Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Feb 1969, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Wedneadmy, P.bruary 5, 1969 3 NORNBY Nua, efli.s, revI.,v y.., at si. Stephu,s <ENUI MWn COUNTY CREST in trama on the malt renatîs Jacb Mlte's Vears of service ta Hattos. Ht andl Mes. Mitre cetehrated their SStb weddinn anntnersary Bunday amtd aboat 1 B0 friends andl relations at their Nessagweya home. Tht conty ereets were presenseti to eacb mambar af anaro ancuseil wbes the sto adminisration buitdinn mas uperesi -IStaff photo) Nassagaweya couple mark golden wedding Peiends and faily tSled tht faims home of tosg.time Naasagameya eesidents Me. and 10 Mes. lach Milne os Sosday, seben tht couple celebraîrd their goldes medding annivrsaey.- Me. Milse, a former Natsagameya councittor and maret of Haltos Couety, troh orer las family's farmn on lot 29. on te tesit concession of tht tomnship. Attractive yettom and nntd annivreay tlomer arrangements. muny cards and gifts nueroondtd theas and att their catîtes doeing teday. A theetiered edding calte mas spetiatly decoraîrd for te occason Me. and Mrs.Milnemîe maeriedin Toronto onsrr y Gtggit, and lied there for3 199 yttRr na short mbile uftr. They 'mored bobk jg tli family Palmn airer Me. lne's fâther became il] and eetiîed te ocko Tht former Atro Hamiltoen Mr.Milse trd5 hoen in R ckodand speot bier girtbood in tht district. Mr. Mine trou hoen ie Sagîratr, Michigan, moring wtb bis parents to the fairmin 1902. In Febroary of1915 hcjoied thte First Batialior. Caradian tnfantry Bîfore mary monihs Hikes penalty r for absentees A heurter penalty for ab setstttm mas plaiîed os Miton Hydro Commissioners mhen Miltoni Councit appeoredl iscreases in bonoraim Monday. Cnunctt ageeed t0 tht proposerd scbedole of 54501 annoally for the clîsieman and $350 for commîmeiosees, but requieed o $30 dedaction foe each meeting missed. The Commission bad proposed a $1 0 dedaction for missed meerings. Tht Administration coomîtte hiadt peopnised a $20 deu inbut was persoad:d to dise t the 3. perfrac d ainteance bns on bhe setfo m eengirîen ee o esh pronicingfudssotcen 1 cor th bntalton d erîe MlaatonConin a g U e t eo disee hit pemne and Ut elot eella mla subivso Iraîres n fo nd R. Copente asve path imnsalto. fsrie aned Utginecerine fées e depesited wt h on he tas ovrscas, anid 6ie mai moonded te Betgiom in Ortober of the samyyea. Atlong period in hospitat fottomed, and his pasets trent ovr eEigand at onetlime t0 nuli hît. I-e tas tsratided home tinatiy, and got off the ship in Canada on Christmas Day of 1916, aeîirtng en Toronto on Net Yeae's Day. Wars trere foaghi vry dtfferentiy then Me. Mdoe reratis. tn fact. mlicr he tas fîghtiîîg in '15, tht mes geneeotty more their ergotar uniforms. Atthîugh there mas mud 'op 10 iheir nethi" they hasi no rshhcr bîotr. And they w ro nt eren issoed wtb helmets ihat saity rn tlhe wr. Ose of bis brotheet 'ras klurd Mi. Mitre liai badl a long record of Oerîne t0 the loirnihip. lieva siai jaaloer of Naasagaeya coori'it for Il yeaes,fromt 1952 tu the end of 1962. t-e wot reeve for six yeart. te 1959 lie waî etrîtird trarden of Haltor Coooty. The peai lie roat tarder, the Mar hoadtra setop andhti served oui luis hoard loi tie yrar, ieeing the humo ai Milton hecomu a eeality. [let is stil actire, as Naîtagaweya'î repretrotatire on the Acton fieareaboardand on the cîînty muoeuoboard. They aie mnembeit ofEien Mîis Preshyteei.uoctioeth. Tht Mrner have ione daoghrer, Mes. Viedl McNîrrn of Motion, a grardîoo an dl two geanddiaugtier, anid ihre great-geandsons. MASTERS DEGRCE Arthur Gilbert Joins, ses of Me. ansi Mes. A. A. Joins of R.R. 2, Mittor, recently rectiotti is Master's Deurte rn Matirmatics te Wraterloo Urnert. Ha is presenttr assoriatesi witb I.BM. i Toronto. By Mrs. lias Hamilton The installation of officees for 1969 was conducted by the Rer. Canon J. E. Maxwell at te fieit meeting of the New Yee hieldi by the St. Stepiten's Anglican Church Guild ai the home of Mrs. Craig Royce on Tuesday evenlng, Jan. 14. Offtcers installed mere as follows: president, Mes. lias Plant; vice-peesident, Mrs.Ctiff Hanter; secresaey, Mes. Bob Cookson; Creessrer, Mes. Arthur Plant; nominuting committer,' Mes. Bill Bradley and Mes. Geoffrey Drew-Brook; profitant committee, Mes. Edgar Oliphant and Mes. Ceaig Royce; sunshino crommitter, Mes. Mary Bradtey and Mes. Floyd Brigdee; cour tesy committee, Mes. Kennetit James; auditors, Mes. Atan Haeeop and Mes. Noernan Ceamp. The state of officiers mas peepaeed hy Mes. Bob Cookson and Mes. Ceaig Royce. An interesttng talk mas gireo ta the tadies by Rer. Canon Maxmell folleoming the installation of offtcees. Tht meeting mas ctosed with peayee hy Canon Maxwett. Lunch mas served by the bosteas who was assisted hy Mes. Bilt Bradley. The next meeting tilt be held ai the homne of Mes. Ken Etla on Tuesday evening, Feh. t1t. The North Trafalgae Euche Club betd their meebty euche ont', in their new recreation centre mtrich mas formerly the Hnmby Uinited Chsrch. Thee tere eight tables of eucline in play mitb the prizes going to the foltowing mnnees; Mes. Joe Sanottit, Mes. Mailge Ceasg, Mes. Harvey Dunn, Fratk Peacocb, Roy Breab and Witfeed Rainte. The lachy deats trere mon hy Mes. Ctaee Wilson and Jim Hamilton. Belated annirersary geeetings tu Me. and Mes. Ctaee Wilson tho cetehrated their 29th wedding ânniveraey on Satutday, Feh. t. Mr. Mary Bradley ta risîtiof trith Miss Aima Bradley of Penrda, Ittinois, and aise with Me. and Mes. Dich Foetnee aed fomity of Moeton, lIlinois. Me. and Mrs. Garry Hoamilton and faanity risited on Sunduy with Me. and Mes. Kenneth South of Georgetown. Mes. Kathy Williams, home economist for Hellen and Peel C ounties nos hasy on Tuesday and Wedoesday of tost weeb at St. Post's UJnited Chuech in Mitton, when she heiefed the 4-H Ctub leoders on te speing plojent on sttring. The Hornhy North Serioe Ctub tilt he onder the teadeeship of Mes. Jias McKoy and Mes. William McPherson aed the Junior Ctub titi he ordr the teadership of Mes. Lestie King andi Mrs. Roy Wilson. The Senioe Ctub wilt hoisi their fiest meeting on Monday nrght, Feb. 3 and the Jo nsoe Ctub on Satorday, Feh. 8, at the home of Mes. Roy Wilson. Anynne who ta înterested in joinîng the 4-H Club may do s hy contacting tht teaders. Tht annuat meeting of tht Eden United Chnrch Sonday School trot hetd os Wednesdoy night, Jon. 29, at the home of Me. and Mes. Paui May. Tht main distorsion tranon teachees ansi supplies for the Sanday schoot. It was decided that tht teachrs woutd alteenate on a mooth-ahoot hartis. Paut May and Robtert Rottedge are tht Saperintendrts an d tht teochers in charge are as fottotra; Nursery dtais, Mes. Ian Brtah and Sharn Hilt; Peimaey ctass, Otren Rotledge and Cathy Brotrn, and the Inteemediate ctas, Mes. Paul May and Met. Gaety Hamtdton. Laurie Frits mas tittted as teasseer, with lir sistee Dehhie as assistant. The annual mteting of St. Stîphen's Anglican Chuech mas hctd on Mnnday eresing, Jus. 20, mith 19 members pretoot. Canon J. E. Maxwett presided for tht meeting trhich bie optned snith prayer. The thee maj .or prohtems dîttossed mere gromth and deretopment; the sente of betongitg and attitude of bignesa which sometanes maltes rt almost impossible for similt tommuaities to survire. Ht tncoueaged tae sense, of loyalty t tce church and steeseed tae opinion Utait aeighboeliness is vry close ta Godlies. 'Tht statistica show tht avreage Sanday attendante of Bt. The vrinas organrizations rtported a vry proftable year. The eectoî's marden, Geoffrey Drew.Beook is in foe bis second yeat of office and Ray Whaley mas acclaimesi as people's maeden for a terni of tmo yeara. Sttretary-treasoeer Bob Coobson terrains foe tht test of las tret year terni. Frank Chishotas mas acctarmed tay detegate mit Put Ftippance a an alteenate. Mes. Ans Bye witt temain as tihoir teader and Mîs. Rap Whaley as tht Sorsday School Superintendent. Rtcb Roman and Ruts Cote are cbaech ouditors for te year. Afte a teegtby discussion it mas mored and secoaded tat a repetentatire front each of tht seren churcb oeganizations he apated to serre on tht Adioy Boaed. Canon Manxwell reminded te restey ebar te tmo mardens are entmusted mitb tht go me ta stae decisions on ehif of the churcb. They May catI an adnisory meeting onty to aslt foe adrice but not ntcessarily need ta acctpt it. The annal restry rotes and sales os major decisions of the cbarch. The chairman of the Adrisory Board for tht year os Ceaig Ropte. Canon Maxsrttt's tmo appointera are Rots Norton and 0Dbc Course. i mas mored and seconded that they accept tht church mission target foe 1969 ofS$6lO . Canon Maxwsell aslted that tey consider reducing te missin geant a tittte cath peor. Tht sidesmes requested and rettired permission to instatt a netr fornace and nem etectnical miring mhere needed. Tht Goild offeaed tn belli tht sidesmen mitU thîs project and also reqaested and receired permaissian to install a bot mater heater and a more conrenient entante to die hittites mith necessary ltghrtng and sidemalb. Tht motion mas passed that tht rectoe's stipend ie eniemtd dot to the rise in case of liring. Frankt Chisholan on behatf of tht tongeegation tanlted Canon Maxmell, te mardens, the adriaory board, seccetaty-treas- tirer and each and trtry individuat and organization Who hail helped to malte te yeae 1968 a satttssfut one. The meeting adjourned and Canon Manmtlt ctosed mit ployer. Lunch mos serrrd by tht tadies. Birthday greeeeings are estended ta Aaderson May and Bilt Tallyn mho tilt ceteheate their hirtdays on Feb. 7. to Leonard Buthter nn Feh. 9, Janet Calhoan on Feh. 10. Jatltie Robertson mho ment fisbsng or Lobe Simcoe on Sianday came home mit o big smite os tis face, mit good rao.Jatltie mas ice frshing and caogtrt a 14 poand Lobe Teout mhich measared 3t inches. Anyose mho bas good ased thdldretts ctotlang of mediom mtight and moatld tilete'1 betpi out inith te Conadian Sure tht Childre Fond of the Oaltrille Branch, tan do so hy teaning it at tht home of Miss trene Saundees. There are 200 thildeen in te camp at Mandgod, India, greratyinneed. Town of OakvmiIe NOTICE TO Dog Owners (ByeLaw 1962-29) Tht deat ne for abtain mog por 1969 litasise ta Februar t lth 1969. Dag ticenses cas ha ah' tales from the Oaksille Municipal Centre, 1225 Trafalgar Baad, Gabrilla. if po mvish ta remit by mail, applicatos forms can be ohtoinedby vrt- inq or tetephonira trm Uoeealein Cammiatier Th. Tewe ef OthelieJ -0. Bex 310 OAXVLII, Onetario Toltehonet @454A601 Edoenalen 215 A fire sot eoceeding (enclusire af costal $50. la prarided far follura te obltsi tht trcesse by lte thora date. S. A. F11AH9P.atiN£, Cltark s~tock the S SA LE U Lnon STARTS THURSUbAY AT 9 A.M. i C lot ALL FIRST O QUALITY MERCHANDISE ISPECIAL SALE PLASTIC Table Cloths FLANNEL BACICRO 52tt x 720t - Reg. $3.49 SALE $2.47 52"t x 52tt - Req. $2.49 SALE sl.97 ISPECIAL SALE HERITAGE SHEETS DOUBLE BED SIZI SPECIAL AT s3.27 EL ~CHII ISPECIAL SALE CHENNILLE SCATThR RUGS $6.9 s5 .77 Rn'.9 s3 .77 0 * ALL KNITTING YARNS Q 0 0' YARD GOODS * BLANKETS O FACE CLOTHS * PILLOWS _ _ _ _ _ __L 0 BE SRED 1 0 lbPACE MATS und SETS * BATH MAT SETS F. Sh.wer Curtains *0 Table Cloths O FF~~~ TIEX MADE AND ASO IBEX BLANKETS ILLWA NEW SPRING WORK CLOTHES ARE HERE Sturdy Work Clothes that really last are Spec iily Priced Right for Your Pocket. This Week. 10w Wk1O'OFFSPEURAS 0 okJackets 10Wark Paonts SPECIAL 0Jeans *Overalis KORATRON 10 Coverafls *Smocks *Shcp Coats 0 Work Caps PANTS *Work Aprons 0 Work Gloves Il.t ,5 e0 Work Shirts *WORK BOOTS$79 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE' 200 Main St. E. Open Frlday Evanlngs IEII9 pam. - I WHEEL ALIMENT - $10.85 MINOR TUNE UP from $.2 Carburetor Overbaul - $8.90 LUBRICATION - 1.0.e CALL SERVICE MANAGER FOR APPOINTMIN AT 878-2351 MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 358 Main Sa. - MU.

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