Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 16

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a The Canadien Champion, Wednsteduy, March 5, 1969 PHIL GARBER'S RINK mon on t-cuh mineti hoospie bcld Saturday et Mist Culotg Club. Unitedi CoOperaonces o> Ostorio proodeti a tee truphy and machiandise przesfor the comPeitiot anti 16 rirbs ompetein otite sti octs High ohn Annual report lnO.DaEe reviews busy year toe the day includeti site Jeac Harrison acnd sktip Pitil Garber as cPs,. cati Marie MacMillan anti secondi Retord Garditouse at rigit, shocc acceplînt the srophy trom Ken Hern ut Mitron's U.CO. staff.-IStaff Photo) i WnPâ Freelton couple 50 years married Ms. anti Mrs. Asaitri Bales cf R. R. 1, Fesellon plan tai coiebsale ltteit goldieni cetig aneinensuny itis Santiuy, Hasch 9ciith anopen itousr froc liai S pan. ai îtesr Lot 1,Coite. 10 Eat Flamtarougi sainir nantit cesl cf Kîlitritir Site cas lte formes Marganni Wîegsove cf Hounîsittît anti ltey cent carrieti ai Carlisle United Citurci parsonage on Mancit 5, 1919 ity lte Res. Dr. Morsoc. Mn. Baies itas fasceti al] iis life. andt a.% isn on lte fasti itis grandftiiesostaislstti en 1852. Hîs great-gran1falter cas lte fîrsl cite masn1 teilele in Busi>oglos. arusot 1800. Active in itre caimunily, Mn. Bales sers et oni East Flacitoroagi councîl aitotl cf 1it years. Ornerai osf tose Yeats itc cas Reece anti atienieti Wentcorih Counly Couse,1 as flie locnsip's epsesenlutine. anti ite ccsnaceiWantrn in 1954. He setîreti froct tocnship office in 1955 bt cas aire cf lite original meciters appoînitid tIo te Tcelce Mile Creet Conservation Autolitîy cittoit cci foncet inr 1958. Irl bIen mergeti cit lte Sinleen Mile Authorîiy fl ite tnocs as Haliso Regian Conservation Autolitîy anti ie continuedti 1 serve il util titis year. Ht han aise iteen a cecites of lthe tacnsisps Commîiet of Atjustuiet fais lte pas bte Yet s. Thtecouplehvtwlo sons anti ico tiauglilers. Doras (Mes. Ros Haskeril cf Freelion. Douglas ut Carlisle, Frank ofgsroct Roati andi Helen (iirs. Clautie loglîs> cf Campitellcille. Titese arr alto 18 gsravntic isiilrmtni ant i x5 grci.graniciltiren. Local officers on.Presbyterial lThe sevenith anoual ceeting cf HalIton Preshyterici Unitedi Churcit Women cas itelti on Feit 19. Mss. W. D. Stainlon, presitieni, greeleti oser 270 cemiters anti ltey cere matir celcoce ai Christ Citunci Claîttas hy lte U. C. W. presideni Mns. L. Doietrry lThe corsitip service cas cooducteti hy lte ladies cf Port Nelson Unitedi Chancit. Follccîng lte itusiness anti eleclion of officent, Dr. N. K. Campbtell cf East Plains Uniteti Citusci conducîtid a n installationocf officers. Mns. H.* Parker, cf Fors (redit as pasl presitisot; presideol Mss. W. D. Stinlen, Dabsillo; esecutiie vice presideolMNrt. K. 0. Fosier, Milton, rrcostiitg secretaey Mns. Roy Coolies, Campiteliville; ireasuner Mns. L. B.' K i ng, Waîerdccn; correspainding secselany, Mms. H. R. Magre, M illos, supply anti social assistants Mss. G. Malcsisoc, Milton, Mss. Iris O'Deîl, Milot. Literalusre presenialion cas daine in skt form, hy Mss. N.K. Campbtell anti Mss. E. M. Flocers anti W. Binti cf distruhulios ceore, Toronto. In thte aflennoon sessions the itigitligit cas lthe atiirest ity Mss. Ronald Smitht. frocn AIl Saints Anglican Citurcit, Toironto. Hes iopîc cas _An Erungelîsi cita, ce?" Puppet show Tht 'Roving Regiosol Pappetters' ciii prescrit a progîcon of pîcys, siainses andt song fii ste Milton Public Liitsany on Thitostiy. Hasch 20. aI 4 p.m. Sp onsainet ity the South Central Regsural Liitrasy Sysiem, titis gloup as compostil cf staff front cartous memites lihîrrs in Brans, Halbis and Wen sconli (cuti tses Ali are incîledti baiit presens andt lis itopei flitc preccotaion ciii stimulain ailcri isissaint lai simîlar progtan in tlice local iitr.ty ais futiure occasais. MR. AND MRS. ASAHEL BATES vvil1 celeitrate their golden wedding anninersaro this Sonday, March 9, wilh an open house at their home near Kiiinrsde from 2 t0 h p.m. They line on a century farm in Lot 1, Concession 10 East Fiamborough.-IStaff Photo) Thte foliociog annael rtport of the Saraht Martin Citapler, I.OD.E., cas suitruiited ity Ro tut Mes. Lorraine Beverley elsceclaey Mes. J. Wooiaoti: Tht ofSicers tiuring ste posi year cece Regeos Mns. J. Beverley, Finsl vice Regeol Mes. H. Font, Second vice Regesi Mos. M. Sntli, cecresary. Mss. R. A. Waioland. correspontiog secrt by Mns. R. Bannes, ireasunes Mss. J Johneson, etiocatîce secrelcny Mrs. W. Wilson, Ecitaen anti cecitesip Mns. P. D. Hill anti Mrs. W. Russell, nervices ci itonte anti aitroati M rn. D. M antis anti Mns. P. D. Hill, standard iteaner Mss. S. Roberts, anti puitliciy anti corltiaffais Mrs. J.Noble. Wîith memitesip cf 13, lthe average cilertiance ai te 10 regular meetings itelti tiuring lte yecr cas igit. Tie Citapler cas torsy, t0 recetsesesigncllots froc four cemiters, ico of choc itati itren Citantes memiters cndtio o0 f citom itati aise haesn Regents. We scee ihesefose very pleasedti a celcome Mss. W. Russell us a nec meciter, anti site, cas presentei ciis lthe itadge anti constiitution cf lte Orties The Citaplens attiual gifs of a hursary cf S200 cas acatie tai Mary Antiersntas citis soc allenting Toucher's Cologe in Tronai, lThe Regeni praisesltid ste Citaptîrs plaque t0 lthe RoitertL(tlle Scitual chics ohîciteti second place in lte Boys' Uncitangeti Voîces Music Festinal. Tht Citapier coutineurt to support Wong Yin Siteang of Hong Kong unien lte Poster Parent Plat asti hesities the couithly papsests, entra motion have heem set t ber during the pont year for persona] preserits. Tht Milton Pubtlic Lihsory cas preseîtei ciit a pain cf itectpitonts anti coninol hox t0 complote lthe CitapierCs conlennial gifl cf a ssonec record playing synioct anti records. Clotoes ceîe coliecieti, canteti anti stoctet in c speciai rcom ai sthe Milton Tocs Hall for ose hy fle laient celfare cocciitoe on etergenciti or distmets in lte ccoccniuiltly . Ai lthe Rrîîînrîîîhc Day Service io Milton c crealth cas pîcceti ci lthe cenciapit hy cas Regoni, anti lthe Standardi Boanen perforceti ites doates cs ais it elîcîf of ltse Citapter. UNICEF haines cese placeti hy lthe Citapen in lthe Oînaitciool fais teDeai andi fle Hoi1y Rosasy Sebouai. Mrciters iootparlît i he annual Cancer campaign andtwo icicer caplaîns. In ordtie aiste fonds, lthe Citapier's prailocis titis pasi year weea "Foten Parent Dance" in Feitruary; a 'Wine anti Ciseese" party in Octoiten anti lte annoal Chitmaics Tre trac in Decrosites. Besities tise annoci itursary anti sthe conlthly donations ltrougt tre Fontes Panent Plat, itis Citaplen matie contributions ta National and Peovnial Fonds. At eue Deceher cceeting tht Citapien cas privdegtd to have peesesi Mes. W. Moreison and Mrs.E. F. McKay, Provincial Presidrol and Proinoci Services Ai Hoce anîd Ahroad Seereloy. Many questions cere asitet asti anscered cotceno flite future of lte I.OD.E. anti tvtryone. inciodtng cechers cf tht John Miltot Citapier, Milton, heneiitet froct ltoe ssil. Ai our May meting Mes. Joyce Beaton gant au ioleseslsng tli on hen allendator at te semias or Hocco Righiî in Nec Yorkt, ant in Novechet coloneti clîies cf nanios parts cf Entgîcoi c ese shaico anti caiccenleti opon hy R. A. Woailand. i coolti lite t0 thant racli mechos for iter cocpeain anti service dcning lte pasi year. J. Waiolanti, Secrelaîy Lairraine Beverley, Regent. Tite falloingiscalîslcof the oficers cf the Sanali Martin Chaptes, I.0.DE. for fle ycar 1969t- 1970. Regent, Ms R. A. Waicland, Firni cicr Regeni Mrs. W. Wilson. sere tory Mss. W. Russell, île asoses Mns. J. Jolînson, edocalion neclelasy Mss. H. Fuot. services at itome anti ahsccti Mss. P. D. Hill, Ecitoes secnelasy Mrs. R. Bannes, standiardi heasen Ms. S. Roberts. Panel on r.tardled frt church meeting On Feh. 20 ste £vecicg Beaci of St. George's Anglicn Churcit Locviiie, ituid titi ccting ai tht home of Binva Mitdiritrouit. Tite Bible reatig cas gitro hy Heicu Kostur and tht Titougit for sthe Day hy Dot Eticartit. Titre cas a paone discussiaon. Mrs. Jeffores sitoceti flics andi Bote a talk au the Sucshine Scitool, Mes. Kesscy spoite on lte Relartiet Sciteai at Deillia, Met. Jeffares aise shoceti a icn on tht sommines camp at Belcooti. Tht gsoup hast adapird a boy frocn India andi bis pictuse and hisooy c ere shoco. An invitationte tihe l.retdtitip, luociteot" and the "Wosid's Day cf Frayes" c ee eeceised, hotit htîog iteld ait Locsille Unitedi (hasch.* "lie meeing closeti and lunch cas serseti. Tite presideot Lu H assis ltanitet tht hosiess. Sootiay Feit. 23 biig lte fisi Sunday sn (et, lthe senvices ai Si. George's and Si. Jions cent laiten hy fle Ren. Haeey Dacson of St.' Alitants chancit, Accon. Rev. Jeffares cas preachiog ai St. Alitant in Actais. A sachet cf lthe ladies fsont flie Aflernaico and Eveoing Branchtes cf lthe A.A.W. of SI. George's Choscit aitentiet lte -Fritndsitp Luochecon as (ceville Unitedi Cittrchillera a very enjoyahle tire, cas had. By M ns. H. R icharstion Eoclh yer in Canada, fosesi l'ses horn oven un ceea eqo ai toca iliste-cile scaih frocn flie Atlantic t0 the Pacifie aicecot. Porter rink wifls 'spiel Slcip Hazul Porter, vice Adule Lodit it thdeir second Hales Gurditoote and leati Deeethy Corp scept their way la first priaein j tht ladies ""ndtb" honspai hrid ai the Cureling Club on Feiday, Frh. 28. Comiog in second cul Edie Crydenoco dith her eick of vice Jean Harrson, second Oive Sargent, ced irati Hotel Stewart. Tht Consolation peize wioner fer tigit oct guatte cas lusd Lycor Brocs, second Aima inig, vice Munir MacMilicn and skip Peggy Johnson. Tht rink titut dudo't etin ccp Bornes bot cere goond sports cas ocortird the itooby prizt. This eink cas sitippeti hy Joe Mccu I, cith vice Dorotity Woiker, second Margucerite Koofmao and lest! Bobs Wingrove. A fut oy was btat! hy ail. SAFETY BRIGHT Safe hooters cera bnighl orange, the caler ihat is eaiest la set in tht field in any ceathes aeSILUCTON OP PAINT andl WAPAPRI IN STOCK AT Paint a Wallpopoe OAK - OUEEN MALL OAKVI LLE UNE Il UP AI sRICHAROSON aMV.OeS. «M Uauawg U mmt 2-ý HOME OWNERS Yeu have a hiddon CASH RESERVE Use the hidde cash reserve lequitlvine yeur hoe. te coesolidlate ail yo eutseacdieg b ills imite oe lec esaethly esertigage, paymet. WE OFFER 1. Cash mertgage voans for any reso. 2. Lees paymte lone taetms. 3. Souand Reai Estale loac rates. 5. Free consulin 4. 48 heurs approval service. 6. Discrelien. 7. W. pay off acy 2nd or 3rd mortiguge. Up TO $15,000 on any mortgage loan IIsI, 2nd & 3rd Mortgag« MORTGAGE CONSULTANT SERVICES CALL COI.LECT 233-4536 8319 @MR ST.W. TORONTO la L

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