-i.,. -. n Rmlrws eévËolon year "Selos"shortago of funds hamper projeicts "Thnrn ta mach Ibt mont bn otitni thon antan laodncapt plantînga ta the foul. Sindien arr Acnîvitta ai the ptogîami dont if tan art tai ktapl part with piaatiag. Hommer, thia orna ta ting aadrrtnkn ta dateîmiar movolord tht officiaI opraîag af the grnwing nnnda af onrt nm," nitn-iacreasng an papotarity. tht comparahle nomvinal ratai ni tht Moaannharg Retivoît, a Chainoan Bora>' Hamphraya raid Tht hig nyrat ni the tir for apting ptantiog vrin ali satinat cf conservation tours, Inimrmt and guntin Wndnendty tht Koina Conservation Aras, patg.Tht Athort> tino oîoîtertag pragramai, toci> and ns ha pinid the annoat ahict acta attracta mort thlon p=ratr oe at ran nattai>' and posterîcaîîrnî, a competitioa tapait ai tIn Haltl Rngioo 2,0 per9t ytOt, tan tao npannihîr for callrctiag am aag yoîh gîcapsina C Boanain Aunin>. tht holding cf tht liit antajal invitai thannaad hatdmacd corsrrvatian prajrcnn, a titrai Rnnirming 1968 and Ontarioi Boy Scoot iamhbor anîdioga toaungnmnt ils nhccîing pîcgîamt hy tht Haltan fottcaating iota 1969 , tht fromt Angant 17 ta 24. A trot program. With tht large mnmter Sportîmaras Asnociation, a dag chairmaa watntd "meiunt cii' mat hut ta accommodat cf acren cf foret landi, tht derbhy, modal a irplaine aitoitagt ai fards tas caoaing a main titan 3,000 Boy Scautn Anthotity's fortstry crta has campettiti or, c aaritei 00, i.rtattancloatt" whiict baglon faom ail parti of North A-mtri*ca, harîn hony miîh a Dotch Elm nm4mmiag, arc. lin ytat and maald carry oraye aad the Aciharn' aninird in tht dureanetr rrmoral pragram. A nc tht notai ynar. Tht mont>' dnvntcpmrri o a i fntinia cit. sortît sammill tan paîchanad and EDUCATtON nitortag m a gîltai toma Tht occasonn milI jit mamnotahr pot ino pradacian ta ami ta Aacthrr major step fcîtaard nhmnmap n Pt hnpcrdnd la tht miadi cf tht boys an an tht atilizatian cf titror tira mat tht nrttiag ap af a nprcial mitit tit yèar. ha maraad. tht tacond lai day cf tht camp, piadocin. A nmrie cf polrn tial cammîttrr andei tht leadrîhip Evnî-iacîrasng conta of a asvr miad and tain niorta dam sitesrn a rîtnnyrd for cf C. C. Starniman ta examine nahamma and tht trmandoon farcrd tht ahadoatarat of tht priva ni omnaîn tah tart and rrccmmrnd taayn and tant naplannion in population tart camp, bot haoughi thn cannîdrîg davîlaptarat cf cf împlrmratiag a Conservation hlamad. Tht H.R.C.A. budget in cmmsnît>' datai tgthtr privair damsard ponds. Edacatian Progror an 1968 mat S2,549,876-a fat ci>' thrangh ins ganarcon assistaace ca-aptiatian mith tht local from tht comiiad 1958 la laaking afinr thant boyn. tchadl hoardi. budgets ai its prdrcanmorn tht Fartitni drvnlapmnrnt tacik PUBLIC RELATIONS A pilot prcjrct mîîh the n 12 anad 1h Milin Craek hat taak place darîng tht ytar Tht maia pîcjrct of tht Pohlic Oakvîllr Board of Edacatîca Contervation Anthoritirs, ai inctndrd addîtîcnal londica Relatiians Adouci>' Board mat hraaght mort thon 5,000 SI17,000. "Thsnthald giv a fair plonîing, raad and parking th e ett ir nîig Ilp cf a childîra ta tht Mocinhrrg da ai itota mach tht taaîk hon impravrorran, ention contrat "Consetion Wttk' mhtch mat Conservatioa Ara ici sto dy, lncreasrd," naid! Rampitreyn. mark and tht acquisition cf tht hrld froa Sol>' 8 ta Sol>' 14. Tht dcrîîg tht faIt easnar ote. Tht eCttainlp the rata ai tht food coaceaîian. Foi tht taitttt cf thî t"Coattivation Ot connervntion autharit>'l rgrm h Aihti> potvcse Af aii h"rinsecrvation coinprogamthe utho'y Wttk" maniao foras attentior ot claicraca taitit facilitits it comuant>' affairn han îsicrranrd oadaîtack etnseransrtvaic tht actîvitiri cf tht Conrvation Mcaanhtîeg in cîdr toas coanideanilp, and tht nndn for ta the ahi hbi, împîcsamrotn ta Acihatit>' aid ta tavalor proplr thîn day centre piograor. Board csarvatian mark han alto tht tam facilîtian atd tht la Conserrvaian. Tht tatri mas rmhrrs atttodid sastrat incntttad." exttansian cf tht snnmmakiag conîiderd higitl> noccanafal and conféreocei dralînt mih ihis ..Tisae Anthanli' han dont rqoîpmen. Tht sacctas cf tht i nt faci, hrîng coosidrrd foi aspect of Cosrvation and mach la the fields ai flood pîogramn cf tht Aciharit>' cao i;ýrnatatico ihraaghaai tht conidrahl>' mort activît' is contrai, pollutioa contrat, ha toto on tht faci îloit datiiîg Pravince thas ccmiog yrar. antîcipaird ini tht foucîre. conservatiaon and public iacrtatian," hae cotinsad. la the 10 yaarn snaca tht fint contarvation atthoritiea mar ionmad on thin aras, mort thao 4,000 acres cf land han haro acqlred for puhlic ana. "Yat tht maîk ai conservation ns joat htglaaiag." With tht gnomth ai oritanitation, aao asit par caca par yaar incrata, and mîth tht arada ai man and nociat>' chaagiog duer ta haîtar math taatkn and greatai affloenca, thara ns mach yrt ta br accompliahad. Mi. Hampitîtyn sud ore big piajaci tht Acîharit>' ahanld undartaha la a niady totoa diaposahir aolid matra, prhapa in cojanctiao talith rnintiog local industriea. "Wr cao do a gîta t service ta oir oîaîicîpaiitirn," liena îald. - Rtviamiag 1968, ha naid c om plaetîico n aif tht l Morîiaan-Wrdgrmoad Divrsion Channel ta Oahaulleat ca cat ai $2,507,000 aod thte acquittiîo ai tht Cîaaioîd Lake and rncarpmrot prapaitian tarit tac majat accampliahmett. Tht 14 Mila Cîrak h.lîacr impiovamania h avt roi haro satrd hrcaoor ai prohîrtos înachîag agremeot mit tir canceritd landaonr. Tht Hogtr-Ramho dioerstncharme] n Boîlîngian mas sti hack mhrc the ferderi govaînneot rafanafi ta cootrihte tomaîdi thti prajaci. Hilton Fallsnraariaît m o dalayrd due ta laod litigalîo. mhîch drlayrd flht lrîtîogtî a contract. Scotch Block rsenatoi mat alto htld op h acacia cf annacceînfol land argatiatîconà coapîrd taith a "dramasic" incitait an the cat cîtîmatan arigioaily prpaîrd oin 1965. Watrr coîttrai adouci>' hard mrmhr lita ant ic Giodatana Crtein Bîlinton ta antans the loodtog lait 'poi'ng. aortd al1thaao ugh chIaoIlIlcl1 impîavrmett arr plaoocd, n cootracin hast haro lai ta data. Tht Asihatit>' is scaoniang tis matai pollotion tamplîog an conjonction mîth thte O.W.R f.C Rnvîamîoo dlia conservatiton aespiagrant, Mii. Hompireyo naid tht Acihaît> agato optiaiad Onte arai for puhlic osa mhich ioclodr the Rattîrsoaka Pot Conservation Ara, tht Canlal Cmmoit>' Pod, tht Camphrlioillr Cammanît>' Pood," tht Born Wildlir Arra, and flht Krlao Consrtaion Amea. R atîrl sn ahka P oioIti C onservation Ara tata a contiouatio cf laodacapiog anîd rad dannlapmnt daîiog t li prar. This ara in heocîn incrnaningly papalai. Plani tarr made ta alcaw harneacit ridtog troila ihnogh tht Raitlrsookc aira ta Kriaa. Corlinle Cammaaiiy Pond ahichit ia parroniol favorite cf picnicka'n aod amimonarsaw thm h>'gtooiog ai tht davaloptrot ai a Oaa, pi cotc area w h AI horît>' hagaîte cavto cf a large section cf dtt crrk and tht hackfiliag ai Iot are la prapanotin ai ara park dtveiopmtaet. Campitnilvilir Cammorit>' Pond han mnt mt tomae difficoltita la the pant ya or ttat itncaoaa ai tht groatit ai pond tanado, and the Aatharityt ondrtanoi a piograa af' pond mnad ramoaia and atmo orrangad for tht Coant>'o a ltn ta controci a toral parking lot for the Commonil>'. Thet Borna WiIdii Ansa a fitate dainaoprisant tiî yaar atadrnta toust paît io the îatmmiag laîsnos and dariog tht miint, tht ancînana o h oomrie cf ikîis fîcta 3,200 on 1907 ta mort titao 6,800 on 1968. Taa othnr locuan hich tht Astitarit' aon sibut ara ot opeo ta tht grarrai pubtlic are Moont Nnma Conservation Ara and Enqaaaong Conservation A t Mount Nrmo tht Acihorît>' camplaird thti poîchar of 38lacres oflaod irota tht Tao ai Soîliogian aod fanOne, maîkad ota nodaîtohing aîih tht sohdîvidai ta pîesasr the stiatymoot land. Ai hîqaanîng flht Aoiharîty rahoîli tht dam an thîs praperi>' mhich had manhaed oat dot ta avar-îocîeaaong raofi. FISH AND WtLDLIFE Oneof afheaconiiîgoaccati vicaesîin hdîh maoagemet tas haro tht stachaîig prtat ai tht Kalsa Rciivctir. Tht prcsîaaî rcord fat the laigrît finit caaoht mat vhatteîcd mii a oamirecrd of.lf1'1lh Browno Tract. Pour tlîaad flogaîlioga cre addad ta ilietittototir hîîagtog ti tttckittg c>' ta 21,500 ta date. Att adidttaîtal 1,000 fitgaîligtmttcep.'îtdaut Ciamfcid'c Lake. Tht A Sthiti> matataiotd lis profitat icus Thce mildlîfc piagraîti ai Maoiohbrg mas eîpatîfici ta tîtcladc tac betars. a harse, a dacita>, sacaral tcset and a mati. Tht cotaitt cfiplicalsant ' anddotuckarsthfat atmc icaie mas encrand ta cati 2,000 aad aticmpts aicta made ta pot rta pragîaioa haites-ltkthanis. Fatlta mark mas% dc att rtet hahttat imptasacîrtît and flachi cf otigrattoi dock's ai mai>' IS 5,000 hava ee htctetatacrt tim. mîttoh ieris ta pîtnt flia sococes of ilas p ograi . Tht ara hian hecccm iocIiatgly popolar Ai Rattîtacake lotint, t.fice Sufa and FIL addeid ta hi pa0puola itit1sb" niectt acsîirig îîtîîied'îîl>' :i, mitît cf pubhic it teest ci iliai a ita. REFORE STATION, LAND USE Tht Actitt > liai hact flit Iadngoexportte" l cOtait)ftr riae iccdî of pîaîtîvcîg the Niagaîa Ficarpecat, . tl mcm lic select Caoiotiitteo Conservation tan haocîg rire Select Camittc reîccaîîîtnd the Proaicc mîdr pîdît>' of Escaîpoiacttland pitiatio.hlt 19t,. Ilte Atitî> tcitk a najar sttp in îakcîg tis paicy a ralît'. it acqatîielich Ctaafcid's Lakt pîcpttty. ofi 425 acres, whicit itclades more tiat21/ coillai tif prime Encoîpoît land. Thispapîiy had h tac cosidrtd ccc ie,)f ilia Lt>' pvîpcris ii Ottl ici f acatytîtatti p taatvati pclico ïi iltî1 lia l tata anococtili 1967hbadl nt hotu farmalaird caoîpltly anîd it ta nocrnaon>' far flic Anthrit' toaocqoira Ihîs laid mithcot tht hanrfit nf additioal spactol nohaidian. Tht Rafanratatiao and Land Usa Pragranîs iociadad tht assistaace in priiota irar piaotiog ai saon 93,950 icana mut oo additioa 65,550 tinta hriag pantad oa Astharity landi. Titis aa tht grnatrat namitti ai titti planted la an>' on yaî and tan don timoogit etensoive trce Sargant vico-chairman of conservation group William Sargnt ofBruteamas ta-alacird oictochotîaan cf tht Halico Ragio Coaservation Anthitt> foi 1969, mitai tht gîaap itrld ins aouai meeting o Wadonday oferncan cf lait tarai. Mi. Sargoot msont of thrra tara appaoirtd ta sti an tr Acilîtt> foi the Provinctofa Otariot Barry S. Hataphîrys cf Bodlinoias aoaihar pîrotinciai appoitir, îamainanchaîrmaa. Theaihrd provincia manaoaithe Anthli>' is H. H. Fieling. Othar mamitars arr appoited hy thettolorcooricils mticit suppart thte Halion Ragio Auit>. Threr ara taatahrtjototd tht lh-tao Auit> ihîs ier, Don Cavaîdaiereîpiacîog Arnl Batas fcr kast Fiamhoîo, Ocîdc ocadîcw aihg flht place cf Jatan Rcdaa fîca Borliioc, aad iloa hîîddlettc ia placîcg Ont>' Grahly foi Wataîdaon OîIîcîs 0i fiht Aailîcty îaolodc Ralpit Siîrmccd cf Palnic,SîrockHarras andAllait Wroit cf Sadaigica, Dr. C. A. Maîtia of Mion, Georagt Carrae cf kîqotsiit, Mis, Annt MacArithur cf Ntssagacr>'o, William Hall cf Watt Fiamitata, and C. C. Smaaimaa, R. S. -Kelly- Neta and Geoff Dmw-Bîcitk cf Ochvîllc. Tht aa-ccmttiiistrucctr cf flihthiîîias honhar icolard tho yr. Thti fclamiag arerite ccatit tors, ith (lie hilsioamadhacng chaooîlao aad dt secod aîcc-chairmanî Pulic rlatîions, Shrîmod, Maîtia, MacAthtui, Scarimat. Landi Usa, Harris Shrimod, Coulai. Dîrmw-Sîcch Goodîca. Fielding, Caveidait. Ccasarvaiomt Acca, Wrigt, Fielding, laiats. Hall, Saiglat, Cavrdaîr, Mîddleotaî. E luca t ca l Smwcatmlaa. MacAthtut. Wrighît, Fielding. Watr Cottît. Ntm, Mtintt, Diam-Sok, Hall1. lîtilîtai. Gocdaw,Saiat. Ptrscianci. New, Wroghît, Shcîmcood. Fiance. Hataptîcys. Marttit, Sa igast, Harisi. E sacatîso. Hoaîphîcya, Saîgaci, Sîttîccaf. Wight, Harrts, Ncm, Smtiaa. Tire Asti oitiya drîrgaîrs co tirt Halicît Musacta Board ar Mît. MtacArthtat attd Lii Saîgaci. Thrr tachan cal1 adaîsoti rîîgagrd ta assint flie authiti ait W. Trottr, lRa>' Coppa and D. J. Coritati1. The MPrudential Innurtance Company of America Vata Prmitalîtl agent nta pan le atiamtaid eattî ata yaa'aa gel, what yania gaatfea and what yaa'ia gaftlag itta. CALL .. BILL GRIENFIELO 417 Woodward Ana. 878-171 A. S. L. Baroies, Oirccia cf hoi Coaservation Aaihariits Bîncit cf tht Ontaîto Dtpartmaoi cf kotîgy and Rasoîrcon Managemenot, atcodrd tht Aothciiiy*saaaa meeting ta codct rte et i cf tht vtca-chaotma. Bock h aîîîî cf Baîlcîgica mai acmîoatrd loi trscathbaa9-7 voite gavt rite intcombtht micr-chartttao William Soîgavi flhc irai. Srotîal nmamhofomuocipal coaoicils ta the rgicatsai la(i the avmaa meeting. A rctptica falloard the hbusisssin Cut dlown fire Cali special me A piapoaai hy Badainglon Caaacil tra cal dama an tht tint cf, tht North Baîiingtoa airas pîrsant>' ierod it> Miltaa Actas tira Dtpartmrat raisad a ira hachur msitra tht Milton Aira flic Cammittra haid lis Sonua>' martia0 ida>'. A iproni meeting cf thli cmi tae itr b caid ta the oiu futr ta dîscoas tht Oariiagtonaaoaactarot. Mîlton Fi Otparitot. pitsaatlv stuces ai tif torliagion accih ci tht Lamai Bacc Lîca RcadainCcocessions Oneclu Fiat, aid flhc lands oîîuîof Hîghmay S an Cooceson> Sic and Seven.The atcasitooaoî ihis acta hast ver mac îoogll S 5,000,000 Tht homnhchrii dîcppad ai Fîtda>"s meeing tahon Bonhiagianas îcprcseîîtatîva co tht Mîlton Eute Aira Ccmmiire, cooaicîSaî W. A . Rîcar, pîrsanîd a motion lits cui hail approad an Drcrmhcî, ta citai tht hcosdairne seatvcd hy Baîhtogidin and Milton brigades. Accaîdiag ta Mr. Rarvo ilic aastarai te harcia Milton mîtl saint ta fuure ta jovi S2,300,000 îîîdîcatîag Irsan l haîf cf aauît nota aersas. Na hcaadaîy hnes hîae yci hara dîa hout thetir fut omit tac ii t dc ta tovsatîgata. Tht Miltoo Ara t-ite Oapaîtîciîc i apraird hy a fia tm a~I cavitur cf îapncsratatîvsc froat Mîlîoa aad tlic fouciacglhîîîîag cittiactit. Tht brigade csers flia lotan partîcas cf Esqaasiag and Nasagamaya Township,.and flit appr poîtîoas cf Ocaîvlit and Sîltagicon ia addition ta flic ta.i, tif Iiltati. Cammitc tactahan dcchtcd îlot Soîlîngion coalfi lagailly W,îthiiata fîcat theaagreemeat ici aet>' the fir aica nlci l9'iOl' At i ltia sani c meetinîg, coacllat Chtaîles Fa' mat locciel Ciatînilai a of lita cnntc lita 1î9fît, ciîh Naccagomcya captasca tativa A. R. Sotvctatvc-chaiîmao. Oulîiar on the gîoup ait Oaîvlîr lersciac cacacîillai Dld orîdon, Fcqaoctag Rareva Georîge Cana utrid Mr. tRait reptcaaasingSadtinog. Tht dcii' route tit tht lattai ýair taktc is offcially callica malt". ari ~eti ta? ing The Canadian Champion, Wadnaaday, Pahînre' 12, 1969 6 The mood formed an the toat thicker thlon thont formndt part of the gnommng saerton tanlin. This givren the anauai ring onoai>' hon cr11 mea mhîch arr effeci. PEOPLE 0F NASSAGAWEYA DO YOU CAR E? WRITE NOWI AS YOUR DEPUTY REEVE I AM DEEPLY CONCERNED ABOUT PROPOSALS FOR I~~Ei REGIONAL GOVERNMENT AND TIIEIR EFFECT ON NASSAGAWEYA. UNLESS CITIZEN OPINIONS ARE EXPRESSED IN SUFFICIENT VOLUME THERE WILL BE NO - If in proposed that Naweagaweya ho split and ncattered with one uection aftached to Milton and another to Wellington Coaanty. DO YOU CARE? Tha planning for lad tses tail ha traafarti tastha ragiatal leonI of genmenantafrananavd fromthe people va nat Nantgana and whn hana li hart for gateraitiata DO YOU CARE' Halan han naffiniant papoulan tata tar ha main a nin af ragienal Stv artamant hat inattai af diig tii tht Mitigter af Maninipal Affaira la forinig Hatnandilttbahmaigai. DO YOU CARE' Naateaa haita reaanahla hudgat hantant tottilt hana hatat spnatai itg in liamithammtit naan. Anpantaga of thisn bc testntif mn arr attathai tal an aiha arts mith diffniant tarticn eain DO YOU CARE? I Hope You Care about theoe and other pointn cloaked in Regional Government. But caring iontt enough. WRITE NOW TO Mr. George Kerr Hon. John P. Robarts Hon. Darcy MaKeough Mr. Robeat Nixon and Mr, Donald McDonald ALL CAN BE ADDRESSED AT THE LEGISLATIVE BUILDINGS, QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO, ONT. Muake Your Concern Knowa Now While there is Sdr11 im WRITE NOWI Sincereîy, ANNE MacARTHUR Canada Pension Plan A Field Off icer f rom The Deoartmont of National Health and Welfare will ho avoulable for interviewa the THIRD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON each and every month begîn- ning February lÇth, 1969 ait the Municipal Offico. Ho noili anstoor your questiont and assisti n completing applications for Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and the Guoranteed bIcorne Supplentent Pension. THE TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA J. C. MoINTYRE Clark - Adiainiatratar BURLINGTON MÂLL GUELPHl LIN! *kRCOCENTIATED SU PE R C N E T > t I a,~nItdtaIop For Milton Are 632-4111 Lo-Sutdz Kcnrnore Detergent Tht hast dtirgrot yvou wtîl noir ana. Bat- 3-lb. han .....12 tr hcannt yos cao tuh the trenhotan a. . . 12 mittr mite. birgitar itrigita Bettar al bercause iis topeai coocantratrd:ona op ta 9-lit. han . ..... .1 i 3 Iras dîtargiol par matit. Battar ha- tanna the etra noda contant maximina elf mýanher efficirot>'. Availahît la tour handy 20-lit. lbox. Rtg. 86.a .99» 25-Ib. btoxa ]Îes. 07.95(6.99 ton.ta.n.a D~a.15 Inl tht Nata Barliogcon Mail, Gualpit Liar THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION miaite tar advint tai arrangnemants hava itean tmada nanardina the installtion nf Zenitit taphant ns mitat anl titanayonat tinhieg to phona titi Board ogfices ma>' ait an mithoan itoring long diatanta talla. The gnîînminq ait tht notahtr1 CENTRAL ADMaNISTRATION OFFICE - OAt(VILLE - ZENITH 19220 NORTN EDgCATION CENTRE - GEORGETOWN - 877-9782 tenidants ai Camphelîcîie ahoali nore thai the Zenith namtar lai the North Edacattan Canr i nai effactiva antil Fabroar>' 12 ard miii ha Zenith 55910.