usse'. Onc N.semueIr &eegthe.Cemueit for 10M Y.eo MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, tfl /fCye Ag'rt.n5cd1 S-t!n CI... Mciilb 5eý Pt. ffi cne. Tmunty Pages.-Tes Cents. SEE HALTONJ PEEL MERGER Merger of the entire cosutes of Halton and Peel into one giant 'ssper-metro" regional gonnrccîent, complete with a serins of six or senen lonce-lier local cocîccits, mas predicird as a possihbility for 1971 nOmn tise Hon. Darcy McKeosgh, Minisler cf Municipal Affairs for Ontario, snveiled lus saggesled hîxeprint for the orna last week. du HALTON COUNTV OPPICIALS nure pissent tue coneiil ah. sic on senen snahicn regiunal unins. cisc onneilingofe a iscIdce necncepi t n etiaai Reading ccci isis pnisted nepert une nOnce coocty gsennenit sn Tornno Wedscsdup, nisen etficiais, assemenr Ronsr Beacis, dcpoty clecis Claire Municipal Attairs mniiter Dancy McKeugs MeKuy and chers Garftieldt Brewn, wite Enqunsing uutlined isis centative propoaut tue mergino Halcus coacculien Wiltrid Leslie and Haltes Wunden andl PeelIis a 900 square mite boffcr anis nu Oeep George Comm tanok en oe tOne sheaid ers. More ai Toronto and Hamilton sepaiath.. Hic plan woMl denails un tise ecaiecal goennent strouctur i crean a smo-sien îcgiout it ii a lange recoea bc tosnd in ihis isnoc.-(Suaft Pisete) Negetiani ens aie aimes t cempleted foc a change en owemnsip, bas coi n management it Ledmîihs Foed Muchets LId., I. M. Ledmîish C asseusoed tOms mecs. I n iscxpeeted cegatiatices migis tise yen ucsumed hayen mîli hie fisuticed tOm mecis. Me., Ledmitis miii lie eueliuisg as gencta manager cf tise fine he nnarted 23 yeaus ago. Noecanugeinpersonneliotpoicy ns cxpcctcd cn slecsiansfet, iiai affects tie donone soce octy. Mise Lednîti hegan fis businssn canernc Milton se o store 10 fret nids acd 50 feet Local neactisn tu Oaîcy MceKee0ugis's pîoposai fan lumping fialtn and Peeli nias anc negiosol gasecccnect ui hon heen geciuiy uaaîshi Whîte ment municipal offîctais anescd Peel and Hoisan pacined estisen tise ectine report ar ingle onction affectscg hisi assis, a fen feucd some amais nîîcsiy of ml as gesecafiy asncsded hy mrust of tise 200 aflictais attendng tise Micîsatai cf Totonto Wedeesday ilias site tmocooty ineeget mas pîoaaisy nieenitaiste. But Isle billîdmcen tise misistet dien aîoc d tie senen pnopoed nois-cegianai ocnicaas onett emn.he dsptamuially cumed thein. caused tise greatesi cacicacecny. TOns censpopet pciied senesai ainic officiats cn tise airesa.ond hein is a sampliug of 10cmr immediote ceactions ta tise report: Nasugomeya Ifeece William A. Heey piemssed 'Nassaganepa i geicg te isc cecciéots, mie arc eot geingtno go don mîtisout o *s flist" mises he teocned tise ministet's plan moetd chscp tie township cff ai 25 Sidccaad. amrp tisa saibsin section ti nis Miltais. and pîchahiy maisa a gîfi cf lite cenainderto Wellington Coantyi, -We hune te iseep lise towmship sn eue picce," ie sai. t0 'There il moer e I hit tisas junt epefettiec isy population." Me, Houp eitecuted hMs cedice stand tison una and future potentiel shauld bie nuie ista cessideclias, set just pspoletius figures. He Iie oisjelad lut misan lc culled "dt,efrunehiett uf tise 1spe peuple lu hetis neusties hp leasi aIl tonomehipe su nthe meeglea of tise alênt centres. longîin 194h an dsisacgafront tise nucy. Tise paîcisase nus mode nîtis mai sernice gioaities. Oince tiot limie usie expansiens have taisen place in tise stoeccand tise precnit fucilinies isatsde 6,000 sqjuare feet of store and paring fcr hO Tise 0cmu mon incaîpoaaed i 19560andibssespacded basedaon a pisosophy of sernice and cempetitice pnicicg. .ltttnmitsnissin mndmce noise ssii noce, ta nur u cunnamens cf tie isenefis cf tanget scale pacclsasssîg". Oic. Ledmîts decioîed. "Despite mas y tentitr,lI suitl he aond", lie cnspliasaad. 'Nansagameya isa i(uo atseif, a lisas liad a gaad lacal gavrnenetiascsacyya hian csntiiissed a reas dea as tise mîtes ai tlia coy t orc and mie isave ahsalicly sii, daisi We aisa hans qastea p iscit Tise misiose naid.sisya eiu meeting me mccii tuiss be a ceceatioassa aina. mail (is isit nspsd. This is a gccd rsudeas, and focmnccnicsinisa" Ose Onigis gliiseu ai lopa Oc said,mwascauiced ta tacsr alter flicemeeting Hetcan.uuuiiaslflic eactisecshassdasy liteti Ara Fise (N asnagansya. Mllti sasihesu Enqoecng and iiusutitacui Oakiscîte) cssid ha chitJttfd tai tise estnsion ai Iiglina> 7 tistsagi Eden Kitll tlisa iomnshsp'n prsctnesaslieacccaat hassdasy. Nassugameya Ostyc asa Mss. Anse MucArthsur cascnd simuil1asr ceitsc i ut acnd dînsasuagemens cult tliautr os the townshsip. 'fC ia Luissa Weef ber expert bient on weekund Hcn mscis longer mdll tis witrlosti Ansk tise Gnssndissg tis neeisecd and, accanding tc on aid iegend. eil bce ahle ta gîce yaa scmnindication. Accendtcg te fischiers tise Gnttsndssg emterecs fentel ibeenion sn fisiniten loin os Feis. 2 and ceoks fat is nsuadcn. If tise sont sisinen and icsecs is tiscness shadaned cn tise snom, mite iii be heniasix meeis isence. If it'a an aceccat day and tie cceaisse cannaI ficd is ahadtim wntecas an tise wne anddtl scma bec en. -Officiais in Ouhisle anc aigisg cal and dagcnwnen ncget shese pets snnccîcsased agaicnt rahici. McKecagh,.in o formai preentatscc ta absout 200 mumicipal officain front tise ina ceunîtes cn Tarnto Wednndoy, estlined o "tentative piepesut" tumpisg esnnytiig feonm Budîingion an tise suai tc Amarntis Tonship an tlie nantis, frnm Naoeaganeyaoan tise ment Iii Alion sic tise nos, siat one giuctnegiccaiunit. The nen negies ncatd encmposasaot 910q.miles and snalonupt11 Ienns, ina villuges and ait ai paets cf cigisi townships. Unden tise Inn tintsyt euttinnd, tonne-tien cosncdls osf ep In secen pensons nastd hardie soat odministrotion cn musicipoltstes". Milton officiais appeoncd pieaned minis tise pnapased "aiea mucsciplisty" encempunsscg Milsoe- tl ncod maclade tise amuire cn, ait ai Nausnogoneya sests of 25 OSdeoad (Couny Rood No. 10), tise ncnts Qakiseite tonds lisg nants of tise Lance Boue Lice (ci passiisly tise pnepcned ligisnay 403 eoste joni issus cf Paeme) and tise neusheen isoif cf Enquesicg (nc deficite hcscdony lice non ses hon isoppcaîcdon aîogitmup ta ie tf5 isdeeoad). Esqusng officiain did cci neen nictded minis tise fact tisein tonsip naaid be aptît in isolE nis tise tanne porison tescîco tise Miston sein and tise uppen isolE iunpnd ic minis Actan and Georgeton in aoher monacnal unit. Tise propeoa îasd hocils inn Nossugoneyo, nOnne crien cf -disnefeoncisisement- and 'endcnceccutic" geened tise min innens uccesuce mcci. Officiois feen tise tonnshsip nene Apariments, icn boses and single fumity dn-etticgs for iocgsty 2,500 pecple mene proposed! fcr decetopteent in Mdtcn tant menis, mises o Torcntc denchopec anneded is ptans len a 71-acte parcel i tise nantis-ment ccmnec of Derty Read (10 Sideread) and Higismay 25. t. Knistoff cf Rionnisaeg Deiseiapmecss Ltd. ieneuted tise plan foc a go0-unis apactmneci blocis facing Htgismay 25, mitis 229 teme bosns and a 1.35 commercial store site srondîcg il, hucised op by a 19.7 ace paîismay foitomicg tie Sisinen Milc Ceei, and mîtis 150Osngle famsiy hcmes ta tise ment cf tise cneeis. Tise dcisctapeinesimoedaocctpaccy msaid ton abocut 35 peinons agIant ai a iaggesia lantds soih of 25 Stdeod csld jour theitli-hasedoeni. ;-stfic lest cf sie itownsip caoId he gises ta Wellington Casaity. Me. McKeaogs defattded lits gvrmeni's d ecîsian ta pîaceed nls repguorai gacementci haascng pais ai lita aesnontfie Repais if slic Onturio Cîîmmîitie of Tasation mics paîcted out sisal "tise inudlequat e stan of ios i municipal usasasiresoliedin a chaotii syiem of prosîncial granisiolalac gacecmeni tisas cannai adeqoaiely campensase fat icherene fîcancial neaiscesses." The Cammis tee sa id al caoid cci hope ta devise aitasand revcense sysemt tisit s "simple, equituhie, efficient, adequate and candacîce i a satid grcnth ... nitîsasi changes lt thensctureaof gacenmeci." "Resîdecis of Ontaeio." the minustes siuied, "aie noi longer peepuned te toienute tie lacs cf ca-otdieatian inhe prvsiosn of regnai services and the lacs cf direction." He alsa csted the exse c f taihler ftagsxecaey and asedlappaîg munscipal and spectai paepata jaicdîctons as lcseyîcg fie ptaceis aiaeg. The Peel-Halisse aiea mas pîciedas aounit sce aseseaof of dîceîcity. Tise Misîuei nasd lie mas cacctcced tie Peel-Halsan ha a cn sitahly icortpatated ci, isaysnicof large athac-ceniied regîos. Simulas patternssof tond use and 1 ie sa nie piressaeen cf s ha n soatian math hcth caanssens, he clissed. Regisical anats masld case isc effeci. the macistee htiped hy J acuay. 1971t Tan, township and cotaiycommidsin Peel and Ilalsan nîlI he sceuppnd ta maise na>'fo hietc cew iyniemt of goeen mens. "Yaa'ee fsîscg ais the calunseet Oelp," ane ns mac nepesetatie aiheli meeting chaîged, "and the paid hielip gatng ta taise oces." Mer. McKeasgs sasd hc eccsncned s ct senen Incal ants cf gacetemeci The sevnth nssld heise nc a io Bodîingîce nhich s nanpartnaf a peccsncsally spcniaied local, pet acie cirer tise ecie ccmptes. Pcnsshstlity cf a conneciing taid te, Commerical fi. nos meianed. Hos pioposa] mas cone of fourt majoi deceicpmnns pcapased to tise pionnees sicce tise sancas ancexatîce cf 1,650 additisna actes mas ccmpieied. Tise csiieni anc, aiocg nis coîtien propoas tisai masid acccmmsdai atotasof 4,00mcdccndt i ails elidn oheyanca ntii tise icn c ampetes sisdses an is diafi pion fan fsture denetopment-tise cen officiai pluit miicis siti Lindet neapa. Tise piapenîy mas acnesed iii Milton cc Jan. i cf tis yeai, fccm Oakiscite. goseriiinent necuew nof tise Ilamiltaus'Wentnaiith ae.I caaldaorcaaid nashecpartofsthe cen synian. The Depanimen fasatedttiltlesad. The bpsa] enheace a 900 squarte mile anea nais a popultionofacet 400,000. nI nastd hcactais han tiiee lumes fi s nte ai Meuso Tcronto. The miitraisa naggesied tise villoge af Eiccand pais ofîthe itonsip cf Eciei Wellington ccaniy acid the iamn cf Otacgaciiie 'ta Ouffenin ccsciy biseîcided in ti eotegaai unit. Me. McKesagis tond the shape cf tie sesen large sîhan ra fsilaned tise diainage potnern set hy tie natensedi and tsii nastd facilita e in planning fat .Ccntsssed on Poge 7) 24 fire-free d.ys ed et nsbbish foe Mdîsc'a inst Oire cati cf 1969 isappened nisen tise cen yeue nos 24 doyniid. "And tisais tise moy ne tise it," smded Milton Fiee Cisief A. E. Ciement. Tise sn fiefigteo enjayed à24 day holiday fnam fines fnam Dec. '30 ta tie gei 19h9 cal] nic came cn eoely Feidoy maîntng. A nbish fine at Onitai Puilt Co., Gicen Rd. F., gai sout cf canieci aoand 3.40 a.m. and tl nos qsucisly daased nisen tise toucks aeînned. Tise usine and o isoif nenis fire-fe peciad mas tise ferstin a long uinie, ficefigistees natd. But tisey nene tsonisfoi fan tise test. Tisey hasen't heen inactive, ianenner Most oftficemenihave heenasing thises spune limre teu peucsiaeesccseng tise cen focr piampet Milles neceiisnd laie lent yean. sl wnt bi seod fcn fine catis actil ail tise mec aie picpentiatined initsase. LaI niais quo, and nse caaid acdecstasd us il Nassagancya isecame a rural sectioattacher] ta tise Bdscngtas (Aiea fleseci tegciassitrogishisacd. 'isly prime objectivea a ta ksep Nassapanaga au uis sectioa as s lus sta. ns uddad. -Oussimadlsand uecni sysiant aie tuc es ans HaItas f'suaty. and vie bacc a large aiea wiha gasud ftuta paitesai t miii figbit ta issay Nasiagawenaa asaUe nitsandtishaaeaaaon tonship tapiesatia nis a toc tofia Iisglia [sas i fuis ai se, cactiid Mrt. McKeog isepi tels'siicg 'tisa[ d entactaath pracasa" cn bu speach isut suse huglsils lis acsmecinshaind ficopspist i demaccacy0i lit acasaa ail a sîsice front fi us alr ua mnis cipalilis a. Maltas Wacdsus George f urîsa. thle R esas ai hiq uaascg Towsip, ctfscd a pabîse oncusas ui.yga 7) Ail reeves on study group Tise ceen cessas ai isiaisaî Aciac Rasas IV. Ge ISikes Coscîy mese ciasîed a seessed almj't icsp'saii caci cemmitten Tsesd4y us cossiden Reese suve sme expression af tise ntatue proposa] foi isis mnnspaisyay' feelingi musish cegieota goeeîcmect recc tly cosld Oc tanveyed us tie usneiled isy the Mîsistes of cennitten Oui discunsso. Municipal Affonîs. Waedee George Cacre Cuusny Couuacil appsosnd tise ucdenticed thic facî and tie cemminten and emapoeed il to ceusn'il appîaced the necen man mccc and prmeserit a commitune sisal mi hasea c ecesme cdulion foi nepiestectatine front cacs of thc mnemheeahtp en tise thce-mau causty*s monicipa iies. etecriug cemmitten ncquested isy Depony-Reece Tom Null tise Misister feen cocO ef tise quetfieon tise financeucmmitnee tmu auenies. ýContisxed os Poge na Th e seces. acca u nspaltns as dcttned by Municipal Aflains Minise Dac McKeeags use as tulluns: AREA t-Tsas part et tise enistina ten et Mimsiesauga suni ot tise Dcnnc Read, inclodiso tOc mecns et Purt Ciedit and Stncctiiii; a alluif settiec ut Boss Gkisoite is aise inciadel; use 196P; populatiun uft niis accu us estimaeet a 135,000 and tise oras ule isave secen menhens ce tise cegianal nuaseil; AREA 2-Tse en issina moniuipalinies ut Chingsuaecuep Brampton acd Tonontu Guce. plus that gars ut Mimsissauts vrsOrt ut tisa Dencp ttuad; chu ifl8 populationuo utsis anse al 69,000 andl tise area wut hase four mats ancthe negional until; AREA 3-Tise townships oft Alionu and Couacsn and tise village of Caiedec East; un addition, tise nens ot Onangeusite, plan cOse parts et tise nisec hundening nownsips tisait are'c tise Ccedit Rincer drainage anse; tise popultaien eoint he aboeut 19,000 minis une negienai cepiesentatice; AREA 4-lseludns tise nenns ut Gorgeton ah. Antaon andl part cfth cisonship et Esquesino: iOis anse& uln haee a pouolatien et aheut 24,000 end woultt get one îepnoscntatioc en tise neglunal cunil; AREA is-Includes ch. tues et Miltun ah. chai pane ut Oaheille nonsh ee Base Lite Ruad, pans ut Esqueslng cend chai part ut tse township ut Neacagamepa munis ut Cuuncp Rude 10; cOis ansei cuEoAMNuT OF MUaNICIPoALAFAIRuS tas' us Oas absout 12,500 cesidenu and vuenl hune une cegiecal rcpicmentanisc; ARisA 6-The main pansrt cisth pesens tCuns ut OaOaille, nins a populatiun ut abut 54,000; chia area neold Oece nisiee meees uftchu regiostal AREA 7-Tse nume ut Builiegsus, if fina teetedad incise Peul-Holssc negiuai; tse pesait pouatnt et oe 79,000 and tisc area would have toue redonnât ccpcesecsaies. Tse ceen tatiln seauld have ce Itil populatteon ut cloee ta 400M000 Tise reqenat enneesl iesluns Baîlingtun, woeuld tendR of 21 memisees. VOL. 109.-No. 39 Ledwith Food Markots sale nears completion Akpartments, homos propos.d for fl-acre parcel in town Some happy, some flot Reaction to merger