mare Court eultd in 78 coanvictionsi îîured an ilire separate biangrefaitiie peîstini iritralciettts. aîad Tcweatly -as x gsei'raa 1 thIle ramnatangftise îesultad il' tcurences tellalîaîl yîaapaîly danmage aaîti> Toal invstilgaion cale sepotrîd an prapeîty datîtage arnauîied tu tl it teme paîaad. liacladealer sann esiiaed Sl.34l Sas smo taefîs. tant dieittta chtarges ccii laid as a testai ai complaia aine aýsaîta paîsatît iînestigaio tiit tltitt wch itvestigationî pîaaed tio bn aacidents. uafaonded. ana ilaspattaifg Causas tai atcadaenimts'wr compioini.sbhras Liqaitî(anirtl carelens tsat i g. aîîîpîaîpa Actlnvesigatiioalnasullitl an pasing aiin iiayald ilit fl chargetheînflidoad.ilinslllilree coy, der oniinad, anittcîad persans: one paîson con arrsed coanditioîns. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM CHICKP. f& MUSHROOW, SOUP ý ROAST CHICKEN LEG J& SAGE DfESSINO1025 CHEF SALAD BUTTER CARROTS MASHEO or FRENCH FRIED POTAIGES FRUIT JELLY & WHIPPED CREAM FOR RESIEVATIONS P14ONE 8789061 We Ans opou mary Day tbrooghoset ldu Yoa liDO RESTAUiRA4NT loi Male AME COWDITOND MEon Elle, senior parîser of Ken Bila and Son, Homhp, la the office of Peesideal nf the Ontario Jersey Club emphanizes the importance aad prestige of Haison Jersey herde. le focs Jersey itreeders on Maison Couay have juel had a vry soccesefal yeae, ecorsaf high la halh production anol show ring achiesameal. Some of Canada's greasess harda are incaîrd ta ihis The four.yeor-oid cow Bramptons Liste O Dreamter con the Ail Tie Production Champîonhips for holh mîlk and hoîlerfal wcher she complaîrd a 305-day record of 18,661 iht. miik and 957 16e. fat, S53'iý This record qualîfîed l usth1e 1968 Clans Leaderin Canada and in Ontario. The B.C.A. indices of 252-239 cee the hîghesî ta Ontario, any aile, an 1968 and con for her lthe Skinner Trnphy, presersed lu her omners, B. H. Bull & Son. Nassai, as the recent snu meeting of the Canadiani Jersey Ceille Cluit. Bracalana Kavolats Jotyl, omned by Rer Elia and Soa, Honny, cas hoth Canadiar and Ontario Claes Leader for euhk, Your share Somalies ce heur the expession iatafely ita national peoitlem. This al truc, bacause accidents have hecoma oaa of our higet kîllers and unîso ka millitant of dollars sroc us each yain propery damage. Bal accident previaasn coaot haacîîeved on aatinaol seolae. Accidents happen 10 indisiduait. So do your sitara to alîmînale the hazards and preaen accidents. -Pires serviîce ciii ha had an lthe nec HilIcrst Uaited Claurch ness SondayIl Farm improvements may cost you$$ By HenryiJ.Stanley Agricalural Represestoline Lîtatiock btarns, silos, and grain sinragi facîlîtian are foreu ieproi.eenttciiicitrpresenl a large tnaseeni foi ensl Hoitun formitrs Dacitiont to innestîin addiionai iepruvalensnraquire aefua an alysîs. Anaieprov.emeni cossinfsay S201,0001 added ta a foren ihat couid seil for S80,000 doas nos moka the taren moist S10il,000. A raceni study of larmae si Ontario fourd tlisa fore hoyers dîî sc oIlnit mass fore îepsoveeenis fasiy iîeaviy. Wîiîh sanije exceptions, îeprovemanin rarely add iheir fulil "dapaecîaled cast la tale la Moistcases inltiiincouaiy, lthe ieproi.emant couid add from erno 3per centllulhe faîim tale place. Titis tarant yaa eust be tare youî plant are long anauglîIoiecosar eust of ycur inveetlen itafora lte foreu ciii 6ie told. Tisitl especiaiiy traie f'or livssoch bains and tilos in lis couli y. Pion tan iecoveii.iig your capital an an impîtnemeni ai a fastes rte lthani il dapîecîalet. Ollîerwise. dî niticurry.otltie inpoenn. Reitinniher lthai bitai net cîtl ciii be lacer tfit aller bits Pal tnp ail if te impronemeal dues sol add ils full cees la t6e masket nalue ofsthe properly. thera are tomne cases chan il couid hae cure profitable ta sali oui and bay a farei cîit lthe seprovneeas you mont titan ta add îeprnemenls ta pour pansent fore. J. Wilimotf delegae Io IntlI Aigus Forum in Sydney, Ausfralie At thearaceal annuai eetliag of ste Canadion Aberdeen Angus Assocition itnid ta Saskatoon, John Willt of Miltoa cas riacied asnic-prsideîl lelias itraî ana of Onlarians Iwo dîrecturs faor senarai peurs. Ha sacceads Donald Maîibecs of Calgary cita mat eiacîed Thte Associtionî aino decided ta srîîd a dalagatala ta h fîrst lIeraional .ngut Parue la ha iîald in Sydney, Ausîralia hegînnisil on Niarcit 24. Ma. Wiieoil cas saiecled la reprrserittCanada andituspea. ta lthe farue on ltae item ('aitadiait Aberdeena Angus aratifîcialintsanlîna lion rgulattois. Doos an automnatic stick shift make it more attractive? Our optional ouloealic stick shift doesn't have a clutch pedal. JBst a stick you donIt shift mach. Drive 1 drines yoa ail oner lown. Drine 2 drives you ap and clows lbe highway. Stop by and shift for youeself. Pieue Motors v seOntario». I Ittt 0878-22. Son alla hall eeolhee 196f Ontarie Close Leader ie Rock Elle Acsae Diane on the 30 5-day, 2x. Junior îheree-year-old clans. Mes. S. L. Ena Hasper, Geasgelonv had halls the Canadian and the Ontario Class Leader far Milk in 196f on Siarbelle Masterpiece's Soapa in the yearling claes. In tIse AIl Canadiasi Piciarsal Consesi, bath Champion and Reserve in lIe ihrceeyear-old hssswrebed and eshihiied hy Ken Ella and Son. Hornty. 1 hey are Rack Ella Commanda Lausa and Rock PlIa Commando Beolala. respecively. In thc m'a pear aId clone of lie Pictoriol tha Chamnpionî mas Brampton J.ý S. Menit, hîed aid exhihited hp B. H. Bull and Son, Noaval In lais clasi Rock Ella Comeand lima, frota the Rock Silo liard, won ait Honorable Mention. D * I1. McCaig and Son, Noatal. 1onth Senior Yearling Clans of lae Pîclorial on Bramnpton Lady Aimes. la lthe sama clans Braeptliai Aimier FIa was Resense for B. H Bull andSos, and ibis herd alto won an Hontorable Mention on Brsampton Lina Maris Foi eiany persta leadingitard ii Hlaitont lias itean tIsai of M.C. Beasy,oai Miltont. This herd wat dispersed ta Sapîeher ai an averaga prîce oif S6t74 foi 114 lts. In tlie tale S5,200was paid foi the hall. Lîndair Maris. A female. Lîndala Maris Gladns 1 , sold la a Sîoth African itreeder. l'oi 4,100 There mare 17 lîead sIsal sold ait higlier Ihan "foot figurs" and shey fournd e tomles an Soouth Afnica, Qoaee, Uniterd OSat, New Yack Sates, Vermont, Britisht Columhia and Connecticut, as maIl on tn Ontario. lJoriag 1968 tIse Jersey com, Beacîsa Bat Lamna, Sopraîne Excellent, cîîmplaied a accord on scice dadly mîlkîng, ta 36î5 days, of 19,5401 ita. îîîlk aîîd 1,007 list. fat, 5.43 per cent, ai aine yaassitf age, minning a Madal of Maris and Gold Medal. Site mot ocned hy M. C. Beasy, Milton. lna dditionî o thuya purclîated ity Souths Afrîcaît liseadaîs, lalon caille mare alta exporsed doesag the ya tui the Uaited States, Peeu, Domînice, Mexico, and oiher forîgn cnries. Turner xtcsoglve. Ho ouccoods R. St. J. Joe Tur er eti 'te peoenlaelse u isexecutive frtels Joaseph B. Turner, active in the5 -Sies continue 10 flock lu 0sîeejo Scoul Jamsboree se l Oes Eden o don he wkendu. Kelsa loue Aegst, has tsars There'e pienty of sose for sleisng samed Provnscial Scout despile tle 16w. *Budget-Minded * from lieje1mfZilEt@IÀ This ranme oves pao marc for pour moeey Chas camparable campoltasiv models In addito te t0 hu feaurefoundon al Kelvn nor aenges, thts moae has an autamal e aven limer and minute mender chah man ho con ap la 4 hous, rotary infinile hoe surfuce elemeel s itches. automat go heat cantrai useurna perfeel bah ng esais, and ovn and surface elementignul aihI. Gond loohe, fine caokinq and easy-to-clean feauaes an are cor ilh th6s 30" Keininator raunge. * ~ MODEL KR 313 O TERMS 19.0M 6 AVAIqLABLE "ATTENTION FARMERS"y We have good supplies of most vareties and goades of Seed Grain ovelable for early * REGISTIRED No. 1 GARRY OMTS 0 CANADA No. 1 RODNEY OATS * CERTIFIED No. 1 GARRY OATS 0 CERTIFIED No. 1 KELSEY CATS * CANADA No. 1 GARRY OATS O CERTIFIED No. 1 SPRINO WNRAT *REGISTERRO No. 1 RODNEY OATS O CANADA No. 1 NIRTA BARLEY *CERTIFIED No. 1 RODNEY OATS a CANADA No 1 FIAS Our Seed Grain sl ail ovn in Ontario. Ilil n ached in ew sacks, treated and of the highest qualilo seed. ORDR VOURS NOW. "THE ARITI4METIC 0F GOOD CROPS" GOGO SOIt WELI. FERTILIZED + GOOD CULTIVATION + GRADED AND TREAIBO SEED = GOOD CROPS Special Notice Re Seed Cleaning CLOVER AND GRASS SEuDS. Wo wttt bo cloaongn thoso ornait oueds actil about March iDth, 1969, whoc wo seul have te staou osrn orales. Wo Wrat te give service te sa macy custornors as possible, but wo coud yoor co-opuratloo. Rrioo in your ornail soodo te bu cloosod, SOON.. FARM FRTILIZIR We are agents for CIL Fertilizoro- Do you have a vacant soace in your barn or shed? If you have, now is the tîme fo save monev on your fertilizer purchases. MARCN DELIVRRY DISCOUNT: $2.0D Fier ton * PLUS CASH DISCOUNTS II -MARCN PAYMENT 3% DISCOUNT - APRIL PAYMINT 2% DISCOUNT SEnquire AboutWe afihno * Our March W stock afllio o Àk.onI MASTER FEEDS- NITRATE-FE ATE O EUT TA Cr MASTER FEEDS (Stewarttown) DIAL 877-3512 GIORITOW e 1 .1