Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 1961, p. 9

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Bell. Kemnelb Mythe, Mon Bi1it, 4KIim Franch, Sonsi Graham,. Lar D o n M eeshadlrd may cai hatUVci iad Jome Thampeon. GBADSES t - 2 Aira. AL. barvia, Teachar Grade t -_ Cheisinphem Kayes, Debra Smo. Huait Camptell, NaIn- rY Noble, Karen Greilt, Mary Bampson. Grade 2 - terederiek BeAl Hea- tIser Blinco. David Cras. 'Ronald Domes, Sandra teay, loger Mar- tnp, Pauta Hussyard, Bourme Hen- ry. Richard Jubb. Montra Koch, Gary MieDougail. Date Memley, John -Moltin. Carcrtanae Pelli. n.Margot Pitmon, Susan .ZWfitlae- Purbricki, Ruib red, Nancy Saes, Robert Stringer, Roymond Willimcious Jalce Dottar, Wtile- Choreli, Tuihn Massn)elst Richard (tee- od, Biiy Petiline Expelàct 1,007 Public School Pupils List Allocations, New Teà0chers Mition's 32 public schoni clans- New on staff Bock ai the Bruce St. seclant Milton loocliing home econamice. prents open their dore neit Nemramees ara Mes. W, Ns ara principal Jao Soit. 'Mec, A. lied the other bahl o mrak in Tuesdoae t0 a record enraim eiml ond E. Piper ei the 1. M. hachoy, Mms. M. McEachera. R. Adtos. Mes. lobe McCutclmon anticipartedl et 1.007 cludenin, Donyen selleion,hrs. G. Brandin Mormion. Mes. M. Glaver, Mon. H. w611 bie hall lime principales sup- .Sapervebeg principal E. W. atîtbeBruce St.ncbot, andhr. Irving and Mes. E Emeis. le- pty, uith1e Bruce St. and Dick Foser said 525ae epected at M. Kent and. MCam atthe lorningltolhe W.. Dick schani cboes. tbe I. M. Denyne sellerai, 269 ai W. 1. Dlch echoot. are principol Raiymond Long, Te-e nom Moans are being lried the W. i. Dick schoot and 213 leloraing le cc ai the hrs. B. Robinsoa, hrs. M. bariso. t 001 I yer. Me. Seseey lion ait the Brase SI. building. Lant Donyee buildinu are Principol E. Mes. S. Keyes, Mes. E. MeDomeSl beesi somed physicai edaucatiso year's entoilaent in September W. Fteir. vice-priecipal W. Clos. and Mes. M. Gallamay. soperoisor ofth1e Ilirr oclinols. mon 913. Mes. E. Presses. A. Benney. Mrs. Manie Superviser White Mec. Presse talions oser Thora ara rive nieu teachero G. Raobins, E. loy, Miss E. Mai- Mes. A. Lodmili Iriatsas onrrmediat reading ot ail flmre jotenin the staff of 37 Ibis year, dock, Miss M. Gommeil, hie-ssuic insircior part liie. mbits sclerais. and altmwittbe oniond Tuesday Pot Home, Mes. E. Arbis, Mm.Mrs. HelenBabcck iliseep- Altsocation listnwilt etsosnd t0 grere tbeir classennas nf s10- J. Scliofird. Mes. E. Gres, Mine ply learlier for Me. horrinne olsooliese in Ihis e-relis isser dents resirning t0 moek aller the M. Trothewey and Mes. N. lier- whlue lie bearbe s6sp. Miss Helen giving the namn of ail pupils sommer hoidope. bom. Balier siti speod hla o mok te and their scbot ond leaclier. Labor Day became an officiai holiday in 1893 and the f lest Labor Day was celebrated in 1894. This waa the first officiai recognition that the Labor movement in Canada was important to the healthy development of aur society. More than 6,000,000 Canadians makle up the labor force of the country with a number of members of organized labor unions. Labor produces many wondeeful things and cIso plays an impoetant part in creating that f ree solit that is Canada. We in the house of labor malle no apology for our existence. We are a product of our modern industriel society. Ut is oeganized labor, patiently and with tremendous sacrifice by ita members that pioneered social legisiation which benefits aIl Canadians. Monday is Labor Day in Canada. THIS MESSAGE SPONSOREO BY LOCAL 4970 UNITED STEEL WORKERS UNTDAUTOMOBILE WORKERS UNITDTEL WORR M - Wèicom.. 1,69 Rtumlng Studmbt Sept. ayMaaNorme Clarke, Caria, Hermas, BRuth - Aes Bsso Me R M0wai~?as O4esd.losinP=mf, Carat Sa.dra Lyns, Muraitr Pae AeM ot ~c MiBonGrade 2 a - lv d aeR as.s Tommy Roman, Diane Charienre Brown. luhWalden And- 1 rfVaeria Baiser William arC Inttctitpo Thomson, Weaynen EmnaMon- Grade 1-Korra Behrens, Braneuarea 10090 BOOWa ski. Rober mnera aeMi run a e b ndo Mrshall, da Berry, Joan Ciement etr .-f~pi Mark loCtrlPnesn n-M:eCielelod. Mark Ridell Ca- Dolby, Tony tees, lois MafGae6-Abert Casson, Ste- heebeeeos. erant Lynetie Pergom çYirna tsai,M Cah B;aJý%ara Vandean. wu-. tberine Bond. lune Marsb, Michael authinaaPFne qSorant French, Biamk, t16 Ladoucear, Loin teay. sgan Pa=e, Hoily Me.5 aan ee. e Stuart, luth lAetn Sent JO ay/tneceW obn Soa aBa dn arictla Orr, StnnnGrd 4-Buc Barber, intisaitn Jimmie lte JaS smem, BobbyHer.Mr Pa"s"e Peaes.Ifree- Plmn, Grrade, 3-Nliary CooseY, Mar- Case. Sentdra Hutchition, Nigel Dollar Mareba Gilbete, Clifford Sn ueloKaeMie Roal Pape luth argm, e ma roi, Sidney Fay, Joba Logg, Rlpb Merhley, Paut Per. Cou, lunule Malter, Elizabeth Noble, bort lbIsnn, Karen Smithi, te rie, Roet Grabam, David rail, Dalberait Purbrick, Gaci GRADES 3 - oba Overend, Sheila Perrse, Louise Verrait. H Moi'Elizabeshr Ana PykeDoit P.M. C"a - Geora Brooks, Harrap, Siepben Jobonton Mi. leichhelt, Donna Slriab, Teres Mre. BR. =w Toce t -Roy Raboy lidePticio Doga rwToa u.chari Marsbaill. Micbael Meýrriti. Bteomud. Damo Stuar, Stopheo Grade -? re Drm.nattas idoi1 lylme.Ptci oofla DBorame, Taomns, k Sut- Salaane Momai, Sonate Peilttbe, -ampaion, David Smith, Jaoie loc, ebnerh Calr, Vlckl Gra Norman Petiirem, Lynda BSE-i. decanubo Bd eleit, leanVn. oieiCent Fayin PMighaGm lie, Sosan Thomson, Karan W.- W il f-n'Rbr Campet, **** hm, Marilyn oc, MRcber 1cm, Barbara Brome. Casolonne Bro Vile a p eii Browm . TeddY Hood, Keonoli KazchSsend lecs, Galoger Heàm Donna Htheranton Jou- o ue elvle W mp G 'sDaood Lnn, GaîeMc dith Strod, mege Mu.,sasGADE StMniten, F-aMerk O, Mer- GRAMB t - 4 W lo e B c 0 td ns M.P og rnia tnMU.eo, Nine Novo, Louie Nha. B.BRobson,Toucher Abut 400 nodenarc espec- Masi ngrade 3and r.Anle Vihhi Addison, Andram Berry, tYCnno, lmenPetigrm, o-Grade 3 - Mudeline Barber, ed bilck ta Nasnogomeya Town- Pool ie grade 2. A omhchrw ro Sr'a h dadBlo melo Purbrick, Jonnes bRnee, St- Norme Bulloch, Deoaob Meth: vietm schooe ailent me inbo ie o rd i -bo ame CoKLianCoid iy ilsn, on Mrgoat ogi, Dbs mbn sien openfor bc 1961- the socreaiy min an batidnyc llney, Paul Perdsn, David Prench, t SSS iWRlscn.lvet, Mrler bomle, Linda 62 terni Enraimont is extmried Ibis maek ond the nome mons not 1511uc Gren. Aine Marie Goitd, mms ML Kani. Touchser Babne hte 300 ai the Braakloille schoal oaal able. .oyHadtey, Nora Hoaron, Dc- Jua Barber,. Anthony Bar- Witdfong, Stophen Wood, John ond 100 ai Comp1tiil lmWoceli b id Heuter, Pont Hotcbisoe, brook, Patricla Berry, Kathimon Cober, John Soapson Tonn bcPrincipal $barocn Lyann. Peggy Marihai., Blinco, EtcIsardz Cane, BinPe. Wayne Dram, Ilc gdqpqal Kenneih Trosiridge ai Campheloile ondmii hagit Geore Monmefl, Lie Mctebai, BrmFgWendy Willtammn,'". ratnme t Bronkvitie oloog wiii the snor grades. George Kmn jon slintGro ole ,Dram. Lodley Etlmaod. Michael fra Wniod LMnDcCl ochggae7 iiteloiea e teih-lr eint, Daodo P ffin, Ford, Noncy Hethenglon, Mark re Beie, Le hicsMorisl ting grade , mdle graden. altd hm SneRobe51Srt ei, Maicdn PThioos Meth e, Graece llddetl, la- Braen l--ariteren, JIe ane Msarris ne grades 6, Jank Poonoîtegliteho anissrSultan @Ill Stewmarn. Dicael Tho,' Min lombni Rbrt Sih eeleJmsGabiEmrva raoningae5 Ms unt wl cjnormtuZd Tosn aidWls i Catherine om.ner len Bmrlt or, Paul Joteston. Bernard Jamien in grade 4, Mies Shirley leocher. $el Wnod, Sharon Hanceheldt. -I I Vol 102.-No. 16. MILTON ONTARIO, Ti-URSDAY, AUGIST 31e1, 1961 Second Sactien Assamly Opeaiv D&Y AExpedt 400 High School Students AiMilton District Higli Scie,,1 sport the loser grodes stuents sard terce, Jolis Sulisa and sladents mcli assemble ai the le the Merlin St. schl,,. Wiliam Tae.n. M. Vacninite lias Williams Aierellanto ensnce Anoonrlmnt of ov 400Isût- t ire -rmd vile-prnipel and day, orsi Ters/ay ac 9 osm. deon ls anliripaird. mcli bc rsesosibl- Oc the Martin Prinripol R. C. Haer said a Tearliers jiinu tie stoff Ibis Si, bigh schlec. Mes. Caic,s brief asse-lily seeld lc ie ld in yeoe oa Lowrence Dorlrb ,, lwoice former Rila Bore, %obe, mar lbhe cboeaditorium and scc- taegliinilton t ers aga), eied LorsCarlnsoaie end of dentis mesi/ lie oiiellad tu [ber Mes. Jeon Briastcce (a fermer lice sprisg ceesi. Belle lougt classes, lien bues meeld ceas- Milles public srbool leaclieri, brr o-el yeoe. Mn.Maegirol Graylmbeoetagh Mes. Eiineehcilrr is peisci- .cmiomlic.cmca.~ ecmai.c ere porc of onst yeoei, Roert poi's assistn a fclie Willioms ofrR XÇ Huetni Edwin LuI.t Miss Moea Avr. seieeoi, an/ Mes. Helen Gond- oels( rdalc of Milles Iack is pijcipel's assitan ai Addfh) Four Georges Ziebr. lie Mario Sc. builring. Bus aunn rnls ia rccrvr ereIgi n liai- T. P rcy e pryineicipal R. C. Hunolr,Omar Vos- White miiili bc ornd livocicirdi j'O ercyjug y sikle PhilipAlicen, Lors Corl lien drie ccc ý dcceai. bicilce an- Bluenis euco0n ce the ses Mes Rita Corlscon, Liaenri osereeobs iiaccc e.Cam- Pec .Mrysho iDui-ïïa r.BraaMt w iallrs rnceDoccctriiccnnai Will- qin eelTesdymiiliebcgree- ns Mes. Arme McAriliee Aies iams Ave. and Stewoct Mureray eol by aspaeklisg nemieeeeeesonadr MdNei, Geoege Poie, Ed- ai Morden Si. -addition os the ero eth1e ecbooi. Theo Beyss peblic sellant tee Je. nise grade siedenis lias bers nt buseitate eeyMer slan niRotary Systems ibis yeae. Erbeel beoard efficiais saderletwudpoal For rairview, Kilbride ail fo eemrouls meeid bc Tso e sysiems e-ili 6e i- or, manie ose pesîibly libeaey peesscdl lno sercice immodiole- esdarod in thie Beliisglesrie- clsss. ]y. seoieey sclioei edsrais prem la tle Iiieeeoî t'airviecesciosi. W. S. Roinon receres as gram ibis yeoe. and wiii offect Zelian Veirs, B.d., mii lie pris- peie,ipai anditelli m airmostslerssi thie sreois in cipoaoadîchers aie Mrs. Jes- ep thie stoff 1er ibis ylar: Pred fle Milton district - Killiride se Bennett, Mec. Annao Gccldsieas, Haysoed, ltser. Min. A. and Pairies public nclioeis. Mes%. Paticiao Gemiaod. dire Mc. Fisher, Miss Leera Bieck. Mes. Thie snii 5ys1vm et peomotien Gecee Boery Muoni., Miss Elcin. M. Eceieigb. Mes. E. Beeoridge. and instructlien miii be isireder. Or Poell, Donldi i'Yee. Miss Mes G. Besiicy and rs. Mar.dcriinGades ad 2 iis yeaG.ienn o e andMrs. JoanHr- les Leslie. felloiemigep es yer on Geodes ris. 1,__2__3 anlo d. Seor Gadesn5, MisstFlorence ees, B.A., re- 6, 7and 8mwiiiasaeeca cage lerns os prinipali ai lie Kil- Exjwt l ffl s mben 1he rsoay sysre-n is ioi- bride ci-m ellanti. ThIe Iranh UfN cdccdai eaclisrellantcfrihalleenmiiiliec is. heccB a- f c raclh meri. The pupils miii sien, Mr%. Jcan Brck, M'%. Irma ày ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ c ecece-ol 'ro1aecfot un l un fer Cceisn,. Me-,. Mocc Banlires. Baco t liosemn it spocioiieed ionsrctionince. liiry oy Fortucne and Mes. Dticcly 1.700 eebher Milton sibsel.sisdeein gesteapliy, sociol siodies science, West (liait day kin/eegoeiec.i nest Tueen/îy miii bel14 cbiides ai 1he Northi Halles Seociie ISclisl for etrided chlrn nrle ibis pce tera lin. cxpecr 179 Pupils Opening Day crs bsy salicer appli- calions liefor eirolen lbaie bersn fiied. The eclisel enccire Atsu "I Speyside Cent rai ch o bepiogl t eicacem scheel ai Lcîiiorchangecineole-eoîcn Mnemeiofeociig staf, Heobyscodlereconstructioeniisniipaed aI Speynic si.beeigradeiaigbloandretoe bers yeae. butel lbioccieg hbnei ibis yeooand as areseit oe-ci aec ui bresw yoi beeei aeeasged. lies -esiges Ou O6te distictrinelcipal Coino Lelitcl. geodes Mes. limeodeico Jeffareenee- and addiliseal eeoie-ent in 718 erecul 5; Gaccc ttobicis, tarit es principol and Mes. Jean okiegeegenleo, 179 pilpils are ex- geade, 6-7 roi 4; Ms. M. Bar- Mitceîll wiii lic assistant. Paet yLcce/ tuenlamisabeln Sepire-ber ber 4ý5. ecc,ccc 3: Miss McEnerc, loe elpees wilibc picnisciMrs. groden 23-4 rota2ad Mrs. H. Alle Elliccil. Mes. orel Miii. One ors courber bos bers oddif Regocaidseo, fiacie 1-2, rouvrir 1. speecb Ibrcpisi Mes. M. Eoglinli, ed le tbe iearblog siaff ibis cear Mes. Mary Kidnec e-iil aci as and Rec. M. Clieosen ehii-b on d Mies B. Mctrnery. replaces e-anis suercisse lier thie scllant. plias., lebsnpsrialion fer Aclea Mers, iLDkker eIbu m nowem Se 1rs lnued aad onrooos nndeln. ed t0 Guelph. 1'Cartaer fie- homTinon lias t6e Oc> '>., ......... ..ce 5 ,Oc>.>~cc>...m.c.5'5c~,g, schoniiqi spic ond spoo tee lie open ing /06 o nebecil and Ible tee Public School Inspectorate haves osod ferhueanar ee/y t10un Districts Same as Last Year Sue ntsd~ attend/sg wisi cim Public sellant isspeceeccie di- W. L. McNeii eeaiensin cbarge Mosoloco and/ Banockbucre c, sti esi Halit Ceolny icesracoef Halles No. 4 and Wesisoelb lie senior sections and Dublin, eocbooged this coe, bel ose in- Ne. 2 disteicts,. iocld/b Anise, Deffe o, Waterlooc ancd Lorse in spocier bas icecca//e/ tuc tbe Milioe. Waieedee-s, East aned lic ieir seelicî. staff fue iLiiion teepecieroir Westelibeeo. Tbreeiaceers csplred o No. t. Trafalgar and Berliogiso sop- sevoner cii.ý bse 1 ear miii Oreille. G. MIcDccmcil li, jein- port c lbi oms inepecon rs bile principal Leilih b ospeis intee- ed R. F. ticci olîil i his in- Jb D. H-ogan cesntines as Sepa , sîccioe giuidance,. Mis. McEtiec'c. speecinale e-bicl civre-s sebeols rate ScboelIspectermc'lth leris-'lhontei-eooîcccscali Mic it--co- in lie ecivil of Oaklille and/ diction avce ail Sepac aie Scoin. cal/sos, peiiccary eiciico/c part Gergetcowr ande/liccsssicic in HalitoandiWenoî rtcCotait ccv,. Nassagamîa and/ Esqesiîec.On les eryp tlii cils cf Haitonic. The priciîpal pcisle/ outibis Jdnuaec t, 196l, cîbo Oakile Prcobable eciales i lehle (cr0 î,evk licol pond.s ccoî/ lie ad and/Tafalarliccocrie muni- cisnecoraes seec trilhe sciI hiig thei îsnras iyclils, O.kcille cciiicîcca Milice- cIlice hicsiccc Bo,11 s,hro bcccci c leccccc/ccci ail- bc eraderdi i il- cc.,rc hlcci, hiNcil anc/ McDc,îc-l fatal cil>, legicici ai 9.l5 usd1 4 Board oltie.icc and ili pull autc 9.0010 suieilis. Tiafilgar yîîî. Hic aisc icieqîcesîd beecosers ,)lit ci flir fitaic tIspuicora.i ir'lichare al-co/y.600 it l le'iccr. tcc hicîcîc ,cicccelicccehclh celc- distict. linîcis especîs 11,000. lic ur e efslcalcoo perponen. 213 Students WiII Attend Bruce St. School This Year AhM. KINDERGARTEN sec, George Bel, Polsv Bois- Gare Gra,, blti Gre, Fred hes. A. haîkay. Toachar fiel/, Jubaî Caceccîiers. Gecai/ Itaceîcll, ,cdcý flaaîlcce. Te-ereoce dmboise' tlacai/ Clark,.Eietb Hamilior. Race/s BecIe Ili-es. lige., Arbeile, -Dais> Birbe. ,Garis Haos, les llcile Peler l-ed Jcîclc, Licca Le/cîli, Doreas. Kaierice cilics, Clay- crici. Da i/ Mcecre Kesell Me- Macgaci Mcc l., 1,cr> McDo,,- lon Fench.c Sicaor HaMblen. cee, Liedsv Miciialic. Richarcd Mec ali.t, l Mcflîcceili. J,,, Mer- Jonie liamcilcon, Sas/lia li-t av, ocSian Newmre-Se-ilb Roetc ccc, Mcit%, Mcccc,,,cc. Jcohn gins. Cysihi.. llcggces. Roliert Woi alers, StuartI Hall. 0,1,1, CboicccIl Sceocc, Douglas Hosto,. Car[ Hilde, Donald Kccsi GRADES 4 - 5 Tcgid lcci. Nde boilile Kimbeerley Mon. H. Irvieg, Teomber GRADES 6 - 8 Moire. Delia tOc, lanioce lica/e 4 diesexacder Berells Mme. E>. lErrns. Trocher Sebeyliec Clive Sieliigs. Lyre> liasse Cautino Dale Gevn, Laie- Gra/e c fbDonea Cea Dec lis. Stewrtl fautes Ta ii15. Claonc le Derras, Keilli Greorsiode, Csoor Clic, Haldi Per.eo. es Tasser Doiglas Ticicirs. Marilyn Htamilton, Nolie Ke- Roineson, Siepce Tanneor. Sep GRADESi s as, Nases Moelle. Lyse Mer- lir Young,David/Green. Mis. M. hceechrra, Teacher roc'. egina Reloko. Wcllii Oraea/ 8 - ted»v Bell, Nancy Grade i - dttache BiaIsi, Beb- Smih. Uresula Tueri. Soson Case Lcoda Clark>. Chacrilot byr Berces. GOccons Caolicc Waters, Chiristel Webe, Mecbool oe-ler. Brcos Ccycieae. Paul Sievr Dîlîs. Gerge i-lid. Davcd Wicisr, Gary Youn. fanesv, Doulas Fcustl, Min Git- Huibeiser, Josephl Hart, Bc 0e Grade 5 -David Ambroice. lien., Jarinel Graham. Scîsan Hall, Master, Heren Jensen, Jeo Kel- Poil Beebeis. boas Clark Ba, G%,soelc Ho, I', Vaierce Mousn, e-os. Bolili Moccen. Icohn Padier- lara Cole, Nases Hsed. Koule Johnc Merkle,. Bilcie Pile-ast, son. Sievro Se-ill., Pter S.ds. Johnseon, Edsrord Mortis. Robert tDavid egcs, Jeesclr, Rcitll o Torreil Tanes, Mariesn Wodrrs Mcee, Jolie Peoseo. Caret MI1 laspsern. Jîcce Sinner, c Wayne Wilsn, Pauîl Macrtcn. tdoo Rolinoson. Cecoiri lnsce,. bae Sm-ihEiea- doil Young, Rccs Frec, lie-oi Mms. M. Glacer, Teachor bll, Vaecccd. Nsn,ilici. Allait Scsclc Richiard Bonseli, lias Boa/icai. GRADE 8 Grode J FicdIci d-ic> ars Buaciioc. Donald Chrisd- Mr. b. Boit, rincirpal Jean Bundtcn. SbrlcCak G ic. Carel flefereel. Dcoald Gnon, Bell, Bîîlicc. Granct Cocison, tiefes. Li ce lera, ae Carol H'am-ilto,c Michael leSlie,. flcoscc Cns. Rards Gcc'ee Je/s CEl is, Bcll laceoec- ecp a 1ee/cIi, Mceelrc. dia',i 00,1cn Geeicl c TeeeMe 'edcckBl rer, Bccld Teele. ICccescaeee tcalislt. Rcelecc Ma I11.11 l,,. ... Se-s i - GRAEIS . ce 3 i.fecce D'el,' I', Ii, sc,, Mns. O. Bandons, Trarbmr GRADE 7 tDre,. tc,c An.ï, 5>ol. Jobo Grode 2 Bnccclieelca, Mé, Mr. . Mrrsn,Tecem Secdreai. lad/y Canon, Caret Jollie. Gos Meliiiiy, bule Bloc. David/ Poson, Thomas lier Cannon, Caero DeorenI, Pslsy or Bibis Tar/lit. gent, Briîo Tece-bie. Sbecen Hottore-is, Mari Hopkins, Bruce Grade -3 - Vici dAmbreise, Gervis, Lis/o Hilton Sosie Noe-mao. duren Ce/dut Donna Niy Bro.Nancy Derlis, An/orson, Edea Bousy, Douglos CosingIon. Cisda Merlin, Sonate Paul Peoli David Heipet, Mary Baustioid, Lois Cairns, Suson hîDoogali. Russell Monriun, bese.tdb el eings, Motos Ceeeelbhrs, Dienno Clark, Brion Donna Piedy, Grant Sehopier Se-ana. Nancy Waters, Werner Cale, Gregory Garnie, Rat Feer- Nancy Se-ith, Judy Tarditi, Me lWeber, LesSie Wilson, tehillip Win- rier, Ped Plan., Ronald. Pie-. feon Tueili. Aton Wotlier Lià M bidàà.--

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