Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Feb 1969, p. 14

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~. ~kampion YOUTH FRONT 13 h an o Champion, Wedneeday, Pebruaey S, 1969 Richard Needham wiII discuss "Do we really need By Mamnie Hare Thone who couid brave the cotd piayed hockey and ether Last Saturday's Snow Carnival games, rode the shidoo or was a hig seccess. The "Ways roamed around looking at the and Means Commttre" made snowscuiptures. The Indoor $400. The morning of the Games Committee isad ping carnival mas quietr thon pong, dats, basketitatl, chance, expected bet hy noc (everyone aned bongo boards going for mas up hy thon) j it egan te pick theerse ho get coid fast. Haif of up. The chiefs of the day hadl the gym mas used as n aoresa for stoppy tees ready oe serve. recorde and dancing. la te 7Ae 1969 Bp Larry Matinv Yaath Frant Co-Ordinoar (L.M.'s Note. This mrek me matie iitory hy haoirg a paret cotumniet iv Ttîe Seaphen .. .my faithfut foer-doos seden, TerMde, If yee deirce a Brampton accrut je tht miinS, rememiter the otd girtes a Ramitter. uts Deroit tmang.) m.u tes about time, baby. Eech meet you sit domu brr and mehoff... anud oner e mord about tose mho hetp yee tike Mg, Turtte *. ".and tbe four other cars you'nt iad since pou itecame a Citampeonite. Tete Thancday, for exampit ... .itom miere i waa Thussday' Anne Slnd. Yeu seen Anne Sivd. tatety9 Sieh. Stop. i'd hatt seme somehody WALK tteougi tehere, let atonte rxpect me te mheel tbreagh. Sut mac juet griting ebrough enough? HAH!! Otd itaiteon-itrait up an tht driver's seat, thitee, ites te ruggent mie go oui et an ice uleo... .se ke eau taite some dumit pboeogsaphs ef hem had it es. Wauea itaow itema it sj, du you? Hem be pou carry met for a change? Se i pullt!d yee eut of titat eue. Lite t do esuatty. Sut jest let me on loece foting ance fI meu, is dummen mites eupposed te be the navigater or this team, right?) and Oh... .my good, liia' Lettipepe .. .Looit do yeu e satiz i umed te ha a Milton miaieter's car? i meant...Siteeh.. .1 eau heur pou eight theougit tite firrmatt. Diepacteus. s *Thei iere abese iiatust'itop thirgi. Tme mites off the iteaten poils, lite Hiltet Fatts befote titey staeeed maetiug in titre. i beerd pou outuatty drove arr of my predecemaore hacit sather than matit. Wauta drag pour tummy oves îisrer'foot saptings anme Suday? i thîssk net. *And su ste minteretaur ... .mit goec an and gats a god right'e strep mbeee ce marm? And mbo sap autuide and gete stuggisi fromt fresihite? Yeah. And tl aiest justice. Titen peu stant out iv tht merusug and tsy se moïse it fronm the vîiage se the office iu fone minetes. Lister . cars iteome Sardel addscts beause of hshe iid of prssues. *Tht samne gars for lise calta. Oue of thtse dope, Tooecy, poutre gonna be WALKIN' te these fires. Lite, t'mn net otd, pa undestand ... but bave e litttr repect once in a ubite. Iet aites a bit of seel to ges that iid of acti on oet of six teusy haugers. t gos a drerm, friend... .yrab .. Me, Tesitte the Ramitter, bas a btig, brautîfel dreum. Some day, mayhe i menst tact semee it, i dont inom; bus SOME DAY yeetil be standing under a service station huiet and titenes Seing te be a cas up thene waieieg for au oit change. Mistre... tht bod of Bramptenia the God of Justice je gesng te give tit car's oi] ptug a bit of a twist and you'tt be standiag teedripp g tedladloigas sily est1 thsnk yeu sould. Tak a oka htmcies meptate. It'tt be a Ramhter. t got MDHS commerce students try businessmon's world Ther' vue thing Milton District Higi Scbool bas in comoson miib sehools in Ottawa, Niagera and Toron te. Selief in Wort Werit. MDHS was ove of the fîrt echools se tise province te initiait the pregtamt uhsch sendi Cemmercial stedents te spend somr urne on the job msth companirstreqoieivg the type of service fer ushich thepre in trnainisug, Lait yrar, Miltton hrgan honing tme ment meenteeue easby i tise naiea an ad anoir aeund hastes. This ment, Prb. 3 te 7, je thr f test session of the 1969 field training. Groadoe 1 2 stueroi psssscipaiss indodae Bsendi Miller a( A,.s, Finnce, KosiîY Sitotiti ai taisi Staionnsy, Borbara Kemyfer ai Unied Ce.Operativte, Shbaron Tonctti and Valerie Mitte at Rohirsen's Depnntent Store in Suelijaton Mail, Sitaron Tontli et Milttan PIanesng Sourd, Dora Dredge at the Depaetment of Agricultue. Moe Sarrnsen and Dame Piii arr at T.C.A. lu Maton, Nancy Reetivo at Haiton Mariar, Bannie Auderson et Mâlau District Haspital, Jean Fayarchut at CIAG ineuraac, ie OskCiSe, Jaohn Inglie and Edda Damitronie et Oaituilte Reareation Office, Fityltis Homard and Dorsavo Peoens et Ford of Oakvilr and Andrea Canes and Trady Cablan et Fend of Bramalra lu addition, tue top Grade il stadenin jein them-Zandra Milter ai Oakiter Autemetîve Sapply and Jo-Anur Wisone ui Ontario Onheol for tbsr Deaf. Whsbr tome lenalises have dsffsnelty fludîng rmployrrs milbing te betr wib inrxpesienned vtuertr. Mes. M. Pomys, lisad of M.D.HS.'s commercial drparttivtt repente ihent ose enuaiby vote jobs ilion etudeuts in Milton. "Dur reoson fat holding mort mrrts s ta tint the studrut a iastr of theempeyent word and help bosld bis confisdence," sce nssied "The people in luis u.sssornuiy ase esy Flelpiullil, piovîdînfi stueuvs esîlu a cac topgait expevirt. e_ C ommercial sudents speciabtp subjectsuictude sypsug, heekitreping, erical and marketing. Tite seconîd mort ment fan 1969 mutl be brbd Match bS-i4 mite te samne 20 etaderite miii again entr thte business sceeue, altitaagi net stcesanip ander the camne empapers. No pay, uudestaudatiy ennugi, le giten etudauits panticlpeing in the ptasramt, miticit bas haro part af Milttn's educatioa s ytein for nixs peurs. 1 Sp Jaer Ferries Tay, etinkiug poan thumit aut on the mrng direceion coubd meurt trouble, as citomn batebp in tbe amaunt af sapes and muedese appearin, su the ilmew -. media. You moutd titinit Y.U.9 people, pesticubasip girls, moubd ieaen ta iterp their thamite te thsmsebvee. Sut young peaple bitrig the may lte p ans, stase theis sers, epes and mouthe ta anything disagneeahbe, teevsng tbsmselves mide apen for BIG To matie tite cnectian iteeen bitchiiig and crime .5 iitcb-bikeug in irmilf je ibirgal. Tis le comman knamisdge l'an cure, bat se je tht faci titat mux crimes, assault, and murdes have suceeased su te teet couple of ysas at mose uasminng maes. Sticking peur thumit eue today je a fisse ebeen invitation ta uo-gaad, and fer tite entra fem cents tl takes te ride a itus, mity the hecitatian? WRITING je ans ut rte insereane aft sIntroductian iloes Coe itis Parens arr saddeued and aneit, flucan Draper. Sucan mus tarv in Entiard, bat maoed ta heast-itoete mitu itep fînd Canada alith ber Camiiy eaeiy lu life. Site ntcended Cesserai ard M. M. theis ejildeen mieeing, eeuatty Robtinson Hirit Scituais jr Sarlinetun aud wac manager ai islliet assaaited ity a dssauged masian, ncuavrent NicsonuSlding Campanente beltre leaulet ta assise ber parents ne Choir Milton eet mstoe ente fast yens. H ee enraiment lu n Seliigottn J.C.-eponmred effective sgeai l urase remiltedi lu an e c e s nmrier ut itanars inclading te bigiteet mark ente nmarded a e- n etedent. Suan planse su ere thte pubitc relations or ceeatioe weitina s Cield. andl eniove commanicaion witit peupte.-Staf Phtta L.. 1 ,. schools?"i rvevsvg the "F.cntrics" played for the dance. These mes a gend ternuet and tIre day mas an overaîl $400 day. Ms. Leopricb gave the profitý made on "Mein Kamyt" Wrdnrsday oîght te the Grade IT's for Cheis trip. Tht girls' volleyballteiame piayrd againes O.T.H.S. last Tbersday. Tht Seniors oese te O.T. et ctose scoses of 15-13, 15-13. The Jeniors mou theis first game 15-e0; lae te second, t5-6; and tont tht third t5-t13. Both trams did teir itet and made tl an excitsng match. Den't forget the Tracb-lu, Thutsday Feb. b as 7.30 p.m. a( M.D.H.S.'s litrary. Dr. trace Robetson miii speait on "Love and Life" and Richard i Nredhemi le going te dtces "DO WE REALLY NEED SCHOOLS?" Come with an oeru miud, quesons and opinions temesrew nsght. Youtl, Sunday The Hs C gtoep of St. Fautes United Che tei codectrd Sunday metniug morsbip ibis serti featening a yoath choir and leadership in the service, to mark Yeuth Surday. To the guiten accompaniment ef Bob Steak tht 18 voicr peeth chetr sang The Lord's My Shepherd te the eune of tht Happy Wanderee, Kum Sa Yak, and Michael. Bob Henry pave tht catt te mersip and invocaeion, Barry Laing sead tht ecriptue and Carote Tyser offéed prayeru. The message Wbrre Do Wr Stand, mas hesed an tuerpte fromt ehe book "Art You Jokiug Jesemiab". Fasticipeting in secttonseure Bob Hadiey, Norma Overend and Jtm Dauce. Rev. C. latnerrchatengrd adulte atd yeuug people ta exptore mberr they stand in relationebipe te tht cbasch, to othes, to Ged and te sacrifie. He caltrd en att te stand for Christ. the White Date Chapten of tite IOD.E, ta studet emceivng the grade bigh marks in Hsutory lact lune ONE 0F 20 Commercial studrens ef Grade 12, M.D.HOS wo ae gettion a tasse oftshe woring wOsrld this rekits Barbara Kovpiaer Barbara os ain vexpevce and pactca tainn va theUnited Cn-Operates offceavnBrovrS SetaPhotn WHATEVER YOU WANT FOR 1STENIN PLEASURE IT'S HERE!!, ut THE LATESI SOUND 15 MAIN ST. - S45 Ptans art aise udermay for jackets for the tasettiail mains. Tht Midgetc are continuing their miuuiag mape and haping to min thte toma chasupieucitip agalui tii pear. Tbey ptaprd tite aety otites uodtfeted tamn in tht teague, Perdue, and mon 4t-28. Ted Mitcheur and Travie Lyttie ted the White ake beys apajuet sehat macs thr stiffret opposition tbry'd meen sO fan in titein sccbdule. This man the fient te ibis meason that thte WOSS Midgets badl item heid undier tht 50 point matit. At tht samne Cime the Juniors mou a close game oves tht Perdue tram 44-42 tn overtimr. Serne Santy ecoed ehe minniug basket mhdre Jeff Pergneon and Mran MeLaegitti marked up 13 and t1t peints eacb respectively. Sreff alun piaprd jr the Senior pame apaist Perdue, miticb mac a ctose ions 49-45. lu Girls' Votephal matches tht Juniots lest to Prduc mbitr tht WOSS Seniors mou. coul it a draw on ice-rin< Sp Masia Zrest If eny af yau Robinson studruis thint Sanuasy mas a dui mouth, poabIl bc pleamil ta knum Ptitmary miii retaiuby maite up for le. Psitsany bas iteen piauued to lie an nction-fiiied month. Tite beet part of Feitruary, et saust fos mosi of an, miii lie the Prufessionai Drvstapmet Day Prit. 7. Ou titis day, ail of ous teacites miii ht lu attendauce et Nrlson Hjgh Scheaol fan a convention. This meene a day aff fer tae studtnte of Susbsugteu. A Ssom Canaval mei lie field by ail tht Surtingeun ecitoabe ai Lomnitir Park amit metsud. A dance miel aise he tebd eta Saliugian Mait Satueday, Prit. 8, miih ste Snom Qases biteng seirird fronm neprsentatinrs feom lte différent sciteets. Ous nepremubateve mli bte Kanen Camphell. On Vabeiue's Day, Peb. 14,0a tennabout dance miii bte bebd. Su once alui, fsbiem gîis, mr mOtl have a chance ta ast ous favorite To sud ep ltse fababous mentit of Fersaey, the play "Cindy" miii ite presented ou Prit. 26, 27 and 28. Tiis ieesuey a fitting may te rudea fantactin menth. The big hockesy game on Wrdsday, Jan. 29 itiete sthe irochrs and thte etudeutsendrd en deematie te. Titese teachets muet be pretty hanil to iteat. of sordid instances as mattlated in as off-htat nonchalant feeling tomarda shtreetci of no-mhere, but do -bitch-hikiag ea characserisljc tse ioving parents autmeigb enoagh to showe many are ver those mho ave sot interesrd ivyee amare oS the couseqeences mitere eheir kids go, mhe den't ai takiag e. seeaiagip fritndly care mha they are milh, or mitnra ide, mitere 'watking coatd have ihey ges lt? its a siease is tise dune juet as seti. The aaly brrf kids mho are ored mite gre expesed came framt the girls. pscked ap, mho disappeat, ebe Titey feit if pays sitouid ges lose titeir livre toa rariy. amay miith iumming a ride, mity shoaldn't they ite ailte l. AilI] l te equatty as lied se know had ta eay was, don't press poar kida haer ta saffer dat te ete inck girls, aryaae mita picite yaa .ane negece,staad no-care up len't oui te vicie yaar attitade. Wy mue the morid ie grandma' ... sO unfuir? "Oit, but ite fun," titey eay, "Who mente ta matit?" Par lthe 1 aeited arauad et schooi to set litie bit af motivation il laktes mit my friende itad le Say te pue ove foot ie frant of lthe a bossa the u bject of otiter, 1 doubt tl mould hart pou ititcit.hiking, and 1 seppose their ta waik, besides ie kteps pou je i niiffe enet, casa and shape. JryPlant gMusic Studios PHONE 878-4671 OPENING FEIRUARY 1, 1969 FOR PRIVATE LESSONS IN 0 GUITAR * BANJO 0 DRUMS * PERCUSSION 0 ACCORDION 0 TRUMPET 0 CLARINET 0 SAXAPHONE 0 RECORDER 0 Gultar Rentais * No Registration F.e NOTE - To eh. attention of formert Sen Demad Nous. of Manie Sîlinen - Ro.Opening at former neendios, Charles St., MNhon. (% NEED 2NEW CAR OR TRUCK? DROP IN AND SEE: Bill Guhinqer Howie Scannoli Jim Miii. - OR - Milt Nicholson They're Anious to Solve YOUR TRANSPORTATION PROBEMS In Milton Plaza - milo 878-2883 "SERVICE WITHOUT COMPROMISE" PARTS & SERVICE DEPARTMENT Open Until 9 p.m. Tuaedys and Thuradys CLOSED ON SATURDAYS M.P.M.Walking easier than hitch-ohiking BOYS, ORATORUCAL CONTIST Sponsored by ste Oprner Club ut iltion Ail Boys who have flot reached thoir 16th Birthday by 31 st of December, 1968 and who reside in Milton and District ARE ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE THE TITIS WILL DE a"RESPECT FOR LAW - CORNERSTONE FOR CITIZENSMIF" CONTES? WILL St i'tLtD AT lTE MILTON INN HOTEL MARCH 27.,1969 Any boy mviebing tai enter pionce coetact te iaiiuwingz 0 SEPARATU SCHOOL PUPIUS Pioes cntSat pont Principal) CANY MOMIER 0F THE OPTIMIST CLUB CTHI CANADIAN CHAMPION 'I WOSS spirit keeps souring up jackets, tearn vkctories core by Foi Fond Auna Engel mas thr minr fus Grade 9, Fat Perd for Grade 10i, The puie epeakiaS finebist and Lynu Titomas fer Grade il. te nepresmut White Dateore Scitoot spirit bas been given citamu titis ment ai Junior and anutes itooci mjth tht serinai of Seules assembies. lu lte Junior jackts for tht faotbtall tram. divisions, Grades 9 and S0, Lee Titere ans the feest teamn spart Jache piantd fins and Gneg jackete Wite Date has even itad, Macoif mac eunnes-ep. lu tise and ires estainby gaud te ec Sentes sectioun of Grades i1 tand titern afier looking sa touS et 12, Mieuje Hes mon, mith Anune etedeats fruan the uitr tisee Keben secend. Oatvdte higb, echuebe msasing Aise et the assemitiies Me. teis.

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